Maple Memo: v205 Status Update – June 21

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Everyone,

    I’d like to provide an update on some of the issues we’ve been looking into, and address some of the concerns the community has raised recently.

    First, I’d like to talk about one of the issues introduced in yesterday’s maintenance. During the maintenance, we attempted to make a temporary change to the functionality of Kishin and the Fury Totem in order to resolve an issue with server instability. I wanted to clarify why we made this change as well as our plan for this moving forward.

    As part of Kanna’s skill revamps and the introduction of the Fury Totem, our intention was to mitigate the amount of mobs in all of MapleStory by immediately removing the extra monsters generated from the effects of Kishin and the Fury Totem when the character who cast the skill leaves the map. The goal of decreasing the amount of monsters in the world was to stabilize the lag issues players have been experiencing.

    However, after monitoring this function in v.205, we discovered that in certain cases this function was causing some servers to become unstable and eventually crash. In order to mitigate this crashing issue, we attempted to apply a temporary fix to remove this function so that the increased monsters from the effects of Kishin and the Fury Totem would remain on the map until they were defeated, even after the character that cast the skill left that map. However, after making this change in yesterday’s maintenance, we discovered that it introduced even more unintended effects. We are still looking into this issue, and we plan to investigate the root cause of the server instability with this function. Eventually, we plan to reintroduce this monster and skill removal function into a future patch.

    I’d also like to provide some updates on some of the issues we’ve been looking into, as well as a list some of the new issues that we’re currently looking into:

    • Legion Rank reset still not addressed after the June 21 maintenance
      • We’re aware that some players who had their Legion Rank reset after the June 20 maintenance are still seeing this issue not addressed even after today’s June 21 maintenance. We apologize that this issue was not resolved for some players - we’re still currently looking into the issue and will provide updates when we have them.
    • Characters that completed the Damien and Lotus pre-quests are unable to enter those boss fights.
      • We attempted to fix this in yesterday’s June 20 maintenance, however we’ve seen reports of some players who are still unable to access these bosses. We’re still currently looking into this.
    • Decreased Cubic Blade, Cubic Chaos Blade, and Flame drops
      • In our patch notes, we mentioned that the Cubic Blade and Cubic Chaos Blade drop rates were increased. However, we realize the wording of this change may have been incorrect. The change we intended to make was to increase the total amount of Cubic Blade, Cubic Chaos Blade, Unrelenting Flame, and Forever Unrelenting Flame drops. However, we discovered an issue in which this change was not being applied during certain times of the day. We made a change in yesterday’s June 20 maintenance so that these increased drops will be applied more evenly throughout the day. We will amend our patch notes to clarify this change.
    • Inconsistencies with certain Kanna skills.
      • We understand players may feel that some Kanna skill specifications are lower than they should be. Since this skill revamp included large adjustments such as the creation of new skills and the adjustment of many existing skills, the specifications of these skills went through several iterations of tuning during our testing period to ensure the class was performing at the level that our teams intended. Aside from critical issues such as certain skills not working, buffs not being applied, or disconnections occurring when using certain skills, the current specification of Kanna skills have been implemented as intended for v.205.
    • Orochi Unbound may be disconnecting some players when the skill key is held.
    • Tengu Strike is consuming a large amount of MP when the skill key is held.
    • The Hayato and Kanna Revamp event progress reset for some players after the June 20 maintenance.
    • Lab Server Legion Block is missing from some players who had their Legion Rank reset.
    • Inconsistencies with MVP rewards at certain tiers.

    For any other issues not mentioned above, we are still investigating these and will provide more updates as we have them.


    Dennis "SavageAce" Bernardo
    Producer - MapleStory

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