Maple Memo: Familiar Update – May 21

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, May 21, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    Today, I would like to give you an update on how the investigation for the Familiar issues is going and what we’re planning to do with the Familiar system. Before I go over the details, I would like to apologize that it is taking more time than we expected to figure out all the details so we will continue to keep you posted as we discuss and finalize the plan.

    1: Reopening Schedule
    We are currently planning to reopen the Familiar system with our July v.215 update which will be our second Summer update. We have been trying our best to reopen the system as soon as possible since our players are experiencing inconvenience due to the absence of their Familiars, however, we are also prioritizing thorough investigation of the issue to improve the overall stability of the system before reopening. Since this is the case, we proceeded with full refunds in Maple Points for the players who have purchased any Familiar-related Cash Shop items between April 22 and April 25. Once the Familiar system reopens in the July update, we also plan to give the players who were using the Familiar system prior to April 25 the following Familiar items as compensation for not being able to utilize Familiars for a while. These rewards will be distributed when we release our July update.

    • Familiar Booster Pack (x3)
    • Red Familiar Cards (x5)
    • Familiar Slot Expansion Coupon (x20)

    2: Compensation Plan for Players who Lost Their Familiar Progression
    We’re still closely investigating the accounts that submitted tickets about their progression loss with the Familiar system. We will try our best to recover the progression for these players. However, if there are cases that require a longer investigation time, making it difficult to complete the restoration job by our July update, we will instead provide these players with the following listed compensation for their progression loss. We understand that it might be difficult to fully compensate for the time and effort that some players invested in their progression with these items but we would like to help players to recover as best we can. This will also be implemented in our July update.

    • Great Bebe Box containing:
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x20)
      • 2x Drop Rate Coupon (15 min) (x20)
      • Special Medal of Honor (x7)
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x10)
      • Trait Boost Potion
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x2)
      • Storm Growth Potion
    • Unique Familiar Booster Pack (x2)
    • Red Familiar Card (x5)

    3: Familiar Card Drop Rate Revamp
    Last but not least, I would also like to talk about our plan for the Familiar Card drop rate. We have reviewed the latest Familiar Card drop rate closely and decided to adjust the drop rate and the item price for the Roro Shop in a more balanced way. We plan to increase the drop rate for the Common-rank cards with our July update and the pricing in the Roro Shop will be adjusted as follows.

    • Familiar Essence: 1,000 Familiar Points → 300 Familiar Points
    • Familiar Booster Pack: 7,500 Familiar Points → 2,000 Familiar Points
    • Suspicious Fauxmiliar Coupon: 25,000 Familiar Points → 5,000 Familiar Points

    We’re currently discussing a way to provide players who were utilizing Familiars in their gameplay prior to April 25 with buff items in our first Summer update. Since we’re still trying to figure out the details for this, we will provide an update once our plan is finalized. It might not be as helpful as using Familiars but I hope that players can find it useful in some aspects.

    Before I end the memo here, I would like to mention that we are aware of the recent lag and server instability issues. We noticed some malicious behavior that is causing server instability, including channel crashes and latency issues. We are trying to block these activities with emergency maintenance. We will also continue to investigate the lag issues that players are experiencing when bossing and work to improve the issue. I deeply appreciate your understanding and patience.

    Thank you,

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