[Updated January 31] v.202 - Black Mage: New Beginnings Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    The Black Mage has been defeated! Enjoy the victory of the Maple Alliance, and see what’s next for Maple World. Pick up celebration gifts, and visit the Peaceful Maple Tree. Tenebris will be permanently available and everyone will have the chance to face bosses such as Verus Hilla and the Black Mage. Earn powerful Genesis weapons and advance even further as the level cap raises to Lv. 275! Help out on the farm with new mini-game events and celebrate Lunar New Year. All this and more in Black Mage: New Beginnings!

    V.202 - Black Mage: New Beginnings is live on January 23!

    Tenebris Available Permanently

    Requirement: The entry conditions for Tenebris' three regions, Moonbridge, Labyrinth of Suffering, and Limina, are as follows:

    • Moonbridge: Characters Lv. 245 and above that have completed the Esfera: Origin Sea story quest
    • Labyrinth of Suffering: Characters Lv. 250 and above that have completed the Moonbridge story quest
    • Limina: Characters Lv. 255 and above that have completed the Labyrinth of Suffering story quest

    Arcane River's final region, Tenebris, will be open permanently.

    • New boss, Gloom, is available to fight with the following conditions:
      • Complete the Moonbridge story quest to find Gloom in the Eye of the Void.
      • A party of 1-6 can fight Gloom.
      • Entry count limited to once daily. Clear count limited to once per week.
    • New boss, Verus Hilla, is available to fight with the following conditions:
      • Complete the Labyrinth of Suffering story quest and clear the Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core Dungeon to find Verus Hilla.
      • A party of 1-6 can fight Verus Hilla.
      • Entry count limited to once daily. Clear count limited to once per week.
    • New boss, Guard Captain Darknell, is available to fight with the following conditions:
      • Complete the Limina story quest to find Darknell in the Final Horizon.
      • A party of 1-6 can fight Guard Captain Darknell.
      • Entry count limited to once daily. Clear count limited to once per week.
    • Guard Captain Darknell and Verus Hilla's Souls and Soul Skills were added.
    • New boss, the Black Mage, is available to fight with the following conditions:
      • Complete the Limina story quest to find the Black Mage in the Giant's Heart.
      • You need the Fragment of Destiny to find the Black Mage. To craft it, you will need the following materials.
        • Spark of Determination: Acquire by completing Tenebris daily quests and by defeating Gloom or Darknell
        • Shadow of Annihilation: Acquire by eliminating Verus Hilla
      • A party of 1-6 can fight the Black Mage.
      • Entry count limited to once daily. Clear count limited to once per month.
    • New daily quests are added to Tenebris. Clear the story quests in each region of Tenebris to play daily quests. You can play 1 quest in each region, for a total of up to 3 daily quests each day.
    New Genesis Weapons

    Requirement: Lv. 225 and above that have made the 5th job advancement.

    • Track the remnants of the Black Mage's power to complete the quest to receive a new Genesis weapon.
    • Complete the Limina story quest, and you'll be able to accept the Genesis weapon quest through the notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Acquire a Sealed Genesis Weapon Box from the quest to obtain a weapon that befits each class.
    • Complete various missions afterwards to unleash the power of the sealed Genesis weapon.
    • In order to reveal the true power of the Genesis weapon, you'll need to defeat each of the Black Mage's Commanders while special restrictions are in place.
    • These fight restrictions vary based on the Black Mage Commander being fought.
    • Upon defeating each Commander (excluding Von Leon), you'll also need a trace item from the Black Mage's Afterimage. This means you'll need to face down the Black Mage's Afterimage a total of 8 times.
    • Upon completing all missions, Zero will acquire a Genesis Essence that can enhance Lapis/Lazuli to a Type 10.
    • Each character can have 1 Genesis weapon, and it cannot be traded.
    • When the final seal on the Genesis weapon is removed, you'll be given a weapon with the qualities listed below:
      • Use all available upgrade count with 15% Spell Trace enhancements suitable to each job.
      • Star Force 22-Star Enhancement
      • Has Unique Potential
      • Has Epic Bonus Potential
      • Additional Star Force and scroll enhancements are not available.
      • Zero can choose whether to transfer Potential and Bonus Potential.
    • You can use the two types of skills listed below when you equip the Genesis weapon, depending on its unleashed state:
      • Tanadian Ruin: When the attack hits, the Power of Destruction activates and increases Final Damage by 15% for 30 sec. Cooldown: 90 sec.
      • Aeonian Rise: Use the power of creation to become invincible for 12 sec. When the skill ends, activates the Genesis Force which attacks 12 enemies with 1,500% damage 7 times. Use the skill again to end immediately. Cooldown: 180 sec.
    • If you lose any of the Genesis weapon items (sealed Genesis weapon, Genesis weapon, Genesis Essence) during your quest, then you must start over from the first mission.
    Level Cap Increase

    • The character max level cap is increased to Lv. 275.
    • V Matrix max slots are expanded.
    • Receive the Symbol of Brilliant Honor chair when you reach Lv. 275.
    • Hyper Stat Points are only distributed up to Lv. 250.
    • [Updated January 23 at 10:07 AM PST] Note that the 4-hour and 1-day 2x EXP coupons can only be used at Lv. 249 and under.
    Achievement Updates

    • Some of the achievements that had been restricted can now be used properly.
      • Achievement related to Combo Kills
      • Achievement related to mesos earned
      • Achievement related to obtaining rings
      • Achievement related to defeating monsters
      • Achievement related to defeating bosses
    • New achievements are added.
      • Path Opener
      • A Light in the Labyrinth
      • Defying Destiny
      • [Genesis Weapon] What the Black Mage Left Behind
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of Von Leon the Lion King
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of Arkarium, the Guardian of Time
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Tyrant Magnus
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of a Lotus, the Wing Master
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of Damien, the Sword of Destruction
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of Will, the King of Spiders
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of the Keeper of Nightmares
      • [Genesis Weapon] Traces of Verus Hilla the Red Witch
      • [Area Exploration] Moonbridge
      • [Area Exploration] Labyrinth of Suffering
      • [Area Exploration] Limina
      • [Level Up] I'm Lv. 255!
      • [Level Up] I'm Lv. 260!
      • [Level Up] I'm Lv. 265!
      • [Level Up] I'm Lv. 270!
      • [Level Up] I'm Lv. 275!
      • Legend of Legends II
      • [Will] Mirror Breaker
      • [Will] Natural Enemy of Spiders
      • [Will] Spider Extermination
      • [Gloom] Into the Fog
      • [Gloom] Embrace Oblivion
      • [Gloom] The Bigger They Are
      • [Verus Hilla] Red Witch Hunter
      • [Verus Hilla] Return to Nature, Hilla
      • [Verus Hilla] Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
      • [Verus Hilla] I Was His Favorite
      • [Darknell] Daknell? Darknell!
      • [Darknell] Fight With Honor!
      • [Darknell] No Mercy for Those That Follow!
      • [Black Mage] Finale
      • [Black Mage] Savior of The Transcendent
      • [Black Mage] Black Mage! I, the Foolish Moth, Stand Before You!
      • [Black Mage] History Repeats Itself
      • [Black Mage] To Empress Cygnus!
      • [Black Mage] Guardian of Liberty
      • [Black Mage] True Freedom
      • [Black Mage] The Final Victor
      • [Black Mage] Long Road to Revenge
      • [Black Mage] Genesis Badge, You're Mine!
    Skill Updates

    • General Changes:
      • Changing Explorer Magician skill 'Arcane Aim'.
        • Activation logic is updated in order to reduce server load. The change will be made so that there isn't a big difference with the existing Arcane Aim in terms of performance.
        • The attack count requirements upon activation is removed; it now stacks once per each skill hit.
        • Based on Lv. 30, stack chance is increased from 50% to 80%.
        • Duration will be displayed on the tooltip.
      • Changing Wild Hunter skill 'Call of the Hunter'.
        • It no longer uses the monster's ATT; it uses the character's skill ATT instead.
        • Damage increases in proportion to monster level.
        • Duration is changed from 20 sec to 60 sec, and the cooldown is changed from 10 sec to 30 sec.
        • You'll be able to summon only one monster.
      • Changing Dawn Warrior skill 'Equinox Divide' so that it can no longer be used during other skills aside from Soul Eclipse.
      • When Battle Mages summon 'Grim Harvest', the Battle Mage will now have to move farther away for Grim Harvest to move to the Battle Mage's location.
      • The cooldown for the Mechanic skill 'Full Metal Barrage' will now be applied as soon as the skill has been cast.
      • There can only be one 'Micro Black Hole', which is created after Kinesis uses 'Psychic Shockwave'.
    • Skill Fixes:
      • Fixing an issue where you could use a Transform Potion while casting a skill.
      • Fixing an issue where Heroes could use the skill 'Combo Fury' (used together with the down directional key) in a field where movement skills cannot be used.
      • Fixing an issue where the action for the Blaster skill 'Bullet Blast' could be canceled with certain skills.
      • Fixing an issue where HP wasn't being consumed when Kinesis used 'Psychic Shockwave' after using 'Mana Overload'.
      • Fixing an issue where only a portion of the hit sound effects could be heard for attack skills.
      • Fixing an issue where the increase in damage taken stacked when Thief characters used the 5th Job skill, 'Last Resort'.
      • Fixing an issue where damage increase wasn't being properly applied with the accumulation of the Explorer Magician skill, 'Arcane Aim'.
    Other Changes

    • When you hunt Elite Monsters, the powerful Messenger of Darkness will appear to spread darkness in Maple World. The Messenger of Darkness has higher HP than regular Elite Monsters and gives you more EXP.
    • Changes will be made so that Zero can acquire essences from certain bosses.
      • AbsoLab Essence will be added to the rewards obtained from eliminating Hard Damien and Hard Lotus.
      • Arcane Umbra Essence will be added to the rewards obtained from eliminating Hard Lucid and Hard Will.
    • The Ursus Golden Opportunity, will now return to being available from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM UTC.
    • Boss monsters' Ambition EXP and WP will change according to boss difficulty.
    • In Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting, you'll now be able to use skills other than movement skills in the Pollo content's Exit Map.
    • EXP granted by Inferno Wolf is changed so that it's based on the EXP of monsters in the field you entered from. This increases the merits from hunting in the field of a higher difficulty.
    • A tooltip guide will be added for pets that cannot use certain pet-related items (such as pet skills and pet name tag).
    • Changes will be made so that if an Angelic Buster equips cash equipment with active skill set effects, it can be used regardless of Normal/Dress-Up state.
    • Changes will be made to Haven, Deserted Camp, Arcane River area, and Haven Maple Guide:
      • The max level character that can use this content will be changed to Starting Level +20.
      • Changes will be made so that the Maple Guide stamp conditions for Vanishing Journey, Chu Chu Island, Lachelein, and Arcana will now be to complete each area's story quests. There will be no changes to stamps already obtained.
    • The Hungry Muto content was revised so that the Maple Guide stamp could be received by taking down Easy Mode and Hard Mode monsters.
    • Revised requirements to receive the Detour to Oblivion Maple Guide stamp to match the actual requirements.
    • In the Mushking theme dungeon, changes will be made so that the Mushking's Summons quest cannot be forfeited, and the Mushking's Summons item cannot be discarded.
    • When you obtain dropped mesos in Reboot world, mesos will be distributed based on the number of party members, and only members in the same field will acquire mesos.
    • Changed party distribution calculations in Reboot world to divide up mesos based on number of party members, regardless of their location.
    • Some items and scrolls are added to the list of items that can't be used with an Item Guard.
    • Changed medal fusion so that the gender of the two medals being fused must be the same when fusing. For shared medals, fusion is only possible with two shared medals.
    • Changes made in Dream Defender so that players cannot use 'Blink' skills that allow them to move to another room without using the portal.
    • In Last Resort Stage 2, fixed the issue where a decrease in damage due to Defense was being incorrectly applied when the character was attacked with a skill that inflicts damage in proportion to HP.
    • The passive Hyper Skill 'Double Down - Saving Grace' did not match the skill description and was set to increase the rate for Double Down itself. The skill is adjusted so it matches the description and grants a chance to ignore the cooldown when Double Down does not activate. On the next turn, it activates a Double Down of 4 or above.
    • The passive Hyper Skill 'Double Down - Enhance' did not match the skill description and was set to ignore cooldown at a chance when Double Down didn't activate. The skill is adjusted so it matches the description and increases the chances of rolling a 4, 5, or 6 in Roll of the Dice.
    • The 'Quest Specialist' quest was revised so that it cannot be repeated. If a previously acquired Quest Specialist medal is lost, it can be re-obtained through the Medal UI.
    • The bleached color is applied while wearing a hat just like the other colors.
    • The Tenebris daily quest mission list provided by NPC Belva will no longer change when players decline a quest and talk to Belva again. The daily quest mission list will change at midnight.
    • If players talk to NPC Belva for a daily quest without having completed the Labyrinth of Suffering or Limina story quests, it is a normal specification for region missions which haven't been cleared to not be shown. However, in order to avoid confusion, we have made it so NPC Belva informs players in these situations. Story quest completion status can be checked through the stamps on the Labyrinth/Limina regions within Maple Guide.
    • Changed the abnormal status the Barbed Glare summoned by Gloom would cause by self-destructing, to Blind.
    • Accessory scrolls that cannot be used on shoulder accessories now have a notice in their tooltips.
    • For Special Medals of Honor that have unlimited uses, we have fixed the issue where its tooltip displayed a limit to the number of times it could be used by each character.
    • The monster appearance speed and the terrain in a portion of the maps with low effectiveness in Lachelein the Dreaming City will be revamped.
    • When the Papulatus buff was used through Boss Matchmaking, there was an issue where the prerequisite story quest wasn't checked.
    • Changed the notice to be more detailed when the quest 'A Boy and A Girl' becomes available in Morass.
    • Added the Esfera: Origin Sea and the Tenebris monsters to Monster Collection.
    • Now skills that alter spawn rate/amount have a notice that will appear in the chat box if they are used in a map can't have its spawn rate/amount altered.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixing an issue where the mount skill wasn't being activated when Zero Beta equipped a cape that had a mount skill set effect.
    • Fixing an issue where Scorpion dropped the Cat's Eye quest item.
    • Fixing an issue where the Surveillance Tower would appear in other maps while progressing through Black Heaven Inside: Repair.
    • Fixing an issue where swords would drop regardless of monster level when hunting monsters with Zero.
    • Fixing an issue where the Journey of Destiny UI would display when exiting the Cash Shop.
    • Fixing an issue in Dream Defender where the "Shadow Flash" and "Greater Dark Servant" skills weren't being properly cast from the lowest point in non-central rooms, and an issue where the character couldn't charge while on the Sylvidia mount.
    • Fixing an issue in Dream Defender where the Battle Mage's "Grim Harvest" wouldn't follow when moving to a different room.
    • Fixing an issue where HP would decrease when moving maps with Roll of the Dice's 3rd buff effect.
    • Fixing an issue where "Finisher - Hunter's Prey" didn't activate properly if used right after "Combat Step."
    • Fixing an issue where explosion damage didn't apply properly when an Ark character used "Abyssal Recall" in midair.
    • Fixing an issue where objects left by "Shadow Flash," "Distortion Bomb," "Hunting Assistant Unit," and "Drill Salvo" remained if the caster left the map when there were no other characters present.
    • Fixing an issue where cooldowns weren't being reduced on characters with Monsters that reduce Cooldowns in Monster Life.
    • Fixing an issue where the Expedition Captain of an 18-player Ursus Expedition could enter alone if not in a party.
    • Fixing an issue where unavailable skills appeared as if they could be used when the "Righteously Indignant" skill was activated in Ursus.
    • Fixing a problem where the Maple Guide stamp could not be obtained once the Vanishing Journey story quest was complete.
    • Fixing an issue where some of the motions of [Red Florence Hair] had different colors while wearing a hat.
    • Fixing an issue where the black hole would be removed when Kinesis's Psychic Shockwave was used consecutively with key down.
    • Fixing an issue where Zero could remove the Sanctuary that's already created when in a state where Shadow Flash cannot be used due to Rune of Might, Transformation Potion, or other effects.
    • Fixing an issue where the new Marksman's Perfect Shot damage wasn't applied.
    • Fixing an issue where the client intermittently closed when Kinesis knocked up monsters and cast "Ultimate - Psychic Shockwave."
    • Fixing an issue where some characters' Mu Lung ranks were displayed incorrectly.
    • Fixing an issue where when battling with Ursus, the battle would not end when all the participating characters were Near Dead.
    • Fixing an issue where a part of the notification after eliminating Elite Monsters would not show up properly on the screen.
    • Fixing an issue where the Vampire effect would kick in even when the player wasn't hit by the skill effect during the Hilla fight.
    • Fixing an issue so that the spirit recovery at Verus Hilla's alter can be activated with the key for harvesting.
    • Fixing an issue where MP could not be recovered at Mu Lung Dojo.
    • Fixing an issue where players intermittently could not move to the next region through the Lake of Oblivion in Vanishing Journey.
    • Fixing an issue where the last stone of the five Seal Stone would not activate when moved with the "Blink" skill during the Luminous tutorial.
    • Fixing an issue where the notice about the amount of EXP being distributed did not match the actual amount of EXP that was distributed for some of Zero's quests.
    • Fixing an issue where Esfera's Greetings quest could be abandoned.
    • Fixing an issue where the party member's Avoidability wouldn't increase when Ark's Charge Spell Amplifier and Gust Buff were stacked.
    • Fixing an issue where Blaze Wizard's 3rd job skill "Liberated Magic" displayed a different damage increase from the actual damage increase amount.
    • Fixing an issue where Evan's "Dragon Fury" skill effect would still apply even though the MP ratio activation standard was not met.
    • Fixing an issue where the client would close intermittently when the Cannoneer would use the "ICBM" skill.
    • Fixing an issue where the Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s "Fervent Drain" skill effect would not get applied to monsters in flight.
    • Fixing an issue where the sound for Wild Hunter's "Hunting Assistant Unit" skill would continue to play even once the skill had ended.
    • Fixing an issue where the 5th job skill "True Spirit Claw" would activate when Shade's Spirit Flow was used.
    • Fixing an issue where after using Shade's Spirit Frenzy, players were unable to use Spirit Incarnation.
    • Fixing an issue where the client would close intermittently when Cadena would use the "Summon Brick" skill.
    • Fixing an issue where the monsters summoned by Wild Hunter's Call of the Hunter would receive the debuff skill and Rune of Destruction effects from other characters.
    • Fixing an issue where the monsters summoned by Wild Hunter's Call of the Hunter could attack NPC Pollo.
    • Fixing an issue where a notification saying that there's not enough MP would appear when Zero tried to use Shadow Flash while low on Time Force.
    • Fixing an issue where if you moved maps while the Mechanic's "Full Metal Barrage" was in use, the Invincible effect would be maintained until the next time the skill was used.
    • Fixing an issue where the client would close intermittently when Ark would break through the wall after using "Unstoppable Impulse" or "Tenacious Instinct."
    • Fixing an issue where the "Venom Burst" skill's additional attack wouldn't inflict damage when used in the air.
    • Fixing an issue where Aran's "Fenrir Crash" skill would activate abnormally when used while entering Ursus.
    • Fixing an issue in some maps where when a second skill was used, a message wouldn't pop up letting players know that it was a map where the skill couldn't be used.Fixing an issue where the Arcane Symbol's icon overlapped when the Item Guard was used on an Arcane Symbol that had Arcane Catalyst used on it.Fixing an issue where a confirmation window would not pop-up when attempting to equip an untradeable item by dragging it to a slot that already has an item equipped.
      • Thunder Breaker: Ascension
      • Dual Blade: Blade Ascension
      • Xenon: Diagonal Chase
      • Wild Hunter: White Heat Rush
      • Mercedes: While riding Sylvidia, dash attack upwards
    • Fixing an issue where the page number of the Wishlist page would display oddly at the Auction House if there weren't any items listed.
    • Fixing an issue where the pet rank would not display in the Auction House purchase tab.
    • Fixing an issue where during Kaiser's basic attacks, specific UI such as the inventory, stats, and equip would not open.
    • Fixing an issue where the applicable UI button would be deactivated when Zero would use an SP Reset Scroll.
    • Fixing an issue where if the attempt to trade Noble Ifia's Ring failed, the material item could disappear.
    • Fixing an issue where Mercedes' shadow wouldn't display certain actions even when she had the shadow style applied.
    • Fixing an issue where the whispers would not go through intermittently.
    • Fixing an issue where the Cubimal Friends (Cube Puppy, Cube Kitty, Cube Hamster) would use circular characters.
    • Fixing an issue where even if pet equipment still had available upgrade counts, scrolls could not be used on it if it had a Pet Equip Stat Transfer Scroll used on it.
    • Fixing an issue where even if a non-equipment item description mentioned that Scissors of Karma could be used on it, they would not work.
    • Fixing an issue where the Black-hearted Earrings pet equipment would not disappear even after getting destroyed during an enhancement attempt.
    • Fixing an issue where the game would lag intermittently after selling many items and then clicking Claim All.
    • Fixing an issue where a notification message would not pop-up to let players know that when attempting to change the appearance of an android with an Item Guard applied, they need to remove the Item Guard before being able to make changes.
    • Fixing an issue where when harvesting/mining, the game would still harvest even when the player failed to hit the directional key.
    • Fixing an issue where the Glitteroid coupon didn’t match the android's name.
    • Fixing an issue where multiple permanent mount item names were inconsistent.
    • Fixing an issue where chair descriptions had no highlighted text for recovery information.
    • Fixing an issue where the Scoreboard and Disco effects were missing descriptions.
    • Fixing an issue where Damien’s normal and powered up form familiars had the same name.
    • Fixing an issue where the female Non-plussed Face had an incorrect color for the Hazel eye color.
    • Fixing an issue where Verus Hilla’s familiar did not play its attack animation properly.
    • Fixing an issue where Aran received Sweetwater Spear from Commerci Voyages.
    • Fixing an issue where friendly mobs were taking damage too quickly.
    • Fixing an issue where using ‘Summon Mr. Flopsy’ would end Dream Defender prematurely.
    • Fixing an issue where Glitteroid had a Korean voice-over.
    • Fixing an issue where the Tenebris Expedition Ring Exclusive Bonus Occult Cube had an incorrect description.
    • Fixing an issue where the Santa Boots had an incorrect name.
    • Fixing an issue where Necro Damien would stop following after attacking monsters.
    • Fixing an issue where the Determination Ring wasn’t granting a 50% EXP bonus to party members.
    • Fixing an issue where Necro Lotus and Necro Damien Familiar didn’t have background images.
    • Fixing an issue where the Scoreboard effect would flip when facing the right.
    • Fixing an issue where the Dusk Viper Venom item had an incorrect description.
    • Fixing an issue where the Elite Boss voice-over was in Korean.
    • Fixing an issue where climbing the Burning Guard Post ladder in Monad would crash the game.
    Fresh Start

    UTC: January 23 (after maintenance) – February 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the 'Fresh Start' quest through the star notifier on the left side of the screen, or by speaking to NPC Neinheart, who can be found in Henesys, Leafre, or Nameless Town.
    • Hunt monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to collect the Maple World's Energy they drop. You can collect a max of 200 of these items per day.
    • Exchange your collected Maple World's Energy for Alliance Medals by clicking on the Peaceful Maple Tree in Henesys, Leafre, or Nameless Town.


    • You'll receive 1 Alliance Medal for every Maple World's Energy.
    • When you trade 200 or more Maple World's Energy in a day, you'll receive the Arboreal Blessings buff, which lets you obtain 30% extra EXP for 30 minutes. You can receive the Arboreal Blessings buff once a day.
    Alliance Victory Appreciation Gift

    UTC: January 23 (after maintenance) – February 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Characters that have fully joined the Maple Alliance and received an Alliance rank before scheduled maintenance on January 23.

    • The Black Mage has been defeated! Celebrate with some rewards. Receive your gifts by completing the 'Alliance Appreciation Gift' quest through the star notifier on the left side of the screen or by speaking to NPC Neinheart who can be found in Henesys, Leafre, or Nameless Town.
    • The Alliance Appreciation Gift can be received only once per account.
    • You'll receive an Alliance Appreciation Gift Box and an Alliance Appreciation title. The items you receive differ based on the Alliance rank of the character that completes the quest.
    • According to your Alliance rank, you will receive a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5 Alliance Appreciation Gift Boxes. If you qualify for a higher rank, you still receive the gift boxes of the lower ranks too!
    • You can transfer Alliance Appreciation titles and gifts to your characters within the same world.

    Alliance Appreciation Gift Boxes:

    • Warrior rank or above: Alliance's Warrior Appreciation Gift. Open to receive:
      • Bitty Cygnus Pet Package
      • Goddess's Blessing Coupon: Use to acquire a Goddess's Blessing Cash Effect that can be turned on/off.
      • Royal Face Coupon Ticket
      • Royal Hair Coupon Ticket
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x4)
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    • Guardian I rank or above: Alliance's Guardian Appreciation Gift. Open to receive:
      • Prepared Spirit Pendant Coupon: 14-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20)
      • 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x5)
      • Alliance Medal (x50)
    • Hero I rank or above: Alliance's Hero Appreciation Gift. Open to receive:
      • Alliance Boost Potion I
      • Storm Growth Potion
      • Trait Boost Potion
      • Special Medal of Honor (x3)
      • Alliance Medal (x150)
    • Legend I rank or above: Alliance's Legend Appreciation Gift. Open to receive:
      • Eternal Rebirth Flame
      • Master Craftsman's Cube (x3)
      • Labyrinth Nodestone Box
      • Determination Ring Coupon: Tradeable within characters in the same world. 7-day duration. Use to receive:
        • Determination Ring: 30-day duration. Gives your character an EXP increase when playing in a party.
      • Alliance Medal (x250)
    • Legend IV rank or above: Alliance's Paragon Appreciation Gift. Open to receive:
      • Alliance Final Boost Potion
      • Chaos Circulator
      • Black Rebirth Flame
      • Star Force 13-Star Enhancement
      • Alliance Medal (x350)

    Extra Random Rewards:

    • When opening the Alliance Appreciation Gift Boxes, there is a small chance that you may receive one additional random item, including:
      • Legendary AbsoLab Equipment Full Package
      • Master Label 4 Hair Coupon (Selectable)
      • Star Buddies Package
      • Unique Potential Scroll 100%
      • Petal Skin Tone Coupon (Selectable)
      • Star Planet Damage Skin
      • 100,000 Maple Points Coupon
      • 500,000 Maple Points Coupon

    Alliance Appreciation Title Rewards:

    • You will also receive one of the following Alliance Appreciation titles based on your Alliance rank. The durational stats on the titles will expire on February 21 at 12:00 AM UTC.
      • Warrior Rank: Warrior of the Alliance title
      • Guardian I - IV Rank: Guardian of the Alliance title
      • Hero I - IV Rank: Hero of the Alliance title
      • Legend I - III Rank: Legend of the Alliance title
      • Legend IV Rank: Paragon of the Alliance title
    Determination Exchange

    UTC: January 23 (after maintenance) – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • If you still have leftover Determination from the war against Black Mage, don't worry!
    • For a limited time, you'll be able to exchange your Determination for Alliance Medals that you can use to purchase items in the Alliance Supply Depot. You can exchange your Determination by paying a visit to the Maple Admin NPC.
    Alliance Supply Depot Extended

    UTC: January 23 (after maintenance) – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • The Maple Alliance Supply Depot has been extended so you can trade in your Alliance Medals for some awesome items!
    • You can access the Alliance Supply Depot through NPC Beldar by the Peaceful Maple Tree.
    • Based on your Alliance Rank and using Alliance Medals you’ll be able to purchase a variety of items! (Rank ups are not possible, so the items available will be determined by your rank prior to scheduled maintenance on January 23).
    Daily Gift

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 6 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[New Year's] Happy New Cheers' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. This is will unlock a calendar icon on the event notifier titled "The Daily New Year Gift!"
    • Click the calendar icon to bring up a dialogue and accept the quest.
    • Hunt 200 monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to receive a reward.
      • Day 1 - Daily New Year Gift x1
      • Day 2 - Daily New Year Gift x2
      • Day 3 - Daily New Year Gift x3
      • Day 4 - Daily New Year Gift x4
      • Day 5 - Daily New Year Gift x5
      • Day 6 - Daily New Year Gift x6
      • Day 7 - Daily New Year Gift x7


    • Daily New Year Gift: Untradeable, 1-day duration. Open to receive:
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive 2x EXP for 15 minutes.
      • Power Up Buff (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30 for 15 minutes.
    Golden Pig Gift

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 6 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[New Year's] Golden Pig Gift' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Log in during event to get a gift. Can participate 1 time per world.


    • Golden Pig New Year Gift: Transferable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Golden Oink-Oink Beanie Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to get Golden Oink-Oink Beanie hat.
      • New Years Chair: Untradeable. Restores 50 HP/MP every 10 seconds.
    Gold Richie’s Lunar New Year Party

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to NPC Yoria in town (Henesys, Leafre, and Nameless Town) or select the 2019 Lunar New Year event notifier on the left side of the screen, and accept the quest ‘[Lunar New Year] Surprises and Celebration!’ to begin.
    • Talk to NPC Gold Richie and accept the quest '[Lunar New Year] Gold Richie's Soiree!'. The quest can also be found in the New Year Event icon in the notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Sit on the Lunar New Year For One Chair in the event map to get EXP. (Chair can be purchased from Hong Bao Coin Shop).
    Party Guest Kidnapping

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest ‘[Lunar New Year] Kidnapped Revelers’ from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Players can enter 5 times per day by accepting the '[Lunar New Year Mission] Reveler Rescue" quest from NPC Suha or from the Lunar New Year event notifier.
    • Once teleported to the event dungeon, find and free the Imprisoned Soldiers who have been kidnapped.
    • After rescuing all soldiers, you will be able to face down Nyen!
    • In order to defeat Nyen, the player must engage the boss and cause it to drop Burning Flares. This item is used to set off the fireworks on the map. To do so, simply click on inactive fireworks to deal damage to Nyen. Make sure to interact with the fireworks that appear near him.


    • Nyen Drop Box: Untradeable. Open to receive:
      • Hong Bao (x20): Untradeable
      • One of the following:
        • Power Elixir (x10): Untradeable
        • Spell Trace (x10)
        • 2x EXP Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Use to receive 2x EXP for 15 minutes.
      • Chance to also receive the following: (1 per character)
        • Nyen’s Hat Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to get Nyen’s Hat.
        • Nyen’s Hat: Untradeable. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +6
        • Nyen Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Dancing Lion Mount (15 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to get Dancing Lion Mount
        • Dancing Lion Mount: DEF: +10, Speed: 170, Jump: 120, 15-day duration.
      • Cumulative Rewards:
        • Completing the Reveler Rescue quest will unlock two additional reward quests:
          • "[Lunar New Year Mission] A Constant Flow of Guests!": Requires the player to rescue 88 party guests. Rewards Hong Bao (x200).
          • "[Lunar New Year Mission] Peaceful Party": Eliminate Vengeful Nyen 8 times. Rewards Hong Bao (x200).
    Video Message

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest ‘[Lunar New Year] Lunar New Year Video Message Project’ from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Log in every day to receive a new Video Message mission.
    • Complete 5/10/14 missions to get unique rewards.


    • Daily:
      • Hong Bao (x30)
    • 5x Completion:
      • Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
      • Hong Bao (x50)
    • 10x Completion:
      • New Year Message Damage Skin: Untradeable.
      • Hong Bao (x150)
    • 14x Completion:
      • Touching Video Message Chair
      • Hong Bao (x300)
    Fresh Dumplings

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest ‘[Lunar New Year] Fresh Dumplings’ from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Claim a Hot ‘n’ Ready Dumpling once per day.
    • Buff can be received 2 times per day.
    • Gifting 10 times will grant Alliance Medals.


    • Hot ‘n’ Ready Dumpling: Untradeable, 1-day duration. Use to receive a Dumpling Power! (15 min) buff with EXP: +100%, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +15.
    • Right-click another character to share dumpling power. Sharing dumpling gives Duo Dumpling Power! (30 min) buff with EXP: +100%, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +30.
    • Share 10 times to receive Alliance Medal (x50)
    8-Blessing Ring

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest ‘[Lunar New Year] 8-Blessing Ring Fortune’ from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Defeat monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above), and collect the No-Blessing Charms that they drop.
    • Collect 88 No-Blessing Charms to complete the quest and receive an 8-Blessing Ring.
    • Complete the quest again and you will receive an 8-Blessing Charm (non-Reboot worlds only). In Reboot world, you'll receive a Mysterious Meso Pouch instead.
    • Use the 8-Blessing Charm to enhance your 8-Blessing Ring.
    • If you drop your 8-Blessing Ring, you can speak to NPC Cassandra to get the ring again.
    • This quest can be completed once per day.


    • 8-Blessing Ring
    • Non-Reboot Worlds: 8-Blessing Charm
    • Reboot World: Mysterious Meso Pouch
    Reclaim Fireworks

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Defeat the Lunar New Year Firework Boxes that appear in Henesys and Leafre and obtain random rewards.


    • Normal Fireworks Box
    • Floral Fireworks Box
    • New Year's Blessings Fireworks Box
    • Lunar New Year Fireworks Mask
    Hong Bao Shop

    UTC: January 30 at 12:00 AM – February 12 at 11:59 PM

    • Collect Hong Bao during the Lunar New Year event, and then take them to the Coin Shop.


    • New Year Golden Piggy Chat Ring (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 10 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Golden Piggy Label Ring (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 10 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Message Atmospheric Effect Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 10. Costs 30 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Message Megaphone Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 10. Costs 100 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Golden Piggy Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 200 Hong Bao.
    • Floating Golden Piggy Cape Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 250 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Party People Effect Ring Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 250 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year For One Chair: Untradeable. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 200 Hong Bao.
    • New Year’s Feast Chair: Untradeable. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 1,000 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Photo Protagonist Wig (F) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 50 Hong Bao.
    • New Year Photo Protagonist Wig (M) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 50 Hong Bao.
    • Movie Protagonist Wig (F) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 300 Hong Bao.
    • Movie Protagonist Wig (M) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 300 Hong Bao.
    • Forever Young Dress (F) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 450 Hong Bao.
    • Forever Young Outfit (M) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 450 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar Festivities Outfit (F) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 250 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar Festivities Outfit (M) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 250 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar Festivities Headpiece (F) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 100 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar Festivities Hat (M) (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 100 Hong Bao.
    • Lion Outfit (30 Day) Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 200 Hong Bao.
    • 8-Blessing Charm: Available in non-Reboot worlds only. Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 5. Costs 30 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year Basic Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 3. Costs 50 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year Intermediate Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 3. Costs 70 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year Advanced Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 3. Costs 100 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year High Quality Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 2. Costs 140 Hong Bao.
    • Lunar New Year Special Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 200 Hong Bao.
    • 8-Blessing Ring Coupon: Available in Reboot world only. Untradeable, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1. Costs 1,300 Hong Bao.
    Auntie Anna's Amber Waves

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to NPC Auntie Anna in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • You'll be tasked with keeping the Amber Waves safe from various pests and threats.
    • One type of threat occurs every day in the Amber Waves. Take the following actions to earn Utah Points:
      • Pull out weeds that appear at set times.
      • Be struck by lightning that strikes at set times.
      • Chase off sparrows that appear at set times.
      • Put out fires that appear at set times.


    • You can acquire EXP for 30 minutes when you hunt in Auntie Anna's Amber Waves. You can also earn 120% additional EXP.
    • Utah Coins
    Gustav's Cattle Ranch

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to NPC Gustav in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map to accept the quest '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Gustav's Cattle Ranch'.
    • Earn Utah Coins by eliminating ferocious wolves threatening the dairy cows.
    • Wolf monsters that appear in the Cattle Ranch are assigned to each character.
    • Effects of party buff skills used at the Cattle Ranch are shared among all characters on the map.
    • The number of wolves you need to eliminate and the amount of coins earned by eliminating all of them changes according to the character's level at the time of entering.
      • Lv. 61 - 99: Eliminate 20 wolves and earn 10 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 100 - 119: Eliminate 30 wolves and earn 20 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 120 - 139: Eliminate 40 wolves and earn 30 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 140 - 159: Eliminate 50 wolves and earn 40 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 160 - 179: Eliminate 60 wolves and earn 50 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 180 - 199: Eliminate 70 wolves and earn 60 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 200 - 209: Eliminate 80 wolves and earn 70 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 210 - 219: Eliminate 90 wolves and earn 80 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 220 - 224: Eliminate 100 wolves and earn 90 Utah Coins
      • Lv. 225 - 275: Eliminate 110 wolves and earn 100 Utah Coins
    • A golden bell will appear at the Cattle Ranch at certain times. Ring it to activate a special skill that will help you eliminate the wolves. Activate the golden bell by having your character run into the bell.
    • You can accept the Cattle Ranch quest once a day per world, and characters who accept the quest can freely go into the Cattle Ranch map at any time until the date rolls over to the next day. The number of eliminated wolves will remain until the date changes.


    • Utah Coins
    Extreme Combine

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to NPC Comborghini in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • In this mini-game, you speed through the field in a combine tractor while avoiding scarecrow obstacles using the left and right directional keys.
    • The farther you go without crashing into a scarecrow, the faster the combine gets and the more Utah Points you earn per second.


    • Utah Coins
    Cluck, Cluck, Bean Reverse

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to NPC Garden Variety Bean in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • This is a reversi-style game where you inflict damage to your opponent by flipping Bean- and Chicken-shaped pieces on the board.
    • The more pieces you flip over at once, the higher the damage dealt.
    • When you place a piece on the board, you must go over at least one of your opponent's pieces (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
    • Whoever reduces the opponent's HP to 0 first or has more HP once no more pieces can be played, wins.
    • You acquire Utah Points through the damage inflicted on the opponent.
    • You acquire additional Utah Points when the game is completed. (500 points for a loss, 1,000 points for a win, and 750 points for a draw.)
    • If you don't place a piece during the turn's time limit, a dedicated NPC will automatically play it for you. However, you won't earn Utah Points when this happens.
    • If the NPC automatically plays for you 3 or more times, you won't earn Utah Points even if the game is completed.
    • If you exit in the middle of a game, you won't be able to play Cluck, Cluck, Bean Reverse for 15 minutes.


    • Utah Coins
    Jewel Craft Ring

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Jewel Craft is a system where you combine jewels of the same rank to turn them into a higher-ranked jewel, or fuse a jewel with a Jewel Craft Ring to create a Jewel Ring.
    • You can perform Jewel Craft through NPC Magic Jeweler's Mortar in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • You can purchase the Jewel Craft Ring and Magical Jewel Box from NPC Camila in Utah's Coin Shop. Using the Magical Jewel Box will reward you a jewel with a rank between C - A.
    • Jewels have 4 different ranks (C - S) for each stat, and you must pay the appropriate amount of mesos to perform combinations for higher-ranked jewels.
    • Acquire higher-ranked jewels by successfully combining jewels.
    • Craft any 4 of the S-rank jewel rings and take them to the Wee Moon Bunny NPC, where you can pay mesos to trade 4 rings for 1 SS-rank Master Jewel Ring.
    • SS-rank Master Jewel Rings cannot be enhanced with scrolls or Star Force, but you can imbue potentials.
    • You can use jewels and jewel rings that you had from before for jewel crafting.


    • Jewel Craft Ring
    My Farm Diary

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] My Farm Diary' quest through the star notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Complete the missions to acquire rewards. Each mission's reward can be received once per world.

    Mission Types and Acquired Rewards:

    • Utah's Farm Life - Acquire 100,000 or more Utah Points from any Utah event, and receive:
      • Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm Life: Title. Stat effects will last until March 19 at 12:00 AM UTC. Grants Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, +20% damage when attacking normal monsters, +20% damage when attacking bosses, Ignore Defense +20%, Critical Rate +20%, Arcane Power +30.
    • Auntie Anna's Amber Waves - Acquire 50,000 or more Utah Points from the Amber Waves event, and receive:
      • Utah Coins (x100)
    • Extreme Combine - Acquire 50,000 or more Utah Points from the Extreme Combine event, and receive:
      • Utah Coins (x100)
    • Cluck, Cluck, Bean Reverse Battle - Acquire 50,000 or more Utah Points from the Cluck, Cluck, Bean Reverse Battle event, and receive:
      • Utah Coins (x100)
    • Fruitful Bounty - Acquire 50,000 or more Utah Points from the Fruitful Bounty event, and receive:
      • Utah Coins (x100)
    • Lucky the Super Pig - Acquire 50,000 or more Utah Points from the Super Lucky Pig event, and receive:
      • Utah Coins (x100)
    Utah's Bountiful Harvest

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – February 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Utah's Bountiful Harvest' quest from the star notifier on the left side of the screen, and then click on the Attendance Check notifier that appears within the star notifier.
    • Hunt 200 monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) once every day per world to receive that day's Bountiful Harvest Gift Box.
    • This quest can be completed once per day.


    • Bountiful Harvest Gift Box: can only be transferred between your characters within the world and can be opened for one day after receiving. Open to receive:
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Lunar Delight: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Gives Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30 for 15 min.
      • Utah Coin Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Utah's Bumper Crop Gift

    UTC: February 9 at 12:00 AM – February 11 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept and complete the quest '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Utah's Bumper Crop Gift' during the event period to receive a Cluck, Cluck, Bean Festival Box.


    • Cluck, Cluck, Bean Festival Box: Can be transferred between your characters within world. 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Cluckhead Coupon: Can be transferred within world. 7-day duration.
      • Cluckbottom Coupon: Can be transferred within world. 7-day duration.
      • Cluck, Cluck, Bean Coupon: Can be transferred within world. 7-day duration.
      • Utah Coin Coupon (x100): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Fruitful Bounty

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 19 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Fruitful Bounty' quest through the star notifier or NPC Utah in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • You'll obtain a Fruit Basket item when you accept the quest. You can place the Fruit Basket in a location of your choice in a map where there are monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
    • When you set up the Fruit Basket, you'll see the number of apples, pears, and grapes you need on the top of the screen. Hunt monsters within your level range to obtain apples, pears, grapes, and persimmons.
    • When you've collected all of the required fruit, go to the Fruit Basket to send them back to the farm.
    • When you get a persimmon, you can fill all the required number of fruits for 1 round.
    • Every time you send back a set of fruits to the farm, there will be a big explosion from the Fruit Basket and you'll earn Utah Points.
    • After you deliver 10 rounds of fruit, the Fruit Basket will disappear. You can continue setting up the basket until you hit the daily limit of acquirable Utah Points.
    • A Fruit Basket that's been set up will disappear when you move maps. Cooldown for the Fruit Basket is 5 minutes.


    • Utah Coins
    Utah’s Coin Shop

    UTC: February 6 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    • Talk to NPC Camila in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map. Participate in Utah's Farm events to earn Utah Points! You'll automatically receive 1 Utah Coin for every 100 Utah Points.
    • You can earn up to 15,000 Utah Points every day and earn up to 100 extra Utah Coins by participating in the Gustav's Cattle Ranch event.
    • Use Utah Coins to purchase the following items from Utah's Coin Shop through NPC Camila.


    • Jewel Craft Ring
    • Magical Jewel Box
    • Synergy Ring Coupon
    • Synergy Ring Cube
    • Bonus Occult Cube x10 Package: Untradeble, 10-day duration. Use to receive 10 Bonus Occult Cubes (untradeable).
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame x10 Package: Untradeble, 10-day duration. Use to receive 10 coupons (untradeable, 7-day duration).
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10% x10 Package: Untradeble, 10-day duration. Use to receive 10 coupons (untradeable, 7-day duration).
    • Master Craftsman's Cube x10 Package: Untradeble, 10-day duration. Use to receive 10 coupons (untradeable, 7-day duration).
    • Black Cube Coupon
    • Red Cube Coupon
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%
    • Special Medal of Honor
    • SP Reset Scroll
    • AP Reset Scroll
    • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%
    • Occult Cube
    • Gold Potential Stamp
    • Special Potential Stamp
    • Innocence Scroll 60%
    • Golden Hammer 50%
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
    • Typhoon Growth Potion: Use the Typhoon Growth Potion from Lv. 200 - 239 to increase your level by 1. The potion cannot be used below Lv. 200. If used at Lv. 240 or above, you'll receive a substantial amount of EXP.
    • Nodestone
    • Experience Nodestone
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon
    • Harvest Random Damage Skin Box
    • Harvest Damage Skin
    • Forest Tranquility Chair: Stump
    • Forest Tranquility Chair: Table
    • Forest Tranquility Chair: Cabin
    • Window on the Farm Chair
    • Forest Sanctuary Chair
    • Permanent Tractor Mount Coupon
    • Permanent Chick Mount Coupon
    • Permanent Moon and Stars Mount Coupon
    • Permanent Wee Moon Bunny Mount Coupon
    • Cluckhead Coupon: Use the coupon to obtain a permanent cash cover item.
    • Cluckbottom Coupon: Use the coupon to obtain a permanent cash cover item.
    • Cluck, Cluck, Bean Coupon: Use the coupon to obtain a permanent cash cover item.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon
    • Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon
    • Trait Boost Potion
    • Job Advancement Coin
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon
    • Hyper Teleport Rock (1 Day) Coupon
    • Mastery Book 20
    • Mastery Book 30
    • Power Elixir x100 Coupon
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket
    Super Lucky Pig

    UTC: February 20 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Super Lucky Pig' quest through the star notifier or through NPC Utah in Utah's Cluck, Cluck, Bean Farm map.
    • You'll acquire the 'Super Lucky Pig' skill when you accept the quest.
    • Use the 'Super Lucky Pig' skill in a map where there are monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to summon Lucky, and hunt monsters to charge Lucky's super power.
    • If you input the Super Lucky Pig skill key when Lucky's power is fully charged, Lucky's super powers activate, dealing a great amount of damage to enemies and giving you Utah Points.


    • Utah Coins
    Zero Character Creation

    UTC: January 23 (after maintenance) – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    • Zero will be available for creation for a limited time.
    • You must have a character that is Lv. 100 or above in the same world that you wish to create a Zero character.
    • Zero cannot be created on Reboot world.
    Sunny Sunday Perk

    UTC: January 27 at 12:00 AM - January 27 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 3 at 12:00 AM - February 3 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 10 at 12:00 AM - February 10 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 17 at 12:00 AM - February 17 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: February 24 at 12:00 AM - February 24 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: March 3 at 12:00 AM - March 3 at 11:59 PM

    • Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.
    • Week 1 - January 27, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off when you do Star Force enhancements (excludes Superior equipment).
      • [Non-Reboot Worlds] Receive 50% off when you do Spell Trace enhancements.
      • [Reboot World] Receive 2x Drop when hunting in Reboot (EU) or Reboot (NA) worlds.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 50% off when you do Ability resets.
      • [All Worlds] There's a 5x chance to get a Magnificent Soul when exchanging 10 Soul Shards.
    • Week 2 - February 3, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the daily rewards from all Arcane River areas.
      • [Updated January 31 at 2:00 PM PST][All Worlds] Gain 2x EXP when using Runes.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x Maple World's Energy from monsters.
      • [All Worlds] The limit of Maple World's Energy you can receive is doubled.
    • Week 3 - February 10, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive Arcane Symbol x5 Selector Coupon (x4): Can transfer between characters in same world; 14-day duration.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off items from Utah's Coin Shop.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the amount of Utah Points, Limit, and Cattle Ranch rewards.
    • Week 4 - February 17 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 50% bonus EXP when you complete Monster Park.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 7x the amount of Legion Daily Quest Coins.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the amount of Utah Points, Limit, and Cattle Ranch rewards.
    • Week 5 - February 24, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 100% success rate when you do Star Force 5, 10, and 15 enhancements. NOTE: This perk will not work on Tyrant gear!
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the amount of Utah Points, Limit, and Cattle Ranch rewards.
    • Week 6 - March 3, 2019
      • [All Worlds] Receive 50% off when you do Potential appraisals or resets.
      • [Non-Reboot Worlds] Receive 50% off when you do Spell Trace enhancements.
      • [Reboot World] Receive 2x Drop when hunting in Reboot (EU) or Reboot (NA) worlds.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 30% off items from Utah's Coin Sop.
      • [All Worlds] Receive 2x the amount of Utah Points, Limit, and Cattle Ranch rewards.
    Dark Lords of Darkness

    UTC: February 13 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Help the Dark Lords of Darkness recover their lost items!
    • Collect talismans dropped by defeated monsters to complete each of four sub-quests. For each sub-quest that you complete, the quest item you received will transform into a 1-day equip:
      • Doom Shoulder: 1-day duration. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +12, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +6
      • Avenger Quiver Belt: 1-day duration. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +12, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +6
      • Hellia Necklace: 1-day duration. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +12, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +6
      • Grin Ring: 1-day duration. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +12, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +6
    • You can also receive Dark Rack items once all four sub-quests are completed. Open a Dark Rack to receive a permanent totem! Here are the highest tier totems:
      • Dark Grin Totem: INT +36, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
      • Dark Helia Totem: LUK +36, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
      • Dark Avenger Totem: DEX +36, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
      • Dark Doom Totem: STR +36, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15
    Choco Onslaught

    UTC: February 13 at 12:00 AM – March 5 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the quest '[Choco Onslaught] Enter the Chocopocalypse' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • A Valentine's Day filled with love and chocolate! While the entire world is overflowing with chocolate, sharing chocolates filled with love imbue people with a powerful wave of Choco Power.
    • Cassandra said that the entire world will become slaves of chocolate if this continues. She asks you to eat all the chocolate in the world to save the world from chocolate.
    • The Elite Monsters, the Chocoholic King Slime and Chocoholic Mushmom will appear during the event.
    • Combo EXP Orbs will now take the chocolate appearance and will provide choco power.

    Choco Power

    • Accept the quest '[Choco Onslaught] Creating a Choco-killer' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Defeating monsters will drop Sweetheart Choco that when consumed increase your stats temporarily. It takes a certain amount of choco to increase your power.
    • Use the Choco Syringe to eat lots of chocolate at once and increase your Choco Power!
    • The Choco power resets at midnight.

    Choco World

    • Accept the quest '[Choco Onslaught] The Dark Chocolate Master' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Nue has become obsessed with chocolate and has created a Choco World.
    • The Choco World will provide chocolate activities to obtain Sweetheart Choco and increase your Choco Power.
    • Use the Golden Choco Ticket to travel to Choco World and participate in the 90-minute mission.
    • There are 3 areas within Choco World:
      • Choco Crush Saga: This map contains many choco mobs that can be defeated to obtain chocolate.
      • Falling Choco: Fall through to sky catching the falling chocolate and avoiding the obstacles.
      • Nue Boss Battle: Battle the chocolate obsessed Nue.

    Heart Thumping Mission Filled Chocolate

    • Accept the quest '[Choco Onslaught] Choco-mission Improbable' from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Provides missions and achievement missions that can be completed during the event.
    • Daily Missions:
      • Daily Dose of Chocolate: Complete this mission and receive Chocolate Overload Face Accessory (1 Day) Coupon.
      • Choco Tantrum: Complete this mission and receive Chocolate Rain Atmospheric Effect Coupon.
      • Unfair Advantage: Complete this mission and receive Medal of Honor.
      • Nue World Order: Complete this mission and receive Golden Ticket Coupon.
      • Mastering the Choco Abyss: Complete this mission and receive Ability Circulator.
      • I’ve Got a Golden Ticket: Complete this mission and receive Sweetheart Reward Points Coupon.
      • Mischief Managed: Complete this mission and receive Choco Neutralizer Implant Coupon.
    • Achievement Missions:
      • Everyday Chocophile: Complete this achievement mission and receive Sweetheart Choco x500 Coupon.
      • Drowning in Chocolate: Complete this achievement mission and receive Clean Slate Scroll 10%.
      • Choc-filled Veins: Complete this achievement mission and receive 100 Spell Trace Coupon.
      • Are We Human, or Are We Choco?: Complete this achievement mission and receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) Ticket.
      • Allergic to Chocolate: Complete this achievement mission and receive Sweetheart Choco x200 Coupon.
      • Snap Out of It!: Complete this achievement mission and receive Selective 4 Slot Coupon.
      • A World of Pure Chocofication: Complete this achievement mission and receive Sweetheart Reward Points Coupon.
    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: February 23 – February 25 during the times listed below

    Requirement: Available for all levels, in non-Reboot worlds only.

    • Enjoy increased rates of success when upgrading your equipment during our Spell Trace Fever Time Event!
    • February 23, 2019
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • February 24, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • February 25, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM
    Cash Inventory Transfer Event

    UTC: February 28 (after maintenance) – March 6 (before maintenance)

    • For a limited time, you will be able to transfer most cash items between your characters within the same world!
    • Take this opportunity to share a Hyper Teleport Rock, move cash cover items between characters, move a beloved pet to a new character, and more!
    • Trading cash items between your characters is easy! All you need to do is follow these simple steps:
      • Enter the Cash Shop.
      • Pick an eligible item you would like to transfer to a different character, and move it into your Cash Inventory.
      • Right-click the item.
      • Click the 'TRANSFER' button.
      • Select the recipient of the item from the drop down.
      • Click the 'OK' button.
      • The selected item will now appear in the other character’s Cash Inventory the next time you login to that character.

    Rules and Restrictions

    • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
    • You can only transfer cash items between characters in the same world. This does not include different worlds in the same world alliance. For example, you can transfer items between two characters on Mardia, but you cannot transfer an item from a character on Mardia to a character on Kradia.
    • All jobs are able to transfer cash items between each other, except Explorers since they already share their Cash Inventory.
    • There are a few items that are not able to be transferred:
      • EXP Coupons
      • Potion Pot
      • Friendship and Couple Items

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