NX Prepaid and NX Credit Merge is Live

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Attention Maplers,

    With the latest MapleStory update, we have made a major change to how NX, the paid currency for many Nexon games including MapleStory, is handled. With this change, NX Prepaid and NX Credit has been merged, with every Nexon player's balance of the two currencies being combined together. We hope to make for a simpler process for our customers, no longer having to sort out between the two forms of currency, and how each is acquired.

    As part of this, some changes have been made to how certain Cash Shop purchases and actions function, in order to prevent fraudulent charges and protect the game economy. These changes include:

    • Cash Shop Items that were previously unpurchasable with NX Credit can now be purchased normally.
    • Cash Shop Items that could only be purchased at a certain level with NX Credit no longer have any level restriction on purchase when being purchased.
      • Megaphone items (all Megaphones sold in Game > Social) can be purchased starting at Lv. 60.
      • Gifting can only be done with NX, and is available starting at Lv. 61.
    • Purchased items cannot be gifted to other players within 4 days of first NX charge. Note, if you have already charged NX to your account in the past, you will not be restricted from gifting.
    • Note: First Charge restrictions that are in place for NX Credit will also be applied to the merged NX. If you have cleared those restrictions in the past, then that status will be carried over to the new merged NX.
    • Cash Shop UI Changes:
      • NX Prepaid and NX Credit balances have been combined, and are now displayed as simply "NX".
      • NX and Maple Point balances are now displayed on the top bar of the Cash Shop. Reward Point and Meso balances can still be found on the left side menu bar.
      • A new Maple Rewards Shop banner has been added to the left side menu bar.
      • The NX Prepaid and NX Credit checkbox options that appeared when making a purchase have been removed.

    Thank you for continuing to enjoy MapleStory, and if you have any issues with your NX Balance or purchasing items with NX, please contact our Player Support team for assistance.

    - The MapleStory Team

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