Sixth Star Showdown Event! | MapleStory

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    The MapleStory Sixth Star Showdown is a special event featuring our talented Bean Brigade members as they collaborate, compete, and take on the challenge missions throughout the Journey Toward the Sixth Star event! Five teams, each representing a different class, will compete against each other in a race to see which team is prepared to embrace the power of the 6th Job!

    Each team is made up of five Bean Brigade members, working together to overcome the challenge missions in each chapter. Over the course of the Journey Toward the Sixth Star event, the teammates will work together to collect the six Star Pieces, resulting in harnessing the power of the Sixth Star!

    Be sure to tune into their livestreams and our official MapleStory livestreams to see how the teams plan on tackling these challenges!

    Table of Contents



    MisusingTV (Leader)

    Hi, my name's Matt and I've been playing MapleStory since 2006. I have a deep love for the game and have been able to reach end game on several characters. I currently main Wild Hunter, Ark and Dawn Warrior.



    I have been playing MapleStory since 2006 and I still don't know how to play this game properly. All I know are my ABCs, Aran Best Class, and you should too! And no, I don't have arthritis.



    Hi, my name is Jia and I'm a 19 year old Kaiser enjoyer from NA Reboot. I also play other classes such as Dark Knight, Cannon Master, Blade Master, Hayato, and Paladin to name some. I've started playing MapleStory on and off since 2015, but have known the game a few years earlier through my older brother.



    Hi! My name is Anny/Potato. I played MapleStory since I was a kid (more than 10 years ago) and just started on Reboot less than a year ago. My main goal is to have fun and create a community of noobs that play Maple for childhood nostalgia where we can all progress together! Come through to my stream and let’s be noobies.


    CM Ezrabell

    Hey Maplers, CM Ezrabell here! I'll be teaming up with Pink Bean to represent the Warriors! We'll be coming in swinging hot so be prepared!


    MisusingTV (Leader)

    Hi, my name's Matt and I've been playing MapleStory since 2006. I have a deep love for the game and have been able to reach end game on several characters. I currently main Wild Hunter, Ark and Dawn Warrior.



    I have been playing MapleStory since 2006 and I still don't know how to play this game properly. All I know are my ABCs, Aran Best Class, and you should too! And no, I don't have arthritis.



    Hi, my name is Jia and I'm a 19 year old Kaiser enjoyer from NA Reboot. I also play other classes such as Dark Knight, Cannon Master, Blade Master, Hayato, and Paladin to name some. I've started playing MapleStory on and off since 2015, but have known the game a few years earlier through my older brother.



    Hi! My name is Anny/Potato. I played MapleStory since I was a kid (more than 10 years ago) and just started on Reboot less than a year ago. My main goal is to have fun and create a community of noobs that play Maple for childhood nostalgia where we can all progress together! Come through to my stream and let’s be noobies.


    CM Ezrabell

    Hey Maplers, CM Ezrabell here! I'll be teaming up with Pink Bean to represent the Warriors! We'll be coming in swinging hot so be prepared!



    Wintermelyn (Leader)

    I'm Lyn (wintermelyn). I enjoy making people smile. I appreciate banter with others. I like Rock Spirits.



    I'm Memey and I like food, sleep, cats, and dying to afk mobs after logging in.



    My name is Andy. I'm the guild master for Milk. :3 I play both Night Lord and Beginner class. I like animals, adventures, tasty food, and good stories.



    I'm KipperFalcon, I like to play the Guitar and I really love Peruvian food.


    Danny from Marketing

    Hey Maplers, it's me again! Danny from Marketing. I'll be joining team Orange Mushroom and representing the Thieves of MapleStory! I'll do my best to not disappoint the Thieves (especially Night Lords) and I hope you'll follow along for this Sixth Star Showdown Event.


    Wintermelyn (Leader)

    I'm Lyn (wintermelyn). I enjoy making people smile. I appreciate banter with others. I like Rock Spirits.



    I'm Memey and I like food, sleep, cats, and dying to afk mobs after logging in.



    My name is Andy. I'm the guild master for Milk. :3 I play both Night Lord and Beginner class. I like animals, adventures, tasty food, and good stories.



    I'm KipperFalcon, I like to play the Guitar and I really love Peruvian food.


    Danny from Marketing

    Hey Maplers, it's me again! Danny from Marketing. I'll be joining team Orange Mushroom and representing the Thieves of MapleStory! I'll do my best to not disappoint the Thieves (especially Night Lords) and I hope you'll follow along for this Sixth Star Showdown Event.



    MapleBinch (Leader)

    MapleBinch (Jose) strives to help his YouTube and Twitch viewers increase their farming rates. He mains Shadower, Kanna, and Night Lord and makes videos about those classes on his channel. Playing Reboot since 2019, he offers a wealth of game knowledge from the end-game perspective.



    Hi I'm Rosiee! I'm pretty much noob at everything that's MapleStory and have fun doing it. LARA MAIN FOREVER.



    Hi I'm Zhurritos, I have been a player for more than 8 years. Playing MapleStory I have made many friends from all over the world. My goal this year is to release the Genesis weapon. Saludos a todos Latinos!



    Hey there I'm Ryambi, a Beast Tamer main. I have 3 passions in life: Family, Games & Gains. I love to chill and grind maps for long hours and occassional bossing.



    SauceMS (Andy) has been playing MapleStory for many years, starting when he was back in his home country of Malaysia in 2005. Now he plays a Night Lord in NA Reboot and loves making new secondary mains. SauceMS is famously known for his starforcing a day before 5/10/15 and his "22 or bust" mentality.


    MapleBinch (Leader)

    MapleBinch (Jose) strives to help his YouTube and Twitch viewers increase their farming rates. He mains Shadower, Kanna, and Night Lord and makes videos about those classes on his channel. Playing Reboot since 2019, he offers a wealth of game knowledge from the end-game perspective.



    Hi I'm Rosiee! I'm pretty much noob at everything that's MapleStory and have fun doing it. LARA MAIN FOREVER.



    Hi I'm Zhurritos, I have been a player for more than 8 years. Playing MapleStory I have made many friends from all over the world. My goal this year is to release the Genesis weapon. Saludos a todos Latinos!



    Hey there I'm Ryambi, a Beast Tamer main. I have 3 passions in life: Family, Games & Gains. I love to chill and grind maps for long hours and occassional bossing.



    SauceMS (Andy) has been playing MapleStory for many years, starting when he was back in his home country of Malaysia in 2005. Now he plays a Night Lord in NA Reboot and loves making new secondary mains. SauceMS is famously known for his starforcing a day before 5/10/15 and his "22 or bust" mentality.



    Mikeychain (Leader)

    Hi, Mikey here (also known as My Key). I'm just a fellow mushroom game enjoyer as well as a content creator on Twitch and YouTube. You may know me from my Misty Island videos! Big fan and no u!



    Hello my name is David! I have been playing MapleStory on and off since 2007. My favorite class in any game are Archers, or anyone that can use a bow.



    Hewoo, I'm Mimi! I'm somewhat of a casual Mapler. I definitely did not set reminders every 3 hours for Bingo. I just happened to be AFK for exactly 3 hours at a time on my fancy C h a m e l e o n Mount.



    Playing MapleStory is my personality trait. Become enlightened in the ways of Reg Server. I also make MapleStory TikToks.



    Howdy-ho Maplers! I'm Sacrix, a casual mushroom game enjoyer, and the first player to get 250 on every single class in the game. I've been playing Maple for closing on 20 years, so I know a little bit about the game.


    Mikeychain (Leader)

    Hi, Mikey here (also known as My Key). I'm just a fellow mushroom game enjoyer as well as a content creator on Twitch and YouTube. You may know me from my Misty Island videos! Big fan and no u!



    Hello my name is David! I have been playing MapleStory on and off since 2007. My favorite class in any game are Archers, or anyone that can use a bow.



    Hewoo, I'm Mimi! I'm somewhat of a casual Mapler. I definitely did not set reminders every 3 hours for Bingo. I just happened to be AFK for exactly 3 hours at a time on my fancy C h a m e l e o n Mount.



    Playing MapleStory is my personality trait. Become enlightened in the ways of Reg Server. I also make MapleStory TikToks.



    Howdy-ho Maplers! I'm Sacrix, a casual mushroom game enjoyer, and the first player to get 250 on every single class in the game. I've been playing Maple for closing on 20 years, so I know a little bit about the game.



    Scardor (Leader)

    Plundering and rum will have to wait as the anchor hits land. I will support my crew until the last meso coin is YOINKED from our opponents' dead hands. Prepare to get crushed in the most wholesome way imaginable!



    Hiya! Thanks for having me! I hope I can properly show you why Bucc is so amazing by winning it for Team Yeti! As a long time player of Bucc, I know we got this!



    I'm thrilled to be a part of team Yeti! As someone who started playing this game at the age of ten, it's always been my go-to choice, thanks to the nostalgia it brings and the pure enjoyment I find in playing it. My favorite classes in the game are Pirates, primarily due to their exceptional mobility and the thrill of using loaded dice to gain an advantage.



    Greetings fellow Mushroom Gamers! I've always been one for the odd challenges, be it Tower of Oz, Achievement Point Hunting, sweating in Flag Race. But now I have a new goal, TO KICK ALL THE OTHER TEAMS' BUTTS!!!!!!!!



    Hi everyone, I started my Maple journey by skipping school so I could log in day 1 of GMS launch and play. My goal is to help the Maple community progress through the game and help with new content and boss mechanics.


    Scardor (Leader)

    Plundering and rum will have to wait as the anchor hits land. I will support my crew until the last meso coin is YOINKED from our opponents' dead hands. Prepare to get crushed in the most wholesome way imaginable!



    Hiya! Thanks for having me! I hope I can properly show you why Bucc is so amazing by winning it for Team Yeti! As a long time player of Bucc, I know we got this!



    I'm thrilled to be a part of team Yeti! As someone who started playing this game at the age of ten, it's always been my go-to choice, thanks to the nostalgia it brings and the pure enjoyment I find in playing it. My favorite classes in the game are Pirates, primarily due to their exceptional mobility and the thrill of using loaded dice to gain an advantage.



    Greetings fellow Mushroom Gamers! I've always been one for the odd challenges, be it Tower of Oz, Achievement Point Hunting, sweating in Flag Race. But now I have a new goal, TO KICK ALL THE OTHER TEAMS' BUTTS!!!!!!!!



    Hi everyone, I started my Maple journey by skipping school so I could log in day 1 of GMS launch and play. My goal is to help the Maple community progress through the game and help with new content and boss mechanics.

    • The team’s score is determined by the number of missions that they complete.
    • Each challenge mission completed will net the player 1 point.
    • Each player will be able to earn a maximum of 10 points per chapter.
    • Each team will be able to earn a maximum of 50 points per chapter.
    • There are a total of five chapters with missions.
    • In the event of a tie (ex: more than 1 team reaches the maximum cap of 250 points), we will base the winner off of the team to reach that point threshold first.
    • Points will be tracked internally to avoid any timing discrepancies.
    • All five members of the winning team will receive a Black Mage Statue!
    • Each chapter, we will feature one team on the official MapleStory livestream channels and the Nexon Launcher!
      • Chapter 1: Team Pink Bean (Warrior)
      • Chapter 2: Team Orange Mushroom (Thief)
      • Chapter 3: Team Green Slime (Bowman)
      • Chapter 4: Team Pepe (Magician)
      • hapter 5: Team Yeti (Pirate)
    • As teams compete to solve these challenge missions, be sure to tune in and gain some insight on how the teams plan on tackling them.
    • Note: The stream schedule will be updated each chapter.

    Chapter 1 Featured Stream Schedule


    • Athyris
      • PDT (UTC -7): July 19, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Electrical_NA
      • PDT (UTC -7): July 22, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • MisusingTV
      • PDT (UTC - 7): August 2, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • PotatoPot
      • PDT (UTC -7): August 3, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • Official MapleStory Stream with CM Ezrabell
      • PDT (UTC -7): August 4, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Don’t forget to check this page for all Sixth Star Showdown related news as we will update each chapter with current team standings and scheduled streams!


    To top things off, we’re running a sweepstakes event each chapter, featuring exclusive prizes! Visit our Gleam page for more details.

    Sweepstakes Duration:

    • Chapter 1 - PDT (UTC -7): July 19 5:00 PM - August 8 12:00 PM
    • Chapter 2 - PDT (UTC -7): August 9 12:00 PM - August 29 12:00 PM
    • Chapter 3 through Chapter 6 - Check back later for more details!

    How to Enter:

    • Visit our Gleam sweepstakes page!

    Requirements & Rules:

    • Terms & conditions can be viewed on the Gleam sweepstakes page.

    Event Prizes:

    • Chapters 1-5
      • There will be (30) total prize winners from Chapters 1 through 5. Each of these chapters will have (6) prize winners.
      • (5) First Place Prizes: Black Mage Statue
      • (25) Runner-Up Prizes: MapleStory Prize Pack, which contains:
        • MapleStory HyperX Mushroom Keycap
        • MapleStory Phone Ring
        • MapleStory Tote Bag
        • MapleStory Lanyard
        • Phantom Pin
    • Chapter 6
      • There will be (1) grand prize winner from Chapter 6.
      • (1) Grand Prize: Check back later for more details!

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