Play MapleStory M Now! | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Maplers, your wish has been granted! MapleStory M, an authentic MapleStory experience, has arrived to Android and iOS devices, WORLDWIDE! Join your friends or play alone in this free-to-play MMORPG!


    Five jobs from the Explorer Class are available today!

    • Flank your enemies from afar as a Bow Master.
    • Wield healing and destructive magic as a Bishop.
    • Enter the fray as a Dark Knight and soak up the damage.
    • Out-maneuver your opponents as the nimble Night Lord.
    • Arrrrr matey, be a Corsair!

    Explore Maple World from the comfort of your mobile device!

    • Start all over again from Victoria Island!
    • Bring some water; it gets hot in Nihal Desert.
    • Build a snowman in El Nath Mountains.
    • And so much more! Really! There are so many places to visit.

    Don’t forget to check out all the unique in-game systems such as The Forge, which lets you power up your favorite weapons. Check out the Cash Shop and claim your daily free treasure. Play in dungeons, or team up with a group to fight the legendary Zakum.

    Stay in touch with us on social!

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