Maple Memo: v210 Update – December 17

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    I’m here once again to share our release plan for the Masteria Revamp in the Glory: Savior of Hope update.

    We wanted to release all of the Masteria changes at once on Dec. 18th, but we decided to split the content into 2 parts so we can ensure the stability of the content before we release it.

    Therefore, the first part of the Masteria changes, including the prequel quests and New Leaf City, will be released on Dec. 18th with our second Glory update. The rest of the content, including Phantom Forest and MesoGears, will be released later in January.

    We will keep you posted on the exact date as well as detailed information about the content for the second part of the Masteria Revamp.

    I hope you understand our decision and have a great holiday with our Glory update!

    Thank you,

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