KMS MapleStory Adventure: Pathfinder Gameplay Video!

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    A new video has been released with gameplay of the new Adventurer archer class, Pathfinder! It looks like it combines aspects of all archers, like the Adventurer’s bird summon, a hurricane skill, a whirlwind skill, magic arrows, and more.

    There was also a short video with the character’s voice, and they began the pre-creation event on KMS which I’ll cover below (and add to my last post).

    “Once I aim, I don’t miss.”

    It seems that Pathfinder will be the first Adventurer class with voiceovers! I wonder if they’ll add it to the other ones in time?

    Pathfinder Pre-Creation


    The Pathfinder Pre-Creation event will run from January 17 to January 30. Once Pathfinder is released on January 31, you’ll be able to login and receive your rewards anytime until February 13.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    To participate, all you have to do is create your Pathfinder! You won’t be able to play but you can choose your gender, hair colour, and IGN.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The box can be claimed once per Maple ID and is account tradeable. It contains:

    • 300 Adventure Coins
    • Land Turtle Pet (90 days, activates a set effect with the Albatross pet, has Auto Buff/Meso Loot/Item Loot/Movement Range Expanded)
    • Land Turtle Pet Equipment Voucher
    • Pathfinder Damage Skin
    • Ancient Relic Effect Voucher
    • Adventure Nametag Ring Voucher
    • Adventure Chat Bubble Ring Voucher
    • 8 Equip Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 8 Use Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 8 Setup Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 8 Etc Slot Expansion Coupon
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    • 3 2x Experience Coupons (15 minutes)

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog