[Updated Nov 1st] Journey Toward the Sixth Star - Ch. VI

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    A new star is coming to Maple World, a new source of power beyond anything that's come before. The heroes of MapleStory must collect star fragments to create the Sixth Star and unlock its power. Start preparing now as the Sixth Job quests will become available at Lv. 260 later this year, with new story content, new quests to complete, and greater foes to test your newfound power in MapleStory!

    • Chapter VI
      • PDT (UTC -7): Tuesday, October 31st at 5:00 PM - Tuesday, November 14th at 3:59 PM (PST)
      • CET (UTC +1): Wednesday, November 1st at 1:00 AM - Wednesday, November 15th at 12:59 AM
      • AEDT (UTC +11): Wednesday, November 1st at 11:00 AM - Wednesday, November 15th at 10:59 AM

    Event Details:

    Terry came to Maple World after hearing the news that the sixth power was detected. Terry says that the Sixth Star acts as a medium that connects the warriors of Maple World with the sixth power, and asks you to collect the dispersed star fragments. If you collect the star fragments created by the energy of various powers and bring them to Terry, Terry will gather the power of the stars through the starlight concentrator. It is said that a Star Piece can be created by condensing the power contained in the star fragments, and when six Star Pieces are gathered, a Sixth Star can be created... Let's help Terry collect the star fragments scattered throughout Maple World and go on a long journey to obtain the Sixth Star and sixth power.

    • Unlike other chapters, Chapter VI doesn't have daily and challenge missions.
    • Requirement: Lv. 101 and above. (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2)
    • The text effect for SIXTH on the UI will activate one letter at a time during the 14-day period.
    • Players can claim the Chapter VI Pre-registration Box by activating all the letters in SIXTH by opening the UI across 5 days.

    Chapter VI Special Mission

    • Log in for more than 5 days over the Chapter VI period (14 days) and check the event UI.
    • Each Login Attendance will fill 1 letter of the word 'SIXTH'.
    • You can receive the chapter reward once you complete all the letters.
      • [Updated Nov 1st] Chapter VI Completion Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Can be used after 6th Job Advancement opens.
        • Star Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive:
          • [Updated Nov 1st] [Title] STAR: Untradeable, Permanent. Durational stats: Attack / Magic Attack +20, All Stats +50, Boss Damage +20%, IED +20%, and Max HP/MP +2500, 14-day duration.


        • Starlight Energy Chair: Tradeable within account, Permanent.


        • Magnificent Growth Potion (x6): Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
        • Lil Terry Pet Package: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
          • [Pet] Lil Terry: Untradeable, 30-day duration.


          • [Pet Equipment] Terry's Glasses: Untradeable, 30-day duration.


        • Nodestone (x1,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • [Updated Nov 1st] Sol Erda Coupon (x3): Tradeable within account, 60-day duration. Use to receive:
          • Sol Erda: Untradeable, 30-day duration.

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