Maple Memo: Equipment Bonus Stat Issue in Luna

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi everyone,

    As you all know we've had a rough few days with the Luna server due to some issues we encountered when opening up Bonus Stats in our service. I'd like to give you all some more info about what happened, why it took so long for us to address the situation and what is happening to the affected equipment.

    The underlying issue was that when the v196 update was applied and Bonus Stats were opened in our service, many of the stats on players' equipment in Luna were being incorrectly classified. Previously, some of the Luna world equipment had Bonus Stats when the feature was available in Europe MapleStory (EMS). When we migrated EMS to Global MapleStory (GMS) we made sure to store the classification of these stats so that Bonus Stats would transfer seamlessly if it was ever opened in GMS. However, due to some changes in the code that happened after the EMS service migration, there was a conflict of data that caused unforeseen issues.

    The result was that some stats that should have been classified as Bonus Stats were now being classified as permanent stats on some players' equipment. This issue did not affect all equipment in Luna world, only specific equipment affected by this code change.

    The reason it is taking a long time to resolve the issue is because we have been investigating the issue, and attempting to restore as much of the affected equipment as possible, and discussing internally how to best resolve the situation.

    After today's maintenance in Luna, here is what will happen:

    Some players in Luna world who had Bonus Stats on their equipment in EMS, saw their equipment be imbued with permanent stats that should have been Bonus Stats. These equipment will be reset to their state before the v196 update, their Bonus Stats from EMS will be correctly classified as Bonus Stats in GMS and all enhancement items used on these equipment (Scrolls, Flames, cubes, etc) will be returned to the player.

    Some players in Luna world who had Bonus Stats on their equipment in EMS and added Nebulites to the same equipment in GMS, saw their equipment be imbued with Bonus Stat compensation. For these equipment, we had intended to remove the Nebulites and compensate the player only with Flames. These equipment will be reset to their state before the v196 update, their Bonus Stat compensation that was added in v196 will be removed, and all enhancement items used on these equipment (Scrolls, Flames, cubes, etc) will be returned to the player.

    With the above changes, we also recognize that there may be some items that should be changed that we may have missed. If you come across such an item, please report the item to Customer Support.

    On June 22nd, we will only be providing compensation for the Flames that were used on these affected equipment during the time Luna was open immediately after the v196 update maintenance.

    For the rest of the items used on the affected equipment, we will return these items to each player in an upcoming maintenance.

    We will also provide additional compensation to all Luna world players for the extended downtime and inconvenience this issue has caused. We truly apologize for this issue occurring and hope everyone can enjoy the rest of the Ark summer updates.

    Thank you,

    Dennis "Savage Ace" Bernardo
    Producer - MapleStory

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