KMS Probability Monitoring System – Nexon Now

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    Not really the post people were waiting for today probably but a few hours before the Destiny update showcase, Nexon has released the Probability Monitoring System ‘Nexon Now’. This is the real-time probability data that they said they would introduce so players could see all the rates of the different things in-game! Here’s the link to check it out.


    Hello. This is MapleStory.

    We would like to inform you that the probability monitoring system ‘Nexon Now’ has been opened on December 23.

    Going forward, through Nexon Now, the set rates and actual rates for probability type items like ▲ potential reset rates, ▲ Ability reset rates, ▲ cosmetic probability type item rates, ▲ beauty probability type item rates, ▲ pet probability type items, and ▲ Star Force rates can be checked at any time.

    Nexon Now’s actual rates are displayed as accumulated data during each update period. However, for items with special sale periods, they will have accumulated data during each sale period. The actual rates for previous updates can be checked through the drop down menu at the top.

    Nexon Now’s actual rates are updated every hour, and the updated data is data from 2 hours before the update time. Since there is a lot of data created every second which takes time to collect, calculate, and distribute, we ask for your understanding that there is an inevitable time difference.

    Nexon Now’s introduction has just begun, and we will continue to improve it in the future. The probability type item verification results, which have been posted on the homepage every month, will also continue to be posted without interruption for now so that players can more easily check thata the in-game probability is working properly.

    We promise to thoroughly verify MapleStory’s probability system, and we will do our best to provide better service.

    Thank you.


    At the top of the page, you can see the current time and when the next update will be.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    On the Dashboard (main page), you’ll see these graphs for the main probability type content rates. They have the 103rd Royal Style (M/F) rates where the inner ring represents the set rates and the outer ring represents the actual rates. Each slice on the pie is a different items.

    They also have potential tier up rates, for Red Cubes from Unique > Legendary, Black Cubes from Unique > Legendary, and Additional Cubes from Unique > Legendary. The yellow bar represents the set rates and the blue bar represents the actual rates.


    On the Detailed Rates page, you can see more in-depth data for things like potential tier up rates, potential line tier rates, Ability rates for both Honor and Miracle Circulators, Royal Style Coupons, Masterpiece Red/Black, Royal Hair/Face Coupons, and Star Force.

    Currently the data on this page is from December 9 until today. For example, during this time period (no Star Force events, using Star Catch), there were 13 tries from 23 > 24 stars, one of which passed, three failed and dropped, and one boomed. There was even a crazy person that tried 24 > 25 stars (and failed).

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog