Maple Memo: v212 Update – February 21

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    As promised, I would like to give you some more information about our new dungeon that we're going to have with our March update. I also have several updates on what we're currently working on, so I hope this memo can address some of our community inquiries.

    New Dungeon
    As mentioned in my last memo, we're going to introduce a new dungeon that will help players earn mesos. However, because one of the important reasons why we decided to revamp Malaysia maps is to reduce the extreme imbalance of meso efficiency between those maps and other content, the amount of mesos that players can earn through this dungeon will not be as high as that from pre-revamped Malaysia maps. The new dungeon will still grant a higher meso efficiency than other maps in the same level range, but I would like to point out that this new dungeon is not meant to replace the current Malaysia maps. We plan for this new dungeon to ease the meso earning process a bit for a wider level range of players while playing MapleStory and for them to enjoy various content. I understand that some players are concerned about this change, but I hope you understand that this is an effort to make our game healthier and more fun.

    The new dungeon is called Maple Tour, and players Lv. 105 and above can play through it. You can enter this dungeon twice per day per world, but if you use 300 Maple Points or the map entry ticket, you will be able to enter the dungeon an additional 5 times (to a total of 7 times per day per world). We're also planning to make the map entry ticket obtainable through other events. There will be a total of 6 stages to clear within 10 minutes, and you will be rewarded with the mesos you have earned on the 8th day from your first dungeon clear date, based on your level at the time you claim the reward. Players will also receive Maple Tour Coins as a reward, which can be used to buy various items in the coin shop, such as an EXP box, chairs, and so on. We will provide further details of this dungeon, such as the map entry ticket obtainability and coin shop items, with our patch notes.

    Masteria Legacy Set
    We have been reviewing Masteria and Phantom Forest since their revamp as part of our efforts to maintain the content, and have been discussing how we can improve your progression towards obtaining the Legacy items. After discussion, we decided to increase the number of Shadowknight Coins that you can earn by playing the content, and we're also planning to add Sunny Sunday perks during our March update period that will help you earn more Shadowknight Coins. Please check out the patch notes for our March update once it is released for further details.

    Familiar Revamp
    We released an announcement about the Familiar System Revamp earlier this week, and I assume you're curious about what will happen to your current Familiars. We're planning to revamp the Familiar System to add more fun to the system and renew the UI. As we mentioned in our web announcement, if players already registered Familiars prior to the update, the skills of those registered Familiars will be converted into Familiar's potential stats after the revamp. If you have unused Familiar cards after the revamp, the skill of the Familiar will be reset and random potential stats will be provided when you use the cards. We're planning to implement this change with our April update so please register any unused Familiar cards prior to the April patch. More detailed information about the Familiar System Revamp will be revealed at a later time after our March update.

    I understand that some of our players are concerned about the changes and sometimes disappointed with our plans, but I want you to know that we care about our players and our game. We are doing our best to improve the game environment and provide better content for you. Thank you always for your passion and support.

    Thank you,

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