Quality Information & Rules

Discussion in 'General' started by Saught, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. Saught

    Saught Angry Space-Pirate Chicken

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    #1 Saught, Nov 30, 2017 at 9:24 AM
    Last edited: May 7, 2018

    Quality started as a temporary channel on November 30th, 2016, to provide a place for the regular active members to talk without MapleStory's V update maintenance spam in #general. It has since evolved into a hidden channel, a quality chat, available to handpicked members of this server. You've been invited here because we've noticed you aren't completely senseless. All individuals permissions are handled manually in #quality by Saught.

    New Quality Rules
    • Follow overall server rules.
    • No new friends.
    • Go back to #general.
    • Ping @Skippi.
    • Thank @Haren.

    Quality Rules (Outdated)

    • You do not talk about #quality.
    You do not talk about #quality.
    • If you're going to be a prick, at least be a lovable prick.
    • No kexdees. This includes `kek` and `xD`.
    • No low quality memes. This includes Pepes & Twitch.
    • No League talk.
    • No weeb-speak, ironic or not.
    • No NSFW.
    • Use proper channels.
    • Ping @Skippi.
    • Thank @Haren.
    • Miss something or someone.

    Side Note

    If you notice someone that deserves a chance at a real chat channel, rather than stewing in the aggressiveness that is main chat, please mention them in #quality. Suggest people often, it's important to keep the channel growing to provide people with an actual place to talk. While I have last say, I'd prefer if we took a look at people together. Consider their post history, behavior, and amount of time in the server.
    We don't want another Raptor or Juno incident.

    If you leave #quality, you won't be returning without submitting a 5 paragraph essay to me, explaining why you think you should be let back in. I am no longer accepting half-assed essays about random other topics. In order to combat the thought that you can simply leave and return with an essay, each instance of you leaving adds an additional paragraph from this point forward.

    If for any reason you have serious concerns about someone, you need to message me, Zelkova, another admin, moderator, or other staff directly. If anyone is making you uncomfortable you need to let us know. We can only tell so much from the chat that we see, and we don't see everything. If we don't know we can't help.

    Rules Explained

    • You do not talk about #quality.
    Don't do it in other channels.

    • You do not talk about #quality.


    • If you're going to be a prick, at least be a lovable prick.
    I don't care how funny you think you're being, if you're joking, or just being sarcastic; don't be an asshole. If you're making someone uncomfortable, depending on the severity, I will either warn you, kick you from #quality, or even ban you from the server.

    To add to this, don't be rude to new people joining #quality, or people that you simply haven't seen before. Don't say things like "Who even are you?" or "I don't know you", it's extremely unwelcoming and that turns people away.

    • No kexdees. This includes `kek` and `xD`.
    Low quality. Stop. We aren't insanely strict on this but just don't do it. If you're being warned for this too much I will kick you back to main chat where you can kexdee all you want.

    • No low quality memes. This includes Pepes & Twitch.
    I will take your emote, direct upload, and embed permissions away if you post a Pepe. If for some reason you can't help yourself, I will kick you back to main chat where you can post as many low quality frogs as you want. We aren't as strict about Twitch emotes/memes but just try to avoid them.

    • No League talk.
    After a few months of dealing with the occasional annoying League chatter, on one of #quality's darkest days, people would absolutely not shut the fuck up about League for literally 14 hours straight and completely drowned out all other conversation. In response, League talk was banned from #quality. Don't talk about League in #quality. There is a channel solely dedicated to talking about League, ask for permission for that and fuck off there instead.

    • No weeb-speak, ironic or not.

    • No NSFW.
    I shouldn't even have to say this, but don't post NSFW images. If you aren't simply banned from the server or kicked from #quality, I will remove your direct upload & embed permissions for a determined amount of time depending on the severity. If for some reason you absolutely have to post NSFW, don't. But if you do anyway, explicity warn everyone that it's NSFW and unembed it by wrapping your link in <> so that the preview image doesn't show up.

    • Use proper text channels.
    They're more suited for your conversation. Discussing anime or card games at length should be left to those channels, keep it out of #quality unless it's short form or a passing mention. If you're at the point where you're posting multiple images or videos, fuck off to the other channel. Additionally, there is a whole fucking channel for you to spam in, don't post spam in #quality unless we're all just messing around. This isn't enforced heavily but please just fuck off.

    • Ping @Skippi.
    Do it.

    • Thank @Haren.
    Thank as needed.

    • Miss something or someone.
    Miss as needed.

    Additional Information

    You still need to follow the servers overall rules in addition to #quality's rules. We aren't as strict about the server rules here, but still try to abide by them. I know we have a lot of rules in #quality, but it's to maintain quality discussion without all the bullshit.

    From time to time, we have a movie night organized by Kao & Babble. This is generally weekly, on Friday/Saturday and we try to take into account time-zones for everyone. Please refer to the latest strawpoll pin in #quality for more details.

    No bots or bot commands in #quality. Bots are annoying, they spam the chat. When one person uses a bot command, for some reason other people feel the need to follow suit. Discord bots are removed from #quality, however Kino has read and manage message permissions in order to uphold our trigger word removals. Kino is also in #quality to easily display the current song playing if someone is using it as a music bot. If you are Discord Staff, for the love of god do not drag Kino into our voice channels.

    For a group of individuals brought together by a stupid mushroom game, a fair few of #quality don't play MapleStory or even browse Reddit. The channel isn't beholden to just discussing Maple, but don't disparage others when they're discussing it, we're still the /r/MapleStory discord server.

    As an unofficial additional rule. Reck is not allowed to discuss Metal Gear Solid unless prompted by someone else. Don't set him off, because he won't stop, and he'll actually be allowed to go on and on.
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