Maple Memo: v202 Status Update – Feb. 15

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi everyone,

    It’s been a couple weeks since our last memo, so I’d like to address a few of the topics that came up within the community as well as let you know about some long-standing ones that are still being discussed.

    First of all, I know everyone is currently anxious for more concrete news and details, but I wanted to let you know that we are still discussing the topic of Kanna and Kishin internally.

    On the topic of the website rankings Reboot/non-Reboot separation and the "Both" tab, we’re still reviewing the responses in the forum thread that CM Ghiblee started and will discuss internally with our team. We plan to provide an update to this situation in the coming weeks. We understand that the first players to reach Lv. 275 will happen soon, but we hope this does not detract from the achievements of those players.

    Additionally, one of the larger topics that players have been discussing is regarding the admission of cheating by the player and community member ZeroByDivide. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been investigating these claims and the accounts held by ZeroByDivide to determine the severity of the activity and a course of action. After reviewing his account activity we have decided to take action on his accounts and this was completed yesterday.

    This situation has also brought up concerns with how our team deals with players caught engaging in illicit activities while playing MapleStory. On this topic, I would simply like to reiterate that we treat all cases and all players equally and do our best to carefully investigate the situation and take actions when necessary. In addition, it is our policy that the specific nature and details of those actions are between our Customer Support teams and those individual players.

    A few weeks ago we also mentioned that compensation would be provided to some players who were falsely banned in the past two months. Those specific players have not yet received this compensation, but we are working to provide this in the coming weeks. There were isolated cases we were still looking into and there was some monitoring we wanted to do for some players. We apologize for the delay, but those players will be notified when the compensation is provided.

    Recently, we also discovered an issue in which Marvel Machine 2x EXP cash coupons were able to be used by characters Lv. 256 and higher. This was not intended and we plan to apply the same restrictions to these coupons as we did to the Cash Shop 2x EXP coupons. For now, we’ve disabled access to Marvel Machine to prevent unintended use of these coupons and will reactivate the page once the issue has been resolved. We also plan to take no action on those players who’ve already used these Marvel Machine 2x EXP cash coupons on their characters.

    As always, I know you have many more questions and concerns that we haven’t discussed yet. So as Ghiblee announced yesterday, I’ll be going on livestream with her today to try to answer more questions you may have. Of course we may not be able to answer everything, but we’ll do our best to at least provide updates when we can.

    Thank you,

    Dennis “SavageAce” Bernardo
    Producer – MapleStory

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