Maple Memo: Nebulite and Bonus Stat Changes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Everyone,

    As most of you know, during our MapleStory Fest presentation in April, we announced that Global MapleStory will be introducing Bonus Stats in our June 20 game update. As part of this introduction, we have decided to begin phasing out Nebulites from the game, in order to maintain game balance and focus our efforts on the Bonus Stats system.

    On June 20, you'll see a lot of changes to your equipment with Nebulites and Nebulites in your inventory, so we wanted to make sure you were aware before the change happens. Below is a rundown of how the changes will occur:

    Nebulites on equipment that Bonus Stats can be applied to:

    • This includes:
      • Pendants
      • Face Accessories
      • Eye Accessories
      • Hats
      • Earrings
      • Tops (including Overalls)
      • Bottoms
      • Gloves
      • Shoes
      • Capes
      • Belts
      • Pocket Items
      • Weapons
    • Nebulites will be removed from the equipment and replaced with Bonus Stats, based on the type and rank of the Nebulite.
    • Nebulites that provide skills will also be removed and replaced with Bonus Stats. In addition, 140 Nodestone Fragments will be provided per Nebulite.
    • Please understand that some of the stats and skills obtainable with Nebulites could not be transferred exactly into Bonus Stats. Our intent was to match the stats as closely as possible, while keeping the overall balance of equipment in mind. We also tried our best to make each piece of equipment adjusted with Bonus Stats feel as powerful as they had been before the update.
    • Please see this chart for the current mapping of Bonus Stats that will be applied per Nebulite.

    Nebulites on equipment that Bonus Stats cannot be applied to:

    • This includes:
      • Rings
      • Android Hearts
      • Badges
      • Emblems
      • Medals
      • Shoulders
      • Shields
      • Secondary Weapons
    • Nebulites will be removed from the equipment and replaced with Rebirth Flames as though the Nebulites were stored in the player's inventory (see below for details).

    Nebulites and Nebulite Boxes in Inventory:

    • All Nebulites and Nebulite Boxes will be removed from the character's inventory.
    • For each Nebulite and Nebulite Box the character had in their inventory, the following compensation will be provided:
    Nebulite Compensation Quantity
    Nebulite (Abnormal Status Time) Eternal Rebirth Flame 4
    [A] Nebulite (All Stat %) (3%) Eternal Rebirth Flame 10
    [A] Nebulite (All Stat %) (4%) Eternal Rebirth Flame 15
    [A] Nebulite (Boss Damage) (20%) Eternal Rebirth Flame 10
    [A] Nebulite (Boss Damage) (25%) Eternal Rebirth Flame 15
    All other [A] Nebulites not listed above Eternal Rebirth Flame 3
    All other Nebulites not listed above Eternal Rebirth Flame 1
    All [C] Nebulites Powerful Rebirth Flame 1
    All [D] Nebulites Rebirth Flame Lv. 110 1
    All Nebulite Boxes Rebirth Flame Lv. 110 1

    Luna World Characters:

    • For all equipment that had Bonus Stats previously in EMS and now also have Nebulites, these items will be treated like items with Nebulites that cannot gain bonus stats on them: Removed and compensated with Rebirth Flames.
    • For all equipment that had Bonus Stats previously in EMS, but do not currently have Nebulites, these items will retain their Bonus Stats.
    • For all equipment that had Bonus Stats previously in EMS and had a Scissors count restriction, the scissor count restriction will be removed.
    • For equipment that has no Bonus Stats and only Nebulites, these items will be treated the same way as all characters as described above.

    Additional Information:

    • Compensation Flames will be delivered through the Reward System.
    • Compensation Flames will be tradeable and permanent items.
    • Effective immediately, Nebulite Diffusers and Premium Fusion Ticket Exchange Coupons will be sold for 1 meso.
    • All players who purchased Nebulite Diffusers and Premium Fusion Ticket Exchange Coupons for NX since March 1, 2018 will be refunded with Maple Points for the full amount of their purchase.
    • Unused Marvel Machine codes for Nebulites will compensated the same way as if they were Nebulites in your inventory.
      • After these codes are compensated, the status of the codes will be redeemed on June 20, so you will be unable to redeem them again.
    • On June 20, we will remove all methods to obtain Alien Coins, Nebulites, Nebulite Boxes, and other Nebulite related items from the game.
      • If you wish to obtain compensation Flames for Nebulites, we encourage you use up all your Alien Coins at the NPC shop "Pico The Item-tastic Seller" in NLC. After June 20, this NPC will still be available, however we will add additional items you can purchase with your unused Alien Coins. These items will include Power Elixirs, Special Medal of Honors, Spell Traces, and 2x EXP and Drop coupons.

    We know you will have additional questions and concerns about these changes, so please let us know in the forums and we will update you all as soon as we can address them. We also know that not everyone knows what Bonus Stats are and those that do will have additional questions about our implementation of them. We plan to include details in our upcoming patch notes or a separate dedicated guide to Bonus Stats. For now, we wanted to focus this announcement on the changes that you need to know will happen as a result of removing Nebulites from the game.

    Lastly, with the announcement that we will be adding Bonus Stats to the game, we also know that plenty of you are curious about additional ways to gain enhancements to your equipment. Although we aren't able to confirm anything concrete yet, we wanted to let you all know that we are actively discussing raising the limit of Star Force enhancements to 25 stars. Additional details for this are still being reviewed, but rest assured we will provide more information as we have them.

    Thank you,

    Dennis "SavageAce" Bernardo
    Producer - MapleStory

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