Update to NX Credit Purchase Policy

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Greetings Maplers,

    As part of our latest v.204 patch, we've made some changes to our NX Credit purchase policy. This change will affect players purchasing certain restricted items after charging NX Credit for the first time.

    After a player purchases one of the specially restricted items with NX Credit for the first time, a 7-day timer will be placed on their account that will prevent them from trading or dropping any items. This timer will expire a week after the date the player originally purchased the NX Credit. These restricted items include Cubes (including packages), Surprise Style Boxes, Scissors, Scrolls, Gachapon (all random boxes), and Megaphones.

    You can read more about these changes here.


    -The MapleStory Team

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