Maple Memo: v203 Status Update – Mar. 29

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi all,

    It’s been a long time since the last Maple Memo, so we wanted to briefly give you an update on some of the topics of note that have come up in the past few weeks. For those that are curious about the cadence of these memos and are looking for specific topics, as mentioned in the past, we try to take as many opportunities as we can to share news; however, we hope you'll understand that there are some discussions that we’re still finalizing. We’re also busy preparing for upcoming updates, responding to critical issues that come up, and planning our upcoming content and events. This includes community events like the recently announced MapleStory Fest 2019.

    Speaking of MapleStory Fest, we’re all extremely excited to meet a lot of you at this year’s event! We were all blown away at how quickly tickets sold out, and we know a lot of you want to join us at this year's event, so we’re in the process of opening up more ways for players to get tickets. You can visit to our forums for more details. This year's MapleStory Fest is going to be a great one, and we can't wait to celebrate MapleStory’s 14th Anniversary with you all, as well as bring you exclusive news about our upcoming plans for this year!

    This week, I wanted to talk a little bit about some of the account issues players were experiencing last week. During the minor patch on March 21, we applied a change to our login system that had unintended effects with some accounts. This caused some players to see the “Account Has Not Verified” error message upon login when they shouldn’t have. This login system change also caused us to detect additional issues with connected systems and servers that were causing these error messages to increase in frequency. This past Tuesday, March 26, we applied a hot fix to our login systems that should have mitigated many of these issues. We are still planning additional changes that we hope will mitigate those issues further. If anyone is still experiencing issues logging into the game, we encourage you to contact our Customer Support.

    The next topic I wanted to address is yesterday’s announcement regarding the expiration of the current version of Bebe’s Boxes. In the past, we’ve used these boxes as compensation for certain issues that players experienced in the game. However, as we do from time to time with event and content rewards and items, we gather feedback internally and from the community regarding the appeal and effectiveness of these items. Ultimately, we’ve heard from players that in certain cases these compensation boxes may not be appealing enough. After reviewing multiple options, we decided to keep the existing compensation system and reuse these boxes with improved rewards. That way, we can maintain their original intent while minimizing the need to add more items to the game that would serve the same function. In order to make those improvements to the rewards, we wanted to encourage players who already have these boxes to consume the rewards that they were originally given, so that any new boxes can be distributed with the adjusted rewards.

    In the next few weeks, you’ll start to hear news more frequently about potential solutions and plans to some of the topics we’ve brought up in the past, as well as details about our next game update, and some plans regarding what’s coming later this year for MapleStory.


    Dennis “SavageAce” Bernardo
    Producer – MapleStory

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