Unscheduled Maintenance - September 24, 2020

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
    Active Member

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    We will be performing a set of unscheduled server maintenances on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 3:00 PM PDT (6:00 PM EDT / 12:00 AM CEST Sep 25 / 8:00 AM AEST Sep 25). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 2 hour, concluding around 5:00 PM PDT (8:00 PM EDT / 2:00 AM CEST Sep 25 / 10:00 AM AEST Sep 25). During this time, players already logged in will be able to play normally on many worlds, but will be unable to login or change characters, and some features, worlds and channels will be briefly unavailable. Thanks for your patience!


    Thursday, September 24, 2020
    PDT (UTC -7): 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    EDT (UTC -4): 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    CEST (UTC +2): 12:00 PM (Sep 25) - 2:00 AM (Sep 25)
    AEST (UTC +10): 8:00 AM (Sep 25) - 10:00 AM (Sep 25)

    • What will be unavailable:
      • Login Servers
      • Scania World and all Scania Channels
      • Burning World Channel 3
      • Cash Shop
    • Changes and Updates (Additional Changes TBA):
      • Addressing stability concerns on Burning World Channel 3 and all of Scania World.
      • Fixed an issue where the Magic Wagon required an account to have at least 500 NX Credit and 500 NX Prepaid to be able to purchase a Magic Wagon Restock Coupon.
      • Fixed an issue where the Cash Shop could not be exited after attempting to purchase Magic Wagon Restock Coupon without 500 NX Credit on the account.
      • Fixed the issue where Magic Wagon items with bonus stats could be claimed in Reboot world.
        • Please note that when attempting to claim items with bonus stats from the Special Order Vault on Reboot world, you will receive an error message and the item may appear to disappear. The item will be visible again and claimable on any non-Reboot worlds once the Special Order Vault is re-opened.

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