[Updated June 11] v.205 - Pathfinder Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. Nexon

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    Adventure awaits, dear Maplers! Our new Pathfinder class is almost here, so follow us to Adventure Island, where there’s a journey around every corner. Battle against monsters to prove yourself as a Maple World legend; use your code-breaking skills to earn prizes; win coins by wailing on test dummies in the training grounds; and join in other fun island events! We’re also making a number of job balance adjustments, increasing Star Force Enhancement success rates, and hosting a Tera Burning Project event where you can level up a new character quickly. If that wasn’t enough, you can also explore our brand new theme dungeon: the Secret Forest of Elodin! A new quest is on the horizon - join us with Pathfinder!

    • New Playable Character: Pathfinder
    • New Updates
    • Content Revamps
    • System Revamps
    • Adventure Island Events
    • Other Events
    Meet Pathfinder!

    UTC: Available June 26th at 12:00 AM

    • A new awaited Explorer Bowman, Pathfinder, is here! Join her on the adventure to discover the unknown!
    • Pathfinder is mesmerized by ancient relics, and goes on expeditions to find them. In the midst of her adventure, Pathfinder fell under an Ancient Curse and thus obtained Ancient powers. Her curse will gradually weaken as the Relic grows stronger.
    • Pathfinder’s primary weapon is an Ancient Bow, and her secondary weapon is the Relic.
    • Lift the Ancient Curse and play Pathfinder with her full potential!
    • You can pre-create your very own Pathfinder on June 12th and she’ll be available to play on June 26th.
    • The max character slot has been increased from 46 to 47 so you can create a Pathfinder class today!
    Pathfinder Skills


    • Return to Partem: Returns to Karuppa Town. Max Level 1.
    • Ancient Curse: Many of the stats are reduced due to an unknown curse. The Ancient Curse will weaken as the equipped Relic grows stronger. Ancient Bow skills do not consume arrow items. Max Level 4.
      • Lv.1: Critical Rate -20%, Defense -20%, Status Resistance -20
      • Lv.2: Defense -20%, Status Resistance -20
      • Lv.3: Status Resistance -20
      • Lv.4: Curse has been lifted

    1st Job

    • Curse Dampening I: This skill releases power built in the Relic through continuous combat to weaken the effect of the Ancient Curse. It activates when using a Cardinal Force skill and only when the curse is reducing Critical Rate. Max Level: 1.
      • Level 1: Accumulates up to 10 levels, with Critical Rate: +2% for each level.
    • Forceful Shot: Increases your Critical Rate. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: Critical Rate: +40%.
    • Archery Mastery: Provide proficiency in the fundamentals of Archery. Increases Range, Movement Speed, and Max Movement Speed. Max Level: 15.
      • Level 15: Range: +120, Speed: +30, Max Speed increased to 160.
    • Cardinal Deluge: Archery technique that attacks targets within range. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: MP Cost: 10, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 90%, Attack Count: 4.
    • Double Jump: Allows double-jump to travel more distance. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: MP Cost: 10.

    2nd Job

    • Relic Charge I: Gathers energy in the Relic through combat. The use of a Cardinal Force skill will cause the Relic’s emblem to shift, and a successful hit will add to the gauge. Using an Ancient Force skill will consume the built-up gauge. After using a Cardinal Force skill, you can chain other Cardinal Force or Ancient Force skills together, allowing them to be used more quickly. Max Level: 1.
      • Level 1: Relic Gauge Max Charge: 1,000.
        • Cardinal Force skill attack charges the Relic gauge by 10.
        • Every Cardinal Deluge arrow charges the Relic gauge by 5.
        • If different Cardinal Force skill is used next, the cooldown for all Ancient Force skills will be reduced by 0.5, except for 5th Job Advancement skills.
    • Curse Dampening II: Releases power built up in the Relic through continuous combat to further weaken the effects of the Ancient Curse. Skill is activated when attacking with a Cardinal Force skill and only when the curse is reducing your Defense. Max Level: 1.
      • Level 1: Accumulates up to 10 levels, with Defense +2% for each level.
    • Cardinal Deluge Amplification: [Cardinal Force] Enhances Cardinal Deluge skill. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 200%, Enemy Count: 5, Attack Count: 4.
        • If the boss monster is within the attack’s range, it will fire additional arrows.
    • Cardinal Burst: [Cardinal Force] Archery technique that launches an explosive arrow of condensed energy that flies straight. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 4.
    • Bountiful Deluge: Manifests the power stored within the Relic to call forth magical arrows that chase and attack enemies in range for a set amount of time. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: When using skill while Relic displays the Deluge emblem, there is a 40% change to create 3 magical arrows, Damage: 100%, Attack Count: 3, Duration: 2 seconds.
    • Ancient Bow Mastery: Increases your Ancient Bow Mastery and Attack Power. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: Ancient Bow Mastery: +50%, Attack Power: +30.
    • Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training. Max Level: 5.
      • Level 5: STR: +30, DEX: +30.
    • Swarm Shot: [Ancient Force] Call on the Relic’s power to imbue a shot with a mysterious aura. Each time the arrow hits an enemy, additional magic arrows will attack nearby enemies. Max Level: 19.
      • Level 19: Relic Gauge Cost: 50, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4. Creates 2 magical arrows that deal 100% damage 4 times each time this attack hits an enemy. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
    • Ancient Bow Booster: Consumes MP to increase the attack speed of your Ancient Bow by 2 levels for a short duration. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: MP Cost: 11, Attack Speed: +2, Duration: 300 seconds.

    3rd Job

    • Curse Dampening III: Release power built up in the Relic through continuous combat to greatly weaken the effects of the Ancient Curse. Skill is activated when attacking with a Cardinal Force skill and only when the curse is reducing your Status Resistance. Max Level: 1.
      • Level 1: Accumulates up to 10 levels, with Status +2% for each level.
    • Cardinal Burst Amplification: [Cardinal Force] Enhances Cardinal Burst Skill. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Attack Count: 4. If it hits less than the Max Enemies Hit number, skill’s final damage will increase by an additional 10% for each enemy hit.
    • Cardinal Torrent: [Cardinal Force] Archery Technique used to achieve high mobility. Release Swiftstrike Energy stored in your weapon as short burst of speed that propels you to your destination, then swing weapon to attack nearby enemies. Skill consumes 1 Swiftstrike Charge. Swiftstrike Charge can be obtained every 7 seconds and up to 5 Charges can be stored. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 5.
    • Bountiful Burst: Manifests power stored within the Relic to call forth magical arrows that chase and attack enemies in range. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: When using Cardinal Deluge while Relic displays Burst emblem, there is a 40% chance to create 2 magical arrows. Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 3, Duration: 6 seconds.
    • Evasion Boost: Grants a chance to dodge enemy attacks. Grants you a chance to dodge enemy attacks. When you succeed, attacks made by you in the following 1 second will result in Critical Hits. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: Dodge Chance: 30%. When succeeded, following attacks for 1 second will be critical hits.
    • Guidance of the Ancients: When Relic Gauge has increased, the Relic emits powerful energy that enhances Pathfinder’s combat capabilities. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: Each time the Relic Gauge has been filled up by 1,000, your Final Damage is increased by +15%, Duration: 30 seconds. Restores HP/MP by 20%. Permanently increase Max HP by 50% and Final Damage by 10%.
    • Archer’s Essence: Increase combat ability by further perfecting archery fundamentals. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: Critical Rate: +10%, Damage: +20%, Ignore Defense: +30%.
    • Shadow Raven: Calls forth a dark-elemental Raven for a duration. Summoned Raven can attacked up to 4 enemies at once. Raven’s attack cannot be reflected by attack reflection skills. Skill permanently increases defense. Max Level: 10.
      • Level 10: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 390%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Duration: 220 seconds. Permanently increases Defense by 30%.
    • Triple Impact: [Ancient Force] Leap up and fire 3 explosive arrows downward. These arrows will explode when they come in contact with enemies or when they reach their maximum range. If already airborne, the arrows will be fired without the leap. Max Level: 20.
      • Level 20: Relic Gauge Cost: 50, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 5. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
    • Cursebound Endurance: Your growing resilience to the curse grants ability to resist abnormal status resistance for a duration. Any status resistance received while the skill is active will further increase your status resistance. Permanently increases status resistance and all elemental resistances. Max Level: 14.
      • Level 14: MP Cost: 58, Status Resistance: +30, Duration: 300 seconds. If afflicted by abnormal status while the skill is active, Status Resistance will be increased by 20 and this can be stacked up to 5 times. Increases Status Resistance by 30 and all Elemental Resistances by 30%.

    4th Job

    • Relic Charge II: With the Relic finally made whole, its flow of energy has become more stable and potent, allowing you to enhance Enchant Force skills with the power of Cardinal Force. Enchant Force skills can be chained after using a Cardinal Force skill for quick succession. Max Level: 1.
      • Relic Gauge Charge Amount:
        • Cardinal Force: 20
        • Cardinal Deluge's guided arrows: 10
        • Shadow Raven or Fury of the Wild: 10
      • When using Cardinal Force skills, all Ancient Force and Enchant Force skills have cooldown reduced by 1 second, except 5th Job Advancement skills.
    • Curseweaver: Overcoming the Ancient Curse allows you to turn its debilitating effects on enemies. Bow skills and special attacks will inflict the curse on enemies and the Shadow Raven will focus its attention on enemies with the curse when summoned. Max Level: 1.
      • Level 1: Using certain skills will inflict enemies with Ancient Curse debuff for 15 seconds and can be stacked up to 5 times. Skills that utilize Ancient Bow deal an increased 4% Critical Damage to enemies for each stack of curse debuff.
    • Advanced Cardinal Force: Enhances all Cardinal Force skills with the power of the restored Relic. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: MP Cost: 30
        • Cardinal Deluge: Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4. If the boss monster is within range, fires 1 additional arrow.
        • Cardinal Burst: Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4. If the total enemies hit is lower than the maximum number, skill’s final damage will be increased by an additional 10% for each enemy hit.
        • Cardinal Torrent: Damage: 540%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Attack Count: 5. Consumes 1 Swiftstrike Charge. Swiftstrike Charge can be obtained every 7 seconds and can be stored up to max 5. You cannot be pushed back by enemy attacks while casting the skill and enemy hit will receive 1 stack of Ancient Curse debuff.
    • Bountiful Torrent: Manifests the power stored within the Relic to hex your arrows with the curse’s energy when using the Cardinal Deluge and Cardinal Burst skills. Permanently increases Attack Power. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: When using Cardinal Deluge or Cardinal Burst when Relic displays Torrent emblem, your next 6 attacks within the following 7 seconds have 40% chance to apply 1 level of the Ancient Curse debuff. Permanently increases Attack Power 20%.
    • Ancient Archery: Train in the forgotten techniques of the ancient archers to enhance your combat ability. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Bountiful Deluge Damage: +50%, Bountiful Burst Damage: +50%, Swarm Shot First Arrow Damage: +350%, Additional Magical Arrows’ Damage: +200%, Triple Impact Explosion Damage: +200%, Final Damage of Ancient Force and Enchant Force Skills: +10%, Boss Damage: +50%.
    • Ancient Bow Expertise: Increases your Ancient Bow Mastery, Attack Power, and Critical Damage. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Ancient Bow Master: +70%, Attack Power: +60, Critical Damage: +10%
    • Illusion Step: Greatly increases your DEX and Avoidability, and reduces damage taken. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: DEX: +80, Avoidability: +30% chance, Damage taken reduced by 20%.
    • Glyph of Impalement: Call forth spears of dark energy imbued with the power of the Ancient Curse to attack nearby enemies. Deal greater damage to enemies afflicted with the Ancient Curse debuff. This skill can be casted while using other skills. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Relic Gauge Cost: 100, Damage: 800%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 6, Final Damage increased by 10% per stack of the Ancient Curse debuff. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
    • Combo Assault: [Enchant Force] Attack nearby enemies with your bow, then let loose a magical arrow to attack enemies in a wider range. Barrage Enhancement - Increases the magical arrow’s effective range. Burst Enhancement - Bow attack will deal a powerful strike to a single enemy. Blaze Enhancement - Bow attack inflicts additional stacks of the Ancient Curse debuff on enemies. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Relic Gauge Cost: 150. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
        • Normal Mode
          • Bow Attack: Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 7, inflict 1 stack of the Ancient Curse debuff.
          • Arrow Attack: Damage: 550%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 5.
        • Burst Mode
          • Bow Attack: Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Attack Count: 8, inflict 1 stack of the Ancient Curse debuff.
          • Arrow Attack: Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 5.
        • Deluge Mode
          • Bow Attack: Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Attack Count: 7, inflict 1 stack of the Ancient Curse debuff.
          • Arrow Attack: Damage: 650%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Attack Count: 5.
        • Torrent Mode
          • Bow Attack: Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 7, inflict 5 stacks of the Ancient Curse debuff.
          • Arrow Attack: Damage: 650%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 5.
    • Sharp Eyes: Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy’s weak spot to deal critical damage to that enemy. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: MP Cost: 45, Critical Rate: +20%, Critical Damage: +15%, Duration: 300 seconds.
    • Maple Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all the party members. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: MP Cost: 70, Increased all stats assigned to AP by 15% for 900 seconds.
    • Hero’s Will: Sharpen your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to Abnormal Status for 3 seconds after use. Max Level 5.
      • Level 5: MP Cost: 30. Cooldown: 360 seconds.

    Hyper Skills

    • Sharp Eyes - Persist: (Req. Lv: 140) Increases Sharp Eyes’s duration. Max Level 1.
      • Level 1: Duration: +30 seconds
    • Sharp Eyes - Guardbreak: (Req. Lv. 150) Add Ignore Defense effect to Sharp Eyes.
      • Ignore Defense: 5%
    • Sharp Eyes - Critical Chance: (Req. Lv: 180) Increase Critical Rate of Sharp Eyes.
      • Critical Rate: +5%
    • Cardinal Force - Reinforce: (Req. Lv: 140) Increases damage of Cardinal Force skills.
      • Damage: +20%
    • Cardinal Force - Bountiful Enhance: (Req. Lv: 165) Increases the activation rate for Bountiful Deluge and Bountiful Burst, as well as Bountiful Torrent's chance to apply a stack of the Ancient Curse debuff.
      • Activation rate and debuff application chance: +10%
    • Cardinal Force - Extra Strike: (Req. Lv: 190) Increases attack count of Cardinal Force skills.
      • Attack Count: 1
    • Ancient Force - Boss Rush: (Req. Lv: 150) Increases damage dealt to Boss Monsters by Ancient Force skills.
      • Boss Damage: +20%
    • Ancient Force - Guardbreak: (Req. Lv: 165) Increases amount of enemy DEF Ancient Force ignores.
      • Ignore Defense: +20%
    • Ancient Force - Enchant Enhance: (Req. Lv: 180) Increases damage of Enchant Force skills when enhanced by Cardinal Force skills.
      • Damage: +20%
    • Awakened Relic: (Req. Lv: 140) Draws the hidden ancient power from the Relic. Max Level 1.
      • Level 1: MP Cost: 300. Instantly fills the Relic Gauge to its max capacity. For 30 seconds, 1 additional magical arrow will be created when Bountiful Deluge and Bountiful Burst skills are used. Time required to generate Swiftstrike Energy is reduced to 3 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Ancient Astra: (Req. Lv: 160) [Enchant Force] Manifest arrows like those spoken of in legend to rain destruction upon your foes. Use Up and Down arrow keys to control the firing angle. Arrow will detonate upon contact with the enemy or at the end of it’s range. Max Level: 1.
      • Deluge Enhancement: Creates additional magical arrows when an enemy is hit.
      • Burst Enhancement: Take aim at an enemy and loose an arrow with maximum destructive power.
      • Torrent Enhancement: Grants the ability to attack while moving.
      • Level 1: Relic Gauge Cost: 80 per second, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Attack Count: 6. Key can be held down for 15 seconds. Skill will end early if Relic Gauge does not have enough points. Cooldown: 80 seconds.
        • Normal Mode:
          • Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Attack Count: 6.
        • Burst Mode:
          • Damage: 1800%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Attack Count 10. Skill can be angled by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys. Normal and Fixed damage reduced by 40% while channeling. Does not reduce True Damage.
        • Deluge Mode:
          • Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Attack Count 6. Has a 30% chance to create 2 magical arrows that attack 2 times, dealing 300% damage. Normal and Fixed damage reduced by 20% while channeling.
        • Torrent Mode:
          • Damage: 450%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count 6. Use the directional keys (Left and Right Arrows) to move forward and backward while channeling the skill.
      • Epic Adventure: (Req. Lv: 190) Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output. Max Level: 1.
        • Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Damage: +10%, Duration: 60 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds. Applies to any Explorer class in the party.

    5th Job

    • Nova Blast: [Ancient Force] Consume your entire Relic Gauge to fire a bolt of obliterating energy that pierces all. The more Relic Gauge consumed, the stronger the attack will be. Max Level: 50.
      • Level 50: Relic Gauge Cost: 200 or more required to use skill, Damage: 5000%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 15, Ignore Defence: +100%. Invulnerable while casting the skill. If the consumed Relic Gauge exceeds 25%/50%/75%/100% thresholds, Final Damage will be increased by 25%/50%/75%/100% respectively. Cooldown: 150 seconds.
    • Raven Tempest: [Ancient Force] Uses the power of the Relic to call forth the true form of the Shadow Raven to wreak havoc. The summoned Shadow Raven moves in search of enemies, and you can also press the skill key to manually change its direction. Skill can only be used when Shadow Raven or Fury of the Wild is summoned. Shadow Raven’s attacks cannot be reflected. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Relic Gauge Cost: 300, Damage: 1000%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Attack Count: 5, Duration: 25 seconds. Charges Relic Gauge by 20 when attacking. Direction Change Cooldown: 2 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Obsidian Barrier: [Enchant Force] Projects the Relic’s power as a shield to defend yourself and your party members. Party members who receive the protection of this skill will deal increased Critical Damage when attacking any enemy affected by the Ancient Curse debuff. Barrage Enhancement - Grants each party member a personal protective shield. Burst Enhancement - Increases the size of the shield. Blaze Enhancement - Allows the shield to be moved. Max Level 30. Relic Gauge Cost: 500, Duration: 16 seconds. Cooldown: 200 seconds.
      • Level 30 Normal Mode:
        • Damage: 760%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4. Decreases damage taken from attacks that deal fixed percent of damage by -20%, does not reduce true damage
      • Level 30 Burst Mode:
        • Damage 1040%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 4. Decreases damage taken from attacks that deal fixed percent of damage by -40%, does not reduce true damage. Shield encompasses a wider area than normal.
      • Level 30 Deluge Mode:
        • Decreases damage taken from attacks that deal fixed percent of damage by -40%, does not reduce true damage. Shield is smaller, but moves with your character.
      • Level 30 Torrent Mode:
        • Damage 1040%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 4. Decreases damage taken from attacks that deal fixed percent of damage by -40%, does not reduce true damage. Skill can be used again to place the Shield in a new location.
    Pathfinder Pre-Creation Event

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) - June 25 at 11:59 PM

    • You can now create your very own Pathfinder!
    • Pre-create your Pathfinder during the event period to receive tons of rewards starting on June 26th!
    • Please note that you cannot fully play your pre-created Pathfinder until June 26th.
    • You can pick up your rewards during the following period:

    UTC: June 26 at 10:00 AM – July 8 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Players who created a Pathfinder character during the Pre-creation period.

    • Log in with a character Lv. 61 and above and complete the "Get your Pathfinder Pre-Creation Gift!" quest during the event period to claim your rewards!
    • Open Job Advancement for the Pathfinder class is currently unavailable.


    • Pathfinder Pre-Creation Box: Tradeable within account. 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Adventure Coin Coupon (x300): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Tortoise Pet Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Grants Tortoise: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration. (Skills: Auto Buff, Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Expanded Auto Move)
      • Tortoise Pet Equipment Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Grants Tortoise Bundle: Untradeable.
      • Pathfinder Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Ancient Relic Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Grants Ancient Relic: Untradeable.
      • Adventure Label Ring Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Grants Adventure Label Ring: Untradeable.
      • Adventure Chat Ring Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Grants Adventure Chat Ring: Untradeable.
      • Equip Tab 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Use Tab 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Set-Up Tab 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Etc Tab 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Theme Dungeon: Secret Forest of Elodin

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 30 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Strange sounds are coming from the secret forest. What can it possibly be? Help Anne and discover the secrets of Elodin!
    • Accept ‘[Elodin] Anne’s Plea for Help’ quest within the quest notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Complete the Secret Forest of Elodin Theme Dungeon to receive Elodin Bird Dog medal!


    • Elodin Bird Dog: Medal. Untradeable. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, MaxHP/MaxMP +150, Defense +15.
    • Spell Trace (x200)
    • Mesos
    Job Balance Adjustments

    All Jobs

    • [Final Attack Type Skills]: Final Attack Type Skill is being added to the skill description to inform that it belongs to the Final Attack types.
    • [Erda Shower]: Skill effect will remain at the location where it was used.
    • [Linked Skills]: Fixed the error where, while linking, you could not use consumable items or the skill action was canceled from using consumables.
    • [Additional Launch Type Skills]: Fixed the error of attacking extracted Erda or Arma Jr. in Erda Spectrum.
    • [True Arachnid Reflection]: Fixed the error of attacking extracted Erda or Arma Jr. in Erda Spectrum.

    All Warrior Jobs

    • [Weapon Aura]: The issue where the damage and attack count of aura wave was not affected by the damage of the skill used to activate, nor by the skills, or buffs that increased attack count, will be fixed.

    All Bowman Jobs

    • [Guided Arrow]: Based on Lv. 25, duration and cooldown will increase from 30 sec to 60 sec, and attack count from 45 times to 90 times.

    All Thief Jobs

    All Pirate Jobs

    • [Overdrive]: Based on Lv. 25, Attack Power will get increased from 50% to 70%.
    • [Loaded Dice]: In Ursus, the additional die will no longer show when you use Roll of the Dice.

    All Explorer Warrior Jobs

    All Explorer Bowman Jobs

    All Explorer Thief Jobs


    • [Combo Attack]: A feature where you can turn the effect On/Off by right-clicking the skill icon from the skill window will be added, and you can check the current Combo Orb count in the buff window.
    • [Burning Soul Blade]: Skill will now be protected by Buff Freezer, and the distance at which the stationary status stays remaining will get increased.
    • [Panic]: Based on Master level, chance to apply Blind Abnormal Status is increased from 90% to 100%, and attack range is increased by 150%.
    • [Shout]: Removed the feature where Shout with different effects was activated when you used it with the down arrow key.


    • [High Paladin]: Based on Master level, Critical Damage Increase value is increased from 8% to 15%.
    • [Grand Guardian]: Can now move while casting the skill. Hit Damage Reduction gets fixed to 50%. Cooldown gets reduced from 180 seconds to 150 seconds. Attack range before the cross gets enlarged increases by 20% compared to before. The time it takes for the cross to enlarge gets reduced.

    Dark Knight

    • [Calamitous Cyclone]: Based on Lv. 25, damage of concluding attack increases from 2400% to 3000%, attack count increases from 12 times to 15 times. Aura wave from Weapon Aura may get activated from the concluding attack.

    All Explorer Magicians

    • [Unreliable Memory]: Now displays a unique animation when attempting to use a skill on which SP was not spent.
    • [MP Boost]: Critical Rate increase value for equipping a wand is increased from 3% to 5%.
    • [Infinity]: Cooldown resets will no longer be applied.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • [Viral Slime]: Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency setting from another character was not getting applied.
    • [Flame Haze]: Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency setting from another character was not getting applied.
    • [Meteor Shower]: Fixed the issue where Meteor still fell on a single enemy even while it was not on cooldown.
    • [DoT Punisher]: Based on Lv. 25, cooldown is reduced from 30 sec to 25 sec.
    • [Poison Nova]: Based on Lv. 25, cooldown is reduced from 30 sec to 25 sec.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • [Blizzard]: Fixed the issue where Blizzard still fell on a single enemy even while it was not on a cooldown.
    • [Freezing Breath]: Fixed the issue where skill effect transparency setting from another character was not getting applied.
    • [Spirit of Snow]: Based on Lv. 25, damage gets increased from 600% to 700%, single target damage from 1000% to 1400%, max enemies hit gets increased from 8 to 10.
    • [Elemental Adaptation (Ice, Lightning)]: Fixed the issue where the protective shield intermittently remained even after defending from an abnormal status attack after activation.
    • [Chain Lightning - Reinforce]: Damage increase value is increased from 10% to 20%.
    • [Frozen Orb]: Casting delay gets reduced by 35% compared to before.
    • [Frozen Orb - Reinforce]: Fixed the issue of the skill icon being switched with that for Frozen Orb - Spread.
    • [Frozen Orb - Spread]: Fixed the issue of the skill icon being switched with that for Frozen Orb - Reinforce.


    • [Heal]: Fixed the issue where final damage increase applied to nearby monsters after using the skill was being applied as damage increase.
    • [Big Bang]: Attack range is increased by 38% compared to before.
    • [Righteously Indignant]: While using the skill, you can use the Heaven's Door, and Ethereal Form.
    • [Benediction]: Skill description is fixed such that it's identical to the actual skill, and fixed the issue where the skill effect was not visible to other party members in certain maps.
    • [Peacemaker]: Based on Lv. 25, damage increases from 600% to 700%, and Holy Light damage increases from 800% to 1000%.
    • [Mystic Door]: Fixed the occasional errors of the portal effect not showing and the effect transparency not applying.
    • [Holy Symbol]: When the party member receiving the Holy Symbol effect moves away from the character that cast it, the additional EXP gain will be reduced. When that party member returns near the caster, the previous effectiveness will be restored. You can tell the current state with the buff window icon and system message.
    • [Holy Symbol - Preparation]: It will no longer apply when the party member receiving the Holy Symbol effect moves away from the caster.
    • [Holy Symbol - Item Drop]: It will no longer apply when the party member receiving the Holy Symbol effect moves away from the caster.

    Bow Master

    • [Quiver Cartridge]: Added a feature where critical damage of Bow Master is increased by 4% when attacking an enemy applied by Poison Arrow.
    • [Enchanted Quiver]: Added a feature where critical damage increase amount of Poison Arrow is increased to 8%.
    • [Quiver Barrage]: Based on Lv. 25, cooldown is reduced from 150 sec to 120 sec.

    Night Lord

    • [Critical Throw]: There was a skill level where no changes were made to the stats even when you spent SP, so the critical rate was readjusted according to the skill level. Max value remains the same.
    • [Throwing Star Barrage]: Based on Lv. 25, Triple Throw's Final Damage reduction is removed. Quad Star's Final Damage reduction is decreased from 30% to 15%. Fixed the error of Shadow Partner being applied to the additional direction's Throwing Star.
    • [Dark Lord's Omen]: Based on Lv. 25, duration increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds, and emission interval increased by 30% compared to before.


    • [Shadow Veil]: Fixed the issue where damage did not get applied when the character was under incapacitated status such as transformation. Fixed the error of being able to use it while hanging on a stone wall. Fixed the error of the client occasionally quitting when you use it in certain locations.
    • [Smokescreen]: Fixed the error where the effect of enemies taking more Critical Damage in the Smokescreen was not being applied to boss monsters.
    • [Meso Explosion]: As Meso Explosion was being applied as magic damage, it has been changed so that it is applied as weapon damage instead.

    Dual Blade

    • [Phantom Blow]: Attack range increases by 60% compared to before.
    • [Blade Fury]: Attack range increases by 20% compared to before.
    • [Sharpness]: Based on Master level., Critical Rate increase amount increases from 25% to 35%.
    • [Blade Tornado]: Based on Lv. 25, the damage of the tornado increases from 600% to 900%. Attack interval reduced by 25% compared to before, and cooldown decreases from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • [Blades of Destiny]: Changed it to a skill where 3 attacks are activated consecutively. The additional hit from Blade Clone only applies 1 time.

    All Explorer Pirate


    • [Nautilus]: Additional attacks will continuously occur during cooldown instead of having a separate duration. Based on Master level, the damage of additional attack decreases from 250% to 165%.
    • [Meltdown]: Fixed the issue where invincibility was not getting applied while under the motion of casting the Energy Orb.


    • [Bullet Barrage]: Based on Lv. 25, the attack count increases from 4 times to 5 times.
    • [Nautilus Assault]: Fixed the issue where invincibility was not getting applied while under the casting motion.


    • [Monkey Business]: Skill is now protected by Buff Freezer. Range is increased by 10%. Based on Lv. 25, the attack count of Monkey Cannon increases from 3 to 4 times, and Monkey Bombs from 6 to 7 times.


    • [Weightless Heart]: Action delay after jumping gets reduced.
    • [Radiant Cross]: Max enemies hit increases from 6 to 7.
    • [Shield of Light]: Fixed the error where the hit effect of having the shield displays to other characters, while you are hit after the shield disappeared.

    Dawn Warrior

    • [Moon Dancer/Speeding Sunset]: Based on Master level, the damage increases from 350% to 400%.
    • [Rift of Damnation]: Based on Lv., 25, the cooldown gets reduced from 240 seconds to 180 seconds.
    • [Soul Eclipse]: Based on Lv. 25, the attack count increases from 5 times to 7 times.
    • [Solar Pierce]: Casting action delay is reduced by 15%. Attack range is increased by 5%.
    • [Crescent Divide]: Casting action delay is reduced by 15%. Attack range is increased by 13%.
    • [Student of the Blade]: Based on Master level, Critical Damage boost value is increased from 8% to 15%.

    Blaze Wizard

    • [Orbital Flame - Split Attack]: The skill description will get changed so that it is identical to the actual skill.
    • [Inferno Sphere]: Based on Lv. 25, the attack interval reduces by 15% compared to before. Fixed the issue where you couldn't move if got incapacitated such as transformation while using the skill. Pheonix Feather will be prepared even when you are dead.
    • [Burning Conduit]: Fixed the issue where the skill effect was not visible to other party members on certain maps.
    • [Natural Talent]: Critical Rate boost value for equipping a wand is increased from 3% to 5%.
    • [Phoenix Run]: If you died while having the Heaven's Door buff, it will not activate but consumes Heaven's Door buff first.
    • [Final Orbital Flame]: Damage boost when attacking normal monsters is increased from 10% to 15%.

    Wind Archer

    • [Touch of the Wind]: Changed to a passive skill.
    • [Bow Expert]: Based on Master level, the Critical Damage increase amount increases from 8% to 20%.
    • [Storm Elemental]: Casting action delay is reduced by 55%.
    • [Wind Walk]: Fixed the error of not moving forward when you use it right before landing on the platform after jumping.
    • [Sylvan Aid]: Casting action delay is reduced by 55%.
    • [Albatross]: Casting action delay is reduced by 80%.
    • [Howling Gale]: Fixed the error of less attack count being applied

    Night Walker

    • [Critical Throw]: There was a skill level where no changes were made to the stats even when you spent SP, so the critical rate are readjusted according to the skill level. Max value remains the same.
    • [Vitality Siphon]: Changed to a skill where you consume all of the Marks of Darkness to generate a shield, instead of a skill where Max HP increased each time you left a Mark of Darkness.
    • [Vitality Siphon-Extra Point]: Changed to a skill where shield amount increases by 1500, instead of a skill where Max HP increases.
    • [Vitality Siphon-Steel Skin]: Skill gets deleted, and gets replaced with Vitality Siphon-Reinforce.
    • [Vitality Siphon-Reinforce]: A new skill where ATT increases by 60 when the shield exists.
    • [Vitality Siphon-Preparation]: Changed to a skill where Status Resistance increases by 30 when the shield exists, instead of a skill where Status Resistance increases proportionate to the Marks of Darkness.
    • [Shadow Jump]: Final Damage boost for Throwing Star skill used in air is increased from 10% to 15%.
    • [Darkness Ascending]: If you died while having the Heaven's Door buff, it will not activate but consumes Heaven's Door buff first.
    • [Shadow Spear]: Fixed the error where the number of shadow spears created was decreasing when you keep attacking from certain areas.

    Thunder Breaker


    • [Combat Step]: When using it mid-air, the action delay after jumping gets reduced.
    • [Swing Studies Ⅰ]: The Final Damage increase buff duration after using Smash Swing gets increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • [Swing Studies Ⅱ]: The Final Damage increase buff duration after using Smash Swing gets increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • [Maha's Blessing]: Based on Master level, ATT and Magic ATT Power increase value increases from 20 to 30.
    • [Might]: Based on Master level, ATT Power increase value increases from 10 to 40.
    • [Adrenaline Burst]: The duration at which you cannot use the skill after using Adrenaline Rush gets reduced from 15 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • [Maha's Domain]: Casting action delay is reduced, and its duration will be displayed in the buff window.
    • [Maha's Fury]: Casting action delay is reduced.
    • [Maha's Carnage]: Changed to a skill where 2 attacks are activated consecutively. The additional hit from Swing Studies will only activate 1 time. Fixed the error of Boss Damage boost not applying and skill voice not playing when used without commands.


    • [Hero's Will]: Casting action is removed.
    • [Spell Mastery]: Critical Rate boost value for equipping a wand is increased from 3% to 5%.


    • [Glide Blast]: Action delay after jumping gets reduced, and movement range increases.
    • [Irkalla's Wrath]: Based on Lv. 25, damage gets increased from 750% to 800%, attack count from 6 times to 8 times, and the cooldown from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.
    • [Ignis Roar]: Fixed the error of the duration resetting when you ride and then disable a mount.


    • [Judgment Draw]: UI can be moved with the mouse.
    • [Impeccable Memory]: Fixed the issue where stolen skills could not be used while ducking. Fixed the issue where client sometimes crashed when you used the Net Toss skill, and the issue where skill description was not properly visible when you used Barrel Roulette.
    • [Impeccable Memory II]: Fixed the error of Boost Node not applying when you steal Pathfinder's Cardinal Burst. The actual cooldown applied will be displayed on the skill tooltip when you steal Heal.
    • [Impeccable Memory III]: Fixed the error where the additional Abnormal Status Resistance boost is not applied, when you steal Pathfinder's Cursebound Endurance and became subject to an Abnormal Status during its duration.
    • [Phantom Swiftness]: Action delay after jumping gets reduced.
    • [Phantom's Mark]: The 3-second Dark Sight buff gets changed to 2-second invincibility buff after use. Based on Lv. 25, the trajectory's attack count gets increased from 2 times to 3 times, the Mark's attack count from 10 times to 12 times, and the cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • [Blason Fantome]: Based on Master level, damage is increased from 250% to 320%, and attack range is increased by 24%.
    • [Final Feint]: If you died while having the Heaven's Door buff, it will not activate but consumes Heaven's Door buff first.
    • [Rose Carte Finale]: Casting action delay is reduced by 45%, cooldown is reduced from 65 sec to 30 sec, and duration for the card stuck in the ground is decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.
    • [Ace in the Hole]: If the monster it was supposed to attack disappears at the same time the skill activates, the card does not disappear but seeks another monster nearby.


    • [Close Call]: Fixed the issue where the buff icon remains at times even when the transferred character has removed the link.
    • [Blade Imp - Downward Slash]: Enemy attacked with Shade is hit with 10% more Final Damage for 15 seconds with an addition of the feature that casts Blade Imp - Trap debuff.
    • [Blade Imp - Forward Slash]: Enemy attacked with Shade is hit with 10% more Final Damage for 15 seconds with an addition of the feature that casts Blade Imp - Trap debuff.
    • [Blade Imp - Spin Slash]: Enemy attacked with Shade is hit with 10% more Final Damage for 15 seconds with an addition of the feature that casts Blade Imp - Trap debuff.
    • [Spirit Bond Max]: Increased cooldown for Spirit Frenzy casted by the Spirit Guardian from 30 to 60 sec, and increased boost for the final damage casted by Shade as the Spirit Guardian casts the Spirit Frenzy from 450% to 600%.
    • [Spirit Frenzy]: Based on Master level, damage is decreased from 200% to 75%. Attack count is increased from 1 to 3 times.


    • [Magic Mastery]: Based on Master level, a feature to increase critical rate by 15% has been added.
    • [Aether Conduit]: Added a feature that additionally increases Critical Rate by 15%.

    Demon Slayer

    • [Dark Winds]: Fixed the issue where the action delay diminishes after jumping, and direction could not be changed when using Glide immediately after using Rope Lift.
    • [Focused Fury]: Based on Master level, the 40% damage increase feature has been changed to a 25% final damage increase feature.
    • [Barricade Mastery]: Based on Master level, Critical Damage increase value is increased from 8% to 15%.
    • [Orthrus]: Based on Lv. 25, duration is changed from 48 to 40 sec, Nemea's cooldown is decreased from 3 to 2 sec, Geryon's cooldown from 5 to 3 sec. Increased Geryon's damage from 1600% to 1800%.
    • [Infernal Concussion]: It can now be used while jumping, but will no longer launch monsters in the air. Casting action delay is reduced by 15%, and attack range is reduced by 9%.

    Demon Avenger

    • [Dark Winds]: Fixed the issue where the action delay diminishes after jumping. Fixed the issue where direction could not be changed when using Glide immediately after using Rope Lift.
    • [Arcane Symbol]: HP increase value upon enhancement has been increased from 1400 to 1750.
    • [Nether Shield]: If there are no monsters around to attack, it will disappear without being re-created, after the delay. If the monster it was supposed to attack disappears at the same time the skill activates, the shield does not disappear but seeks another monster around.
    • [Demonic Blast]: Charging method has been changed. HP recovery upon defeating enemies with the attack or attacking boss monsters is increased: from 5% to 10% for stage 1, from 12% to 15% for stage 2, and from 20% to 25% in stage 3. Fixed the error of it activating while using skills that are not Exceed skills.


    • [Double Jump]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Ballistic Hurricane]: Fixed the issue where the feature to maintain Combo Training at its max level is applied when the skill is used and not when attack hits.
    • [Revolving Cannon]: Fixed the error where the manual reload does not work properly while charging other skills.
    • [Hyper Magnum Punch]: Added a 30% damage boost feature against normal monsters to Shotgun Punch's shockwave.
    • [Rocket Punch]: Fixed the error of damage not increasing with Cannon Overdrive.
    • [Bullet Blast]: Weapon Aura's Aura Wave will be activated by the charge attack. Fixed the error where the explosion attack does not get damage boost from Cannon Overdrive.

    Battle Mage

    • [Dark Genesis]: Fixed the issue where it activates the thunder attack on a single enemy even while it was not on cooldown.
    • [Altar of Annihilation]: Fixed the issue where when used, the action is activated and the skill is not.
    • [Grim Harvest]: Skill will now be protected by Buff Freezer. Automatically moving closer to the characters are changed to a feature to re-summon when the skill is used again. Max duration increase is applied for each attack. A feature to decrease 50% of cooldown will be added instead of the increase in duration due to the attack during Master of Death.
    • [Party Shield]: The duration will now be displayed on the buff window.

    Wild Hunter

    • [Double Jump/Triple Jump]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Primal Grenade]: 20% increase in explosion range. The issue of targeting monsters discerned as allies will be fixed.
    • [Hunting Assistant Unit]: Based on Master level, attack count is increased from 2 times to 3 times, and attack range is increased by 40%.
    • [Drill Salvo]: Based on Master level, duration is increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • [Exploding Arrows/Jaguar Rampage]: Cooldown is decreased from 14 seconds to 12 seconds.
    • [Jaguar Storm]: Now the Buff Freezer can be applied.
    • [Primal Grenade]: The grenade will be prepared even if the character has died.


    • [Modal Shift]: Fixed the issue where the skill could be used in a state when it cannot be used.
    • [Propulsion Burst]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Mecha Purge: Bombard]: Casting action delay is reduced by 13%. Attack range is increased by 18%.
    • [Mecha Purge: Bombardment]: Casting action delay is reduced by 11%. Attack range is increased by 19%.


    • [Overclock]: Based on Master level, the 30% damage increase feature has been changed to a 15% final damage increase feature.
    • [Mech Cannonade]: Based on Lv. 25, max key-down hold time will be increased from 8 to 10 seconds, additional Homing Beacons Fired will be increased from 3 to 5, and cooldown will be decreased from 240 to 200 seconds. Fixed the issue where the prerequisite skill wasn't being applied.
    • [Robot Mastery]: The increased damage for summoning robots is now also reflected in the Stats Window.
    • [Support Unit: H-EX]: The increased Final Damage from the Support Unit is now also reflected in the Stats Window.
    • [Open Portal: GX-9]: Fixed the errors where it falls below when set up on a slanted platform and where it does not get your skill transparency settings applied if another character uses it in boss contents
    • [Heavy Salvo Plus]: Based on Master level, the damage is increased from 390% to 400%. Fixed the error where you could not jump until the skill ends, if you input Mechanic Dash while holding the key down.
    • [Mobile Missile]: Based on Lv. 25, the number of missiles launched is increased from 30 to 38.


    • [Realign: Defender Mode]: Max HP increase feature has been removed.
    • [Air Lift]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Defender Mode I]: Max HP increase feature has been removed.
    • [Final Form]: Changed so that the Morph Gauge will be used up when it ends, not when it's in use. The hit range during use is decreased to that of a normal character. Fixed the issue where the character was being displayed when entering Eagle Hunting during Pollo & Fritto's Bounty Hunting while in Final Form mode. If you have preserved the Final Form with Buff Freezer, then the Morph Gauge will also be preserved as well.
    • [Attacker Mode II]: An additional 5% Final Damage increase feature will be added when command is used in Attacker Mode.
    • [Defender Mode II]: Added a feature to recover 3% of Max HP when using command in Defender Mode. Removed the max HP increase feature.
    • [Attacker Mode III]: A feature to increase 10% Boss Damage while in Final Form of Attacker Mode will be added.
    • [Defender Mode III]: A feature is added to decrease by 5% the hit damage including the attack that deals damage at a certain proportion to max HP while in Final Form of Defender Mode. The max HP increase feature is removed.
    • [Nova Guardians]: Skill will now be protected by Buff Freezer. Fixed the issue where the Kaiser is not moved closer to the character when traveling a long distance at once on a large map.
    • [Final Trance]: When the Final Form from using Final Trance ends, the Morph Gauge before using the skill is now restored


    • [Muscle Memory]: Fixed the issue where the client would close at times when various additional attack skills are activated at once.
    • [Veteran Shadowdealer]: Fixed the issue where the client would close at times when various additional attack skills are activated at once.
    • [Chain Arts: Void Strike]: Fixed the issues where the client would close at times when various additional attack skills are activated at once, and damage wouldn't apply when monster's actual location and the location from which attack is possible, differ.
    • [Summon Spiked Bat]: Fixed the error of the damage decreasing when you attack the max number of monsters while having the Ability/Monster Life Potential that increases the max number of enemies hit.
    • [Potential Skill]: Fixed the error of having no sound effects.

    Angelic Buster

    • [Feather Hop]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Trinity - Split Attack]: Skill description will be changed to match the actual skill.
    • [Supreme Supernova]: Fixed the error of being able to use it while hanging on a stone wall.
    • [Superstar Spotlight]: Fixed the error of being able to use it while hanging on a stone wall.
    • [Mighty Mascot]: Fixed the error where it does not work properly when you move maps during the attack.


    • [Burst Jump]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Time Distortion]: Fixed the issue where skill effects weren't displayed to other party members on certain maps.
    • [Twin Blades of Time]: Based on Lv. 25, Alpha and Beta Link's 3rd Hit damage will be decreased from 3250% to 2000%. Attack count will be increased from 8 to 13 times. Joint Attack damage will be decreased from 6000% to 4800%. Attack count will be increased from 12 to 15 times. Tag cannot be done while in use.
    • [Shadow Flash]: Fixed the issue where the Skill Node could be removed while Beta's Shadow Flash is in cooldown.


    • [Kinetic Step]: Moving distance has been increased to the right and left. Decreased upward.
    • [Psychic Shockwave]: Based on Lv. 25, damage will be decreased from 1600% to 1100%. Micro Black Hole's damage will be increased from 700% to 1000%. When Psychic Shockwave is used with the Micro Black Hole present, the existing Micro Black Hole will not disappear and a new Micro Black Hole will not be created.
    • [Ultimate - B.P.M.]: Based on Master level, cooldown is reduced from 3 to 0.5 seconds.
    • [Psychic Tornado]: Added a 0.5 seconds activation cooldown so that the object-throwing attack is not activated immediately after using the skill, when you mash the skill button.
    • [Mind Break]: Based on Master level, attack range is increased by 100%.
    • [Mental Overdrive]: The duration is increased from 20 to 30 seconds, and the cooldown is increased from 180 to 210 seconds. During the skill, Kinesis' theme background music is played.
    • [Ultimate - Psychic Shockwave]: Fixed the error where the client could close if you kept using the skill.


    • [Crystal Ignition]: Attack interval will be decreased by 40% compared to before.
    • [Templar Knight]: Based on Lv. 25, attack count will be fixed and increased to 5 to 6 times, and duration time from 30 to 40 seconds.
    • [Templar Knight]: Strong projectile starting delay reduced.
    • [Crystalline Spirit]: Radiant Javelin will chase after near enemies first, prior to the crystal, after coming in contact with the crystalline spirit. Reaction - Destruction will not come into contact with the crystalline spirit during cooldown. Reaction skill activated from the Crystalline Spirit will use a separate effect. Prerequisite skills of Reaction - Destruction II and Reaction - Domination II Lv. 1 will be added.


    • [Mystic Leap/Instinctual Leap]: Action delay after jumping has been reduced.
    • [Battle Frenzy]: Fixed the issue were prerequisite skill wasn't being applied.
    • [Unstoppable Impulse/Tenacious Instinct]: Based on Master level, the cooldown is increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
    • [Endless Dream]: The input time window for linking to other skills is slightly increased.
    Kanna Class Revamp

    [Updated June 11 at 11:20 PM PDT] Removed an erroneous note regarding the Elementalism Link skill. To clarify, there are no changes to Kanna's Elementalism link skill in this update.

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    • Kanna is getting more than a skill revamp, she’s receiving an entire revamp as a class!
    • We have overhauled many of Kanna’s existing skills and added several new ones with the goal of emphasizing Kanna’s identity and making her shine as a class.
    • We have adjusted the Kishin Shoukan skill and applied buffs and fixes to correct the balance.
    • Dawn Warrior is now named Akatsuki Warrior.
    • Akatsuki Blossoms is now named Hero's Will.
    • Mana Vein - Persist is now named Geomancy - Persist.


    • Blessing of the Five Elements: Permanently Increases MHP by 15% and Damage from enemies by 20%. Max Level 1. *M.ATT +1 per 700 HP, no cap; Increase HP when MP increase equip is equipped.
    • Manaflow: When Mana is not full, automatically recovers 50 every 6 seconds. Fan Weapon Mastery: +40%. Max Level 1.
    • Haku the Familiar: The mystical creature Haku follows you around EVERYWHERE.
    • Return of the Five Planets: Return to Momijigaoka. Cooldown: 600 seconds.

    1st Job

    • Geomancy: Sense and tap into the invisible flow of spiritual power through the forms of natural objects and the harmony of the energy around you. Max Level 1.
      • Level 1: Permanently gain Insight Lv.30. Max Mana Veins: 3. Cooltime: 5 seconds.
    • Spiritual Enlightenment: Permanently increased INT by 40 and Defense by 400. Max Level 10.
    • Haku the Familiar 2: Permanently increased LUK by 30 and Speed by 20. Max Level 1.
    • Shikigami Haunting: Use the power of the spirit walker skill to attack enemies in front. Basic attack can be continued up to 3 hits and does not consume Mana. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20:
        • [First Hit]: Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2.
        • [Second Hit]: Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2.
        • [Third Hit]: Damage: 180%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Attack Count: 2.
    • Mana Warp: Press directional key and skill key together to teleport horizontal and vertical distance. Max Level 15.
      • Level 15: Horizontal Distance: 300, Vertical Distance: 400.
      • [Mana Vein Teleport]: Press skill key when a Mana Vein is discovered to immediately jump to it.
      • [Random Teleport]: Press skill key in town to teleport to a random location.
    • Ghost Yaksha Trainee: Summons the Baby Ghost Yaksha. Ghost Yaksha deals damage once as soon as it appears and repeatedly uses its attack from its location facing the direction it was summoned to. When duration ends, it deals damage to and pulls monsters near it. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 30, Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4, Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds. When the skill duration ends, it deals 350% damage.
    • Mana Pulse: A buff that is automatically cast from Geomancy passive skill. Once created, the Mana Vein is maintained for 15 seconds. If barriers are used, an even stronger barrier can be installed by absorbing the Mana Vein’s Energy. Once Kanna leaves the field, all Mana Veins will disappear immediately. Max Level 1.

    2nd Job

    • Shikigami Haunting 2: In-depth study has enhanced your Shikigami Haunting. Has a change of tossing a devil-destroying talisman to burn enemies and slow them down. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20:
        • [First Hit]: Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2.
        • [Second Hit]: Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2.
        • [Third Hit]: Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 2.
      • [Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 40%, Damage: 105% every seconds, Duration: 6 seconds, Speed: -60%.
    • Exorcist’s Charm: Use power as a Spirit Walker to draw a large protective charm. Max Level 15.
      • Level 15: Mana Cost: 40, Damage: 350%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count:6, Duration: 3 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds.
    • Ghost Yaksha Brother: Summons the dependable Older Brother Ghost Yaksha, and commands it to push back and attack enemies. Ghost Yaksha deals damage once as soon as it appears and repeatedly uses its attack from its location facing the direction it was summoned to. When duration ends, it deals damage to and pulls monsters near it. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 30, Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4, Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds. When the skill duration ends, it deals 350% damage.
    • Shikigami Charm: Uses the spirit walker skill to focus Mana around the feet, flying backwards and creating a vortex. You can deal damage to monster within the path. Max Level 15.
      • Level 15: Mana Cost: 25, Damage: 180%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
    • Radiant Peacock: Brandish your fan in such a way that it resembles a peacock, increasing the attack speed of the fan. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Increases the Attack Speed by 2 levels, Duration: 240 seconds.
    • Haku Reborn: Haku takes human form to fight by Kanna’s side using Spirit Walker skills. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Mana Cost: 50, Duration: 300 seconds, Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    • Soul Bomb: When your target is defeated, it’s soul explodes, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies. Max Level 5.
      • Level 5: Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 4.

    Haku Skills

    • Haku’s Gift: Recovers HP when Kanna’s HP is below 90%. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Recovers 50% of Max HP. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Foxfire: Barrier of fire made of foxfires absorbs damage and reflects damage back. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Foxfire Count: 3, Reflect 800% damage, Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    • Haku’s Blessing: A buff that is always applied to Kanna and party members while Haku is taking human form. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Magic ATT from Haku’s fan is transferred by 20%, increasing Magic ATT of Kanna and party members.
    • Breath of the Unseen: A buff that is always applied to Kanna while Haku is taking human form. Haku’s Mana-filled breath strengthens Kanna, according to the number of party members it touches. Number of party members are displayed on the buff icon. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Final Damage: +3%.

    3rd Job

    • Warding Barrier: Sacrifice 4 of your Mana recovery speed to create a powerful barrier in the field. You can create 3 barriers at the same time. Max Level 1.
    • Shikigami Haunting 3: Channels Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, to enhance Shikigami Haunting. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20:
        • [First Hit]: Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4.
        • [Second Hit]: Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4.
        • [Third Hit]: Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 4.
      • [Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 40%, Damage: 105% every seconds, Duration: 6 seconds, Speed: -60%.
    • Ghost Yaksha Lieutenant: Summons a powerful Big Brother Yaksha. Ghost Yaksha deals damage once as soon as it appears and repeatedly uses its attack from its location facing the direction it was summoned to. When duration ends, it deals damage to and pulls monsters near it. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 30, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 4, Duration:30 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds. When the skill duration ends, it deals 400% damage.
    • Lifeblood Ritual: Gains knowledge of a secret art that allows one to steal vitality from unclean souls while strengthening the body. Max Level 5.
      • Level 5: Restores 5% of Max HP for each enemy defeated. When attacking a boss monster, restores 1% of Max HP every 4 seconds. Permanently increases Status Resistance by 30%.
    • Spirit Path: Sharpen your skills as a Spirit Walker, enhancing your power to subdue unclean beings. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Critical Rate: +25%, Critical Damage: +20, Magic ATT: +30.
    • Yosuzume: Upon successful attacks with Spirit Walker skills, Shikigami Charms fly and attack together at a certain chance. Max Level 15.
      • Level 15: Activation Chance: 70% for every successful attack, Damage: 195%, Final Damage: 5%, Final Damage duration: 5 seconds.
    • Tengu Strike: Launch Tengus on either side of yourself to attack. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 20, Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 5. Duration: 7 seconds. Cooldown: 1 second.
    • Blossom Barrier: Uses Spirit Walker skill to set up a Blossom Barrier that protects allies and self. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Mana Cost: 20, Damage Reduction: -60%, Duration: 10 seconds, Status Resistance: +30, Knockback Resistance: +50%. Cooldown: 100 seconds.
    • Kishin Shoukan: Calls forth the demons Hana and Yuki, who attack any enemies trapped between them. Demons’ presence strengthens the dark energy, causing the monsters to respawn more quickly. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 20, Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 2, Duration: 150 seconds. Reduces respawn time by 50% and increases max amount of monsters that can be created by 50%. Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    • Mana Balance: Converts some of your vitality into positive and negatively charged energies, immediately recovering some of your Mana. Max Level 5.
      • Level 5: Uses 50% Max HP to immediately recover 80 Mana. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

    4th Job

    • Shikigami Haunting 4: Learn the ultimate will of the Spirit Walker’s skills, enhancing Shikigami Haunting to its complete form. When the last third hit lands on a monster, you will immediately recover some Mana. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20
        • [First Hit]: Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4.
        • [Second Hit]: Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4.
        • [Third Hit]: Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 4. Recover 5 Mana.
    • Ghost Yaksha Boss: Summons the Boss Ghost Yaksha who has overwhelming powers. Ghost Yaksha deals damage once as soon as it appears and repeatedly uses its attack from its location facing the direction it was summoned to. When duration ends, it deals damage to and pulls monsters near it. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 40, Damage: 240%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 4, Duration:30 seconds. Cooldown: 3 seconds. When the skill duration ends, it deals 500% damage.
    • Haku Perfected: Upgrades Haku Reborn. Haku can take human form longer and can use even more powerful Spirit Walker skills. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Duration: 500 seconds.
    • Kasen: Increases the Mastery and Damage of fans. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Fan Mastery: 70%, Damage: +30%.
    • Nightghost Guide: When attacking, a spirit appears at a fixed rate to deal damage to and curse enemies. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Attack Chance: 30%, Damage: 160%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 1. Attacked monsters have 30% chance to give 30% additional EXP for 4 seconds, and have increased chance to drop equipment with potential. Cooldown: 3 seconds.
    • Vanquisher’s Charm: Blasts the enemy with evil-destroying charms. Upon using the skill, you will additionally accumulate cumulative Mana consumption required to activate Shikigami Doppelganger. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: Mana Cost: 25, Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Attack Count: 3. Accumulates 5 Mana for Shikigami Doppelganger activation.
    • Bellflower Barrier: Use your power as Spirit Walker to create a Bellflower Barrier, strengthening yourself and your party members. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 20, Damage: 20%, Boss Damage: +5%, Duration: 100 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    • Orochi Unbound: Temporarily releases the sealed shikigami, Orochi, and burns enemies in a wide area with the Mana imbued with Orochi’s powers. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Mana Cose: 50, Damage: 1500%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 1.
      • Hold the key down for up to 4 seconds to use 5 Mana every second. Damage: 350%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 1.
    • Nine-Tailed Fury: Unleash Haku’s power to attack all enemies in sight. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Mana Cost: 60, Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 8, Duration: 35 seconds. Damage increases by 20%.
      • [Passive Effect]: Activation Chance: 60%, Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Attack Count: 3. Only activates when skill is off cooldown.
    • Shikigami Doppelganger: Creates a large paper Shikigami that looks like Kanna. The paper shikigami receives Mana whenever Kanna uses Mana, and when it accumulates enough, it burns and attacks monsters nearby. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Charge Required: 260, Damage: 1800%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Attack Count: 8. Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    • Falling Sakura: Call forth a sakura tree to slam down in front of you. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 60, Damage: 900%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Attack Count: 5. 100% of Max HP recovered for yourself and nearby party members. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    • Binding Tempest: Throw a charm imbued with the power to seal demons at the enemies before you, temporarily turning them to stone and stunning them in place. Max Level 20.
      • Level 20: Mana Cost: 40, Damage: 250%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 8, Stun Duration: 10 seconds. Depending on the amount of damage dealt, the Stun Duration can be increased to up to 100%. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Dawn’s Warrior: Increases all stats you directed invested Ability Points in. Max Level 30.
      • Level 30: All Stats assigned by Ability Points: +15%, Duration: 900 seconds.
    • Hero's Will: By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. Immune to abnormal status for 3 seconds after use. Max Level 5.
      • Level 5: Mana Cost: 5. Cooldown: 360 seconds.

    Haku Skills

    • Haku’s Gift 2: Recovers HP when Kanna’s HP is below 90%. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Recovers 80% of Max HP. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Foxfire 2: Barrier of fire made of foxfires absorbs damage and reflects damage back. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Foxfire Count: 3, Reflect 1350% damage, Duration: 55 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    • Haku’s Blessing 2: A buff that is always applied to Kanna and party members while Haku is taking human form. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Magic ATT from Haku’s fan is transferred by 40%, increasing Magic ATT of Kanna and party members.
    • Breath of the Unseen 2: A buff that is always applied to Kanna while Haku is taking human form. Haku’s Mana-filled breath strengthens Kanna, according to the number of party members it touches. Number of party members are displayed on the buff icon. Max Level 10.
      • Level 10: Final Damage: +5%.



    • Vanquisher’s Charm - Extra Strike: (Req. Lv: 140) Vanquisher's Charm Attack Count: +2.
    • Geomancy - Spread: (Req. Lv: 140) Mana Vein Creation Limit: +1.
    • Vanquisher's Charm - Spread: (Req. Lv: 150) Vanquisher's Charm Max Monster Hit: +2.
    • Bellflower Barrier - Boss Rush: (Req. Lv: 150) Bellflower Barrier Boss Damage: +20%.
    • Blossom Barrier - Cooldown Cutter: (Req. Lv: 165) Reduces cooldown for Blossom Barrier by 90%.
    • Bellflower Barrier - Cooldown Cutter: (Req. Lv: 165) Reduces cooldown for Bellflower Barrier by 80%.
    • Vanquisher's Charm - Reinforce: (Req. Lv: 180) Vanquisher's Charm Damage: +20%.
    • Geomancy - Persist: (Req. Lv: 180) Mana Vein Duration: +5 seconds.
    • Bellflower Barrier - Persist: (Req. Lv: 190) Bellflower Barrier Curation: +20 seconds.


    • Circle of Suppression: (Req. Lv: 140) Sets up a barrier that blocks and weakens evil beings around yourself. Ignores Attack Nullification and Attack Reflection. Consumes Mana only when the skill is casted.
      • Mana Cost: 30, Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 1.
    • Veritable Pandemonium: (Req. Lv: 160) Unleashes the powers of Ghost Yaksha Boss.
      • Mana Cost: 50, Damage: 1000%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Attack Count: 4, Stun Duration: 15 seconds. Depending on the amount of damage dealt, Stun Duration can be increased to up to 100%. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
    • Princess's Vow: (Req. Lv: 190) Recall the oath you swore to Princess Sakuno, granting you courage. Skill only applies to party members who are Sengoku Warriors.
      • Mana Cost: 50, Damage: +10%, Duration: 60 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

    5th Job

    • Following Enhancement Nodes have been removed:
      • Clay Yaksha
      • Ether Pulse
      • Rock Yaksha
      • Nimbus Curse
      • Spirit Corral
      • Demon’s Fury
    • Following Enhancement Nodes have been included:
      • Summon Ghost Yaksha
      • Kishin Shoukan
      • Nightghost Guide
      • Exorcist’s Charm
      • Yosuzume
      • Shikigami Doppelganger
    Hayato Skill Revamp

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    • Hayato is getting a skill revamp!
    • We have adjusted a few of Hayato’s skills to improve the overall convenience of the gameplay.
    • Akatsuki Hero is being renamed Akatsuki Warrior.
    • Akatsuki Blossoms is being renamed Hero's Will.


    • Quick Draw
      • Normal Stance Bonus: Knockback Resistance chance was reduced.
      • Quick Draw Stance Bonus: Since this skill is specialized for boss fights, Knockback Resistance chance was added.

    1st Job

    • Battoujutsu Leap: Jump range has been increased while MP cost has been decreased.
    • Surging Blade: Knockback effects have been added to reduce losses in dealing damage.
    • Battoujutsu Advance: Adjusted tooltip and intuitive effect now shows above the character’s head to indicate the technique’s activation. Now, 8 additional sword energy will be created when using skills related to Battoujutsu Advance.

    2nd Job

    • Vapor Blade: Adjusted tooltip and sensitivity for casting the skill with directional key so that it casts less frequently when using portals.

    3rd Job

    • Fuu Sanrenzan: Adjusted tooltip.
    • Dankuusen: Attack range was increased to address the issue where aerial hits were not landing when linked with Shouryuusen skill.
    • Whirlwind Cut: Adjusted tooltip.

    4th Job

    • Rai Sanrenzan: Adjusted tooltip.
    • Hitokiri Strike: Sideway movement skill is added since Hayato cannot double jump in Quick Draw Stance. Skill can be used every 6 seconds during cooldown after Hitokiri Strike is used.


    • Princess’s Vow: Adjusted tooltip.

    5th Job

    • Battoujutsu Zankou: Invincibility effect has been added while casting the skill.
    Hayato & Kanna Quest Revamp

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    • Changed all quest and direction dialogue to use scenario dialogue window.
    • Added navigation to all parts where character movement is required.
    • Updated all summary information for the 'Quest in Progress' information window.
    • Changed structure of the town map to improve quest movement flow.
    • Changed so that unnecessary portals will not show until they are necessary.
    • Fixed so that required job quests are displayed in Maple Guide.
    • Changed so that direction structure is more efficient.
    • Changed so that equip items are manually equipped through quest.
    • Fixed so that quests can be completed upon accepting.
    Fury Totem

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    • The new Fury Totem can now be purchased from the Maple Reward Shop!
    • Item can be purchased as a coupon that gives durational skill equipment.
    • When the item is equipped, ‘Fury Totem’ skill can be used.
    • Fury Totem Coupon: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Use to receive:
      • Fury Totem: Untradeable, 2-hour duration. Grants the following buff:
        • Reduces the monster respawn speed on the field by 50%, and increases the number of max monster respawn by 50%.
    Erda Spectrum

    UTC: Available June 12 (after maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 200 and above. All characters that completed ‘[Vanishing Journey] Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey’ quest

    • Come help Nina with her investigation! Nina says each of the Erda has its own beautiful, unique color. However, Nina is too injured to continue her investigation. You can help Nina by defeating monsters and solving puzzles!
    • Talk to Nina in Nameless Town to enter Erda Spectrum.
    • You can enter in parties of 1 to 3 players.
    • There are a total of 2 stages.
      • Stage 1: Collect Erda by defeating the monsters in the area. In order to clear the stage, you must continuously hunt the monsters and repeatedly activate the reactor.
      • Stage 2: Upon clearing Stage 1, you will be moved to one of these 2 maps.
        • Vanishing: Continue to defeat enemies summoned. Maintain the monster count below a certain threshold within the time limit to clear the stage.
        • Tranquility: Hunt monsters to collect Erda energy and use it to push Arma Jr. monsters back to the caves. Continue to replenish the Erda energy and push Arma Jr. monsters back to clear the stage.
    • Rewards can be claimed once without playing when you have cleared Chu Chu Island and twice when you have cleared Lachelein.
    • You can complete Erda Spectrum 3 times daily.


    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey (x2)
    • EXP
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue of no longer being able to progress through Labyrinth of Suffering and Limina quests since you could not enter the Source of Suffering if you have reached Lv. 255 before completing all the Labyrinth of Suffering quests.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Versus Chief Knights' quest didn't specify the boss difficulty in the quest description.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Do you even share, bro?' title didn't list its stat information in the description.
    • Fixing an issue where the Maple News binding key wasn't functioning.
    • Fixing an issue where the Onyx Maple Katara didn't appear correctly in characters' hands.
    • Fixing an issue where the Vulpes map had an incorrect name in the world map.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Water Warrior' medal didn't display the proper art below players' names.
    • Fixing an issue where Mr. Pickall's dialogue had grammar errors.
    • Fixing an issue where the Daily Report count was cut off when reporting players.
    • Fixing an issue where the Winter Deer Swing Chair's description was inaccurate.
    • Fixing an issue where the Dimensional Mirror UI would occasionally misplace the buttons when scrolling.
    • Fixing an issue where the skill 'Demon Fury/Time Force/Mana' skill had an incorrect name and description.
    • Fixing an issue where the Iron Rabbit's set effect was named incorrectly.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Family Comes First' and 'Family Loyalty Forever' medals had incorrect names.
    • Fixing an issue where Abbes spelled Pantheon incorrectly as one of its travel locations.
    • Fixing an issue where the Battle Mage's 'Grim Harvest' buff didn't interact with Buff Freezer.
    • Fixing an issue where Ark's 'Unstoppable Impulse' would cause characters to go through the Dream Defender walls.
    • Fixing an issue where not all characters who sat on the Papulatus Clock Chair would get a random expression.
    • Fixing an issue where the Rampant Cyborg's description was cut off on the Soul Collection UI.
    • Fixing an issue where Dream Defender Music Boxes would not respawn upon round completion.
    • Fixing an issue where Retz was still part of the Ludibrium card set.
    • Fixing an issue where right-clicking on a character's name in the chat didn't give a blacklist option.
    • Fixing an issue where the Snowlit Hair Royal style would cause androids to snap in and out of the ground.
    • Fixing an issue where Monad titles were missing stat information in their descriptions.
    • Fixing an issue where the Bottom Floor of the Clocktower was named incorrectly.
    • Fixing an issue where long item names were not formatted correctly in the Auction House Wish List section.
    • Fixing an issue where Hayato's 'Falcon's Honor' clone graphic lingered.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Meso Explosion' skill was dealing incorrect amounts of damage and had an incorrect damage type.
    • Fixing an issue where NPC purchase fails would trigger an error message saying that the player doesn't enough Friendship points.
    • Fixing an issue where Buccaneers and Corsairs couldn't acquire the 'Quest Power of the Spirit of Lighting' quest after completing their 5th Job Advancement.
    • Fixing an issue where Lucid's Pink Lasers would appear before the attack animation had completed.
    • Fixing an issue where the Crimson Queen's text would appear during Monad's Caravan story.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Edea and Piston' quest had untranslated text within the quest description.
    • Fixing an issue where during Normal Gloom, the Weakened Gloom Vertical Laser wasn't visible.
    • Fixing an issue where Gloom was missing an attack animation.
    • Fixing an issue where skipping the Luminous tutorial would result in missing 1 SP for their 1st job skills.
    • Fixing an issue where the Mystic Gate Researcher and Mystic Gate Master medals would not register in the player's medal collection.
    • Fixing an issue where the Rocky Mountain Hunter had incorrect text in its description.
    • Fixing an issue where pressing the attack key while on the Giant Monster Mount would cause rapid flickering.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Mr Wetbottom's Secret Book' quest had an incorrect name on the quest list for Mr. Wetbottom.
    • Fixing an issue where The Legends Return! completion UI had unnecessary line breaks for Battles/Wins/Loses.
    • Fixing an issue where Hayato and Kanna could not begin the 'Mr. Wetbottom's Secret Book' quest.
    • Fixing an issue where the dialogue for the 'Hero's Gladius' quest was outdated.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Item Enhancement' and 'What is the Maple Guide?' quests couldn't be accepted.
    • Fixing an issue where the Cleric Sheep was not responding to pet commands on Reboot.
    • Fixing an issue where the Bladed Falcon's Katana was placed incorrectly placed on characters' hands.
    • Fixing an issue where some YouTube cinematic intros were not playing.
    • Fixing an issue where defeating Normal Pierre and Chaos Pierre was not granting the achievement.
    • Fixing an issue where the Steely Pink Kitty Ears did not fully cover Flora ears.
    • Fixing an issue where the Illumination Damage Skin critical effect wasn't positioned correctly.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Defense Expertise' description had a grammar error.
    • Fixing an issue where the Mouse Monkey did not respond to certain commands.
    • Fixing an issue where the Demon's intro tutorial had a typo in the cutscene.
    • Fixing an issue where the Big Barrel from Monster Life Shop could not be purchased.
    • Fixing an issue where Luminous' tutorial cutscene had inaccurate dialogue.
    • Fixing an issue where the Maple World Commerci Trade map was outdated.
    • Fixing an issue where the Xenon tutorial mentioned M-Forcers incorrectly during the cutscene.
    • Fixing an issue where the 'Bellflower Barrier - Boss Rush' skill was not adding extra boss damage.
    • Fixing an issue where the Beauty Salon tutorial quest wasn't available for Kinesis and Blaster.
    • Empress’ Might Quest
      • Fixed an issue where Jett could progress through some of the prerequisite quests. Jett can no longer progress in Empress’ Might quests.
    Job Quest Revamp

    • Improved beginning story quests and job advancement quests.
      • Reduced the required number of monsters to hunt and items to collect.
      • Enhanced guide for quests.
      • Added improved navigation for quests including immediate movement to destination upon accepting or added navigation.
      • Reduced time to achieve Lv. 30 for Explorer, Evan, Aran, and Resistance classes.
    • 5th Job Advancement Simplification
      • 5th Job Advancement can be done without Temple of Time quest completion.
      • 5th Job Advancement can be done without accumulating EXP on Arcane Stones.
      • For Arcane Stones that have already been distributed, you can accumulate EXP through hunting the same way to exchange for EXP potions.
    Lv. 30 - 59 Theme Dungeon Revamp

    • Recommendation level of Ellinel Fairy Academy, Gold Beach Resort, and Riena Strait have been changed to Lv. 30 - 59.
    • Rune, Inferno Wolf, Pollo and Fritto, and Elite Bosses no longer appear for Lv. 30 - 59 theme dungeons.
    • Lv. 30 - 59 theme dungeons recommendation order on Maple Guide has been changed.
    • Lv. 30 - 59 theme dungeon monsters and quest EXP has been increased in proportion to the character’s level.
    Lv. 140 - 200 Quest and Field Revamp

    • Temple of Time Revamp
      • Monster levels have been adjusted to Lv. 140 - 155.
      • Quest level for ‘The One Who Walks Down the Road to Oblivion 2 - 5’ has been adjusted from Lv. 155 to 140.
    • Kritias Revamp
      • Monster levels have been adjusted to Lv. 170 - 190.
      • Invasion Entry and Exit methods changed to guide through the notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Twilight Perion Revamp
      • Quest EXP has been adjusted.
    • Fox Valley Hunting Field Structure Revamp
      • Respawn rate has been increased for some field monsters.
      • Reduced overall size of the hunting field and improved hunting efficiency.
    • Vanishing Journey Quest Difficulty Reduced
      • Reduced the required number of monsters to hunt for in story quests to approximately half.
    • Theme Dungeon: Hieizan Revamp
      • Field monster’s respawn speed has been adjusted.
      • Field monster’s specification and rewards have been adjusted.
      • Scenario boss specification and reward have been adjusted.
      • Difficulty of the story quest has been adjusted.
    Daily Quest Revamp

    • Kritias, Dark World Tree, and Haven daily quests have been changed to weekly quests.
    • Specific quest can be selected and removed from the accepted quest list once, after which you can receive the new quest.
      • Kritias: 5 quests.
      • Dark World Tree: 5 quests. Additional reward will be given if all are completed.
      • Haven: 4 quests. Additional reward will be given if all are completed. One special quest can also be done.
    • Regardless of whether the daily quests have been completed or not prior to the update, you can progress with the changed method afterwards.
    • Weekly quests reset every Sunday.
    Boss Revamp

    • Weekly boss practice mode added
      • Practice mode was added so you can practice and learn the boss’s pattern. This does not affect entry and clear count.
      • You must complete prerequisite quest to enter practice mode.
      • In practice mode, you cannot complete relevant boss quests, register monster to Monster Collection, or receive EXP or rewards.
      • You can enter practice mode 5 times daily regardless of the boss type.
    • Hard Hilla and Chaos Pink Bean are changed to weekly bosses
      • You can now enter 1 time per day and clear 1 time per week.
      • Their Intense Power Crystal sale price will be increased and rewards, like Occult Cubes, will drop more.
      • Drop rate will increase for Golden Clover Belt, Pink Holy Cup, and Black Bean Mark.
    • Weekly bosses Power Crystals’ price increased
    • Boss specifications have been changed
    • Pink Bean’s Battle Pattern Changes
      • Solomon, Rex, Hugin, Munin, and Ariel will appear at once and they will not revive.
      • Duration time of attack nullification and attack reflection will be decreased and cooldown will be increased.
      • Chaos Pink Bean revive count has been greatly decreased.
    • Ranmaru Changes
      • Ranmaru has been changed to a daily boss. You can enter 1 time per day regardless of the difficulty level.
      • Time limit given upon boss defeat has been changed to 5 minutes.
    • Hard Ranmaru Battle Pattern Changes
      • Greatly reduced the casting ready time for Fox Rush from 13 seconds to 4.9 seconds.
      • Fixed a bug where the motion of receiving damage was not working properly.
      • Fixed bug of Rock Yaksha determination range.
      • Fixed bug where onmyouji wouldn’t appear.
    • Princess No Change
      • Princess No has been changed to a weekly boss. You can clear 1 time per week.
      • Practice mode has been added.
      • Minimum number of people that can enter has been changed to 1 person.
      • Time limit give upon boss defeat has been changed to 5 minutes.
      • Reward distribution method and distribution table have been changed to monsters dropping them directly.
      • If you collect 15 Captivating Fragments, it can be exchanged with your job’s Lv.140 secondary weapon.
      • Every time you use the Captivating Fragment 10 times, Chance Time is activated. Through Chance Time, you can obtain Lv. 140 secondary weapons with Potential applied.
    Travel to Mushroom Shrine

    • The functionality of Spinel has been changed
      • Function to move to Mushroom Shrine for 300 mesos has been removed.
      • You can move to Mushroom Shrine through the Dimensional Mirror.
    Reboot World Changes

    • Increased meso drop rates in Reboot world to be 6x what it is in non-Reboot worlds.
    • New Gachapon Medal quests have been added for Reboot world. Light Spender, Play to Live, and Living on Tickets Medals will no longer have stats in Reboot Servers. Current medals will be removed and replaced with the new versions without stats.
    Other Content Changes

    • Mr. Newname will always be displayed in town maps.
    • Perry has been added to Momijigaoka to help players move around towns within Zipangu.
    • Lab Server character names have been reset. We plan to change the Lab Server Legion Block names in future maintenance.
    Equipment Enhancement System Revamp

    • Enhancement level will not decrease when failing Star Force Enhancement below 10-Star.
    • Star Force Enhancement 10-Star to 13-Star success chance has been increased.
    • Reduced the number of Spell Traces required for Scroll Enhancement of weapons, armor, and gloves below Lv. 150.
    • Reduced Vanishing Journey Arcane Symbol Enhancement cost.
    • Increased Cubic Blade and Cubic Chaos Blade drop rate from Elite monsters and boss monsters.
    Hyper Stats Revamp

    • You can now earn Hyper Stat Points after Lv. 250.
    • Hyper Stats have been changed and modified.
      • STR, DEX, INT, and LUK value increase per level has been doubled.
      • Removed ‘Speed’, ‘Jump’, and ‘Elemental Resistance’
    • New stats have been added
      • Weapon ATT/Magic ATT, EXP obtained, and Arcane Power stats have been added.
      • Arcane Power Hyper Stat will be unlocked when 5th Job Advancement is completed.
    • Level capacity for Hyper Stats have been expanded.
      • Level capacity is expanded after completing 5th Job Advancement.
      • Demon Fury/Time Force/Mana, Knockback Resistance stats capacity expanded from 5 to 10.
      • Other stats, excluding the ones mentioned above, capacity expanded from 10 to 15.
    Star Force Field Revamp

    • Changed damage adjustment per your current Star Force ratio.
    • Reinforced field tooltips
      • When you hover your mouse cursor over the Star Force tooltip, you can check the applied damage ratio.
    Arcane Power Field Revamp

    • Changed damage adjustment per your current Arcane Power ratio.
    • Reinforced field tooltips
      • When you hover your mouse cursor over Arcane Force tooltip, you can check the applied damage ratio.
    Legion System

    • Added starting conditions
      • You can now use Legion when you meet one of the following two conditions:
        • In the world, have more than 3 characters that are Lv. 60 and completed 2nd Job Advancement, and have the level total of 500 and above.
        • In the world, have at least 1 character that has completed the 5th Job Advancement.
    • Improved conditions for use
      • Even when your cumulative Legion level is below 500, as long as you meet the other conditions, ‘Legion Starting Quest’ will be displayed under the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Preset System Expansion
      • Legion preset is expanded to 5, and Presets 1 and 2 will be provided by default.
      • Currently applied Legion Synergy Grid will be saved as Preset #1 after the update.
      • Presets #1 - 3 that were previously used will be moved to Presets #3 - 5.
    • Display overlapping blocks
      • If there are overlapping character blocks on the Legion Synergy Grid, overlapping parts will be displayed.
    • Merge Legion Coins
      • Legion Coins will be merged and used per world.
      • Legion Coins in character’s inventory, storage room, and purse will automatically be converted after the update.
    Other System Changes

    • Changed the loading structure on client startup, to try and improve loading times.
    • Added new loading screens before entering the client.
    • Removed ‘View all Worlds’ button on the World Selection screen in preparation for the upcoming world merge.
    • Removed ‘Recommended World’ UI in preparation for the upcoming world merge.
    Adventure Island

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    • Are you seeking an island full of new adventures? Adventure Island is the place you are looking for! Meet Dantes, the legendary Explorer, and prove yourself as a true Explorer.
    • Accept ‘[Adventure] Adventure Island Awaits’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You’ll automatically receive 1 Adventure Coin for every 100 Adventure Points you earned. You can earn up to 20,000 Adventure Points every day.
    Adventure Tier

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Accept the ‘[Adventure] Adventure Island Awaits’ quest from the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Players start at the tier of Tenderfoot and can rank up their tiers through Scout, Pioneer, Guide, Trailblazer, and Bushmaster.
    • Each Adventurer Tier unlocks at an appointed date. Players can upgrade their Adventurer Tier once a day.
    • Once a tier is available, players can use Adventure Coins to increase their tier by talking to Dantes found in the Adventure Island map.
    • Weekly rewards are shared within the world and resets every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC.


    • Tenderfoot: Available June 12 (after maintenance)
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 20,000
      • Skill: You can obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
    • Scout: Available June 19 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 500 Adventure Coins
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 25,000
      • Adventurer Stats Enhanced: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5, MaxHP +500, Damage against normal monsters +5%, Boss Damage +5%, Ignore Defense +5%, Critical Rate +5%.
      • Skill:
        • You can automatically obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
      • You can select 2 weekly reward items.
    • Pioneer: Available July 3 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 1,000 Adventure Coins
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 30,000
      • Adventurer Stats Enhanced: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, MaxHP +1000, Damage against normal monsters +10%, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Critical Rate +10%.
      • Skills:
        • You can automatically obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
        • Adventure Power Gauge will charge when you hunt monsters near your level. When the gauge is full, you will automatically gain increased concentration for 5 seconds and Dantes’ statue is summoned to deal damage to the monsters. Skill will not activate if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
      • You can select 4 weekly reward items.
    • Guide: Available July 17 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 1,500 Adventure Coins
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 35,000
      • Adventurer Stats Enhanced: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +30, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, MaxHP +1500, Damage against normal monsters +15%, Boss Damage +15%, Ignore Defense +15%, Critical Rate +15%.
      • Skills:
        • You can automatically obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
        • Adventure Power Gauge will charge when you hunt monsters near your level. When the gauge is full, you will automatically gain increased concentration for 5 seconds and Dantes’ statue is summoned to deal damage to the monsters. When the Dantes statue is summoned, you receive 400% additional EXP from monsters you hunted while in Concentration mode. Skill will not activate if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
      • You can select 6 weekly reward items.
    • Trailblazer: Available July 31 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 2,000 Adventure Coins
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 40,000
      • Adventurer Stats Enhanced: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +40, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP +2000, Damage against normal monsters +20%, Boss Damage +20%, Ignore Defense +20%, Critical Rate +20%.
      • Skills:
        • You can automatically obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
        • Adventure Power Gauge will charge when you hunt monsters near your level. When the gauge is full, you will automatically gain increased concentration for 5 seconds and Dantes’ statue is summoned to deal damage to the monsters. When the Dantes statue is summoned, you receive 400% additional EXP from monsters you hunted while in Concentration mode. Skill will not activate if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
          • This skill will continue to activate even after you have reached the coin capacity of the day. However, the additional EXP effect will be reduced from 400% to 100%.
      • You can select 8 weekly reward items.
    • Bushmaster: Available August 14 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 3,000 Adventure Coins
      • Adventure Point Daily Capacity: 50,000
      • Adventurer Stats Enhanced: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +60, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, MaxHP +3000, Damage against normal monsters +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%, Critical Rate +30%.
      • Skills:
        • You can automatically obtain Adventure Points (x100) when hunting monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
        • Adventure Power Gauge will charge when you hunt monsters near your level. When the gauge is full, you will automatically gain increased concentration for 5 seconds and Dantes’ statue is summoned to deal damage to the monsters. When the Dantes statue is summoned, you receive 400% additional EXP from monsters you hunted while in Concentration mode. Skill will not activate if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
          • This skill will continue to activate even after you have reached the coin capacity of the day. However, the additional EXP effect will be reduced from 400% to 100%.
          • A special effect triggers every 3rd activation. Monsters defeated with the skill will begin to drop the Dantes Medal item which provides 10 Honor EXP immediately. You can only obtain up to 10,000 Honor EXP a day per world from this skill.
      • You can select 10 weekly reward items.

    Weekly Rewards:

    • 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • 2x Drop Coupon (15 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • 2x Mesos Coupon (30 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Nodestone (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement.
    • Storm Growth Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Lv. 200 and below.
    • Selective Trait Boost Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Special Medal of Honor (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Monster Park REBORN Coupon (x5): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Monster Life Gem Coupon (x7) (x5): Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Infinite Revitalizer (x50): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Vanishing Journey quest.
    • Arcane Symbol: Chu Chu Island (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Chu Chu Island quest.
    • Arcane Symbol: Lachelein (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Lachelein quest.
    • Arcane Symbol: Arcana (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Arcana quest.
    • Arcane Symbol: Morass (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Morass quest.
    • Arcane Symbol: Esfera (x10): Untradeable. Your character must have completed 5th Job Advancement and Esfera quest.
    Adventure Pre-Registration

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – June 25 at 11:59 PM

    • These items will be given to players who joined the web event on the Return to Adventure microsite in May.
    • You can receive the rewards with a Lv. 61 and above character until June 25 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • You can only receive the rewards once per account.


    • Adventure Pre-registration Pet Box: Tradeable between your characters within same world. Open to receive:
      • Albatross Pet Package: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Albatross: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Move, Auto Buff, Expanded Auto Move.
        • Albatross Goggles: Untradeable, Permanent.
      • You also have a chance to receive one of the following items:
        • Premium Water of Life x3 Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Use to receive Premium Water of Life (x3): Untradeable.
        • White Duck Pet Coupon: Tradeable.
          • White Duck: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Skunk Pet Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Skunk: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Harp Seal Pet Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Harp Seal: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Von Soup Pet Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Von Soup: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Ice Knight Pet Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Ice Knight: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Heroes of Maple Pet Bundle 1 Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Lil Phantom: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Lil Aran: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Lil Evan: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • All Pet Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Heroes of Maple Pet Bundle 2 Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Lil Luminous: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Lil Mercedes: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Lil Shade: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • All Pet Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Triple Jr. Commander Pets Full Package Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Jr. Orchid: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Jr. Hilla: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Jr. Von Leon: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • All Pet Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Triple Lucid Pets Full Package Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Ebony Lucid: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Powder Lucid: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Rose Lucid: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • All Pet Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
        • Wonderberry Black Label 1 Package Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Forest Dori: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Forest Dari: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
          • Forest Finca: Pet. Untradeable, 90-day duration.
            • All Pet Skills: Meso Magnet, Item Pouch, Auto Buff
    • Adventure Pre-registration Beauty Box: Tradeable between your characters within same world. Open to receive:
      • Royal Face Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
      • Royal Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
      • You will also have a chance to receive one of the following items:
        • Hair Color Coupon (VIP): Untradeable, 3-day duration.
        • Skin Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
        • Grand Cascade Hair Coupon (F): Tradeable.
        • Round Hair Coupon (M): Tradeable.
        • Pure Bob Cut Hair Coupon (F): Tradeable.
        • Miro Hair Coupon (M): Tradeable.
        • Mina Hair Coupon (F): Tradeable.
        • Chess Hair Coupon (M): Tradeable.
        • Lady Blair Hair Coupon (F): Tradeable.
        • Bling Mysterie Hair Coupon (F): Tradeable.
        • Bangin' Boyband Hair Coupon (M): Tradeable.
        • Death's Scythe Coupon: Tradeable.
          • Death's Scythe: Untradeable
    • Adventure Pre-registration Rare Item Box: Tradeable between your characters within same world. Open to receive:
      • Adventure Damage Skin: Tradeable within world, 3-day duration.
      • Adventure Island Chair: Untradeable.
      • 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x3): Tradeable within world, 3-day duration.
      • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Tradeable within world, 3-day duration.
      • You will also have a chance to receive one of the following items: You will receive one of the following items:
        • Bonus Occult Cube (x20): Untradeable.
        • Nodestone (x300): Tradeable.
        • Lucidroid: Untradeable when equipped.
        • Ancient Guardian Chair: Tradeable.
        • Unique Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable.
        • Permanent Jeweled Bird Mount Coupon: Tradeable.
        • Legendary Dominator Pendant Coupon: Tradeable.
        • Legendary Papulatus Mark Coupon: Tradeable.
        • Magnificent Will Soul: Tradeable.
        • 100% 20-Star Enhancement (Lv. 160): Tradeable.
        • Double Legendary Arcane Umbra Weapon Box: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Adventure Pre-registration Money Box: Tradeable between your characters within same world. Open to receive:
      • 2,000 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
      • You will also have a chance to receive one of the following items:
        • 3,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
        • Gaga Coin (x3): 300 Million mesos. Untradeable.
        • 30,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
        • Gaga Coin (x5): 500 Million mesos. Untradeable.
        • 50,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
        • Inkwell Coin (x5): 1 Billion mesos. Untradeable.
        • 100,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
        • Inkwell Coin (x25): 5 Billion mesos. Untradeable.
        • 500,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
        • Inkwell Coin (x50): 10 Billion mesos. Untradeable.
        • 1 Million Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Item is Permanent.
    Adventure Canteen

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 105 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Enter Adventure Canteen to earn Adventure Coins or EXP! The entrance to Adventure Canteen is located on Adventure Island between Dantes and Kemdi.
    • You must have an Adventure Dining Chair or Performance Chair in possession to enter the map. Talk to Black Bean on Adventure Island to purchase the chairs at the Adventure Coin Shop.
    • When you enter Adventure Canteen, you can get on either your Adventure Dining Chair to earn EXP or your Adventure Performance Chair to obtain Adventure Coins!
    • If you have reached your coin capacity for the day, you will no longer earn Adventure Coins.
    • EXP can only be acquired up to 8 hours per day.


    • EXP
    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure Prep

    UTC: June 12 at 12:00 AM – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to Adventure Pollo and accept the ‘[Adventure] Adventure Prep’ quest to defeat dummy monsters and earn Adventure Coins!
    • Eliminate as many dummy monsters as you can in 1 minute. You will receive Adventure Coins according to the number of dummy monsters you have defeated.
    • If you are dissatisfied with the results, you can choose not to claim the rewards and retry within the same day.
    • Adventure Coins obtained from Adventure Prep do not count towards your coin capacity of the day.
    • You can claim the reward once a day per world.


    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure: The Legends Return!

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – July 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed ‘[Adventure] Adventure Island Awaits’ quest.

    • The legends are back once again with a new addition to the team, Wonky the Fairy! Play in a team as your favorite legend!
    • Accept the ‘[Adventure] The Legends Return!’ quest with the star event notifier to first register your profile and to enter the battle waiting room.
    • Talk to Cynapse to be in the queue. You must have equipped a weapon before you register in the queue.
    • Your active buffs may disappear upon entry.
    • By queuing solo, you will automatically be matched with two other players to have a 3 vs. 3 team battle. If you are in a party, the party leader must select group entry, and you will be matched with the members in your party.
    • Select your avatar! Each avatar will have a unique appearance and exclusive skills of its own.
    • Power up your avatar by hunting monsters or defeating the opposing team’s characters!
    • You will obtain Adventure Coins according to the game record and outcome.
    • If you leave in the middle of a game, you have to wait 10 minutes until you can play again.
    • Note that characters and mobs have been re-balanced for this run of the Legends Return.


    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure Bingo

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) - June 18 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 3 at 12:00 AM - July 9 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Come play Bingo with your friends! You can accept the invitation quest every hour on the 15-minute and the 45-minute mark from the invitation that appears on top of your character.
    • This is a bingo game where Kemdi will call out 2 numbers each time. If the called number is on your bingo board, you can click the number to mark it with a circle.
    • If you complete 1 line of circles horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, click the BINGO button to be ranked.
    • Game will end either when Kemdi calls 50 Bingo numbers or when 30 players are ranked.
    • NPC Kemdi will run 3 rounds of Bingo each time.
    • When the round ends, rewards will be distributed based on your rankings.
    • Rankings will reset every round.
    • You cannot earn the rewards if you leave during the game.
    • You will no longer receive Adventure Points if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
    • There is no daily limit to play Bingo.


    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure Rock-Paper-Scissors

    UTC: June 19 at 12:00 AM - June 25 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 10 at 12:00 AM - July 16 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • It’s Rock-Paper-Scissors time! You can accept the invitation quest every hour on the 15-minute and the 45-minute mark from the invitation that appears on top of your character.
    • You will play a total of 3 rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors against Kemdi. Each round has 9 Rock-Paper-Scissors matches.
    • You can select rock, paper, or scissors within 3 seconds. If you do not choose during the given time, it will be counted as your loss.
    • You will start on 1st Floor of Rock-Paper-Scissors Game Room. As you win, you will go up the floors and as you lose, you will go down the floors. If it’s a draw, you will not move.
    • When the round ends, rewards will be distributed based on the floor you are on.
    • You will no longer receive Adventure Points if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
    • There is no daily limit to play Rock-Paper-Scissors.


    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure Decoder

    UTC: June 26 at 12:00 AM - July 2 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 17 at 12:00 AM - July 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Are you ready to guess the secret code? You can accept the invitation quest every hour on the 15-minute and the 45-minute mark from the invitation that appears on top of your character.
    • This is a decoding game where you are given a secret 3-digit code each round. You will play a total of 3 rounds.
    • When you enter a code, your answer will be compared to the correct code and the following results will be displayed accordingly.
      • Circle: Number and digit match
      • Triangle: Number is part of the code, but its digit does not match
      • X: Number nor the digit match
    • You are given 15 chances for each round.
    • The round will end either when 15 chances are used or when 30 players are ranked.
    • When the round ends, rewards will be distributed based on your rankings.
    • You cannot receive the rewards if you leave during the game.
    • You will no longer receive Adventure Points if you have reached the coin capacity of the day.
    • There is no daily limit to play Decoder.


    • Adventure Coins
    Reverse Battle

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) - June 18 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 3 at 12:00 AM - July 9 11:59 PM

    • Characters Lv. 61 and up can talk to Kemdi to play this mini game!
    • This is a reversi-style game where you inflict damage to your opponent by flipping stone pieces on the board.
    • The more pieces you flip over at once, the higher the damage dealt.
    • When you place a piece on the board, you must surroud at least one of your opponent's pieces between yours (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal).
    • Whoever reduces the opponent's HP to 0 first or has more HP once no more pieces can be played, wins.
    • If you do not place your piece within the given time, the game will proceed automatically. You cannot obtain points when it proceeds automatically.


    • Adventure Coins
    One Card

    UTC: June 19 at 12:00 AM - June 25 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 10 at 12:00 AM - July 16 11:59 PM

    • Characters Lv. 61 and up can talk to Kemdi to play this mini game!
    • This is a 4-player tactical card game. The goal of the game is for you to get rid of all the cards in your hand.
    • Each player will receive 7 cards. When it’s your turn, you can place one card that either matches the color or the number of the card currently placed on top.
    • You must draw a card if you have no cards to play.
    • The game will immediately end for you if you hold 17 cards at any time.
    • Use special cards, like magic cards and attack cards, wisely to deal damage or to evade attacks.
    • You cannot obtain the reward if you take no action for 3 or more turns.


    • Adventure Coins

    UTC: June 26 at 12:00 AM - June 2 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 17 at 12:00 AM - July 23 11:59 PM

    • Characters Lv. 61 and up can talk to Kemdi to play this mini game!
    • This is a 3-player dice-driven strategy board game. The goal of this game is to possess the most hearts while taming as many monsters as you can.
    • You and your opponents will be split into blue, red, and green teams.
    • Use your hearts to tame neutral monsters, seduce opponent's monsters, or enhance your own monsters.
    • When it is your turn, you can roll your dice to move. You can roll again if you roll doubles.
    • You can tame the monster on the location you land with your hearts to make it your area.
    • If you land on your area again, you can enhance it to increase the monster’s attack.
    • If your opponent lands on your area, you can obtain hearts from them based on your monster’s attack.
    • You can seduce your opponent’s monster when you land on their area at the cost of additional hearts.
    • You will lose the game if your heart quantity reaches 0.
    • Winner will be determined by the number of hearts possessed in with addition to tamed monster points.


    • Adventure Coins
    Adventure Maplerunner

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) - August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Enter the portal next to Grizzle located on the Adventure Island map to participate in Maplerunner!
    • There are 40 stages in total! Each stage can only be cleared in order and the clear records are shared within the world.
    • Some challenging stages have cheat portals which can move you to the middle point of the stage.
    • Other characters will be visible together within the same stage. Players who escaped the same map first will be announced!
    • You can challenge 99 times weekly per world. Challenge count and Stage count reset every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • You can receive rewards once per week per world based on your record.
    • Adventure Coins obtained from Maplerunner do not count towards your coin capacity of the day.
    • If you clear 20 stages or more for 5 weeks, you will receive a Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin!


    • Adventure Coins
    • Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin: Tradeable once within account, 7-day duration.
    Adventure Step Up

    UTC: June 26 at 12:00 AM to August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirements: Lv. 33 and above. New characters created after June 26th, including Pathfinder characters. Zero characters cannot participate in the event.

    • Complete missions available to your new character’s level and step-up while receiving rewards!
    • Accept the ‘[Adventure] Step Up Event!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You must complete the mission, click ‘Mission Complete!’ button, and receive the reward to move on to the next mission.
    • Some mission rewards can only be obtained once per world. If you have already cleared and received the reward for that specific mission, you will receive Adventure Coins instead.
    • If you successfully complete the Step Up event, you’ll receive the Maple Specialist title!

    Missions and Rewards:



    Mission Requirement



    Step up by hunting Monsters Near Your Level!

    Hunt 300 monsters near your level

    Pearl Maple Armor Set Box: Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Combo Kill!

    Obtain 1 Combo Kill Orb

    Power Elixirs (x300): Untradeable.


    Step up with Runes!

    Use a Rune 1 time

    Hyper Teleport Rock (7-Day): 7-day duration.


    Step up with Maple Guide!

    Move maps through Maple Guide 1 time

    Safety Charm (x5): 30-day duration.


    Step up with a 3rd Job Advancement!

    Complete 3rd Job Advancement quest

    Lv. 60 Weapon Support Box: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Open to receive the following:

    • Lv. 60 Weapon and Spell Trace (x100) (Non-Reboot worlds)
    • Lv. 60 Weapon (Reboot world)


    Non-Reboot worlds:Step up with Upgrade Enhancement!

    Reboot world: Step up with Spell Trace!

    Non-Reboot worlds: Use up all of the equipment's upgrade slots using Spell Trace Enhancement.

    Reboot world: Obtain 15 Spell Traces

    Mysterious Meso Pouch (x3): Untradeable.


    Step up with a Star Force Enhancement!

    Equip Star Force level 5+ weapon and click Mission in progress! button

    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up by hunting an Elite Monster!

    Defeat 1 Elite Monster

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up by defeating an Easy Boss!

    Defeat Easy Zakum

    500 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with the Maple Alliance!

    Join the Maple Alliance

    Selective 4 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Excludes Storage Room.


    Step up with Nett’s Pyramid!

    Clear Nett’s Pyramid 3 times

    Occult Cube (x10): Untradeable.


    Step up your Potential!

    Reset potentials with a cube item

    Perfect Potential Stamp: Untradeable.


    Step up with a random Portal!

    Clear 1 of Pollo, Fritto, or Interno Wolf missions

    Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket (x2): Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Silent Crusade!

    Complete ‘[Silent Crusader] Orientation’ quest

    Spell Trace (x300)


    Step up with a 4th Job Advancement!

    Complete 4th Job Advancement quest

    Mastery Book 20 (x2): Untradeable.

    *Cygnus Knights classes will receive Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with Grand Athenaeum!

    Complete 2 Grand Athenaeum Chapters

    Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    Step up with Monster Park!

    Clear Monster Park 2 times

    Monster Park REBORN Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Burning Fields!

    Hunt 999 monsters on Burning Field map of Stage 1 or above

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with skill mastery!

    Reach Lv. 30 for 1 of the Maple Warrior, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Hero of the Flora skills and click Mission in Progress! button

    Mastery Book 30 (x2): Untradeable.

    *Cygnus Knights classes will receive Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up by hunting an Elite Boss!

    Hunt an Elite Boss

    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Black Heaven!

    Clear Black Heaven Acts 1-6

    Selective 4 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Excludes Storage Room.


    Step up with the Star Force Hunting Zone!

    Hunt 999 Star Force Monsters near your level

    Occult Cube (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with a Potential upgrade!

    Equip Item of Epic Rank or higher and click Mission in Progress! button

    Master Craftsman’s Cube (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with a Transfer Hammer!

    Complete transfer Hammer tutorial quest

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with a party quest!

    Complete 1 or more types of Party Quests

    Wheel of Destiny (x5): Untradeable, 30-day duration.


    Step up with the Temple of Time!

    Complete ‘The One Who Walk Through the Road to Oblivion 5’ quest

    Spell Trace (x2000)


    Step up with the Dimension Invasion!

    Clear Dimension Invasion 3 times

    Infinite Revitalizer (x2): Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Harvesting!

    Reach Lv. 5 or above for Harvesting or Mining and click Mission in Progress! button

    Profession Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up with Profession!

    Reach Lv. 5 or above for 1 of the 3 professions and click Mission in Progress! button

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with Star Force enhancement!

    Equip Weapon with Star Force 11-Star or above and click Mission in Progress! button

    Powerful Rebirth Flame (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up your Bonus Stats!

    Reset Bonus Stats with Rebirth Flame item

    Eternal Rebirth Flame (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up by defeating a Normal Boss!

    Defeat Normal Horntail

    1,000 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with Star Force level 90!

    Achieve Star Force level 90 and click Mission in Progress! button

    Meister’s Cube (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with a Monster Collection!

    Use 1 of Exploration Box items

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with a Guild!

    Join a guild and click Mission in Progress! button

    Banner of Plenty Experience Box: Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up at the Henesys Ruins!

    Complete ‘Alex’s Promise’ quest

    Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Excludes Storage Room.


    Step up with Boss Practice Mode!

    Enter Boss Practice Mode 1 time

    Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    Step up your Ability!

    Achieve Unique Rank for an Ability and click Mission in Progress! button

    Miracle Circulator: 7-day duration.


    Step up at Mu Lung Dojo!

    Clear Mu Lung Dojo 10th Floor

    Fury Totem Coupon: 14-day duration.


    Step up with Twilight Perion!

    Complete ‘[Twilight Perion] Enemy Identity’ quest

    Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Excludes Storage Room.


    Step up with a set item!

    Equip 5 or more of Boss Accessory Set and click Mission in Progress! button

    Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up your Ambition and Empathy traits!

    Achieve Lv. 10 for Ambition and Empathy traits

    Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.


    Step up with the Heroes of Maple!

    Clear Heroes of Maple Acts 1-4

    Selected 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Excludes Storage Room.


    Step up your Insight and Willpower traits!

    Achieve Lv. 10 for Insight and Willpower traits

    2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x3): Untradeable, 14-day duration.


    Step up your Diligence and Charm traits!

    Achieve Lv. 10 for Diligence and Charm traits

    Trait Boost Potion: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up your Pocket equipment!

    Equip a pocket equipment and click Mission in Progress! button

    Adventure Coin (x50): Untradeable.


    Step up with a 5th Job Advancement!

    Complete 5th Job Advancement quest

    Nodestone (x10): Untradeable.


    Step up with Vanishing Journey!

    Complete ‘[Vanishing Journey] Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey’ quest

    Fury Totem Coupon: 14-day duration.


    Step up with Arcane Power!

    Reach Arcane Power 50+ and click Mission in Progress! button

    Nodestone (x10): Untradeable.


    Step up with V Matrix!

    Equip Lv. 3 Node

    Nodestone (x10): Untradeable.


    Step up with Star Force level 120!

    Achieve Star Force level 120 and click Mission in Progress! button

    Non-Reboot worlds: Special Bonus Potential Scroll 100%: Untradeable, 14-day duration.

    Reboot world: Mysterious Meso Pouch (x50): Untradeable.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x10)


    Step up with a buff item!

    Obtain all the following items and click Mission in Progress! Button:

    • 1 Extreme Red Potion or Extreme Blue Potion

    • 1 Extreme Green Potion

    • 1 Blessing of the Guild

    • 1 Masarayu’s Gift Atmospheric Effect Coupon

    • 1 Legendary Hero Potion

    • 1 Advanced Boss Rush Boost Potion or Advanced Penetrating Boost Potion

    • 1 Baby Dragon Food

    Step-Up Buff (x10): Untradeable. Grants Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, ATT Speed -1. Speed +60, Jump +23.


    Are you ready to rumble?! Defeat a Chaos Boss!

    Defeat 1 Root Abyss bosses (Chaos)

    Maple Specialist: Title. Tradeable within account.

    When repeated: Adventure Coin (x100)

    Adventure Sugar Time

    UTC: June 29 at 12:00 AM – June 29 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Stay logged on for up to 30/60/90/120 minutes to receive rewards!
    • In order to begin, accept the ‘[Adventure] Participate in Adventure Sugar Time!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You will receive a reward as you hit each minute milestone. You can check your accumulated time and claim your rewards through the gift drop icon on the left side of the screen.
    • When you have obtained the 120-minute reward, the accumulated time will reset. Accumulated time will not reset until you have obtained your reward.
    • Your accumulated login time is shared across all characters in the account.
    • You can only receive the rewards once with any character in the account.
    • This event can be repeated 5 times per day.
    • The gifts must be obtained before the event ends on June 29 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Adventure Sugar Boxes must be opened before June 30 at 1:00 AM UTC.


    • Stay logged in 30 minutes and receive:
      • Adventure Coin Coupon (x10): 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 60 minutes and receive:
      • Adventure Coin Coupon (x10): 7-day duration.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 90 minutes and receive:
      • Adventure Coin Coupon (x20): 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 120 minutes and receive:
      • Adventure Sugar Box: Open to receive one of the following:
        • 500 Maple Reward Points
        • 5,000 Maple Reward Points
        • 10,000 Maple Reward Points
        • 100,000 Maple Reward Points
        • 500,000 Maple Reward Points
        • 1 Million Maple Reward Points
        • 300 Million mesos
        • 1 Billion mesos
        • 5 Billion mesos
        • 10 Billion mesos
      • Adventure Sugar Coin Box: Untradeable. Open to receive a varying amount of Adventure Coins depending on the number of times you have opened this box:
        • 1st time, you’ll receive Adventure Coin (x20): Untradeable.
        • 2nd time, you’ll receive Adventure Coin (x40): Untradeable.
        • 3rd time, you’ll receive Adventure Coin (x60): Untradeable.
        • 4th time, you’ll receive Adventure Coin (x80): Untradeable.
        • 5th time, you’ll receive Adventure Coin (x100): Untradeable.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): 7-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol (x5) Selector Coupon (x4): 7-day duration.

    UTC: July 3 at 12:00 AM - July 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 200 and above. All characters that completed 5th Job Advancement.

    • Accept the ‘[Adventure] Brawlosseum’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • To participate in the battle, speak to Marcus to enter the Battleground Entrance through the '[Adventure] Your Guide to Brawlosseum' quest.
    • You can play by talking to Marcus every day from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM UTC.
    • You cannot change your character skills, stats, or equipment upon entry.
    • Your active buffs may disappear upon entry.
    • Players can only use the consumables provided by Marcus in the battleground - these items are unlimited, and include potions, bullets, throwing stars, and arrows.
    • You will be matched with 3 players with similar ranking points from all worlds except Reboot.
    • Reboot world will have its own rankings.
    • Eliminate monsters to obtain resources to use your exclusive skills against other players! You can use your exclusive skills to block other players from defeating monsters and obtaining resources.
    • The match lasts for 3 minutes and your rankings will be based on the points obtained during that time limit.
    • You must play at least 10 matches to be listed in the rankings. When you have played 10 matches, you will receive 200 Adventure Coins once per account. This reward does not count towards your coin capacity of the day.
    • Weekly rewards will be distributed through the quest every Wednesday after 10:00 AM UTC.
    • If you leave in the middle of a game, you cannot play for 10 minutes, obtain daily rewards, and receive ranking points.
    • Season rewards will be distributed between July 31 at 10:00 AM UTC and August 5 at 10:00 AM.


    • Daily Reward:
      • Adventure Coins
    • Weekly Reward:
      • Adventure Coins
    • Season Rewards: Following rewards will be given based on cumulative percentile and absolute rankings at the end of the season:
      • Top 1 - 5%
        • Brawlosseum Champ: Title. Untradeable. Earned by Top 5 players in the top 5%.
        • Brawlosseum Contender: Title. Untradeable. Earned by the rest of the players in the top 5% who placed at 6th place or lower.
        • Brawlosseum Damage Skin: Tradeable.
        • Permanent Pegasus Chariot Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
        • Azure Sunset Sword: Untradeable, Permanent Cash Item. Item can be stored in the Cash Inventory.
      • Top 6 - 10%
        • Brawlosseum Heavy: Title. Untradeable.
        • Brawlosseum Damage Skin: Tradeable.
        • Permanent Pegasus Chariot Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
      • Top 11 - 20%
        • Brawlosseum Bruiser: Title. Untradeable.
        • Brawlosseum Damage Skin: Tradeable.
      • Top 21 -40%
        • Brawlosseum Thug: Title. Untradeable.
    Adventure Coin Shop

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to Black Bean on Adventure Island map. Participate in the Adventure events to earn Adventure Coins!
    • Weekly items will reset every Thursday 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.
    • You can purchase the following items from the Adventure Coin Shop based on your Adventurer Tier.



    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 80 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Master Craftsman’s Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 7. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Golden Hammer 50%: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Clean Slate Scroll 10%: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 30. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Innocence Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Special Medal of Honor: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • SP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Job Advancement Coin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon (1-Day): 15 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Mastery Book 20: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Mastery Book 30: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Power Elixir Coupon (x100): 5 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Adventure Dining Chair: Backyard Barbecue (Stage 1): 1,500 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides EXP when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)
    • Adventure Performance Chair: Violin (Stage 1): 1,500 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides Adventure Coins when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)


    • Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring: 3500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable.
    • Pivotal Adventure Ring: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Random Damage Skin Box: 80 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Nodestone: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 1500 Coins. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Chair Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • 40 Slot Soul Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Infinite Revitalizer: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Monster Life Gem Coupon (x7): 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Main Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Sub Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Color Reset Coupon: 30 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Adventure Dining Chair: Rib Eye (Stage 2): 15,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides EXP when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)
    • Adventure Performance Chair: Dancin’ Queen (Stage 2): 15,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides Adventure Coins when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)


    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 80 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube: 60 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Master Craftsman’s Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Occult Cube: 5 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Appraisal Magnifying Glass Coupon (x100): 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Storm Growth Potion: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Prepared Pendent of the Spirit (14 Days): 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (30 Days): 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective Inventory 8 Slot Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Nodestone Coupon (x20): 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Fury Totem: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. 2-hour duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20): 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Experience Nodestone: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Dummy Summoning Sack (Fake Straw): 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Kemdi Scarecrow Summoning Sack (Fake Straw): 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • So Gong Dummy Summoning Sack (Pure Oak): 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Wonky Dummy Summoning Sack (Pure Oak): 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Adventure Dining Chair: Four-Course Delight (Advanced): 150,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides EXP when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)
    • Adventure Performance Chair: Magic Show (Advanced): 150,000,000 mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides Adventure Coins when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)


    • Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring: 3500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable.
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 60 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Bonus Potential Scroll: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Perfect Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Arcane Symbol Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Adventure ID Card Chair: 600 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Permanent Training Dummy Mount Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.


    • Star Force 13-Star Enhancement Scroll: 2500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Arcane Symbol Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Trait Boost Potion Box: 600 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Red Cube Coupon: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Cube Coupon: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Chaos Circulator: 1200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Miracle Circulator Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Experience Nodestone: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable.
    • Returned Legend Damage Skin (Version 2): 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Adventure Dining Chair: Feast (Exceptional): 1.5 Billion mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides Adventure Coins when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)
    • Adventure Performance Chair: Concert (Exceptional): 1.5 Billion mesos. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair provides EXP when used at Adventure Canteen. (You must be Lv. 105 and above to enter Adventure Canteen.)


    • Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring: 3500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame Package (x10): 2500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube Package (x10): 750 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Master Craftsman’s Cube Package (x10): 900 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Clean Slate Scroll 10% Package (x10): 400 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Typhoon Growth Potion: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Black Rebirth Flame: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Star Force 15-Star Enhancement: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bushmaster Adventurer Sword Coupon: 2000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Green Leaf Goobie Coupon: 2000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Willroid Coupon: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item comes with New Gold Heart (30-day duration)
    • Manjiroid Coupon: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Item comes with New Gold Heart (30-day duration)
    • Permanent Glimmering Focus Mount Coupon: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Adventure Damage Skin: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account.
    • Bushmaster Chair: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Permanent Adventurous Black Bean Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    Tera Burning Event

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) – July 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by characters created during the event period. Zero and Pathfinder characters cannot participate in this event.

    • You can now designate a Burning character and level it up to Lv. 200!
    • Accept the quest "It's the Tera Burning Project gift giveaway!" from the star event notifier on the left-side of the game window in order to start receiving rewards!
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • You can only select 1 character per account to “Burn”.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character gains a level up to Lv.200.
    • You'll also earn amazing rewards along the way, including permanent Root Abyss and Fafnir gear, a first for Tera Burning! As well, each time your character levels up between Lv. 201 and 220, you'll receive Arcane Symbols - all you have to do is accept the 'Tera Burning Project Arcane Symbols' quest!


    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 25-hour duration.
    • Lv. 30 Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 30. Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
      • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace, Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30.
      • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
      • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
      • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Root Abyss Set Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv.150. Open to receive the following items based on your job:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, Time-Restricted.
    • Root Abyss Armor Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 180. Open to receive the following items based on your job:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, Permanent.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, Permanent.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, Permanent.
    • Fafnir Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 200.
    • Eternal Flame Title Coupon: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Max HP/MP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +50.
    Hayato & Kanna Revamp Event

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) to July 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Cassandra has prepared gifts for all the Maplers to celebrate Hayato and Kanna’s revamp!
    • Accept the ‘[Hayato and Kanna Revamp] Hunt 888 Monsters Near Your Level Daily’ quest within the event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Hunt 888 monsters within your level range (20 levels below and 20 levels above) every day for 8 days during the event period to receive special celebration rewards.
    • You can obtain the rewards once per world.


    • Cherry Blossom Celebrations: Chair. Untradeable.
    • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Sengoku Era Revamp Celebration Gift

    UTC: June 12 (after maintenance) - July 23 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Players that log in during the event period.

    • Log in during the event period and if you've met the qualifications below by June 10 12:00 AM UTC, you will obtain the following rewards:


    • Sengoku Era Revamp Gift Box: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
      • If you have a Kanna character that completed 5th Job Advancement, you will receive the following:
        • Star Force 15-Star Enhancement: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
        • Nodestone (x30): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Arcane Symbol x5 Selector Coupon (x6): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (x15): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • 2x Drop Rate Coupon (x15): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Sengoku Command Post: Chair. Untradeable.
      • If you have a Kanna character that only completed 3rd Job Advancement, you will receive the following:
        • Star Force 13-Star Enhancement: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Storm Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
        • Nodestone (x30): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Arcane Symbol x5 Selector Coupon (x4): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (x15): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
        • 2x Drop Rate Coupon (x15): Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
        • Sengoku Command Post: Chair. Untradeable.
      • If you do not meet the two criteria above but have a character Lv. 60 and above, you will receive the following:
        • Star Force 12-Star Enhancement: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Nodestone (x30): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Arcane Symbol x5 Selector Coupon (x2): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (x15): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • 2x Drop Rate Coupon (x15): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Sengoku Command Post: Chair. Untradeable.
    Zero Creation Event

    UTC: June 12 at 12:00 AM – August 27 at 11:59 PM

    • Zero will be available for creation during the event duration!
    • You must have a character that is Lv. 100 or above in the same world that you would like to create a Zero character in.
    • Zero cannot be created in Reboot world.
    3x EXP & Drop Event

    UTC: June 15 at 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
    UTC: June 15 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    • We are running a 3x EXP & Drop event on June 15th!
    • Please note that this event will stack with 2x EXP Coupon and 2x Drop Coupons, so you could earn 6x EXP and 6x Drop during the times listed above.
    • Look out for a scrolling 3x EXP & Drop announcement or the left side of your screen for the 3x EXP & Drop icon.
    • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
    Saturday 2x EXP & Drop Events

    UTC: June 22 at 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM & 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    UTC: June 29 at 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM & 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    UTC: July 6 at 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM & 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    UTC: July 13 at 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM & 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    UTC: July 20 at 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM & 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    • We are running a 2x EXP & Drop event every Saturday starting in June!
    • Please note that this event will stack with 2x EXP Coupon and 2x Drop Coupons, so you could earn 4x EXP and 4x Drop during the times listed above.
    • Look out for a scrolling 2x EXP & Drop announcement or the left side of your screen for the 2x EXP & Drop icon.
    • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
    Sunny Sundays

    UTC: June 16 at 12:00 AM – June 16 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: June 23 at 12:00 AM – June 23 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: June 30 at 12:00 AM – June 30 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 7 at 12:00 AM – July 7 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 14 at 12:00 AM – July 14 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 21 at 12:00 AM – July 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Please note that Sunny Sunday event information will no longer be displayed on the in-game Event List.

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks!

    • Week 1 - June 16, 2019
      • Receive 1 Eternal Rebirth Flame for every 5 used, up to 10 max per world.
      • Receive 1 Powerful Rebirth Flame for every 5 used, up to 10 max per world.
      • Receive Arcane Symbol (x10)
    • Week 2 - June 23, 2019
      • Receive 50% Bonus EXP when you clear Monster Park.
      • Receive x2 Sunday’s Growth Box when you clear Monster Park.
    • Week 3 - June 30, 2019
      • Receive 2 Stars when you succeed 10-Star Force enhancement and below.
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancement. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
      • Receive Arcane Symbol (x10)
    • Week 4 - July 7, 2019
      • Receive 30% off items from the Adventure Coin Shop.
    • Week 5 - July 14, 2019
      • Receive 100% success rate when you do Star Force 5, 10, and 15 enhancements. NOTE: This perk will not work on Tyrant gear!
      • Receive Arcane Symbol (x10)
    • Week 6 - July 21, 2019
      • Receive 30% off items from the Adventure Coin Shop.

    View on the Official Site