Maple Memo: v212 Update – February 7

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Hi Maplers,

    It is a little bit late but I would like to say Happy New Year to all!

    First of all, I’d like to apologize for the issues that some players have been experiencing while playing the Mechanical Hearts event. We wanted to release the previous two seasons of Mechanical Hearts along with the new season 3 so that our players can fully enjoy the event since we knew that it was an event that players have been waiting for. However, when we tried to reset the quest records of each character and make each season interact with each other, the overall flow got a bit more complicated and it caused multiple issues. But I would like to tell you that the whole MapleStory team has been closely monitoring the community since its release and we have been looking into the issues to address them as much as we can by applying fixes throughout the week.

    We have also increased the number of Aspire Memory Chips that players receive upon completing Alora and Sky’s rescue missions in order to improve the rewards. I apologize once again for any inconvenience that you have experienced, and we will continue to keep an eye on the Mechanical Hearts event to make sure everything is running smoothly.

    The main purpose of today’s memo is to let you know that we’re planning to revamp the Malaysia map. Since this has been a topic of concern for players, I would like to give you some context behind this plan and some information on how we’re planning to do it.

    We understand that Malaysia has been an important source of mesos for many players, especially those in Reboot worlds. Due to the extreme efficiency of this map for collecting mesos, some players choose not to move on to the next level of the game. The map is also frequently abused by illicit players, and it affects not only the overall game economy but also the gameplay of legitimate players negatively in the long term. This has been difficult for us as one of our biggest efforts over the last few years has been to revamp the overall leveling curve and EXP requirements. We have been carefully analyzing the data and reviewing our options, and we feel that the best solution for MapleStory, the game economy, and our players is to rebalance Malaysia's meso rewards. We decided that it will be necessary to revamp this map to be more balanced with other content in a similar level range. Our goal is to make MapleStory more playable, and to constantly provide enjoyable new content that excites players. This will be implemented with our next update in March.

    Upon announcing the Malaysia Revamp, we are aware that our players may feel troubled with the difficulty in earning mesos. In the same March update, we plan to add new content that grants a higher meso efficiency than the maps in the same level to accommodate a wider level range of players. Through this accommodation, we hope to address the issue of players choosing to lose EXP on their Kanna characters to retain their level for the purpose of maximizing their meso efficiency. While we understand that players want to earn more mesos, we want to minimize the risk of having some extreme imbalance or the new dungeon being abused by illicit players, and so we’re planning to add restrictions to the new content. These include limiting the number of entries per day and removing mesos from the monster drops. Instead, the accumulated mesos will be sent to players 7 days later, based on the monsters they have defeated and the level that they have reached on the day they receive the mesos.

    We’re still discussing and finalizing the details of the new dungeon internally but I wanted to share this plan with you early to give you some time to understand what will be changed and for what reason. I also wanted to let you know that our intention for this revamp is to improve the game environment by addressing multiple ongoing issues with these changes.

    I would like to wrap up my memo here for this week, and will continue to give you an update on the new dungeon and the upcoming changes. Thank you always for your support and I hope to see you soon.

    Thank you,

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