[Updated December 12] v.201 – Black Mage: Labyrinth Patch Notes

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    The time has come to bring the war to save Maple World to the Black Mage’s doorstep! Prepare yourself for MapleStory’s greatest battle yet (as well as fun holiday celebrations) with Black Mage: Labyrinth!

    V.201 – Black Mage: Labyrinth is live on December 12!

    Labyrinth of Suffering

    After completing Moonbridge, the area of Labyrinth of Suffering will unlock! Moonbridge will no longer be accessible.

    Requirement: 5th Job Advancement (Lv. 200+) and ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • After completing the quest ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Into the Labyrinth’ from the notifier or Athena Pierce at the Outpost, accept the ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Labyrinth of Suffering’ quest.
    • Help the Tenebris Expedition overcome dangerous situations and safely pass through the Labyrinth of Suffering.
    • The Labyrinth of Suffering dungeon can be entered after a certain amount of progress has been made in the story quest.
    • It is a continuously changing place and the connecting road is different each time it is entered.
    • A party of 1 or more players can enter the dungeon. Party members will be scattered to unknown locations and will be given a variety of missions while navigating through the labyrinth.
    • Each player holds 3 Spirit Stones upon entrance, and consumes 1 Spirit Stone to resurrect when they die. When all Spirit Stones are consumed, the dungeon exploration ends in a failure.
    • Missions must be cleared in order to move to the next area. If you run into your party members by chance, you can carry out the mission together.
    • Once you accept ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Labyrinth of Suffering’ quest, you can begin the 3 fixed Expedition Missions.
    • The 3 Expedition Missions given with the '[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Labyrinth of Suffering' can be played once daily. The given missions and mission record are reset every day at midnight UTC.
    • Upon completion of the Expedition Missions, you can receive 10,000 Determination.
    • Alliance rewards can be received once all 3 Expedition Missions from the ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Labyrinth of Suffering’ quest have been completed.
    • Dangerous situations change based on the progress of the Journey of Destiny. You can change missions to suit the changed situation from the notifier or by speaking to Athena Pierce at the Outpost with the ‘[Alliance Mission] Exchange Expedition Mission’ quest.
    • In order to escape the dungeon, you must find and destroy the Labyrinth Core.
    New Boss: Verus Hilla

    Verus Hilla will appear after Labyrinth of Suffering is completed.

    Requirement: ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • Newly reborn through the Black Mage, the Commander Verus Hilla has appeared in the Labyrinth of Suffering.
    • After clearing the dungeon, the Labyrinth storyline and Verus Hilla can be found inside the Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core through the safe zone.
    • Verus Hilla can be fought with a party of 1-6.
    • Can enter the fight once per day, and can defeat Verus Hilla once per week.
    Corrupted Warrior

    The Corrupted Warriors will appear on maps after Labyrinth of Suffering is unlocked.

    Requirement: ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • When hunting Elite Monsters, Corrupted Warriors will appear and attack your character.
    • Thirty Corrupted Warriors are summoned each time and give high EXP and a certain amount of Determination.
    • If the Corrupted Warriors are not defeated within the time limit, they disappear.
    • When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, Determination will not be dropped even when Corrupted Warriors are eliminated.
    Determination Plunderer

    The Determination Plunderer will appear on maps after Labyrinth of Suffering is completed.

    Requirement: ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • Each time a Rune or Bait is used, a Determination Plunderer appears.
    • The Determination Plunderer circles around the character and drops Determination when hit a certain number of times.
    • If the Determination Plunderer is not defeated within the time limit, it disappears.
    • When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, the Determination Plunderer will not appear.

    After escaping the Labyrinth of Suffering and defeating Verus Hilla, the area of Limina will unlock! Labyrinth of Suffering will no longer be accessible.

    Requirement: 5th Job Advancement (Lv. 200+), ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed, and completed the scenario following the Journey of Destiny.

    • Accept the '[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Limina' quest that appears after completing the '[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Toward the Black Mage' quest from the notifier or Athena Pierce at the Outpost.
    • Accept the Expedition Mission and help the Tenebris Expedition overcome dangerous situations and safely pass through Limina.
    • Once you accept the ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Limina’ quest, three types of Expedition Missions will be randomly given.
    • The three missions can be played once daily. The given missions and mission record are reset every day at midnight UTC.
    • Upon completion of the Expedition Missions, you can receive 10,000 Determination.
    • When all three Expedition Missions are completed, ‘[Alliance Mission] Expedition Mission - Limina’ quest can be completed and the Alliance Drops can be received as a reward.
    • Dangerous situations change based on the progress of the Journey of Destiny. You can change missions to suit the changed situation from the notifier or by speaking to Athena Pierce at the Outpost with the ‘[Alliance Mission] Exchange Expedition Mission’ quest.
    Aura of Life

    The Aura of Life effect will activate on maps after Limina is unlocked.

    Requirement: ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • When defeating monsters near your level range (20 levels above or 20 levels below), Aura of Life will surround the character.
    • When the Aura of Life is activated, Attack Power and Magic ATT increases and you gain Determination for each monster defeated.
    • If you receive more than 500 Determination or if the time limit is reached, Aura of Life comes to an end.
    • When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, it will no longer be activated.
    Dark Ravine

    The Dark Ravine portal will activate on maps after Limina is completed.

    Requirement: 5th Job Advancement (Lv. 200+) and ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed.

    • When defeating monsters near your level range (20 levels above or 20 levels below), the Dark Ravine Portal appears.
    • You will be moved to an unknown place when you use the Dark Ravine portal, and you will be able to attack the root of the unknown enemy for 30 sec.
    • By entering the unknown place, the Dark Ravine buff will be given which will increase your Attack Power and Magic ATT and fix the cooldown to 5-sec for some abilities. However, for warriors that are already powerful, there will be no changes in Attack Power and Magic ATT.
    • Based on the damage dealt to the enemy root, you will receive Determination upon exit.
    • You can only enter 5 times a day. When the maximum number of entries is reached, it will be activated again tomorrow.
    • When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, the Dark Ravine will not open.
    New Boss: Guard Captain Darknell

    Guard Captain Darknell and his Elite Bosses will unlock after Limina is completed.

    Requirement: 5th Job Advancement (Lv. 200+), ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed, and completed the scenario following the Journey of Destiny.

    • Athena Pierce will have an Expedition Mission for taking on Guard Captain Darknell with the goal of dealing as much damage as possible.
    New Boss: Black Mage

    After escaping the Labyrinth of Suffering and reaching the top of Limina, it’s time for the final push. You can finally face the Black Mage!

    Requirement: 5th Job Advancement (Lv. 200+), ‘[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering’ quest completed, and completed the scenario following the Journey of Destiny.

    • Accept the quests ‘[Alliance Mission] Special Mission - The Black Mage 1’ or ‘[Alliance Mission] Special Mission - The Black Mage 2’ from the quest notifier or from NPC Athena Pierce at the Outpost.
    • The goal of the Special Missions is to deal a certain amount of damage or survive!
    • You can only battle the Black Mage or carry out Special Missions at certain times during the day.
    • The HP of the Black Mage is shared within the entire world.
    • After reaching your daily Determination limit, you will not be able to participate till the next day.
    New 5th Job Skills

    [Updated December 12 at 10:40 AM PST] Updated the values in all the skill descriptions to the correct ones.


    • Instinctual Combo: Tap into your subconscious abilities and use your power to its fullest potential. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 30 sec. The Final Damage increased by Combo Orb, damage to bosses, and Attack Power increases by 5.5%. Decreases the chance of charging Combo Orbs by 50%. Tear in Space: Periodically activates a rift 3 times. Damage: 208%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6. Cooldown: 240 sec


    • Grand Guardian: A glorious cross-section of light blazes, symbolizing noble sacrifice. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: HP Cost: 5000. After that, consumes 1.5% of max HP per sec. Deals 364% damage 6 times consecutively on up to 12 enemies during key-down. The cross gets bigger after some time passes, which will increase attack speed and deal 624% damage. Max key-down time: 10 sec. Damage reduction during key-down: 30% (including percentage HP attacks). Cooldown: 180 sec

    Dark Knight

    • Calamitous Cyclone: Swing a spear so fast you create a dark storm and devastate the area in front of you. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 100. Deals 416% damage 12 times consecutively on up to 12 enemies for up to 9 sec. Recover 1% of Max HP for every attack that lands. When key is released, deals 12 final attacks with 1248% damage to a max of 12 enemies. Recover 10% of max HP for every final attack that lands. All attacks ignore Additional Monster DEF Ignored: 50%. Cooldown: 180 sec

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Elemental Fury: Unleash the fury of flame in the form of an enraged spirit. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Damage: 208%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 6, Attack Duration: 3 sec. Duration increases 0.6 sec per 1 active Fervent Drain. Cooldown: 75 sec

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Spirit of Snow: Summon the devastating frosts of the El Nath Mountains. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, stacks Freeze, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 9, Damage: 312%, Attack Duration: 30 sec. Deals 520% damage when attacking 1 enemy and stacks Freeze 3 times. Cooldown: 120 sec


    • Peacemaker: Hurl the embodiment of divine power directly at your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 350, deals 312% damage to up to 6 enemies 4 times at every interval, or restores 16% of the Bishop's max HP for you and your party members. Max contact count: 12, consumes the contact count for both attacks and recovery. Cooldown: 10 sec

    Bow Master

    • Quiver Barrage: Use every type of arrowhead at once. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 30 sec, use every type of arrowhead at once, including a flaming arrowhead. Flaming Arrow: Launches 6 flaming arrows consecutively at a certain interval. Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 3, Cooldown: 150 sec


    • Surge Bolt: Focus your mind and deploy a powerful spirit arrow. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 750, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 10. Deals 780% damage after concentration is complete. Max Concentration Duration: 10 sec. Cooldown: 10 sec

    Night Lord

    • Dark Lord's Omen: Unleash the power of the Dark Lord's insight. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, shoot 5 Throwing Stars per 1 enemy for 8 sec, dealing 364% damage. Seven additional Throwing Stars are launched regardless of the number of enemies. The scroll explodes when the skill duration ends, dealing 936% damage with 10 additional attacks. Max Enemies Hit: 12. Cooldown: 60 sec


    • Sonic Blow: Move faster than the speed of sound, dealing consecutive attacks along the way. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, periodically deals 457% damage to 8 enemies 7 times for 2.5 sec. Cooldown: 90 sec. Cooldown decreases by 0.5 sec per body count consumed

    Dual Blade

    • Blade Tornado: Spin as fast as a tornado and create a black typhoon that shoots forward to damage your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 750, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 7. At intervals, Typhoon deals Damage: 312%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 6. Cooldown: 15 sec


    • Serpent Vortex: The power of a massive sea serpent charges forward to attack your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 350, Uses 1 Force of the Ocean. Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 6. 1 Force of Ocean is recharged every 10 sec, and you can hold up to 6 at a time. Cooldown: 0.5 sec


    • Nautilus Assault: The Battleship Nautilus charges forward at its enemies. Strike enemies with the ship to create a weak spot, then fire all cannons to annihilate them. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1500, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Invincible while casting. Ship Attack: The ship attacks at set intervals. Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 6, Ship Attack Activation Count: 7. Volley: Fires a volley at set intervals. Damage: 312%, Number of Attacks: 12, Volley Activation Count: 36. Cooldown: 180 sec. When either Nautilus Strike or Nautilus Assault is used, a cooldown of 8 sec is applied, but it won't be applied if another cooldown longer than that time is already applied.


    • Monkey Business: Summon the special Champion Monkey Platoon that will help you in battle. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Summon the Champion Monkey Platoon that fire Monkey Bombs from their cannon for 30 sec. Monkey Cannon: Max Enemies Hit: 3, Damage: 312%, Number of Attacks: 3, Cannon Cooldown: 1.5 sec. Monkey Bomb: Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 468%, Number of Attacks: 6, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +100%, Bomb Cooldown: 5 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec


    • Radiant Soul: Draw on your soul power and imbue your sword with a radiant light. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1200. Equip the Sword of Light for 30 sec for an increase on the following: Attack: +15%, Ignore Defense: +100%. Radiant Soul Slash: MP Cost: 100, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 676%, Number of Attacks: 7. Cooldown: 180 sec

    Dawn Warrior

    • Soul Eclipse: Focus your wisdom and the strength of your soul to call forth a stunning eclipse. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, creates an eclipse, attacking up to 15 enemies 5 times, dealing 468% damage 30 times consecutively. Invincible during casting. Equinox Divide: The eclipse dissipates, triggering explosions 5 times at a certain interval. Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 1300%, Number of Attacks: 15. Invincible while casting. Cooldown: 180 sec

    Blaze Wizard

    • Inferno Sphere: Blaze through your enemies with the phoenix's symbol of infinite life and death. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 150, consumes 1 Phoenix Feather every sec. Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 7, Additional Critical Rate: +50%. 1 Phoenix Feather will be prepared every 12 sec. You can have up to 15 feathers. Cooldown: 2.5 sec

    Wind Archer

    • Gale Barrier: Activate a wind barrier around yourself that will defend you and decimate your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 45 sec, creates a wind barrier with the 91% Elemental. Damage is nullified when the 1 Elemental is used for damage equal to 1% of max HP when hit. Also applies to attacks that deal damage proportional to the max HP. Launches 3 whirlwinds that deal 572% damage 3 times every 2 sec upon attacking by consuming 2 Elemental. Decreases the Final Damage of the whirlwind by 50% if multiple whirlwinds attack 1 enemy. Cooldown: 90 sec

    Night Walker

    • Shadow Bite: Make your enemies' shadows attack them and strip them of their power. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1500, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 14, deals 624% damage to boss monsters, creates a Shadow Bat where an enemy received an attack if a Shadow Bat can be summoned. If an enemy has been defeated by Shadow Bite, the Final Damage increases by 1% per 1 enemy for 15 sec. If you attacked a boss monster, the Final Damage increases by 8%. The Final Damage increased by Shadow Bite is applied up to 10%. Cooldown: 20 sec

    Thunder Breaker

    • Lightning God Spear Strike: The Thunder God's powerful spear materializes to attack nearby enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 500. A divine trident is summoned after 8 linked attacks land successfully. Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 156%, Number of Attacks: 6. Afterwards, activates Lightning at set intervals 4 times, which hits up to 8 enemies for 208% damage 7 times. Cooldown: 7 sec


    • Fenrir Crash: Swing your Polearm and call forth a mythical wolf to deliver a devastating blow. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 200, Damage: 505%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 10. For each enemy struck fewer than the Max Enemies Hit, 6% of the damage is dealt. Additional Critical Rate: +100%, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +50%. Creates an iceberg that hits up to 10 enemies for 505% damage 6 times if Adrenaline Rush is active. Used after Beyond Blade (3rd Hit).


    • Elemental Radiance: Cast a magical ring to channel the power of the constellations. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, sets up a magic circle for 14 sec. Liberation starts when Magic ATT reaches 22, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 6 times consecutively, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +100%. 3 Magic ATT will be charged if a skill with an attribute hits a target, but it will only be charged once per skill. Charges 1 Magic ATT when a skill with no attribute hits a target, and there is no charge limit. Cooldown: 180 sec


    • Baptism of Light and Darkness: Use the ultimate combination of light and dark to eviscerate your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, activates the Transverse Affinities 13 times consecutively. Damage: 390%, Number of Attacks: 7. Additional Critical Rate for all attacks: +100%, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +100%. Cooldown: 45 sec. If the Ender hits the enemy, you gain 1 Sword of Consciousness. If you acquire 12 swords, the cooldown for Transverse Affinities resets immediately.


    • Irkalla's Wrath: Deal deadly consecutive attacks against your enemies, so they can experience the full wrath of the spirits. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 150, attacks up to 10 enemies in front of you to deal 390% damage 6 times consecutively. You can use it while walking backward and change direction by pressing the direction key twice. Cooldown: 120 sec


    • Phantom's Mark: Brand the enemy with Phantom's mark. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, use all Master Thief Marks. Move behind an enemy the Phantom has marked, or behind the furthest enemy within range, and commence attack. Track enemies marked as the Phantom's target first. Enables Dark Sight state and cannot be hit from the time you start moving for 3 sec. Activates a trajectory 7 times that deals 624% damage 2 times and completes the Master Thief Mark that deals 1248% damage 7 times. For all attacks, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Additional Critical Rate: +100%. Leaves a debuff for 30 sec if a skill that uses Cane hits an enemy. If it stacks 10 times, the enemy becomes a target. Only 1 enemy can be marked as a target, and it prioritizes those with the highest max HP within range. Gain 1 Master Thief Mark if a skill that uses Cane hits an enemy. 7 Master Thief Marks are needed to use Phantom's Mark. Mille Aiguilles requires you to hit targets 5 times more than other skills to mark an enemy as a target or collect Master Thief Marks. Cooldown: 25 sec


    • True Spirit Claw: Deepens your bond with the spirits, allowing you to attack with a more powerful Spirit Claw. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 80, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 808%, Number of Attacks: 8. Activates when Spirit Claw is used. Cooldown: 6 sec

    Demon Slayer

    • Orthrus: Sacrifice all your Fury to summon malevolent twin gods of pure rage. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Consumes 60 Fury and 10% of Max HP. Summon Duration: 40 sec. Nemea: Attacks every 3 sec, Damage: 416%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Hits: 12. Geryon: Attacks every 5 sec, Damage: 832%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Hits: 10. All hits receive Additional Critical Rate: +100% and Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +50%. Cooldown: 120 sec

    Demon Avenger

    • Dimensional Sword: Amplify the Desperado's power and call forth a brilliant sword of destruction. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: HP Cost: 20%, summons a magical sword for 40 sec every 3 sec. Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 884%, Number of Attacks: 8. If the skill is used again while summoning, the magical sword will spin quickly and deal 312% damage to 8 enemies 6 times and then immediately disappear. Additional Monster DEF Ignored: 100%. Cooldown: 120 sec


    • Bullet Blast: Use the Revolver Gauntlet to unleash the combined power of all of your bullets in one concussive blast. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Ammo Cost: 1. Can prepare up to 5 sec, adds up to 5 bullets by using the Revolving Cannon, launches an explosion in proportion to the number of bullets used after Charge when the key is released. Invincible during preparation and Charge. Combo Training remains at the max level while casting skill. Charge: Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 1560%, Number of Attacks: 15. Explosion: Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 1248%, Number of Attacks: 15. All hits receive Additional Critical Rate: 100% and Additional Monster DEF Ignored: 100%. Cooldown: 100 sec

    Battle Mage

    • Grim Harvest: Master the art of black magic and summon death itself to deal with your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, summons the Grim Harvest that attacks for 30 sec every 4 sec. Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 832%, Number of Attacks: 12. The Grim Harvest will move near you if you move a certain distance away. If the Grim Harvest kills a monster, the duration is increased by 0.2 sec per enemy. Attacking a boss monster increases the duration by 2 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec

    Wild Hunter

    • Primal Grenade: Use new Resistance technology to equip a grenade launcher that can be used in addition to a crossbow. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 500, upon explosion deals Damage: 624%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6. No casting animation while Wild Arrow Blast is active. 1 grenade is prepared every 4.5 sec. Can have up to 8 grenades. Cooldown: 0.5 sec


    • Hypogram Field: Fusion: Deploys the latest Hypogram Field that combines every Hypogram feature. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP cost: 1000, Hologram Field generated for 30 sec. Whenever the orb makes contact with the Hologram Field, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 1, Damage: 1300%. The same amount of damage is inflicted when the orb touches monsters. Damage of party members inside by 5%, 1 power unit recharged whenever a party member within the field evades an attack. Missiles fired by the Aegis System increased by 5 when Xenon is inside the field. Cooldown: 100 sec


    • Full Metal Barrage: Use all available Mech weapons to fire every single one of your bullets at once. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1500, Can key-down for up to 8 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 10. When Homing Beacon is used during casting, 3 additional Beacons are fired. Can be stacked with Full Spread. Cannot use Homing Beacon for 10 sec after skill ends. Cooldown: 240 sec


    • Draco Surge: Enhance Gigas Wave with the strength of an ancient dragon. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 505%, Number of Attacks: 10. After that, launches the Dragon Warrant, Damage: 505%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8. Final Form: Increases attack count by 2. Activates upon using Gigas Wave. Cooldown: 7 sec


    • Chain Arts: Maelstrom: Whip chains at high speed to create a maelstrom that will strike fear into the hearts of all your enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 250, Deals damage at a certain interval. Damage: 312%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4. Upon attack, 100% chance to Slow enemies for 8 sec. Attack speed gradually decreases based on time.

    Angelic Buster

    • Mighty Mascot: Transform Eskalade into a character so cute that it might as well be a magical mascot. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Duration: 30 sec. When successfully recharged, uses Twinkle Star or Magical Balloon. Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 5. Not used if in the middle of another action. Acquire 1 Magical Bubble if Twinkle Star or Magical Balloon land successfully, and up to 8 can be held at a time. Use the skill once more to cast Shiny Bubble Breath. Duration: 3 sec, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 260%, Number of Attacks: 7. All Magical Bubbles will be consumed upon use of Shiny Bubble Breath. Duration is increased by 0.4 sec for every bubble. Can be used once while summoned. Skill ends only after all Bubbles are used up, even if the summon duration ends beforehand. Cooldown: 150 sec


    • Shadow Flash: Drive swords into the earth to create a personal sanctuary, then inflict a devastating attack after you teleport back in time. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Time Force Cost: 10, creates a sanctuary that lasts during cooldown. Max Enemies Hit: 8. Alpha: Deals Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 6. Beta: Deals Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 5. Skill Cooldown: 40. Consumes 25 Time Force to destroy the sanctuary, move to the location, and attack up to 15 enemies. Alpha: Activates a sword attack 3 times, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 15. Beta: Activates a sword attack 2 times. Damage: 780%, Number of Attacks: 12. Cooldown: 60 sec


    • Ultimate - Psychic Shockwave: Fuse monsters and objects into one and launch them like bullets. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Psychic Point Cost: 3. Attacks the enemies you're lifting and up to 8 enemies in front of you to deal 832% damage for 6 times. Micro Black Hole: Activates a black hole 4 times. Damage: 364%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3. Charges 1 Psychic Point slot when the skill hits a target.


    • Crystalline Spirit: Use the power of mytocrystals to form a crystalline spirit and drive your enemies away. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 500, uses 1 crystal shard. Creates a crystalline spirit in the mytocrystal's location for 30 sec. For the Final Damage of the Reaction skill activated by the crystalline spirit, only 51% is applied. But, if the Reaction skill is the 5th skill, 100% is applied. When you use Wings of Glory, the summoned crystalline spirit disappears. Damage increases by 10% per 1 crystalline spirit that disappears during the remaining duration. 1 crystal shard will be prepared every 20 sec for up to 2 shards. Cooldown: 2.5 sec. [Passive Effect: Magic ATT: +7]


    • Devious Nightmare: A specter's energy that slips out during battle and attacks enemies. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Activates a spectral energy when Endless Nightmare is used. Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 9. Cooldown: 10 sec. When Charge Drive skills (with the exception of Basic Charge Drive) land successfully, the cooldown is reduced by 1 sec, an effect is applied only once per skill.
    • Devious Dream:
      • Level 1: Activates a spectral energy when Endless Dream is used. Max Enemies Hit: 12, Damage: 624%, Number of Attacks: 8. Cooldown: 10 sec. When Grievous Wound/Tenacious Instinct/Insatiable Hunger/Boundless Horror/Unbridled Chaos land successfully, the cooldown is reduced by, 1 sec, an effect that is applied only once per skill.


    • Battoujutsu Ultimate Will - God of Blades: Releases the maximum amount of Sword Energy required to materialize the blade god. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Sword Energy Cost: 150, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 8, Damage: 338%, Attack Duration: 30 sec, Sword Energy Absorbed: 8 for each enemy defeated. Deals 546% damage when attacking 1 enemy and absorbs 10 Sword Energy per attack. Before disappearing, deals a final blow for 936% damage and recovers Sword Energy, Max Sword Energy Recovered: 800
      • Level 25: Sword Energy Cost: 150, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 8, Damage: 650%, Attack Duration: 30 sec, Sword Energy Absorbed: 8 for each enemy defeated. Deals 1050% damage when attacking 1 enemy and absorbs 10 Sword Energy per attack. Before disappearing, deals a final blow for 936% damage and recovers Sword Energy, Max Sword Energy Recovered: 800


    • Liberated Spirit Circle: Summon a magic circle that releases spirits wrongfully sacrificed to perform evil spells. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: Mana Cost: 5, periodically summons a giant magic circle, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 520%, Number of Attacks: 4. The magic circle will disappear either when it moves a certain distance or reaches the top of the map, and souls that deal 416% damage 6 times to 3 enemies will appear in up to 7 locations. The giant magic circle summons souls in up to 11 locations. Cooldown: 25 sec
      • Level 25: Mana Cost: 5, periodically summons a giant magic circle, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 1000%, Number of Attacks: 4. The magic circle will disappear either when it moves a certain distance or reaches the top of the map, and souls that deal 800% damage 6 times to 3 enemies will appear in up to 7 locations. The giant magic circle summons souls in up to 11 locations. Cooldown: 25 sec

    Beast Tamer

    • Aerial Relief: Your animal friends zoom in on an airplane and attack the enemy mercilessly. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 1500, periodically attacks 34 times, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 468%, Number of Attacks: 8. Recovers 50 HP for you and nearby allies and ignores abnormal status. Cooldown: 180 sec
      • Level 25: MP Cost: 1500, periodically attacks 34 times, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 900%, Number of Attacks: 8. Recovers 1250 HP for you and nearby allies and ignores abnormal status. Cooldown: 180 sec


    • Allied Fury: Summon fellow bounty hunters who teleport between monsters, attack enemies, and use an airship to deliver a finishing blow to your foes. Max level: 25.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 60, summon fellow bounty hunters to attack enemies and leave a mark any enemies that are not defeated, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 260%, Number of Attacks: 10. Attacks marked enemies with an airship for 312% damage 8 times. Focused Attack: If attacking a single target, the number of attacks will increase by 2. Cooldown: 7 sec
      • Level 25: MP Cost: 60, summon fellow bounty hunters to attack enemies and leave a mark any enemies that are not defeated, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 500%, Number of Attacks: 10. Attacks marked enemies with an airship for 600% damage 8 times. Focused Attack: If attacking a single target, the number of attacks will increase by 2. Cooldown: 6 sec

    Other Changes

    • It has been changed to give out all of the job-exclusive Skill Nodes, including these new 5th Job Skill Nodes, when advancing to the 5th Job.
    • Existing 5th Job characters can obtain the new 5th Job Skill Nodes by completing the ‘[Black Mage] A New Power’ quest.
    A Better Maple

    • Commerci Dungeon bosses now drop equipment in Reboot world based on your class.
    • Commerci Merchant Union Voyage bosses now drop equipment according to your class in Reboot world.
    Other Changes

    • We removed the Boss Map Death EXP penalty from Ranmaru and Princess No encounters. This includes both Normal and Hard difficulty.
    • Blaster’s Ballistic Hurricane has been fixed to no longer maintain combo training at max stage when the attack doesn’t land.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixing an issue where the Condensed Supernova Dust confirmation message wasn’t formatted.
    • Fixing an issue where the Stellar Cosmic Dust Solidifier confirmation message wasn’t formatted.
    • Fixing an issue where multiple chairs had wrong formatting in the description.
    • Fixing an issue where the Gathering of Heroes Money Box description had incorrect formatting.
    • Fixing an issue where the Gathering of Heroes Rare Item Box description had incorrect formatting.
    • Fixing an issue where Gathering of Heroes Beauty Box description had incorrect formatting.
    • Fixing an issue where Gathering of Heroes Pet Box description had incorrect formatting.
    • Fixing an issue where the Altered Fate skill blocked re-spawning in the Lucid fight.
    • Fixing an issue where the locked slot in the Damage Skin UI contained incorrect information.
    • Fixing an issue where the Mushroom Chair’s animation was clipping the player's character.
    • Fixing an issue where the Subway to New Leaf City wasn’t functioning.
    • Fixing an issue where linking the Arcane Symbol in chat wouldn't show the correct EXP.
    • Fixing an issue where the Frenzy Totem icon was off-center.
    • Fixing an issue where Notifiers would move up and down when hiding.
    • Fixing an issue where the Friendship Forever Chair had an incorrect description.
    • Fixing an issue where the grammar on the description for the Togetherness EXP Potion was incorrect.
    • Fixing an issue where the Inferno Wolf and Bounty Hunter portals would appear in Gollux’s Head.
    • Fixing an issue where the Dual Blade’s 5th job tab would overlap with the text for Skill Points.
    • Fixing an issue where the description for Sparklie was incorrect.
    • Fixing an issue where the description for the Stellar Cosmic Dust Solidifier was incorrect.
    • Fixing an issue where Stumpy's text was displaying incorrectly.
    • Fixing an issue where two different Male Faces were called Cartoon Face. One of them will now be called Toony Face.
    • Fixing an issue where the Starry Night Face was called Starlight Falling Face.
    • Fixing an issue where the "Claudine’s Friend" quest had untranslated text in the tutorial button.
    • Fixing an issue where Sanctuary’s world map was named incorrectly.
    • Fixing an issue where Mole King’s entrance text was untranslated.
    • Fixing an issue where Heathcliff's Armor had an incorrect name.
    • Fixing an issue where the daily quest "Collect 50 Atus Shells" was missing information in quest log.
    • Fixing an issue where Evan’s quest "Releasing the Free Spirits" could not be completed.
    • Fixing an issue where the Inferno Wolf Den would appear during Ranmaru and other boss fights.
    • Fixing an issue where the Damien Hair (Male) couldn’t be saved to the Salon.
    • Fixing an issue where the Damien Hair wasn't displaying its name.
    Defense Mission: Flame Bird Support

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Clarified how the Flame Bird functions while mounted.

    This mission will start alongside the Labyrinth of Suffering Expedition, and will last until the Alliance has made it past the labyrinth.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above.

    • All characters that have completed the quest, '[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering!' and joined the Maple Alliance will have access to this Defense Mission.
    • Accept the '[Alliance Support] Defense Mission: Flame Bird Support' quest from the notifier or Athena Pierce at the Outpost.
    • The Flame Bird can be summoned by right-clicking 'Summon the Flame Bird skill' in a map with monsters near your level range (20 levels above or 20 levels below).
    • When you defeat monsters while the Flame Bird is summoned, the Flame Bird's Determination drops. When you acquire the Flame Bird’s Determination, you acquire Determination and the Flame Bird's Energy and EXP increases.
    • Once the energy of the Flame Bird reaches a certain point, you can click the skill key once more to mount the Flame Bird and fight monsters. The power of the Flame Bird will destroy monsters (you cannot use normal skills while mounted.)
    • After reaching a certain amount of EXP, the Flame Bird grows through a total of 4 stages. The Flame Bird’s growth increases the mount boarding time, speed, and more.
    • Once the daily acquirable Determination is reached, the Flame Bird cannot be summoned.
    • The Flame Bird cannot be summoned in some areas, including Tenebris.
    • The Flame Bird cannot deal damage to Boss Monsters and some other monsters.


    • Determination is earned based on the Flame Bird.
    Defense Mission: Twilight Defense

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Added that leaving early grants no points.

    This mission will start alongside the Labyrinth of Suffering Expedition, and will last until the Alliance has made it past the labyrinth.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above.

    • All characters that have completed the quest, '[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering!' and joined the Maple Alliance will have access to this Defense Mission.
    • Accept the '[Alliance Mission] Defense Mission: Twilight Defense' quest from the notifier or Athena Pierce located at the Outpost.
    • Twilight Defense is a mission in which 2-4 players join forces to defend the castle walls by fending off waves of enemies using cannons.
    • Form a party and have the party leader speak to NPC Mike to enter.
    • When the mission begins, there are three castle walls that must be protected from monsters.
    • Each of the three castle walls is worth 400 points, amounting to a total of 1,200 shared Siege Defense points.
    • When the waves of monsters are defeated, a portion of the Siege Defense Points will be received as personal points, and a portion will be shared among the party members.
    • When the mission ends, Determination is earned based on the amount of Siege Defense Points acquired.
    • The cannon rank is also increased through 4 stages based on the accumulated Siege Defense Points. (When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, only the accumulated Siege Defense Points will increase.)
    • When your cannon rank increases, its damage and explosive range increases.
    • A maximum of 10,000 Siege Defense Points can be collected daily in the Twilight Defense.
    • The mission ends when the boss, Giant Omen, is defeated, or if all three walls are destroyed.
    • There is a 3-minute cooldown after the last entry time to re-enter the Twilight Defense.
    • If you leave the mission early, you will not receive any points.


    • Determination is earned based on the amount of Siege Defense Points acquired.
    Defense Mission: Cleansing Light

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Clarified that additional Determination is only received from defeating monsters with 'Cleansing Light'.

    This mission will start alongside the Limina Expedition, and will last until the Black Mage is defeated.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above.

    • All characters that have completed the quest, '[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering!' and joined the Maple Alliance will have access to this Defense Mission.
    • Accept the '[Alliance Mission] Defense Mission - Cleansing Light' quest from the notifier or Athena Pierce at the Outpost.
    • You can acquire the 'Cleansing Light' skill by accepting the quest.
    • You can activate the 'Cleansing Light' skill by right-clicking in a map with monsters near your level range (20 levels above or 20 levels below).
    • When monsters near your level are eliminated while the 'Cleansing Light' skill is active, there is a chance for the 'Cleansing Light' to be triggered.
    • When 'Cleansing Light' is triggered, a countdown timer activates above your character’s head. When the countdown ends, a powerful light shines above your character, giving you Determination and attacking surrounding monsters!
    • Additional Determination is acquired for each monster defeated while using 'Cleansing Light'.
    • Once the daily Determination limit is reached, the 'Cleansing Light' skill cannot be activated.
    • The 'Cleansing Light' skill cannot be activated in some areas, including Tenebris.
    • The 'Cleansing Light' skill will disappear after the Black Mage is defeated.


    • Determination is earned based on monsters defeated while using 'Cleansing Light'.
    Defense Mission: Battle at Sea

    This mission will start alongside the Limina Expedition, and will last until the Black Mage is defeated.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above.

    • All characters that have completed the quest, '[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering!' and joined the Maple Alliance will have access to this Defense Mission.
    • Accept the '[Alliance Mission] Defense Mission - Battle at Sea' quest from the notifier or Athena Pierce at the Outpost.
    • Battle at Sea is a mission where players use ships and crew to defeat enemies within the time limit. You can begin the mission by speaking to NPC Olaf located in the Waiting Area.
    • When the mission begins, you enter the battle with the ship and crew based on your Captain Rank.
    • By defeating waves of enemies, you earn Naval Battle Points and Gold Coins.
    • Once the mission is over, your Naval Battle Points can be traded for Determination at a rate of 100:1.
    • Gold Coins are used to enhance or hire the crew required for the mission. Saving captured crew that appear sometimes will also allow you to hire or enhance your crew.
    • The mission comes to an end if you reach 1 million Naval Battle Points or if the time limit is reached.
    • Your Captain Rank increases through 4 stages based on the accumulated Naval Battle Points. As your Captain Rank increases, the speed of your ship and the level of your basic crew improves.
    • A maximum of 1 million Naval Battle Points can be collected daily. When the daily maximum Determination has been reached, only the accumulated Naval Battle Points will increase.


    • Determination is earned based on your Naval Battle Points.
    Determination Unleashed

    This event will start after the Black Mage fight begins.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above

    • Normal citizens of Maple World can support the battle against the Black Mage by collecting a large quantity of Determination!
    • Accept the '[Determination Unleashed] Collective Determination' quest.
    • Complete various quests in different towns to earn Determination.
    • Complete 5 town quests per day to complete the main '[Determination Unleashed] Collective Determination' quest. Town quests include activating Runes, defeating Elite Monsters, earning Combo Kills, and more.
    • The '[Determination Unleashed] Collective Determination' quest can be completed once a day.


    • Varying amount of Determination based on the quest:
      • Collective Determination: 1,500 Determination
      • Fairy Academy Determination: 450 Determination
      • Gold Beach Determination: 50 Determination
      • Riena Strait Determination: 225 Determination
      • Monstrous Determination: 900 Determination
      • Perion Warrior Determination: 600 Determination
      • Kerning City's Determination: 300 Determination
      • Momijigaokan Determination: 150 Determination
    Defense Mission: Remembering the Journey

    This mission will start after the Black Mage is defeated.

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above, and have completed the '[Black Mage] Defying Destiny' quest.

    • All characters that have completed the quest, '[Black Mage] Outpost Gathering!' and joined the Maple Alliance will have access to this Defense Mission.
    • Accept the '[Alliance Mission] Remembering the Journey' quest.
    • You can acquire the 'Remembering the Journey' skill after accepting the quest.
    • You can activate the 'Remembering the Journey' skill by right-clicking in a map with monsters near your level range (20 levels above or 20 levels below).
    • When monsters are eliminated while the 'Remembering the Journey' skill is active, there is a chance to gain Determination and acquire a Peaceful Maple Leaf.
    • When you collect a certain amount of Peaceful Maple Leaf items, press the skill key again to activate one of the following skills:
      • Scattered Determination
      • Save the Soldiers
      • Ride the Flame Bird
      • Maple Tree of Peace
    • When additional skills are activated, you receive Determination. You can receive additional Determination for each monster defeated with the corresponding skill.
    • Once the daily maximum Determination is reached, the 'Remembering the Journey' skill cannot be activated.
    • The 'Remembering the Journey' skill cannot be activated in some areas, including Tenebris.


    • Determination is earned based on the skills used.
    Shining Santa Box

    UTC: December 12 (after maintenance) – December 25 at 11:59 PM

    • Defeat monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above), and you have a chance to receive a Shining Santa Box from monster drops.


    • Open the Shining Santa Box to randomly receive one of the following items:
      • Alliance Medals (x1 - x5). You can receive a limit of 10 Alliance Medals per day from these boxes. Untradeable.
      • Rudolph's Red Nose: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Req. Lv: 10, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +2, Upgrades +5.
      • Rudolph's Red Nose Bandage 60%: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Improve stats on Rudolph's Red Nose: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, Success Rate 60%.
      • Magic Christmas Stocking: Receive a Gift Filled Christmas Socks item from stocking after placing stocking in the Item Pot and giving it items and equipment from monsters around your level. The Gift Filled Christmas Socks item can only be opened within a certain time period.
      • Lv. 1 Merry Christmas: Gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10 for 30 minutes.
      • Lv. 2 Merry Christmas: Gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15 for 30 minutes.
      • Gingerbread Man Cookie (x10): Untradeable, recovers 3000 HP.
      • Gingerbread Woman Cookie (x10): Untradeable, recovers 3000 MP.
      • Power Elixir (x10)
      • Cold Winter Energy Buff: Gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20 for 30 minutes.
      • Enjoyable Winter Buff: Greatly increase EXP gained from hunting monsters for 30 minutes.
      • Lucky Winter Buff: Greatly increase item drop rate from monsters for 30 minutes.
      • Santa Sled Mount 7-Day Coupon
    2x EXP & Drop

    [Updated December 12 at 1:00 PM PST] Changed the time of the first event on December 12 due to the extended maintenance. Times have been updated to allow players time to patch the game before the event starts.

    UTC: December 12 (after maintenance) – December 31 during the times listed below

    Requirement: Available for all levels

    • We will be running a 2x EXP & Drop event every day until the end of the year!
    • Be sure to mark your calendars so you don't miss out on this chance to power through your level-ups!

    Event Times (First Event Only):

    • December 13, 2018
      • UTC: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM

    Event Times (Same Times Each Day):

    • December 13, 2018 - December 31, 2018
      • UTC: 3:00 AM - 3:30 AM, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM, 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM, and 9:00 - 9:30 PM
    Christmas Sweetstravaganza Gift

    UTC: December 19 at 12:00 AM – January 1 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[Christmas] Christmas Sweetstravaganza Login!' from the event notifier on the left side of the screen, or from NPC Metal Bucket Snowman.
    • Once a day per world, you can receive a holiday gift!
    • There is a special gift available if you log in on December 24 (UTC).
    • Christmas costumes and chairs are immediately given to your inventory as untradeable items, not as coupons.


    • First Day's Login:
      • Santa Hat: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Santa Gloves: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Santa Costume (M): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Santa Costume (F): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Red Santa Boots (M): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Red Santa Boots (F): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Christmas Gift: 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Alliance Medal (x10): Untradeable.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): 7-day duration.
    • Additional Daily Logins:
      • Christmas Gift: 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Alliance Medal (x10): Untradeable.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): 7-day duration.
    • December 24 (UTC) Login:
      • Christmas Stocking Chair: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Christmas Bounce

    UTC: December 19 at 12:00 AM – January 1 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the invitation that appears above your character's head at the 30-minute mark of every hour.
    • You'll be moved to the event map where you have 40 seconds to use the jump platforms to obtain items in the air.
    • Though multiple people can enter the map together, items display individually to each player.
    • You can participate up to 2 times a day per character.


    • Alliance Medal: Can obtain up to 10 per round.
    • Mesos: Can obtain up to 1,000,000 per round.
    • Spell Trace: Can obtain up to 300 per round.
    • Trait Potions: Can obtain up to 25 for each of the 6 traits per round.
    Christmas Cake Boss

    UTC: December 19 at 12:00 AM – January 1 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • During the event, defeat the Christmas Cake that randomly appears in maps instead of an Elite Monster.
    • When defeated, the Christmas Cake drops the Elite Monster rewards and Alliance Medals!
    • You can obtain up to 25 Alliance Medals a day per character.
    • If your Etc tab is full, you won't be able to acquire the Alliance Medals.


    • Same rewards as Elite Monsters
    • Alliance Medal x5 Coupon
    Holiday Hot Week

    UTC: December 24 at 12:00 AM – January 1 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 30 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • During the event period, log in and click the gift box icon on the left side of the screen to receive a Gift Box, and then double-click the box in your inventory to open it.
    • The Gift Box can be obtained once in a 24-hour period every day between the hours of 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST / 1:00 AM CET / 11:00 AM AEDT, and 3:59 PM PST / 6:59 PM EST / 12:59 AM CET / 10:59 AM AEDT.
    • If you have more than 30 unclaimed gifts, you may not be able to see the Hot Week reward. Please clear any unclaimed gifts and login again to see the Hot Week reward.
    • If you obtain and open each Gift Box every day from Monday to Saturday, then on Sunday—in addition to Sunday's reward—you can select another gift! You can select one from all of the items that were given out from Monday to Saturday. You are not required to have opened each day’s Gift Box on the same character in order to be eligible for the extra gift, but it does have to be with characters in the same world (multiple worlds in World Alliances don't count).
    • Reward items for each day's Gift Box are listed below.


    • Monday, December 24
      • Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Tuesday, December 25
      • Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Wednesday, December 26
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Thursday, December 27
      • 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive 2x EXP for 30 minutes.
    • Friday, December 28
      • Alliance Medal (x50): Untradeable.
    • Saturday, December 29
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Sunday, December 30
      • 1,000 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • And if you received a Gift Box every day this week (with characters in the same world, not world alliance), then you can also select one additional reward from the items given Monday through Saturday!
    • Monday, December 31
      • 2x Drop Coupon (1 hour) (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive 2x Drop for 30 minutes.
    • Tuesday, January 1
      • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon (7 Days): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    New Year's Countdown

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Added purchase limits for some items in the shop.

    UTC: December 31 at 12:00 AM - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Celebrate the New Year in MapleStory. We will be bidding farewell to 2018 and welcoming the new year!
    • Accept the quest '[Countdown] Together, Good-bye' from the event notifier on the left side of the screen, or by talking to Cassandra in the Event Hall, in order to move to Good-bye Hill.
    • A countdown board counting down the time to the new year will appear in Good-bye Hill. Hang out here with other Maplers!
    • You are allowed to leave the map, but make sure you're back in time for the new year.
    • A Special Shop will appear for 1 hour (12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC) selling some items that are in limited supply after the countdown has finished.


    • Premium Hair Wax: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Premium Carrot Juice: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Snake Bone Soup: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Extra Strength Hard Sanitizer: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Café Latte: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Premium Cologne: Costs 30,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Cherry Chocolate Cupcake: Costs 3,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • White Candy Cupcake: Costs 5,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Strawberry Cupcake: Costs 7,000 mesos. Limit 200 per character.
    • Power Elixir: Costs 20,000 mesos. Limit 100 per character.
    • All Cure Potion: Costs 15,000 mesos. Limit 100 per character.
    • Onyx Apple: Costs 1,000,000 mesos. Limit 10 per character.
    • Explorer Random Face Coupon: Costs 4,000,000 mesos. Limit 1 per character.
    • Explorer Random Hair Coupon: Costs 4,000,000 mesos. Limit 1 per character.
    • New Year's 3x EXP Coupon: Costs 2,000,000 mesos. Limit 5 per character.
    • Happy New Year! Buff: Gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30 for 15 minutes. Costs 500,000 mesos. Limit 10 per character.
    • Happy New Year! Mount Permanent Coupon: Costs 7,000,000 mesos. Limit 1 per character.
    • Happy New Year! Mount 90 Day Coupon: Costs 3,000,000 mesos. Limit 1 per character.
    Beast Tamer Character Creation

    UTC: December 12 (after maintenance) – January 22 at 11:59 PM

    • Beast Tamer will be available for creation for a limited time.
    December Big Spender Event

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Added the level to the Tyrant and Fafnir box names.

    UTC: December 12 (after maintenance) – December 31 at 11:59 PM

    • Spend your NX in the Cash Shop during the month of December and earn awesome rewards! The more NX you spend, the more rewards you'll receive!
    • Please note that you will only receive one set of rewards depending on which spending tier you place in.
    • The rewards will be given out in a future maintenance, and you will be able to pick them up by clicking the gift box icon on the left side of the game window.
    • Only one character per account can receive the rewards.
    • Note: We are aware that rewards from the Black Friday Big Spender event have not yet been distributed. We plan to distribute those rewards in next week's scheduled maintenance.


    • Spend 50,000 NX - 69,999 NX and receive:
      • 3,000 Maple Points
      • Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
    • Spend 70,000 NX - 109,999 NX and receive:
      • 3,000 Maple Points
      • Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
      • 1 Tyrant Armor Box (Lv. 150) (open to select one Lv.150 Tyrant equip for your class--either boots, cloak, or belt. Tyrant Gloves not included)
    • Spend 110,000 NX or more and receive:
      • 3,000 Maple Points
      • Damage Skin Random Box (open to receive one damage skin at random)
      • 1 Tyrant Armor Box (Lv. 150) (open to select one Lv.150 Tyrant equip for your class--either boots, cloak, or belt. Tyrant Gloves not included)
      • 1 Fafnir Weapon Box (Lv. 150) (open to select one Lv.150 Fafnir weapon for your class)
    Hot Time

    [Updated December 12 at 10:25 AM PST] Added account creation requirement.

    UTC: December 15 at 11:00 PM – December 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 60 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Account must have been created before December 10, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC.

    • Log in on and accept the event quest. Hunt 300 monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to receive your items.
    • You only have 1 hour to accept and complete the quests to get your gifts! We recommend that you log in well before the Hot Time begins to make sure you don’t miss it.
    • You can receive one set of gifts per account.


    • All players who accept and complete the Hot Time quest will receive the following rewards:
      • Alliance Medal (x100)
      • Spell Trace (x1,000)
      • Star Force 12-Star Enhancement Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Eternal Rebirth Flame (x3) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • In addition to the items above, some very special players will also randomly receive one of the following special items! These jackpot items will be given out in a maintenance after the Hot Time event ends.
      • 500,000 Maple Points Coupon
      • Star Force 20-Star Enhancement Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Special Magnificent Soul Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Aliciaroid Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Damienroid Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Violet Cube (x3) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Unique Potential Scroll 100%: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Grin Ring
    Sunny Sunday Perk

    UTC: December 16 at 12:00 AM - December 16 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 23 at 12:00 AM - December 23 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 30 at 12:00 AM - December 30 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 6 at 12:00 AM - January 6 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 13 at 12:00 AM - January 13 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 20 at 12:00 AM - January 20 at 11:59 PM

    • Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.
    • Week 1 - December 16, 2018
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off items from the Alliance Supply Depot.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Determination from Maple Alliance content.
    • Week 2 - December 23, 2018
      • [All Worlds] Receive 100% success rate when you do Star Force 5, 10, and 15 enhancements. NOTE: This perk will not work on Tyrant gear!
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Determination from Maple Alliance content.
    • Week 3 - December 30, 2018
      • [Non-Reboot Worlds] Receive 30% off when you do Star Force enhancements (excludes Superior equipment).
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Determination from Maple Alliance content.
    • Week 4 - January 6, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off items from the Alliance Supply Depot.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Determination from Maple Alliance content.
    • Week 5 - January 13, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive Arcane Symbol x5 Selector Coupon (x4): Can transfer between characters in same world; 7-day duration.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off items from the Alliance Supply Depot.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Determination from Maple Alliance content.
    • Week 6 - January 20, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the Arcane Symbols from the Arcane River daily quests (Vanishing Journey, Hungry Muto, Morass).
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Coins from Arcane River daily content (Dream Defender and Spirit Savior).
      • [All Worlds] The Dream Defender and Spirit Savior daily coin limit is doubled.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x EXP from defeating Inferno Wolf.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
    Maple Relay 2

    UTC: December 19 at 12:00 AM – January 22 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[Black Mage] Maple Relay Event Notice' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen, and click the player icon.
    • Proceed through the quest to learn about Maple Relay. Click the player icon again to be able to open the Maple Relay UI.
    • Stay logged in for 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes to unlock each available reward.
    • Complete the objective that’s necessary to unlock the reward.
    • Receive the Daily Login Boxes a certain amount of times (14, 40, 80, and 120) to unlock the Maple Relay Rewards Tier Boxes.

    Daily Maple Relay Rewards:

    • Activate Runes 2 times: Daily Maple Relay Rewards 30m Box. Open to receive:
      • Non-Reboot worlds: 50 Reward Points and Miu Miu the Merchant (1 Day)
      • Reboot world: 50 Reward Points and Mysterious Meso Pouch (x5)
    • Clear Pollo and Fritto once: Daily Maple Relay Rewards 60m Box. Open to receive:
      • Non-Reboot worlds: 50 Reward Points and Safety Charm
      • Reboot world: 50 Reward Points and Mysterious Meso Pouch (x7)
    • Defeat Elite Boss once: Daily Maple Relay Rewards 120m Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: 200 Reward Points and a Super Megaphone
    • Participate in fighting the Inferno Wolf: Daily Maple Relay Rewards 180m Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: 200 Reward Points, Miracle Circulator, Master Craftsman’s Cube

    Maple Relay Tier Rewards:

    • Open 14 Daily Maple Relay Rewards Boxes: Maple Relay Rewards Tier 1 Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: Royal Hair Coupon
    • Open 40 Daily Maple Relay Rewards Boxes: Maple Relay Rewards Tier 2 Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: Lil Dark Angel Wings, Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x15)
    • Open 80 Daily Maple Relay Rewards Boxes: Maple Relay Rewards Tier 3 Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: 10,000 Reward Points, Red Cube (6 Pack), Gold Potential Stamp Coupon
    • Open 120 Daily Maple Relay Rewards Boxes: Maple Relay Rewards Tier 4 Box. Open to receive:
      • All worlds: Eternal Rebirth Flame x5 Coupon, 17 Star Unique Absolab Weapon OR 12 Star Dominator Pendant
    Hot Week 2

    UTC: January 14 at 12:00 AM – January 20 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 30 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • During the event period, log in and click the gift box icon on the left side of the screen to receive a Gift Box, and then double-click the box in your inventory to open it.
    • The Gift Box can be obtained once in a 24-hour period every day between the hours of 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST / 1:00 AM CET / 11:00 AM AEDT, and 3:59 PM PST / 6:59 PM EST / 12:59 AM CET / 10:59 AM AEDT.
    • If you have more than 30 unclaimed gifts, you may not be able to see the Hot Week reward. Please clear any unclaimed gifts and login again to see the Hot Week reward.
    • If you obtain and open each Gift Box every day from Monday to Saturday, then on Sunday—in addition to Sunday's reward—you can select another gift! You can select one from all of the items that were given out from Monday to Saturday. You are not required to have opened each day’s Gift Box on the same character in order to be eligible for the extra gift, but it does have to be with characters in the same world (multiple worlds in World Alliances don't count).
    • Reward items for each day's Gift Box are listed below.


    • Monday, January 14
      • Spell Trace (x200)
    • Tuesday, January 15
      • Special Medal of Honor (x3): Untradeable.
    • Wednesday, January 16
      • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon (7 Days): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Thursday, January 17
      • Mysterious Meso Pouch
    • Friday, January 18
      • 2x Drop Coupon (1 hour) (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive 2x Drop for 1 hour.
    • Saturday, January 19
      • Storage Room 4 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Sunday, January 20
      • Alliance Medal (x50): Untradeable.
      • And if you received a Gift Box every day this week (with characters in the same world, not world alliance), then you can also select one additional reward from the items given Monday through Saturday!

    View on the Official Site