Maple Memo: v202 Status Update – Mar. 1

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Everyone,

    This week’s memo may be brief since there aren’t too many updates we can share yet. But I do want to touch upon a few topics.

    First of all, in the previous memo, we mentioned disabling the Marvel Machine page to prevent unintended use of 2x EXP Cash items by characters Lv. 256 and higher. While we addressed some of these coupons in yesterday’s maintenance, we failed to address some of the other EXP boosting items that appeared primarily in Marvel Machine. After discussions with our team, we decided to disable the page in order to be consistent with our past actions. We are currently looking into addressing these items and reopening Marvel Machine as soon as we can.

    As mentioned last week, we’re also still looking into issues with some bosses causing disconnections and crashes. Our teams have been investigating this issue daily, however we have been unable to find the root cause yet. We will address this issue as soon as we can.

    Following those updates, I’d just like to say that I hope you all are excited for the Arcade Adventures update coming out next week. As you can tell from our trailer, we had a lot of fun coming up with ideas on how to bring this content to you all. Personally – and I might be showing my age here - I’m thoroughly enjoying this content as someone who grew up putting quarters on the corner of arcade screens to call next, and fighting at home with my relatives for my turn on the console joystick. It’s been a lot of fun to see this visual and gameplay style blended with MapleStory.

    Additionally, as I mentioned in the past, we’re always looking for ways to give you more insight into other upcoming plans. One of the things we know the community has been asking about for a long time is an online store to purchase MapleStory merchandise. Right now, we’re actively making plans for the best way to bring that to you. We don’t have many details finalized yet, but you can expect more info coming soon!

    We’re still working a few other things that were brought up in in the livestream a couple weeks ago, so stay tuned for future memos as we have some more exciting updates and changes to share.


    Dennis “SavageAce” Bernardo
    Producer – MapleStory

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