Sale of Low-Popularity Items Ending with v.231 Update

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 3, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Attention Maplers,

    With the v.231 update, currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2022, we will be discontinuing the sale of a variety of low-popularity items from the in-game Cash Shop. These items include:

    • Diablo Messenger
    • Cloud 9 Messenger
    • Loveholic Messenger
    • Cute Tiger Messenger
    • Roaring Tiger Megaphone
    • Goal! Messenger
    • Soccer! Messenger
    • Chalkboard (1 day)
    • Chalkboard (7 days)
    • Lv.20 ETC Bypass Key
    • Lv.20 Accessory Bypass Key
    • Lv.30 ETC Bypass Key
    • Lv.30 Accessory Bypass Key
    • Lv.30 Armor Bypass Key
    • Lv.30 Weapon Bypass Key
    • 1-day 2x Drop Special Coupon
    • 4-hour 2x Drop Special Coupon

    Note: Already purchased items and coupons will not be removed or refunded as a result of this change, and any that are already in a character's inventory will remain usable.

    Thank you,

    - The MapleStory Team

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