On Wednesday, June 15, MapleStory's next major update arrives in the Destiny: Remastered update! Explorer Jobs are getting a massive revamp, major changes (such as removing the need for Mastery Books) are coming for all jobs, special events are coming, and more! You can learn more about all of the update's content on the Destiny: Remastered site, and make sure to visit so you can claim your very own Destiny Pre-Registration Package, filled to the brim with items including the Magician of the Sacred Forest outfit, Lil Symphony pets, Angelic Alphabet Damage Skin, and more! Registration Duration: PDT (UTC -7): Wednesday, June 1, 2022 11:00 AM - Monday, June 13, 2022 10:59 AM CEST (UTC +2): Wednesday, June 1, 2022 8:00 PM - Monday, June 13, 2022 7:59 PM AEST (UTC +10): Thursday, June 2, 2022 4:00 AM - Tuesday, June 14, 2022 3:59 AM Package Details: Go to the Destiny: Remastered site and sign onto your Nexon account with a Lv. 61 or higher MapleStory character . Click on the "Get Gifts" button to pre-register for your Destiny Pre-Registration Package! When the Destiny: Remastered update goes live on Wednesday, June 15, log into MapleStory to claim the below package of packages from the Gift Drop! Packages can be claimed only once per Nexon Account. Packages must be claimed before 4:59 PM PDT (11:59 PM UTC) on Tuesday, June 28. Destiny Pre-Registration Pet Box: Always contains: Lil Symphony Pet Package, which contains the following items: Lil Deneb Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Deneb Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Bootis Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Bootis Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Alphard Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Alphard Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Can also contain one of the following: Concentrated Premium Water of Life: Can be consumed to revive a pet that has turned into a doll due to their duration expiring for 270 days. Does not work on Miracle Pets. Coupon has a 7-day duration and can be traded within the same world, resulting item will not expire until used and cannot be traded. Heroes of Maple Pet Bundle 1, which contains: Lil Phantom Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Phantom Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Aran Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Aran Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Evan Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Evan Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Heroes of Maple Pet Bundle 2, which contains: Lil Luminous Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Luminous Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Mercedes Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Mercedes Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Lil Shade Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Lil Shade Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Triple Lil Commander Pets Full Package, which contains: Jr. Orchid Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Jr. Orchid Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Jr. Hilla Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Jr. Hilla Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Jr. Von Leon Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Jr. Von Leon Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Triple Lucid Pets Full Package, which contains: Ebony Lucid Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Ebony Lucid Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Powder Lucid Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Powder Lucid Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Rose Lucid Pet Coupon: Awards a 90-day Rose Lucid Pet. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Petite Luna 3rd Pet Box, which contains: Your choice of one of the following pets: 90-day Dust, 90-day Dawn, or 90-day Petite Luna. The resulting Pet has an increased pick-up range thanks to an improved Meso Magnet skill. Coupon can be traded within the same world, resulting pet cannot. Duration can be extended with Water of Life items. Main package must be used before 4:59 PM PDT (11:59 PM UTC) on Tuesday, June 28. Resulting boxes and packages have no duration unless otherwise noted. Destiny Pre-Registration Beauty Box: Always contains: Magician of the Sacred Forest Set, which contains the following items: Expansive Knowledge Hat Cover Magical Robe Overall Cover Magical Dress Overall Cover Blessing of the Sacred Forest Cape Cover Product of Knowledge Universal Weapon Cover Magician of the Sacred Forest Label Ring Magician of the Sacred Forest Chat Ring All items in this package, including the Magical Robe and Magical Dress, can be equipped by both genders. Package can be traded within the same world, resulting items cannot be traded. All resulting items are Permanent. Can also contain one of the following: Mystery Color Change Coupon, which contains: Mystery Colorblend Eye Color Coupon: 7-day duration, can be traded within the same world. Changes your character's eye color to a mix of two random colors. Mystery Mix Dye Coupon: 7-day duration, can be traded within the same world. Changes your character's hair color to a mix of two random colors. Coupon has a 7-day duration, can be traded within the same world. Custom Colorblend Eye Color Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Changes your character's eye color to a mix of two colors of your choice. Custom Mix Dye Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Changes your character's hair color to a mix of two colors of your choice. Soft Lavender Skin Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Blushing Lavender Skin Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Dark Miro Hair Coupon (M): Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Half Chickpea Hair Coupon (F): Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Bling Mysterie Hair Coupon (F): Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Bangin' Boyband Hair Coupon (M): Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. VIP Royal Hair + Face Coupon, which contains: VIP Royal Hair Coupon: 30-day duration, cannot be traded. VIP Royal Face Coupon: 30-day duration, cannot be traded. Coupon has a 7-day duration, can be traded within the same world. VIP Royal Styles will be updated with the June 15 Update, you can view the upcoming styles here. Main package must be used before 4:59 PM PDT (11:59 PM UTC) on Tuesday, June 28. Resulting boxes and packages have no duration unless otherwise noted. Destiny Pre-Registration Rare Item Box: Always contains: Angelic Alphabet Damage Skin Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, can be trade within the same world. Resulting damage skin is Permanent. Melody Coin x1 Coupon (100): Coupon has 7-day duration, can be trade within the same world. Resulting coins will last throughout the duration of the associated event. Can also contain one of the following: Experience Nodestone: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Lucidroid: Permanent, cannot be traded once equipped. Unique Potential Scroll 100%: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Legendary Dominator Pendant Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Resulting item is permanent and cannot be traded. Legendary Papulatus Mark Coupon: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Resulting item is permanent and cannot be traded. Magnificent Darknell Soul: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Magnificent Verus Hilla Soul: Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. 100% 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160): Will not expire until consumed, can be traded within the same world. Double Legendary Arcane Umbra Weapon Box: 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Use to select an Arcane Umbra weapon of your choice. Resulting weapon will have two lines of Legendary Potentials. On Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, and Luna worlds, will also have two lines of Bonus Potentials. Main package must be used before 4:59 PM PDT (11:59 PM UTC) on Tuesday, June 28. Resulting boxes and packages have no duration unless otherwise noted. Destiny Pre-Registration Money Box: Always contains: 2,000 Maple Reward Points: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Can also contain one of the following: 3,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Gaga Coin (3): Permanent duration, cannot be traded. When all coins are used they will grant a total of 300,000,000 mesos. 30,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Gaga Coin (5): Permanent duration, cannot be traded. When all coins are used they will grant a total of 500,000,000 mesos. 50,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Inkwell Coin (5): Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. When all coins are used they will grant a total of 1,000,000,000 mesos. 100,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Inkwell Coin (25): Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. When all coins are used they will grant a total of 5,000,000,000 mesos. 500,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Inkwell Coin (50): Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. When all coins are used they will grant a total of 10,000,000,000 mesos. 1,000,000 Maple Point Coupon: Coupon has 7-day duration, cannot be traded. Main package must be used before 4:59 PM PDT (11:59 PM UTC) on Tuesday, June 28. Resulting boxes and packages have no duration unless otherwise noted. View on the Official Site