Upcoming Website Refresh and News Post Changes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Attention Maplers,

    Within the next several weeks, the MapleStory website will receive an update to help us communicate better with you, making major changes to nearly every part of the website. We hope that you look forward to the new look and bear with us should any unexpected issues arise during the transition.

    One thing we would like to note, however, is that due to technical limitations, a large number of news articles that have been published on this website over the last several years will no longer be available. While we will be migrating over articles from the last year or more, depending on the subject, it is not practical to migrate every post from nearly the past decade to the new website.

    If there are any older news posts that you would wish to preserve, such as some of our community Art Corner displays or What's Your MapleStory entries, feel free to do so, and we look forward to showing off the new look of MapleStory to you soon!

    Thank you,

    - The MapleStory Team

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