MapleStory Fest Recap | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    On Saturday, April 14th, we welcomed MapleStory players to MapleStory Fest, a day-long celebration of everything Maple! If you missed it, you can check out everything that happened on the main stage with the Twitch video, but here are some of the highlights of MapleStory Fest's epic event!

    In the spring of 2005, a little game called MapleStory arrived to North American shores, kicking off a craze that hasn't died down in the decade and change that's followed. With over 4,700 days clocked since that day, the MapleStory team couldn't help but look back at some of the impossible numbers Maplers have reached!

    It wasn't just about the past, however. This summer brings the Ark update to Maple World with a veritable bevy of content and improvements, including:

    • A new playable character, a member of the High Flora: Ark. His powerful melee strikes and the ability to shift between Flora and Spectre states will be available to play with on June 27th!
    • A Matrix Point system for enhancing your skill slots, an Arcane Catalyst item to let you transfer Arcane Symbols, and faster advancement towards your 5th job!
    • The latest episode of the Grand Athenaeum theme dungeon, tentatively titled "Shadow Alchemist"!
    • The arrival of Bonus Stats and Flames to Global MapleStory!
    • A new area for Arcane River, Esfera, and its new boss, Will!
    • A new, overseas MapleStory exclusive story coming later in the year!

    The MapleStory developers talked about all of that and more, including the content creation process for MapleStory. Check it out in the video below!

    And with the developers in town for MapleStory Fest, we couldn't let them go without asking them a few more questions! Take a look at the developer Q&A, where they answer queries submitted by MapleStory Fest attendees!

    Full MapleStory Segment

    MapleStory 2 is coming, with a Closed Beta arriving quickly on May 9th! You can sign up for the Closed Beta right now, and be sure to take a peek at the official unveiling of the upcoming adventure below!

    We didn't just announce a new dimension in Maple World and call it a day, however. Many of the people behind the scenes of MapleStory 2 stepped out of the shadows and showed off some of the content you'll be able to experience in MapleStory 2!

    MapleStory 2 will hit Closed Beta with an array of classes, each with their own story to tell and their own way of clearing Maple World of enemies, and CMCuddles was there to show them off!

    We also brought out Sean Chiplock, a veteran voice actor with dozens of credits to his name, to talk about his portrayal of one of MapleStory 2's initial classes, the Berserker!

    MapleStory 2's community manager, CMCuddles, also went over some of the biggest features in MapleStory 2, the housing, customization and designing systems that let you customize your MapleStory 2 experience as much as you can!

    Full MapleStory 2 Segment

    The developers of MapleStory M were also here to show off their progress in creating a version of MapleStory you can take anywhere you want! After a massive beta earlier in the year and countless pieces of feedback, MapleStory M is still going strong and aiming for a release later this year. Check out their full segment in the video below!

    MapleStory Fest was far more than talks about the future of MapleStory, though. With booths, activities, dancers, Pink Bean and more, MapleStory Fest was bouncing with all the energy a mass of Maplers can bring!


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