Scheduled Minor Patch - December 6, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
    Active Member

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    We will be performing a scheduled minor patch on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 7:00 AM PST (10:00 AM EST / 4:00 PM CET / 2:00 AM AEDT December 7). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 3 hours, concluding around 10:00 AM PST on Thursday, December 6 (1:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM CET / 5:00 AM AEDT December 7).

    Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

    Thanks for your patience!


    Thursday, December 6, 2018
    PST (UTC -8): 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    EST (UTC -5): 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    CET (UTC +1): 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    AEDT (UTC +11): 2:00 AM (December 7) - 5:00 AM (December 7)

    • What will be unavailable:
      • All MapleStory game servers.
    • Changes and Updates:
      • Updating to v.200.4.0.
      • Making additional fixes for an issue where Soot Glares would sometimes cause crashes.
      • Fixing an issue where the Beast Tamer Alliance skill did not work.
      • Fixing an issue where the Guild Skill "Point Accrual" message would interfere with combat when Reward Points were at maximum. This message has been moved to the chat window.
      • As part of our compensation for the recent multiple maintenances, we are providing the following items:
        • Maple Relay Credit: 10 boxes

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