[Updated February 10] v.220 - Moonlight Magic Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 10, 2021.

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    Accept an invitation to a special Ellinel Full Moon Party being held in Ellinel to celebrate the blue full moon! Participate in events like Star Balloon Pop, Celestial Cookie Flip, and Potion Pyramid to collect candies and exchange them for valuable gifts. You can use these candies to purchase items from Moonlight Enhancement Shop and Cotton Candy Workshop! Don’t miss out on a chance to gain extra levels from Phiny’s Magic Wand and to receive Valentine’s Day-themed rewards from Tracy’s Valentine's Gifts event!

    v.220 - Moonlight Magic is live on February 3!

    • New Updates
    • Ellinel Full Moon Party Events
    • Burning World Leap
    • Other Events
    Job Balances

    All Jobs

    • Damage Taken Reduction/Increase Skills: When multiple skills reducing/increasing damage taken are stacked, these will all be applied multiplicatively. Fixed the issue where damage taken reduction was not applied to certain attacks.
    • V Matrix: When you die, the V Matrix UI will close and you will not be able to equip, remove, or change the Nodes while dying.
    • True Arachnid Reflection: The number of attacks for ‘Destroy Dimension’ was increased from 12 to 15, and its damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1500% to 900% .
    • Aeonian Rise: Added skill description stating that the skill must be ended by reusing it for the attack to be activated.
    • Magic Crash Skills: Changed the height of the debuff effect displayed on the enemy.
    • Skills that Deplete MP: Fixed the issue where MP potions assigned to a pet were not being consumed when MP is used with these skills.
    • Skills with Effects that Cover the Screen: Fixed the issue where the Skill Effect Transparency did not apply to certain skills.
    • Final Attack Skills: Added skill description stating that it only activates with skills that make the direct attack.
    • Installation Skills: Fixed the issue where some of the attacks wouldn't be applied when quickly attacking a certain number of times .
    • Skills that Can be Used While using Another Skill: These skills can only be used along with your skills or 5th Job skills and not with the shared skills, such as event skills.
    • Set-up Skills Activated with the Up Arrow Key: You will not be able to activate set-up skills in the overlapping areas.
    • Location Tracking Skills: Skills that track and move to an enemy's location will be changed only when targeting certain enemies. The applicable skills are the following:
      • Hero's Combo Fury
      • Bow Master’s / Marksman's Hookshot
      • Shadower's Into Darkness
      • Thunder Breaker's Flash
      • Aran's Finisher - Hunter's Prey
      • Luminous's Flash Blink
      • Phantom's Rift Break
      • Shade's Fox Trot
    • Action Skills: Fixed the issue where these skills could not be used.
    • Decent Sharp Eyes: Skill will no longer be applied while Sharp Eyes is applied.
    • Quick Reload: This Special Node will be changed to Withstand II, which reduces skill cooldown upon being hit a certain number of times.
    • Nimble Feet: Haste and Use items increasing Speed will be prioritized over Nimble Feet. Nimble Feet can no longer be used while Haste and Use items increasing Speed are applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the restrictions for certain set-up type skills included skills of other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where potions were used when at a higher value than what you’ve set if a Magic Guard type skill was used and if the pet's auto potion was set up.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not use skills that can be used while using another skill, if you used it after using an active Link Skill.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not set up the following skills if Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting and Inferno Wolf portals appeared on the map:
      • Bishop's Mystic Door and Holy Fountain
      • Supplies dropped from Cannoneer's Poolmaker
      • Mechanic's Open Portal: GX-9
      • Illium's Crystal Gate
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills had the damage inflicted and the damage actually applied shown differently, or did not have it accurately applied:
      • Final Damage increased by Bow Master's Armor Break
      • Attacks in the directions added from Night Lord's Throwing Star Barrage
      • Night Walker's Shadow Spear, as well as Rapid Throw used in air
      • Final Damage increased by Blaster's Hammer Smash debuff
      • Final Damage increased after using Cadena's Chain Arts: Thrash 1st hit
      • Final Damage increased by stacking Cadena's Muscle Memory
      • Cadena's Summon Shotgun on a moving enemy
      • Final Damage increased after Adele lands Resonance Rush
      • Final Damage reduced when Adele's Aether Bloom lands on a single enemy multiple times
      • Final Damage increased when Adele's Shardbreaker attacks a single enemy
      • Radiant Javelin damage increased after using Illium’s Radiant Orb
      • Final Damage increase when Hoyoung's Humanity: As-You-Will Fan lands a direct hit with the fan
      • Damage increased from Hoyoung’s Link Skill, Bravado
      • Heaven/Earth/Humanity skill damage increased after using Hoyoung’s Sage: Wrath of Gods
      • Hoyoung's Humanity: As-You-Will Fan on a moving enemy
      • Dark Knight's Piercing Drive on a moving enemy
      • Marksman's Rangefinder on a moving enemy
    • Fixed the issue where the Erda Nova effect did not show to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where the movement appearance wasn’t smooth to other characters when using Rope Lift.
    • Fixed the issue where when a monster was defeated with a certain stack or more of damage-over-time skills applied, the monster would actually die only when the damage-over-time duration ended.
    • Fixed the issue where when setting up summoned objects on diagonal platforms, they would sometimes fall below the platform.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the skill would not appear in the Skill UI when you equipped equipment with a Decent skill Potential.
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills were not activated in locations where there were other objects set up by other characters:
      • Bow Master's Storm of Arrows
      • Night Walker's Shadow Spear
    • Fixed the issue where you could not use Teleport while transferring the Erda orb in Erda Spectrum.
    • Fixed the issue where when aura waves were activated after using Weapon Aura, it displayed as many aura waves as the number of monsters being attacked to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where the previous job's UI remained after an Explorer performed an Open Advancement.

    All Bowman Jobs

    • Guided Arrow: Fixed an issue where it would not attack when using basic attacks.

    All Explorer Warrior Jobs

    • Blitz Shield: Fixed an issue where sometimes the attack would be activated twice.

    All Explorer Thief Jobs

    • Sudden Raid: Based on when the skill is mastered, skill’s damage was decreased from 1150% to 494%, number of attacks was increased from 3 to 7, and effect play speed became faster.
    • Dark Sight: Added skill description that you cannot use other skills besides Flash Jump.


    • Intrepid Slash: The attack range was increased by 22% compared to before.
    • Enrage: The 1/3 of the used skill’s max enemies hit number will be applied instead of it being fixed to 1. The minimum max enemies hit is 2, however, skills with a max enemies hit of 1 will remain as-is. Added a disable effect. Fixed the issue where the effect to reduce the number of max attackable enemies for Hero's Enrage, Battle Mage's Battle Rage, and Mihile's Rolling Soul would be applied to summoned minions. Added skill description saying the maximum number of attackable enemies for all attack skills, except for some summoned minions, will decrease.
    • Worldreaver: The number of attacks was increased from 7 to 14. The damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1600% to 800%.
    • Fixed the issue where the weapon disappeared if Hero used Upward Charge with a two-handed weapon equipped.


    • Blast: The attack range was moved slightly forward.
    • Grand Guardian: The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 12. The damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 700% to 350% and Boost Damage was reduced from 1200% to 600%.
    • Mighty Mjolnir: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active. Fixed an issue where if the Skill Node is unequipped after the skill is assigned to a hotkey and then the hotkey is pressed, it would show a message saying that you don't have a Mjolnir hammer ready.
    • Parashock Guard: Added a 1-second on/off cooldown.

    Dark Knight

    • La Mancha Spear: Skill can now be used in mid-air. Using this skill in the air immediately activates an attack that strikes down from above, and the attack's casting delay is reduced by 7% compared to before. Fixed an issue where other skills could be used during the skill's prep motion when it was used on the ground. Fixed the issue where this skill could be used while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Calamitous Cyclone: The final attack's activation count was increased from 1 to 5. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 3000% to 600% .
    • Darkness Aura: The obtained Life Force will now be shown in the hotkey. Fixed an issue where ending the skill during Lotus's reverse gravity pattern would cause the client to crash.

    All Explorer Magician Jobs

    • Empirical Knowledge: Fixed an issue where the effect may display as 2 if you died after the debuff was applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the buff icon would flicker if Explorer Magician used Infinity again after using it with Unreliable Memory.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Explosion: The casting delay was reduced by 21% compared to before.
    • Poison Mist: Fixed the issue where sometimes it was possible to deal damage to Mimics.
    • Mist Eruption: The attack activation count was increased from 1 to 4. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 185% to 45%. This skill is no longer affected by cooldown resets. Fixed the issue where this skill would sometimes consume MP twice. Fixed the issue where this skill would consume as much MP as the attack activation count. Fixed the issue where cooldown would be applied to Mist Eruption when the skill is activated with Unreliable Memory.
    • Meteor Shower: The casting delay was reduced by 6% compared to before, and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 12. The damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 470% to 315%.
    • Flame Haze: The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 15. The damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 504% to 202%. Fixed the issue where sometimes enemies that were defeated by this skill would not disappear. Fixed the issue where Poison Mist was sometimes not generated when attacked by an enemy located in the corner of the map using Flame Haze.
    • Ifrit: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 3. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 450% to 150%.
    • Megiddo Flame: The number of attacks was increased from 9 to 15 and the damage was decreased from 700% to 420%.
    • DoT Punisher: The final damage reduction when attacking a single monster with multiple flame orbs was increased from 25% to 35%.
    • Poison Nova: The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 12. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1000% to 500%. The number of attacks of the explosion was increased from 6 to 12. The explosion damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 900% to 450%.
    • Mana Burn: Added skill description saying the increase or decrease of damage caused by the level difference will be ignored.
    • Element Amplification: Added description that it doesn't apply to Inferno Aura.
    • Elemental Fury: Fixed the issue where other characters heard the Ifrit sound effect when the character used Elemental Fury.
    • Fixed the issue where Poison Nova disappeared, if Arch Mage (Fire, Poison) set up Poison Mist, used Poison Nova, and then used Mist Eruption just before it hit 2 seconds.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Thunderstorm: The duration will now be displayed in the buff window. The skill can now be canceled by right-clicking.
    • Blizzard: The casting delay was reduced by 6% compared to before. The number of attacks was increased from 8 to 12. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 450% to 301%.
    • Elquines: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 3. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 380% to 127%.
    • Lightning Orb: The number of attacks was increased from 7 to 15, damage was decreased from 200% to 105%, and the finishing blow damage was decreased from 1500% to 350%.


    • The following common skills have been enabled for use while in the Righteously Indignant state, and the damage for Divine Punishment was increased to reduce disadvantages:
      • Erdas Shower
      • True Arachnid Reflection
      • Rope Lift
      • Blink
    • Big Bang/Angel Ray: Fixed the issue where these skills would reset the Defense reduction effects of other Bishops.
    • Genesis: The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 12. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 810% to 405%.
    • Bahamut: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 3. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 500% to 170%.
    • Resurrection: Fixed the issue where sometimes this skill would not be applied in the Ursus battle.
    • Righteously Indignant: Blink, Rope Lift, Erda Shower, and True Arachnid Reflection can now be used while this skill is active.
    • Angel of Balance: Bahamut will now be automatically summoned when the skill ends.
    • Divine Punishment: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was increased from 300% to 350%.
    • Peacemaker Holy Light: Damage, based skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1000% to 700%, and number of attacks increased from 8 to 12.

    Bow Master

    • Flame Surge: Removed the effect of creating flames on the platform.
    • Arrow Stream: The casting delay was reduced by 7%.
    • Illusion Step: Skill was changed to a passive skill.
    • Quiver Barrage: The number of attacks of Flaming Arrow was increased from 3 to 9. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1500% to 500%.
    • Silhouette Mirage: The illusory double creation time was increased from 45 to 50 seconds. Fixed the issue where the creation time would be reset when the number of illusory doubles reached 0 due to getting hit. Fixed the issue where Silhouette Mirage decreased despite blocking damage with Holy Magic Shell.
    • Gritty Gust: Damage decreased from 500% to 335%, and the number of attacks increased from 8 to 12.
    • Inhuman Speed: Fixed the issue where Inhuman Speed could not be used instantly if the skill's cooldown was reset while its passive effect was active.
    • Fixed the issue where Bow Master appeared to perform different actions to other characters when using Arrow Blow, Arrow Bomb, and Flame Surge.


    • Judging Distance: Added a new 2nd skill that allows you to tell the distance from enemies. This skill does not consume SP.
    • Piercing Arrow: The arrow's movement speed was increased by 33% compared to before. Added a feature to attack 2 unpierced enemies (near the enemy that was first hit) with arrow fragments.
    • Snipe: The arrow's movement speed was increased by 33% compared to before.
    • Illusion Step: This skill was changed to a passive skill.
    • Repeating Crossbow Cartridge: The number of cartridges was increased from 7 to 8, the range of Full Burst Shot was increased by 10% compared to before, and arrows will now be fired from a location that is closer to the Marksman.
    • Fixed the issue where the Rangefinder effect would not be properly applied to Marksman's Split Shot or the arrow fragments activated from Marksman's Piercing Arrow.
    • Fixed the issue where the activation direction sometimes changed when the character's viewing direction changed after Marksman's Split Shot launched an arrow.


    • Relic Gauge: Skill will now be maintained even after the character dies.
    • Cardinal Torrent: Swiftstrike Energy will now be maintained after the character dies.
    • Guidance of the Ancients: Skill will now be maintained after the character dies.
    • Awakened Relic: Skill will no longer be affected by cooldown resets.
    • Nova Blast: The attack activation count was increased from 1 to 5. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 4500% to 900%. Fixed the issue where the attack range would be applied based on the character, regardless of the arrow's location. Fixed the issue where sometimes the Final Damage increase due to the Relic Gauge was not applied to Nova Blast.
    • Relic Unbound: Fixed the issue where sometimes monsters defeated with this skill would not disappear.
    • Fixed the issue with the description for Pathfinder's Advanced Cardinal Force, where the number of attacks for Cardinal Torrent was stated as 3.

    Night Lord

    • Assassin's Mark/Night Lord: Fixed the issue where DoT damage, such as Venom, would also disappear when the Assassin's Mark disappeared.
    • Bleed Dart: The duration was reduced from 90 to 80 seconds, and the cooldown was reduced from 200 to 180 seconds.
    • Throwing Star Barrage: The duration, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, was decreased from 55 to 45 seconds, and the cooldown was reduced to from 215 to 180 seconds.
    • Throw Blasting: The max number of explosive charms when using the active effect was reduced from 47 to 45. Fixed the issue where attacks that use up all the charms were able to activate more explosions than the number of charms that remained.


    • Smokescreen: The casting delay was reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Shadow Veil: The casting delay was reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Shadow Assault: The usage count will now be displayed in the hotkey.
    • Trickblade: The number of attacks, based on skill Lv. 25, when linked from Assassinate increased from 1 to 4, and damage decreased from 3,800% to 950%.

    Dual Blade

    • Chains of Hell: The Invincibility duration will only be applied for 1.5 seconds if the consecutive attack is not activated.
    • Blades of Destiny: The Chase Cut activation count was increased from 3 to 5. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1500% to 800%. Fixed the issue where the client crashed if a character changed maps and used Blades of Destiny repeatedly.
    • Blade Tornado: Tornado damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 900% to 800%. This skill's attack will now activate up to 6 times on a single enemy.
    • Maple Warrior: Fixed the issue where when Dual Blade's Maple Warrior was registered as a pet auto-buff, it was activated even when another character's Maple Warrior was being applied.


    • Somersault Kick: The attack range was increased by 140% compared to before.
    • Energy Charge: The current gauge charging rate will now be displayed in the UI tooltip.
    • Corkscrew Blow: The enemy tracking range when this skill is linked from Spiral Assault was increased by 200% compared to before.
    • Spiral Assault: The casting delay was reduced by 10% compared to before.
    • Static Thumper: The casting delay was reduced by 15% compared to before. The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 5. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 990% to 200%.
    • Power Unity: The buff stack count will now be displayed in the hotkey, and the casting delay was reduced by 32% compared to before.
    • Hedgehog Buster: Fixed the issue where the number of attacks was not listed in its skill description. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was increased from 400% to 450%.
    • Howling Fist: Fixed the issue where if this skill is used at the same time as death, it was activated while Buccaneer was dead.


    • Quickdraw: Skill can now be used while Rapid Fire or Bullet Barrage is active, however, its effects will no longer be applied to these skills.
    • Whaler's Potion: Status Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and Critical Rate increase effects have been changed into passive effects. Added a feature that recovers 99% of Max HP when used, along with a short casting action. The duration has been reduced from 180 to 120 seconds, and added a 120-second cooldown that is not affected by cooldown resets. Fixed the issue where it was possible to add Whaler's Potion as a pet auto-buff despite it having a cooldown.
    • Target Lock: The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 15. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1600% to 645%.


    • Cannon Spike: The casting delay was reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Cannon Bazooka: The casting delay was reduced by 6% compared to before.
    • Cannon of Mass Destruction: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active, and the number of attacks activated on a single target was reduced from 50 to 40.
    • The Nuclear Option: Invincibility duration applied after firing was reduced by 1.2 seconds. The number of attacks, based on skill Lv. 25, was increased from 4 to 6, and damage was decreased from 2400% to 1600%. Fixed the issue where the preparation motion's invincibility time was affected by Attack Speed. Fixed the issue where the Polluted Area was created in the map you moved to if you moved maps immediately upon using the skill.


    • Soul Link: Added skill description saying that if you are not in a party, you will be considered to be in your own party.
    • Royal Guard: The defense activation range was increased by 340% compared to before. The number of attacks for counterattacks by stage was increased from 2/3/4/5/7 times to 4/5/6/7/9 times. Damage by stage, based on Lv. 200, was decreased from 750/800/850/850/850% to 475/540/640/680/765%. Fixed the issue where the Attack Power Increase effect would continue even after right-clicking the buff to cancel it. Fixed the issue where Counterattack would not occur even if the character blocked certain attacks with Royal Guard.
    • Roiling Soul: The 1/3 of the used skill’s max enemies hit number will be applied instead of it being fixed to 1. The minimum max enemies hit is 2, however, skills with a max enemies hit of 1 will remain as is. A cancel effect was added.
    • Advanced Final Attack: Fixed the issue where the Boost Node's Final Damage increase amount per level was being applied as 4% despite it being a 4th Job skill.
    • Queen of Tomorrow: Skill is now shared with other Cygnus job classes.
    • Fixed the issue where Mihile could not use potions while using Radiant Cross – Spread.
    • Fixed the issues where Mihile was pushed back if being hit with a push-back attack at the same time as Royal Guard defense activation, which sometimes activates consecutively and had less cooldown applied than the skill description.

    All Cygnus Jobs

    • Glory of the Guardians: Skill is now shared with Mihile.
    • Phalanx Charge: Fixed the issue where this skill’s end effect was not affected by the effect transparency.

    Dawn Warrior

    • Equinox Slash: Fixed the issue where this skill could be activated even when you had 0 MP.
    • Styx Crossing: The attack activation count was increased from 1 to 5, damage was decreased from 800% to 160%, and the max charge damage was decreased from 2900% to 580%. Fixed the issue where using this skill during Rift of Damnation would not consume MP. Changed the hit effect of Styx Crossing.
    • Rift of Damnation: The attack activation count of the rift was increased from 1 to 5. The damage based on when the skill is at Lv. 25 was decreased from 5200% to 1045%.
    • Flare Slash: Fixed the issue where if you had insufficient MP upon activating the skill, only the cooldown would be applied.
    • Soul Eclipse: When its attack is activated, the character will enter combat state.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Liberated Magic: Fixed the issue where the MP cost increase was not being applied to 5th Job skills.
    • Controlled Burn: The casting delay was reduced by 55% compared to before. The cooldown was decreased from 120 to 90 seconds. The MP recovery amount, based on when the skill is mastered, was increased from 60% to 75%.
    • Fires of Creation: MP cost increase was reduced from 20% to 5%. Fixed the issue where the MP cost increase was not being applied to 5th Job skills.
    • Orbital Inferno: The max distance the skill can travel when it returns after being used is now set, and will now disappear upon moving beyond that distance. The MP cost was reduced from 350 to 250.
    • Savage Flame: The attack activation count of Blazing Lion was increased from 1 to 5, and the damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2000% to 400%. Skill's name will now be displayed as Savage Flame in the Battle Analysis System. The MP cost was reduced from 800 to 500.
    • Savage Flame - Flame Fox: Fixed the issues where this skill would have 1 less respawn count applied. Fixed the issue where Orbital Flame's max count would increase while this skill is being used.
    • Inferno Sphere: The MP cost was reduced from 150 to 50.
    • Salamander Mischief: Fixed the issue where it would activate the Magic ATT increase buff when the Salamander disappears upon exiting Ursus.
    • Burning Conduit: Fixed the issue where its effect was displayed above the character, when Blaze Wizard used Burning Conduit, moved maps, and came back.

    Wind Archer

    • Trifling Wind II: Fixed the issue where, when hovering the cursor over the skill icon, the brightness was different from that of the other skills.
    • Song of Heaven: Fixed the issue where, when using Combat Orders, the damage that increases from attacking fewer than the max number of attackable enemies was reflected differently in the skill description.
    • Spiraling Vortex: The casting delay was reduced by 11% compared to before.
    • Monsoon: Fixed the issue where attack speed would not be applied to effects.
    • Howling Gale: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active, and unequipping the Skill Node will now reset Wind Energy. Fixed the issue where equipping Skill Node would start creating Wind Energy after a certain period of time. The creation time of Wind Energy will now be applied more precisely.
    • Vortex Sphere: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active. Fixed the issue where enemies above or below the platform could not be pulled in.
    • Fixed the issue where the icon in the buff window did not disappear when Wind Archer moved maps after using Emerald Flower.
    • Fixed the issue where the usage action would repeat once more when the splash damage is triggered after Wind Archer used Spiraling Vortex.

    Night Walker

    • Shadow Dodge: The casting delay was reduced by 37% compared to before.
    • Dark Elemental: This skill can now be registered to pet auto-buffs.
    • Dominion: Added an on/off function for the gray animation effect.
    • Rapid Throw: The shadow throwing star number of attacks was increased from 3 to 4. The damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 950% to 850%.
    • Shadow Jump: Fixed the issue where if Shadow Jump was used while using another skill, it would cause the character to move forward.

    Thunder Breaker

    • Combo Attacks: Fixed the issue where chat cannot be used when linking.
    • Lightning Punch: Fixed the issue where the Boost Node's Final Damage increase amount per level was being applied as 4% despite being a 1st Job skill.
    • Flash: Fixed the issue where the Boost Node's Final Damage increase amount per level was being applied as 4% despite being a 1st Job skill.
    • Tidal Crash: Added a feature to stop in place when the skill is reused while it is active.
    • Arc Charger: The casting delay was reduced by 47% compared to before.
    • Lightning God Spear Strike: Fixed the issue with the skill where it did not consume any MP. Fixed the issue where it would still inflict 1 attack even if MP was insufficient.
    • Seawall: The mouse-over image has been updated.
    • Shark Torpedo: Fixed the issue where the Enemy DEF Ignored value would not change when the character consumed Lightning Charge by using Shark Torpedo after using Primal Bolt.
    • [Updated February 4] Thunderbolt: The skill's end-lag delay was increased.


    • Finisher - Hunter's Prey: The number of attacks was increased from 5 to 7, and damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 1500% to 1070%. Fixed the issue where the skill would not prioritize boss monsters with the highest Max HP. Fixed the issues where the client would sometimes close if the player travels to another map while using the skill. Fixed the issue where the MP is consumed in proportion to the number of attacks. Fixed the issue where the polearm effect would appear in a different place for another character.
    • Maha's Domain: The recovery effect upon healing was changed.
    • Blizzard Tempest: Added an on/off feature to the ice chunk effect. Fixed the issue where an exclusive death effect would be applied to certain boss monsters.


    • Dragon Flash: Fixed the issue where this skill would not receive the effects of Mana Overload.
    • Magic Debris: The number of magic debris will now be displayed in the hotkey.
    • Magic Amplification: Fixed the issue where the MP cost increase was not being applied to 5th Job skills.
    • Elemental Radiance: Fixed the issue where Magic ATT would be charged even if the attack did not land.
    • Spiral of Mana: The MP cost was decreased from 360 to 240. Fixed the issue where the skill could be used mid-air.


    • Sylvidia's Flight: Added a feature to use Graviboots by jumping while this skill is active. Dash attack can no longer be used with jump. Added a feature to dismount by using the down arrow key and basic attack together. The casting delay for the dash attack was reduced by 18% compared to before. Fixed the issue where, when Mercedes used dash attack in the air while using Sylvidia's Flight, the movement distance changed depending on the initial activation position. Fixed the issue where, when the character died in Petrified state while using Sylvidia's Flight and resurrected using Buff Freezer, Sylvidia's Flight was not deactivated despite its duration. Fixed the issue where the character would sometimes jump in the opposite direction when using Double Jump after hanging while Sylvidia's Flight is active.
    • Rolling Moonsault: Fixed the issue where the character could use Rolling Moonsault in maps where movement skills are prohibited.
    • Leaf Tornado: Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes close when the character used this skill in maps with luminous bodies.


    • Final Feint: Fixed the issue where weapons of different jobs would be visible if this skill was used after using stolen skills.
    • Phantom's Mark: Even if this skill ends before reaching 7 successful hits for Mille Aiguilles or Tempest, the hit count will be continued upon the next use. The trajectory's number of attacks was increased from 3 to 6. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1200% to 600%. The attack activation count for Master Thief Mark was increased from 1 to 2, the number of attacks was increased from 12 to 15, and the damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2400% to 960%. Fixed the issue where Phantom would not be able to use Phantom's Mark if there were not enough Master Thief Marks, even if an enemy has already been targeted by Phantom's Mark.
    • Ace in the Hole: The number of attacks when the magic is unleashed was increased from 6 to 12. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2400% to 1200%. Fixed the issue where the enemy tracking range of Phantom's Ace in the Hole became narrower.
    • To The Skies: Fixed the issue where, when using To The Skies in certain maps, the character was sent somewhere other than the town they were supposed to return to when they died.


    • Spirit Frenzy: If the Final Damage can be increased with Spirit Bond Max, the skill icon will now change to a different color.
    • Spirit Bond Max: If even just 1 of Shade's Spirit Wards is consumed, Spirit Ward will now be recast by the Guardian Spirit. Shade can no longer use Spirit Bond Max while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Spiritgate: The spirit's number of attacks was increased from 3 to 6. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1200% to 600%.
    • Spirit Incarnation: Added skill description saying that it lasts through key-down.
    • Spirit Guardian: Fixed the issue where this skill’s cooldown would be shared if there was a Spirit Guardian summoned with another Shade's Spirit Bond Max in the map.


    • Black Blessing: Skill was changed to an on/off skill.
    • Liberation Orb: The active effect was changed to allow a fixed number of activation of 20 times while the duration is active. The duration was increased from 20 to 45 seconds. The Imbalance state damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1025% to 825% and the Balance state damage was reduced from 1050% to 850%. The active effect's animation of magic orbs flying towards enemies has been changed, and the obtained Magic ATT will now be displayed in the hotkey. Fixed the issue with this skill's passive effect not being activated with Morning Star. Fixed the issue where Liberation Orb's passive effect would not activate for the remainder of the skill's duration if Liberation Orb ended from using all attack activation counts before its duration ended.

    All Demon Jobs

    • Defender of the Demon: The HP cost was reduced from 20% to 5% of Max HP.

    Demon Slayer

    • Barbed Lash: The Damage +30% feature was changed to Damage +80%. Fixed the issue where this skill would not be applied to Demon Lash used during Demon Awakening.
    • Demon Lash Arch: The Damage +70% feature was changed to Damage +30%. Fixed the issue where this skill would not be applied to Demon Lash used during Demon Awakening.
    • Demon Thrash: The Damage +120% feature was changed to Damage +30% and Final Damage +30%. Fixed the issue where this skill would not be applied Demon Lash used during Demon Awakening.
    • Dark Metamorphosis: Skill will no longer take damage from Attack Reflection, and the HP increase feature was changed to a passive effect. Fixed the issue where if the character attacked an enemy in attack reflection status immediately after using Metamorphosis, the damage caused by reflection was not taken but the damage value was displayed.
    • Demon Lash - Reinforce: The Damage +150% feature was changed to Final Damage +10%.
    • Orthrus: HP cost was removed.
    • Demon Bane: Invincible attack will now be activated when the key-down ends, and added a feature to increase the invincible attack's duration in proportion to the key-down time. The max key-down time was increased from 3.6 to 4 seconds. Fixed the issue where this skill would not activate Weapon Aura's waves.
    • Chaos Lock: Added a 0.7-second cooldown, and Fury cannot be recovered for 0.7 seconds after use.
    • Demon Awakening: When Demon Slayer uses Demon Bane while using Demon Awakening, Cerberus Chomp from Demon Awakening will be activated automatically.
    • The Skill Macro for Demon Slayer at 2nd Job Advancement or higher will be reset.

    Demon Avenger

    • Star Force Conversion: The HP boost per Star was reduced in the lower ranges and increased in the upper ranges, and the stages were broken down into subdivisions.
    • Demonic Blast: If the charge is released while using a skill that is not your own or a 5th Job skill, Demonic Blast will be activated after the skill's action ended. Fixed the issue where Skill Effect Transparency wasn't applied to Demonic Blast.
    • Revenant: The HP Cost was decreased from 50% to 25%, and the outline effect will blink to notify when the duration has less than 5 seconds left.
    • Fixed the issue with Thorn of Fury not being visible to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Final Damage that increased proportionally to the HP consumed was not accurately applied.


    • Bobbing/Weaving: Added a custom command feature, which allows you to make a sudden stop by using the skill one more time. The custom command can be turned on/off. The 90% Avoidability increase while in use, based on when the skill is mastered, was changed to 35% Bonus Avoidability.
    • Muzzle Flash: Skill can now be added to a hotkey. If Weaving's custom command is on, this skill cannot be used by using Weaving and then reusing it. The enemy tracking range was increased by 500% compared to before.
    • Hero's Will: Fixed the issue where using this skill would cancel the current action.
    • Cannon Overdrive: The duration was increased from 30 to 35 seconds, and the cooldown was increased from 210 to 240 seconds.
    • Hyper Magnum Punch: The charge time required to increase stages was reduced by 44% compared to before, and the max possible charge time was decreased from 5 to 4 seconds.
    • Rocket Punch: Fixed the issue where sometimes the buff would not end.
    • Gatling Punch: The number of hits for the first attack was increased from 6 to 12. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2000% to 1000%. The max key-down time was decreased from 8 to 4 seconds, the number of hits for the key-down attack was increased from 5 to 8, its damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 900% to 850%, and the attack interval was reduced by 25% compared to before.
    • Afterimage Shock: Among the active effects, the afterimage's reoccurrence cooldown was decreased from 0.2 to 0.1 second. Fixed the issue where the skill would get canceled if you were Petrified or if you moved maps.
    • Charge Mastery: Fixed the issue where damage taken reduction from this skill was not applied to some attacks.

    Battle Mage

    • Draining Aura: A recovery effect will now be displayed when healing.
    • Battle Rage: The 1/3 of the used skill’s max enemies hit number will be applied instead of it being fixed to 1. The minimum max enemies hit is 2, however, skills with a max enemies hit of 1 will remain as-is. A cancel effect was added.
    • Abyssal Lightning: Increased the Final Damage application ratio for the lightning, which is activated instead of Dark Shock, from 70% to 80%. Fixed the issue where dark-attribute was not applied.
    • Altar of Annihilation: Fixed the issue where dark-attribute was not applied.
    • Grim Harvest: Fixed the issue where dark-attribute was not applied.

    Wild Hunter

    • Jaguar Rider: Using a Jaguar skill while Jaguar Storm is active will now activate the Jaguar skill instead of automatically activating Summon Jaguar.
    • Dash 'n Slash: Added a feature to make the Jaguar charge in the opposite direction of where the character is facing if used with the down arrow key when summoning the Jaguar. The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 2. Damage, based on Lv. 200, was decreased from 850% to 425%.
    • Jaguar Soul: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 12. Damage, based on Lv. 200, was decreased from 5000% to 470%.
    • Silent Rampage: The casting delay was reduced by 17% compared to before.
    • Primal Fury: The attack occurrence count was increased from 3 to 9. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2000% to 675%. The final attack's number of attacks was increased from 1 to 4. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 3600% to 900%. The Jaguar mount/summon state at the time of using the skill will be reflected when the skill ends. Fixed the issue where it was possible for the invincibility duration to differ according to the mount/summon state.
    • Primal Grenade: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active. Fixed the issue where the skill would not be visible.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Wild Hunter gathered certain harvesting items while mounting a Jaguar, sometimes you could harvest while moving.


    • Omega Blaster: When charging for Omega Blaster ended while using a key-down skill, it will now cancel the key-down skill and activate Omega Blaster.
    • Core Overload: The number of attacks activated when plasma current is produced was increased from 1 to 4. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1420% to 355%.
    • Hypogram Field: Fusion: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 5. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2500% to 500%.
    • Photon Ray: If the skill is canceled after you have finished aiming because all the aimed enemies have disappeared, you will now be notified with a system message. Aiming is now disabled on maps where it cannot be fired.


    • Secret Plaza Assembly: Fixed the issue where the character’s eyes would disappear upon using this skill.
    • Robo Launcher RM7: The attack range was increased by 20% compared to before.
    • Heavy Salvo: The attack range was increased by 30% compared to before.
    • Heavy Salvo Plus: The attack range was increased by 30% compared to before.
    • Robot Mastery: Fixed the issue where the Final Damage increase would be applied to summoned minions that are not robots.
    • Homing Beacon: It can no longer be set to a skill macro, and the set skill macro will be reset.
    • Robot Mastery: Fixed the issue where the Final Damage increase effect was not being applied to the toy robots summoned by Bots 'n Tots.


    • Tempest Blades: Fixed the issue of becoming invisible when you moved to the right end of the map in certain resolution(s).
    • Fixed the issue where if Kaiser increased Final Form's duration by using a buff duration increase effect, the Morph Gauge would be reduced after 60 seconds.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser couldn't move when using Rope Lift and Final Form at the same time.


    • Summon Shuriken: Dark Sight will no longer be deactivated when it hits.
    • Chain Arts: Beatdown: The number of attacks for stages 1 & 2 was increased to 15 attacks from 10 & 12 respectively. The number of hits for the final attack was increased from 1 to 10, and damage by stage was decreased from 2500/3500/5000% to 250/350/500%. Fixed the issue where skills without a casting action could be used while using this skill. Fixed the issue where the character would be temporarily unable to use other skills after the end of this skill.
    • Chain Arts: Crush: The casting delay was reduced by 25% compared to before, the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15, and the damage was decreased from 950% to 510%.
    • Chain Arts: Void Strike: Added an on/off feature for the gray animation effect. Fixed the issue where its background change effect was maintained when Cadena moved to a map where skills can't be used.
    • Chain Arts: Maelstrom: The Skill Node can no longer be unequipped while the skill is active. Dark Sight will no longer be deactivated when this skill hits.
    • Muscle Memory Finale: Fixed the issue where the activation location on certain monsters was awkward.
    • Summon Brick: Fixed the issue where the Skill Effect Transparency wasn't applied to this skill.

    Angelic Buster

    • Dress-Up: Fixed the issue where the skill would not activate when using 5th Job common skills.
    • Recharge: Fixed the issue where this skill was being affected by connection conditions.
    • Iron Blossom: Fixed the issue where this skill could be used without having a weapon and a secondary weapon equipped.
    • Finale Ribbon: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 10. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 4000% to 400%.
    • Trinity: Hitting an enemy with Trinity while the damage increase and Ignore Defense buffs are at max stacks will now renew the duration.
    • Superstar Spotlight: Skill will no longer attack while hanging on a rope or a ladder.
    • Soul Seeker: Skill description was updated to change "Max Essence Recreated" to "Max Number of Attacks".
    • Sparkle Burst: The number of attacks, based on Lv. 25, was increased from 12 to 15, and damage was decreased from 1100% to 900%. Fixed the issue where, when Sparkle Burst duration ended, it sometimes disappeared without exploding. Fixed the issue where, when the character attacked after using Sparkle Burst, the buff window's duration kept being renewed.


    • Doubletime: When the combo ends after using a skill that has a follow-up skill, the cooldown of the first skill will no longer be reapplied. For the skill and the pertinent combo skill that activated Doubletime, the cooldown reduction from that Doubletime activation will no longer be applied.
    • Shadow Strike: If this skill is used without pressing an arrow key, it will now be used in place without chasing enemies. Skill chases the enemy when used together with the left or right arrow keys. Fixed the issue where it would travel a longer distance than necessary when chasing large enemies.
    • Shadow Rain: Fixed the issue where the sword effect would be displayed on top of the screen effect.
    • Chrono Break: The attack at the end of this skill was changed into a separate attack with its own damage and number of attacks. Damage: 1300%, Number of Attacks: 12, Max Enemies Hit: 15, and Activation Count: 6. The skill can now be ended by right-clicking. Changed so that it also attacks monsters that were not hit with the first cast attack, yet, the enemy that was hit with the first cast attack will take the priority.
    • Twin Blades of Time: Skill effect will now be fixed at the location it was used.
    • Time Distortion: Fixed the issue where sometimes the skill would not increase the enemy's damage intake and would remove the Slow effect on the enemy.


    • Psychic Force: The duration was increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Psychic Drain: The duration was increased from 10 to 15 seconds. Fixed the issue where the skill would stop attacking after a certain period of time. Fixed the issue where, while Kinesis was using the skill, it appeared to other characters as if a certain action was being repeated.
    • Kinetic Jaunt: Fixed the issue where sometimes the skill would not end. This skill can now be used on maps where only movement skills can be used. Fixed the issue where, when Kinesis threw an object with Psychic Tornado during Kinetic Jaunt, the object sometimes disappeared.
    • Mind Tremor: The duration, based on when the skill is mastered, was increased from 20 to 30 seconds, and the cooldown was increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Kinetic Combo: Skill will now only be activated by your own skills or 5th Job skills. Fixed the issue where, contrary to the description, the skill would be activated by Mental Tempest's finishing blow.
    • Mind Quake: The duration was increased from 20 to 30 seconds, and the cooldown was increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Ultimate: Train: The hit effect will now be displayed as many times as the number of attacks.
    • Mind Tremor - Persist: The duration increase amount was increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
    • Ultimate - Psychic Shockwave: Fixed the issue where the black hole effect would disappear if Kinetic Jaunt was used immediately after using this skill.
    • Law of Gravity: Fixed the issue where enemies above or below the platform could not be pulled in. Fixed the issue where using the skill repeatedly right before the cooldown was reset would cause the skill to end immediately.


    • High Rise: Fixed the issue where you could float in the air if this skill was activated at the same time as your death. Fixed the issue where, when the character used a portal during High Rise, the suspension in the air was maintained even after moving maps at times.
    • Aether Weaving: The amount of Aether acquired by landing a Trigger Skill was increased from 10.
    • Resonance Rush: The max stacks for the Final Damage increase and Ignore Defense buffs were decreased from 3 to 2. Updated the skill description to say the Final Damage increase from this skill will be applied additively.
    • Hunting Decree: The attack range was reduced by 6% compared to before, and the number of Aether Swords will now be displayed in the hotkey. Fixed the issue where the effects were visible to other characters in Ursus.
    • Aether Guard: The invincibility duration upon getting attacked immediately upon using this skill was decreased from 4 to 3 seconds. The cooldown that decreases for each second of the remaining key-down time was decreased from 4 to 3.5 seconds. Added skill description saying that it cannot be used while Plummet is active. Fixed the issue where all skill cooldown reduction Potentials were applied doubled. Fixed the issue where Aether Guard could still be used even when Adele had skills sealed or was using a skill that was not a Trigger Skill.
    • Floran Hero's Will: Fixed the issue where abnormal statuses that could be canceled using the Hero's Will skill of other jobs could not be canceled with this skill.
    • Legacy Restoration: Aether acquisition boost from using this skill, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, was increased from 52% to 75%.
    • Shardbreaker: The number of attacks was increased from 3 to 6, and damage was decreased from 1000% to 500%.
    • Fixed the issue where Adele's Aether Guard–Persist would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where effect transparency would not be applied to Infinity Blade.


    • Lucent Gauntlet Mastery: The reduction for damage taken, based on when the skill is mastered, was increased from 20% to 40%.
    • Aegis of Light: The reduction for damage taken, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 60% to 50%.
    • Vortex Wings: The number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15. Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 2000% to 1070%.
    • Templar Knight: Added a short casting action. The number of attacks was increased from 6 to 12, and damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2000% to 1000%.


    • Blissful Restraint: Fixed the issue where the skill was displayed in the air if a large-sized monster was bound and defeated. Fixed the issue where the end effect of would not be displayed to other characters.
    • Floran Hero's Will: Fixed the issue where abnormal statuses that could be canceled using the Hero's Will skill of other jobs could not be canceled with this skill.
    • Endless Agony: The Abyssal Guard attack activation count was increased from 1 to 5, and damage was decreased from 500% to 100%. Fixed the issue where this skill would recover even HP before the final blow.
    • Abyssal Recall: Fixed the issue where you couldn't move after getting resurrected if you died at the same time as using the skill.
    • Endlessly Starving Beast: The attack activation count was increased from 18 to 20, and the number of attacks was increased from 5 to 12. Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 2100% to 800%.
    • Boundless Horror: Damage when activated after Creeping Terror, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 500% to 400%. The number of attacks was increased from 12 to 15.


    • Humanity: As-You-Will Fan: The Final Damage boost from when the fan directly hits the enemy was decreased from 10% to 5%. Fixed the issue where Hoyoung could use Nimbus Cloud and Humanity: As-You-Will Fan at the same time.
    • Earth: Ground-Shattering Wave: Fixed the issue where this skill would appear in the opposite direction for other characters when used in the left direction.
    • Attainment: Damage boost for Humanity: As-You-Will Fan was increased from 180% to 195%.
    • Humanity: Gold-Banded Cudgel: The casting delay was reduced by 23% compared to before.
    • Scroll: Star Vortex: The location of the energy quantity, which is displayed on the hotkey, has been moved.
    • Enlightenment: As-You-Will Fan Damage boost amount, based on when the skill is mastered, was increased from 275% to 295%.
    • Sage: Dream of Shangri-La: The cooldown that decreases for each second of the remaining key-down time was decreased from 10 to 9.7 seconds.
    • Sage: Tai Yu Clone: The clone's movement speed was increased by 250% compared to before, and the moving distance was reduced by 25%, activating attacks slightly quicker. The minimum Stun duration was increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
    • Sage: Wrath of Gods: When summoning the gods, you will now be suspended in the air, and the screen-shaking effect will now only be applied to yourself. Decreased the casting delay for summoning the gods. Fixed the issue where Hoyoung could not use EXP coupons after activating the gods' strike during Sage: Wrath of Gods. Fixed the issue where sometimes the client would close when the gods were summoned after this skill was used.
    • Talisman: Clone: The number of attacks was increased from 2 to 4, and damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 120% to 60%. Damage increase amount for Talisman: Clone (increased from Hoyoung's Attainment), based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 120% to 60%. Damage increase amount for Talisman: Clone (increased from Hoyoung's Enlightenment), based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 220% to 110%.
    • Sage: Clone Rampage: Damage increase amount for Talisman: Clone, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, was decreased from 800% to 400%. Fixed the issue where the skill was displayed incorrectly when attacking Zakum or Ursus at times.

    Beast Tamer

    • Li’l Fort: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 1,900% to 475% and the number of attacks was increased from 1 to 4.
    • Fort Follow-Up: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 825% to 275% and the number of attacks was increased from 1 to 3.
    • Fishy Slap: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, decreased from 660% to 330% and the number of attacks was increased from 1 to 5. Cooldown was increased from 10 to 30 seconds.
    • Table Flip: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 700% to 500% and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 10.
    • Bear Assault: Skill has been changed to be aligned with Enrage-style skills.
    • Bro Attack: The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 2 and the buff duration has been increased from 150 to 180 seconds. Cooldown has been removed.
    • Friend Launcher: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 800% to 200% for the first 3 attacks and decreased from 1,600% to 400% for the 4th attack. The number of attacks was increased from 1 to 4.
    • Group Bear Blaster: Damage was decreased from 800% to 540% and the number of attacks was increased from 10 to 15.
    • Team Roar: Invincibility duration was decreased from 30 to 15 seconds and cooldown was decreased from 360 to 180 seconds.
    • All Together! Critter Crossing!: Cooldown was decreased from 360 to 180 seconds.
    • Aerial Relief: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 990% to 630%. The number of attacks was increased from 8 to 12.
    • Li’l Fort Boost: Lv. 40 Critical Rate +5% was changed to Enemy Defenses Ignored +20%.


    • Starfall: Damage, based on when the skill is mastered, was decreased from 1,420% to 425% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 10.
    • Singularity Shock: Damage was decreased from 1,500% to 300% for the first cast. Added the number of activations of 5 times.
    • [Updated February 4] Gravity Crush: Damage of the continuous attacks, based on Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,650% to 505% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 10. Damage of the last attack, based on Lv. 25, was decreased from 2,640% to 680%. The last attack will now activate 4 times. The feature that allowed the AoE attack damage to increase based on the damage inflicted by the caster or a party member has been removed.
    • [Updated February 4] Suborbital Strike: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 715% to 365% and the number of attacks was increased from 5 to 10.


    • [Updated February 3] Summer Rain: Damage was decreased from 1,320% to 220% and the attack will activate 4 times. Attack range was increased and the Sword Energy cost has been removed. Skill can now be obtained during 4th Job Advancement. If the skill was acquired before 4th Job Advancement prior to v.220 update, no changes will be made for those characters. It can now be cancelled into a different skill using Instant Slice. Added 120 seconds cooldown.
    • Hitokiri Hundred Strike: Damage was decreased from 1,320% to 220% and the attack will activate 4 times. Attack range was increased and the Sword Energy cost has been removed. Skill can now be obtained during 4th Job Advancement. If the skill was acquired before 4th Job Advancement prior to v.220 update, no changes will be made for those characters. It can now be cancelled into a different skill using Instant Slice.
    • [Updated February 2] Jin Blade Flash: Damage was decreased from 280% to 210% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 4.
    • [Updated February 2] Fuu Blade Flash: Damage was decreased from 450% to 270% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 5.
    • [Updated February 2] Rai Blade Flash: Damage was decreased from 680% to 340% and the number of attacks was increased from 4 to 8.
    • [Updated February 3] Tornado Blade: Skill's stun effect will no longer be applied to boss monsters.
    • Battoujutsu Zankou: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 780% to 545% and the number of attacks was increased from 12 to 15.
    • Iaijutsu Phantom Blade: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,250%/1,350%/1,470%/1,550%/1,700% to 315%/345%/375%/395%/435% and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15. The attack will activate 2 times.
    • Battoujutsu - God of Blades: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 715%/1,155%/1,980% to 350%/565%/600% and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15.
    • Instant Slice: Damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,120% to 340% and attack will activate 3 times. Flicker duration has been reduced and the cooldown has been fixed to 10 seconds.
    • Sengoku Force, Assemble!: Ayame’s damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,320% to 560% and the number of attacks was increased from 2 to 4. Shingen’s damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 945% to 275% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 8.


    • Shikigami Doppelganger: Damage was decreased from 1,800% to 480%, the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15, and the attack will activate 2 times.
    • Nine-Tailed Fury: Damage was decreased from 600% to 540% and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 9.
    • Orochi Unbound: Damage was decreased from 1,500% to 375% and the number of attacks was increased from 1 to 8.
    • Veritable Pandemonium: Damage was decreased from 1,250% to 670% and the number of attacks was increased from 8 to 15.
    • Liberated Spirit Circle: Damage when Soul Circle hit, based on Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,100% to 270% and the number of attacks was increased from 4 to 15. Damage when Soul Circle disappears, based on Lv. 25, was decreased from 880% to 325% and the number of attacks was increased from 6 to 15.
    • Sengoku Force, Assemble!: Ayame’s damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 1,320% to 560% and the number of attacks was increased from 2 to 4. Shingen’s damage, based on skill Lv. 25, was decreased from 945% to 275% and the number of attacks was increased from 3 to 8.
    • [Updated February 4] Tengu Strike: Skill will disappear once the character moves beyond a certain distance.
    Ursus Revamp

    • The daily participation count for Ursus was changed to 3 times per account.
    • Individual scores will now have more weight than the team score to provide rewards based on contribution.
    • Score Criteria for each Rank will be changed.
      • The scores required for reaching each rank will be changed to the following:
        • Rank SSS: 155,000+ points
        • Rank SS: 140,000+ points
        • Rank S: 60,000+ points
        • Rank A: 40,000+ points
        • Rank B: 30,000+ points
        • Rank C: 20,000+ points
        • Rank D: 5,000+ points
    • Meso Distribution Amount for characters below Lv. 200 will be changed.
      • Lv. 200 and above: Same as before
      • Lv. 180 - 199: 30% decrease
      • Below Lv. 180: 50% decrease
    • Final Damage Points will be removed.
      • The additional points that were granted upon dealing the final damage to Ursus the Mighty will be removed.
      • These points have been transferred to individual damage contribution points and will not affect the max points that can be earned.
    Boss Improvements

    • EXP will no longer decrease when you die in the boss exit map.
    • Fixed the issue where an effect applied to Hilla (Hard)'s specific attack pattern appeared in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where partial pattern images from Lotus Phase 3 appeared in an awkward manner in certain resolutions.
    • Damien's hit area will increase when using the World Tree pattern in Damien Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Killer Bee Elite Champion did not attack the Illusion Flower.
    • Fixed the issue where Mystical Monster summoned by Rune of Riches disappeared upon completing the bonus stage after the Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where a reward was not dropped when the Demon Slayer using Demon Awakening attacks a Mimic using Demon Lash in the bonus stage after the Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where the hat from Pierre’s hat pattern attack disappeared when Ark tries to switch from Specter State.
    • Players will no longer be able to block continuous damage using shield-type skills in Von Bon's Realm.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard's Orbital Flame did not inflict damage to Zakum at certain locations in Zakum map.
    • Fixed the issue where the falling platform disappeared upon reviving when the falling platform had been activated while dying in Lotus Phase 2 and 3.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes mid-air smash down pattern is done opposite of where Damien is facing.
    • Fixed the issue where, when entering Damien fight with a party with 2 or more members, only the character who's been targeted by Damien for Phase 2 charging can dodge by ducking.
    • Fixed the issue where laser explosions sometimes dealt damage multiple times in Papulatus.
    • Damage type for Crimson Queen's breath changed from fixed damage, to a combination of normal damage and damage in proportion to max HP.
    • Removed Crimson Queen's Charm pattern when exiting.
    • Extended Lotus' hitbox further below in Lotus Phase 3.
    • Fixed the issue where Damien's arrow key entry pattern appeared in the character selection window.
    • Fixed the issue where the character wouldn’t die when using certain skills while Damien's brand is complete.
    • Fixed the issue where Gloom's laser pattern only attacked certain characters within attack range.
    • Fixed the issue where difficulty for boss matching could not be changed when exiting without clearing, after Lotus, Damien, Lucid, and Will.
    • Fixed the issue where the platform isn't created when entering the Lotus fight by yourself and reviving after dying right before the platform falls, when the electric AoE pattern is used after creating platforms.
    Quest & Map Improvements

    • The ‘Cleaning Robot OMNI-CLN’ quest can no longer be repeated. Upon completion, it'll be displayed in the quest UI’s Complete tab.
    • Fixed the issue where random portals were created in Lachelein Ballroom.
    • Fixed the issue where the rope at the bottom-left corner couldn't be used in Mirror World’s Twilight Forest 3 map.
    • Fixed the issue where Ereve's background music was played in Monster Park’s Stage 6: Hall of Honor map.
    • Fixed platform issues in Kerning City’s Thieves Hideout map.
    • Fixed the issue where the medal would be covered at certain locations in Henesys Ruins Park.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the ‘Protecting Surl’ quest could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the jump platform of the Black Heaven Scrapyard's central tower did not activate.
    • Fixed the issue where incorrect quest location was displayed on the quest information when ‘[Weekly Quest] Black Heaven Deck: Deliver Blue Blind Shell’ was in progress.
    • Certain object images for the ‘Xerxes in Chryse’ party quest have been updated.
    • Fixed the issue in Ardentmill where certain objects would be displayed in front of characters.
    • Fixed the issue where the dialogue and voice sound effects did not sync while the ‘Wing Master, Crisis’ quest was in progress.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to carry out Grand Athenaeum Episode 3 ‘This Is A Sneaking Mission’ quest outside the Grand Athenaeum.
    • Fixed the issue where the rock pillars in the Horntail Boss map were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Return skills can no longer be used in the Erda Spectrum exit map.
    • Fixed the issue where Sellas submarines and soldiers were visible when carrying out Esfera quests.
    • Fixed the issue where certain movement skills weren’t properly activated in Sellas' ‘The Final Edge of Light’ 1 - 8 maps.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the player may be moved to a different location when riding on a luminous body after double-jumping at the end of Sellas.
    • The illustrations in the Mihile tutorial quest have been updated.
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills couldn’t be installed if portals for Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting and Inferno Wolf appeared on the map:
      • Bishop's Mystic Door, Holy Fountain
      • Supplies dropped by Cannoneer's Poolmaker
      • Mechanic's Open Portal: GX-9
      • Illium's Crystal Gate
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect error indicating that the Flying Skill is continuously consuming MP would be displayed during the ‘Towards the Sky’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where you were taken to Balrog's Tomb instead when using auto-pilot from Sleepywood Cursed Temple to the town of Sleepywood.
    • Fixed images on the Fourth Tower in Lion King's Castle that were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Players can no longer change the hotkey for quick slots on Aran's tutorial map.
    • Zero will be able to carry out the ‘[Theme Dungeon] Ellinel Fairy Academy’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘Aurora's Augury’ quest completion menu would be displayed when Luminous speaks to Vieren at Lania's Home after completing the story quest.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters continued to be summoned when you forfeit and re-accept the ‘Sugar and the Great Tree’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where some backgrounds in Root Abyss North Garden were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where enhancement was possible in Nine Spirit's Nest map.
    • Fixed the issue where a character would be able to leave the screen in Tranquil Garden.
    • Fixed the issue where the mini-map in Scrapyard Hill 1 and 2 maps was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • The location of the movement portal at Ito's House in Leafre has been changed.
    • Fixed the issue where the mini-map in Lachelein Main Street was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the station clock display was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Certain terrains in Ardentmill were modified.
    • Certain terrains in Kerning City Back Alley were modified.
    • Some of the geography of the Conference Pavilion was modified.
    • Fixed the issue where Legion UI couldn’t be opened at Nautilus.
    • Fixed the issue where the location indicator for the ‘[Weekly Quest] Scrapyard: Free the Modded Scaredroid’ quest was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where you were able to go below the platform using teleport at the entrance of the Lion King's Castle.
    • Fixed the issue where you were able to evade the Pulverizer with a movement skill while playing the Pulverizer-related mini-game in Black Heaven.
    • Fixed the issue where a character was able to go outside of the screen at Ravana's Golden Altar.
    • Fixed the issue where characters would fall below the lowest platform in the Goblin Forest.
    • Currently unavailable quests will no longer be displayed in ‘Robeira's Proposal’ quest information.
    • Fixed the issue where you would still be entered into FriendStory's Old Main Hall Dungeon even when you have rejected entry.
    • The location of the portal in the Path to the World Tree Summit has been changed.
    • The number of available quests will now be displayed on the daily quest light bulb.
    • Fixed the issue where a monster's level would be different from the map's level range in certain maps where monsters are summoned individually.
    • Fixed the issue where the category of the ‘Arcon's Blood’ quest was displayed as Perion.
    • Fixed the issue where the notification message stating that you earned the Gallant Warrior Medal displayed multiple times.
    • Fixed the issue where characters could fall below the platform at a specific location at the Closet House.
    • Fixed the issue where boss monster did not appear during Air Battle mini-game in Black Heaven Act 3.
    • Fixed the issue where you were unable to proceed from the first stage of Cross World Party Quest ‘First Time Together’.
    • Fixed the issue where the achievement rate would not accumulate in the first stage of Cross World Party Quest ‘First Time Together’.
    • Skills can no longer be used in the third stage of Cross World Party Quest ‘Forest of Poison Haze’.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Cross World Party Quest ‘Remnant of the Goddess’ could not be proceeded even after defeating Papa Pixie.
    • The completion NPC for ‘Finding the Third Augury’ quest has been changed to Kerning City's JM From tha Streetz.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close upon accepting the ‘Heliseum Securing the Front Lines’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the mini-map in certain Minar Forest maps was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not double-jump in certain areas of Korean Folk Town.
    • Certain terrains in the quest area of ‘Suspicious Energy’ have been modified.
    • You can no longer use movement skills when using the Edelstein Android Research Lab 3 elevator.
    • Fixed the issue where the character reflected in the Kerning Tower Rehearsal Room mirror was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • ‘The Remarkable Brotherhood’ quest can now be carried out after the completion of ‘Chapter 5: Organization’ quest and before the completion of ‘Who's the Traitor?’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic could not use exclusive mounts during Vanishing Journey’s ‘Defeat Arma’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the characters reflected on the floor of Esfera were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the walking motion of other characters at Moonbridge White Spear was displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser's 3rd Job Advancement quest could not be proceeded.
    • Fixed the issue where Angelic Buster would be displayed in an awkward manner in the quest UI.
    • Fixed the issue where scroll related information was stated in the Genesis Weapon quest guide in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where scrolls would be stated in the content rewards for ‘Ice Knight's Curse’ party quest in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where certain quests would appear multiple times in the Guide recommended quests.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Toxic Spirit would revive in a different location than where it had died in Spirit Savior.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Cross World Party Quest points would reset later than midnight.
    • Fixed the issue where in Follow state, the leading character's Follow is deactivated when the following character moves a map through a quest or queue.
    • Fixed the issue where moving maps while talking to an NPC would sometimes cause the NPC to appear in abnormal locations.
    • Fixed the issue where moving maps would cause Party, Buddy, and Blacklist UI to close.
    • Fixed the issue where you can't jump down at a position where a certain platform is connected.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest arrival notification was displayed repeatedly.
    • Monsters that appear on Tower of Oz 34th Floor can no longer be moved.
    • Moving to a map where teleportation is restricted while in the queue will now cancel your place in the queue.
    • If you defeat Rex in ‘[Party Quest] Resurrection of the Hoblin King’, you're now guaranteed to obtain Hobb Warrior Mark.
    • Lv. 110 requirement has been added to the '[MONAD] Abrup Mission Board' quest.
    Item Improvements

    • Getting hit and taking damage while sitting in a chair will now cancel the chair.
    • The images for the following cash equipment items have been changed:
      • Fixed the issue where certain outfits containing socks would be displayed over your shoes.
      • Fixed the issue where the location of the cape would shift during certain actions when riding a mount while equipping Pretty Pixie.
      • Fixed the issue where hair would become visible during certain actions when a Bald Wig was equipped over Shaved Hair.
      • Fixed the issue where particle effects would not appear when a Blood Oath Weapon was equipped with a two-handed weapon action.
      • Fixed the issue where riding certain mounts while equipping Veamoth Wings would be displayed in an awkward manner.
      • Fixed the issue where equipping the Shining Rod of Equilibrium to an Ark character and then jumping would cause the weapon to appear behind the character.
      • Fixed the issue where certain hairstyles would be visible when equipping the Dragon Emperor's Helm.
      • Fixed the issue where the weapon would be displayed in an awkward manner when jumping while equipped with the Elven Monarch's Dual Bowguns.
    • Fixed the issue where sitting on the Dramatic Student Chair would make the capes be visible.
    • Fixed the issue where clicking an empty slot in the Inventory while using the Luna Crystal would cause all the items in the Cash tab to be displayed in red.
    • The item description for the Root Abyss Master title was updated.
    • The item tooltip descriptions for Veteran Cross Shoulder, Veteran Cross Belt, and Veteran Cross Pendant were updated.
    • Fixed the issue where the weapon would be displayed in an awkward manner during certain Genesis Ellaha actions.
    • Fixed the issue where the stats for durational titles would not be applied properly in certain situations.
    • The text for the notices that appear prior to using the following items have been changed to match the character's status:
      • Android Ear Sensor Clip
      • Dragon Tail Remover
      • Generator Mark Remover
      • Demon Markings
      • Abyssal Ritual
    • Fixed the incorrect guide information message that is displayed upon using the Reward Pouch 5 times.
    • Summoning Sacks can no longer be used in boss content.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to sell the following medals to shops:
      • White Mage Minion
      • Empress Maker
      • Bookworm, Winter Bard
      • Sharenian Knight
      • Astral Whale
    • Fixed the issue with Cash Shop where if you clicked View Details for My Outfits while equipped with certain items, the list displayed would not match with the equipped items.
    • Fixed the issue where the Mini Celestial Wand cash equipment had the incorrect equippable weapon information.
    • The Risk Taker Ring skill description was updated to accurately state that it will be canceled when you take a hit.
    • Fixed the issue where when you use Rebirth Flame on some untradable equipment that can be obtained through quest completion, the "Scissors Usages Available" and "Cannot be Traded when equipped" text were added.
    • Fixed the issue where some untradable equipment that can be obtained through quest completion was displayed in the available item list for Scissors of Karma.
    • The guide message displayed upon using the Mastery Book before the skill update has been changed.
    • Fixed the issue where Timeless Burgunt actions were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Added quest information to the Black Mage Remnant item description tooltip.
    • You can now use Red Cubes, Black Cubes, Bonus Occult Cubes, and Bonus Potential Cubes on equipped items via dragging and dropping.
    • Some motion images for cash items were updated:
      • Fixed the issue where images were missing from some Beaky Owl Gloves motions.
      • Fixed the issue where images were missing from some Twinkle Sparkle motions.
      • Fixed the issue where some Horoscope Net actions were displayed in an awkward manner.
      • Fixed the issue where a different image was displayed for some Spooky Shoes/Heels actions.
      • Fixed the issue where images were missing from some Bound by Dreams motions.
      • Fixed the issue where certain motions for the Star Messenger weapon were displayed in an awkward manner.
      • Fixed the issue where another eye color was displayed sometimes in the brown Curious Face's Googly Eyes emote.
    • Added information to Transparent Shield's description stating that it also makes Katara, Soul Ring, and Controller transparent.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of Android chat balloons displayed in an awkward manner if you died with certain Androids equipped.
    • If you have too many cash items, you will no longer be able to receive cash items by using cash item coupons.
    • Fixed the issue where certain items would be displayed in an awkward manner on chairs or mounts that change a character's movement.
    • The images of certain cash items have been updated.
      • Fixed the issue where the jump effect displayed in an awkward manner when a character with a gun was equipped with a Blue Nightmare Rose.
      • Fixed the issue where the pole of the Firefly Firelight Lantern would appear over the character's hands in certain motions.
      • Fixed the issue where the hair length was displayed in an awkward manner when crouching with Half Chickpea Hair.
      • Fixed the issue where certain motion images for the Flutter Ghost Shoes and Mad Mage Shoes displayed in an awkward manner when crouching.
      • Fixed the issue where the Visual effect of the Heroes of Maple Luminous set displayed in an awkward manner
      • Fixed the issue where chat balloons would appear higher than a character's head with Florian Hair.
      • Fixed the issue where the ear images of Elf/Flora characters displayed in an awkward manner when equipped with certain earmuffs.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration would be extended if the use of a Halloween Ghost mount item failed.
    • HP and MP can now be increased to a max of 30,000 when enhancing equipment.
    • Fixed the issue where ring details were not displayed in the Reboot Cosmos Ring Coupon description tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Blizzard Gloves motions displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipped effect for the Sunday Monster Park Medal would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipped effect for the Badge of Junna would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where scroll enhancement related content was stated in certain item tooltips in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where weapon effects were not displayed when Mechanic mounts on a Mech after equipping the Genesis Pistol.
    • Fixed the issue where the cold prevention effect of the Thermal Hotpad item would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the cold prevention effect of the Cape of Warmness item would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Magnus facial expressions displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not use the Appraisal Magnifying Glass on items with sealed Potential.
    • Fixed the issue where dialogue of non-human type Android was not visible.
    • Fixed the issue where combat stats for the Legion of Extraordinary Maplers Chair were displayed differently than actual Legion combat stats.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the client would close when the Legion of Extraordinary Maplers Chair was used.
    • Fixed a typo for the Pyoron Hair when using Mix Dye Coupon.
    • Fixed the issue where Fluffy Puffy Cloud Hair’s yellow and purple mixed dyes would cause a mole to appear on the character's face.
    • Fixed the issue where the cash weapon wasn’t visible when Demon Avenger or Kaiser are hanging on a ladder.
    • A pop-up message notifying that the current buff will be removed will be displayed when attempting to use MVP 50% Bonus EXP Coupon while MVP Plus EXP Buff is applied.
    • Fixed the issue where Fedric de Blanc's list of items for sale would display fewer items in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where using Alchemy to craft bags would result in a failure if material items were inside the bag.
    • Fixed the issue where certain EXP coupons could not be used while riding on a mount.
    • Fixed the issue where no error message was given when using the Sharenian Demon Mount in certain areas where riding mounts is prohibited.
    • Fixed the issue where the cash equipment equipped by Angelic Buster while dressed up wasn't recognized as equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the image didn't line up during the ladder and rope motions while you were on the Spirit Army Mount.
    • Gem Voucher will no longer disappear upon using the Monster Life Farm Reset Scroll.
    • Added the information that states what the pet says won't be displayed to other players in the pet tooltip.
    Content Changes

    • Kritias
      • Kritias Invasion ‘Participate in Kritias Invasion!’ quest will be removed.
      • The following Kritias achievements will be moved to the Memories tab:
        • [Invasion] Last Hit
        • [Invasion] This is My Planet!
        • [Invasion] Get Outta Here!
        • [Invasion] Advanced Play
    • Boss Map Changes
      • Players will no longer be able to enhance, sit on mounts and chairs, and use Summoning Sack on certain boss maps.
      • EXP will not be reduced upon death on certain boss exit maps.
    • Maple Tour
      • The amount of mesos obtainable will be reduced.
        • Lv. 105 - 159: reduced to 50%
        • Lv. 160 - 199: reduced to 50% - 70%
        • Lv. 200: reduced to 70%
        • Lv. 201- Lv. 249: reduced to 70% - 90%
        • Lv. 250 and above: reduced to 90%
      • Separate sections for the amount of mesos obtainable for Lv. 200 - 249 and Lv. 250 and above will be added.
      • You will now accumulate mesos based on the character’s level at the time of clearing the Maple Tour.
        • Mesos obtained prior to the v.220 update maintenance will be calculated and distributed according to the pre-patch standards.
      • The following items have been added to the Maple Tour Coin Shop:
        • Precious Pirates Mount Coupon (90 Day): 50 Coins. Untradeable, 7-day duration. Mount from the coupon has 90-day duration.
        • Double Bear Hot-Air Balloon Mount Coupon (90 Day): 50 Coins. Untradeable, 7-day duration. Mount from the coupon has 90-day duration.
    • Beast Tamer
      • As mentioned on our webpost, the existing ‘A Guardian's Blessing’ quest will be removed.
      • Up to six AP Potions will be given through the new ‘A Guardian's Blessings’ quest within the lightbulb icon on the left side of the screen for Lv. 140 and above Beast Tamer characters.
    • Zero
      • The Sengoku Era Lucky Item Scroll and Sweetwater Lucky Item Scroll will be added for Zero characters in Reboot. These items will drop from monsters upon completion of Zero's Prologue.
    • As mentioned on our NPC Fredrick Removal webpost, Fredrick the Store Bank NPC at the Free Market entrance will be removed.
    • Midnight Hunt of Pollo & Fritto Bounty Hunt will no longer appear and the relevant achievements will be moved to the Memories tab.
    • The max summoning stage will no longer decrease after Arcanus is summoned to the Sharenian Culvert.
    • Enhancement can no longer be used in the Sharenian Culvert.
    • Enhancement can no longer be used in Flag Race.
    • The EXP that can be obtained from the orb after defeating a Lv. 101 - 150 Elite Champion will be increased.
    • The key input guide image that was displayed above harvesting items when no Professions have been learned will be updated.
    • The image of the Onyx Jaguar monster in Monster Life has been updated.
    • The 'Change Character' button in-game has been renamed to 'World Selection'.
    System Changes

    • World Selection, Character Selection, and Character Creation screen resolutions will be changed to 1024x768.
      • Increased the number of characters displayed on the Character Selection screen from 8 to 12.
      • Increased the number of class selection buttons displayed on the Character Creation screen from 5 to 6.
      • Updated the images for certain classes on the Character Creation screen.
      • Updated the background images for each class when creating new characters.
      • Updated the image on the Region Selection Screen.
    • The number of channels in Bera will be decreased back to 20.
      • The number of channels in NA Reboot will temporarily remain as 30.
    • In the Auction House, the storage period for items has been modified to display the storage expiration date.
    • If the number of items that match the search conditions at the Auction House is more than what can be displayed in the list, a notification message about the next list will now be displayed.
    • The following actions can no longer be performed while in the queue for the Waiting List:
      • Party status change
      • Channel change
      • Cash Shop
      • Monster Life
      • Auction House
      • Cross World Party Quest
      • Meso Market
    • An ellipsis will be displayed when the character and guild name exceeds a certain number of characters.
    • Updated the click range for Goddess of Maple World, Goddess of Grandis, and Goddess of Tynerum.
    • Transfer Hammer UI can now be closed using the ESC key.
    • The previously selected Node will now be deselected when choosing Node extraction mode in V Matrix.
    • Certain Damage Skins' Critical Hit mark locations were adjusted.
    • The Buy/Sell Meso amount in the Meso Market has been updated for better visibility.
    • [Updated February 5] Takeno's Blessing skill's invulnerability buff no longer guards against certain attacks.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where buffs would not be canceled when exiting Ursus fight due to running out of time.
    • Fixed the issue in the Ursus fight where the decision sound for “Great” would play in proportion to the number of characters that entered.
    • Fixed the issue where, when a Dark Knight activated Final Pact in Ursus and left, the cooldown wasn't displayed in the buff window.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser's Morph Gauge was reset upon leaving the Ursus fight.
    • Fixed the issue where if a party member canceled matching in Ursus fight, the matching couldn't be attempted again.
    • Fixed the issue where players who were resurrected with the Resurrection skill in the Ursus fight weren't counted as survivors.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Ursus fight results UI would display an incorrect score before displaying the correct score.
    • Fixed the issue with the Character Selection screen where it displayed particles that do not match the actions of characters equipped with particle-applied weapons.
    • Fixed the issue where Buff Freezer UI would appear on the Character Selection screen.
    • Fixed the issue where if you extended a monster's lifespan in Monster Life, it would not be immediately reflected.
    • Fixed the issue where the Monster Life chat window did not display the Megaphone channel information correctly.
    • Fixed the issue in Monster Life where it appeared as if EXP would continue to accumulate even when a monster reached Lv. 30.
    • Fixed the issue where all monsters were displayed as available to be combined in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue with Monster Life where sometimes the buildings could not be placed in empty spaces.
    • Fixed the issue where the Elite Boss alarm message would not disappear if you changed channels after the appearance of an Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where the Elite Boss alarm message would not disappear even after defeating the Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where the Elite Boss alarm message would not appear if no characters were present in the field the Elite Boss appeared in.
    • Fixed the issue in Maple Chat where certain word bubbles were displayed in an awkward manner.
    • Fixed the issue in Maple Chat where it was possible to invite characters that were offline.
    • Fixed the issue where in Maple Chat, Kaiser's wings and tail, Angelic Buster's wings, and Hoyoung's ears and tail weren't visible.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters did not spawn in the Tower of Oz 37th Floor.
    • Fixed the issue where the answer and monster images did not match in the Tower of Oz 36th Floor.
    • Fixed the issue where the restored Stupid Pill is not distributed upon completing the Tower of Oz practice mode.
    • Fixed the issue where search results would appear differently based on where values were entered in the Auction House's Detailed Search filter.
    • Fixed the issue where the Sell/Purchase slot information's number image was covered in the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Gentle Breeze and Night Glimmering Ripple show in the Auction House search window.
    • Fixed the issue where an equipped hat would intermittently appear when entering and leaving the Auction House while riding on certain mounts.
    • Fixed the issue with the Auction House where the results for "sorting by price" and "sorting by unit price" were different when listing search results for non-bundled items.
    • Fixed the issue where the following achievements would also stack for party members.
      • [Rune] Ka-boom!
      • [Rune] Ka-boom! Ka-BOOM!
      • [Rune] A Rune of One's Own
      • [Rune] A Rune with a View
      • [Soul] Good Job, Dear Soul
      • [Soul] This Hurts My Soul
      • [Soul] Soulless
    • Fixed the issue where ‘Grand Athenaeum Episode 6: Sharenian Knight’ achievement could not be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘[Spirit Savior] Elite Rescue Crew’ achievement cannot be completed when all of the daily coins in Spirit Savior have been collected.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘[Smithing] Intermediate Equipment Crafter’ achievements did not accumulate.
    • Fixed the issue where the character’s hair displayed in an awkward manner when crouching with Bold Hair.
    • Fixed the issue where, when making the Googly Eyes expression with a Colorblend Sesame Face containing brown, it would be displayed in an awkward order.
    • Fixed the issue in Hungry Muto where sometimes the effect for Simia's guide text would appear repeatedly upon finishing a recipe.
    • Fixed the issue where moving maps while certain pop-up windows were still open would cause the client to crash.
    • Fixed the issue with the Cash Shop banner's right-side button being shown in an abnormal color in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would slow down when selecting multiple Nodes in V Matrix Node extraction mode.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the Mystery Mix Dye Coupon UI title.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's ears and tail weren’t visible in the UI for mini-games, such as Omok.
    • Fixed the issue where the Guild UI did not close upon pressing ESC key when using the bulletin board.
    • Fixed the issue where the EXP decrease value was incorrectly displayed in Battle Analysis.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipment that doesn't belong to the corresponding job dropped in Reboot world's Dragon Forest II.
    • Fixed the issue where equipment that belongs to another job was displayed in the recommendation tab in the shop.
    • Fixed the issue where you can't close the game menu using the ESC key.
    • Fixed the issue where the saved Legion Preset got reset.
    • Fixed the issue where you couldn't use Guild Megaphone in Ardentmill and Free Market.
    • Fixed the issue where Mu Lung Dojo timer displayed only up to 14 minutes and 59 seconds. It'll now display 15 minutes and 00 seconds.
    • Fixed the issue where the client may close when using a pet with certain conditions.
    • Fixed the issue where the guide message kept displaying when you still had a gift note from a blacklisted character.
    • Fixed the issue where the key input was only applied once even if you pressed and held a keyboard button in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where if you entered Legion Raid with various enhancement-related UIs open, a message stating that entry failed due to an unknown error would appear.
    • Fixed the issue where if you assigned a character to a Legion but did not participate in battle, the Legion Coins would not be accumulated.
    • Fixed the issue in Flag Race where you're able to use the Charge skill to return to the starting point or use a skill multiple times.
    • Fixed the issue where the Exit button disappeared upon leaving Spirit Savior and Legion Raid.
    • Fixed the issue in Spirit Savior where sometimes Toxic Spirit would not get bigger.
    • Fixed the issue in Spirit Savior where sometimes two Toxic Spirits are summoned.
    • Fixed the issue where a Maple Guide stamp is obtained upon defeating monsters, even before reaching the Maple Guide start level. The quest can be continued if the Maple Guide stamp quest is already in progress.
    • Fixed the issue with Zero Beta where clicking ‘Remove All’ on an item that can be previewed in the Cash Shop by double-clicking caused the character's appearance to be displayed differently than how she would actually appear.
    • Fixed the issue where Today's Trait would not refresh in the character information UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Chef in Lith Harbor would not respond when spoken to.
    • Fixed the issue where NPCs that don't exist would appear on the mini-map.
    • Fixed the issue with Lucy in Amherst where you're unable to recharge Throwing Star and Bullet, or purchase Arrow or Arrow for Crossbow.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close instead of going to the Character Selection screen when exiting the game through the game settings menu.
    • Fixed the issue where notification pop-ups appeared at the top of the screen.
    • Fixed the issue where, when the ESC key is set as picture mode hotkey, it won't let you end picture mode upon pressing it.
    • Fixed the issue where Legendary Spirit UI doesn't close when Soul Enchanter is used on Guardian Scroll in Legendary Spirit UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the Charge Soul effect would not be displayed while under the effect of the Elite Boss curse.
    • Fixed the issue where Dragon equipment or Mechanic equipment did not drop in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where the world selection button would sometimes appear as if it had been clicked multiple times.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes you were unable to enter the Bounty Hunter portal.
    • Fixed the issue where the client may close when enhancing a Lv. 270 or higher slot in V Matrix.
    • Fixed the issue where Fairy Bros Daily Gift reward acceptance text went out of the UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Ranmaru dropped Condensed Spirit crafting material.
    • Fixed the issue where mini map icons appeared below platforms on Black Mountain Entrance.
    • Fixed the issue where Akechi Mitsuhide Boss Party Buff did not list the target boss in the damage boost description.
    • Fixed the issue where Cadena's 5th Job skills Veteran Shadowdealer, Apocalypse Cannon and Chain Arts: Maelstrom caused lag in boss fights.
    • Fixed the issue where black bars appeared in the cutscene from the end of Hayato’s tutorial questline.
    • Fixed the issue where text is overlapped by the item icon on the Bebe Box UI.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text on the Tower of Oz Question Ring Box description.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect message was given for the reason that Hayato cannot enter a portal.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Reward for Collectors’ quest appeared in the ‘Lith Harbor’ quest log section.
    • Fixed the issue where Dorothy’s Familiar icon in the Familiar UI had incorrect art.
    • Fixed the issue where The Nightmarish Last Days map name was inconsistent.
    • Fixed the issue where the world map dot tooltips on the main Maple World Map were inconsistent with other tooltips.
    • Fixed the issue where The Tranquil Sage Outfit and Hat descriptions had unnecessary text.
    • Fixed the issue where Conjured Veilprey Familiar had outdated icon art.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘Spectral Light Spectacular’ quest listed incorrect mob on the in-progress quest log.
    • Fixed the issue where Ereve was misspelled as Erev in the Six Path Crossway tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect error message was given when attempting to use the Bunny Moon Gazing Mount Coupon with the mount already registered.
    • Fixed the issue where the error message when entering Moonlight Bamboo Grove says ‘Mushroom Shrine Strange Tales’.
    • Fixed the issue where Akechi Mitsuhide had an extra word in its dialogue when transitioning to Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where the Thick Eyebrows item was not visible on Brown Owl pet during action.
    • Fixed the issue where the Fox Fire Ears item was not visible during certain basic attack actions.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the ‘Roro's Function Report’ quest on the completed section of the quest log.
    • Fixed the issue where Crystal Lovers' Tree Chair was missing tooltip description text.
    • Fixed the issue where Limina was displayed twice while Sellas was missing in the Arcane River World Map drop down menu.
    • Fixed the issue where Today's Contribution number in the minimized guild UI was off center.
    • Fixed the issue where Light Executor Garb had various clipping issues.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text in Hayato’s tutorial dialogue between Takeda Shingen and Hayato.
    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage’s 2nd Job skill Ordinary Conversion had inaccurate description.
    • Fixed the issue where when creating a Hayato, the word ‘Bown’ appeared for the hair color instead of ‘Brown’.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in one of the Auction House dropdowns.
    • Fixed the issue where character customization options were out of order or missing on the Character Create page.
    • Fixed the issue where Kanna and Demon Avenger’s Elementalism skill description was inconsistent with similar skills.
    • Fixed the issue where Chick Gloves appeared in front of other outfits during certain actions.
    • Fixed the issue where messages could exceed 10 characters on Glow Spell and Glory of Red chairs.
    • Fixed the issue where Advanced Filter Bars text in the Weapon subsection was not aligned with the UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the Evan Mastery Books was still being sold by Luna and Carol.
    • Fixed the issue where the Escape button can be used to exit out of Threads of Fate dialogues.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect error message was displayed when attempting to enter Lotus (Hard) after exiting.
    • Fixed the issue where Julieta disappears during Phase 5: Frozen Grim Vale.
    • Fixed the issue where the Cursed Temple Maple guide button was displayed as Lord Balrog.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Glory Guard’ quests had placeholder dates in the completed section of the quest log.
    • Fixed the issue with the Partem highlighted graphic displaying on the Victoria Island world map.
    • Fixed the issue with Momijigaoka area name being inconsistent with other parts of Zipangu.
    • Fixed the text error on the Transformation potion description.
    Known Issues

    • [Updated February 3] Awake Damage Skin (Unit) and Ribbon Damage Skin (Unit) have Korean unit indicators.
    • [Updated February 3] There is a typo for 'monster' in the following in-game chat message: 'Starting now, you'll be able to find Moon Candies as you hunt monsters near your level.'
    • [Updated February 3] Damage reduction skills may cause disconnections. These are the affected class/skills identified so far:
      • Kanna - Haku/Foxfire
      • Hero/Phantom - Rage
      • Cannoneer - Counter Crush
      • Demon Slayer - Vengeance
      • Mechanic - Perfect Armor
    • [Updated February 3] Hayato's Phantom Blade skill does not deal damage on 4th and 5th hit.
    • [Updated February 3] Commerci voyages are dropping a default Sweetwater Weapon (M) in Reboot world.
    • [Updated February 3] Characters may get stuck instead of entering the mini-game when they are moved to the Celestial Cookie Flip Lobby.
    • [Updated February 10] Hayato and Kanna characters cannot be created when their default appearance style has been changed in Character Creation screen. Please try creating the characters without their default appearance changed until we address this issue.
    • [Updated February 10] Beast Tamer's Aerial Relief is dealing less damage lines than intended.
    • [Updated February 10] Squire Pancho Sanza is missing from Haven.
    • [Updated February 10] The character is misplaced when sitting on chairs that enlarge the character.
    • (Additional Known Issues TBA)
    Ellinel Full Moon Party

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • You are invited to the Ellinel Full Moon Party in celebration of the blue full moon that comes by every 100 years!
    • Accept ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, you will automatically be moved to the Full Moon Party Venue map.
    • You can earn up to 200 Moon Candies daily per character.
    • You can earn up to 100 Cotton Candies daily per character.
    • You can earn up to 130 Star Candies daily per world.
    Search for Moon Candy

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Help Headmistress Ivana retrieve Moon Candies from the mischievous wisps!
    • Accept ‘[Full Moon Party] Search for Moon Candy with Headmistress Ivana’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Headmistress Ivana on Full Moon Party Venue map.
    • A new method to obtain Moon Candies will unlock each week.
      • Week 1: Hunt monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
      • Week 2: Obtain Combo Kill Orb.
      • Week 3: Defeat Elite Monster, Elite Champion, or Elite Boss.
        • Only the player who dealt most damage will receive Moon Candies.
        • Elite Monsters spawned from Rune of Darkness will not give Moon Candies.
      • Week 4: Use Runes.
      • Week 5: Exit Pollo and Fritto’s Bounty Hunting.
      • These methods will stack as new ones unlock weekly. (Example: You can obtain Moon Candies from hunting monsters near your level AND obtaining Combo Kill Orb on Week 2.)
    • You can earn up to 200 Moon Candies daily per character.


    • Moon Candy
    Star Balloon Pop

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest. Only available for characters that obtained 200 Moon Candies for the day.

    • Tosh the Fairy prepared a Star Balloon Pop game just for the party!
    • Accept ‘[Full Moon Party] Star Balloon Pop’ quest by talking to Tosh the Fairy on Full Moon Party Venue map.
    • Enter the portal next to Tosh the Fairy in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Star Balloon Pop.
      • You can only enter Star Balloon Pop after you have obtained 200 Moon Candies for that day.
    • The game has a total of 11 stages where you must defeat as many Unicorn Star Balloon monsters and Star Balloon monsters within two minutes to achieve a high score.
    • The higher your score, the more Star Candies you will receive.
    • You can earn up to 130 Star Candies daily per world.
    • Once you’ve collected 2,000 Star Candies, you can exchange them for 1 of the 4 Ellinel Growth Potions. The quantity given is different depending on the type of potion you select.
    • You can obtain the reward once per world.


    • You can select 1 of the following items:
      • Ellinel Growth Potion 1 (200-209) (x8): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
      • Ellinel Growth Potion 2 (200-219) (x4): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
      • Ellinel Growth Potion 3 (200-229) (x2): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
      • Ellinel Growth Potion 4 (200-239) (x1): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    Phiny's Magic Wand

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 141 to 199 (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • A swish of Phiny’s Magic Wand is all it takes to gain extra levels!
    • Talk to Phiny the Fairy located in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Phiny’s Magic Wand.
    • Your character’s level must be between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to use Phiny’s Magic Wand.
    • Use 200 Moon Candies to use Phiny’s Magic Wand. It will level your character at random, up to 10 levels.
    • The maximum level it can level you up to is Lv. 200.
    • Level-up probabilities for each level are available by talking to Phiny the Fairy.
    • You can use Phiny’s Magic wand once a day per world during the weekdays and twice a day per world during weekends.


    Celestial Cookie Flip

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – February 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Challenge your friends in a reversi-style game where you inflict damage to your opponent by flipping stone pieces on the board!
    • Talk to Ephony the Fairy located in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Celestial Cookie Flip.
    • After you queue, you will be matched with one other player as an opponent.
    • This is a reversi-style game where you inflict damage to your opponent by flipping stone pieces on the board.
    • The more pieces you flip over at once, the higher the damage dealt.
    • When you place a piece on the board, you must surround at least one of your opponent's pieces between yours (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
    • Whoever reduces the opponent's HP to 0 first or has more HP once no more pieces can be played, wins.
    • If you exceed the given time during your turn, the game will place your piece for you. You will not earn points when the game plays your turn for you.
    • If the game plays for you 3 times, you will receive a penalty and will not receive rewards. If you receive a penalty, you cannot participate in the game for 15 minutes.
    • If you reach your Cotton Candy capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Cotton Candy.


    • Cotton Candy

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – February 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Jump and bounce as high as you can to earn items floating in the sky!
    • You can accept the invitation quest every hour on the 15-minute and the 45-minute mark from the invitation that appears on top of your character.
    • Your goal is to bounce as high as you can while riding on the mount and collect the items.
    • When you make consecutive jumps within 5 seconds, you can improve your jump ability by 10%.
    • As you jump around, you can collect items such as Petal Fairy, Leaf Fairy, and Moonlight Fairy. These will be counted as points and you’ll obtain Cotton Candy based on the points you’ve received.
    • If you reach your Cotton Candy capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Cotton Candy.


    • Cotton Candy
    Potion Pyramid

    UTC: February 24 at 12:00 AM – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Strategically stack potions in the shape of a pyramid against other players!
    • Talk to Ephony the Fairy located in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Potion Pyramid.
    • There are a total of 36 blocks: 7 each of the 5 kinds of normal blocks and 1 special block.
    • Each player will receive 12 blocks. While it’s your turn, you can select 1 block and stack them on the pyramid.
    • You can place any block on the first floor. However, you can only stack a block when there is the same type of block below it.
    • The special block can be stacked on top of any other kind of block. However, no other block can be stacked on top of the special block.
    • You will receive points for each block you place.
    • There are a total of 3 rounds. The round will end when there is a player who placed all of their blocks on the pyramid or if no one can place their blocks.
    • After the 3rd round, ranks are determined based on the final amount of points for each player.
    • If two players have the same amount of points at the end, the player who obtained the point first will achieve a higher rank.
    • If you exceed the given time during your turn, Ephony the Fairy will place one of your monsters for you.
    • If Ephony the Fairy places the block for you 3 times, you will receive a penalty and will not receive rewards. If you receive a penalty, you cannot participate in the game for 15 minutes.
    • If you reach your Cotton Candy capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Cotton Candy.


    • Cotton Candy
    Wisp Wallop

    UTC: February 24 at 12:00 AM – March 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Fly around avoiding incoming missiles while collecting candies!
    • You can accept the invitation quest every hour on the 15-minute and the 45-minute mark from the invitation that appears on top of your character.
    • There are a total of 3 stages. There must be a minimum of 10 participants for the game to start.
    • The goal of this game is to successfully avoid attacks and obtain as many candies within the time limit to earn Cotton Candy.
    • When you are hit by an attack, your movement will temporarily be restricted and you are unable to obtain the candies.
    • When the stage ends, rewards will be distributed based on your rankings.
    • Rankings will reset every stage.
    • You cannot earn the rewards if you leave during the game.
    • If you reach your Cotton Candy capacity for the day, you can still participate in the game but no longer obtain Cotton Candy.


    • Cotton Candy
    Moonlight Enhancement Shop

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 14 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Cootie the Really Small put together gifts for the Ellinel Full Moon Party!
    • Talk to Cootie the Really Small located in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Moonlight Enhancement Shop.
    • You can use Moon Candy obtained from the Search for Moon Candy event to purchase items from the Moonlight Enhancement Shop.


    • Event Ring Exclusive Cube: 70 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 100. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Jewel Crafting Ring: 10 Moon Candies. Untradeable.
    • Magical Jewel Box: 10 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 10 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Synergy Ring Coupon: 800 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Cosmos Ring Coupon: 10 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Reboot Cosmos Ring Coupon: 1,200 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Cosmos Atom: 60 Moon Candies. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Vengeful Ring Coupon: 10 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Reboot Vengeful Ring Coupon: 1,200 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Vengeful Stone: 60 Moon Candies. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 300 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 100 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Master Craftsman's Cube: 100 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube: 100 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Nodestone: 70 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 100 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: 200 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: 100 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 12 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey: 30 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island: 30 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein: 50 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Arcana: 50 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Morass: 70 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    • Arcane Symbol: Esfera: 70 Moon Candies. Limited quantity: 50. Untradeable.
    Cotton Candy Workshop

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 14 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Woonie the Fairy will make something beautiful for you in exchange for Cotton Candy!
    • Talk to Woonie the Fairy located in the Full Moon Party Venue map to have access to the Cotton Candy Workshop.
    • You can use Cotton Candy obtained from playing the following Full Moon Party.
    • Mini-Games to purchase items from the Cotton Candy Workshop:
      • Celestial Cookie Flip
      • Uni-phoria
      • Potion Pyramid
      • Wisp Wallop


    • Full Moon Party Outfit Coupon: 300 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 4 per character. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following items:
      • Star & Moon Hairpin: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Moonlight Fairy Tunic: Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a male character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Moonlight Fairy Maillot: Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a female character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Moonlight Fairy Wings: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Moonlight Fairy Shoes: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Cotton Candy Damage Skin (Unit): 1,000 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Wonkyroid Coupon: 1,000 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following items:
      • Wonkyroid: Untradeable. Android has a shop function. You are unable to make changes to its appearance.
      • Lidium Heart: Untradeable, Permanent.
    • Full Moon Bunny Chair: 400 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Jewelry box Mount: 200 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Cotton Candy Unicorn Mount: 300 Cotton Candies. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Random Damage Skin Box: 100 Cotton Candies. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open the box to receive 1 of the following damage skins at random:
      • Chick Damage Skin
      • Foggy Damage Skin
      • Imperial Damage Skin
      • Labyrinth Flame Damage Skin
      • Origami Damage Skin
      • Moon Bunny Damage Skin
      • Festival Tortoise Damage Skin
      • Full Moon Damage Skin
      • Fireworks Damage Skin
      • Churro Damage Skin
      • Chestnut Damage Skin


    Tracy's Valentine Gifts

    UTC: February 10 at 12:00 AM – February 16 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Full Moon Party] You Are Cordially Invited’ quest.

    • Love is in the air, as Valentine’s Day is coming up soon! Tracy is preparing special gifts for guests who are enjoying their time at the Ellinel Full Moon Party.
    • Accept ‘[Valentine’s Day] Tracy’s Colorful Valentine’s Day Gifts’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Tracy on Full Moon Party Venue map.
    • There are a total of 4 daily missions asking you to collect various candies.
    • Each mission will unlock each day at 12:00 AM UTC.
      • Once the missions are unlocked, you can complete them all at once in order.
    • Hidden mission alert! Complete a hidden mission to obtain the Primrose Face Chair!
    • Mission completion is shared within your characters in the same world.
    • You can obtain the reward once per world.


    • Mission Day 1: Love Mouse Hat Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the Love Mouse Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Mission Day 2: Love Mouse Outfit Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the Love Mouse Outfit: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Mission Day 3: Moon Roller Mount: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount from the coupon is permanent.
    • Mission Day 4: Select 1 of the following items:
      • True Love Chocolate Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive True Love Chocolate: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Heartbreak Chocolate Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Heartbreak Chocolate: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Hidden Mission: Primrose Face Chair: Untradeable.


    Burning World Leap

    UTC: January 27 (after maintenance) – February 18 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 150 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Only for characters in the Burning World.

    • It’s time to World Leap your qualified Burning World characters!
    • After maintenance on January 27, your characters will be moved to Burning Leap Zone where you can proceed with World Leap by talking to NPC Mover.
    • Your characters, regardless of it being a ‘Burning’ character or not, must be Lv. 150 and above to World Leap. Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2.
    • You can move up to five characters that meet the requirements.
    • Characters can be transferred to any non-Reboot worlds only. You can only transfer within your region.
    • You may send your Burning characters all to the same world, or to different worlds.
    • You can move the character even if you don’t have an empty character slot in the world you chose.
      • If you have reached the max character limit in the world you chose, you will have to delete a character first and create an empty slot before moving your Burning World characters to that world.
      • If the world you chose has empty character slots, one of the open character slots will be used.
    • Your character must leave or disband their Guild before proceeding with World Leap.
      • When you talk to Mover, you will be given an option to Disband the Guild or the Alliance. You can also use the Guild UI to leave the Guild.
    • Your character cannot World Leap if they have the following items in the inventory:
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 1
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 2
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 3
      • <Mountain of Awakening> Growth Potion 4
      • Awake Ring Coupon
      • Awake Ring Exclusive Enhancement Scroll
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
      • Job Advancement Coin
      • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
      • Special Bonus Potential Scroll
      • Golden Hammer 100%
      • Innocence Scroll 60%
      • Gold Potential Stamp
      • Special Potential Stamp
      • Master Craftsman's Cube
      • Meister's Cube
      • Bonus Occult Cube
      • Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT 100%
      • Scroll for Pet Equip. for M. ATT 100%
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame
      • Karma Rejuvenation Flame
      • Karma Meister's Cube
      • Karma Bonus Occult Cube
      • Karma Chaos Scroll of Greatness 60%
      • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame x10 Package
      • Karma Powerful Rebirth Flame x10 Package
      • Red Cube x5 Package
      • Black Cube x5 Package
      • Bonus Potential Cube x5 Package
      • Karma Star Force 15-Star Enhancement
      • You may sell these items to Luna on the Burning Leap Zone map to proceed with World Leap.
      • You are unable to use these items in Burning Leap Zone. If you would like to use them, you must do it prior to January 27 maintenance.
    • Your character's equipped items, inventory, and mesos will be transferred with your character.
      • Items in your Cash Shop Inventory, Storage, Auction House, and mail will not be moved. Please remember to move these items to your inventory before World Leap.
    • Game information, such as rankings and special medals (Donation King, etc.), will not be moved.
    • Expanded character slots in Burning World will not be transferred.
    Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – June 8 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway is back to give out special rewards to our Maplers!
    • Accept ‘[Golden Giveaway] The Bros are Back’ quest in the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • During the event period, click on the Fairy Bros icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to access the UI.
    • Your attendance will count when you click the check-in button after your daily cumulative login time reaches 1 hour. Login time will only accumulate when you are logged in with a character Lv. 101 and above.
    • You will receive rewards every 9th time you have completed the attendance.
    • During weekends, your attendance will count as 2 checks.
    • If you have missed attendance, you have the option to use the Golden Pass.
      • Golden Pass can provide attendance checks for the price of 3,000 Maple Points.
      • One Golden Pass usage can check off 1 attendance and it can only be used up to the number of incomplete attendance days as of the previous day’s record.
    • Available usage count for Golden Passes will be indicated on the Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway UI.
    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway Rewards can be claimed once per account.


    • Day 9
      • Lil Wonky Pet Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following items:
        • Lil Wonky: Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet duration can be extended by using Water of Life.
        • Lil Wonky’s Leaf: Pet equipment. Untradeable, permanent.


    • Day 18
      • Pixel Pick Face Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Pixel Pick Face Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Pixel Pick face styles can be found here.
    • Day 27
      • Pixel Pick Hair Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Pixel Pick Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Pixel Pick hair styles can be found here.
    • Day 36
      • Custom Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Custom Title: Untradeable, 30-day duration. You can find instructions on how to use a Custom Title here.


    • Day 45
      • Fairy Bros’ Damage Skin Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 54
      • Thunder Duck Mount: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount from the coupon is permanent and provides Hyper Teleport skills for 90 days (Cooldown: 30 minutes).


    • Day 63
      • Wave’s Glowstick Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Wave’s Glowstick: Weapon cover. Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 72
      • Fairy Bros’ Label/Chat Ring Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 each of Label/Chat Rings from the following items:
        • V Label/Chat Rings
          • V Label Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • V Chat Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Override Label/Chat Rings
          • Override Label Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Override Chat Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Nova Label/Chat Rings
          • Nova Label Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Nova Chat Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Ark Label/Chat Rings
          • Ark Label Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Ark Chat Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Adventure Label/Chat Rings
          • Adventure Label Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Adventure Chat Ring: Untradeable, Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 81
      • Counting Bunnies Effect Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Counting Bunnies: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 90
      • Fairy Bros’ Mount Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following mounts. Mount from the coupon is permanent.
        • Permanent Sleighing with Kemdi Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Zilch Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Best Friend Ballooncycle Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Pink Bean Scooter Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Source of Darkness Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Giant Monster Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Pixel Frozen Tuna Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Pegasus Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    • Day 99
      • VIP Royal Hair Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive VIP Royal Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. VIP Royal hair styles can be found here.
    • Day 108
      • VIP Royal Face Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive VIP Royal Face Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. VIP Royal face styles can be found here.
    • Day 117
      • Custom Mix Dye Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 126
      • Candy Cloud Outfit Set Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to receive the following items:
        • Rainbow Candy: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Candy Syrup: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Syrup Sandals: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Candy Sky: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 135
      • Candy Cloud Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Candy Cloud: Weapon cover. Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 144
      • Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin: Unit Damage Skin. Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant Exchange Extension

    UTC: February 3 (after maintenance) – March 9 at 1:59 PM

    Requirement: All characters that had two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped at the start of November 18 maintenance.

    • Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant Exchange quest has been extended only for those who already had the quest active and were qualified.
    • Eligibility for the Exchange
      • As mentioned in our Maple Memo on November 12, all players that have two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped at the start of the November 18 maintenance are eligible to request for a pendant to belt exchange.
        • Characters must have 2 Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants equipped at the start of the November 18 maintenance in order to participate in the pendant to belt exchange. This includes all characters with 2 Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants equipped, even those that have yet to obtain the Gollux 4-Piece Set effect.
      • You may only request for the equipped Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant to be exchanged. Pendants that were not equipped during November 18 maintenance cannot be used for the exchange.
      • If your second pendant slot was expired but you still had two of your Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items equipped, you are still eligible for the exchange.
      • For those who are eligible, the exchange quest will be available again after the February 3 maintenance.
    • Exchange Process
      • Accept '[Gollux] Superior Gollux Pendant Exchange!' quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. This quest allows you to request one of the two Superior Engraved Gollux Pendant items that you've had equipped at the time of the November 18 maintenance to be exchanged for a Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
        • Please note that the pendant you would like to exchange must be in your inventory when making the request.
        • If the pendant has an accessory-exclusive Potential, you will receive a pop-up UI with the details.
        • Exchange quest can only be done once per eligible character.
      • Once you've requested the exchange, the pendant will be removed from your inventory.
      • The '[Gollux] Superior Gollux Belt Distribution!' quest will appear after your exchange request has been submitted.
        • You may collect the belt on any character of your choice in the same world.
    • Pendant to Belt Specification
    • Star Force Enhancement/Bonus Stats/Hammer status of the chosen pendant will be transferred to the Superior Engraved Gollux Belt.
    • Potentials and Bonus Potentials will be transferred to the belt, excluding the accessory-exclusive Potentials. If the pendant’s Potentials are not transferable to the belt, only the rank will be transferred to the belt and players should reveal its Potential using the magnifying glass once again.
    • Since the number of Scroll Enhancements that can be applied to a pendant and a belt are different, the adjusted stats will be transferred to the belt proportionately according to the number of enhancements succeeded and applied to the pendant.
    • Belt will be untradeable once equipped for non-Reboot worlds and untradeable for Reboot world.
    [Legion Arena] Spoils for the Victors!

    UTC: February 18 at 2:00 PM – February 24 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above that ranked top 40% or higher in Legion Arena Season 1 (Zero characters with Lv. 140 and above).

    • It’s time to celebrate the battalions that reached Top 40% percentile or higher in Legion Arena Season 1!
    • Accept ‘[Legion Arena] Collect Ranking Rewards!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • The ranking record that was registered first will be placed higher in the ranking if tied within 10th place.
    • Ranking rewards can be obtained once per world.

    Ranking Rewards: The following rewards will be given based on cumulative percentile and absolute rankings at the end of the season.

    • Rank 1
      • 100K Maple Point Coupon (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x150): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1 Chair: Ranker: Untradeable. Chair displays the rank you’ve achieved in Legion Arena.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker: Untradeable. Grants 30-day durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +50, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%. Title displays the rank you’ve achieved in Legion Arena.
    • Rank 2 - 10
      • 100K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x150): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1 Chair: Ranker: Untradeable. Chair displays the rank you’ve achieved in Legion Arena.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1: Ranker: Untradeable. Grants 30-day durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +50, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%. Title displays the rank you’ve achieved in Legion Arena.
    • Rank 11 - Top 3%
      • Experience Nodestone (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x150): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Gold Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1 Chair: Gold: Untradeable.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Gold Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1: Gold: Untradeable. Grants 30-day durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +50, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%.
    • Top 4 - 20%
      • Experience Nodestone (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x100): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Silver Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1 Chair: Silver: Untradeable.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Silver Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1: Silver: Untradeable. Grants 14-day durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +30, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Boss Damage +20%, Ignore Defense +20%.
    • Top 21 - 40%
      • Experience Nodestone: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x50): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Bronze Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1 Chair: Bronze: Untradeable.
      • Legion Arena: Season 1: Bronze Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Legion Arena: Season 1: Bronze: Untradeable. Grants 14-day durational stats STR/DEX/LUK/INT +30, MaxHP/MaxMP +1,500, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Boss Damage +20%, Ignore Defense +20%.



    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: February 7 at 12:00 AM – February 7 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 14 at 12:00 AM – February 14 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 21 at 12:00 AM – February 21 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 28 at 12:00 AM – February 28 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: March 7 at 12:00 AM – March 7 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - February 7, 2021
      • Receive 30% off when you do Star Force enhancements. (Superior equipment excluded.)
      • Receive additional Moon Candy (x200) when you have reached the Moon Candy capacity of the day.
    • Week 2 - February 14, 2021
      • Select one of the following Chat Emoticons:
        • Small Spirit Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
        • Lucid Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
      • Receive 50% extra EXP from Monster Park clears.
      • Receive additional Moon Candy (x200) when you have reached the Moon Candy capacity of the day.
    • Week 3 - February 21, 2021
      • Receive Mysterious Monsterbloom (x3): Untradeable.
      • Receive 2x chance of a monster being added to Monster Collection.
      • Receive additional Moon Candy (x200) when you have reached the Moon Candy capacity of the day.
    • Week 4 - February 28, 2021
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
      • Receive additional Moon Candy (x200) when you have reached the Moon Candy capacity of the day.
    • Week 5 - March 7, 2021
      • Receive 2 stars when you successfully do Star Force 10 enhancements and lower.
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets.
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancements. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
      • Receive additional Moon Candy (x200) when you have reached the Moon Candy capacity of the day.


    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: February 26 – February 28 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • February 26, 2021
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • February 27, 2021
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • February 28, 2021
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

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