KMS The First Golden Hands Awards – Preliminary Voting

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    The First Golden Hands Awards has begun its preliminary voting! Players can now vote for the user submissions they would most like to see be implemented in-game! The rules require you to have a level 101 character or higher, and you can vote up to 5 times per day per category (you can only vote for a single entry once per day). At the end, the top 50 hairs/faces/pets and top 100 outfits will be given to the judges to decide the final winners.

    Of course, voting is only open to KMS players, but you can still check out all the entries here! I’ll show some more detailed instructions on how to look at them and also share a few of the things that I liked and voted for!


    There are two main tabs on the site, the first on the left (금손 어워즈 투표하기) shows the submissions while the right one (투표 현황 보기) shows the current voting results. This page is updated once per day so you can keep checking back to see who’s winning.

    The four buttons below are for each of the different categories: Hair (헤어), Faces (성형), Outfit Sets (의상 세트) and Pets (펫).


    Each submission shows the name, the world/IGN of the creator, and two buttons. The green button is to vote and the pink button is to see more information about the submission, which includes some descriptive text, more detailed images, and any additional art that they included.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I didn’t look at the hairs or faces too much but here are some of the outfits I liked:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    And here’s some of the pets I liked:

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog