Scheduled Game Update- April 4, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    We will be performing a scheduled game update on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 6:00 AM PDT (9:00 AM EDT / 3:00 PM CEST / 11:00 PM AEST). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 6 hours, concluding around 12:00 PM PDT (3:00 PM EDT / 9:00 PM CEST / 5:00 AM AEST).

    Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

    Thanks for your patience!


    Wednesday, April 4, 2018
    PDT: 6:00 AM – 12:00 PM

    EDT: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    CEST: 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
    AEST: 11:00 PM – 5:00 AM (April 5)

    What will be unavailable:

    • All MapleStory game servers.

    Changes and Updates:

    • MapleStory will be updated to v.194. Check out the patch notes coming soon!
    • An issue where Mercedes’s Leaf Tornado downward skill range was shorter than intended will be fixed.
    • An issue where Illium weapons were omitted from the Set Items will be fixed.
    • An issue where Kaiser’s main color change coupons weren't being applied to Kaiser’s 4th Job Final Form will be fixed.
    • An issue where the name of the Sunshine Pan was spelled incorrectly will be fixed.
    • An issue where an introductory quest for Cygnus Knights wasn’t appearing until players relogged will be fixed.
    • An issue where the icons for Cash Shop Potential Scroll Coupons displayed as a different color than the icons of the scrolls they gave will be fixed.
    • An issue where the name of Henesys and Pantheon Camouflage Chairs were spelled incorrectly will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Cube Damage Skin was missing its preview will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Cherry Blossoms Damage Skin was missing its preview will be fixed.
    • An issue where the AbsoLab Blast Knuckle had an incorrect name will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Master Craftsman Cube was missing from the Advanced Hunter Pouch tooltip will be fixed.
    • An issue where the AbsoLab Coin description had a text error will be fixed.
    • An issue where some monsters in Showa Town weren’t dropping mesos will be fixed.
    • An art issue with the Swishing Kitty Tail will be fixed.
    • An issue where claiming an item that Platinum Scissors of Karma or Scissors of Karma has been used on in the Auction House would show the player's name instead of item name will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest ‘The Truth’ had incorrect time zone information will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest ‘Eliminating the Rebels’ had incorrect time zone information will be fixed.
    • An issue where the achievement [Area Exploration] Nautilus couldn't be completed will be fixed.
    • An issue where the achievement [Area Exploration] Rien couldn't be completed will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest ‘How to Use the Bits Inventory’ would continue to appear will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Beginner’s Guide for the Magician contained outdated information will be fixed.
    • An issue where creating a new tab in the chat window would overflow the UI will be fixed.
    • An issue where using the Refresh button in the Achievements System won't update the Trait achievements will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Terminus Gauntlet had no name will be fixed.
    • An issue where killing multiple monsters with Beast Tamer class would result in lag spikes will be fixed.
    • An issue where NPC Eggrich was missing information about perks with MVP in relation to the Auction House will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest ‘The Hotness’ wasn’t appearing will be fixed.
    • An issue where the information on the Quick Move for Free Market being out of date will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest ‘Cooperation’ had an incorrect description will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest complete information for ‘Night Fox Hunt’ was incorrect will be fixed.
    • An issue where obtaining the Japanese Kanji Character Damage Skin would print an incorrect name in chat will be fixed.
    • An issue where the NPC Wisp had incorrect information for ‘Action Pet’ will be fixed.
    • An issue where Buyback information on vendors was incorrect will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Kaiser had no audio fx while in Final Form and using Air Lift will be fixed.
    • An art issue with the Kaleidoscope Damage Skin will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Crimsonheart Altar party quest couldn't be entered if the character was Lv. 200 will be fixed.
    • An issue with the item description of the Blue Snail Shell will be fixed.
    • An issue with the item description of the Green Snail Shell will be fixed.
    • An issue where the item Sweetwater Chain could not be placed in Transposition will be fixed.
    • An issue where the MVP Diamond was giving out incorrect numbers of Hyper Teleport Rocks will be fixed.
    • An issue where Illium characters didn’t receive the quest ‘[Tutorial] A Start to Fishing’ will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Dark Magician Chat Ring had red text will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Dawn Warrior’s skill Equinox Slash would cause the character to go out of bounds in the Daily Dungeon Dream Defender and auto fail will be fixed.
    • An issue where Confused Look on female characters not being saved to the Salon will be fixed.
    • An issue where Sweet Lollipop being unable to be equipped over weapons will be fixed.
    • An issue where Monster Collection contained untranslated text will be fixed.
    • An issue where the weapon restriction information was incorrect on the Purple Blazing Sword weapon cover will be fixed.
    • An issue where the buttons for the Bonus Miracle Cube UI would overlap with the edge of the window will be fixed.

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