Thank you for 17 Years of MapleStory!

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, May 11, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Level 17. Your level increased.

    It's MapleStory's 17th Anniversary! What a journey we've been on. Though, we all know that it's not the years that count, but it's the memories we make over these years. From Star Planet, Maple 14th Street Fair, Hotel Maple, and to Blooming Forest, we've been through quite a bit of birthday celebrations. That doesn't stop us from celebrating yet another year! Now might be a great time to take a pause and look back to your first boss clear, first Guild, first Lv. 200, and many more firsts in the past. The Maple friend that just came online may have been with you in those memories or will be part of those to come in the future. The memories you've built with us are what makes MapleStory extra special and extraordinary. We are delighted to have you here celebrating with us because we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your love, passion, and support for MapleStory. Each and every one of you made this happen and we'd like to sincerely thank you for all these years.

    And so begins MapleStory's chapter 17. See you all on the next page of our adventures!


    - The MapleStory Team

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