[Updated June 15] v.214 - Rise: Promise of the Guardian Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jun 15, 2020.

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    Rise up with MapleStory's June update, featuring new Adele class, Rise and Tera Burning events, Boss Revamp, Reverse City, and more!

    v.214 - Rise: Promise of the Guardian is live on June 10!

    • New Playable Character: Adele!
    • New Updates
    • Rise Salon
    • Other Events

    UTC: Available June 24 at 12:00 AM

    • Adele, a High Flora of Grandis and an honorable knight, was locked away in the Void until the chains of her imprisonment were shattered by the wish of a silver-haired boy. Play through Adele’s story and learn more about her lost memories and the reason behind her imprisonment!
    • Adele is a Flora Warrior and uses STR as her primary stat.
    • Adele’s primary weapon is a Bladecaster, and her secondary weapon is a Bladebinder.
    • As you level up with your Adele character, you will receive valuable rewards from the Adele Training Support Event. Click here to learn more!
    • The max character slot has been increased from 51 to 52 so create your Adele class when she is released!
    Adele Skills


    • Artistic Recall: Return to Ristonia, the city of art. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 seconds.
    • Recalling Greatness: Increases Critical Damage and Attack Power. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Critical Damage: +10%, Attack Power: +10%.
    • Exclusive Spell: Increases the Attack Power and Magic ATT of all nearby characters. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30, Attack Power: +4%, Duration: 40 minutes, Cooldown: 2 hours.
    • Magic Conversion: Using their wings as a magical conduit, the Flora can convert between Attack Power and Magic ATT to bolster their own power. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: 35% of equipment’s Magic Attack is converted to Attack Power, excluding your weapon. Any set effects do not apply. Only converts up to 15% of your weapon’s base Attack Power.
    • Noble Fire: Tap your noble spirit to protect your charges from powerful opponents. Max Level 2.
      • Lv. 2: Boss Damage: +4%, Increases damage by 2% up to 8% for each party member, including yourself, on the same map.

    1st Job

    • Blade of Will: Creates a sword from magic that slashes in front of you. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 85%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Number of Attacks: 4.
    • Magic Dispatch: Creates a magical shard that hunts down an enemy. Unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 20. Max level required to learn Aetherial Arms.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 80%, Max Enemies Hit: 1 per Magical Shards, Number of Attacks: 3, Magical Shards: 5, Cooldown: 6 seconds.
    • Jaunt: Leap once more while already in the air. Can move upward by pressing the Up key at the same time. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: MP Cost: 5.
    • High Rise: Steel your mind to project magic, suspending you in the air for a short time and allowing you to use aerial skills. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 20.
    • Martial Discipline: Reinforces the foundations of a warrior. Max Level 19.
      • Lv. 19: Attack Power: +30, Defense: +200, MaxHP: +1000, Speed: +10, Jump: +10, Knockback Resistance: +60%, Damage Taken: -10%.

    2nd Job

    • Aether Weaving: Refine magic from around you to be used for special Aether Swords. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Obtain 15 Aether at regular intervals, obtain 10 Aether when Trigger skill hits. Max Aether Obtained: 300. When Aether Forge is active, every 100 Aether can create 2 Aether Swords. Max Aether Swords: 4.
    • Aether Crystal: Attacking with the Aether Sword sometimes gathers the surrounding energy into crystals. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Duration: 30 seconds, Max Aether Swords: 7, Cooldown: 4 seconds.
    • Skewering: [Trigger Skill] Creates multiple longswords that strike to the front. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 80%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 8.
    • Impale: Creates an Aether Sword that can be launched in 8 directions depending on the directional key pressed. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: MP Cost: 45, Aether Cost: 15, Damage: 85%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown: 7 seconds.
    • Resonance Rush: Creates a large Aether Sword that resonates with a nearby Aether Crystal, causing you to rush towards the crystal. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6. If total enemies hit is lower than the max, additional 15% is added to the final damage for each enemy below the max. When attack hits, a buff triggers for 30 seconds that increases final damage by 5% and Enemy DEF Ignored by 5%. Stack: 3.
    • Weave Infusion: Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Bladecaster by 2 levels for a short time. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: MP Cost: 10, Increases attack speed of Bladecaster for 200 seconds.
    • Aether Forge: Creates a number of Aether Swords around your body using all available Aether. Max Level 10. Max Level required to learn Hunting Decree.
      • Lv. 10: When Trigger Skill hits, deal 200% damage up to 10 enemies every 12 seconds. Upon advancing to 3rd and 4th Job, cooldown reduced by 3 seconds each. Number of Attacks: 2 per Aether Sword. When attack hits, 100% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.
    • Aetherial Arms: Automatically creates shards when attacking. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: When Trigger Skill hits, create shards every 8 seconds, consume 25 MP upon creation. Shard Damage: +30%, Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.
    • Bladecaster Control: Increases Bladecaster Mastery and Attack Power. Max Level 10. Max Level required to learn Bladecaster Expertise.
      • Lv. 10: Bladecaster Mastery: +50%, Attack Power: +30.
    • Will to Live: Learn the necessary qualities for survival. Max Level 9.
      • Lv. 9: Every 5seconds, restores 4% of MaxHP/MaxMP.
    • Elite Training: Train your Strength to become ever more powerful. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: STR +60.

    3rd Job

    • Hunting Decree: Issues a command to Aether Swords created with Aether Forge to pursue the enemy. Max Level 20. Max Level required to learn Aether Bloom and Grave Proclamation.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 40, Aether Cost: 100. For each Aether Sword, Duration: 20 seconds, Damage: 240%, Number of Attacks: 2. Can command up to 4 swords. When you exceed the max number and a command is given, the Aether Sword with the least duration left vanishes. When attack hits, 15% chance to create Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.
    • Noble Summons: Issues an order to Aether Swords affected by Hunting Decree to return. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 260%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 4. Enemies that are struck receive a debuff for 30 seconds, and Enemy DEF Ignored is increased by 10% for attacks from Adele on these enemies. When attack hits, 40% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Obtain 20 Aether for each Aether Sword that strikes during Noble Summons. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
    • Eviscerate: [Trigger Skill] Conjures 2 longswords that slash in a cross. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 220%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 6.
    • Reign of Destruction: Summons countless swords across a large area. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 120, Territory Duration: 7 seconds, Damage: 100%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4. The sword turns when the duration ends, attacking an additional 12 times dealing 550% damage up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
    • Feather Float: Float back like a feather and remain aloft for a short time. Max Level 4.
      • Lv. 4: MP Cost: 46, Aether Cost: 20. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
      • Passive Effect: Speed: +5, Jump: +10, Max Speed: +10.
    • True Nobility: Summon up your noble spirit to sacrifice for your allies. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: MP Cost: 200, Creates a spirit field for 20 seconds. Receive 30% of the damage dealt to party members inside the field and create a shield equal to 80% of that damage. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    • Ascent: Grow ever more powerful in the quest to improve yourself. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Attack Power: +30, Final Damage: +25%, Critical Rate: +20%, Shard Damage: +115%, Creation Damage: +245%, Impale Damage: +100%, Resonance Damage: +125%.
    • Tolerance: Develop a tolerance to various and sundry dangers. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Knockback Resistance: +40%, MaxHP: +10%, Status Resistance: +30, Elemental Resistance: +30%, Damage Taken: -20%.

    4th Job

    • Aether Mastery: Discover a new level of Aether control. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Max Aether Obtained: 400. Increases max Aether Swords that can be created with Aether Forge and commanded with Hunting Decree by 6. Increases Final Damage by 15% when 6 Aether Swords are created with Aether Forge.
    • Aether Bloom: Releases a bloom of magic from each Hunting Decree sword. Max Level 30. Max Level required to learn the Hyper Skill Blade Torrent.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 80. For each Aether Sword, Damage: 650%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 8. If one enemy gets hit by Aether Bloom multiple times, the skill's final damage on that enemy is reduced by 25%. When attack hits, 50% chance to create Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
    • Cleave: [Trigger Skill] Creates a massive sword to cut enemies ahead of you. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 425%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 7.
    • Grave Proclamation: Mark enemies for annihilation with a cursed sword, making them a prime target for your Aether Swords. Max Level 20. Max level required to learn Infinity Blade.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 150, Damage: 800%, Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 10. Increases damage to enemy with mark of death by 20%, and ignores additional 10% defense rate. If there is an enemy with the mark within the attack range of Hunting Decree or Infinity Blade, the attack will focus on that enemy. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
    • Plummet: [Trigger Skill] Wrap your body in potent magic and dive upon your foes. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 550%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.
    • Aether Guard: Shields you with spinning Aether Swords to block the enemy attacks and reduce damage. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 150. Key can be held for up to 8 seconds. Damage taken while key is held, including attacks that deal damage in proportion to Max HP, is reduced by 40%. If you use the moment you are attacked, you are invincible for 4 seconds and the damage is blocked. When the skill ends, cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds for each second remaining from holding the key. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    • Hero of the Flora: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 70. Duration: 900 seconds. Increases all stats assigned APs by 15%.
    • Floran Hero’s Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to Abnormal Status for 3 seconds after use. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    • Bladecaster Expertise: Increases Bladecaster Mastery and Attack Power. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Bladecaster Mastery: +70%, Attack Power: +30.
    • Perfection: Perfects your technique through rigorous training. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Shard Damage: +225%, Creation Damage: +570%, Impale Damage: +200%, Resonance Damage: +265%, Order Damage: +120%, Gathering Damage: +300%, Territory Damage: +300%
    • Ruination: Master a powerful attack that blows past enemy defenses. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Final Damage: +30%, Enemy DEF Ignored: +20%
    • Strive: Reach the level of a master through constant battle. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Attack Power: +30, Boss Damage: +10%, Critical Rate: +20%, Max HP: +15%

    Hyper Skills


    • Trigger - Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 140) Increases damage of Trigger skills.
      • Damage: +20%.
    • Trigger - Guardbreak: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases the amount of enemy DEF Trigger skills ignore.
      • Ignore Defense: +20%.
    • Trigger - Boss Rush: (Req. Lv. 180) Increases Boss Damage of Trigger skills.
      • Boss Damage: +20%.
    • Resonance Rush - Efficiency: (Req. Lv. 140) Generates Aether when Aether Crystals vanish after Resonance Rush, and Impale no longer consumes Aether.
      • Obtain 20 Aether when Aether Crystal is used for Resonance Rush. Does not consume Aether when using Impale.
    • Reign of Destruction - Persist: (Req. Lv. 165) Increases duration of Reign of Destruction.
      • Duration: + 4 seconds.
    • Aether Blossom - Cooldown Cutter: (Req. Lv. 180) Reduces the cooldown of Aether Bloom.
      • Cooldown: -25%.
    • Will to Live - Aura Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases Will to Live recovery.
      • Recovery Ratio: +3%, additive to existing recovery.
    • True Nobility - Shield Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 165) Reinforces the shield created by True Nobility.
      • Increases shield amount created in proportion to damage by 350%.
    • Aether Guard - Persist: (Req. Lv. 190) Increases invincibility duration when blocking attacks.
      • Invincibility Duration: +1 second.


    • Shardbreaker: (Req. Lv. 140) Fill the shard with magic to make it grow and then shatter.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 250, creates a shard in the location of up to 7 enemies. For each shard that is created and shattered, Damage: 1000%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Number of Attacks: 3. If all of the shards attack only 1 enemy, final damage of Shardbreaker is increased by 300%. If total enemies struck is lower than the max, it creates up to 5 shards in random locations. After shards shatter, it creates up to 5 Aether Crystals. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    • Blade Torrent: (Req. Lv. 160) Attack with countless magic swords that overwhelm enemies.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 300, Damage: 1000%,Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 12, Stun Duration: 10 seconds, Stun Duration: +100% depending on damage inflicted with Blade Torrent. Cooldown: 180 seconds
    • Divine Wrath: (Req. Lv. 190) Borrows strength from the ancient god of the Flora.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 100, Damage: +10%, Duration: 60 seconds, Cooldown: 120 seconds. Applies to any Flora class in the party.

    5th Job

    • Ruin: Summons the ancient sword of destruction to cause a massive collapse. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, Damage: 750%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 6, Activation: 12 times. After it's summoned, an additional sword deals 1350% damage 9 times and activates 8 times. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    • Infinity Blade: Creates a space filled with countless Aether Swords. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, invincible during casting and disarmament, Damage: 1050%, Number of Attacks: 2, Aether Swords Count: 20, Duration: 30 seconds. On successful hits, 5% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Cooldown 180 seconds.
    • Legacy Restoration: Temporarily restores the lost magical conduit and the enchanted wings of the past. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Damage: 2700%, Aether Obtained: 40%, Duration: 30 seconds, +2 Aether Swords that can be commanded with Hunting Decree. 2% of maxMP will be consumed every second while casting and after casting. Periodically spreads enchanted wings to attack 6 mobs with 2700% damage 3 times and restores 14% of max HP for you and your party members. Cooldown: 180 seconds.
    Reverse City

    UTC: Available July 8 at 12:00 AM

    Requirement: Lv. 205 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the 5th Job Advancement.

    • One day, T-Boy appeared out of nowhere and reversed the gravity to flip heaven and earth, leaving Reverse City upside-down.
    • From then on, the Erdas decided to settle down in a Subway Tunnel and survive according to their own ways. However, some have been learning about the outside world from the leftover traces of the past and yearn to venture out.
    • You are given a mysterious Old Walkie-Talkie that washed up on the river… It can only have come from one place, Reverse City. The walkie-talkie gives a screeching noise along with a faint voice.
    • Accept ‘[Reverse City] What Washed Up’ quest from the lightbulb on the left side of the screen.
    • Take a look for yourself, flip head to toe and uncover the mysteries in Reverse City!


    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20): Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    • T-Boy’s Monitor: Hat. Untradeable.


    Beast Tamer Skill Revamp

    • Create your own Beast Tamer character and check out the updated skills!
    • With this skill revamp, we updated Beast Tamer’s skills and removed unnecessary actions.
    • The following skill changes apply to the skills when they are at their max level.


    • Critter Select: Adjusted so that each mode cannot be removed by right-clicking the mouse.


    • Furious Strikes: Reduced Mana cost to 10 MP.
    • Majestic Trumpet: Fixed the issue where the area of effect portion did not function properly.

    Snow Leopard

    • Lethal Lai: Increased passive damage effect to 40%.
      Leopard’s Roar: Increased passive damage effect to 20%.


    • Defensive Formation: Changed to more efficiently deal damage while flying in Hawk mode. Many of Eka’s friends are constantly called to attack nearby monsters while you are flying. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 2.
    • Baby Bombers: Changed to summon Erka’s allies in 4 different directions from where the character used the skill. This skill can be used while using Tornado Flight skill. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 80, Damage: 525%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Cooldown: 3 seconds.
    • Raptor Talons: Removed buff actions.
    • Hawk Flock: Removed buff actions.
    • Bird’s-Eye View: Removed buff actions.
    • Razor Beak: Removed buff actions.

    Hyper Skills

    • All Together! Critter Crossing!: (Req. Lv. 190) Temporarily summons all of the animal spirits at the sound of Chase’s strong, magical whistle.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 60 seconds. Skill applies all of passive and buff skills with a few exceptions, regardless of the mode. Only skills with SP invested will be kept and all buffs will disappear when this skill ends. Cooldown: 360 seconds.

    5th Job

    • Added Furious Strikes in the description for Paw Swipe.
    • Added Leopard's Roar in the description for Leopard's Paw Node.
    • Added Macho Slam and Macho Incarnate in the description for Macho Dance Node.
    • Added Thunder Trail in the description for Thunder Dash Node.
    • Added Baby Bombers in the description for Formation Attack Node.
    Kanna Skill Revamp

    • A handful of Kanna’s skills are getting revamped to reduce the gap in efficiency between classes in a way that highlights the playing style of each class.
    • Spirit Warding Charm skill has been enhanced or added for Shikigami Haunting 3 and 4.
    • Kishin Shoukan skill’s monster respawn time has been adjusted to correct the balance.
    • Nightghost Guide skill will now have a passive effect that increases Kishin Shoukan skill’s damage and duration while the skill is active.
    • Kanna characters will no longer have an extra 1 SP in their 1st Job skill.
      • Existing Kanna characters will have their remaining 1 SP removed and their 1st Job skill point distribution will be reset.

    3rd Job

    • Shikigami Haunting 3: Increased Spirit Warding Charm’s activation chance to 60%, damage to 160%, and speed to -75%.
    • Kishin Shoukan: Duration has been decreased to 30 seconds and cooldown increased to 60 seconds. Skill now reduces respawn time by 40% of the normal respawn time and increases the max amount of monsters that can be created by 50%.
    • Mana Balance: Adjusted so that Shikigami Doppelganger’s stack value will not be reduced when this skill is used.

    4th Job

    • Shikigami Haunting 4: Added stack bonus amount needed to activate Shikigami Doppelganger by 5 on the 3rd hit. Added Spirit Warding Charm, a skill that applies debuff and additional damage with the Shikigami Haunting’s additional hits.
      • Lv. 20: [Spirit Warding Charm]: Activation Chance: 100%, Damage: 240% every second, Duration: 6 seconds, Speed: -90%.
    • Shikigami Doppelganger: Each time Kanna's Mana is consumed, it will be accumulated as the stacks of Shikigami Doppelganger. This skill is not affected by skills that reduce Mana cost such as Yuki-musume Shoukan, Spirit's Domain, and Mana Balance.
    • [Updated June 9] Vanquisher's Charm: Decreased Mana cost to 15. Increased max enemies hit to 8, attack count to 5, and necessary Mana for Shikigami Doppelganger activation to 30. Added max duration of 10 seconds and cooldown of 60 seconds.
    • Orochi Unbound: Increased skill’s key hold-down damage to 500%, max enemies hit to 15, and attack count to 8.
    • Nightghost Guide: Added passive effects to increase Kishin Shoukan skill’s damage by +200% and duration by 5 seconds when this skill is activated.

    Hyper Skill

    • Veritable Pandemonium: Increased damage to 1,250% and attack count to 8.
    Boss Revamp

    • Bosses, including Lucid, Gloom, and Darknell, are getting a revamp! Check out the changes listed below for more information!


    • Added boss entry and clear count restriction information to boss matching UI.
    • If you have been inflicted by the Undead Abnormal Status during boss content, it will now be removed when you exit.
    • In Boss Practice Mode, you will no longer consume Buff Freezer even if you use it.
    • Fixed an error where players would only be sent to channel 1 upon successful boss matching.
    • Increased the sale price of Intense Power Crystal items for high difficulty bosses.
    • Added Crusader Coin to the clear rewards for some bosses.
    • Readjusted the number of Crusader Coins that can be obtained based on the boss' difficulty.
    • Increased the number of maps for the following bosses:
      • Von Leon (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Arkarium (Easy, Normal)
    • Removed the entry channel restriction for Chaos Root Abyss bosses.
    • Lowered the difficulty of Genesis Weapon awakening missions.
      • "Traces of Will, the King of Spiders" mission: Removed the reduced time limit condition and added the increased damage taken condition.
      • “Traces of Verus Hilla the Red Witch" mission: You will challenge Verus Hilla with her max HP reduced.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not properly complete the achievement for defeating a boss by yourself.
    • When a boss is not visible, effects for the Abnormal Status applied to the boss will no longer be shown.
    • Fixed the issue where Attack Ignore and Attack Reflection effects displayed later than their actual application in Boss Pink Bean.
    • Fixed the issue where Damien would sometimes not move or only use a single pattern.
    • Fixed the issue where the Piercing Gaze pattern used by the Black Mage would sometimes remain without disappearing.
    • You can now only receive up to 5 Eye of Fires and Eye of Fire Chunks from Adobis per day.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close if you inflicted a certain amount or more damage at once to Verus Hilla while progressing through Labyrinth of Suffering story quests.
    • Fixed the issue where the Awakening effect did not display when you used an Anvil to apply the Genesis Soul Shooter appearance to another Soul Shooter.
    • Fixed an error where a notice from the previous channel would appear on the world map when receiving a notification for an Elite Boss appearance while moving channels.
    • Fixed an error where the NPC image would bleed outside of the dialogue window when clicking on Hidden Garden Entrance in Root Abyss.
    • Fixed an error where the description for Radiant Arkarium Soul would be different from that of the other souls.
    • Recipes for equipment that's below Lv. 120 will no longer appear in the sealed box that can be purchased from Root Abyss.
    • Number of maps for Hard Hilla has been increased.
    • Fixed the issue where Black Heart's Potential stats were not being applied.
    • Fixed the issue where, if you had already obtained Charm by equipping the material accessory, used Item Guard, and then chose to exchange, the exchange failed and you could obtain Charm from the pertinent material accessory again.
    • You can now move to the Tyrant's Castle normal maps using the Hyper Teleport Rock.
    • Pitched Boss Set will now have 6-part and 7-part effects. The set effect stats are as follows:
      • 6-Set Effect: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, MaxHP + 375.
      • 7-Set Effect: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, MaxHP + 375, Critical Damage +5%.
    • [Updated June 9] Increased the drop rate of Pitched Boss Set items.


    • Fixed the issue where the background music kept playing when you muted the music in Ursus fight.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the Decent skills used by an Explorer were not removed when entering Ursus fight.
    • Changed Ursus battle time to 10 minutes.
    • Fixed the issue where the time and information UI displayed overlapping in Ursus fight.
    • Fixed the issue where you were removed from the map without results being calculated if the battle time ran out.
    • Fixed an error where skills would sometimes not be usable when attacked with the grab pattern in Ursus fight.
    • Fixed an error where players would not receive any damage even if they are on the ground instead of climbing onto Ursus' back after defeating it.


    • You can no longer use the Android Shop in the Papulatus battle map.
    • Changed the size of the platforms in Papulatus battle map so that it is better for avoiding attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where if you defeated Chaos Papulatus and tried entering again, the 30-minute entry limit message displayed before the clear limit message.
    • Fixed an error where the portal image of the Dimensional Crack Seal pattern would appear awkwardly on Boss Papulatus.


    • Pierre's Hat Trick debuff will now display in the buff window.
    • Fixed the issue where Chaos Pierre sometimes didn't keep changing colors after splitting.
    • Fixed the issue where Chaos Pierre split into 3 under certain conditions.


    • Added Easy mode to its difficulty.
      • Easy mode can be entered once a day.
      • Its clear count is shared with Normal and Hard modes.
      • Added the following achievements related to Easy mode:
        • Is This a Butterfly Museum?
        • Butterfly Collector
        • Butterfly Slayer
        • Easy, So Easy
    • Reduced Hard mode's HP by 24% compared to before.
    • Fixed the issue where you could pass through the golem with certain charge skill(s) in Boss Lucid phase 1.
    • In Boss Lucid, if you enter phase 2 while you have the bomb pattern applied from phase 1, the bomb pattern will now be removed.
    • Fixed the issue where Boss Lucid didn't really move in Boss Lucid phase 2.


    • Gloom’s attack patterns have been revamped.
    • Added Chaos mode to its difficulty.
      • Chaos mode can be entered once a day.
      • Its clear count is shared with Normal mode.
      • Added the following achievements:
        • [Gloom] Within the Fog
        • [Gloom] Not That Scary!
        • [Gloom] Fear Is My Strength
        • [Gloom] Giant Killer
    • Endless Terror has been added to Gloom’s drop list. It will be counted towards the updated Pitched Boss Set Effect.
      • Endless Terror: Ring. Untradeable once equipped. Unique equipped item. Req. Lv: 200. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +5, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +4, MaxHP/MaxMP +250.


    • Darknell’s attack patterns have been revamped.
    • Added Hard mode to its difficulty.
      • Hard mode can be entered once a day.
      • Its clear count is shared with Normal mode.
      • Added the following achievements:
        • [Darknell] Everything Was Frothy
        • [Darknell] Are You Inebriated?
        • [Darknell] Brew Master
        • [Darknell] Fought Fairly!
    • Commanding Force Earring has been added to Darknell’s drop list. It will be counted towards the updated Pitched Boss Set Effect.
      • Commanding Force Earring: Earring. Untradeable once equipped. Req. Lv: 200. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5, MaxHP/MaxMP +500, Defense +100.
    Map Activities Revamp

    • New Elite Champions, Runes, and Pollo and Fritto challenges are all included in our Map Activities Revamp!

    Elite Monsters

    • Elite Champions
      • Elite Champions are monsters that will make an appearance after you have defeated a number of Elite Monsters.
      • One out of six Elite Champions will appear at random. They each have special gimmicks that can change the hunting pattern.
        • Black Crescendo Slime: You can only deal damage within the fog area around the monster, and the monster will gradually be enhanced to become a bigger slime the more you eliminate them.
        • Shadow Butterfly: A horde of Shadow Butterflies will appear to move around a specific area of the map.
        • Dark Wolf: After being hit with a certain amount of damage, it hides in the darkness and moves to another location.
        • Illusion Flower: The Illusion Flower must be protected from the Killer Bees that continue to appear.
        • Timber Shade: It becomes invincible by absorbing the energy from nearby monsters. Surrounding monsters must be eliminated before their energies are absorbed.
        • Dark Gemini Gargoyle: You must make the two Gargoyles’ HP into a similar level in order to eliminate them.
      • Added achievements related to Elite Champions:
      • [Elite Champion] The Rare Ones
      • [Elite Champion] More of the Rare Ones
      • [Elite Champion] All of the Rare Ones
    • Messenger of Darkness will no longer appear.
    • Elite Monsters and Elite Bosses have been adjusted.
      • Some of the prefixes have been removed. They will be replaced with monsters with other prefixes in the Monster Collection.
        • Reflective, Powerful, Charismatic, Supple, Solid, Invincible, and Accursed.
      • Surprise Missions related to Elite Monsters have been changed to defeating Elite Monsters or Elite Champions.
      • Reduced HP and time limit of Elite Monsters and Elite Bosses.
      • Elite Bosses will no longer appear on maps with monsters below Lv. 140. Elite Champions will appear instead.
      • Elite Bosses will only drop Rare Treasure Chests for up to 6 players, including the summoner and the players who have dealt the most damage.
      • Elite Bosses’ attack damage has been reduced and attack delay has been increased.
      • Added a new shared attack pattern for Elite Bosses.


    • New Runes will be added.
      • Rune of Purification: Purifies the area around it with powerful damage.
      • Rune of Contact: Activates a beam that attacks the area between the Rune and the character.
      • Rune of Ignition: Gives you the ability to launch a pillar of fire, which travels between monsters, when you attack.
    • Existing Runes will be enhanced.
      • Rune of Recovery: Increased damage reduction.
      • Rune of Destruction: Increased Attack Power.
      • Rune of Thunder: It will now attack the area around the character, not random areas.
      • Rune of Might: Increased the attack range. Added a feature where, if there is a platform above the character, you can jump high to that platform by pressing the up arrow key and jumping at the same time.
    • Removed the Rune of Greed.
    • Each Rune's special ability and the Liberated Rune Power, which increases EXP, will be separated as different abilities.
    • Evan's Link Skill, Rune Persistence, will now apply only to the Liberated Rune Power.
    • Each Rune's special ability, not the Liberated Rune Power, will now disappear when you move maps.
    • Runes will now appear only in locations where monsters can appear.
    • Fixed the issue where attack did not activate if you used Teleport immediately after using Rune of Destruction.
    • Added achievements related to Runes.
      • [Rune] Fun of Selecting Runes

    Pollo and Fritto

    • Adjusted contents for and added new content to Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
      • Guard the Castle Gates: Increased the directions from which monsters appear from 2 to 4.
      • Midnight Hunt: New content where you ride Pollo's machine tank, speed through using the Interact/Harvest key, and defeat monsters. You can use a jump key to avoid traps.
      • Treasure Catch: New content where you help Fritto infiltrate Inferno Wolf's treasure vault and steal treasure by catching them. Use directional keys and a jump key to catch the falling treasure.
    • Added achievements related to new Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting contents.
      • Enter mount battle 10 times
      • Enter mount battle 100 times
      • Enter Treasure Catch 10 time(s)
      • Enter Treasure Catch 100 time(s)
    • The portal for Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting and Inferno Wolf's Den will now only appear in locations where monsters can appear.
    • Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting, Inferno Wolf's Den, and Elite Bosses will no longer appear simultaneously.
    • In Scania and Bera, players will be split into multiple channels when they enter Inferno Wolf fight.
    • Fixed the issue where Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting portal would sometimes turn into another content after some time has passed from when it was created.
    • Fixed the issue where players would not be immediately exited from Inferno Wolf when it was defeated at times.
    • Fixed the issue where the player would be taken to the exit map right away if entering after Inferno Wolf has been eliminated but before it appears again.
    Guild Revamp

    • Enjoy the new Guild system with renewed guild UI, improved guild skills, and added guild contents!
    • Guild level capacity has been increased from Lv. 25 to Lv. 30.
    • Guilds with Honor EXP exceeding the amount to reach Lv. 25 will have the surplus Honor EXP removed.
    • Changed the level requirement to Lv. 101 and above to create and join a guild.
    • Guild UI has been revamped.
      • When you open the Guild UI without joining a guild, it will display the list of guilds you can request to join. You can request to join by right-clicking the guild in the menu or from the guild details window.
      • You can apply filters to see guilds that have matching preferences among the guilds you can request to join.
      • You can submit join requests for up to 5 guilds at the same time.
      • Improved the guild Search feature.
        • Search now allows partial searches.
        • You can find the guild you want more easily by searching it by name and applying filters afterward.
        • Guild that the player is in will not be displayed in the guild search results.
      • Added the guild Greeting feature.
        • Guild administrators can edit the guild's Greeting. The information will be displayed in the guild search results, as well as in the list of recruiting guilds.
        • Character limit for the guild Greeting is 150 characters.
      • Added the guild Advertise feature.
        • When you advertise your guild, it will display at the top of the list of recruiting guilds, exposing it to players who desire to join a guild. The shorter the remaining advertising period, the higher it shows up top.
        • You can use the Guild Megaphone to advertise the guild.
      • Added the Guild Emblem image upload feature.
        • If the guild is Lv. 10 and above, you can use this feature by spending 225,000 GP.
        • It can be added as a 17x17 pixel JPG file.
        • When you change the Guild Emblem using image upload, you cannot change the Guild Emblem again for 7 days.
        • If the uploaded Guild Emblem is deemed inappropriate, it may be reset without prior notification. If it is reset, the GP spent on changing the Guild Emblem will not be restored.
      • Improved so that guilds can be managed more easily.
        • You can check the last login date of guild members.
        • List of guild members can now be sorted in Guild Details.
        • Permission settings per rank of guild members is broken down into more details.
        • Changed so that permissions, such as managing guild members, managing guild skills, etc., can be given to other ranks as well. This allows the guild member, who holds the rank with permissions, to handle tasks when the Guild Leader is absent.
        • When given permission to manage the guild, one can assign ranks up to the rank that's below their own.
        • Titles will now be applied as default for Guild Member 2 and Guild Member 3 when setting the guild member titles.
        • Titles will now be applied as default for Alliance Member 2 and Alliance Member 3 when managing alliance members.
      • Guild Ranking will be provided on a weekly basis. The ranking can be checked using the Guild UI. Honorable Rock will also provide the weekly ranking, instead of the cumulative Contribution.
        • Guild Rankings will be in the following categories:
          • Weekly Honor EXP Rank
            • If the weekly Honor EXP is 0 or a negative number, it will no longer appear on the Weekly Honor EXP Rank.
          • Flag Race Ranking
          • Sharenian Culvert Ranking
        • Your Rank is now more visible on the guild ranking UI.
      • Guild Bulletin Board
        • Announcements on the guild bulletin board can be up to 500 characters.
        • Some of the special characters can now be used on the guild bulletin board.
      • Added a help button that you can check for any questions you have about guilds.
    • Adjusted Guild Points and changed the method of acquiring Contribution.
      • Using Guild Skills no longer consume IGP. IGP will be removed.
      • Removed the Contribution acquisition methods through normal in-game activities.
        • You can no longer acquire Contribution from joining a guild, leveling up, staying logged in, gaining Fame, obtaining medals, completing quests, leveling up Profession, and more.
      • Adjusted the Contribution amount obtainable from defeating boss monsters.
      • Added boss monsters which you can get Contribution from.
        • Zakum (Easy)
        • Hilla (Normal)
        • Horntail (Easy)
        • Arkarium (Easy)
        • Omni-CLN
        • Pink Bean (Normal, Chaos)
        • Von Leon (Easy, Hard)
        • Gloom (Normal)
        • Darknell
        • Lucid (Hard)
        • Will (Normal, Hard)
        • Verus Hilla
        • Black Mage
        • Gollux
        • Ranmaru (Normal, Hard)
        • Princess No
        • Pierre (Normal, Chaos), Crimson Queen (Normal, Chaos), and Julieta (Normal) will provide Contribution when opening the treasure chest.
      • You can now acquire Contribution by participating in Flag Race, Guild Attendance Check, and Sharenian Culvert.
      • In order to reduce confusion from the changes in GP acquisition methods, the remaining GP for guilds will be adjusted.
        • If the GP exceeds 225,000 GP, it will be adjusted by a certain ratio.
        • If the GP is at or below 225,000 GP, there will be no adjustments.
    • If the Guild Leader is on a long absence of 30 days or more, the responsibility and permissions can be delegated to another guild member.
      • You can change the Guild Leader through Heracle at Guild Base, Hall of Heroes.
      • If the Guild Leader is absent, the highest ranking guild member can become the Guild Leader.
      • If a guild member can be appointed as a guild leader due to the current guild leader being absent for a long time, they will be more visible from the guild member list.
      • Added notice that explains that 'if a guild leader has been absent for a long time, the permission to change the guild leader will be given to the guild members in order according to the ranks'.
    • Improved Guild Skills.
      • Changed so that you can learn Guild Skills according to the guild level.
      • Removed the following Guild Skills:
        • Point Accrual
        • More Party Play
        • Party Quest Mania
        • Guild Megaphone
        • Guild Meet-up
      • Added the following Guild Skills.
        • United Front: Hit damage reduction.
        • Guild Expertise: Additional EXP acquisition.
        • Guild on Fire I - III: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT increased.
        • Banner of Plenty II - III: Get guild potions that fully restore your HP/MP and Guild Blessings that raise your Weapon ATT/Magic ATT.
        • Amidst the Stars: Star Force increased.
        • Team Players: Normal monster damage increase.
        • Well-Rounded: All Stats Increase.
        • Arcane Power Overwhelming: Arcane Power increased.
        • Sharenian Demon Mount: Maximum Guild Level Mount.
      • Increased the master level of Noblesse Skills
        • Added a new Noblesse Skill.
          • Hard Hitter: Temporarily increases critical damage.
    • Added a new guild content, Sharenian Culvert.
      • A new area within the Sharenian Ruins has been discovered. Explore the culvert and face the demon Arcanus, who is sleeping in the deepest parts of the culvert!
      • The Guild Leader, or a guild member who has permission to manage culvert entry, can talk to Daedal at Guild Base, Hall of Heroes, and open the door that leads to Sharenian Culvert once a week.
        • If the Guild Leader opens the door, guild members will receive a pop-up UI message saying the Sharenian Culvert is available.
        • The door that leads to the Sharenian Culvert stays open for only 5 minutes.
      • Only members of the same guild can enter the Sharenian Culvert.
        • Members must be Lv. 101 and above to participate.
      • The door cannot be opened between 11:00 PM on Sunday and 1:00 AM on Monday UTC for ranking calculation.
      • There are a total of 12 entrances at the entry to the waterway. Up to 3 parties can enter a single entrance.
        • If you enter the entrance and briefly wait in the Path to the Waterway, you will soon enter inside the culvert. At this time, you will enter separately from other parties that entered together.
      • When you defeat all monsters that appear inside the waterway, a gate that connects to the next map will be activated. When you use the gate, you will gain points based on the current number of party members.
      • At the Deep Waterway, you can summon the Sharenian Demon, Arcanus, by activating the altar. The altar can be activated when all parties gather together.
        • Arcanus can transform up to phase 5 based on the amount of Guild members in the map, and it will no longer transform afterward.
        • You can get Dungeon Points in proportion to the damage you inflicted to Arcanus and its minions.
        • In Deep Waterway, party buffs will be shared even when you are in different parties.
      • If you defeat Arcanus below phase 5 or exceed the time limit, you will end the culvert investigation and return to the guild preparation room.
      • If the sum of all Dungeon Points obtained by guild members from the Sharenian Culvert exceeds a certain amount, you can receive Noblesse SP after the weekly calculations.
        • According to the weekly ranking results, which is based on the Dungeon Points, you can receive additional Noblesse SP.
      • Sharenian Guild Party quest will close and be replaced by the Sharenian Culvert.
    • Improved Flag Race.
      • Adjusted the location of some portals.
      • Flag Race can now be used in more channels from Scania, Bera, and Aurora.
      • [Updated June 11] Giant Potion and Delicious Gold Piece can no longer be used during Flag Race.
      • Changed so that each character can fire the cannon only up to 3 times and can sit only up to 10 seconds at a time. The cannon can no longer be used while moving.
      • You can no longer discard items.
      • Increased the total amount of players that can participate in Flag Race. The max number of players per map will remain as 20.
    • Added achievements related to guild and guild contents.
      • Join a Guild.
      • Attendance check 15 consecutive times.
      • Earn 500,000 Contribution or more from the same guild.
      • Obtain a Sharenian Demon Mount.
      • Participate in Sharenian Culvert 10 times.
      • Explore the Culvert.
      • Arcanus Phase 5 appears.
      • Participate in Flag Race 30 times
      • Use the Flag Race Cannon 60 times.
      • Finish Flag Race 90 or more times.
      • Get at least 3rd place in Flag Race 10 or more times.
    Maple Guide Revamp

    • Maple Guide is now more convenient and easier to use than before!
    • Improved the Recommended Contents list.
      • When the UI is maximized, the contents are categorized and placed separately according to their characteristics, making it easier to view them.
        • Level Content: Recommends content according to the character's level.
        • Boss Content: Recommends per stage by dividing into tiers according to the bosses' difficulty.
        • Special Content: Recommends content that can be enjoyed regardless of the level by categorizing them into Story, Growth, Competition, and Arcane River.
        • Level Content: The criteria will be standardized per the level of the monsters that appear in the content.
          • Added Recommended Content within Level Content.
            • Sand Castle Playground
            • Hidden Garden
            • Kerning Tower Interior
            • Swarm Stronghold
            • UFO Corridor
          • [Updated June 9] Some content will be temporarily unavailable from recommendations.
            • [Updated June 9] Ninja Castle and Showa Town
    • Improved the convenience of Maple Guide usage.
      • If content accessible in the Maple Guide is added, it will be provided as a screen message upon leveling up.
      • Added an area in the UI that shows the main rewards for each content. When you click it, you can learn where to acquire the reward.
      • When the UI is maximized, you can now see the list of Maple Guide recommended quests per job.
      • Reduced the size of level-up flow area on the left while the UI is maximized.
      • Set effect information will be displayed on the item that is shown as the main reward.
      • Prior to obtaining the content stamp, the level range criteria for moving to the location has been expanded to additional Lv. 20 to 29 above the listed maximum level range.
      • Added a feature that directly connects to the relevant quest when you click the Prerequisite Quest area in each content's detailed information window.
      • Changed the field you move to as well as the completion stamp distribution quest for the Clocktower Bottom Floor among recommended content for Lv. 110 and 120.
      • Changed the recommended level range for Korean Folk Town.
    • Added Maple Guide Missions.
      • Added simple missions that teach you about MapleStory at certain level ranges.
      • Detailed information related to the missions can be viewed again anytime.
    Chat Emoticon

    • You can now express your thoughts using Chat Emoticons in-game!
    • Chat Emoticons will be accessible in your chat window button, Maple Chat button, and keyboard hotkey.
    • You can use the emoticons by double-clicking the emoticons in the UI, assigning commands for each emoticon (up to 20 commands), and adding an individual emoticon as a hotkey.
    • Chat Emoticons will be displayed as a chat bubble on top of your character and it can only be used when your chat window is set to ‘everyone’ or ‘party’.
    • Your Maple Chat must be in a maximized UI for you to send a Chat Emoticon using the UI. You can still send an emoticon using commands in a minimized UI.
    • Orange Mushroom, Pink Bean, and Pepe group emoticons will be given by default as permanent emoticons. These cannot be removed from the UI.
    • You will be given 8 Chat Emoticon slots by default.
      • Up to 18 individual emoticons can be obtained for each emoticon group.
    • Group emoticon order can be changed by dragging and dropping them in edit mode. The groups can also be removed.
    • When you attempt to apply a durational emoticon item while the identical emoticon item is in possession, the duration will be overwritten rather than being added.
    • The same emoticon is limited to 3 consecutive uses at a time. You must use another emoticon or move to another chat to use the emoticon again.


    Quest Improvements

    • Vanishing Journey and Chu Chu Island
      • Adjusted story quest difficulty and improved some maps in Vanishing Journey and Chu Chu Island.
        • Adjusted the difficulty of quests in Extinction Zone and Cave of Repose. Some quests will have the number of items required for completion reduced and the quest item drop rate increased.
          • Taming the Flame 1
          • Taming the Flame 2
          • Taming the Flame 3
          • The Solution is Dissolution 1
          • The Solution is Dissolution 2
          • The Solution is Dissolution 3
        • Adjusted the difficulty of Chu Chu Island story quests. Some quests will have the number of items required for completion reduced and the quest item drop rate increased.
          • Master Lyck's Special Dish
          • The Five-Color Hill Special 1
          • The Five-Color Hill Special 2
          • Fresh from the Slurpy Forest 1
          • Fresh from the Slurpy Forest 2
          • Eree Valley's Catch of the Day 1
          • Eree Valley's Catch of the Day 2
          • A Taste of Skywhale Mountain 2
    • Fixed the issue where, if you searched for a monster in the world map, non-existent maps would be searched sometimes.
    • Added headers to quests so that it is easier to recognize they are for certain content.
      • Mushroom Castle
      • Magatia's Secret
      • FriendStory
      • Ellin Forest
      • Lion King's Castle
      • Fantasy Theme World
      • Temple of Time
      • Kerning Tower
      • Haven
    • Fixed the issue where you could not exit the map, if you canceled taking a photo in a certain map, while progressing through FriendStory quests.
    • Fixed the issue where Gate to the Future monsters were not dropping Dream Fragment. Changed the name of the quest item required to complete 'Gate to the Future' quest, from "Dream Fragment" to "Shiny Dream Fragment".
    • Fixed the issue where the "Clouded Monk Trainee" monster did not give EXP.
    • Fixed the issue where the description was incorrect for ‘[Knight Stronghold] Anne's Misunderstanding’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where random portals and Runes were created in Haven story quest fields.
    • Improved the Scrapyard and Dark World Tree weekly quests.
      • Changed the quest names so that you can identify the monsters you need to hunt and what items you need to collect.
      • Adjusted the difficulty of some quests so that they are easier to complete.
    • Changed the quest names for Hoyoung's ‘Silver Emblem of the Three Paths Re-Distribution’ and ‘Gold Emblem of the Three Paths Re-Distribution’ quests to ‘Silver Three Paths Emblem’ and ‘Gold Three Paths Emblem’.
    • Fixed the issue where the character could move outside the screen in Master Training Center 3 in the Mirror World.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan could not come back up when using Teleport downward in the Safe - 1st Entrance map while progressing through ‘Releasing the Free Spirits’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark could not leave "Francis's Room" if logging back in while progressing through ‘Strange World: Verne Mine’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the portal usage sound effect did not play when you used the portal that leads to Bowman Instructional School.
    • Fixed the issue where the sign, located in Where the Sun Rises in Ellinia's East Forest, was leading to the incorrect map.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not return to the previous map even if you used the cannon in Ship Deck 1 map in ‘Mush Ado About Nothing’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where a certain map in Riena Strait was displayed as a blue icon in the world map despite it being a normal field.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close if you clicked the bag for Phantom to disguise while progressing through Heroes of Maple Act 3.
    • Fixed the issue where Kao appeared in Lakeshore in Vanishing Journey, regardless of the quest conditions.
    • Fixed the issue where you could use some skills while on the rock cliff in Vanishing Journey.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close if you held down the Interact/Harvest key while completing 'Maha's Request' quest.
    • Lowered the tutorial quest difficulty for Cadena, Illium, and Ark.
    • Fixed the issue where players could not return to their previous map from the Safe - 1st Entrance map in Ludibrium.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an awkward expression on the quest guide window for Morass daily quests.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the Limina's daily quests would display its completion requirements differently.
    • Fixed the issue where the Monster Life monster would appear on the Cannoneer tutorial map.
    • Fixed the issue where Evan would say an incorrect location to obtain the Tropical Fruit Punch during the 'Teo's Advice' quest.
    • Reduced the difficulty of Kaiser's 'Reclaiming the Relic' quest. The quest item drop rate has been increased.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark could not return to Verdel using the Maple Guide if he had reached Lv. 30 and above after leaving Verdel without completing the tutorial quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Blade Lord and Hermit could not receive the Silver Maple Leaf Emblem again.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung’s Emblem redistribution quests would not appear on the quest window's completed tab.
    • Fixed the issue where the loading window wouldn't disappear when playing the entry animation for Arcana.
    Item Improvements

    • Removed the description that the item can be shared between account displayed at the bottom of Greed Pendant's tooltip as it was overlapping with the shareable attribute explanation at the top of the tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's ears still displayed, when the character disappeared while sitting on the Space Ray Gun Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where the hair color result window's "After Change" hair color was listed incorrectly, when dyeing mix-dyed hair with a Regular Hair Color Coupon or a VIP Hair Color Coupon.
    • Added equippable weapon information to Ignite and Pink Bean Huggable Cushion tooltip.
    • Some motions for Cash items have been changed.
      • Fixed the issue where the eye movement for some Sesame Face eye colors would be frozen when using the Googly Eyes action.
      • Fixed the issue where the glitter effect would be in an awkward position when the character changed direction after equipping the Hallowkitty's Witch Hat.
      • Fixed the issue where the outfit was displayed awkwardly in some movements, after equipping the Princess Charming outfit.
      • Fixed the issue where the Final Ingredient weapon effect was misaligned in some motions.
      • Fixed the issue where the character was displayed awkwardly if you were attacked using the Blanket Rollup Mount.
      • Fixed the issue where some facial expressions did not show for the Glamor Look.
      • Fixed the issue where Dotty Face's default eye color and the eye color in some winking expressions did not match.
      • Fixed the issue where some cape images disappeared when using Angelic Buster's Celestial Roar skill.
      • Fixed the issue where you could not use alphabet, number and space together when naming Androids and pets.
      • Fixed the issue where some images were missing for Hallo-Hallo Witch Hat.
      • Fixed the issue where some parts of jump effect did not display when Luminous equipped Dew Parasol weapon.
      • Fixed the issue where some large Cash hats displayed when riding the Source of Darkness Mount.
      • Fixed the issue where the image of the Azure Teddy Loafer item would be incorrect.
      • Fixed the issue where the facial expression would appear awkwardly when using the Queasy emotion on the Bashful Face.
      • Fixed the issue where Sachiel Wings would appear awkwardly when hanging on a ladder or rope with the Sachiel Wings equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where it would appear awkwardly in some parts when Fairy Bell is equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where the Sweet Baguette weapon would not be visible when a Corsair character jumps.
    • Eye of Fire and Eye of Fire Chunk can no longer be listed in the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where it would show as if your body had disappeared when you sat on certain chairs.
    • Changed so that the weapon's particles do not display for chairs that do not show the weapon.
    • The weapons will now be sorted and displayed in job class order when you show the entire weapon list after using Piece of Destruction or Piece of Ruin.
    • Fixed the issue where the Dream Coin icon did not have a shadow.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack motion for some bows was displaying awkwardly.
      • Timeless Engaw
      • Reverse Engaw
      • Abyss Engaw
      • Briser Longbow
      • Fearless Engaw
      • Loveless Engaw
    • Changed the font for the cumulative 1st place count on the Master Exorcist Chair.
    • Added notation to packages that contain item(s) that have gender restrictions, so that it is easier to know the pertinent gender.
    • Fixed the issue where some of the characters' faces would not appear properly if they wore hats during the story cutscenes.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects would appear awkwardly when some of the Androids wore hats.
    • Preview will now be available when using Carta's Indigo Pearl, Carta's Scarlet Pearl, and Carta's Teal Pearl so that players can choose the type of ear they want before changing.
    • Fixed the issue where an earring would appear when some of the characters who have had Elf or Flora ears as default ears equip a helmet-type hat.
    • Fixed the issue where specific appearances would appear for Kaiser, Angelic Buster, Demon, Illium, and Ark characters when sitting on Safety Blanket and Breezy Clothesline chairs.
    • Fixed the issue where the text would be in an awkward location when using the MVP Plus EXP Atmospheric Effect (Diamond) item.
    • Fixed the issue where a bonus EXP message would incorrectly appear when eliminating a monster with the Oathbound title equipped.
    Content Changes

    • Fury Totem will no longer be available from Maple Reward Shop and Fairy Bros Daily Gift.
      • It will be removed from Fairy Bros Daily Gift starting July.
    • Wild Totem has been added to the Maple Reward Shop and Fairy Bros Daily Gift.
      • It will be added to the Fairy Bros Daily Gift starting July.
      • Item can be purchased as a coupon that gives durational skill equipment.
      • When the item is equipped, ‘Wild Totem’ skill can be used.
      • Wild Totem Coupon: Untradeable, 30-day duration. Use to receive the following item:
        • Wild Totem: Untradeable, 2-hour duration. Grants the following buff:
          • Reduces the monster respawn time on the map by 40% of the normal respawn time, and increases the number of max monster respawn by 50%.
    • [Updated June 10] Meister’s Cube and Master Craftsman’s Cubes will now be transferable through the account.
    • Pororing Face has been renamed to Bashful Face.
    • Fixed the issue where Sloth Lv. 1 was not applied in Ghost Park Normal Mode.
    • Adjusted the difficulty of Ghost Park Ranked Mode.
      • Banshee is now faster and her attacks are stronger.
      • The damage you can inflict at once to Young Ghost, Scholar Ghost, and Gentleman Ghost will be limited. Changed so that when they are hit once, they cannot be hit again for 5 seconds.
      • When 10 minutes pass, Runes will not be created and existing Runes will disappear as well.
      • Blink, Blaze Wizard's Flashfire, Aran's Final Toss, Phantom's Shroud Walk, Demon Slayer's Chaos Lock, Mechanic's Open Portal: GX-9, Zero's Shadow Flash, and Hoyoung's Talisman: Warp Gate can no longer be used.
    • Changed the key input effect that displays when saving a Rock Spirit in Spirit Savior from Space Bar to Interact/Harvest.
    • Fixed the issue where the UI said it was the incorrect monster when you defeated Grizzly while progressing through the 38th floor of Tower of Oz.
    • Fixed the issue where it showed as an incorrect answer even when you got the correct answer in the 39th floor of Tower of Oz.
    • Reduced the price of Arcane Umbra Armor from 16 coins to 12 coins.
    • Reduced the number of Arcane River Droplet Stone/Stone Origin Droplet items required to exchange for Phantasma Coin/Arachno Coin from 10 to 9.
    • Slightly increased the drop rates for Arcane River Droplet Stone and Stone Origin Droplet.
    • Changed the location of the coconut on the 18th floor of Tower of Oz so that it is easier to attack.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not complete the ‘Ridiculous Number of Levels’ achievement as Pathfinder.
    • Fixed the issue where you could not complete the ‘Legend of Legends II’ achievement as Pathfinder.
    • Fixed incorrect information in the Beginner's Guide given to Explorers.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Lord Pirate Hat was not given in the Lord Pirate Party Quest.
    • Pets can no longer be used on the 27th floor of Tower of Oz.
    • Monsters appearing in Erda Spectrum will no longer be regarded as monsters near your level.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Mastermind Magnus’ achievement from Cadena's Journal could be obtained with a character other than Cadena.
    • Clean Slate Scroll 1%, Clean Slate Scroll 3%, and Clean Slate Scroll 5% items that have a destruction rate will no longer be dropped from monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where arrow-type items possessed by the character would sometimes be removed if connection got lost during the Cross World Party Quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the "Next" button wouldn't work when using the 'Change Face' menu with Android Beautician Lauren.
    • Fixed the issue where Deep Inside the Clocktower and Origin of Clocktower would be displayed as Star Force areas on the world map.
    • Fixed the issue where Nest Golem at the Destroyed Dragon Nest in Minar Forest would not be displayed on the world map.
    • Fixed the issue where the goblin would appear awkwardly when it's under the stunned abnormal status during '[Korean Folk Town] A Goblin's Heart' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where a plant image would be floating in air on some of the Fox Valley maps.
    • The Modded Laseroid that appears in Scrapyard will no longer appear in Scrapyard Hill 2 and Scrapyard Lot but in Upper Skyline and Skyline 1 instead.
    • Fixed the issue where the player would immediately be on the ascending air current when entering the Mountain's Mouth map through log-in or moving channels.
    • Rosen's location has been adjusted so that Magatia's Storage Keeper label would be visible.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters on the Sanctuary field would drop Warrior equipment regardless of the class in Reboot world.
    • Changed monsters that appear in some of the Chu Chu Island maps.
      • Mottled Forest 1: Only Bighorn Pinedeer will appear.
      • Within Five-Color Hill: Only Ramanana will appear.
      • Dealie-Bobber Forest 1: Unripe Wolfruit and Ripe Wolfruit will appear together.
      • Bitty-Bobble Forest 1: Flyon and Angry Flyon will appear together.
      • Chu Chu Village Entrance: Green Catfish and Blue Catfish will appear together.
      • Below the Falls: Blue Catfish will no longer appear, and Rhyturtle and Boss Rhyturtle will appear together.
      • Skywhale Peak: Birdshark and Patriarch Birdshark will no longer appear, and only Patriarch Crilia will appear.
      • Colossal Tail: Only Patriarch Birdshark will appear.
    • Improved the terrain of some maps in Vanishing Journey and Chu Chu Island.
      • Vanishing Journey
        • Rock Zone: Added a platform on the center-right of the map.
      • Chu Chu Island
        • Mottled Forest 2: Changed the location of the hidden portal.
        • Mountain's Mouth: Moved platform closer to the air current.
        • Skywhale Mountainside 1 and Skywhale Mountainside 2: Moved the platform and air current placements.
        • Skywhale Peak and Colossal Tail: Slightly reduced the map size. Moved platforms and changed platform length.
    • Removed the following Marriage medal quests:
      • Can't Live Alone
      • Love at Fifth Sight
      • Legendary Casanova
    • [Updated June 12] Mystic Gate daily limit has been reduced to 15.
    System Changes

    • Reduced the EXP required for Lv. 170-200 range by 19%.
    • Increased Bera and NA Reboot channels from 20 to 30 for the Summer.
    • Familiar UI will be completely disabled in v.214 and the overall Familiar system will reopen in the v.215 update.
      • While the Familiar system is disabled, we prepared the Random Familiar Buff Event. Click here to learn more about it!
    • Added information to the description of Arcane Power increase in Hyper Skills to match the current logic.
    • If Dual Blade gets skills sealed while using Asura's Anger, Asura's Anger will be canceled.
    • Phantom can no longer steal Meso Explosion. Phantom characters that already stole Meso Explosion will have their stolen skill removed.
    • Slow effect from Cannoneer's Blast Back will apply to bosses as well.
    • Added skill description to Demon Slayer's Blue Blood, to match the current logic.
    • Added explanation to the skill descriptions of Otherworld Goddess's Blessing, Demon Avenger's Overload Release, and Demonic Blast that you cannot recover HP in Ghost Park.
    • Added information to Blaster's Rocket Punch skill description that it does not apply to 5th Job skills.
    • Added information to Kaiser's Dragon Link skill description that the Final Damage increase buff disappears no matter what skill you use.
    • The cooldown no longer applies if Marksman uses Surge Bolt but fails to fire.
    • Added skill description to Dual Blade's Final Cut that the damage changes based on the charging time.
    • Changed the sound effects for Blaster's exclusive UI from Normal SFX to Skill SFX.
    • Added prerequisite skill description to Illium's Longinus Zone.
    • Blaster, while having used Bullet Blast, can no longer disable the invincibility buff in the buff window by right-clicking.
    • Changed the effect resolution for Evan's Elemental Barrage and Elemental Radiance.
    • If the Call of Cygnus and Elemental Expert skills didn't exist even after completing the ‘Shinsoo's Call’ quest, it has been added to automatically distribute to those that don't have the skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the coupon's expiration would be updated if you used the Legion Rank Mount Coupon while you already own a Legion Rank Mount.
    • Fixed the issue where the text overflowed in the pop-up window for items with long names in the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where Shadower's Secondary Weapon "Dagger Scabbard" was showing as "DaggerScabbard" without the space in the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where the pertinent UI would not close if you enhance using the Golden Hammer UI while Zero's weapon UI is already open.
    • Changed the world selection button color for Reboot and added information about the world.
    • Fixed the issue where it would sometimes seem as if the Available Upgrades were used in Reboot world.
    • [Updated June 9] You can no longer harvest or mine in maps that are 20 levels above your character’s level.
    • Changed so that permanent items that provide limited-time stats will no longer display an expiration notification.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes close when you equipped certain core(s) in the Evolution System.
    • You can now use the skill attack power comparison feature under the ring and pendant equipment tooltip in the Auction House with the mouse wheel button.
    • Increased the number of characters you can enter when searching on the Auction House.
    • Extended the length of the search window so that you can check the desired item's name in more detail when searching on the Auction House.
    • When you hover your mouse cursor over the Add Slots button in the Storage Room, you can now see the number of Storage Room slots you are currently using, as well as the maximum number of slots you can expand.
    • Added Chance Time information to the Star Force Enhancement Help in the Enhancement UI.
    • When you create Nodes in the V Matrix, you can now craft up to 99 at once.
    • If you are using the same PC, you no longer need to set the feature that allows selling by right-clicking in the shop again.
    • You can now learn the name of the character's skin when you use a Skin Coupon or double-click it in the Cash Shop.
    • Added information on how to use Soul Enchanter on its description.
    • The equippable gender will now be displayed for gender-restricted items in the Cash Shop's Royal Style.
    • Changed so that you can now purchase items for a different gender than that of the purchasing character with Maple Points.
    • Changed Trait EXP's font color so that it has better readability.
    • Upon sorting the same time-restricted items, they will be sorted by what expires first.
    • Maple News and Sunny Sunday information pop-ups will show as semi-transparent in battle.
    • You can now purchase multiple Spell Trace and Mastery Book items at once from the Silent Crusade Shop.
    • Added description of the current state and changed state upon using Carta's Indigo Pearl, Carta's Teal Pearl, and Carta's Scarlet Pearl.
    • When using an Atmospheric effect that is not a Cash item, such as Blessing of the Guild, you can now use another Atmospheric effect after 2 seconds.
    • Added Mu Lung Dojo Back Yard for Training, where you can summon Scarecrows even when not in town, to allow practicing skill usage. You can access through the portal in Mu Lung Dojo Entrance.
    • Changed so that if a pet that has Auto Feed and Movement Skill become hungry during a story cutscene, it will eat food after the cutscene ends.
    • Changed so that you can press "End Conversation" in the window for entering the gift-recipient character's name when you use the Kin Symbol.
    • Changed so that you can now search for an item using one letter in the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where if the item name listed on the Auction House was too long, it would overlap with the price.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipment level requirement displayed awkwardly if the level requirement became 0 or lower due to the Reduced Level Requirement Bonus Stat.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill attack power was not properly compared in the equipment tooltip if Xenon had Mechanical Heart equipped in the Emblem Slot and the Heart Slot. You can now try changing the Mechanical Heart tooltip in the Emblem Slot and the Heart Slot with the mouse wheel button.
    • Fixed the issue where the Coupon UI kept displaying every time you pressed F5 key in the Cash Shop if you had an expression assigned to F5 key.
    • Item name, level range, and price information have now been added to the list of saved filters in the Auction House.
    • When adding a character to the blacklist, a blacklist name is now added as well. Characters who have already been added to the blacklist will be saved as the character name at the time of adding them to the list.
    • Chat room names of blacklisted characters will no longer be visible for mini-games, such as Omok.
    • Fixed the issue where an account friend request would sometimes arrive when friend request had not been permitted.
    • Fixed the issue where if receiving a friend request, the name wouldn't be displayed on the notification when the character logged-in.
    • Fixed the issue where the character who has not been accepted as a friend after receiving their request would be included in the number of friends on the friends list.
    • Fixed the issue where characters could sometimes be placed, exceeding the character limit in Legion.
    • Fixed the issue where if you failed to use the Experience Nodestone, the item would disappear.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would crash when closing the result window after using Nodestone repetitively multiple times.
    • When an Equipment Trace is created from failing Star Force enhancement after using a Cash scroll on equipment, the Cash scroll will now be left on the Equipment Trace.
    • When an equipped item has become 'untradeable when equipped' from using an item on it, the equipment's stat will no longer be applied.
    • Immediately after a Bonus Potential Cube is used on an item on which the Bonus Potential is sealed, a message will pop up saying that it cannot be used.
    • List of colors that can be obtained can now be checked by double-clicking on the VIP Hair Color Coupon or Regular Hair Color Coupons.
    • Fixed the issue where crafting and disassembling could sometimes be done at the same time as a profession.
    • Fixed the issue where characters could sit on chairs using specific controls while fusing or disassembling as a profession.
    • When attempting to fuse as a profession, a message will now be displayed that if the ingredient to be fused has been enhanced, the enhancement will be reset.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest with completion requirement to eliminate monsters would not get automatically added to the notifier.
    • Improved the consistency of the Portals in the Gollux Boss fight.
    • Updated the text for the Meso Piggy Bank to make it more clear when the item is empty.
    • Added a feature that players can now preview hair colors using their current hair by double clicking the Hair Color Coupons in the Cash Shop.
    • The following items can now be dropped even when an account is under trade restriction:
      • Eye of the Fire Chunk
      • Eye of Fire
      • Piece of Cracked Dimension
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where Master Craftsman’s Cube and Meister’s Cube didn’t drop in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where Lip Lock Keys did not drop from Purplewood Forest monsters.
    • Fixed various minor text issues throughout the game.
    • Fixed the issue where the cat was misplaced in Kerning City.
    • Fixed the issue where the UI would not allow players to enter the queue for Gollux at times.
    • Fixed the issue where Commerci's Nightpriest Assassin was summoning the incorrect monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where an error message would appear when the Meso Piggy Bank expired.
    • Fixed the issue where an error message would appear after completing the Maple Tour introduction quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the following monsters were incorrectly invincible during certain animations:
      • Electrophant
      • Wolf Spider
      • Haunted Sandstone
      • Haunted Graystone
      • Haunted River Rock
      • Brawny Livyatan
      • Livyatan
    • Fixed the issue where Shadowknight Coins were not consistently available in Gollux's Hidden Merchant.
    • Fixed the issue where there were floating rope pieces in Henesys.
    • Fixed the issue where the client could crash upon searching for certain maps from the world map UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Mu Lung Dojo NPCs would incorrectly inform the second place player that they placed third place in the rankings.
    • Fixed the issue where 'Sakuno's Gift' quest would not always provide the correct rewards.
    • Fixed the issue where Jett was unable to attack during her tutorial maps at times.
    • Fixed the issue where the Special SP Reset Scroll would not add the correct SP amount for Kanna characters.
    • Fixed the issue where Kanna characters were gaining 1 additional SP in the 1st Job Skill UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Hitokiri Strike was not always granting invincibility.
    • Fixed the issue of some buffs sometimes not being deactivated for contents that remove all buffs upon entry.
    • Fixed the issue where Erda Nova would sometimes target monsters other than the monster with the highest max HP.
    • Fixed the issue where using Battle Analysis in Erda Spectrum displayed unnatural skill names.
    • Fixed the issue where you could use Mechanic's Open Portal: GX-9 and Hoyoung's Talisman: Warp Gate in Dream Defender.
    • Fixed the issue where, if an Explorer went through 1st Job Advancement and received the same class' Link Skill before learning its own Link Skill, the skill did not show in Link Manager.
    • Fixed the issue where 2 debuffs showed on the monster, if Paladin used Smite Shield to remove a monster's buff and stunned it.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency was changed, if Dark Knight used Radiant Evil in the Torrent Zone.
    • Fixed the issue where the Big Bang instant casting buff didn't apply, if Bishop used Genesis with Unreliable Memory.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Bow Master installed Arrow Blaster, the attack didn't consume an arrowhead in Quiver Cartridge but had some effects applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the arrowhead increase from Bow Master's Enchanted Quiver did not apply immediately, but applied after using up all arrows once.
    • Fixed the issue where information was missing in Dual Blade's Mirrored Target skill description: the effect of reducing damage taken, as well as the dummy not taking damage from some attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill would be canceled, if Wind Archer takes DoT damage while using Song of Heaven.
    • Fixed the issue where the damage increase buff would sometimes not apply, if Thunder Breaker used Typhoon after using Primal Bolt.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack key needed to be pressed twice to activate Aran's Storm of Fear.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects displayed while the skill didn't activate, if Evan used Dragon Skills a certain number of times while standing.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack continued despite Wyrmking's Breath being canceled, if Evan used Wyrmking's Breath and then used Return! at a certain timing.
    • Fixed the issue where the Phantom skill Phantom's Mark would sometimes activate targeting monsters other than the monster with the highest max HP.
    • Fixed the issue where Gatling Punch and Bullet Blast were missing among the skills that get Blaster's Revolving Cannon Mastery applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the afterimage effects did not apply when Kaiser used Air Lift while in Final Form.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would shut down if Zero used Storm Break in certain terrain.
    • Fixed the issue where the Final Damage increase effect from Transcendent Rhinne's Prayer triggered with or applied to some Shock Waves or blades activated from Zero's skill usage, as well as Burst Step.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency did not apply to objects lifted with Kinesis' Psychic Grab.
    • Fixed the issue where damage wasn't applied to monsters, if Kinesis lifted monsters with Psychic Grab, moved a long distance, and Psychic Grab was disabled.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark's Contact Caravan did not activate, if used while playing certain contents.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark's Scarlet Charge Drive would sometimes charge Scarlet Cast twice.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark's Unstoppable Impulse/Tenacious Instinct 2nd hit would activate in place despite being used with a directional key, if you had used the 1st hit while standing in place.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark's Initiate Fusion skill description was awkward.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung could not use Thousand-Ton Stone for a certain amount of time, when Hoyoung rebounded off a monster after using Iron Fan Gale (True).
    • Fixed the issue where Thousand-Ton Stone skill would not activate at a certain timing when used from Iron Fan Gale (Clone).
    • Fixed the issue where some individual Skill Mastery Books could not be used, even though they were not for removed skills.
    • Fixed the issue where some Mastery Books, which have a Master Level increase effect different from the skill's max level, could be used.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would sometimes close if Pirate used Dash.
    • Fixed the issue where the client would close if Mihile used Royal Guard.
    • Fixed the issue where the character, while using some flying skills, was not pushed back despite being hit by a knockback attack. Now the skill will be canceled and the character will be knocked back.
      • Xenon's Liberty Boosters
      • Illium's Crystalline Wings
      • Ark's Instinctual Leap
      • Hoyoung's Nimbus Cloud
    • Fixed the issue where the Guided Arrow was displayed in cutscene.
    • Fixed the issue where the Styx Crossing effects were unnatural when used by Dawn Warrior character assigned to Legion.
    • Fixed the issue where Paladin could echo with party members using Divine Echo in Boss Black Mage phase 4.
    • Fixed the issue where the increased Final Damage against enemies from Dawn Warrior's True Sight was applying as Damage.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard's Ignition Explosion damage was inflicting normal damage to enemies that take fixed damage.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom part of the background was displayed as white after Night Walker used Dominion.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes's Rising Rush, used with the down directional key, could be used even without equipping a Secondary Weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill cooldown disappeared if Phantom input certain controls while replacing skills in Impeccable Memory.
    • Fixed the issue where Photic Meditation was re-cast if Luminous added Photic Meditation to pet buff and received the Hex of the Evil Eye buff from a party member.
    • Fixed the issue where Demon Avenger could use Demonic Frenzy and Demonic Blast even while riding a mount.
    • Fixed the issue where Xenon's Hypogram Field did not attack if some UI was turned on.
    • Fixed the issue where the action was unnatural if Kaiser got on a rope while in Final Form and used certain buffs.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero could move with Shadow Flash in Spirit Savior.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters still appeared even when you activated the Erda Collector in Erda Spectrum.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill cooldown was longer if the skill was a Hyper Skill when Phantom switched skills in Impeccable Memory.
    • Fixed the issue where if you used a skill simultaneously as the Special Node Fatal Strike activated, the skill was not properly used.
    • Fixed the issue where some skills that charge forward did not move in Boss Will phase 1.
    • Fixed the issue where Guided Arrow was maintained in Heroes of Maple.
    • Fixed the issue where Bow Master could not activate Flaming Arrow with Arrow Blaster after using Quiver Barrage.
    • Fixed the issue where the transparency applied with pre-adjustment values if Dawn Warrior used Soul Forge, set the effect transparency to minimum, and then moved maps.
    • Fixed the issue where Blaze Wizard's Orbital Flame would sometimes activate towards the opposite direction of where the character is facing.
    • Fixed the issue where Return Flame's damage did not apply if Evan used Return Flame and then used Dragon Master.
    • Fixed the issue where the Fusion Skill was deactivated if Evan used a Fusion Skill in Erda Spectrum and then used the Erda Collector.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes' Sylvidia's Flight would sometimes have the effects applied even when deactivated.
    • Fixed the issue where the weapon image and skill effects were different when Phantom stole and used Paladin's Charge skills.
    • Fixed the issue where Shroud Walk's image remained if Phantom died while using Shroud Walk in some maps.
    • Fixed the issue where the explosion damage did not apply if Blaster charged using Bullet Blast and then reloaded bullets.
    • Fixed the issue where the effects displayed awkwardly if Wild Hunter used Wild Arrow Blast simultaneously with a jump.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser's exclusive UI would display in the Cash Shop at times.
    • Fixed the issue where Cadena would fall to the bottom of the map when using Summon Daggers in certain terrain.
    • Fixed the issue where Cadena's Chain Arts: Beatdown would sometimes attack enemies other than the enemy with the highest max HP.
    • Fixed the issue where Attack Speed did not apply to Angelic Buster's Soul Seeker casting action.
    • Fixed the issue where if Zero used Shadow Flash on a diagonal platform, the sanctuary was placed in an awkward location.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero's Shadow Flash would sometimes be placed in air.
    • Fixed the issue where the monsters would sometimes not count as monsters near your level upon their death when Kinesis was holding monsters with Psychic Grab.
    • Fixed the issue where information was missing in Illium's Aegis of Light skill description about being immune to Knockback when activated.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's Link Skill, Bravado, was not properly applied to some boss monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where if Hoyoung added attribute skills to macro and died while using it, he continued with the motion after being revived.
    • Fixed the issue where additional HP was not reflected in the recovery amount of Hoyoung's Scroll: Star Vortex.
    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung, after using Sage: Wrath of Gods, could summon the gods while riding a mount.
    • Fixed the issue where Lotus Boss was not dropping Familiar cards.
    • Fixed the issue where the Orchid Familiar was displaying the incorrect name and art.
    • Fixed the issue where the Familiars from the Sword Art Online crossover were displaying the incorrect name.
    • Fixed the art on several Familiar cards to better reflect their rarity.
    • Fixed the issue where Ollie had untranslated text when entering Will battle in practice mode.
    • Fixed the issue where Royal Spoiled Fairy had untranslated text.
    • Fixed the issue where Mike in Sleepywood had untranslated text.
    • Fixed the text issue where the 'Sky Chair' was being referenced as 'Night chair' when redeeming associated coupons.
    • Fixed the text issue where Valivah would indicate the wrong monster name for hunting Ascendions.
    • Fixed the text issue where Lulu Spinel was saying that a meso value is half of what players would receive, while the value correctly displayed the full value that will be received.
    • Fixed the description text on the Fragile Heart Tree Key to match recent revamps of Gollux.
    Known Issues

    • There are slight delays in Adele's voiceover in certain dialogues.
    • Kanna's Orochi Unbound skill description tooltip incorrectly states that the key can be held down for up to approximately 6 seconds when it should be 4 seconds.
    • Kanna's Vanquisher's Charm skill description tooltip does not list the added max duration.
    • When you hover over the Maple Relay UI, it will display incorrect text stating that the daily rewards are Maple Points instead of Maple Reward Points.
    • [Updated June 10] Rise Stamp Shop in the in-game Event list incorrectly displays Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon as one of the available items.
    • [Updated June 10] Rise Fountain dialogue incorrectly states that Phase 2 and Phase 3 will start after maintenance on the respective dates.
    • [Updated June 10] Pre-Leveled Character Cards will temporarily be disabled.
    • [Updated June 10] Fire/Poison Mage's 'Mist Eruption' skill doesn't inflict damage on monsters.
    • [Updated June 10] When custom Guild Emblem is uploaded, the new Guild Emblem does not appear next to the Guild Name while it is displayed on the Guild UI.
    • [Updated June 10] When attempting to change Guild leader due to their long absence, players will receive an error message that only Guild leader has the authority to change Guild leaders.
    • [Updated June 10] Kanna's Tengu Strike skill sometimes becomes unresponsive. Changing channels or maps can be used as a temporary workaround.
    • [Updated June 11] Attempting to teleport to Commerci Voyages through Maple Guide will cause the client to crash.
    • [Updated June 11] Illium characters cannot complete 3rd Job Advancement due to NPC Shuang's disappearance.
    • [Updated June 11] There is untranslated text when player selects nodes for enhancement.
    • [Updated June 11] There is untranslated text when player attempts to enter Easy Lucid practice mode.
    • [Updated June 11] Beast Tamer's Baby Bomber skill doesn't inflict damage on monsters.
    • [Updated June 11] Beast Tamer's Fort Follow Up skill does not always trigger.
    • [Updated June 11] Beast Tamer's All Together! Critter Crossing! Hyper skill removes all buffs from player on expiration.
    • [Updated June 11] Entering Stellar Detective Party Quest may cause the client to crash.
    • [Updated June 12] Characters created on the 52nd slot may not show up on the character slot screen. The character is not deleted or missing, it just cannot be seen or selected in the 52nd slot.
    • [Updated June 11] Beast Tamer's Skill Points cannot be added on certain skills when player scrolls down the Skill UI. Please use the expanded view of Beast Tamer skills as a workaround.
    • [Updated June 12] Kanna's Spirit Warding Charm is displayed as 'No Name: A' on Battle Analysis.
    • [Updated June 12] Beast Tamer's Fly's cooldown is not reduced from Formation Attack skill.
    • [Updated June 12] Using Vapor Blade skill in Hieizan Dungeon may crash the client.
    • [Updated June 12] There is untranslated text when player enters Edelstein Airport while the 'Water Trade' quest is in progress.
    • [Updated June 15] Sharenian Culvert Points and Ranking may not be recorded in certain cases.
    • [Updated June 15] When all of Zakum instances are full, player's entry may be consumes and be teleported to El Nath.
    • [Updated June 15] Gloom and Darknell are affected by the increased monster's HP modifier for Reboot world.
    • [Updated June 15] Beast Tamers cannot use any Guild Skills.
    Rise Banquet Hall

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – August 25 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Sit on a Rise Chair in the Rise Banquet Hall to earn Rise Coins or EXP!
    • The entrance to Rise Banquet Hall is located on the Rise Salon map.
    • You must have a Rise Chair in your possession to enter the map. Talk to Melissa on Rise Salon map to purchase the chairs at the Rise Royal Shop.
      • Sit on the Rise Chair: Greetings to earn EXP.
      • Sit on the Rise Chair: Reading, Rise Chair: Music Appreciation, or Rise Chair: Art Appreciation to earn Rise Coins.
    • If you have reached your coin capacity for the day, you will no longer earn Rise Coins.
    • EXP can only be acquired up to 8 hours per day.


    • Rise Coins
    • EXP
    Rise Famous Painting

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – August 25 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Visit the Famous Salon Painting on the Rise Salon map and trade in your Salon Stamp in exchange for a special buff!
    • Upon paying 1 Salon Stamp, you can select 1 buff listed below.
    • To learn more about how to obtain Salon Stamps, click here!


    • 2x EXP Buff: Grants 2x EXP for 30 minutes. Buff cannot be used with similar effects.
    • Extreme Buff: Grants Attack Speed +1, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, and MaxHP/MaxMP +3,000 for 30 minutes.
    Rise Battlefield of Honor

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – August 25 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • It’s time to prove your strength as a knight!
    • Accept ‘[Rise] Battlefield of Honor’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Daria on Rise Salon map.
    • Upon entering the battlefield, you will be given options between Tournament and Rumble.
    • Your goal is to attack the Boss Knight and Knight’s Spearmen within 2 minutes to obtain Rise Points.
    • There are a total of 10 stages, and when you defeat all the Knights in the map, you will automatically progress to the next stage.
    • You will receive Rise Coins according to the points you earned in the battlefield. You will be given 1 Rise Coin for every 10 points you have earned.
    • If you are not satisfied with the amount of points you have gained, you will have the option to retry without receiving the rewards. You can complete it again anytime if you exit without receiving the rewards.
    • You can receive up to 120 additional Rise Coins if you beat your best record.
    • Rewards can be obtained once a day per world.
    • Rise Coins from the Battlefield of Honor are not affected by the daily point capacity.


    • Rise Coins
    Rise Battlefield of Honor - Rumble

    UTC: July 8 at 12:00 AM – August 25 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • We are introducing Rumble, a new method for you to train, so take up on the challenge and achieve the highest score!
    • Accept ‘[Rise] Battlefield of Honor’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Daria on Rise Salon map.
    • Upon entering the battlefield, you will be given options between Tournament and Rumble.
    • Tournament
      • This is the same format as the previous Rise Battlefield of Honor.
      • Your goal is to attack the Boss Knight and Knight’s Spearmen within 2 minutes to obtain Rise Points.
      • There are a total of 10 stages, and when you defeat all the Knights in the map, you will automatically progress to the next stage.
      • You will receive Rise Coins according to the points you earned in the battlefield. You will be given 1 Rise Coin for every 10 points you have earned.
    • Rumble
      • Your goal is to eliminate Boss Knight and Knight’s Spearmen in the battlefield. The monsters will be stronger the farther they are located to the right side of the map.
      • You will receive Rise Coins based on the damage you inflicted to the monsters.
    • If you are not satisfied with the amount of points you have gained, you will have the option to retry without receiving the rewards. You can complete again anytime if you exit without receiving the rewards.
    • You can receive up to 120 additional Rise Coins if you beat your best record.
    • Rewards can be obtained once a day per world.
    • Rise Coins from the Battlefield of Honor are not affected by the daily point capacity.
    • Entry and score obtained from Tournament and Rumble are shared.


    • Rise Coins
    Rise Field Hunt - Rising Knight Training

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – July 7 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Learn while you teach young Arthur and proceed with your knight training!
    • Accept ‘[Rise] Rise Knight Training’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Arthur on Rise Salon map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will acquire the ‘Rising Knight Training’ skill.
    • Defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) with Rising Knight Training skill to collect Rise Points. As you collect Rise Points, there will be a chance of Arthur appearing to defeat the monsters with you. During this time, you will earn Rise Coins and Arthur will gain EXP.
    • Your Rising Knight Training skill will level up once Arthur earns enough EXP. Rising Knight Training skill can reach up to Lv. 5.
    • The number of Rise Coins you will acquire when Arthur appears will increase based on the level of your Rising Knight Training skill.
    • Once you reach Lv. 5 on your Rising Knight Training skill, you will be rewarded with the Official Knight Teacher Title Coupon. Starting July 8 at 12:00 AM UTC, you can earn your reward through the ‘[Rise] Knight Training Reward’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Reward can be obtained once per world.
    • When you have reached the Rise Coin capacity of the day, you can no longer use Rising Knight Training skill.


    • Rise Coins
    • Official Knight Teacher Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, coupon expires August 4 at 11:59 PM UTC. Item can be obtained starting July 8 at 12:00 AM UTC. Use to obtain the following title:
      • Official Knight Teacher: Title. Tradeable within account, stat duration lasts until August 4 at 11:59 PM UTC. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Damage against normal monsters +15%, Boss Damage +15%, Ignore Defense +15%, Max HP/MP +1000, Star Force +30, Arcane Power +30.


    Rise Field Hunt - Arthur’s Salon Debut!

    UTC: July 8 at 12:00 AM – July 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Arthur is now ready for a Salon debut! Help Arthur gather party food ingredients for his salon party!
    • Accept ‘[Rise] Arthur’s Salon Debut!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Arthur on Rise Salon map.
    • Defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) and you’ll have a chance to collect party food ingredients.
    • Each time you collect a party food ingredient, you will earn 100 Rise Points.
    • The number of party food ingredients you have collected will be displayed above your character.
    • Every time you collect 20 party food ingredients, there is a chance for Arthur or Daria to make an appearance to receive the collected ingredients.
      • If Arthur comes, you will obtain additional 4,000 Rise Points.
      • Daria will not give additional Rise Points.
    • When you have reached the Rise Coin capacity of the day, you can no longer collect party food ingredients from monsters.


    • Rise Coins
    Rise Fountain

    Phase 1: UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – July 7 at 11:59 PM
    Phase 2: UTC: July 8 at 12:00 AM – August 4 at 11:59 PM
    Phase 3: UTC: August 5 at 12:00 AM – August 25 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Invest your Rise Coins into the Rise Fountain on the Rise Salon map to earn special gifts!
    • There are a total of 3 phases of Rise Fountain. Each phase will offer different items listed below.
      • [Updated June 9] Phase 1: 300 Rise Coins can be invested per day.
      • [Updated June 9] Phase 2: 400 Rise Coins can be invested per day.
      • [Updated June 9] Phase 3: 500 Rise Coins can be invested per day.
    • Once a phase ends, the item from that phase will no longer be available.
    • If you have reached the maximum amount of Rise Coins for the phase or have received the reward, you can no longer invest more Rise Coins until the next phase.
    • If you have not received the reward during the given phase, the invested Rise Coins will roll over to the next phase.
    • The amount of Rise Coins invested is shared within account.

    Phase 1

    • Typhoon Growth Potion: 3,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

    Phase 2

    • Star Force 15-Star Enhancement: 4,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 7-day duration.

    Phase 3

    • Mitra's Rebirth Flame Box: 5,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 76-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 9 times. Open to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration. This flame can only be used on untradeable equipment items.
    Rise Stamp Shop

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Talk to Aaron on the Rise Salon map to have access to the Rise Stamp Shop.
    • When you have reached the Rise Coin capacity of the day, you will be given 1 Salon Stamp from ‘[Rise] Salon Stamps’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Salon Stamp is untradeable and can be obtained once per character.
    • Salon Stamp quest resets each day.
    • Weekly items will reset every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.


    • Trait Boost Potion: 10 Stamps. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Job Advancement Coin: 10 Stamps. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 5 Stamps. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable.
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: 5 Stamps. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Reboot Meso Pouch x10 Coupon: 4 Stamps. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (7 Day): 2 Stamps. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 2 Stamps. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Innocence Scroll 60%: 2 Stamps. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: 2 Stamps. Limited quantity: 12 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Storage is excluded.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 2 Stamps. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Hyper Teleport Rock (1 Day) Coupon: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 7. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Monster Life Gem X7 Coupon: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 5 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Power Elixir x500 Coupon: 1 Stamp. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mastery Book 30: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 10.
    • Mastery Book 20: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 10.
    • Infinite Revitalizer: 1 Stamp. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Final Form Main Color Change Coupon: 1 Stamp. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Sub Color Change Coupon: 1 Stamp. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Color Reset Coupon: 1 Stamp. Untradeable.
    Rise Royal Shop

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Talk to Melissa on the Rise Salon map to have access to the Rise Royal Shop. Participate in the Rise events to earn Rise Coins!
    • Different types of Rise Tickets can be purchased once a day.
    • You must purchase 10 of the same type of Rise Ticket to trade in for the item corresponding to the ticket.
    • If you have 10 of the same type of Rise Ticket in your inventory, you will not be able to purchase more of the same type.


    • Rise Ticket: Laniaroid: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires August 31 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Laniaroid Coupon: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
        • Laniaroid: Untradeable. Android comes with remote shop functions.
        • Lidium Heart: Untradeable. Permanent.
    • Rise Ticket: Paper Ribbon Damage Skin: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires August 31 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Paper Ribbon Damage Skin: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Rise Ticket: Azure Teddy Outfit Set: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, item expires August 31 at 11:59 PM UTC. Use 10 of this ticket to obtain the following coupon:
      • Azure Teddy Outfit Set Box: Untradeable, 10-day duration. You can choose the desired gender outfit.
        • Azure Teddy Hat (M): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Azure Teddy Suit (M): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Azure Teddy Headband (F): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Azure Teddy Dress (F): Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Azure Teddy Loafer: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 1,500 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Royal Classic Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • [Updated June 12] Relaxing at Home Chair: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Handheld Yeti Game Chair: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Frost Owl Mount: 1,500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Snowmaker Mount: 1,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Shrimp Tempura Mount: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Rise Random Damage Skin Box: 80 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive 1 of the following Damage Skins (Tradeable within account, 7-day duration) at random:
      • Stained Glass Damage Skin
      • Constellation Damage Skin
      • Esfera Damage Skin
      • Full of Hearts Damage Skin
      • Remnant of the Goddess Damage Skin
      • Lachelein Damage Skin
      • Purple Damage Skin
      • Solar Eclipse Damage Skin
      • Fafnir Damage Skin
      • Keyboard Warrior Damage Skin
      • Soft-serve Damage Skin
    • Rise Chair: Greetings: 1,000,000 mesos. Untradeable. Character must be Lv. 105 and above to purchase the chair. Chair provides EXP when used at Rise Banquet Hall.
    • Rise Chair: Reading: 1,000,000 mesos. Untradeable. Chair provides Rise Points when used at Rise Banquet Hall.
    • Rise Chair: Music Appreciation: 10,000,000 mesos. Untradeable. Chair provides Rise Points when used at Rise Banquet Hall.
    • Rise Chair: Art Appreciation: 100,000,000 mesos. Untradeable. Chair provides Rise Points when used at Rise Banquet Hall.


    Rise Coin Shop

    Phase 1: UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – July 7 at 11:59 PM
    Phase 2: UTC: July 8 at 12:00 AM – August 4 at 11:59 PM
    Phase 3: UTC: August 5 at 12:00 AM – August 30 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Rise] Invitation to the Rise Salon’ quest.

    • Rise Coin Shop is open for your service! It’s a perfect place to buy items you need while training as a knight.
    • Talk to Gilberto on the Rise Salon map to have access to the Rise Coin Shop. Participate in the Rise events to earn Rise Coins!
    • [Updated June 9] You’ll automatically receive 1 Rise Coin for every 100 Rise Points you earned. You can earn up to 300 Rise Coins per day.
    • There are a total of 3 phases of Rise Coin Shop. Each phase will sell different items listed below.
    • Once a phase ends, items from that phase will no longer be available.
    • Weekly items will reset every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.
    • You can purchase the following items from the Rise Coin Shop based on the event duration listed above.

    Phase 1

    • Rise Growth Potion I: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Rise Growth Potion II: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Rise Growth Potion III: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Experience Nodestone: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 230 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Labyrinth Arcane Symbol Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Nodestone: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 25. Untradeable, 10-day duration.

    Phase 2

    • Synergy Ring Coupon: 800 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Jewel Crafting Ring: 10 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Magical Jewel Box: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 30 per world daily. Tradeable within account, box expires on August 4 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Extreme Growth Potion: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and 199 to gain 1 to 10 levels at random. Item cannot be used on a ‘Burning’ character and will have no effect on Lv. 200 and above characters.
    • Chaos Circulator: 1,200 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Rebirth Flame: 1,000 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 25 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Master Craftsman's Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 30 per world. Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equip. for M. ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)

    Phase 3

    • Mitra's Medal of Honor Box: 2,700 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 76-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 9 times. Open to receive Special Medal of Honor (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Mitra's Nodestone Box: 1,900 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 76-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 9 times. Open to receive Nodestone (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Mitra's Arcane Symbol Box: 1,350 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 76-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 9 times. Open to receive Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Mitra's 2x EXP Coupon Box: 550 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 76-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 9 times. Open to receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Event Ring Exclusive Meister's Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Salon Lucky Box: 30 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive 1 of the following items at random:
    • Spell Trace (x500)
    • Advanced Hunter's Honor Medal: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x1~5): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Nodestone (x1~5): Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube: Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Master Craftsman's Cube: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Inkwell Coin: Untradeable. Item can be obtained once per character in the world per account.
    Tera Burning Event

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) - July 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by characters created during the event period. (Adele and Zero characters cannot participate in this event.)

    • Rise up, create a new character, and accelerate your way to Lv. 200!
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character gains a level up to Lv. 200.
    • You can still receive the Tera Burning Event rewards if you delete the existing ‘Burning’ character and create a new ‘Burning’ character.
    • When you reach Lv. 200 on your ‘Burning’ character, don’t stop there but keep on training! You will receive additional rewards every time you gain 5 levels on your ‘Burning’ character starting from Lv. 200 until Lv. 210!
    • You can only Tera Burn 1 character per account.


    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 25-hour duration.
    • Lv. 30 Equipment Box: Untradeable, box expires on July 21 at 11:59 PM UTC. Can be opened at Lv. 30. Open to receive equipment and armor suitable for your class.
    • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, chest expires on July 21 at 11:59 PM UTC. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
      • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace, Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30.
      • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
      • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
      • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Root Abyss Set Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, box expires on July 21 at 11:59 PM UTC. Can be opened at Lv. 150. Open to receive:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Weapon Details: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
    • Eternal Flame Title Coupon: Title. Coupon expires on July 21 at 11:59 PM UTC. Can be used at Lv. 200. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Max HP/MP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +50.

    Additional Rewards:

    • Lv. 200: Reach Lv. 200 on your Tera Burning character to receive the following rewards:
      • Keep on Burning Box: Untradeable, item can be used between July 22 at 12:00 AM and August 4 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open the box to receive the following items:
        • Mega Character Burninator: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. This item cannot be used on Adele characters.
        • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
      • Nodestone (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 205: Reach Lv. 205 on your Tera Burning character to receive the following rewards:
      • Nodestone (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 210: Reach Lv. 210 on your Tera Burning character to receive the following rewards:
      • Nodestone (x50): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Adele Training Support Event

    UTC: June 24 at 12:00 AM - July 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Adele character created during the event duration.

    • You can create an Adele character starting June 24th!
    • We would like to support your Adele training by providing various rewards when you reach Lv. 30, 100, 150, and 200 on your Adele character.
    • When you reach the listed level requirement for the reward, accept the ‘Adele Training Support’ quest in the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to receive the respective gifts.
    • Rewards can be obtained once per world.


    • Lv. 30: Reach Lv. 30 on your Adele character to receive the following rewards:
      • Lil Boo Pet Package: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
        • Lil Boo Pet: Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet can be revived using Water of Life.
        • Lil Boo Jelly: Untradeable.
      • Lv. 30 Equipment Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive equipment and armor suitable for your class.
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 100: Reach Lv. 100 on your Adele character to receive the following rewards:
      • Knight's Pledge Title Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following item:
        • Knight’s Pledge: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, Max HP/MP +500, Star Force +30.
      • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
        • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace x500, Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30.
        • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
        • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
        • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
          • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Lv. 150: Reach Lv. 150 on your Adele character to receive the following rewards:
      • Root Abyss Set Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
        • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
        • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
          • Weapon Details: Untradeable, 90-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Adele Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 200: Reach Lv. 200 on your Adele character to receive the following rewards:
      • Pledge of Flame Title Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following item:
        • Pledge of Flame: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Max HP/MP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +30.
      • Grand Master Outfit Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
        • Grand Master Sword: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Grand Master Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Grand Master Uniform: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Grand Master Boots: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Ein Royal Knights Treasure Chest: Untradeable, 56- day duration. Open to receive the following items each week:
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Nodestone (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    Random Familiar Buff Event

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) – July 22 at 11:59 PM

    Requirements: Account that meets all the following conditions:

    1. Have a character Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).
    2. Created prior to April 25 at 9:00 AM UTC.
    3. Logged in between April 22 at 1:00 PM and June 10 (before maintenance) UTC.
    4. Have at least 1 Familiar registered in the Familiar UI.
    • As mentioned in our Maple Memo on May 21, we are giving out buff items to provide players who were utilizing Familiars in their gameplay prior to the system’s temporary closure.
    • Please utilize these buffs until we re-open our Familiar system in our next v.215 update!
    • Accept ‘[Familiar] Claim Your Random Familiar Buff Box!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen from June 10 (after maintenance) to July 22 at 11:50 PM UTC to receive a Random Familiar Buff Box.
    • Random Familiar Buff Box can be claimed once per character. It cannot be dropped from your inventory and will expire on July 22 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Players can use the box to claim a 30-minute buff up to 3 times daily per world.


    • Random Familiar Buff Box: Untradeable, item expires on July 22 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to receive 1 of the following buffs at random:
      • Familiar All Stats Buff: Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20 for 30 minutes.
      • Familiar Attack Power Buff: Grants Attack Power +20 for 30 minutes.
      • Familiar MaxHP Buff: Grants MaxHP +5% for 30 minutes.
      • Familiar Ignore DEF Buff: Enemy DEF Ignored +10% for 30 minutes.
      • Familiar Drop Rate Buff: Grants Drop Rate +50% for 30 minutes.
    Beast Tamer Creation Event

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) - August 25 at 11:59 PM

    • Beast Tamer is back along with its skill revamp!
    • Create your very own furry friend during the event period listed above and try out its changed skills!
    Zero Creation Event

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) - August 25 at 11:59 PM

    • Zero creation event returns during the event duration listed above!
    • Please note that you must have a character that is Lv. 100 or above in the same world that you would like to create a Zero character in.
    • Zero cannot be created in Reboot world.
    Maple Relay

    UTC: June 10 (after maintenance) - July 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Account that meets at least 1 of the following conditions:

    1. Completed Black Heaven for Lotus Boss Entry.
    2. Have at least MVP Bronze.
    3. Have at least 150 total Star Force.
    • Popoh is here with new rewards added to the relay!
    • Accept ‘[Maple Relay] Play with Popoh and Get Login Rewards!’ quest within the Maple Relay icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, Maple Relay UI will pop up and login time will start to accumulate.
    • Click on Popoh to open or close the maximized UI. You can claim the rewards on the maximized UI.
    • Reward can be claimed when the gauge reaches a full circle and Popoh’s face sparkles.
    • Daily rewards are checked by the login time of 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. Login time accumulates up to 180 minutes.
    • Daily rewards can be claimed up to 4 times per day.
    • Cumulative reward is given based on the total daily rewards claimed.
    • Login time accumulation is shared within account.
    • Reward can be claimed once per account.


    • Daily Reward:
      • 30 minutes
        • 100 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
      • 60 minutes
        • 100 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
      • 120 minutes
        • 500 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
      • 180 minutes
        • Max Relay Box: Untradeable, 1-day duration. Open to receive the following rewards:
          • 500 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
          • Rise Coin Coupon (x30): Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
          • 500 Maple Point Gift Certificate: Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Cumulative Reward:
      • 12 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Permanent Safety Blanket Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account. Use to receive Permanent Safety Blanket Chair: Tradeable within account.
      • 32 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Arcane Symbol Selection Coupon (x20): Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
      • 56 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Red Cube Twelve Pack Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following items:
          • Red Cube (x12): Untradeable, 30-day duration.
          • Gold Potential Stamp: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
      • 80 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • 10,000 Maple Point Gift Certificate: Tradeable within account, 1-day duration.
        • Relay Master Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Open to choose 1 of the following:
          • AbsoLab Weapon Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Weapon Details: 17 Star Force, Unique, Damage +9%, Boss Damage +35%, Critical Rate + 10%, Spell Trace 70% applied. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
          • Dominator Pendant Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Pendant Details: 15 Star Force, Unique, Potential fixed to main stat of your character’s job. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.


    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: June 14 at 12:00 AM – June 14 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: June 21 at 12:00 AM – June 21 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: June 28 at 12:00 AM – June 28 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 5 at 12:00 AM – July 5 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 12 at 12:00 AM – July 12 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: July 19 at 12:00 AM – July 19 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - June 14, 2020
      • Receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x5): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 2 - June 21, 2020
      • Receive 2 stars when you successfully do Star Force 10 enhancements and lower.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 3 - June 28, 2020
      • Receive Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 4 - July 5, 2020
      • Select one of the following Chat Emoticons:
        • Small Spirit Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
        • Lucid Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration. Chat Emoticon from the coupon has a 30-day duration.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 5 - July 12, 2020
      • Receive 30% off Star Force enhancement.
      • Receive 2x Salon Stamps from reaching the Rise Coin capacity of the day.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 6 - July 19, 2020
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
      • Receive 2x Salon Stamps from reaching the Rise Coin capacity of the day.
      • The limit of Rise Coins you can obtain is doubled.


    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: July 3 – July 5 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • July 3, 2020
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • July 4, 2020
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • July 5, 2020
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

    View on the Official Site