Maple Memo: Greetings from Anna

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    I’m Anna, a Producer of Global MapleStory. I hope that our players are having a great time in the Worlds Unite update, including those players in newly merged worlds!

    As Dennis (SavageAce) mentioned in his last memo, I joined the MapleStory team as a co-Producer here in Nexon America in January this year. Before I came here, I had been working in the Overseas MapleStory Development team in Korea for about 12 years. I saw that some players are worried about the future of Global MapleStory since Dennis moved to another team, so I want to tell you about my history with MapleStory.

    I started working in Nexon Korea as an Associate Product Manager for Maple Europe right after Maple Europe finished its 2nd Beta test. I moved to the Global MapleStory (GMS) team in 2013 as a Team Manager for the GMS Development team. I have been working on GMS since the 2013 RED update as a Development Team Manager or a Product Manager or a Producer.

    After Dennis joined the team here in Nexon America, I started working with him on both sides. Dennis was a Producer here in Nexon America while I was in Korea and we talked to each other all the time through Skype and email to discuss all things big and small about Global MapleStory. We have a large Development team in Korea and a MapleStory Production team here in America and decisions are made together as a team. I want to say that we all enjoy working on MapleStory and consider Maplers to be the most important part of our work. It is not hard to find people who have been working on MapleStory for a long time – both in the Production team here and in the Development team in Korea – which is quite difficult if you don’t like what you do.

    Sometimes we need to make very difficult decisions in order to make the game more balanced or stable or to discourage malicious activities. Or sometimes we have to do it to ensure that the 14 years of contents and data would not be too outdated or abused. What I want to tell our players is that maintaining a stable and enjoyable service will be our top priority so we will do our best to stabilize the game environment and to update our game with exciting contents as well as to provide information that can help our players to understand our direction. We will also consider all the various angles when we make decisions.

    This is a short memo today because I mainly wanted to give everyone my greeting. I will try to share more MapleStory news and our future plans in my next memo.

    Before I end this memo, I would like to thank Dennis once again for his dedication to MapleStory and its community. It was always good to have conversations with him for the past 5 years and I wish him all the best in his future!

    Thank you,

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