[Updated October 11] v.227 - MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. Nexon

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    Meet up with the loveable BUGCAT CAPOO and find your way to his heart with delightful treats from Maple World! The festival of dreams and illusions, Night Troupe, arrives in Maple World! Learn to become a festival designer and increase your Festival Design Level to unlock special perks and earn Troupe Coins. While the festivities are taking place, you receive a mysterious invitation to the Haunted Manor. Put your wit and bravery to the test to uncover the clues in the mansion and find your way out! Experience this once-in-a-lifetime crossover with the MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO update!

    v.227 - MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO is live on October 6!

    • MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO Event
    • New Updates
    • Night Troupe Events
    • Other Events
    MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) - November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • We are excited to announce that our adorable guest, BUGCAT CAPOO is visiting Maple World!
    • Accept the ‘[BUGCAT CAPOO] CAPOO Has Arrived in Maple World!’ quest within the event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Upon completing the quest, you will receive the With CAPOO Effect in the Set-Up tab in your inventory. The appearance of the effect will change as you level up.
    • You can open the event UI by accepting the ‘[BUGCAT CAPOO] Check CAPOO's Heart’ quest to check your progress, to level up, and to receive rewards as you reach the level milestones.
    • BUGCAT CAPOO will give you one of the six daily quests to complete each day.
    • The daily quests will reset every day at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • Once you complete the quest, you will receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) and CAPOO’s Heart.
    • In order to level up, you will need one CAPOO’s Heart each time. You can level up to max Lv. 25.
      • When you click the button on the event UI, it will consume one CAPOO’s Heart item and you’ll level up.
      • As you level up, you will also upgrade the passive skill, With CAPOO Effect. With CAPOO Effect will last until November 2 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    CAPOO's Heart Growth Level Attack Power & Magic ATT Critical Rate Enemy DEF Ignored
    Lv. 1
    Lv. 2 +4
    Lv. 3 +6
    Lv. 4 +8
    Lv. 5 +10
    Lv. 6 +10 +3%
    Lv. 7 +10 +6%
    Lv. 8 +10 +9%
    Lv. 9 +10 +12%
    Lv. 10 +10 +15%
    Lv. 11 +10 +15% +2%
    Lv. 12 +10 +15% +4%
    Lv. 13 +10 +15% +6%
    Lv. 14 +10 +15% +8%
    Lv. 15 +10 +15% +10%
    Lv. 16 +10 +15% +12%
    Lv. 17 +10 +15% +14%
    Lv. 18 +10 +15% +16%
    Lv. 19 +10 +15% +18%
    Lv. 20 - 25 +10 +15% +20%​
    • BUGCAT CAPOO also prepared special rewards so make sure you level up to receive all the goods, including the CAPOO’s Heart Medal!
    • MapleStory X BUGCAT CAPOO event can be done per character.


    • Daily Quest Rewards:
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • CAPOO’s Heart: Untradeable, expires November 2 at 11:59 PM UTC. Item will only be distributed when your level is below Lv. 25.
    • Level Up Rewards:
      • Lv. 1: Reach Lv. 1 to receive the following reward:
        • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Heart): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Lv. 5: Reach Lv. 5 to receive the following reward:
        • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Sparkling): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Lv. 10: Reach Lv. 10 to receive the following reward:
        • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon x2 Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive the following:
          • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Wow!): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
          • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Angry): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Lv. 15: Reach Lv. 15 to receive the following reward:
        • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon x2 Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive the following:
          • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Hahaha!): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
          • BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticon (Thumbs Up): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Emoticon obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Lv. 20: Reach Lv. 20 to receive the following reward:
        • With CAPOO Effect Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Use to receive With CAPOO Effect: Permanent. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Lv. 25: Reach Lv. 25 to receive the following reward:
        • CAPOO’s Heart (Medal) Coupon: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Use to receive CAPOO’s Heart Medal: Medal. Untradeable, durational stats last until November 16 at 11:59 PM UTC. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +850, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10. The medal will register in your Medal Collection.


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    Job Balances

    All Jobs

    • Stat-increasing Buff Skill: Improved the issue where an attack, performed while the buff was active, would not deal damage if the attack landed after the buff ended.
    • Skill Sound Effect: Other players’ skill sound effects can no longer be heard.
    • Dark Sight Skills: You can no longer harvest while using them.
    • Aura Skills: The skill will be applied to party members more quickly.
    • Soul Skills: Fixed the issue where if a command was inputted while other skills were in use, jump and soul skills became unavailable after the skill ended.
    • Skills with Screen Effects:
      • The skill’s screen shake effect will be canceled when you move to another map.
      • The screen effect for the following skills will no longer cover the boss monster's HP gauge:
        • Aran's Adrenaline Rush
        • Luminous's Chiaroscuro notification
        • Demon Avenger's Exceed notification
        • Cadena's Chain Arts: Void Strike
        • Illium's Wings of Glory
        • Ark's Sanity Gauge notification
    • V Matrix: Fixed the issue where the Node from the current page would be selected when you select a Node and scroll through the pages using the mouse wheel.
    • Shared 5th Job Skill: Blink
      • Cooldown, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be reduced from 40 to 20 seconds.
      • HP Cost will be decreased from 5% to 3% of Max HP.
      • Passive All Stats Increase will be changed to passive Attack Power/Magic ATT increase.
      • Added a feature to remain in the air for a certain amount of time when used with the key down in mid-air.
    • Skills registered in Pet Auto Buff Skill: The following buff skills with a cooldown can be registered in the Pet Auto Buff Skill. Skills that can be registered in the Pet Auto Buff Skill will be indicated in the skill description.
      • Common for All Job Classes: Mihile's Link skill Knight's Watch, Decent Skills
      • All Explorers: Epic Adventure
      • Corsair: Whaler's Potion
      • All Cygnus Knights: Glory of the Guardians
      • Thunder Breaker: Arc Charger
      • Mihile: Queen of Tomorrow
      • Cadena: Shadowdealer's Elixir
      • All Heroes: Heroic Memories
      • All Demons: Demonic Fortitude
      • All Resistance: For Liberty
      • All Flora: Divine Wrath
      • Common for Sengoku Warriors: Princess's Vow
      • Jett: Rising Cosmos
    • Immobilizing Skills: When a skill that immobilizes is used on an enemy with immobilization resistance, the debuffs other than immobilization will be applied.
      • Paladin's Smite Shield
      • Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)'s Freezing Breath
      • Wild Hunter's Jaguar Soul
      • Xenon's Entangling Lash
      • Developer Comments: Debuffs besides immobilization will now be applied to the monster with immobilization resistance so that players can at least contribute through other debuffs during party play.
    • Max value of mastery will be increased from 95% to 99%.
      • Developer Comments: Previously, a max value of 99% was only applied to Kinesis and the limit was 95% for other jobs. The max limit was increased because mastery could not be increased due to the max value limit when levels of expert-type skills were increased through Combat Orders, etc.

    All Bowmen

    • Guided Arrow: Added a function to increase Damage Against Normal Monsters by 20%.

    All Explorer Bowman

    • Added a function to increase attack speed by 1 level on Archery Mastery.
    • Fixed the issue where if Archery Mastery had been learned, Bow Master and Marksman were able to use normal ranged attacks even if there were no arrows.

    All Explorer Pirate

    • Dash: Added a function to Command Lock.

    All Explorer Magician

    • Added a function to increase attack speed by 1 level on MP Boost.

    All Cygnus Knights

    • Cygnus Knights' Will: A new 4th Job skill that lets you escape Abnormal Status by focusing your will. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 seconds after use. Certain abnormal status effects and combat orders will still get through. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    • Blackout effect and shaking effect caused by other player’s skills will no longer be applied.
    • If a Dark Sight skill, triggered automatically by a hit or the use of the following skills, has evaded an attack that is proportional to the max HP, it will not be immediately canceled and the cooldown will be partially decreased.
      • Shadower and Dual Blade's Advanced Dark Sight
      • Night Walker's Shadow Jump
      • Cadena's Chain Arts: Pursuit
      • Hoyoung's Out of Sight
      • Developer Comments: Dark Sight that is directly used has a cooldown as a penalty; however, Dark Sight that is automatically triggered doesn’t have a cooldown so it would cancel after the first evasion. Since it can be confusing to differentiate the two skills due to having the same name despite the different features, we plan to add a penalty that decreases the duration and unify the evade-related functionality.
    • Fixed the issue where Explorer or Cygnus Knight will receive additional stats increased at the previous level when learning the link skill of Explorer or Cygnus Knights.

    All Demons

    • The Demon's Will: A new 4th Job skill that ignores abnormal status effects. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 seconds after use. Certain abnormal status effects and combat orders will still get through. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: HP Cost: 30. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
      • SP will not be consumed.


    • Combo Fury: Skills that move you behind an enemy will not be usable in maps where movement skills are disabled.
    • Panic: Action delay will be reduced by 10% and attack range will be increased by 35% compared to before.
    • Shout: Attack range will be increased by 10% compared to before.
    • Added a function for increasing attack speed by 1 level on Weapon Mastery.


    • Added a function that allows Paladin to select which party member to be bonded with through Divine Echo.
    • HP Recovery: Action delay will be reduced by 50% compared to before.
    • Threaten: Action delay will be reduced by 30% compared to before.
    • Elemental Force: Action delay will be reduced by 25% compared to before.
    • Sacrosanctity: Added a function where the skill can be used again to instantly end the duration. Cooldown will be decreased by 45 seconds every 5 seconds of the remaining duration when the skill ends. Sacrosanctity will be enabled to be used according to needs so that it's practical in various situations.
    • Divine Echo: The range of searching a party member for bonding upon casting will be increased by 100%, and the range where the bond is maintained will be increased by 350%. Added a function that changes the bonding party member when you press the down arrow key and use the skill again while the skill is active. Numbers will be assigned to party members according to their order in the Party UI, and you can press the corresponding number key to change the bonded party member. Press a number of a new party member that is within your proximity to make the change. Moving or using a skill will cancel the change.
    • Added a function for increasing attack speed by 1 level on Weapon Mastery.

    Dark Knight

    • The condition of Cross Surge will be improved to reduce the chance of decreasing damage by simple mistakes.
    • Added an ON/OFF skill for Final Pact to reduce the chance of activating Final Pact by mistake.
    • Darkness Aura's overall effect will be changed to enhance Dark Knight's theme, a warrior who made a pact with darkness.
    • Evil Eye Shock: Fixed the issue where Evil Eye Shock's cooldown was not applied when used at the same time as Sacrifice.
    • Cross Surge: Final Damage Increase Amount will not decrease until HP drops below 50%.
    • Final Pact: The skill will only activate when you die while the ON/OFF skill ‘Accept Final Pact’ is activated. Added a function to right-click the skill to turn on the continuous ON/OFF skill ‘Accept Final Pact’.
    • Accept Final Pact: A new ON/OFF skill added to control the activation of Final Pact. SP will not be consumed.
    • Spear of Darkness: Added a function to reduce damage taken by 10% while casting, including the attacks that inflict a certain percentage of Max HP. Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 600% to 650%.
    • Radiant Evil: A 20% Ignore Defense bonus will be applied to Radiant Evil's attack.
    • Calamitous Cyclone: Movement speed will be increased during key-down.
    • Darkness Aura: The effect's theme will be changed to ‘enhancing a dark pact’. Attack range will be increased by 30% compared to before and final attack's range will be increased by 35%. Final attack's damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 1,275% to 1,325%.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Mist Eruption will be slightly weakened to balance its strong performance.
    • Mana Burn will be changed to increase its usefulness.
    • Poison Chain’s cooldown and use cycle will be matched with that of other skills to improve its convenience.
    • Mana Burn: Deleted the function that deals damage in proportion to burnt MP. Added a function that recovers your MP in proportion to burnt MP.
    • Mist Eruption: Attack activation count will be reduced from 4 to 2. Number of Attacks will be reduced from 15 to 10. Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 45% to 125%.
    • Poison Chain: Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, first attack's damage will be reduced from 600% to 500%, explosion activation number will be reduced from 6 to 5, and cooldown will be reduced from 30 to 25 seconds.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Lowered the difficulty of landing Lightning Orb and adjusted Bolt Barrage to have sufficient damage even if only part of it lands.
    • Added a new function to Jupiter Thunder to increase its ability to respond in a situation where multiple burst damage is necessary.
    • Thunderstorm: Instead of disappearing when the character is far away, it will now teleport near the character.
    • Chain Lightning: Fixed the issue where the visual effect of Abnormal Status Stun remained on an enemy that was immune to Stun.
    • Lightning Orb: Damage will be increased from 105% to 150%, and finishing blow damage will be increased from 350% to 780%. Max key-down time will be reduced from 8 to 3.6 seconds and cooldown will be reduced from 75 to 60 seconds.
    • Bolt Barrage: Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, damage will be increased from 1,500% to 1,600%, number of attacks will be increased from 8 to 12, and Final Damage increased for repeatedly getting hit will be increased from 5% to 20%.
    • Spirit of Snow: Skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Jupiter Thunder: Number of Attacks will be increased from 5 to 8, cooldown will be increased from 75 to 120 seconds, and cooldown reduction per number of times you didn't attack will be increased from 2.2 to 3.4 seconds. Added a function that increases the Final Damage of Lightning Attribute attacks by 12% to a shocked enemy.


    • Added a new function to Resurrection, which has a low utility.
    • Angel Ray's convenience and Divine Punishment's damage will be increased to be more viable during boss battles.
    • Holy Symbol: Fixed the issue where the Holy Symbol you used was counted as your party member's Holy Symbol when you entered and exited certain content.
    • Resurrection: Action delay will be decreased by 16% compared to before. Invincibility Time after resurrection, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 3 to 8 seconds. Damage boost buff will be applied to the resurrected party member and Bishop for 30 seconds if death count is consumed when reviving using Resurrection.
    • Heaven's Door: Cooldown will be reduced from 180 to 90 seconds.
    • Righteously Indignant: Using Angel Ray while this skill is in use will prioritize attacking the enemy with the highest Max HP within range.
    • Divine Punishment: The damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 350% to 450%.

    Bow Master

    • Mortal Blow and Armor Break were being applied inconsistently due to varying base logic during the development of attack skills. We are trying to apply trigger skills more consistently and change Mortal Blow into a buff effect that increases the damage of all skills.
    • Covering Fire: Skill can be used while in the air and applies 100% of Knockback Resistance while in use.
    • Mortal Blow: Skill will be changed from that increases damage once after a set number of attacks to that increases damage for a certain period of time.
    • Armor Break: Added an Inhuman Speed active effect and Final Damage Increase limit to skills that attack directly.
    • Concentration: Action delay will be reduced by 40% compared to before.
    • Storm of Arrows: Action delay will be reduced by 37% compared to before, and the Number of Attacks will be reduced from 8 to 7. Damage, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 1,200% to 1,400%. The max Number of Attacks increased per enemy exceeding 1 will be increased from 6 to 8.
    • Quiver Barrage: Action delay will be reduced by 19% compared to before.
    • Silhouette Mirage: Fixed the issue where sometimes a mirage wasn't created when you changed channels repeatedly.
    • Bow Booster: Skill will be changed to a passive skill and the skill name will be changed to Bow Acceleration. Added a function for increasing DEX by 20 based on mastery.
    • Inhuman Speed: Cooldown will be increased from 30 to 60 seconds and damage of active effect, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 800% to 1200%.
      • Developer Comments: Inhuman Speed had the inconvenience of having to use it every 30 seconds to effectively utilize the passive skill that is applied during cooldown. Thus, cooldown will be increased to alleviate this issue.


    • Since having the Rangefinder makes much of a power difference, basic abilities will be strengthened and Rangefinder will be weakened to reduce the gap.
    • Rangefinder: Final Damage Increase in proportion to distance will be reduced from 4% to 2%. Max Final Damage Increase will be reduced from 30% to 12%. Ignore Defense Increase amount in inverse proportion to distance will be reduced from 3% to 2%. Max Ignore Defense Increase will be reduced from 20% to 12%.
    • Crossbow Mastery: Added a function that increases Final Damage by 20% at Master level.
    • Dragon's Breath: Added a description of the amount of Final Damage that increases per each enemy penetrated.
    • Snipe: Cooldown will be fixed to 5 seconds. Additional Ignore Defense increases, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 20% to 25%. The skill will prioritize attacking the enemy with the highest Max HP within range.
    • Piercing Arrow: Attack range of fragments will be increased by 100%. Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 300% to 350%.
    • Crossbow Expert: Based on when the skill reaches master level, the Critical Damage boost value will be increased from 8% to 15%.
    • Bolt Surplus: Deleted a function that increases the max value of stats increased by Rangefinder. Added a function that increases the Final Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, by 15%.
    • Last Man Standing: Skill function will be changed from that increases damage when there's 1 enemy to that increases damage when there are no other party members nearby or the skill attacks only 1 target. Final Damage increase amount, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be reduced from 20% to 10%.
    • Vital Hunter: Ignore Defense increase amount, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 10% to 20%. Ignore Defense amount that increases proportionately to distance will be decreased from 4% to 3%.
    • Piercing Arrow - Extra Strike: The skill will be applied to fragments as well.
    • High Speed Shot: Arrow Illusion will be enhanced using Boost Nodes.
    • Perfect Shot: Every stat increased from Rangefinder will be applied in max value regardless of distance.
    • Surge Bolt: Charging will not be stopped even if you're moved to another space during Will Phrase 1. Fixed the issue where the Attack Power of arrows is not applied.
    • Double Jump: Fixed the issue where the Double Jump icon was displayed in a different color in the skill level increase UI.
    • Repeating Crossbow Cartridge: Fixed the issue where the Attack Power of arrows is not applied.
    • If a Marksman's Arrow Illusion is within range regardless of the installed location, Seduce will apply to the boss monsters as well.
      • Developer Comments: Arrow Illusion's Seduce doesn't affect boss monsters, however, there was a bug that caused Seduce to be applied at certain locations of the map. Since this bug was around for a while and there are other skills where Seduce applies to boss monsters, a fix was implemented so that it will be applied regardless of the location on a map.


    • Guidance of the Ancients: Extends duration by filling up Relic Gauge during its duration. Duration will be reduced from 30 to 24 seconds, and HP/MP recovery will be reduced from 20% to 8% upon activation.
    • Awakened Relic: Pathfinder's background theme music will be played during its duration.

    Night Lord

    • Throw Blasting's cooldown will be adjusted to match other skills' usage cycles.
    • Shadow Web: Cooldown will be removed. It can only be used once in the air, and capture time will be reduced from 8 to 3 seconds.
    • Spirit of the Star: Skills that consume Throwing Stars will become usable as long as the skill lasts, even if the Inventory runs out of Throwing Stars.
    • Dark Lord's Omen: Skill can be reused to detonate instantly.
    • Throw Blasting: The duration of active effect will be increased from 60 to 90 seconds, number of explosive talismans will be increased from 45 to 68, and cooldown will be increased from 120 to 180 seconds.
    • Quad Star: Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be Increased from 378% to 420%. When using Throwing Star Barrage, the final damage decrease in the added direction will be increased from 15% to 20%.


    • Meso Explosion: Coil sound effects will only be played when the coins are in motion.
    • Smokescreen: Fixed the issue where only a few party members inside the smokescreen could avoid certain charging attacks of monsters.
    • Boomerang Stab: Attack range will be increased by 50% compared to before.
    • Slash Shadow Formation: Added an Ignore Defense 20% effect.

    Dual Blade

    • Mirror Image: Fixed the issue where the image wasn't displayed as translucent while fighting Ursus.


    • Added a new function to Stun Mastery to improve its usefulness.
    • Energy Charge: Added an ON/OFF function to full charge effect.
    • Advanced Dash: Skill can be registered to a Hotkey. Fixed the issue where Buccaneer can move backward and use skills by using Advanced Dash in the opposite direction of where they are facing.
    • Stun Mastery: Based on when the skill reaches master level, added a function that applies 35% of additional Abnormal Status Resistance toward stun.
    • Octopunch: Action delay will be reduced by 13% compared to before.
    • Lord of the Deep: Fixed the issue where a unique UI was displayed when energy was consumed using Lord of the Deep during an effect where your character became invisible.
    • Serpent Vortex: Fixed the issue where you couldn't move when using the skill upward while being on the bottom platforms of each section in Dream Defender. The preparation time of the Force of the Ocean required for use will be reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
    • Buccaneer's Energy Charge effect ON/OFF function will be applied even when it is visible to other players.
    • Energy will be maintained even if the Buff Freezer item is not used when reviving after death.


    • Added an Invincibility to Target Lock to increase survivability.
    • Modified Ahoy Mateys to reduce the basic stat fluctuation according to LUK.
    • Added a new function so that you can see the bullet ricochet even when Death Trigger only attacks 1 target.
    • Infinity Blast: Skills that consume Bullets will become usable as long as the skill lasts, even if the Inventory runs out of Bullets.
    • Eight-Legs Easton: Action delay will be reduced by 12% compared to before.
    • Broadside: Sound effects for firing will now be heard at a certain chance. Fixed the issue where the direction of attack changed when you used a Buff Freezer item upon death after placing the skill.
    • Quickdraw: Fixed the issue where skills that didn't consume Quickdraw had their Final Damage increased.
    • Ahoy Mateys: Stats that each crewman had will be changed so that every crewman's stats increase altogether as long as 1 crewman is currently summoned. Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Rate increase amount will be decreased from 15% to 10%. Removed the HP and MP increase function. Fixed the issues where crewman's Final Damage did not increase and crewmen were being summoned beyond max number in certain conditions.
    • Ugly Bomb: Action delay will be reduced by 16% compared to before.
    • Bullet Barrage: Fixed the issues where Bullets were not consumed and the Attack Power of Bullets was not applied.
    • Target Lock: Added functions that make you invincible during casting action and increase invincibility time if there's an accurately aimed target. Fixed the issues where Bullets were not consumed, Bullet's Attack Power was not applied, and sometimes aiming became unavailable when reviving after using the skill at the exact moment of death.
    • Nautilus Assault: Fixed the issues where Bullets were not consumed and the Attack Power of Bullets was not applied.
    • Death Trigger: Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, damage will be reduced from 1,150% to 650, number of attacks will be reduced from 11 to 7, and the interval between bullet firing or delay until the first fire will be reduced by 50%. If there's no enemy for the bullet to ricochet off of, then it will ricochet off the air and attack the attacked target once again. If there's an enemy with Parrotargetting applied, the bullet will ricochet to that target first, and cooldown will decrease at the end of the attack proportionately to the number of remaining ricochet count. Fixed the issues where Bullets were not consumed, Bullet Attack Power was not applied to attacks, and number of attacks decreased when using the skill repeatedly.


    • Cannon Spike: Attack range will be increased by 32% compared to before.
    • Monkey Fury: Action delay will be reduced by 12% compared to before.
    • Monkey Wave: Buff duration will be increased from 30 to 60 seconds when using its maximum output.
    • Cannon Bazooka: Attack range will be increased by 22% compared to before.
    • Cannon Barrage: The skill will prioritize attacking the enemy with the highest Max HP within range.
    • Monkey Business: Fixed the issue where they disappear below platforms or float in the air and attack without coming down.
    • Added a function for increasing attack speed by 1 level on Buckshot.


    • Since emphasizing the concept of "party protector" had been difficult due to Light of Courage having both offensive and defensive functions, all of its offensive functions will be transferred to Radiant Soul to prevent any loss in power while enabling defensive function to be used more actively.
    • Royal Guard: One-handed sword and shield need to be equipped to use the skill. Action delay will be decreased by 35%.
    • Soul Link: If the damage received in place of a party member is fatal or more than 20% of Mihile's Max HP, Mihile can no longer receive the damage. In certain maps that don't display other characters' skill effects, Soul Link effect’s visibility to party members will follow your skill effect transparency setting.
    • Self Recovery: Based on when the skill reaches master level, HP recovery amount will be increased from 300 to 450 and MP recovery amount will be increased from 90 to 150. Added a function that recovers 2% of Max HP and Max MP.
    • Four-Point Assault: Action delay will be reduced by 6% compared to before.
    • Radiant Cross: Action delay will be reduced by 11% compared to before.
    • Roiling Soul: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Damage increase value will be increased from 8% to 10%.
    • Sword of Light: A skill that directly attacks monsters needs to be used in order to generate an additional Sword of Light. The attack range stacked with Royal Guard buffs will be increased by 140%, 110%, 90%, 74%, and 10% compared to before. Damage with 1 and 2 stacks of Royal Guard buff, based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, will be increased from 700% and 840% to 850% and 950%. Sword of Light effect that activates when attacking during cooldown will leave a marker at the place of activation.
    • Radiant Soul: Cooldown will be increased from 30 to 35 seconds. Added a function that lets you use the skill again while it's in use to activate Light Force Ray, which deals a powerful attack 1 time.
    • Light of Courage: The function that generates the Sword of Light will be transferred to Radiant Soul. Removed Light of Courage debuff and pillar of light. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, Max Shield will be increased from 260% to 265% and duration will be increased from 10 to 12 seconds. Action delay will be decreased by 24%.
    • Knight's Watch: Duration, based on when the skill is at Lv. 2, will be increased from 110 to 180 seconds. Duration, based on when the skill is at Lv. 3, will be increased from 130 to 220 seconds.

    Dawn Warrior

    • True Sight: Action delay will be reduced by 33% compared to before.
    • Crescent Divide: Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost will be decreased from 75 to 57, and attack range will be increased by 30% from before.
    • Solar Pierce: Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost will be decreased from 75 to 57, and attack range will be increased by 27% from before.
    • Styx Crossing: Skill will no longer consume MP. Fixed the issue where uncharged attack was not affected by Boost Node's effect.
    • Rift of Damnation: Duration will be increased from 30 to 40 seconds. The number of attacks required for the explosion of the crack will be decreased. Cracks that did not explode at the end of Rift of Damnation will instantly explode but with lower damage.
    • Soul Eclipse: Duration of Soul Eclipse will be increased from 30 to 40 seconds. Action delay will be decreased by 55%. Equinox Divide can be used mid-air or while using certain skills. Fixed the issues where the skill could be used while using another skill and MP was constantly consumed when moving to another map while pressing down the skill key.
    • Flare Slash: Fixed the issue where Styx Crossing could not be activated when it was not fully charged.
    • Moon Dancer, Speeding Sunset: Dawn Warrior will no longer be pushed back by any attacks for a short time while using Moon Dancer or Speeding Sunset.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Since its MP cost is still high, making it difficult to play, its MP consumption will be adjusted.
    • Flashfire: Skill’s duration will now be displayed on the buff window.
    • Orbital Flame III: Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP cost will be decreased from 56 to 36. Added a function that increases Damage Against Normal Monsters by 20%.
    • Phoenix Run: Fixed the issue where it could be registered on Pet Auto Buff skill.
    • Burning Focus: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Damage increase value will be increased from 15% to 20%.
    • Orbital Flame IV: Damage Against Normal Monsters Increase Amount will be increased from 30% to 40%. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP cost will be decreased from 84 to 43.
    • Blazing Extinction: Action delay will be reduced by 35% compared to before.
    • Towering Inferno: Attack range will be changed from being screen-focused to being character location-focused.
    • Fires of Creation: Fixed the issue where its buff icon remained even if your summoning disappeared after certain content.
    • Cataclysm: Attack range will be changed from being screen-focused to being character location-focused. Attack range will be increased by 18%.
    • Orbital Flame - Range: Fixed the issue where its skill icon appeared to be shaking when hovered over.
    • Savage Flame: Fixed the issue where the Fire Lion fell below a platform after use.
    • Inferno Sphere: Phalanx Charge direction can be switched during key down. Fixed the issue where the phoenix's feather would not be prepared during key down. Fixed the issue where using the skill while there was only 1 feather dealt no damage.
    • Controlled Burn: MP recovery, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 75% to 99% of Max MP. Cooldown will be decreased from 90 to 60 seconds.
    • Liberated Magic: MP Cost increase, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be decreased from 50% to 30%.
    • Word of Fire: Attack speed will be changed from level 1 to level 2. Added a function for increasing attack speed by 1 level on Spell Control.

    Wind Archer

    • Wind Walk: You can now hang on a rope or ladder while moving if used in the air.
    • Song of Heaven: The direction of Phalanx Charge can be changed while pressing the key down.
    • Pinpoint Pierce: Debuff duration will be increased from 30 to 60 seconds.

    Night Walker

    • Adjusted so players are not required to be familiar with the Shadow Jump technique to deal a certain degree of damage. Attempting to improve the issue where using Shadow Jump lowers the chance of survivability.
    • Dark Elemental: Added a passive function that increases Final Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, by 15%.
    • Shadow Jump: Dark Sight that lasts 2 seconds will automatically be applied if you move while using the skill. Dark Sight must have been learned beforehand for this feature to be applied. The automatically activated Dark Sight will be removed and activated when you use a skill other than Shadow Jump. Removed the function that increases the Final Damage of skills used in the air.
    • Shadow Bat: Damage Against Normal Monsters will be increased from 10% to 35%.
    • Spirit Projection: Skills that consume Throwing Stars will be usable while the skill lasts, even if you run out of Throwing Stars in your inventory.
    • Darkness Ascending: Cooldown will be displayed in the buff window.
    • Enveloping Darkness: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance increase amount will be increased from 10% to 15%.
    • Quintuple Star: Last attack's action delay will be reduced by 50% compared to before.
    • Shadow Spear: Added a function to increase Damage Against Normal Monsters by 25%.
    • Shadow Bite: Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, cooldown will be decreased from 20 to 15 seconds, buff duration will be increased from 17 to 20, and Final Damage increase per defeated enemy will be increased from 1% to 2%, Final Damage increase per attack on boss will be increased from 14% to 16%, and Max Final Damage increase amount will be increased from 15% to 18%.
    • Rapid Throw: Skill will not remove Dark Sight. Its minimum duration will be decreased from 2.7 to 1.8 seconds and max duration will be decreased from 4 to 3 seconds. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, damage will be increased from 850% to 950%, and number of attacks will be increased from 4 to 5.

    Thunder Breaker

    • Tidal Crash: Down arrow key must be used together to stop the skill instantly, and the instant stop will activate faster. Added a function to use a custom command to instantly stop by reusing the skill instead of using the arrow key.
    • Lightning Cascade: Added a passive effect that activates 1 lightning upon hitting with the attack at a certain interval during cooldown. The passive effect will not activate with the active effect.
    • Lighting Spear Multistrike: Three massive lightning strikes will be activated with the final link.


    • We are attempting to make its playstyle more flexible by adding a grace period to activate Adrenaline Rush.
    • Combat Step: Added a skill description to the Command Lock function.
    • Adrenaline Rush: Skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect. Rather than activating instantly upon reaching a 1,000 combo, the skill will activate when Activate Adrenaline Rush is used while the combo is maintained. If the skill is not activated within a certain time, the combo will be decreased. When combo reaches 1,000, a screen effect will display momentarily during Adrenaline Rush.
    • Activate Adrenaline Rush: A new skill added to control the activation of Adrenaline Rush. SP will not be consumed.
    • Blizzard Tempest: Range of the Direwolf's curse will be increased by 30% compared to before. When dealing additional damage, the range of finding cursed enemies will be increased by 150% compared to before.


    • Support Jump: Skill name will be changed to Wind Jump. Skill has been changed so that it jumps high by generating an air current on its own without the help of Mir. Fixed the issue where it was activated before normal jump if it was used right after teleportation.
    • Thunder Flash: The sum of attack range among every spot will be increased by 8%. Fixed the issue where using the 4th Job skill had a smaller range than using the 3rd Job skill, resulting in 26% increased attack range from all spots. Attack range from each spot will now be equal.
    • Dragon Fury: The minimum MP required to increase Magic ATT will be decreased from 30% to 15%.
    • Spiral of Mana: Fixed the issue where sometimes it was installed on the wrong platform in Lucid Phase 2.


    • Unicorn Spike: Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 315% to 345%.
    • Water Shield: The continued effect will now appear above the character, and the effect will have transparency added.
    • Spirit Nimble Flight: Cooldown will be reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.
    • Wrath of Enlil: Damage will be increased from 400% to 460%.
    • Sylvidia: Added a prostrating motion when riding. The area that can be hit from every motion will be decreased. Sylvidia will not end from duration running out as long as Irkalla's Wrath is in use.
    • Irkalla's Wrath: MP Cost will be reduced from 150 to 50.
    • Royal Knights: Added a function that instantly ends the skill when the skill is used again.
    • Glide Blast: Skill name will be changed to Spirit Jump and its skill effect will be changed. Removed the casting action.


    • Developer Comments: Since there are a high number of buffs that must be used due to how normal buff skills must be used with Impeccable Memory, certain exclusive buffs have been changed to be passive to reduce the inconvenience. In addition, the number of cards will be increased and a new function will be added to make Ace in the Hole more useful.
    • We wanted to add a new function that can supplement hunting to improve the basic performance of this class.
    • Loadout: Skills cannot be set to Hotkey by dragging from Skill UI.
    • Carte Mille: Added sound effects when hitting with the skill.
    • Mille Aiguilles: Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 125% to 140%.
    • Impeccable Memory IV: Fixed the issue where using Corsair's Eight-Legs Easton while pressing the down arrow key did not activate the skill.
    • Carte Noir: Added a function that, after a certain period of time, allows the skill to attack a target that has not been hit by the skill. Added a sound effect when hitting with the skill.
    • Phantom's Mark: Phantom can obtain a Master Thief Mark from hitting with attack skills used through Impeccable Memory.
    • Phantom Swiftness: Removed the casting action.
    • Cane Booster: Skill name will be changed to Cane Acceleration and it will be changed to a passive skill. Added a function for increasing LUK by 20 based on when the skill reaches master level.
    • Bad Luck Ward: Skill will be changed to a passive skill. Elemental Resistance and Status Resistance increase amount, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 40% and 40 to 45% and 45, respectively.
    • Priere D'Aria: Damage increase effect and Ignore Defense will be changed to passive effects.
    • Bad Luck Ward - True Immunity, Bad Luck Ward - Hyper Health, Bad Luck Ward - Max MP: Removed the skills and added a new Hyper Passive skill. The Hyper SP invested in the removed skills will be returned.
    • Impeccable Memory - Reinforce: A new Hyper skill that increases the damage of the stolen skill.
    • Impeccable Memory - Persist: A new Hyper skill that applies an additional buff duration increase effect on stolen buff.
    • Impeccable Memory - Enhance: A new Hyper skill that increases the 4th Job skill that can be stolen by 1 slot.
    • Ace in the Hole: When used, the thrown card will be changed from 1 card to 3 cards. Damage when bounced will be increased from 800% to 1200%, the damage when seal is released will be increased from 1200% to 1600%, the bounce count will be reduced from 20 to 6 times per card. The card movement speed will be reduced. Added a function where if the skill is used again, when all 3 cards are remaining, all 3 cards would fly to the enemy with the highest Max HP and be consumed while freeing its power to deal powerful attacks for a fixed period of time. Attack activation count will be increased proportionally to the remaining attack count, including each card's seal release attacks. If the down arrow key is used with the skill, the release attack will be activated when the card is thrown. If the previous skill is reused, the immediate seal release function will be replaced with Liberation.

    Shade (Who?)

    • Critical Insight: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Damage increase value will be increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Spirit Frenzy: Fixed the issue where it was possible to change equipment while the skill was active.
    • True Spirit Claw: Fixed the issue where Spirit Bond 1 was not applied.
    • Smashing Multipunch: Fixed the issue where Spirit Bond 1 was not applied.


    • Developer Comments: Dark Crescendo’s duration was slightly increased because there was a change to the pattern in some content. In addition, a new skill will be added so that the light and darkness option that appears not too long after creating a character will not affect the character’s performance too much after sufficient growth.
    • The function of Lunar Tide will be changed to have easier conditions so that it will be less demanding.
    • Spell Mastery: Based on when the skill reaches master level, added a feature to increase damage by 15% and Critical Rate by 20%.
    • Lunar Tide: Removed the function that increases damage or crit chance proportionately. Added a function that periodically recovers the one with less percentage.
    • Morning Star: The skill will no longer be affected by attack reflection.
    • Armageddon: Attack range will be changed from being screen-focused to being character location-focused. Attack range will be increased by 30%.
    • Flash Blink: When used on a map that's not a town, the range for searching enemies will increase in up down direction by 150%.
    • Dusk Guard: Skill will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Dark Crescendo: Skill will be changed to a passive skill. Skill will be changed to apply a damage increase buff that lasts for 12 seconds when an attack is successful, to increase stacks every time an attack is successful, and to refresh the duration. Max stack count will be decreased from 15 to 10 times, the damage increase per stack will be increased from 2% to 4%. Debuff duration will be increased from 12 to 20 seconds.
    • The Crossroads of Destiny: A new 4th Job skill that allows you to change related skills by re-selecting which fate you will walk between the path of light and the path of darkness. However, the story will not change and it will proceed based on the initial selection. Skill can only be used in towns and SP will not be consumed.
    • Added a function to increase attack speed by 1 level on Spell Mastery.

    Demon Slayer

    • Demon Cry: Action delay will be reduced by 21% compared to before. Demon Cry's action delay will be decreased by 23% compared to before.
    • Leech Aura: Action delay will be reduced by 52% compared to before.
    • Blue Blood: Action delay will be reduced by 26% compared to before.
    • Demon Awakening: Action delay will be reduced by 21% compared to before.
    • Demon Bane: Added a function to reuse the skill during its invincible attack to instantly end it. When the skill is immediately used again during its invincible attack, the ending command will change from skill cooldown to a skill cooldown with the down arrow key. After the Invincibility attack ends, an additional 1 second of Invincibility will be applied.

    Demon Avenger

    • Demon Avenger's survivability had been compromised since maintaining the maximum effectiveness of Demonic Frenzy's Final Damage Increase effect required playing with the minimum HP possible. To improve its survivability, the recovery penalty under certain HP will be removed and Revenant will be strengthened.
    • Shield Charge: Skill can be used when a shield is equipped. Action delay will be reduced by 26% compared to before.
    • Nether Shield: Skill can be used when a shield is equipped.
    • Nether Slice: Action delay will be reduced by 9% compared to before.
    • Demonic Frenzy: HP will now drop to 30% of Max HP at most. You will not receive a recovery penalty at 30% HP or below. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, Final Damage Increase Amount will be reduced from 3% to 2%, and the Final Damage can increase up to 35%.
    • Demonic Blast: Charging will not be stopped even if you're moved to another space during Will Phase 1.
    • Revenant: Skill will not be affected by debilitating status conditions. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, cooldown will be reduced from 300 to 240 seconds, duration will be reduced from 35 to 30 seconds, and basic damage received after skill ends will be reduced from 5% of Max HP to 1%.


    • Rocket Rush and Magnum Launch will be changed to be more useful. Added a new function to Bullet Blast to increase convenience.
    • Rocket Rush: Skill cannot be linked to Magnum Launch. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage on grab will be reduced from 140% to 100%, and number of attacks will be reduced from 2 to 1. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage on push will be increased from 140% to 250%, and number of attacks will be increased from 1 to 4. Max number of targets will be reduced from 15 to 7, and action delay will be reduced by 29%. Added Damage Against Normal Monsters 20% Increase function. Fixed the issue where, after the skill ended, the grabbed enemy appeared at the previous location before it was moved.
    • Magnum Launch: Removed the skill.
    • Magnum Cannon: A new skill that fires a built-in cannon on Arm Cannon forward. It shares skill level with Magnum Launch.
    • Shotgun Punch: Attack range will be increased by 70% and Shock Wave's attack range will be increased by 9%.
    • Vitality Shield: Added a function that increases the damage of Rocket Rush and Magnum Cannon. Removed a function that increases the damage of Magnum Launch.
    • Shield Training II: Only the pushing attack from the function that increases the damage of Rocket Rush will have its damage increased. Added a function that increases the damage of Magnum Cannon.
    • Gauntlet Expert: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Damage Increase Amount will be increased from 15% to 20% and Boss Damage Increase Amount will be increased from 15% to 20%.
    • Hyper Magnum Punch: Blaster cannot be stunned while charging and cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.
    • Bullet Blast: Added a function that activates an attack from the character's position instead of charging by ending key-down while pressing the down arrow key.

    Battle Mage

    • Abyssal Lightning and Dark Shock Boost can now be activated simultaneously so that Dark Shock Boost's effect can be used when using Abyssal Lightning.
    • Condemnation: Skill will no longer end in certain cutscenes. Skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Dark Shock: Duration of Dark Brand will be increased from 5 to 15 seconds, and it will only be applied to yourself.
    • Battle Rage: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Critical Damage increase value will be increased from 8% to 10%.
    • Party Shield: Fixed the issue where only a few party members inside the Party Shield could avoid certain monsters' charging patterns.
    • Blue Aura - Dispel Magic: Clear Status will be activated in more accurate intervals, and when it does, a clearing effect will be displayed.
    • Aura Scythe: Fixed the issue where Blue Aura - Dispel Magic was not activated when Aura Scythe and Blue Aura were applied together.
    • Altar of Annihilation: Max distance limit will be increased by 16%.
    • Abyssal Lightning: Removed the function that activates Black Lightning instead of Dark Shock during its duration. Dark Shock will be activated when teleporting between the netherworld tunnel. Added functions that drop Underworld Lightning near the Battle Mage when Dark Shock activates or Dark Brand attacks, and that do not consume Dark Brand until multiple attacks are activated during its duration. Netherworld tunnel effect size will be reduced to 45%. The maximum number of enemies that can be attacked by Underworld Lightning will be increased from 4 to 6.

    Wild Hunter

    • Added a function to supplement hunting, and Another Bite's duration will be increased to strengthen Wild Hunter's reaction abilities in boss battles.
    • Jaguar Rider: The area that can be hit when you prostrate while riding will be reduced. Cooldown will be reduced from 3 to 1 second.
    • Summon Jaguar: Another Bite's duration will be increased from 8 to 15 seconds. Cooldown will be reduced from 3 to 1 second.
    • Backstep: Fixed the issue where Jaguar's artillery location appeared unnatural when moving backwards while riding a Jaguar.
    • Wild Arrow Blast: Added a function that periodically fires a grenade while riding on a Jaguar to attack enemies that were not attacked by Wild Arrow Blast.
    • Drill Salvo: Wild Arrow Blast's Damage Against Normal Monsters boost value will be increased from 20% to 40%.
    • Wild Arrow Blast - Guardbreak: Ignore Defense amount will be increased from 10% to 20%.
    • Summon Jaguar - Cooldown Cutter: Cooldown reduction amount will be increased from 10% to 20%.
    • Primal Fury: Cooldown will be reduced from 150 to 120 seconds, and based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, invincibility time will be reduced from 12 to 10 seconds.
    • Primal Grenade: The grenade effect will be changed and MP Cost will be reduced from 500 to 300. Fixed the issue where consumed MP was automatically recovered. Fixed the issue where using this skill while Wild Arrow Blast and Wild Arrow Blast Type X were in use did not consume MP.
    • Wild Arrow Blast Type X: Max key-down time will be reduced from 8.5 to 7.2 seconds, and number of attacks will be increased from 4 to 5. Fixed the issue where the skill ended when MP fell below 1,000 during key-down. Fixed the issue where consumed MP was automatically recovered when using this skill.
    • Soul Arrow: Crossbow casting delay will be reduced by 55%.
    • Call of the Wild: Casting delay will be reduced by 50%.
    • Feline Berserk: Casting delay will be reduced by 50%. Increasing ability will be changed to a passive effect. Only the wing effect will be displayed for the active effect. Removed the ON/OFF function of the wing effect.
    • Silent Rampage: When riding a Jaguar, the casting delay will be reduced by 29% so that it will be the same as the Jaguar's summon state.
    • Capture: Added a special Jaguar 'Onyx Jaguar' that can be captured to the Jaguar habitat.
    • Crossbow Booster: Skill name will be changed to Crossbow Acceleration. Skill will be changed to passive skill.
    • Feline Berserk - Reinforce, Feline Berserk - Rapid Attack: Added Feline Berserk Lv. 20 as a prerequisite skill.
    • Jaguar Storm: Added functions that increase damage against normal monsters by 150% to the Jaguar skill for a duration and increase the activation chance of Another Bite. Added a new command used with the down arrow key. When used as a new command, the number of summoned Jaguars will be reduced, but the damage of the Jaguar skill will become stronger. Jaguars will be summoned near the skill casting location. Jaguar resummoning cooldown will be reduced from 10 to 6 seconds. If not used as a new command, the area where the Jaguar is summoned will be increased by 16% compared to before.
      • Developer Comments: Since the Jaguar summoned from Jaguar Storm was summoned in a wide range, it was difficult to succeed in all the attacks in battle with the boss monster. If the summoning range was simply reduced, the effectiveness in hunting would be decreased and the effect would overlap which decreases visibility. Thus, we'd like to compensate for this by summoning a smaller number of Jaguars, but increasing the individual damage.


    • The importance of charging will be reduced by changing the timing when Omega Blaster's cooldown is applied and reducing the rate increased by charging. In addition, we added a change that can supplement hunting abilities.
    • Pinpoint Salvo: Added Damage Against Normal Monsters +150% function.
    • Beam Dance: Action delay before the attack and at the end of the skill will be reduced by 16% compared to before.
    • Mecha Purge: Snipe: Skill will prioritize attacking the enemy with the highest Max HP. Action delay will be reduced by 3% compared to before.
    • Mecha Purge: Bombard: Action delay will be reduced by 6% compared to before.
    • Mecha Purge: Bombardment: Attack range will be increased by 34% and action delay will be reduced by 3% compared to before.
    • OOPArts Code: Action delay will be reduced by 39% compared to before.
    • Entangling Lash: Action delay will be reduced by 46% compared to before.
    • Omega Blaster: Basic attack speed will be increased from 8 to 10 seconds. Basic duration will be reduced from 10 to 6 seconds. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, damage will be reduced from 550% to 525%. Attack interval will be reduced by 29% compared to before. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, attack speed increased through charging will be reduced from 7 to 5 seconds and cooldown will be reduced from 180 to 165 seconds. Cooldown will be applied at the beginning of the attack. Fixed the issue where the attack canceled the stun when the key was released during the stun. Additional invincibility time of 1 second will be applied after attack and it can no longer be used by double-clicking the skill UI.
      • Developer Comments: Instead of reducing the total attack time, we've decreased the attack interval to deal similar damage in a shorter time for more efficiency.
    • Overload Mode, Hypogram Field: Fusion: Skills will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect. However, if you resurrect while protecting Overload mode, MP will not be restored.
    • Photon Ray: Basic aim interval will be reduced by 50% compared to before.


    • Heavy Salvo Plus will be changed to add more variants to its hunting pattern. Added a new function to Rock 'n Shock to increase its convenience.
    • Jet Booster: Added a Command Lock function to Mechanic Dash.
    • Rocket Booster: Added a Command Lock function. Skill will prioritize moving to a platform above a certain height within range.
    • Rock 'n Shock: Added a function that installs 3 Tesla Coils at once by using the skill with the down arrow key when there aren't any Tesla Coils already installed.
    • Heavy Salvo Plus: Skill will be changed from a Key-down skill to a regular attack skill.
    • AP Salvo Plus: Fixed the issue where one of Unfair Advantage's effects, an attack damage increase effect against enemies with Abnormal Status, was not applied to explosions from armor-piercing shells.


    • Grand Armor, which had low usability, will be changed to increase its usefulness.
    • Final Form: Fixed the issue where the action delay was applied over a long period of time when using a special ring skill obtained from the Tower of Oz.
    • Tempest Blades: Action delay while the sword flies will be reduced by 60% during Final Form, applied as the same delay as normal status.
    • Grand Armor: Skill will be changed from Damage Taken Decrease party buff to a personal buff that has a short duration and cooldown. Damage Taken Decrease effect applied as an active effect will also be applied to attacks that deal a set percentage of Max HP. Normal Damage Taken Decrease effect will be applied as a passive effect.
    • Bladefall: Action delay while the sword flies will be reduced by 60% during Final Form, applied as the same delay as normal status.


    • Grappling Wire: System message will be displayed if the skill is used below the minimum height requirement.
    • Shadow Step: Fixed the issue where you couldn't move when using it upward while on the bottom platforms of each section in Dream Defender.
    • Executed Chain Sickle: Based on when the skill reaches master level, final attack's damage will be increased from 200% to 220%. Fixed the issue where the final attack was not activated when Possession was used after the first attack.
    • Executed Poison Needle: Based on when the skill reaches master level, the first attack's damage will be increased from 235% to 250%. Fixed the issue where the skill could not be used by double-clicking from skill UI.
    • Grinding II: Based on when the skill reaches master level, Phantom Blade's damage increase will be reduced from 75% to 35% points.
    • Unseen Sniper: Skill will apply 100% Knockback Resistance during casting motion. Initial attack range will be increased by 11% compared to before.
    • Possess/Executed Unseen Sniper: Skill will 100% Knockback Resistance during casting motion. Initial attack range will be increased by 11% compared to before.
    • Executed Fatal Blitz: Fixed the issue where it could not be used by double-clicking from skill UI.
    • Grip of Agony: Duration will be reduced from 6 to 5 seconds, MP consumption will be reduced from 1,000 to 600. Max number of obtainable Agony will be reduced from 15 to 5, max duration will be reduced from 20 to 10 seconds, and cooldown will be reduced from 180 to 90 seconds. Based on when the skill is at Lv. 25, damage will be increased from 950% to 1,200%. Fixed the issue where Death Throes disappeared when a Buff Freezer item was used.
      • Developer Comments: Grip of Agony's duration and cooldown have been decreased to make it more flexible when used in battle.
    • Chasing Shot: The range looking for an enemy will be increased by 50%.
    • Possession, Possession II: The Malice, which is created at set periods, will be increased by 10 compared to before.


    • Chain Arts: Pursuit: Fixed the issue where Dark Sight's effect was removed when Chain Arts: Void Strike and Weapon Variety Finale were activated.
    • Chain Arts: Beatdown: Fixed the issue where using a certain command during skill action canceled the skill. After hitting the skill key consecutively, if the immobilized enemy is not in the attack range, it will teleport to the enemy to attack.
    • Veteran Shadowdealer: Cooldown will be reduced from 200 to 180 seconds, and number of attacks will be increased from 2 to 3. Fixed the issues where the number of attacks was doubled if only 1 monster was the target of attack and where one of Unfair Advantage's effects, an attack damage increase effect against enemies with Abnormal Status, was not applied.
    • Chain Arts: Maelstrom: Fixed the issue where the skill was installed somewhere else other than the platform the character was on.
    • Summon Shuriken: Cadena will no longer take damage even when attacking enemies with attack reflection.

    Angelic Buster

    • Supreme Supernova: The install location will be changed from being screen-focused to being character location-focused.
    • Mighty Mascot: Skill will obtain Magical Bubble when using Twinkle Star or Magical Balloon. Added a function that automatically obtains more of it periodically.
    • Melody Cross: Attack speed will be changed from level 1 to level 2.


    • Burst Step: Added a Command Lock function.
    • Long Sword Mastery: Added a function of Final Damage 5% Increase.
    • Heavy Sword Mastery: Added a function of Final Damage 5% Increase. Attack Speed Increase will be increased from 2 to 3.
    • Chrono Break: Added a function to reuse the skill to instantly end it. Fixed the issue where the skill unintentionally ended instantly soon after casting.
    • The Transcendent's Will: A new skill that ignores abnormal status effects by focusing your mind. It will be acquired automatically at Lv. 140 and SP will not be consumed. Immune to most abnormal status effects for 3 seconds after use. Certain abnormal status effects and combat orders will still get through. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    • Transcendent Rhinne's Prayer: Added to the skill description that all skill cooldowns of Zero are reset except for skills that are not affected by cooldown reset for accuracy.
    • Divine Force, Divine Speed: Skills will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Critical Bind: While it will not put a normal monster in an Immobilized state, a debuff can be placed on a monster that has not become immobilized. The target that received this debuff will have increased Alpha critical rate and critical damage like monsters that've been immobilized. Debuff will have the same resistance duration as the immobilized state.
      • Developer Comments: When attacking a large number of normal monsters, Immobilized status resistance messages were displayed continuously and Critical Bind and Critical Damage increase effect did not apply on enemies that were not in Immobilized state. Since there wasn't much advantage in immobilizing normal monsters, changes were made so that it only applies to boss monsters and instead, a debuff will be placed on enemies that are not in an Immobilized state so that Critical Damage increase effect could be applied.


    • Decreased the deviation of Mind Break, and slightly lowered the difficulty of the playstyle by improving the usefulness of Law of Gravity.
    • Mind Tremor: Skill will not be affected by attack reflection. Fixed the issue where it was not installed when used repeatedly.
    • Ultimate - Trainwreck: Fixed the issue where the skill sound effect was played when entering another map after using the skill.
    • Mind Tremor 2: Skill will not be affected by attack reflection. Fixed the issue where it was not installed when used repeatedly.
    • Mind Break: Final Damage that increases per enemy hit will be increased from 1% to 2%. Max Final Damage Increase amount will be reduced from 20% to 15%, and action delay will be reduced by 12%.
    • Awakening: Based on when the skill reaches master level, the Final Damage boost value will be increased from 25% to 30%.
    • Law of Gravity: Skill can now be used in the air, and debuff can be applied to flying monsters. However, applying debuff to flying monsters will not pull them in.
    • Pure Power: Added a function to increase attack speed by 1 level.


    • Adele has been showing a good performance overall and its survivability will be adjusted for balancing purposes.
    • True Nobility: If the damage received in place of a party member is fatal, Adele can no longer receive the damage.
    • Feather Float: Based on when the skill reaches master level, cooldown will be increased from 6 to 8 seconds, and Aether Weaving Cost will be increased from 20 to 30.
    • Aether Guard: Skill will be changed from an effect that grants invincibility when hit by an enemy attack immediately after using the skill to an effect that nullifies damage from 1 attack and increases Hit Damage Decrease Amount when holding down the key.
    • True Nobility - Shield Reinforce: Skill will be changed from an effect that generated shield proportionately to damage received in party member's place to an effect that increases damage when shield exists while True Nobility is active.
    • Aether Guard - Persist: Skill will be changed from an effect that increases Invincibility time to an effect that increases max key-down time.
    • Note: Hyper passive skills' SP will reset after October 6 maintenance.


    • Lucent Brand: In certain maps that don't display other characters' skill effects, Lucent Brand effect’s visibility to party members will follow your skill effect transparency setting.
    • Crystal Skill - Wings of Glory: The use delay of a fully-charged Crystal Battery will be increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
    • Crystal Skill - Resonance: Fixed the issue where Lucent Brand was applied to dead party members.
    • Vortex Wings: Added a function that, based on when the skill reaches master level, increases the damage of Reaction - Destruction II and Reaction: Domination II by 100% points.
    • Crystalline Bulwark: Invincibility will be applied for 4 seconds even without Lucent Brand. Invincibility time increase per Lucent Brand will be reduced from 1 to 0.6 second.


    • Impending Death: Fixed the issue where it activated to the Flora state skills as well.


    • Hoyoung has been showing excellent performance in every area. The difficulty of playstyle and damage will be adjusted for balancing purposes.
    • Scroll Energy: Added a function that increases a skill's Final Damage by 5% if the skill has a different attribute from the Three Paths attribute of the previous skill used.
    • Thousand-Ton Stone: Skill will link more smoothly to Heaven: Iron Fan Gale, Heaven: Iron Fan (True), Heaven: Consuming Flames, or Consuming Flames (True).
    • Talisman: Warp Gate: Fixed the issue where Talisman: Warp Gate installed on Ursus did not disappear even after Ursus got up.
    • Advanced Ritual Fan Mastery: Based on when the skill reaches master level, the Final Damage boost value will be reduced from 35% to 25%.
    • Sage: Clone Rampage: The number of clones will be reduced from 12 to 10.


    • We plan to adjust Sanrenzan's number of hits and MP cost to improve the level-up difficulty in the early stages. Since Hayato has quite a few active buff skills compared to other jobs, we will proceed on making some of them into passive buffs.
    • Due to the absence of Final Attack type skills, the bonus attack that is only activated in the existing Rai Sanrenzan will be renewed as a skill called Akatsuki Trace.
    • Sanrenzan: The number of attacks will be fixed to 3 times for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage will be fixed to 120% for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost for its first to third hits will be reduced by 44% compared to before.
    • Jin Sanrenzan: The number of attacks will be fixed to 4 times for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage will be fixed to 180% for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost for its first to third hits will be reduced by 44% compared to before.
    • Fuu Sanrenzan: The number of attacks will be fixed to 4 times for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage will be fixed to 260% for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost for its first to third hits will be reduced by 36% compared to before.
    • Rai Sanrenzan: The number of attacks will be fixed to 4 times for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage will be fixed to 320% for its first to third hits. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost for its first to third hits will be reduced by 41% compared to before.
    • Shinsoku: The fixed speed while casting will be increased from 70 to max 200. The interval between the number of attacks will be increased. Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost will be reduced by 36% compared to before.
      • Developer Comments: In order to attack more efficiently in certain situations, we made improvements to increase the skill’s casting speed and attack speed.
    • Quick Draw: Casting delay will be reduced by 62% from before. Added Quick Leap, a double jump skill that lets you jump once more in the direction the character is facing, that can be used from Quick Draw. Based on when the skill reaches master level, Quick Leap will have an MP Cost of 10.
      • Developer Comments: We increased the movement efficiency upon using Quick Draw by decreasing the casting delay and added a double jump skill.
    • Sudden Strike: Based on when the skill reaches master level, debuff duration will be increased from 10 to 30 seconds. Attack range will be increased by 152% compared to before. Action delay will be reduced by 18% compared to before.
    • Master of Blades: Mastery will be increased from 75 to 80.
    • Military Might: Skill will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Akatsuki Trace: A new skill that performs an additional attack that used to only apply for Rai Sanrenzan to Rai Blade Flash and Shinsoku as well. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Akatsuki Trace Attack Chance: 60%, Damage: 440%, Times Activated: 1.
      • Skill’s bonus attack and its description will be added to Shinsoku Boost Node.
      • Developer Comments: In order to increase the overall firepower, the bonus attack that was applied only to Rai Sanrenzan will now be applied to Hayato's main skills as well.
    • Note: Hayato's 2nd Job Skill SP will reset after October 6 maintenance.


    • We attempted to ease the control difficulty of Mana Vein by expanding its small effect range which made it difficult to choose a location.
    • Mana Balance restores a large quantity of mana but there's a risk of consuming 50% of Max HP. We hope to reduce players' stress of managing mana by decreasing the Max HP consumption effect.
    • Circle of Suppression: Skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Blossom Barrier, Bellflower Barrier: Base barrier range will be increased by 115% compared to before. Fortified barrier range will be increased by 121% compared to before.
    • Haku the Familiar: Added an ON/OFF feature to no longer display Haku when it is not performing any attack or buffs. This ON/OFF feature can be used by double-clicking and it will have a Cooldown of 10 seconds.
    • Mana Vein: The range will be increased by 265% compared to before.
    • Mana Balance: Removed the feature of Max HP consumption.


    • The max monsters that can be attacked with Planet Buster will be increased.
    • We changed some of the active buffs to be passive in order to ease the control difficulty.
    • We will proceed to change the skills that display the old Explorer effect to enhance Jett's character's concept.
    • A few skills have been changed to supplement Jett's damage dealing cycle composed of weak skills.
    • Planet Buster: Max Enemies Hit will be increased from 6 to 10.
    • Bounty Chaser: Skill will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Slipstream Suit: Skill will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Gravity Booster: Skill will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Rising Cosmos: Skill’s icon and skill casting effect will be changed.
    • Core Aura: Skill’s icon design will be updated.
    • Backup Beatdown: Attack interval will be reduced. Strikeforce Showdown will be applied to Backup Beatdown.
    • Stellar Impact: Added a debuff effect that increases Final Damage by 25%, based on when the skill reaches master level, upon attacking the monsters hit with this skill.
    • Bionic Resilience: Removed the casting motion so the skill can now be used while moving. Removed Max HP% increase and damage taken reduction effect. Abnormal Status Resistance and Elemental Resistance will be increased from 15 to 100. Added a cooldown of 180 seconds, and an effect that increases the chance for Strikeforce Showdown by 10% during the buff. Buff duration will be reduced from 180 to 30 seconds.
    • Strikeforce Showdown: Attack range will be increased by 11% compared to before. Removed delay upon activation. Removed the MP consumption-related text from the skill description.
      • Developer Comments: We fixed the issue where Strikeforce Showdown would not hit in Starforce Salvo max range when Starforce Salvo's hyper skill Range was applied.
    • Gravity Crush: Attack interval will be reduced by 1/3 compared to before. Duration will be reduced from 30 to 10 seconds. Skill will be changed to install the final stage effect of Gravity Crush immediately.
      • Developer Comments: Skill has been changed to allow much to be dealt with in a short time by decreasing the attack interval and duration by 1/3 from how they were before.
    • Starforce Salvo/Strikeforce Showdown Boost: Node damage coefficient will be reduced from 3% to 2%.
    • Turret Deployment: Skill can now be used while in the air.
    • Note: Jett's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Job Skill SP will reset after October 6 maintenance.

    Beast Tamer

    • Added some 5th Job Nodes for Bear Mode that were missing.
    • The bonus for normal monster hunting in Snow Leopard mode has been enhanced.
    • Cat's Cradle Blitzkrieg and Champ Charge were renewed since they were not functioning properly.
    • Added a new feature for Cub Cavalry and proceeded with various convenience changes.
    • Majestic Trumpet: Added relevant skill bonuses to Deep Breath Node.
      • Lv. 20 Bonus (Target Increase), Lv. 40 Bonus (Ignore DEF 20%)
    • Fort Follow-Up: Added relevant skill bonuses to Really Deep Breath Node.
      • Lv. 20 Bonus (Target Increase), Lv. 40 Bonus (Ignore DEF 20%)
    • Paw Swipe, Furious Strikes: Skill was changed to link Paw Swipe and Furious Strikes by pressing the key. Skill will now maintain Furious Strikes by pressing the key.
      • Developer Comments: Furious Strikes attack at a similar speed as a rapid fire skill, however, it can be tiring to repeatedly press the control key. To improve such inconvenience, we changed the skill to link by pressing the key.
    • Snow Leopard Mode
      • Developer Comments: The Snow Leopard mode was improved to show more powerful performance upon hunting normal monsters.
    • Leopard's Roar: Based on when the skill reaches master level, additional damage to normal monsters will be increased by 20%. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage increase effect of Leopard's Paw and Leopard's Pounce will be increased from 20% to 30%.
    • Lethal Lai: Based on when the skill reaches master level, additional damage to normal monsters will be increased by 25%. Based on when the skill reaches master level, damage increase effect of Leopard's Paw, Leopard's Pounce, Leopard's Roar, Macho Dance, Macho Slam, and Thunder Dash will be increased from 30% to 50%.
    • Bro Attack: Based on when the skill reaches master level, MP Cost will be reduced from 120 to 60. Based on when the skill reaches master level, the chance of summoning a baby snow leopard will be increased from 15% to 30%. Baby snow leopard attack count will be increased from 2 to 4. Damage, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be reduced from 550% to 300%. Added a max number of baby snow leopards of 20.
    • Defensive Formation: Added relevant skill bonuses to Tornado Flight Node.
      • Lv. 20 Bonus (Critical Rate 5%), Lv. 40 Bonus (Ignore DEF 20%)
    • Cat Mode Passive Effect Range Limit: The passive buff effects provided in Cat Mode will be changed to be applied only when inside a certain range of the character casting it. The buff effect range will be activated around the caster and the passive effect will be updated every 10 seconds.
      • Cat Mode skills with the passive effect:
        • Kitty Battle Squad
        • Kitty Treats
        • Sticky Paws
        • Cat's Claws
        • Mouser's Insight
        • Friends of Arby
      • Developer Comments: Cat Mode allows various party utilities and buffs to be used. It has been changed to apply them centered on the caster's location to enhance the concept of a party buffer.
    • Meow Card: Based on when the skill reaches master level, buff duration will be increased from 120 to 180 seconds.
    • Meow Gold Card: Based on when the skill reaches master level, activation rate of Gold Card will be increased from 30% to 100%
    • Cat's Cradle Blitzkrieg: Skill will be changed to an area giving damage for the duration after casting. Added an effect increasing Final Damage by 20%, based on when the skill reaches master level, upon attacking monsters that were hit with this skill. MP Cost, based on when the skill reaches master level, will be increased from 101 to 300.
    • Champ Charge: The attack will be activated and buff will be provided according to the current animal mode upon casting the skill. Cooldown will be reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.
    • Aerial Relief: Cooldown will be reduced from 145 to 120 seconds.
    • Cub Cavalry: Added a feature to create a group of 4 baby animals in the character's current location in the direction the character is facing upon using the skill while pressing the key down.
      • Developer Comments: We added a new feature so that Cub Cavalry can be used stably in boss battle.

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    Content Improvements

    • Tower of Oz Improvements
      • Monsters on the 37th floor can no longer be lifted up using skills that lift up monsters.
      • Certain quizzes given on the 39th floor will be changed.
      • An explanation has been added to the quiz questions given on the Undersea 43rd floor.
      • An explanation has been added to the question concerning the number of monsters defeated on the 11th floor and 21st floor. It will no longer be about how many the party defeated but how many the individual defeated instead.
      • Dorothy's Meteor attack pattern will end when she is defeated.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the monsters were not summoned on the 13th floor.
      • Fixed the issue where after game maintenance, notification for previous 1st place would be displayed when entering the lobby. This notification will no longer be displayed.
      • Added Ring Activation Skill
        • Developer Comments: The special skill rings from the Tower of Oz content are strategically used in boss battles, and sometimes up to 10 types are used. As a result, it was inconvenient to assign a shortcut for each skill or to activate the skill with the mouse during a fast-paced boss battle. The ‘Ring Activation’ is a skill that allows you to use the active effects of a special skill ring by combining them into a single shortcut, which efficiently alleviates the inconvenience of the aforementioned shortcut to some extent.
        • The ‘Ring Activation’ skill will allow you to use the active skills of the special skill rings obtained from Tower of Oz.
        • The ‘Ring Activation’ skill will only be available when the character is equipped with a special skill ring.
        • The activation effect and cooldown of 'Ring Activation' skill are shared with the active skill of the currently equipped special skill ring. If you change the special skill ring, it will be changed accordingly.
      • To support players with Color Blindness, each card type will have a distinct, specific pattern to make it easier to recognize the card types on the 2nd floor.
      • Added an exclusive skill that can interfere with the oiling of the Tin Woodman on the 20th floor or push the Scarecrow away on the 40th floor. You can use the skill with the NPC/Harvesting key on the floor. In addition, interfering with the oiling of the tin will stun the Tin Woodman for a set period of time.
      • Monsters that cannot be distinguished by silhouette will no longer appear on the 49th floor.
        • Clang and Pixie type monsters will no longer appear as a silhouette on the 49th floor.
        • Robo, White Desert Rabbit, Cactus, and Evil Eye will no longer appear as a silhouette on the 49th floor.
      • Fixed the issue where monsters summoned on the 13th floor were immobilized.
      • Fixed the issue where it was possible to clear the 38th floor by hunting only Grizzlies through Soul and Set-up skills without closing the last dialog window after talking to the NPC on the 38th floor.
      • Fixed the issue where if you press the up arrow key in a specific area on the 40th floor, the motion that teleports you in place was displayed.
      • Fixed the example answer of a question related to the 36th floor that appeared on the 43rd floor.
      • Fixed the issue where the player was unable to move to the next floor if Red Sand Powder was dropped on the right side of the sign after completing the mission on the 29th floor.
    • Mu Lung Dojo Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where Irena used an invincibility pattern on the 57th floor even while she was stunned.
      • Improved the issue where there was a time difference between what's displayed in the UI and what's recorded in the ranking.
      • The position of the buff icon has been changed so that the buff icon will no longer cover the timer.
      • The timer format has been changed in which the time will now be subtracted from 15 minutes 00 seconds.
        • Developer Comments: Since the content has a time limit of 15 minutes, the display has been changed to a format that is subtracted from 15 minutes to make the remaining time more intuitive.
      • Fixed the issue where when a player leaves the Utility Training Center without any refundable tickets remaining, So Gong would sometimes inaccurately instruct that ticket can and cannot be refunded.
      • Ranking calculation time will be changed from 11:00 PM UTC on Sunday to 12:30 AM UTC on Monday.
      • Fixed the issue where the mix-dyed Zero character's hair color was incorrectly displayed as the mix-dye hair base color on the rankings.
    • Monster Park Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where character and monster moved outside of the screen in Monster Park's Lachelein the Dreaming City stage 5.
      • Fixed the issue where the clear effect was displayed when all Tranquil Erdas were defeated before the Lantern Erdas were summoned in Monster Park’s Vanishing Journey stage 5.
      • Fixed the issue where the clear effect was displayed when the Tranquil Erdas were defeated and another Lantern Erdas on the map was defeated before the Lantern Erdas was summoned in the Monster Park’s Vanishing Journey stage 5.
      • If you attempt to enter Monster Park with the Profession UI open, you will be prompted to close all related windows and attempt to enter again.
      • Fixed the issue where the tree in the Stronghold Entrance background was not aligned in the Monster Park’s Knight Stronghold stage 1.
      • Fixed the issue where the bottom background image was cut off when the character moved to the topmost part of the map in Monster Park’s Vanishing Journey stage 1.
      • Fixed the issue where the boss monster did not appear in the Monster Park's Knight Stronghold final stage.
    • Monster Collection Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where the ‘Claim Reward’ button was displayed active for areas you already received the reward for.
      • Fixed the issue where the Monster Collector quest cannot be completed when the Poison Flower monster is already registered in the Monster Collection.
    • Monster Life Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes a post wouldn't be registered to the Monster Life Guest Book.
      • Fixed the issue where the ‘Combine’ button was activated for an impossible combination.
      • The Black Mage's Shadow Potential description has been updated to be more precise from "ATT, M. ATT +6" to "ATT +6, M. ATT +6".
      • The number of exchange tickets for 1 Gem that can be obtained as a Well-Deserved quest reward has been increased from 1 to 5.
      • The number of Nurture is reduced from 3 to 1, and the monster EXP, farm EXP, and Waru that can be obtained from Nurture have been increased by 3 times compared to before.
      • When the special category combination fails, it won't just show C-grade monsters, but monsters with a grade according to the general combination logic will appear.
      • The probability of special category monsters appearing upon combination has been modified according to the grade, and the probability has been increased compared to the previous ones.
        • Grade B: 25%
        • Grade A: 20%
        • Grade A+: 12%
        • Grade S: 7%
        • Grade SS: 3%
      • The Pharaoh Yeti’s Potential Ability will be increased from Farm EXP +5 to +15.
    • Reboot World Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where inactive missions from Maple Guide appeared to be available in Reboot world.
      • A message will now be displayed in the Battle tab when EXP and item acquisition amount decreases due to being in a party.
      • A system message will now be displayed when a player picks up dropped mesos while a party member is on a different map and the corresponding party member does not receive their share.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes item trade with NPC Staff Sergeant Charlie would fail.
      • Scissors of Karma and trade-related information will be removed from the Cursed Kaiserium quest dialogue in Reboot world.
      • Fixed the issue where equipment that doesn't fit the job was dropped upon defeating a Shark or Cold Shark.
      • Fixed the issue where items that cannot be acquired in the Reboot world were listed in the description of the Hunter Pouch and Substantial Exploration Box.
      • Fixed the issue where Evan's Dragon Equipment and Mechanic's Mechanic Equipment did not drop upon defeating normal monsters.
    • Other Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where the Dream Defender weekly rankings would constantly display the ranking information of the first world player checked when attempting to check rankings of different worlds afterward.
      • Added information that players can only receive up to 500 Dream Coins per day from Dream Defender in Mr. Flopsy’s dialogue.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes Toxic Spirit wouldn’t be enhanced when 2 or more Rock Spirits were rescued at the same time during Spirit Savior.
      • Fixed the issue where the cooldown only applied if the player obtained an item at the same time it disappeared during Flag Race.
      • Fixed the issue where players received the same 30 ranking points that 5th place would receive when they completed the Flag Race in 6th place or below.
      • Fixed the issue where the Mystery Mastery Book could be obtained from certain monsters in Silent Crusade.

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    System Improvements

    • Cash Shop Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where the character's face would disappear from Cash Shop preview in certain situations.
      • Fixed the issue where an equipped two-handed weapon's image would disappear when equipping the Transparent Shield in Cash Shop preview.
      • When you attempt to delete a Cash item, the icon and name of the item will now be displayed in an information window.
      • Fixed the issue where the Cash Shop UI may be displayed outside the Cash Shop after exiting.
      • Fixed the issue where the default sort order of items in the Cash Inventory changed each time a player entered the Cash Shop.
      • The current character’s hair and face color preview has been added to Cash Shop’s Hair/Face Coupon preview.
      • Fixed the issue where the character's appearance in the Cash Shop preview was not displayed correctly if the player entered the Cash Shop while using a skill via a macro function.
    • Auction House Improvements
      • When players click the ‘Get All’ button from the Auction House, they will now receive the most recently traded items first.
      • When there are more items that fit quick search criteria than the list that can be displayed, players will now receive an information pop-up to allow them to continue searching through the following list.
      • Fixed the issue where players were not able to search for the following items at the Auction House:
        • Sky Blue Mimi Blouse
        • Yellow Mimi Blouse
        • Scuba Diving Suit
        • Golden Bulldog Hat
        • Sky Blue Camping Hat
        • Black Bandage
        • Brown Bandage
        • White Bandage
        • Evil Watermelon Hat
        • Cargo Hiphop Pants
        • Athletic Hood
      • Fixed the issue where the completion and expiration dates for items that have expired or been canceled in the Auction House Wish List were incorrectly displayed as 1900-01-01.
      • Search Option Improvements
        • Added search options for additional options, upgrade count, and Scissors use count.
        • The number of detailed search filters has been increased from 3 to 5, allowing players to search items with more detailed conditions.
      • Search Result Improvements
        • Added price per item display and sorting function for items sold in cash bundles.
        • Increased the click range of the sort button in the search result list.
      • Eggrich will now provide more detailed explanations about the existing registration deposit. The explanations include the following:
        • Players must pay the registration deposit when listing or re-listing items for sales.
        • If the sale is successful, players can receive the registration deposit back.
        • If a player cancels after listing or the item does not sell within the period, the registration deposit cannot be returned.
    • Guild Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Guild Emblem wouldn't register.
      • Fixed the issue where there was no message if guild skill points cannot be used at that time due to too many players. A message will now be displayed in such circumstances.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client may crash when alliance chat was used while 256 or more alliance members were logged in.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client may crash if a player searched again after clicking the next page from the Guild Search results page in the Guild UI.
    • Legion Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where only Alpha would appear, have its skill used, and only Shadow Rain sound effect being heard when Zero is assigned to a unit in Legion Raid.
      • Fixed the issue where players cannot use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down in the Legion Raid Ranking list and the Beauty Salon list.
      • The comparison of the currently applied preset, the selected preset's Raider, and the Raider’s Raid Power will now be displayed even if the preset is not being edited.
    • Other Improvements
      • The character’s equipped title will no longer be displayed while the character's size is changed by Rune of Might or OMNI-CLN's attack.
      • Fixed the issue where navigation could not be canceled while a Megaphone’s pop-up message was displayed.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client may crash when an NPC was clicked at the same time a Hidden Portal was used.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client may close when moving to the World Selection screen while the NPC Shop was open.
      • Fixed the issue where the game’s Option changes were not properly saved if the game was closed through the Task Manager.
      • Fixed the issue where if a player, while in a party, moved to a different channel after an item was dropped and then moved back to the same channel, sometimes the dropped item would not be seen.
      • Fixed the issue where an invitation would not be displayed above the character's head if Rune of Might was used to change the character's size.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes pets with Ignore Item skill would not pick up any of the dropped items if the boss monster was defeated immediately after entering the boss battle map.
      • Fixed the issue where if a player selected a potion registered to a slot in the Equip Inventory's Pet tab and then clicked the slot again, the potion selection would not be canceled.
      • Fixed the issue where Soul Gauge's max value was displayed as 0 if the player unequipped a Soul Weapon and then equipped it again.
      • The sound effect played when a player has insufficient Arcane Force or Sacred Power will be changed from a skill sound effect to a normal sound effect.
      • Fixed the issue where skill and sounds used in Split Road of Destiny Explorer job preview were unnatural.
      • Fixed the issue where the system message displayed when logging into the game had spacing issues and typos.

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    Skill Improvements

    Shared Skills

    • Fixed the issue where sometimes a skill sound effect would be cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills could attack or place debuffs on ally NPCs or enemies that can't be attacked. However, debuffs can still be placed on the Transcendence Stone in Damien boss battle.
      • Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Poison
      • Mist Night Lord's Frailty Curse
      • Shadower's Smokescreen
      • Explorer Pirate's Banner
      • Wind Archer's Emerald Flower
      • Developer Comments: This fix was to prevent effects from affecting ally NPCs and dummy monsters that are needed for content development. Since the intention of this fix wasn't to change other contents, an exception was made for the Transcendence Stone in Damien boss battle to avoid changing the existing battle pattern.
    • If the player transforms using a transformation potion or transformation abnormal status, the following continuous attack skills will no longer deal damage:
      • Dark Knight's Darkness Aura
      • Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Inferno Aura
      • Dual Blade's Asura
      • Buccaneer's Lord of the Deep
      • Corsair's Bullet Barrage
      • Mihile's Radiant Soul
      • Demon Slayer's Dark Metamorphosis
      • Kaiser's Dragon Blaze
      • Adele's StormWind, Legacy Restoration
      • Hayato's Quick Draw Auto Attack
      • Kanna's Circle of Suppression
      • Developer Comments: In the current system, attacks can only be made during certain character transformation skills, such Kaiser's Final Form. If damage can be dealt using an attack, other than pet and installation skills, during a transformation potion, various issues may occur due to a conflict with the battle system. Thus, function has been limited so that damage can't be dealt during transformation. We will continue to address other skills that deal damage during transformations when they should not be.
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills that move to find enemies were targeting enemies that can't be attacked:
      • Shadower's Into Darkness
      • Thunder Breaker's Flash
      • Shade's Fox Trot
      • Luminous' Flash Blink
    • Fixed the issue where Aeonian Rise skill name was not properly displayed on the Battle Analysis System.
    • Players will no longer be able to interact with NPC during the delay time between using the Return skill and teleporting.
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills appeared as if only the first attack was blocked during patterns with multiple attacks:
      • Mihile's Royal Guard
      • Adele's Aether Guard
    • Fixed the issue where there would be a twitching motion when the character used certain buffs that don't have a casting action while hanging on a rope or ladder.
    • Fixed the issue where Soul skill was activated when the player entered the Soul skill command while hanging on a rope or ladder and then came down within a certain period of time, despite how Soul skill shouldn’t be activated when used while hanging.
    • Fixed the issue where the player was unable to obtain items falling down in the Rune of Riches Bonus Stage while the key-down skill was being used.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration was applied abnormally if the player changed the stage at the same time Last Resort's duration ended.
    • Fixed the issue where skill or consumable item, registered to a corresponding key, was used in Korean keyboard input mode when selecting the Loaded Dice pips.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill icon slightly moved when the player hovered over the Tangerelephant mount skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill activated but did not deal damage if it was used after moving a channel just before the cooldown time was reset.
    • A Decent skill will not be activated if a better buff is currently applied.
    • Players will no longer be able to set skill macro names using censored words in the in-game chat.
    • Fixed the issue where Magic ATT was decreased by the amount of INT increased when attacking immediately after using the Weapon Jump I Ring.
    • Fixed the issue where the Critical rate increased by using the Critical Defense Ring item was not reflected.
    • Fixed the issue where certain passive effects of skills with prerequisite skills were applied even if the prerequisites were not met.
    • Fixed the issue where, when the following jobs that do not use arrows or bullets equip them, Attack Power was applied or consumed when using certain skills:
      • Pathfinder
      • Cannoneer
      • Mercedes
      • Mechanic
      • Kain
      • Angelic Buster
      • Jett
    • Fixed the issue where the skill damage was not applied when the player used the following skills that attack consecutively after attacking more than a certain number of times in one place:
      • Dual Blade's Asura
      • Corsair's Bullet Barrage
      • Xenon's Omega Blaster
    • Fixed the issue where the following skills that can push monsters could not push the scarecrows on the Tower of Oz 40th floor:
      • Marksman's Dragon's Breath
      • Night Lord's Gust Charm
      • Corsair's Blackboot Bill
      • Wind Archer's Fairy Spiral, Spiraling Vortex
      • Mechanic's Punch Launcher
    • Fixed the issue where the icon would darken when the player hovered over certain mount skills.
    • Fixed the issue where other jobs were able to move to the Ereve map by using guild skills such as ‘On My Way’ and ‘I Summon Thee’ when it was supposed to be exclusive for the Cygnus jobs using the Imperial Recall skill.
    • Fixed the issue where Explorer Warrior's War Leap skill icon was displayed in a different color in the skill level increase UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the attack range was changed for the following skills depending on the direction that the character is facing:
      • Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)'s Frozen Orb
      • Cygnus Knights' Phalanx Charge
      • Evan's Thunder Dive
      • Luminous' Morning Star
    • Fixed the following 5th Job Skill Blink issues:
      • Issue where the skill was able to be used during skill action.
      • Issue where the movement speed changed if the player was in the air by using the Blink skill right after canceling a skill that allows the player to be mid-air.
      • Issue where the character would remain in the air even when they transform by using a Transformation Potion, etc.
      • Issue where certain command skills were available for use even when in the air.
    • Fixed the issue where Mihile's Royal Guard and Adele's Aether Guard were unable to defend against the following boss attack patterns:
      • Ursus' Frenzy Pattern
      • Pierre's Falling Hat Pattern
      • Vellum's Stalactite Pattern
      • Verus Hilla's Soul Thread Pattern
    • Fixed the issue where the selection list would display Lv. 0 when a Node that was selected in the V Matrix Node Extraction was used as an Enhancement material for a different node.
    • Fixed the issue where, when Follow was executed on a pet after adding a buff skill that consumes HP on pet’s Auto Buff, the buff skill would not be used but the HP would continue to be consumed.
    • Fixed the issue where the following immobilization skills caused monsters in resistance time to be stunned:
      • Paladin's Smite Shield
      • Wild Hunter's Jaguar Soul
    • Fixed the following issues with the Darkness status:
      • Issue where the screen effect would shake when a skill that makes the character move frequently was used.
      • Issue where the character's image was not displayed when using the Beta resolution.
    • Fixed the issue where Soul Weapon skill was unable to be used in the Mu Lung Dojo Back Yard for Training.
    • Fixed the issue where the player was unable to activate a skill until landing on a platform when they bounced against a wall using Double Jump after using Rope Lift.
    • Players will no longer be able to use mid-air skills during Follow.
    • If the player registered a Decent type skill and a different skill in the Skill Macro while a better buff is currently applied, the skill registered after the Decent type skill will be used.
    • Fixed the issue where the player received damage even though it seemed as if they avoided a hit from a meteorite type pattern the moment Dark Sight ended. It has been changed so that the character will not receive damage in such circumstances.
    • Fixed the issue where an unnatural sound effect was played when Shade and Zero characters used certain skills in cooldown.
    • Fixed the issue where Souls split through Shade's Soul Splitter and monsters summoned through Wild Hunter's Call of the Hunter were identified as monsters that need to be defeated in certain content.


    • Fixed the issue where, when Hero locked a Burning Soul Blade and moved maps, sometimes the lock would be maintained.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill description displayed the Damage as 0% when a Burning Soul Blade was locked.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill description was not displayed if a Burning Soul Blade was locked when the skill node was Lv. 26 and above.


    • Fixed the issue where the Hammers of the Righteous range appeared to be increasing when Paladin uses Hammers of the Righteous right before Advanced Charge ends and then cancels it to use Elemental Charge.
    • Fixed issue where sometimes immediate end caused by Paladin's reuse of Sacrosanctity would not be applied.
    • Fixed the issue where Paladin's Sacrosanctity was canceled if a party member cancels Sacrosanctity by right-clicking when Paladin used Sacrosanctity after bonding with the party member through Divine Echo.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes final damage was not increased when Paladin changes channel while using Divine Echo.
    • Fixed the issue where the weapon was not visible upon equipping a two-handed blunt weapon while using Blast.
    • Fixed the issue where for Divine Echo, Paladin was unable to bond again with a party member who died and resurrected if the Paladin had bonded with a different party member after the corresponding party member died.

    Dark Knight

    • Fixed the issue where the Final Pact skill’s cooldown display buff disappeared when entering or leaving Ursus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the Darkness Aura skill was able to be used while hanging on a rope or ladder.
    • Fixed the issue of where the Darkness Aura skill would end even though the attack did not activate when using Darkness Chase Cut while hanging on a rope or ladder.

    Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)

    • Fixed the issue where Inferno Aura appeared between the face and the facestyle.
    • Inferno Aura skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • The cooldown display format in the Viral Slime skill description will be updated to be the same as that of the other skills.

    Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)

    • Fixed the issue where Chain Lightning's hit effect was displayed in an unnatural position when attacking Ariel during the Pink Bean boss battle.
    • Absolute Zero Aura skill will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.


    • Fixed the issue where the Bishop would not go into battle status when they used Divine Punishment.
    • Fixed the issue where the Resurrection’s Invincibility effect applied after reviving could end due to another Invincibility effect.
    • Fixed the issue where the Final Form would end if Kaiser dies while the Final Form is active and revives with Resurrection.
    • If Heaven's Door buff and the cooldown debuff are together, they will now disappear together upon leaving the Ursus boss battle.
    • Advanced Blessing will now be activated if the player uses Bless after learning Advanced Blessing.

    Explorer Bowman

    • Fixed the issue where if Archery Mastery had been learned, Bow Master and Marksman were able to use normal ranged attacks even if there were no arrows.

    Bow Master

    • Fixed the issue where the Double Jump icon was displayed in a different color in the skill level increase UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Quiver Cartridge did not activate as an active effect while using Inhuman Speed.
    • Fixed the issue where Arrow Blaster skill effect's transparency setting was not applied.


    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Perfect Shot's attack range was applied differently from the position of the mouse cursor.
    • Fixed the issue where Marksman would not go into battle status after attacking using Perfect Shot.


    • Fixed the issue where Cardinal Torrent was active in place if Pathfinder used it while in a Dazed state.
    • Fixed the issue where Cardinal Torrent would move in the direction Pathfinder faced when using the direction key opposite of the facing direction.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Relic Gauge was consumed multiple times when Pathfinder used Relic Unbound continuously.

    Night Lord

    • Fixed the issue where Night Lord's Frailty Curse debuff effect would remain for a set period even after the debuff has ended.
    • Fixed the issue where Night Lord's Shurrikane hit sound effect did not play when Cash Throwing Stars were equipped.


    • Fixed the issue where Smokescreen's reduction of damage taken was not applied to certain falling objects.

    Dual Blade

    • Fixed the issue where Dual Blade's Fatal Blow hit sound effect did not play.
    • Added to Final Cut's skill description stating that consumption will be based on HP for accuracy.


    • Adjusted the distance traveled when Buccaneer uses Advanced Dash through hotkey to be similar to the distance traveled when the skill was used with ordinary command.
    • Fixed issue where you can move backward and use skills by using Advanced Dash in the opposite direction of where you're facing.
    • Fixed the issue where the effect was displayed in the Cash Shop preview when the effect was turned off.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Nautilus Strike's additional hits did not activate during cooldown.


    • In Bullet Barrage skill description, text stating that MP is consumed per second will be removed for inaccuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where cooldown time did not decrease when Death Trigger paused while bouncing since there was no enemy to attack.


    • Fixed the issue where the Shockwave caused by Final Attack and Weapon Aura did not activate in Light Force Ray.
    • Fixed the issue where Radiant Cross - Hazard's effect was not visible when installed on Blaze Wizard's Burning Conduit location.

    Dawn Warrior

    • Fixed the issue where the crack did not explode immediately when Rift of Damnation ends.
    • Fixed the issue where Rift of Damnation's attack range of the crack changed when Dawn Warrior moved to another location after the crack was created.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Dawn Warrior was pushed back by enemy attacks during Charge start action while using Styx Crossing.

    Blaze Wizard

    • Fixed the issue where Fires of Creation's Ignore Defense effect was not applied when Buff Freezer item was used after death while it was summoned.

    Wind Archer

    • Fixed the issue where Wind Archer traveled beyond the tip of the platforms when using Wind Walk on the ground.
    • Fixed the issue where Howling Gale targeted an enemy that cannot be attacked.
    • Fixed the issue where Emerald Dust's Defense reduction was indicated as a negative number in the skill description.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters in Deep Cave 1, 2, and 3 were moved to the bottom of the river during Arcana prequest when using Vortex Sphere.
    • Fixed the issue where normal attack was activated when Sentient Arrow or Song of Heaven was used while Wind Archer was in a lying down position.

    Night Walker

    • Improved the issue where sometimes skills are not activated when Night Walker uses an attack skill after activating Dark Sight through Shadow Jump.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes its effect appears behind the map objects.


    • Fixed the issue where combo would not be decreased to 800 when Aran moved to a certain map while in a state where Activate Adrenaline Rush can be used.
    • Fixed the issue where other skills could not be activated at the end of Maha's Fury skill.


    • Evan’s Mir skill and Fusion skill will no longer be canceled when Evan moves far using hidden portals, etc., while using the Mir skill or Fusion skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the Fusion skill would be canceled when Evan moved far using hidden portals, etc., then immediately used Return! and activated the Fusion skill consecutively while Mir skill or Fusion skill was active.
    • Fixed the issue where 2nd Job Wind Flash's attack range changed depending on the direction it was used.
    • Fixed the issue where Flame Breath - Return! damage was not applied when Combat Orders were applied after activating the skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the right border of Elemental Barrage's skill icon was not visible.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Elemental Radiance was installed on the wrong platform in Lucid Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client crashed if Evan used a new skill before Mir's appearance changed after Job Advancement.
    • Fixed the issue where Mir explained about the Support Jump skill, which is no longer available, when Evan reached Lv. 50.
    • Fixed the issue where skill level appeared in red in the skill UI, unlike that of other classes, when the skill is receiving Boost Node effect.


    • Fixed the issue where the Spirit of Elluel icon was displayed twice in the buff window if Mercedes used a Buff Freezer item after death while using Spirit of Elluel.
    • Fixed the issue where Spirit of Elluel's attack range of the afterimage was applied based on Mercedes position rather than the position of the afterimage.
    • Fixed the issue where Sylvidia's duration was not extended when using Irkalla's Wrath when a small amount of duration remained.
    • Fixed the issue where Sylvidia's Flight skill was not affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes would be in an unnatural position when certain buff skills were used when hanging on a rope or ladder while riding Sylvidia.
    • Fixed the issue where Mercedes was able to use a movement skill in maps where it could not be used.
    • Fixed the issue where Charge skill did not activate for a moment when Spirit Nimble Flight was used while a charging skill was active.
    • Fixed the issue where Spikes Royale - Armorbreak's Defense decrease amount was displayed as a negative number on the skill description.


    • Fixed the issue where the Phantom's Carte Noir - Swerve Card skill was visible on the skill UI. The SP used on the skill will be returned.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Phantom could not move downwards when the skill was used on a diagonal platform.
    • Fixed the issue where Shroud Walk's cooldown was not applied when Phantom moved channels while the skill had not ended.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom did not go into battle status when Mille Aiguilles skill was used.
    • If the enemy disappears while Carte Noir - Swerve card is flying, it will now fly to other nearby enemies.
    • Phantom will no longer take damage even when Carte Noir - Swerve card attacks enemies with Attack Reflection.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom's Mark target effect would briefly be displayed as 2 when reviving after death while targeting Papulatus.
    • Fixed the issue where when To the Skies was used, Phantom was moved to the Six Path Crossway when they entered Ardentmill from Lumiere and then left.
    • Fixed the issue where Impeccable Memory IV's Arrow Fragment was not activated when Marksman used Piercing Arrow.
    • Fixed the issue where Phantom did not go into battle status when Tempest skill was used.

    Shade (Who again?)

    • Fixed the issue where Shade did not go into battle status when using Spirit Frenzy.
    • The Soul Splitter skill that attacks the enemy with the highest Max HP will now attack the original monster first when the separated soul and the original monster are together.
      • A separated soul will appear behind the original monster. The soul may be seen in the front again if the original monster takes certain actions.


    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the entire screen would appear red due to the Light and Darkness notification screen effect when leaving the Cash Shop.

    Demon Slayer

    • Fixed the issue where the game client sometimes crashed when Demon Slayer uses Chaos Lock consecutively.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Demon Slayer was moved to the wrong location when Chaos Lock skill is used with the up arrow key in Will Phase 1.
    • Fixed the issue where attack action was not visible to other characters if Demon Slayer's Orthrus attack did not hit the enemy.

    Demon Avenger

    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Demon Avenger was unable to move after using Shield Charge.
    • Fixed the issue where cooldown was applied on Demonic Blast in Ursus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the HP reduction debuff was not applied when Revenant ends.
    • When Revenant is active on Black Mage, if the death count is exhausted due to the stacking of Creation and Destruction debuffs, the player will die and exit even if the Revenant is active.
      • Developer Comments: During boss battles, the character usually remains dead after exhausting all death counts. However, there was a problem caused by the combination of Black Mage's characteristic, which decreases death count even if the character did not die, and the Revenant skill's characteristic, where HP does not reach 0. In order to address the problem, it will be modified to leave after death for just this circumstance.


    • To address the issue where Blaster had leftover SP for 3rd Job skills, Magnum Cannon will now consume SP without sharing SP with Rocket Rush.
    • Fixed the issue where the first attack did not trigger when using Gatling Punch while Blaster was lying down.

    Battle Mage

    • Fixed the issue where Battle Mage was unable to use Blink immediately after using Combat Teleport in an upward direction.

    Wild Hunter

    • Fixed the issue where the cooldown of Wild Hunter's Primal Fury was applied longer than the time displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where only one skill activated or cooldown was applied to both skills when Wild Hunter used 2 or more Jaguar skills at the same time.
    • Fixed the issue where Hunting Assistant Unit and Drill Salvo consumed arrows while active.
    • For Jaguar Storm, Jaguar will not be summoned in the air on non-soaring maps.
    • Fixed the issue where Jaguar action appeared unnatural when Crossbow skill was used after moving first while using Jaguar Rider.
    • Jaguar will no longer disappear when the platform disappears after Jaguar was summoned on the platform.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client would momentarily pause for all party members, including the Wild Hunter, in the same map when Jaguar was summoned or Jaguar skill was used.
    • Fixed the issue where Jaguar was not summoned if the Wild Hunter used the Jaguar Storm command at the edge of the map while facing towards the edge.


    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Time Capsule was canceled but its effect remained when Xenon dies while using Time Capsule.
    • Omega Blaster skill will now be canceled if Xenon enters the Torrent Zone while charging or attacking.
    • Fixed the issue where Xenon revived with MP recovery in Magnus and Lotus boss battle when Buff Freezer item was used upon death.


    • Fixed the issue where Double Acceleration activated if the arrow key was not entered while Mechanic was using Booster Online with Jump Key key-down.
    • Fixed the issue where Full Metal Barrage skill can be canceled if hit at the same time as it was used.
    • Fixed the issue where Mech's color, changed using Hidden Peace, displayed the original color during certain story videos and when placed as a Raider in Legion Raid.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill appeared differently to other players if the Mechanic died while in Tank status.


    • The Final Form skill’s left and right hit range will now be similar to that of normal status.


    • Fixed the issue where [Execute] Chain Sickle's finishing attack canceled a different skill when activating.
    • Added a skill description to Thanatos Descent, stating that Area of Death can be used during certain skills for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Kain was unable to avoid a Meteor attack hit immediately after Shadow Step's activation.


    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Zakum would not move if Chain Arts: Beatdown skill was used as soon as the boss appeared.
    • Added to Chain Arts: Beatdown's skill description stating that Shock Wave and final attack's attack targets will increase for the Boost Node Lv. 20 effect for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where Chain Arts: Void Strike's giant chain did not activate when attacking while moving a long distance at high speed.

    Angelic Buster

    • Fixed the issue where color became darker when hovering over the Terms and Conditions skill icon.
    • Fixed the issue where Superstar Spotlight's buff lasted for the remaining duration when it was manually ended.
    • Fixed the issue where Trinity Fusion's Damage decrease buff was not exactly aligned with the duration of the function where Angelic Buster could not be pushed back from any attack.


    • Fixed the issue where if Zero used Chrono Break continuously, the skill would end immediately when skill is used consecutively after the 2nd use.
      • Improved the issue where the previous skill's Shock Wave/Sword Energy would not activate when Zero tags while using a skill that activates Shock Wave/Sword Energy.
        • Developer Comments: Zero can be very complicated with the combination of unique elements, such as Tags and Assists. Since fixing certain errors can greatly affect the gameplay, we are extra careful with the fixes. We are attempting to fix the remaining bugs without changing much of Zero’s gameplay style.
    • Fixed the issue where the Assist duration was shorter than that listed on the skill description.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client crashed if Assist was activated a certain number of times within a short period of time.
    • Fixed the issue where Sword Energy was not generated when using another skill before there was enough time for Sword Energy generation after a skill that generates Sword Energy was used.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client crashed when Flash Assault - Alpha Skill was used immediately after using certain attack skills.
    • Fixed the issue where the Swirling effect was not visible when the skill is used during a Legion Raid.
    • Improved the issue where sometimes Doubletime was not applied when linked skills were used very quickly and the issue where certain skills did not activate.
    • Added to Grand Rolling Cross and Advanced Rolling Assault's skill description stating that the number of Sword Energy created based on the distance to the enemy will increase for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client crashed if a monster disappeared when Transcendent Rhinne's Prayer's additional hit was performed after hitting a monster.
    • Fixed the issue where Shadow Flash's Holy Stone was created in a location different from the location it was used if it was used at the same time the platform disappeared.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero was unable to create Shadow Flash's Holy Stone on the platform when the platform disappeared and reappeared after creating a Holy Stone on it.


    • Added to Mind Tremor's skill description stating that the enemy will be pulled at first install for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where the screen effect from Mental Tempest was displayed unnaturally during Legion Raid.
    • Fixed the issue where the movement stopped when certain controls were used for Ultimate - Mind Over Matter.


    • Fixed the issue where the skill continued if Adele resurrected using Bishop's Resurrection after death while using High Rise.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes High Rise ended when Adele used Plummet during High Rise.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Aether Bloom skill did not activate.
    • Fixed the issue where Aether Sword, in the midst of Aether Bloom, did not disappear when StormWind was used during Aether Bloom.


    • Fixed the issue where cooldown reset effect was not applied to Illium's Reaction - Destruction and Reaction - Domination.
    • Fixed the issue where skill afterimage was visible to other characters when Illium used Longinus Spear.
    • Fixed the issue where if cooldown was reset due to Ability, etc., the attack would be made simultaneously with the reaction skill activated prior to reset and the following cooldown would not be reset momentarily.


    • Fixed the issue where Scarlet Cast buff was not applied if Ark used all spells at the same time.
    • The hit sound effect will now play only a certain number of times when the following skills attack multiple monsters at once:
      • Blissful Restraint
      • Endless Agony
      • Abyssal Recall
      • Endlessly Starving Beast
      • Developer Comments: If multiple sound effects play at once, the movement may pause due to the load. Therefore, we'll modify it so that hit sound effects will play only a certain number of times.
    • Added to Abyssal Charge Drive skill description stating that Ark will not be pushed back from any attacks while casting for accuracy.
    • The Blissful Restraint skill will end when Ark moves to another map after using it.


    • Fixed the issue where Hoyoung's Seeking Ghost Flame did not target enemies that were being attacked by multiple players.
    • Hoyoung's Scroll: Degeneration will no longer transform event monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy skills' charging sound effects did not play.
    • Fixed the issue where Sage: Dream of Shangri-La skill was canceled when hit at the same time as it was used.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the game crashed while Sage: Dream of Shangri-La skill was in use.


    • Sanrenzan’s attack damage will be displayed properly in the Battle Analysis System UI.
    • Fixed the issue where Battoujutsu Advance's damage increase buff was not renewed at max stack.
    • Improved the issue where Shinsoku skill had unnatural choppiness while the key was pressed.
    • The Sudden Strike skill will not have its hit effect appear smoothly.
    • Added to Sudden Strike's skill description stating the missing cooldown information.


    • The Foxfire that Haku casts, Haku's Blessing, Breath of the Unseen, Foxfire 2, Haku's Blessing 2, and Breath of the Unseen 2 will now be affected by the Buff Freezer effect.
    • Fixed the issue where the Buff Freezer effect was not applied to Shikigami Doppelganger properly.


    • Fixed the issue where Falling Stars skill’s sound effect did not play.

    Beast Tamer

    • Fixed the issue where Aerial Relief skill’s invincibility duration wasn't properly applied.

    Back to Top

    Boss and Monster Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where certain summons was able to attack monsters that can only receive damage from normal attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where if two or more attacks were installed on the same location on certain platforms, only one was able to deal damage.
    • Fixed the issue where Crimsonwood's Elite Firebrand could not be attacked during special motions.
    • Fixed the issue where Chu Chu Island's Patriarch Birdshark, Birdshark, Patriarch Crilia, and Crilia did not perform body slam attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where Stormwing from Pollo and Fritto’s Bounty Hunting could be lifted up using a skill that lifts monsters.
    • Fixed the issue where EXP was not received if the EXP of a monster, defeated in Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting, exceeded 2,147,483,647.
    • To prevent death from any remaining attacks after defeating the boss, the invincibility effect will now be granted for a certain period of time after defeating the final phase of a boss monster.
    • Fixed the issue where Abnormal Status Resistance was applied during certain patterns that should not have Abnormal Status Resistance applied.
    • For the following bosses, players can now exit by selecting Exit with a mouse click instead of using the up arrow key at a portal:
      • Developer Comments: When we had portals as exits, there were many instances when a portal would be used by a mistake, thus interfering with the flow of the boss battle. This was especially the case with portals located in areas where the up arrow key is used often, such as in Lucid Phase 2. To prevent such inconveniences, the mouse click exit method will be added so that the exit portal would no longer work during times when players wouldn’t want it to work. We also considered using the Interact/Harvest key as an alternative exit method. However, there are bosses, such as Damien, Lucid, Will, and Verus Hilla, that use the Interact/Harvest key for other purposes so we made it so that only the mouse click would serve the purpose.
      • Magnus (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Hilla (Normal, Hard)
      • Arkarium (Easy, Normal)
      • Von Leon (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • OMNI-CLN (Normal)
      • Cygnus (Easy, Normal)
      • Pierre (Normal, Chaos)
      • Von Bon (Normal, Chaos)
      • Crimson Queen (Normal, Chaos)
      • Vellum (Normal, Chaos)
      • Lotus (Normal, Hard)
      • Damien (Normal, Hard)
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Will (Normal, Hard)
      • Gloom (Normal, Chaos)
      • Darknell (Normal, Hard)
      • Verus Hilla (Hard)
      • Black Mage (Hard)
      • Chosen Seren (Hard)
      • Mitsuhide
    • The number of times players can enter the boss practice mode has been increased from 5 times to 20 times a day.
    • Players can now check the clear status of the selected boss on the boss UI.
    • At the bottom right of the boss UI, players can check whether the boss battle has yet to be cleared or not at a glance by looking at the Ready, Requirements Unmet, No Entries Left icons.
    • When players hover over the boss image on the boss UI, they can check the detailed challenge and clear status in the description tooltip.
      • Developer Comments: With the v.224 update, players can immediately move to the boss entry waiting map using the boss UI. The change improved the convenience of using the boss UI, however, it did not address the inconvenience that players were unable to check the clear status of the boss. Thus, we made it possible to see at a glance if the boss can be challenged, if there are no remaining entries, and if there is a clear record within the reset period. We've also added a function to check the number of challenges and clears.
    • If the time limit is exhausted and the boss is defeated at the same time, the time limit will now be extended.
    • [Updated October 6] Reward Points earned from defeating bosses can now be easily collected through the ‘[Maple Rewards] Receive Maple Rewards for Annihilating Boss Monsters’ quest within the Maple Rewards icon on the left side of the screen. Players can choose to receive all available Reward Points at once or only the desired boss's Reward Points.
    • In Will Phase 1, an image of a crack was added to the platform in one area to better distinguish the different areas.
    • Fixed the issue where the Aura effect of equipment dropped from bosses was in an unnatural location.
    • When "Damaged Black Heart", "AbsoLab Essence", or "Arcane Umbra Essence" drop, they will now appear as large icons.
    • For boss battles that cannot be entered after defeating the boss, the boss defeat will not be counted for party members who joined the party after entering the boss battle content.
    • For Zakum (Easy, Normal, Chaos), Von Bon (Normal, Chaos), and Vellum (Normal, Chaos), players will now be revived immediately without having to re-enter.
      • Developer Comments: The way characters revive will be changed to fix the issue where attacks were not visible when the character revived during continuous attacks while playing solo, due to the re-entry logic and the issue of casting 2 patterns simultaneously even though they weren't cast together.
    • For Von Bon (Chaos), the phenomenon where Von Bon remains invincible if the space-time collapse pattern is activated when a character revives after death has been mitigated.
    • The difficulty of the Genesis Weapon Liberation Quest has been reduced.
      • Developer Comments: The Genesis Weapon Liberation Quest was designed as a single-player format with the highest difficulty. However, depending on the boss monster, the relative difficulty can vary greatly for single players. Since that’s the case, we are trying to alleviate the difficulty by enabling party play under limited conditions. As an added condition for party play, players can only proceed with party members who are in the same stage of the quest mission, and the final damage will be reduced to prevent abrupt difficulty changes.
      • When attempting to defeat Will, Lucid, and Verus Hilla, players will be able to attempt the mission in a party of 2 or less that has the same Liberation mission in progress and has yet to defeat the bosses. When in a party of 2, players will receive an additional penalty that reduces final damage by 50%.
    • Fixed the issue where an Elite Monster, Elite Champion, or Elite Boss disappeared when the player moved to another map as they appeared.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Elite Champions would not disappear after the duration is over.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes three Rare Treasure Chests could be obtained upon defeating an Elite Boss.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to obtain two Rare Treasure Chests from defeating an Elite Boss on a map with a Lv. 20 and above level difference.
    • Fixed the issue where Combo Kill was reset if the player entered Inferno Wolf's Den or Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting during Elite Boss Bonus Stage.
    • If a character cancels matchmaking after every character in Ursus waitlist has responded, players will instantly matchmake again.
    • After matchmaking at Ursus, the window asking if the player will travel will no longer be closed by pressing the ESC key.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Ursus attacks would push characters in invincible status or characters in a status that allows them to not be pushed back from any attacks.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes two Ursus were summoned.
    • Fixed the issue where the rescue count was not applied correctly if a dirt throwing attack was performed during entry.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes Zakum’s Downward Strike attack did not deal damage.
    • Fixed the issue where Zakum’s regenerated arm was invisible if not attacked.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Zakum’s arms did not attack after being regenerated.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Zakum’s 2-phase clapping attack continued.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the flame area on the floor did not disappear after Zakum’s 2-phase clapping attack ended.
    • Fixed the issue where a dead party member was instantly revived in Horntail boss battle when the player moved to the next phase while a party member was still dead.
    • When using the portals in Horntail boss battle, only the individual party members who used the portal will be moved.
    • Fixed the issue in Arkarium (Easy, Normal) where if a player died at the Dimensional Schism - Back In Time, the player would be returned to the Crack in Time map even if there are remaining death counts.
    • Fixed the issue where the '[Hilla] Not One Death' achievement was completed even when its condition hadn't been met.
    • Fixed the issue where Deadly Altar from Hilla continuously dragged in characters while dying.
    • For Hilla (Hard), its vampiric attack has been reworked and the monsters that appear during boss battle will no longer give EXP.
      • Developer Comments: Before the rework, when entering the boss battle alone, the Vampire attack had to be avoided with an invincibility skill or the player would be defeated. On top of that, due to server delays, the player would be caught by the attack even if the invincibility skill was used at the proper time. If the player didn't have an invincibility skill, it was inevitable for the death count to be consumed.
        • After the rework, all characters could use a similar method regardless of having an invincibility skill. When hit by a character, Hilla would absorb the HP of a subordinate monster to restore HP so that the basic concept of stealing HP to restore HP is maintained. Since this was a different attack pattern than what players were used to, many may have felt that the difficulty had drastically increased. When the attack pattern is stacked with Attack Reflection, the summoned monsters near Hilla could not be attacked to prevent HP recovery and thus, making it feel even more difficult. The difficulty has been decreased by limiting situations where Attack Reflection and Vampire could be used together and time has been added before the Vampire attack is used so that the subordinate monsters can be defeated. We will continue to monitor Hilla's attack patterns and make additional adjustments if needed.
      • Hilla (Hard) will no longer use Attack Reflection and Vampire together. The notification that appears when Vampire is casted has been changed to make it more recognizable. Added a delay between casting and first recovery.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Hilla’s explosion attack did not deal damage.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Hilla’s HP gauge was inaccurate and did not display the actual HP.
    • Certain Hilla (Hard)'s attack motion delay will be shortened.
    • Normal Hilla (Normal)'s base HP and Attack Power will be increased.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the game client would crash if the player started attacking after using a damage reflection skill in Pink Bean (Chaos) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Pink Bean (Chaos) did not appear.
    • Fixed the issue where the next stage Pink Bean (Chaos) would not appear if the player defeated a Soul created by Shade's Soul Splitter and Pink Bean (Chaos) boss at the same time.
    • Pink Bean (Normal, Chaos) boss battle entry will no longer consume Marble of Chaos items.
      • The guide stating that the Pink Bean boss battle can be entered once a day regardless of the difficulty level will be updated to match the change.
      • The ‘[Pink Bean] Breaking the Force Field’ quest can no longer be completed.
    • The Pink Bean boss battle’s Mini Bean's base HP will be increased.
    • Fixed the issue where players were not able to return to the original map if they moved to Cygnus (Normal) using the boss UI and then moved to a different boss from the Cygnus (Normal) lobby map.
    • Fixed the issue where Cygnus’s Dark Tornado was canceled if the player used a skill that can be used while using a different skill, after being hit by Dark Tornado.
    • Fixed the issue where, after escaping Von Bon (Chaos)'s Realm, Von Bon (Chaos) instantly escaped the groggy state when hit by a physical attack.
    • During Von Bon (Chaos)'s Realm pattern, the darkness will be applied with transparency to Luminous if Luminous has learned Inner Light.
    • Fixed the issue where the player was moved to Sleepywood instead of the Colossal Root when the game client crashed in the East Garden or Von Bon's Realm.
    • Fixed the issue where two Pet Auto-Potions were consumed at once in the Von Bon (Chaos) Inner World.
    • Fixed the issue where certain movements of Pierre (Normal, Chaos) seemed off.
    • After defeating Pierre and Crimson Queen, map duration of 5 minutes will now be applied like how it’s done with other bosses and the character will not receive damage.
    • Fixed the issue where invincibility was applied on certain Pierre’s actions that shouldn’t have the invincibility effect.
    • In Pierre (Chaos) Phase 3 boss battle, the Split attack would be activated and Pierre's HP would be restored thus, returning to the previous phase. Fixed the issue where once it moved on to Phase 3 again, the Split attack would be activated immediately without a delay.
      • Developer Comments: In Pierre, the strategy commonly known as the "Split" pattern was due to a bug where the Split attack did not activate when the player first entered Phase 3. However, since the bug was functioning as a strategy, it was kept as is. This so-called strategy existed for a while, so it may have caused confusion when the Split attack activated immediately when it wasn’t the first entry. Thus, we are making the Split attack activate when the player first enters like how it used to be to avoid confusion.
    • Fixed the issue where Pierre did not recover if damage above a certain value is dealt at once while equipped with a hat of the same color as Pierre. In addition, only up to 15% of Max HP is recovered at once upon recovering.
    • Fixed the issue where some damage over time (DoT) did not affect Pierre while equipped with a hat of a different color as Pierre.
    • Fixed the issue where it appeared as if the hat's color wasn't changing when key-down skill or skill with a long casting action is used on Pierre.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Split attack started over again after defeating Pierre (Chaos).
    • Different patterns have been added to Pierre (Normal, Chaos)'s hats so that they can be better distinguished.
      • The emblem patterns on purple and blue Pierre's hats will be changed.
      • Pierre's Soul icon and Pierre (Chaos)'s clear reset ticket icon have been changed to match the changed hat emblem patterns.
      • The icons and effects of Pierre's soul skill ‘Pierre's Surprise’ and ‘Pierre's Hat Trick’ skill will be changed to match the changed hat emblem patterns.
    • In Papulatus boss battle, stun and skill seal caused by the curse pattern will only be applied up to 30 seconds.
    • When Papulatus is defeated, the stun caused by the curse pattern will be canceled.
    • Fixed the issue where Papulatus’s Torrent of Time timer seemed unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where Papulatus would be stunned during alarm mode.
      • Developer Comments: During alarm mode, Papulatus doesn't use any other attacks than the map pattern. However, if it is stunned, it can freely move after the stun is over and perform other attacks, which increases the difficulty. It's been fixed so that Papulatus isn’t stunned during alarm mode so that skill usage doesn't change the difficulty.
    • Fixed the issue where the character slid off to the side when they touched the ceiling after being hit by a gravity field in Lotus (Normal, Hard) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issues where the attack afterimage would remain or characters would not appear after teleporting in Lotus and Damien boss battles. The resurrection and attack pattern logic will be changed to address these issues.
      • Developer Comments: Lotus and Damien boss battles use logic where they leave the map and then return when they die and resurrect. We've concluded that the frequently experienced bug is caused by server delays when re-entering that cause the characters to not appear. Thus, we are attempting to prevent the bug by making them resurrect immediately without having to re-enter the map. We will continue to fix other causes for this bug.
    • Fixed the issue where the player would not be moved to the next phase if they defeated a Soul created by Shade's Soul Splitter and Lotus at the same time.
      Fixed the issue where sometimes platforms in Lotus Phase 2 and 3 boss battles exist but cannot be climbed, or the platform did not appear but the electricity attack was activated.
    • Fixed the issue where there were two Lotus bosses for a short time if immobilization abnormal status was applied at the same time when the orb shooting attack started in Lotus Phase 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where if the player died in Lotus Phase 1 boss battle but didn't resurrect until entering Phase 3, they couldn't move after moving to Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where the player received additional damage in Lotus boss battle if they hit the ceiling after being hit with the gravity pattern.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Damien received damage when starting to appear again after disappearing at a specific location.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes two or more Damien main body attacks were used at the same time when fighting the Damien boss battle as a party.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the character did not die upon reaching 7 brands in Damien boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration of the Damien Phase 2 Falcon Dive attack was longer than the effect
    • Fixed the issue where Damien did not summon Transcendence Stones properly.
    • Fixed the issue where the player was not able to find the target in Damien boss battle if they used a skill that tracks monsters while casting certain patterns.
    • Fixed the issue where the player would not die even when the Invincibility status ended when they used the Invincibility skill at the same time as reaching 7 brands.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the fall damage would be applied twice in Lucid Phase 2 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the screenshot was automatically taken in Lucid (Hard) Phase 2 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Lucid would move for a short time when immobilized in Phase 2
    • Fixed the issue where if the player died, fell down on the map, and then resurrected in Lucid Phases 2 and 3 boss battle, their HP will decrease and they’ll be revived with a potion sealed.
    • In Lucid (Easy, Normal) boss battle, Nightmare Golem and Nightmare Mushroom will now have normal HP instead of receiving fixed damage.
    • The difficulty of Lucid's bomb patterns will be reduced.
      • Developer Comments: We are trying to reduce inconveniences by applying the remaining time and distance between party members more accurately, and modify the pattern so that a player soloing the boss battle can overcome it.
      • Lucid will cast a bomb debuff on all characters and the player will be able to see their bomb and the remaining time until explosion.
      • If there are party members nearby at the time of the bomb explosion, the damage received will be reduced in proportion to the number of party members instead of sharing the damage.
      • The bomb explosion damage will be decreased from 199% of Max HP to 180% of Max HP.
      • When the pattern is activated, Lucid's Memory-Filled Dream will appear in a specific area of the map. If the player is near the dream when it explodes, they will receive the damage reduction effect that they receive when having one party member next to them. However, if there is even one party member nearby, no damage reduction effect will be caused by the dream.
      • Bomb explosions will no longer spread the bomb to other characters.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Lucid used two attack patterns at once if a skill that stuns was used at the same time as a powerful attack in Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the platform was not recreated after it broke and disappeared in Lucid boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the blade was fired from a location where Lucid wasn’t at.
    • Fixed the issue where the game client may crash when moving to Lucid Phase 2 boss battle by defeating Lucid when the bomb pattern was in progress at Phase 1.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes there was random screen movement in Will Phase 1 boss battle.
    • Now, at least one party member will be moved to each zone during the map movement pattern in Will Phase 1 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Will did not perform the casting action when performing the mirror spider attack in Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where the Moonlight gauge did not recover upon touching the spider's web while invincible in Will Phase 3 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the character was pushed by certain attacks when in the momentary invincibility status after teleporting to Will Phase 1 boss battle.
    • The rewards dropped from Gloom (Normal, Chaos) and Darknell (Normal, Hard) boss battles will now be scattered around.
    • Fixed the issue where the difficulty option for Gloom and Darknell was cut off in the entrance portal.
    • Fixed the issue where Gloom’s incoming attack dealt damage faster than the effect while in the Terror status.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes a party member's death count wasn't displayed during the Verus Hilla boss battle.
    • Death count will no longer be consumed after defeating Verus Hilla.
    • Fixed the issue where the player couldn’t use the Buff Freezer item upon reviving if there were only red skulls remaining in the death count when they died in Verus Hilla boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Verus Hilla's voice, when defeated, overlapped several times during party play.
    • If there are party members that left, the candle count will be decided based on the number of remaining party members. Candle count will change after the next Soul Slice.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the time limit wasn't set to 5 minutes after defeating Black Mage or Seren.
    • Fixed the issue where if the player died due to damage from Black Mage’s Creation and Destruction debuff stacks, their death count was consumed upon revival rather than immediately upon death.
    • Fixed the issue where debuffs from skills were applied to the Shrieking Wall in Black Mage Phase 1 boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the destruction debuff is applied before the damage was dealt when hit by the destructive explosion pattern of Black Mage Phase 4 boss battle.
    • The effect of the high-damage laser in Black Mage Phase 3 boss battle will be changed to be different from other lasers.
    • Fixed the issue where Mihile's Soul Link was applied to party members in Black Mage Phase 4 boss battle.

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    Quest and Map Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where Grendel the Really Old appeared unnaturally at the Conference Pavilion.
    • Fixed the issue where the starting condition of the Investigating the Discovery quest was inaccurately displayed as Lv. 0.
    • Fixed the issue where mastery was reset when doing the Profession Master quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the Profession Master quest could be done when the Production level was reset.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to walk above the lake without completing the ‘Fanzy's Magic 2’ quest from Ellinel Fairy Academy.
    • Fixed the issue where dialogue from other chapters was displayed during the prologue of FriendStory.
    • Fixed the issue where a link portal accessible through the Evolution System Central Control System appeared to be inaccessible.
    • Fixed the issue where the Division monsters were not being summoned in the Evolution System Link 8.
    • Fixed the issue where the character would go off-screen in Monster Park’s Dragon Nest stage 5.
    • Fixed the issue where monsters were not summoned when the ‘[Partem Ruins] Blazin' Brazier’ summon quest was forfeited and accepted again.
    • Fixed the issue where damage skins were displayed unnaturally when Gupi, Lepi, and Dolpi attacked a monster during Black Heaven quest.
    • Fixed the issue where entering and exiting the Maple Auction from Omega Sector Silo moved the player to Omega Sector headquarters.
    • Fixed the issue where certain platforms were cut off in Plunging Depths 6 map.
    • Fixed the issue where moving channels in Train Locomotive sent the player to the Ramshackle Desert Town.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the player could use skills at Sharenian Culvert’s waiting map.
    • Skills can no longer be used at the City Center map in Kinesis's story quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the platform was displayed in an unnatural manner at 2nd Floor Storage 1 map in Toolen City.
    • Fixed the issue where Ark's modified appearance would be removed upon entering the content when Ark's Specter mode ends at Cross World Party Quest ‘Forest of Poison Haze’.
    • Fixed the issue where the stone plate's movement was displayed in an unnatural manner during the Matching Scattered Stone Plate stage of Heroes of Maple Act 2.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest arrival notification was displayed continuously.
    • Fixed the issue where the order of quests displayed by clicking the lightbulb on top of the character's head was different from that displayed by clicking the character itself.
    • Fixed the issue where ‘[Soul] Good Job, Dear Soul’, ‘[Soul] This Hurts My Soul’, and ‘[Soul] Soulless’ achievements could not be completed with Verus Hilla’s and Darknell's souls.
    • Fixed the issue where using the mouse wheel from Maple Guide moved a list where the cursor was not at.
    • Added quest location information to the ‘[Yum Yum] Check the Flowers 1’ and ‘[Yum Yum] Check the Flowers 2’ quest info windows.
    • In the Maple Guide, the levels for Sellas have been expanded to Lv. 240 - 251.
    • Fixed the issue where only the name tag would be displayed without the pet being seen in certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where a white line appeared in the Henesys background screen.
    • Fixed the issue where players would be unable to move when a moving skill was used at a specific location in the Above the Lake 3 map.
    • Fixed the issue where some buildings in Sleepywood were displayed in an unnatural manner.
    • Fixed the issue where Melange was not visible at the base camp when players went to the Radiant Temple through the mirror and then returned.
    • Fixed the issue where there were some platforms displayed in an unnatural manner in Leafre.
    • Fixed the issue where the map icon for Entrance to Dragon Forest, Valley of the Antelope 1, and Sky Nest 2 cannot be clicked in the World map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Tree Branches were floating in the air in the Wild Boar Land map.
    • Fixed the issue where characters were not visible when jumping at the left corner of the portal in Spiegelmann's Guest House map.
    • Fixed the issue where enhancements and cubes were usable in the Source of Suffering map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Lotus Phase 2 boss battle map background appeared in an unnatural manner at 800 x 600 and 1280 x 720 resolutions.
    • Fixed the issue where the background music did not change when the Congratulatory Song Music Box was used in Cernium Square (Before).
    • Fixed the issue where the Head Security Officer character appeared in the dialogue window instead of Zero during a Zero quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the quest completion notifier was displayed when accepting the Root Abyss daily quest.
    • Fixed the issue where items could not be used when moving on a ship between Penguin Port and Lith Harbor.
    • The ‘Patrolling the Nearby Region 2’ quest can now only be accepted before completing the ‘Plan B’ quest.
    • Kain's ‘Deja Vu’ quest information window had the wrong location listed as the 2nd Floor Storage 1 map. This has been corrected to the 2nd Floor Storage 3 map.
    • Fixed the issue where Chaos Pierre's Reward Points quest was shared between the characters within the same world.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom of the background appeared to be empty in the following Temple of Time maps in resolutions other than 800 x 600 and 1280 x 720:
      • Shiny Temple of Time
      • Frozen Temple of Time
    • Fixed the issue where players were not able to use the Cube Chair in the following areas:
      • Cygnus Garden
      • Radiant Throne
    • Fixed the issue where when a player uses the exit portal at Temple of Time - Somewhere in the Temple, they would not return to the channel they were at before entering the map.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the character would fall below the platform when they jumped downward from the lowest platform on a map.
    • The Maple Achievement ‘Hot Brothers’ has been changed from a battle achievement to a boss achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where the achievement appeared as if it wasn’t completed when the player completed all the missions for the Legend of Legends I achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where the achievement notifier window disappeared after certain situations.
    • Fixed the issues related to sound effects:
      • When a sound plays, it will play with the volume based on the current setting.
      • Fixed the issue where the sound setting options did not change after certain situations.
    • Fixed the issue where some parts of the following maps would appear in an unnatural manner:
      • Henesys
      • Pier on the Beach in Herb Town
      • Root Abyss East Garden, West Garden, South Garden, North Garden, Neglected Garden
      • Black Heaven Junction 1, Black Heaven Maze 1, Black Heaven Maze 2, Black Heaven Maze 3
      • Chamber of the Cernium Holy Sword
      • Friends Story old main hall dungeon
    • Fixed the issue where the incorrect guide was provided for the following quests:
      • Black Heaven Inside: Collect Alloy ID Plate
      • Black Heaven Inside: Deliver Scrap Xenoroid Chipset
      • Defeat 700 Ebonstar Bombardiers
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder job exclusive quests were available for other jobs.
    • Fixed the issue where the character may fall below the platform and go off-screen from the bottom of the Fox Tree Halfway 1 map.
    • Fixed the issue where a message related to the Horizon Portal was displayed when the up arrow key was pressed at the Horizon Portal location in the Deserted Camp during the '5th Job: Preparing for Power' quest.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes other characters and NPCs were not visible on the Arcana: Grove of the Spirit Tree map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Flash Blink skill did not activate properly when sealing the Black Mage in the Luminous tutorial.
    • Fixed the issue where the original character's summoner appeared when playing a role-play character in Heroes of Maple.
    • When entering the Inferno Wolf's Den portal and the Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunt portal, a guide message will now be displayed in the in-game chat window when the player has less than 5 entries left for the day
    • Added the Victoria Island and Fairy Forest areas to the World map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Achievement Update button did not function properly even when the following quests have already been completed:
      • Zero's Journal
      • Kaiser's Journal
      • 3,000,000 Leagues Under the Sea
    • Fixed the issue where the exploration achievement wasn't updated even if players cleared the [Lion King's Castle] The Second Spell Breaker.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the achievement’s name and score were not visible after it was completed.
    • Fixed the issue where the message that appeared when attempting to enter the Resistance Headquarters Training Room was phrased unnaturally.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Find a Burning Field’ surprise mission would fail to complete if the character moved to a different Burning Field while entering a Burning Field.
    • Fixed the issue where the current map’s background would appear when the ‘[Gold Beach] Submarine Dreams’ quest effect was being displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect area was indicated in the ‘Roly-Poly 6's Tool’ quest information window and dialogue.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to complete the ‘[Pink Bean] Beyond the Ruins’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where when a player fails the Morass ‘The Last Component’ quest and attempts again, the quest intro would appear once again.
    • Fixed the issue where the altar did not appear in the Verus Hilla Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core and thus, the mission could not proceed.
    • Fixed the issue where the box that is summoned on the map during the ‘Greatest Loss 2’ quest appeared in an unnatural location.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to continuously receive Essence of Afrien if they immediately forfeited the ‘[Arkarium] Ruler of the Elves’ quest after accepting it.
    • Fixed the issue where the King Slime was additionally created in the Cross World Party Quest's First Time Together final stage when the character died and they were the only party member.
    • Fixed the issue where the Scroll for Gloves For ATT 100% item was given as a completion reward for the ‘Who's Who’ quest in Reboot world.
    • Fixed the issue where the Scroll for Overall Armor For STR 100% item was given as a completion reward for the ‘Schegerazade's Third Riddle’ quest in Reboot world.
    • When a player teleports to the following contents using the Maple Guide, they will be moved to a map that has the monsters required to obtain a content map stamp:
      • Cursed Temple: Temple Entrance
      • Verne Mine: Raccoon Nest
      • Nihal Desert Burning Road: Outside East Entrance of Ariant
    • Fixed the issue where the pet would jump instead of picking up items when the character moved towards the left wall in the Hidden Street's King's Hideout map.
    • Fixed the issue where the mountain background got cut off in Fairy Forest Elluel.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of the Transfer Area was not displayed in the Forked Road on the Victoria Island and Kerning City World maps.
    • Fixed the issue where pets and Android were visible at Riena Strait: Middle of the Strait and Vanishing Journey’s Extinction Zone: Fire Zone Cliff.
    • Fixed the issue where the ability reset could not be done at certain locations on the Empress Road Small Bridge.
    • Fixed the issue where the box in Tyrant's Castle 3rd Floor Office front background appeared unnaturally hidden behind a pillar.
    • Fixed the issue where the card placed at the Ludibrium: Sky Terrace <5> was displayed in an unnatural manner.
    • Fixed the issue where the moon on the Distorted Temple of Time 2 background was misaligned.
    • Fixed the issue where Ereve background music was played at the Knight Stronghold Hall of Honor map.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's name and medal were cut off when the character climbed on a ladder in the Lachelein: Lachelein Main Street.
    • Fixed the issue where the character went off-screen when Cannon Jump was used in the following maps:
      • Along the Railway at the Kerning City Subway
      • Kerning City Subway Transfer Area
      • Line 1 Area 1 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Line 1 Area 2 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Line 1 Area 3 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Line 2 Area 1 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Line 2 Area 2 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Line 2 Area 3 at the Kerning City Subway
      • Lion King's Castle First Tower
      • Lion King's Castle Third Tower
      • Lion King's Castle Fifth Tower
    • Fixed the issue where defeating Elite Champion Killer Bees was not applied to the following achievements:
      • [Elite Champion] The Rare Ones
      • [Elite Champion] More of the Rare Ones
      • [Elite Champion] All of the Rare Ones
    • Fixed the issue where Reboot Cosmos Ring was not included in the King of the Rings achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where Mikkim's Safe in Ardentmill was transparent and the background showed through.
    • Fixed the issue where the pet appeared in front of the character even when the Send Pet to Back option was used in Root Abyss Temporal Crevasse.

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    UI Improvements

    • Character Creation Screen Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where the quest notification window would appear on the Character Selection screen.
      • Added particle effect to the Character Selection screen.
      • Added an effect to the Resistance Character Creation screen illustration.
      • Added an effect to the Xenon and Zero Character Creation screen illustration.
      • Fixed the issue where Blaster was omitted in Resistance’s description on the Character Creation screen.
      • The image of Blaster in the Resistance Character Creation screen illustration has been partially revised.
      • Fixed the issue where the space between the letters in Mercedes name was wider than that of other job classes on the Character Creation screen.
      • Fixed the issue where there was a blank space in front of the character name input field when creating a Kinesis character.
    • Character UI Improvements
      • Fixed the issue where the location of Party UI would change after moving to another map if the UI was even slightly off-screen.
      • Fixed the issue where the Delete menu would be displayed when dragging the Damage Skin icon within the Damage Skin UI when a different UI was overlapped on the Damage Skin UI. The Delete menu will now only be displayed when the Damage Skin icon is dragged outside of the Damage Skin UI.
      • Fixed the issue where the menu would be displayed when players right-click the name of a monster with dialogue while using an external chatbox.
      • Fixed the issue where Angelic Buster’s wings in Dress-Up mode were displayed as those from Normal Mode in the Item Trade UI.
      • More information can now be seen from the Character Stat UI:
        • Damage will now be displayed up to 12 digits.
        • Final Damage and Ignore Defense values will now be displayed to two decimal places.
        • When Knockback Resistance and Critical rate exceed 100%, the excess amount can be checked by hovering over with the mouse.
      • Fixed the issue where, after using the Consolidate Items button in inventory when a player has items that can be consolidated, the items would be sorted while a blank space remains.
      • Fixed the issue where the obtained Trait EXP number was not properly displayed in Character Info’s My Traits UI.
      • Fixed the issue where the Quick Move button, under Inventory, was clicked instead if you moved to town and clicked on Inventory after moving the Inventory UI to the Quick Move button location.
    • Option UI Improvements
      • Players can now set whether to apply UI transparency during the battle in the graphic settings option.
      • Added a function to set the position of the pet behind your character in the graphic setting option. This setting does not apply if the pet is on the floor or platform in a different location from your character, or when using a rope.
      • Players can now mute the Android in the sound settings option.
      • If all sound settings are muted in the sound settings option, a message stating "All sounds are already muted" will now be displayed when the mute shortcut is pressed.
      • Added a system option to apply a Pet Auto-Potion even when HP has been consumed by using your own skill. The Auto-Potion settings max value display has been changed from 100% to 95% for accuracy.
    • Chat UI Improvements
      • The font size displayed in the chat window can now be adjusted.
      • The color of the in-game Alliance chat will be changed to better distinguish it from the Hyper Megaphone message.
      • The image of the whisper icon in the in-game chat UI will be changed.
      • Fixed the issue where the icon of buffs with no cooldown would disappear when right-clicking the character's name to open the pop-up menu that displays outside the screen.
      • Fixed the issue where the Whisper function could not be used when clicking the Whisper icon from the chat that used the Guild Super Megaphone.
      • Fixed the issue where when trading with a character that had registered your character in the blacklist, the Item Trade UI’s chat and pet dialogues would not be displayed.
    • Equipment Enhancement UI Improvements
      • The warning window that is displayed when the Star Force Enhancement/Potential/Bonus Potential grade of the equipment to be transferred using the Transfer Hammer UI is higher than the equipment to be extracted will become more visible.
      • Fixed the issue where Meister and Craftsman marks would not be displayed in the item tooltip if items, crafted by a Meister or Craftsman, were placed on the Equipment Fusion UI.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client would freeze when Star Force Enhancement was attempted continuously.
      • Fixed the issue where the Lapis icon was displayed in the Enhancement results window when Zero enhanced Lazuli Star Force.
      • In the Equipment Transfer UI tooltip, the text regarding Equipment Trace will be changed to "12 Stars or Higher".
        • Developer Comments: The text in the UI did not precisely express enhancement attempts to 13 stars when currently at 12 stars and thus, this has been fixed to match the accuracy.
      • Fixed the issue where the pendant in another slot was used to compare the ATT increase amount instead of the actual pendant that was being enhanced.
      • The ATT increase amount will no longer be displayed for equipment that cannot be equipped.
      • During item enhancement, players will no longer be able to equip or unequip equipment.
      • During item enhancement, players will no longer be able to move the location of items within the Inventory or use the Item Sort function.
        • Developer Comments: To prevent mistakes caused by changes to equipment location during enhancement, we are making it so that actions that can move item location cannot be performed during enhancements.
    • Character Death UI Improvements
      • After death, the revival UI and the Buff Freezer UI will be consolidated and can be viewed in one UI.
      • If players check the use of Buff Freezer and revive, the Buff Freezer will be used at the same time they revive.
      • Players cannot choose to use the Buff Freezer when exiting the boss battle after using all death counts. However, when revived, the buff protection effect is automatically applied without consuming the Buff Freezer item.
      • Fixed the issue where there was incorrect information which states that there are not enough slots if a player acquires an item or attempts to trade while the character is dead. Now it will say that it's unavailable when the character is dead.
    • Other Improvements
      • The Meister effect will now be display based on the location of the character's head.
      • Fixed the issue where an unnatural expression was made momentarily when a character levels up while hanging on a rope or ladder.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes Zero's statue would not have an appearance of Alpha when ranked in Ghost Park and Dream Defender.
      • Quest Notifier UI will no longer be automatically displayed whenever players move the map.
      • Fixed the issue where the completed quest notifier UI would be displayed again under special circumstances at the bottom of the screen.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the intro pop-up window would not close when using the ESC key while logging in to the game.
      • Fixed the issue where when changing hotkeys in the shortcut setting, the changes would not be reflected immediately unless the player logged in again.
      • Fixed the issue where an abnormal sound was played when the game client experiences difficulty loading the game.
      • Fixed the issue where the mini-game Omok Board UI would move outside of the screen.
      • Fixed the issue where the playtime displayed on the Exit Reminder UI was different from the actual playtime.
      • Players will be able to see the event schedule starting from 7 days prior to the start of the Cash Inventory Transfer Event in the in-game event list.

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    Ability Improvements

    • Developer Comments: We plan to improve the Ability system's difficulty step-by-step, beginning with decreasing the difficulty of increasing rank and decreasing the deviation. When Ability is reset, rank will no longer decrease and the cost of resetting after locking the options will decrease overall. This will result in requiring about 15% less Honor EXP to go from Rare rank to Legendary rank.
    • Each Ability option will now display a color based on its rank where Ability can be checked, such as Stat Details UI, Ability Setting UI, and Miracle Circulator UI.
    • The difficulty of increasing Ability ranks will be decreased.
      • Ability rank will no longer decrease when the Ability is reset.
      • Since Ability rank can no longer decrease, the function of locking the Ability rank when resetting will be removed.
      • When resetting Ability, the chance of increasing from Epic rank to Unique rank will be increased from 1% to 2%.
      • Note: The method for resetting Ability rank remains the same as before. The first option’s rank is set to be the same as the Ability rank, and the second and third options are set with a probability set based on the Ability rank.
    • Ability reset costs will be changed as below:
      • Ability options can no longer be locked in Epic rank.
    Ability Rank Honor EXP needed to reset Ability Honor EXP needed with 1 option locked Honor EXP needed with 2 options locked
    Rare 100 Not available Not available
    Epic 200 Not available Not available
    Unique 1,500 3,000 5,500
    Legendary 8,000 11,000 16,000​

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    Item Improvements

    • Fixed the issue where the Genesis weapon’s effect would not be displayed for Dawn Warrior characters in Rising Sun or Falling Moon status.
    • Fixed the issue where certain motions with the Maple Sword were not displayed for Dawn Warrior characters in Rising Sun status.
    • Fixed the issue where Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring's comparison tooltip was not displayed.
    • Players will no longer be able to use chairs while harvesting, crafting, or jumping downwards.
    • Titles will no longer be displayed while using the Giant Potion or sitting on the Mu Lung Dojo Conquer Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where the titles appeared unnaturally when the character had the Sword of the Light equipped.
    • Players can no longer use the Transformation Potion during combat.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the pet's appearance flickered.
    • Fixed the issue where ellipsis displayed on long character names appeared unnatural when using Symbol of Brilliant Honor or Throne of Masters.
    • Fixed the issue where another item's image was displayed when the character had Imperial Oblivion equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the cursor was displayed as a Red Cube when Red Cube could not be used due to a lack of mesos.
    • Fixed the issue where Scouter skill was unavailable even when the Scouter item was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Cash items appeared unnatural:
      • Fixed the issue where the shoe effect was covered by the hair when Fluffy Rainbow Shoes were equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where the Glory Guard Ceremonial Sword appeared unnatural.
      • Deleted unnecessary images in certain motions for Blue Macaron Shoes.
      • Fixed the issue where certain hairstyles would appear unnatural with Sweet Choco Hat equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where a left glove was displayed on top of an outfit in certain motions with Moon Bunny Gloves were equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where an unnatural image was displayed when certain jobs jumped with Imperial Honor equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where the Villain Ribbon would be covered when Light Rain Umbrella and Villain Ribbon were equipped at the same time.
      • Fixed the issue where weapons would not be visible when sitting on the High-Five Comic Chair.
      • Fixed the issue where the location of Pon-Pon Pony Hat’s light effect was unnatural.
      • Fixed the issue where Santa Boy Overall appeared unnatural when standing.
      • Fixed the issue where Chocolate Overload Face Accessory appeared unnatural when hanging on a ladder or rope while riding on a Run Skateboard mount.
      • Fixed the issue where Orihalcon Missel Gloves and Fish Pastry Bag appeared unnatural when equipped.
      • Fixed the issue where the hat's movement would not be displayed when standing while equipped with a two-handed weapon and Rudi's Hat.
    • Fixed the issue where Shade was able to use the Fox Trot skill while sitting on a chair.
    • Fixed the issue where an item's quantity wasn't displayed correctly when certain items in a bag were registered to hotkeys.
    • The Heart Chocolate effect will no longer be displayed under the Yeti TV chair while sitting on it.
    • When using Mix Dye on the Bling Evan Hair, the hair name will be changed from "Mix Green Bling Evan Hair" to "Mix Bling Evan Hair".
    • In the Chaos Scroll text, both "No Stat Boost Change'' and "+0” were being used. They have all been unified with "+0".
    • Added a text stating "Equipment tailored for the current class" to the weapon option in Arcane Umbra Weapon Box that is the same as that equipped on the character. A final confirmation process before selecting the weapon has also been added.
    • Fixed the issue where the pet appeared to be equipped in the player’s inventory when the Water of Life was used on an expired pet and after the Water of Life was used.
    • Fixed the issue where the pet used Auto-Potion even when a shield-type skill prevented HP loss when hit by an enemy.
    • Fixed the issue where the pet would not use Auto-Potion at the set HP percentage after the character was hit by an attack with multiple hits.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Bon-Bon Pony Hat and its effect were not displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the following items appeared unnaturally:
      • Green Drag Fire's crying expression.
      • Image of hanging on a ladder or rope with a Fairy Knit Hat equipped.
      • Some motions with Lavender Shearling Longcoat (F) equipped.
      • Some motions with Monochrome Movie Protagonist equipped.
      • Image of the earset when Android has Robo Helmet/Master Robo Helmet equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the following earrings were marked as Unique Equip items:
      • Meister Earring
      • Esmeralda Earring
      • Scarlet Earring
      • Inverse Jewel Earring
      • Ifia's Earrings
    • Fixed the issue where the following items appeared differently when clicking them to move them in player’s inventory:
      • E.X.P Entropy
      • Golem Transform Potion
      • Orange Mushroom Transformation
      • Pig Transformation
      • Alien Gray Transformation
    • Fixed the issue where a message was displayed stating that 10 Use tab slots were needed when using the Nodestone x10 Package.
    • When Mu Gong-Certified Wellness Tonic is used, an Atmospheric Effect message will be displayed regardless of job.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero's essence type item in the coin purse would not be identified when going through equipment growth.
    • Fixed the issue where the secondary weapon slot was marked in red when the Ark character did not equip a secondary weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where a pet would not use Auto-Potion below the set MP percentage when the character is in a waiting stance.
    • Fixed the issue where the following items’ ATT increase amount did not match the description or the ATT increase description was missing:
      • Strong Arrow for Bow
      • Sharp Arrow for Bow
      • Titanium Arrow for Bow
      • Titanium Arrow for Bow
      • Titanium Arrow for Crossbow
      • Blaze Capsule
      • Glaze Capsule
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in the Robo Helmet Selection Box item description tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where the item acquisition message was not displayed when the Cancel button was clicked while opening the following box items. The Cancel button will now be deactivated when the Open button is clicked:
      • Sealed Box (Hat)
      • Sealed Box (Overall, Top, Bottom)
      • Sealed Box (Shoes, Gloves)
      • Sealed Box (Weapon)
      • Chaos Sealed Box (Hat)
      • Chaos Sealed Box (Overall, Top, Bottom)
      • Chaos Sealed Box (Shoes, Gloves)
      • Chaos Sealed Box (Weapon)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (1st Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (2nd Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (3rd Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (4th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (5th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (6th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (7th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (8th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (9th Rank)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (10th Rank)
      • Hidden Ring Box
    • Fixed the issue where a screenshot was automatically taken when an item was discarded.
    • The Mastery Book icon in the Maple Guide reward list has been updated to the Mastery Box icon for accuracy.
    • Fixed the issue where there was empty space in the "Arcana Spirit Friends Package" item name.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘(null)’ message was displayed in the Megaphone text field that hasn't been filled out.
    • Arcane Symbol and Sacred Symbol can now exceed the maximum growth value of the current level.
      • However, it cannot exceed the growth value required to reach the maximum level of the symbol item.
    • The Storage UI’s horizontal length will be extended so that 8 slots will be displayed per storage line instead of the previous 4 slots.
    • Added each Soul's acquisition chance information when using a Soul Shard item.
    • Added information to the Chaos Circulator’s item description that the options that are reset can be maintained.
    • Extreme Growth Potion can now be used on characters with Lv. 200 and above.
      • When used by a character with Lv. 200 and above, they will receive the amount of EXP required to level up from Lv. 199.
      • Developer Comments: The existing Extreme Growth Potion couldn't be used at Lv. 200 and above and thus, it was less effective for players that only have characters with Lv. 200 or above. In order to make it more effective, the potion item has been modified so that characters with Lv. 200 and above can also use it.
    • The icon size of equipment items dropped from bosses will be increased to make them more distinguishable.
    • The sound effect will no longer be heard by other players when using scrolls, Rebirth Flame, Soul Enchanter, Equip Soul, Fusion Anvil, or Cube items.
    • Among the Boost Potion items that can be crafted through Alchemy, the Boost Potion items that could only be stacked less than 100 items in one inventory slot will be increased to stack up to 999 items.
    • The amount of the following coin items that can be stacked in one inventory slot will be increased:
      • Monster Park Anniversary Coin: 1,000 → 9,999
      • Crusader Coins: 3,000 → 9,999
      • Yggdrasil Rune: 1,000 → 9,999
      • Chaos Yggdrasil Rune: 1,000 → 9,999
      • Dream Coin: 999 → 9,999
      • Spirit Coin: 999 → 9,999
      • Commerci Denaro: 1,000 → 9,999
    • The Dominator Pendant item’s description tooltip has been updated so that the unique equip item indication will no longer be duplicated.
    • When hovering over the linked Cash equipment in the in-game chat, it will be compared with the character’s currently worn Cash equipment.
    • Even if the number of options with additional options for equipment items becomes 0 due to enhancement with scrolls, such as the Chaos Scroll, it will still be displayed on the item description tooltip.
    • When the pendant slot duration expires, the accumulated equip time of the Pendant of the Spirit will not be reset upon re-login. When the pendant slot duration is extended, it will be updated so that the character will receive the Pendant of the Spirit’s effect immediately.
    • Fixed the following issues where the image would appear unnaturally when the items are equipped:
      • The issue where, when Strawberry Bon Bon is equipped after equipping a knuckle, the character’s hand position would appear differently only when standing still.
      • The issue where the location of the item effect was different when equipped on an Android from when it was equipped on a character.
      • The issue where there were unnecessary images around the Charlotte Sun Hat.
      • The issue where the gloves appeared on top of the sleeves when standing and walking while wearing long-sleeved clothes with Moon Bunny gloves.
      • The issue where some hairstyles were covered when the Snail Shell was equipped.
      • The issue where two weapons appeared when using Cannon Blaster skill while the Light of the Dawn was equipped.
      • The issue where Secret Moon Shade was not displayed when hanging on a ladder or rope.
      • The issue where the shoes were not displayed when equipped with Gentle Dylan.
      • The issue where the Ground Pounder appeared on top of the character’s hand in certain frames when Blaster was standing with it equipped.
      • The issue where Ground Pounder was not displayed in some movements when both two-handed blunt weapon and Ground Pounder were equipped at the same time.
      • The issue where sometimes the [BTS] The Mikrokosmos effect was covered by the cape effect.
      • The issue where the weapon was not displayed in some movement after both one-handed weapon and Rockin' Guitar were equipped.
      • The Issue where the Rockin' Guitar was not displayed when using Paladin's Blast skill while a two-handed weapon was equipped at the same time.
      • The issue where a part of the weapon was covered when Kieuk of Death was equipped.
      • The issue where Lotus's Lovey Doll was covered when Lotus's Lovey Doll and certain outfits were equipped at the same time.
      • The issue where Dusky Clue Queen Wig did not move when a two-handed weapon and Dusky Clue Queen Wig were equipped at the same time.
      • The issue where a part of the Ill Orchid Wig was not displayed when the Ill Orchid Wig and certain capes were equipped at the same time.
      • The issue where an incorrect image was displayed in some movements of Oversized Oxford.
      • The issue where an incorrect image was displayed in some movements of Sky Whisper.
      • The issue where the sleeves did not display in some movements of White Tiger's Uniform.
      • The issue where the effect of a specific weapon disappeared when Ark changed the state between Flora and Specter.
      • The issue where the weapon effect was not displayed when Kinesis uses the Kinetic Jaunt skill with Genesis Psy-limiter or Blood Oath Weapon equipped.
      • The issue where the weapon appeared differently in the normal action and when catching breath with the Genesis Polearm or Sealed Genesis Polearm was equipped.
    • Fixed the following issues where the image would appear unnaturally on the hair and face styles:
      • The issue where the mouth shape was unnatural in some facial expressions for Sullen Face (F) and Sullen Face (M).
      • The issue where Kid Berry Hair’s pigtails covered the earrings.
      • The issue where Kid Berry Hair’s pigtails would come out of the hood when wearing a hood type hat.
      • The issue where the position and color were unnatural in some facial expressions for Marron Face (M).
    • Fixed the issue where the Elf ears appeared unnaturally.
    • Yeti Doll Key Chains can now be listed for sale at the Auction House.
    • The icon and description for the Dark Pepe Beak item have been updated.
    • Fixed the issue where the set effect of Chaos Pink Bean Set II did not activate when wearing the Loveless Diesra weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where items with the same expiration date in the bag could not be stacked in one slot.
    • Kritias Research Diary can no longer be used on maps where teleport is unavailable.
    • Fixed the issue where, when using a mount with a character in the same world, the Shapeshift skill would not be applied if the other designated character was Hoyoung.
    • Fixed the issue where, when using a mount with a character in the same world, characters of the same gender were not displayed if both were Zero characters.
    • The max Damage Skin storage slot will be expanded from 35 slots to 48 slots. The Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon, obtainable from events and Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift, must be used to expand additional slots.
    • Added a tooltip to check the color name when using the Mix Dye Coupon and Colorblend Eye Color Coupon.
    • Fixed the issue where the equip time of the Pendant of the Spirit item in the expired pendant slot did not reset when logged in again after the daily reset.
    • Fixed the issue where the number of upgrades available for Little Wolfruit Hairpin, Little Muto Bib, and Little Ramanana Hairpin was applied as 10 instead of 9.
    • Fixed the issue where some hair images appeared unnaturally when sitting on the Sprout Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where the character was unable to change expression when sitting on the Rainy Day Rock Spirit Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where some Arm Cannon actions were unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where some Shark Bodysuit actions were unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where some Fish on a Stick actions were unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the laying down position appeared unnatural with Sweet Penguin Gloves equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the Bat Manager effect appeared unnatural when riding on certain mounts.
    • Fixed the issue where some School for the Gifted actions were unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where School for the Gifted Shoes was not displayed when certain outfits were equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the location of School for the Gifted Shoes during some actions was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's hands were on top of the tube when jumping while a White Ducky Inner Tube and a weapon other than a gun were equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the character's legs did not move when using the High Altitude Flight skill while riding on the Pop Pop Fireworks Mount.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapons appeared inside the hat when Sunny Dino Head Wrap was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where a weapon was not displayed when the character was in a sitting position while a Detective Glass and some weapons were equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapons appeared inside the visor when the Winter Plush Hat was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some shoes appeared unnatural when Love Mouse Outfit was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the back side of the Sylvan Forest Hair appeared cut off or unnatural during some actions.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapons were not displayed when Glow Stick of Love was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapons were not displayed during some actions when Hard Carrier Suitcase was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some weapons were not displayed during some actions when I'm a Mustache was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where Genesis weapon effects were not being displayed after using some skills.
    • Fixed the issue where a weapon was displayed over the character’s hands when Necro Slayer was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where a weapon was displayed over the character’s hands when Timeless Killick was equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the character would appear unnatural when hanging on a ladder or rope while riding on a mount with certain face accessories equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the size of Aura effect, displayed when a rare or higher grade item is dropped after defeating a boss, was abnormal..
    • Fixed the issue where some Crafting Profession Recipe item names were unnatural.
    • The equipment’s Speed and Jump values can now be increased up to 100 when the equipment is enhanced.
      • Developer Comments: Due to how the max Speed and Jump values available on equipment was set low to 40 and 23 based on previous standards, there was an issue where the values would be negative when item enhance values were reset after enhancing the values to be more than the said values. To fix this issue, the limit for Speed and Jump values available on equipment have been increased to 100.
    • Fixed the issue where Trait EXP obtained via a Trait item was included in the daily Trait limit.
    • In the Android description, the "Go to the Shop button in the Android Equipment Window" text used to have different bolded text for different androids. This description will now be unified.
    • Fixed the issue where Scroll Enhance Options were displayed when Xenon used the Arcane Umbra Weapon Box in Reboot world.
    • Added a description regarding the effect of not slipping in snow on Ice Knight Chain Snowshoes and Ice Knight Chain Crampons items’ tooltip.
    • Fixed the issue where additional EXP was not applied in Party Quests and more additional EXP was obtained in Cross World Party Quests if Sticky Shoes and Rainbow Rice Cake Topper were equipped.
    • The stats for equipment given to the following jobs at creation has been updated:
      • Developer Comments: Due to how the original stats of the equipment and the stats decided at the time of character creation were different, Innocence Scroll could not be used on the affected equipment. To fix this, the original stats have been adjusted to match the stats of the distributed equipment.
      • Pathfinder: Ruins Explorer Hood DEF decreased from 7 to 2 and available upgrade count increased from 2 to 7.
      • Xenon: Atomic Boots Speed and Jump removed.
      • Kaiser: Kaiser Training Shoes DEF decreased from 5 to 2 and available upgrade count increased from 2 to 5.
      • Cadena: Agent Shoes DEF decreased from 5 to 2 and available upgrade count increased from 2 to 5.
      • Angelic Buster: Nova Training Shoes DEF decreased from 5 to 2 and available upgrade count increased from 2 to 5.
    • Fixed the issue where Scroll for Gloves for ATT 30% and Scroll for Gloves for ATT 70% were given when Normal Dimensional Drop is used in Reboot world.
    • Added a text in the Spring Pinwheel description stating that it can be equipped on all weapons.
    • Fixed the issue where the Perfect Kinesis Package and Heavenly Ciel Set descriptions were phrased unnaturally.
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder was unable to use Illusion Step Mastery Book.
    • Added a list of abnormal statuses that can be removed to the All Cure Potion item’s description tooltip.
    • Added a list of scroll types that do not receive the effect of the Diligence and Guild skill’s "Enhancement Mastery" description.
    • Added a text to the description of some pet equipment scroll items that do not receive the effects of the Diligence and Guild skill’s "Enhancement Mastery".
    • The number of Red Cube Fragments, Black Cube Fragments, and Bonus Cube Fragments that can be stacked in one inventory slot has been updated to 9,999.
    • Pet Equipment items for previously released pets (excluding Wonderberry pets) will permanently be added to the Cash Shop.

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    Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift Update

    • The Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift acquisition conditions have been changed to the following:
      • Players can claim the gift once the total number of monsters hunted near your level in the world reaches 300.
      • The total number of monsters hunted near your level in the world will reset at 12:00 AM UTC.
      • Developer Comments: The previous conditions were per character but since some of the rewards were untradeable, there was an inconvenience of having to hunt with specific characters to receive a reward for that desired character. To improve such inconvenience, the conditions have been changed to hunt 300 monsters near your level in the world. The Karma Black Rebirth Flame has been added and the Epic Potential Scroll has been replaced with 100% to better the player experience with the item. In addition, the function of convenience items has been improved, the Slot Expansion Ticket has been added so that players can select based on their needs, and the rewards are composed of items useful for Legion and character progression.
    • Characters with Lv. 33 and above can open the Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift UI and claim the gifts upon reaching the requirement.
    • The Fairy Bros' Daily Gift update will be applied starting from November 1 at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • The Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift rewards will be updated to those listed below.
      • Note: As mentioned in the Item Improvements section, the max Damage Skin storage slot will be expanded from 35 slots to 48 slots. The Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon, obtainable from events and Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift, must be used to expand additional slots.

    Fairy Bros’ Daily Gift Rewards:

    • Day 1: Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Day 2: Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day): Untradeable, 7-day duration. When the coupon is used, the Pendant Slot duration will be increased by 15-days.
    • Day 3: Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 4: Spell Trace (x500)
    • Day 5: 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 6: Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Storage is excluded from the selection.
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to unlock a Damage Skin slot.
    • Day 7: 500 Rewards Point Token: Untradeable, 7-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Bronze I and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 8: Mastery Book Set: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 9: Special Medal of Honor: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 10: Wild Totem: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Use the totem to receive Wild Totem skill effect for 2-hour duration.
    • Day 11: Extreme Growth Potion: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. When used on a character with Lv. 200 and above, they will receive the amount of EXP required to level up from Lv. 199. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Bronze II and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 12:
      • Non-Reboot worlds only: Special Bonus Potential Scroll: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Reboot world only: Mysterious Meso Pouch (x5): Untradeable.
    • Day 13: Trait Increase Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 14: Red Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive Red Cube cash items that will have a 3-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Bronze III and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 15: Hyper Teleport Rock: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Day 16: Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day): Untradeable, 7-day duration. When the coupon is used, the Pendant Slot duration will be increased by 15-days.
    • Day 17: Pendant of the Spirit: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 18: Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Bronze IV and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 19: Wild Totem: Untradeable, 14-day duration. Use the totem to receive Wild Totem skill effect for 2-hour duration.
    • Day 20: Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Storage is excluded from the selection.
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to unlock a Damage Skin slot.
    • Day 21: 1,000 Rewards Point Token: Untradeable, 7-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Silver and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 22: Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Storage is excluded from the selection.
      • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Damage Skin Slot Expansion Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to unlock a Damage Skin slot.
    • Day 23: Special Medal of Honor: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 24: 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 25: Karma Black Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Gold and higher will receive 2x the amount.)
    • Day 26: Epic Potential Scroll 100%: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 27:
      • Non-Reboot worlds only: Bonus Potential Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Reboot world only: Mysterious Meso Pouch (x20): Untradeable.
    • Day 28: Black Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to receive Black Cube cash items that will have a 3-day duration. (Players with the MVP rank of MVP Bronze and higher will receive an additional amount that varies based on their rank.)

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    Content Changes

    • Pathfinder Open Advancement is now available.
      • After 4th Job Advancement, Explorer Bowman characters can now change jobs to Pathfinder using Job Advancement Coin via Bowman Instructor Legor at the Forest of the Priest map.
      • The following will be added upon Job Advancement to Pathfinder:
        • Medal: Heir of the Ancients (Lv. 200)
          • Note: Existing Pathfinder characters that meet the level requirement will receive the medal after the October 6 maintenance.
        • Quest: Return to Partem (Lv. 20)
        • Quest: Heir of the Ancients (Lv. 200)
        • Developer Comments: Ever since Pathfinder was released, Open Advancement to it was restricted. Now, it was decided that the timing was appropriate to remove the restrictions to open new possibilities for our Maplers. In addition, the 'Heir of the Ancients' medal is an Lv. 200 medal for Pathfinder. Previously, ‘Lordly Sniper’ was given when reaching Lv. 200 because Pathfinder was considered an Explorer Bowman before it was its own unique job. Now at Lv. 200, the point at which Pathfinder's unique storyline is completed, players can acquire the unique medal, the ‘Heir of the Ancients’.
    • Certain job introductions and skill images will be updated on the Open Advancement UI.
    • As mentioned in our post in June, MapleTV will be removed from major town maps.
    • The character's skin shown on certain chairs and mounts has been covered with gloves, clothes, etc.
    • The following items will no longer be sold in the Cash Shop:
      • Carta's Teal Pearl
      • Carta's Scarlet Pearl

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    System Changes

    • The max character slot has been increased from 53 to 54.
      • Please save this slot for the upcoming new class. More details will be shared at a later date!

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    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where Gong Gong was not appearing on Mu Lung.
    • Fixed the issue where the pop-up message from using a Beauty Salon Hair Slot Coupon and Beauty Salon Face Slot Coupon would not fit within the message window.
    • Fixed the issue where hovering over El Nath Mts. on the World Map incorrectly displayed "Elnath Mts.".
    • Fixed the issue where hovering over Kritias on the World Map incorrectly displayed "Kiritias".
    • Fixed the issue where a white line appeared underneath the character would when hanging on a rope or ladder with Pen Pal Couple (Blue) equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where Princess No's Poisoned Sword was missing from the Captivating Fragment list.
    • Fixed the issue where Skunk Pet still mentions the Affluent Tower. Fixed the issue where Beast Tamer ears and tail were not displayed on Player NPC Statues in Dream Defender.
    • Fixed the issue where Reboot Cosmos Ring did not count towards the "King of the Rings" achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text in chat window when entering Papulatus (Chaos) Practice Mode.
    • Fixed the issue where Kain's 5th Job skill Grip of Agony was unable to be used after player revives using the Buff Freezer item until new Death Throes stacks are acquired.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic's 5th Job Skill Full Metal Barrage was canceled if the player is attacked during the skill activation.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a 2-3 second freeze as Mu Lung Dojo began.
    • Fixed the issue where Jett's skill Strikeforce Showdown would animation lock the character if it proceeded as Starforce Salvo ends.
    • Fixed the issue where incorrect background music played in the Amorian Challenge Party quest maps.
    • Fixed the issue where the Phantom Forest Guardian was using the same medal image as the World Tree Guardian medal.
    • Fixed the issue where the '[Partem Ruins] Summon the Blazin' Brazier!' quest was unable to be completed if forfeited and then restarted in the same session.
    • Fixed the issue where the accurate tooltips were not displayed for some maps due to being interactables for Stone Colossus and Kritias.
    • Fixed the issue where Turret Deployment summons did not attack while Anti-Gravity Cycle SFF - X was active.
    • Fixed the issue where Butterfly Hat vanished during the Phantom's 4th Job skill Penombre.
    • Fixed the issue where the Phantom Forest Treasure Chest dropped non-Reboot items on Reboot world.

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    Known Issues

    • There are minor graphical issues when listing an item for sale on the Auction House.
    • [Updated October 6] A text has yet to be added to the description of some pet equipment scroll items that do not receive the effects of the Diligence and Guild skill’s "Enhancement Mastery".
    • [Updated October 6] Information has yet to be added to the Chaos Circulator’s item description that the options that are reset can be maintained.
    • [Updated October 6] Night Troupe's Stan Band Open-air Concert buff is incorrectly indicated as "Stan Band Field Show" in the in-game event list reward section.
    • [Updated October 6] The end date for the selected weekly main event is cut off on the Night Troupe Event Ticket UI.
    • [Updated October 6] There is an untranslated text for Princess No when the player attempts to collect the boss clear Reward Points via the ‘[Maple Rewards] Receive Maple Rewards for Annihilating Boss Monsters’ quest.
    • [Updated October 6] Hitikori Strike - Angle animation may not be displayed correctly.
    • [Updated October 6] An extra Spatial Shift skill icon is displayed on Jett's skill UI.
    • [Updated October 6] Game client may crash and the character may get stuck when entering the Afterlands. Please avoid entering the Afterlands until this issue has been addressed. If your character is already stuck, please contact our MapleStory Customer Support to be moved to a different map.
    • [Updated October 7] Some Jett characters have extra skill points remaining even after maxing the skills on the skill UI.
    • [Updated October 7] Certain classes do not have enough skill points to max out the skills.
    • [Updated October 7] There is an untranslated text on Hoyoung's Enlightenment skill description tooltip.
    • [Updated October 7] There are text issues on Jett's Core Aura skill description tooltip.
    • [Updated October 7] Reward Points that have not been deposited in the Cash Shop may disappear after the player logs out or changes character.
    • [Updated October 7] The sorting arrows in Auction House's Complete tab overlap the text.
    • [Updated October 8] Pet may consume All Cure non-stop and the character may be soft-locked. Please remove All Cures from your pet until this issue has been addressed.
    • [Updated October 11] Decent Combat Orders may not grant the benefits to passive skills.
    • [Updated October 11] Yu Garden quests for the totem cannot be started.
    • [Updated October 11] New characters may not receive Legion prerequisite quest.
    • [Updated October 11] There is an untranslated text when talking to Yorozu on Thread of Fate UI.

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    Night Troupe

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • The Night Troupe’s grand festival arrives in Maple World for you to enjoy!
    • This band of entertainers roams all over the world to bring enthralling activities and rewards desirable to any Mapler!
    • Accept ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest in the Night Troupe icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, you will automatically be moved to the Night Troupe venue map.
    • Afterward, accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Get Your Tickets Here!’ quest in the Night Troupe icon within the star event notifier or by talking to Spiegelmann found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • When you collect 100 Troupe Points, it will convert to 1 Troupe Coin.
    • You can earn up to 300 Troupe Coins daily per world.

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    Festival Design Level

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest.

    • Enjoy the festivities further and receive special rewards and perks by leveling up your Festival Design Level!
    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Design the Festival’ quest within the Night Troupe icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You will start as Beginner Designer and can level up all the way to Master Designer.
      • Your Festival Design Level icon will appear next to the character name for all your characters in the same world.
    • Each Festival Design Level unlocks at an appointed date.
      • You will automatically level up if you have the required amount of cumulative Troupe Coins when the level up is available.
    • Each time you level up, you will receive a level up reward or an additional perk.
    • Festival Design Level is shared between your characters in the same world.

    Festival Design Level:

    • Beginner Designer: Available October 6 (after maintenance)
    • Junior Designer: Available October 6 (after maintenance)
      • Level Up Requirement: Have cumulative 1,800 Troupe Coins.
    • Senior Designer: Available October 13 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Level Up Requirement: Have cumulative 3,600 Troupe Coins.
    • Veteran Designer: Available October 20 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Level Up Requirement: Have cumulative 6,600 Troupe Coins.
    • Master Designer: Available October 27 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Level Up Requirement: Have cumulative 9,000 Troupe Coins.

    Festival Design Level Up Rewards and Perks:

    • Junior Designer: Level up to receive the following:
      • Mega Character Burninator: Tradeable within account,14-day duration. Use to receive a Mega Burning effect on an existing character between Lv. 10 and 149 for 30 days. This item cannot be used on Zero characters.
    • Senior Designer: Level up to gain access to the following:
      • Troupe Circus Stage
        • When you attempt Star Force enhancements in Troupe Circus Stage, the equipment, including Masteria Legacy Accessories, will be protected from destruction up to 15 Stars. (Superior-ranked equipment excluded.)
        • Star Force Enhancement perks will only apply through the use of Star Force Enhancement UI.
    • Veteran Designer: Level up to receive the following:
      • Non-Reboot worlds only: Equipment Transfer
        • You can transfer a specific equipment item from a character to another one of your characters within the same world.
        • Use the Equipment Transfer UI and select the item to extract. You can preview how the item will be converted before making the decision.
          • Use the ‘Confirm’ button to extract the equipment into an essence. Extracting it into an essence will completely destroy the equipment.
            • Equipment that has been extracted to an essence CANNOT be restored.
          • You can transfer the essence to your character in the same world through Storage.
          • You can preview the changes to the final equipment upon using the essence with the recipient character. The equipment will be changed into appropriate equipment for the class and have main stats of the recipient character.
        • The appearance and the following stats of the equipment will be adjusted for the recipient character:
          • Bonus Stats
          • Enhanced Stats
          • Potential
          • Bonus Potential (Note: Some Bonus Potentials may not convert into a suitable stat.)
          • Weapon ATT percentage and Magic ATT percentage will be swapped based on the attack stats the recipient character uses.
        • Equipment’s Star Force enhancements and tradeability status will remain the same on the new equipment.
          • If the transferred equipment had ‘cannot be traded when equipped’ tradeability, it will become untradeable.
        • You can transfer the following equipment:
          • Fafnir Weapon
          • AbsoLab Weapon (Note: AbsoLab Weapon that cannot be enhanced excluded.)
          • Lv. 100 Secondary Weapon (Note: Dual Blade's secondary weapons and "Evolving" secondary weapons excluded.)
          • Gold Emblems (Note: Zero's Eternal Time Emblem excluded. Angelic Buster, Kaiser, and Xenon’s Emblems excluded.)
        • Equipment transfer is available once per world.
        • If your recipient character does not claim the transferred equipment within the event duration, the equipment will be lost.
      • Reboot world only: Unique Potential Scroll 100%: Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    • Master Designer: Level up to receive the following:
      • Mount Transfer
        • Extract and transfer a mount skill already registered on a character to another one of your characters within the same world.
        • Use the Mount Skill Transfer UI to extract and transfer the mount.
          • Select the desired mount skill registered on the character. Confirm to extract the selected mount skill.
          • After extracting the mount, you will be given a Mount Skill Transfer Certificate: Tradeable within account, expires at the end of the event duration.
          • You can transfer the certificate item to your character in the same world through Storage.
          • Use it on a recipient character to receive the extracted mount skill.
        • Mount transfer is available once per world.
        • Certain job-exclusive mounts cannot be transferred.
        • If your recipient character does not use the certificate item within the event duration, the item will be lost.
      • Henesys Troupe: Title. Untradeable.


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    Festival Design Skill

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest.

    • Arrange various festival booths using Troupe Coins and earn special skill bonuses while you’re at it!
    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Party Planner’ quest within the Night Troupe icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Spiegelmann found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • You can use Troupe Coins to unlock the various festival booths and earn the respective skill tied to the unlocked booth.
      • The festival booths have different Troupe Coin and Festival Design Level requirements.
    • There are 3 different skill categories and your Night Troupe map’s appearance will change as you unlock the various festival booths and decorations:
      • Experience Zone Booth
      • Food Stand
      • Souvenir Shop
    • Arcane River daily quests that are affected by the skill consist of the following:
      • [Daily Quest] Vanishing Journey Research
      • [Daily Quest] Chu Chu's Finest Cuisine
      • [Daily Quest] A Night's Peace in Lachelein
      • [Daily Quest] Peace in Arcana
      • [Daily Quest] Save the Morass
      • [Daily Quest] Esfera Research Orders
      • Note: Erda Spectrum, Hungry Muto PQ, Dream Defender, and Spirit Savior excluded. Quests completed via Arcane River Express Pass will not receive this perk.
    • Festival Design skills are shared between your characters in the same world.
    • Festival Design skills will last until the end of the event duration.

    Festival Design Skills:

    • Experience Zone Booth
      • Experience Zone: Lv. 1: Reduces Combo Kill Orb creation requirement to 45 kills.
        • Requirements: 850 Troupe Coins. Beginner Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Lv. 2: Rune EXP effect +100%. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 900 Troupe Coins. Junior Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Lv. 3: Reduces Combo Kill Orb creation requirement to 40 kills. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Lv. 4: Combo Kill Orb EXP +100%. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 1,000 Troupe Coins. Veteran Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Pollo and Fritto Photo Zone: 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Beginner Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Inferno Wolf Spring Rider: 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Junior Designer Level.
      • Experience Zone: Monster Park Mini-car: 2x Monster Park EXP.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.
    • Food Stand
      • Food Stand: Lv. 1: +5% EXP for defeating enemies.
        • Requirements: 850 Troupe Coins. Beginner Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Lv. 2: +5% EXP for defeating enemies. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 900 Troupe Coins. Junior Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Lv. 3: +5% EXP for defeating enemies. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Lv. 4: +10% EXP for defeating enemies. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 1,000 Troupe Coins. Veteran Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Monster Munchies: +30% damage to normal enemies.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Junior Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Brunches and Buffs: Duration of all buffs +15%.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.
      • Food Stand: Boss Monster Meals: Boss Damage +30%.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Veteran Designer Level.
    • Souvenir Shop
      • Souvenir Shop: Lv. 1: Receive an additional Arcane Symbol for completing Arcane River daily quests.
        • Requirements: 850 Troupe Coins. Beginner Designer Level.
      • Souvenir Shop: Lv. 2: Receive an additional Arcane Symbol for completing any of Arcane River daily quests. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 900 Troupe Coins. Junior Designer Level.
      • Souvenir Shop: Lv. 3: Receive an additional Arcane Symbol for completing any of Arcane River daily quests. (Stacks with previous skill level.)
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.
      • Souvenir Shop: Lv. 4: Receive the following items once per character every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC by accepting the ‘[Night Troupe] Boss Clear Count Reset Ticket Gift’ quest or talking to Spiegelmann:
        • Empress Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Hard Magnus Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Chaos Von Bon Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Chaos Pierre Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Chaos Crimson Queen Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Chaos Vellum Reset Ticket: Untradeable.
        • Requirements: 1,000 Troupe Coins. Veteran Designer Level.
      • Souvenir Shop: Motley Treasures: 2x Elite Boss treasure chest reward.
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Beginner Designer Level.
      • Souvenir Shop: Elite Monster Balloons: Additional Elite Monster will be summoned while hunting. (Elite Champion excluded.)
        • Requirements: 950 Troupe Coins. Senior Designer Level.

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    Night Troupe Main Attractions

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest.

    • These dazzling main attractions will make your time worthwhile with loads of perks at Night Troupe!
    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Get Your Tickets Here!’ quest within the Night Troupe icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to Spiegelmann found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • You can participate in one of the following three attractions each week: Ride Attractions, Fireworks Festival Parade, and Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show.
    • You can select the desired weekly attraction by clicking on the respective coupons from the Night Troupe Event Ticket UI.
      • Once you’ve made the selection, you CANNOT change your main attraction until the given week ends.
    • Night Troupe main attraction selection is shared between your characters within the same world.
    • Your perks in each of these attractions will vary based on your Festival Design Level.
    • The weekly attraction selection will reset every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC during the event duration.

    Ride Attractions

    • Build up your courage by hunting monsters near your level and take the ride of your life!
    • Select Ride Attraction Coupon from the Night Troupe Event Ticket UI to receive its perks for the week. Upon making the selection, you will be given a ‘Ride Attractions’ skill.
    • Each time you defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above), a Courage gauge will be filled and Troupe Points will be obtained.
    • When the Courage gauge fills up, a ride attraction effect will be activated and attack the surrounding monsters.
      • Afterward, EXP booster effect will be activated for a short duration. During this time, you will receive EXP buff perks based on your Festival Design Level.
        • There are a total of 4 different EXP booster effect stages. As you level up your Festival Design Level, you will unlock additional stages that can be activated with probability.
        • EXP buff from the booster effect will stack with other similar EXP buffs.
        • Defeating monsters near your level while the EXP booster effect is active will not fill up the Courage gauge.
    • Ride Attraction skill will be deactivated once you’ve used the max number of daily activation based on your Festival Design Level.
    • Ride Attraction skill perks and activation capacity will be per world.

    Festival Design Level Ride Attraction Limits:

    • Beginner Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 45
      • Available EXP Booster Effect Stages: Stage 1 (2x EXP)
    • Junior Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 46
      • Available EXP Booster Effects Stages: Stage 1 (2x EXP), Stage 2 (2.5x EXP)
    • Senior Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 48
      • Available EXP Booster Effects Stages: Stage 1 (2x EXP), Stage 2 (2.5x EXP), Stage 3 (3x EXP)
    • Veteran/Master Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 50
      • Available EXP Booster Effects Stages: Stage 1 (2x EXP), Stage 2 (2.5x EXP), Stage 3 (3x EXP), Stage 4 (3.5x EXP)

    Fireworks Festival Parade

    • Collect traces of Magic Fireworks by hunting monsters near your level to put up the best show the world has ever seen!
    • Select Fireworks Festival Parade Coupon from the Night Troupe Event Ticket UI to receive its perks for the week. Upon making the selection, you will be given a ‘Fireworks Festival Parade’ skill.
    • ONLY characters between Lv. 131 and 199 can participate in the Fireworks Festival Parade.
      • Characters with Mega Burninator effect can participate starting Lv. 151, after the Burning effect ends.
    • Each time you defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above), a gauge will be filled and Troupe Points will be obtained.
    • When the gauge fills up, a fireworks effect will be activated and attack the surrounding monsters.
      • When you’ve activated the fireworks effect 10 times, a level-up effect will be activated based on your Festival Design Level.
      • A level-up effect will grant up to 15 levels max.
    • Fireworks Festival Parade skill will be deactivated once you’ve used the max number of daily activation.
    • Fireworks Festival Parade skill perks and activation capacity will be per world.

    Festival Design Level Fireworks Festival Parade Limits:

    • Beginner Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 30
      • Max number of daily level-up effect: 3
      • Available Fireworks Festival Parade: Level-up Effect
    • Junior Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 30
      • Max number of daily level-up effect: 3
      • Available Fireworks Festival Parade: Level-up Effect +20% of receiving more than 2 levels.
    • Senior Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 30
      • Max number of daily level-up effect: 3
      • Available Fireworks Festival Parade: Level-up Effect +50% of receiving more than 2 levels.
    • Veteran/Master Designer
      • Max number of daily activation: 30
      • Max number of daily level-up effect: 3
      • Available Fireworks Festival Parade: Level-up Effect +80% of receiving more than 2 levels.

    Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show

    • Collect Magic Hat energy by hunting monsters near your level and turn that energy into special rewards!
    • Select Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show Coupon from the Night Troupe Event Ticket UI to receive its perks for the week. Upon making the selection, you will be given a ‘Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show’ skill.
    • Each time you defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above), a gauge will be filled and Troupe Points will be obtained.
    • When the gauge fills up, a Magic Hat effect will be activated and attack the surrounding monsters.
      • Afterward, various items will drop based on your Festival Design Level.
    • Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show skill will be deactivated once you’ve used the max number of daily activation.
    • Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show skill perks and item obtainment capacity will be per world.

    Festival Design Level Spiegelmann's Fantastic Magic Show Limits:

    • Beginner Designer
      • Max number of daily item obtainment upon activation: 10
      • Available item drops:
        • Occult Cube x1 Coupon
        • Spell Trace x10 Coupon
        • Mysterious Meso Pouch x1 Coupon
        • Intermediate Hunter's Honor Medal x1 Coupon
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame x1 Coupon
        • Nodestone x1 Coupon
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon
    • Junior Designer
      • Max number of daily item obtainment upon activation: 10
      • Available item drops:
        • Occult Cube x1 Coupon
        • Spell Trace x10 Coupon
        • Mysterious Meso Pouch x1 Coupon
        • Intermediate Hunter's Honor Medal x1 Coupon
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame x1 Coupon
        • Nodestone x1 Coupon
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon
    • Senior Designer
      • Max number of daily item obtainment upon activation: 10
      • Available item drops:
        • Occult Cube x1 Coupon
        • Spell Trace x20 Coupon
        • Mysterious Meso Pouch x1 Coupon
        • Advanced Hunter's Medal of Honor x1 Coupon
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame x1 Coupon
        • Nodestone x2 Coupon
        • Arcane Symbol Selector x2 Coupon
    • Veteran/Master Designer
      • Max number of daily item obtainment upon activation: 10
      • Available item drops:
        • Occult Cube x1 Coupon
        • Spell Trace x20 Coupon
        • Mysterious Meso Pouch x1 Coupon
        • Advanced Hunter's Medal of Honor x1 Coupon
        • Trait Increase Potion x1 Coupon
        • Eternal Rebirth Flame x1 Coupon
        • Nodestone x2 Coupon
        • Arcane Symbol Selector x2 Coupon

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    Flower Pig Ride

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest and have Beginner Designer level or above.

    • Travel the dreamland on the Flower Pig like the brave, romantic hero you are!
    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Flower Pig Ride’ quest by talking to Utah found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • Enter the Flower Pig Ride and hop on the Flower Pigs to automatically earn Troupe Points.
    • If you reach the coin capacity for the day, you cannot enter Flower Pig Ride to earn Troupe Points.


    • Troupe Coins

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    Stan Band

    UTC: October 6 (after maintenance) – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest and have Beginner Designer level or above.

    • Come support Stan family’s amazing band performing at Night Troupe!
    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Stanning the Band’ quest by talking to Stan found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • You have 2 options to sponsor the Stan Band: Stan Band Open-air Concert and Private Concert.
    • Stan Band Open-air Concert
      • Cost: 200,000,000 mesos
      • Perk: Increases EXP by 50% for all players in the Night Troupe venue for 30 minutes.
        • EXP buff from the booster effect will stack with other similar EXP buffs.
      • There is no participation limit. However, each character can receive the EXP perk up to 2 times per day.
      • The existing EXP perk will not be renewed even when another atmospheric effect is activated.
    • Private Concert
      • Cost: 4,000 Maple Points
      • Perk: Provides Troupe Coin (x300)
      • Only those that have less cumulative Troupe Coins than the total coins obtainable the previous day can participate (excludes the amount obtained from the Mushroom Balloon event).
        • Ex: If you own a cumulative of 600 Troupe Coins and the total coins obtainable the previous day was 1,200, you can use Private Concert 2 times to make up the difference.
      • Note: If the difference between the amount of Troupe Coins you own and the total coins obtainable the previous day is less than 300 coins, you will only receive the difference. Since it counts the cumulative and total amount of coins, the use of coins will not affect the availability.
    • You can participate up to 3 times daily per account.


    • EXP
    • Troupe Coins

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    Pop the Mushroom Balloons

    UTC: October 13 at 12:00 AM – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest and have Junior Designer level or above.

    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Pop the Mushroom Balloons!’ quest by talking to Scarrs found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • Your goal is to attack as many Horny Mushroom Balloon and Mushroom Balloon monsters within 2 minutes to achieve a high score.
    • There are a total of 11 stages, and when you defeat all the Horny Mushroom Balloon and Mushroom Balloon monsters in the map, you will automatically progress to the next stage.
    • The game will end either when you clear all 11 stages or when the time runs out.
    • You will receive Troupe Coins according to the points you scored. You will be given 1 Troupe Coin for every 10 points you have earned.
    • If you are not satisfied with the amount of points you have gained, you will have the option to retry without receiving the rewards. You can complete it again anytime if you exit without receiving the rewards.
    • You can obtain up to 130 Troupe Coins once a day per world.
    • Troupe Coins from Pop the Mushroom Balloons are not affected by the daily coin capacity.


    • Troupe Coins

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    Jackpot Spinner

    UTC: October 20 at 12:00 AM – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your character must have completed the ‘[Night Troupe] Festival of Dreams and Illusions’ quest and have Senior Designer level or above.

    • Accept the ‘[Night Troupe] Jackpot Spinner’ quest by talking to Cassandra found in the Night Troupe venue map.
    • You can spin the spinner to see where it lands between Orange Mushroom or Cassandra.
    • If the spinner lands on Orange Mushroom, you win the game.
    • Upon winning the game, you will accumulate Troupe Coins. The earned Troupe Coins can be doubled based on your consecutive wins up to 3 times.
    • Upon losing the game, all of your accumulated Troupe Coins will be lost.
    • After you spin, you’ll have to wait 30 minutes to use the Jackpot Spinner again.
    • Reward can be obtained once a day per world.
    • You cannot spin again for the day after claiming the reward.
    • If you have 3 or more cumulative losses in a day, Cassandra will give you 50 Troupe Coins. Afterward, you cannot spin again for the day.
    • If you reach the coin capacity for the day, you can no longer obtain Troupe Coins.


    • Troupe Coins

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    Haunted Manor

    UTC: October 20 at 12:00 AM – November 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • A mysterious letter arrives and invites you to the Haunted Manor!
    • Accept the '[Haunted Manor] Mysterious Letter' quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the invitation, you will be moved to the Haunted Manor.
      • You can leave the Haunted Manor by clicking the ‘Exit’ button on the bottom right side of the screen.
    • There are a total of 5 missions and each mission will be unlocked daily at 12:00 AM UTC until October 24.
      • The unlocked missions can be cleared at once during the event period.
    • Upon completion of each mission, accept the quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to receive your reward.
    • Haunted Manor mission rewards can be obtained once per character.
    • Hidden mission alert! Complete a hidden mission to receive the Hallowkitty's Hat Picker Coupon!
      • The hidden mission can only be done after all 5 missions have been completed.
      • Hidden mission reward can be obtained once per world.
    • Haunted Manor can be done per character.


    • Mission 1: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Coven Cap Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
        • Lil Pumpkin Witch Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Spiderweb Witch Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Mission 2: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Frightful Night Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration. The damage skin is tradeable when extracted.


    • Mission 3: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Permanent Halloween Ghost Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    • Mission 4: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Nightmare's Bloom Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Nightmare's Bloom: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Mission 5: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Blue Nightmare Outfit Set Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 from each of the categories:
        • Blue Nightmare Hat
          • Blue Nightmare Fedora: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Blue Nightmare Hairpin: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Blue Nightmare Outfit
          • Blue Nightmare Suit (M): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a male character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
          • Blue Nightmare Dress (F): Untradeable. Item can only be equipped by a female character. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Blue Nightmare Shoes: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Hidden Mission: Complete the mission to receive the following:
      • Hallowkitty's Hat Picker Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select 1 of the following:
        • Hallowkitty’s Witch Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Hallowkitty’s Neon Hat: Untradeable. Cash item can be transferred to the Cash Shop Inventory.


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    I Haven't Done Anything

    UTC: November 3 at 12:00 AM – November 16 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Here’s how you earn easy EXP from our I Haven’t Done Anything event!
    • Accept the quest ‘[I Haven’t Done Anything] Mysterious EXP Pouch’ within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • EXP is accumulated for up to 12 hours when you are logged in. When not logged in, the efficiency is decreased to about 50% and will take up to 24 hours.
    • You can receive the EXP rewards by clicking the ‘Collect EXP’ button on any of your characters in the same world that meet the event requirement.
    • EXP accumulation is shared within the account. EXP is given proportionately according to the level of the character trying to collect EXP.


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    Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway

    UTC: August 25 (after maintenance) – November 16 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway returns once again with more special rewards to give out!
    • Accept ‘[Golden Giveaway] The Bros are Back’ quest in the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • During the event period, click on the Fairy Bros icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to access the UI.
    • Your attendance will count when you click the check-in button after your daily cumulative login time reaches 1 hour. Login time will only accumulate when you are logged in with a character Lv. 101 and above.
    • You will receive rewards every 9th time you have completed the attendance.
    • During weekends, your attendance will count as 2 checks.
    • If you have missed attendance, you have the option to use the Golden Pass.
    • Golden Pass can provide attendance checks for the price of 3,000 Maple Points.
    • One Golden Pass usage can check off 1 attendance and it can only be used up to the number of incomplete attendance days as of the previous day’s record.
    • Available usage count for Golden Passes will be indicated on the Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway UI.
    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway Rewards can be claimed once per account.


    • Day 9
      • Fairy Bros' Pet Selection Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Lil Wonky
          • Lil Wonky: Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet can be revived using Water of Life.
          • Lil Wonky’s Leaf: Untradeable.
        • Sonara Wave
          • Sonara Wave: Untradeable, 90-day duration. Pet can be revived using Water of Life.
          • Sonara Wave Wings: Untradeable.


    • Day 18
      • Fairy Bros' Mount Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select one of the following:
        • Permanent Tractor Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Moon and Stars Mount Coupon (Permanent): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Glow-in-the-Dark Star Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Permanent Haechi Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. The highest level character within the world will ride the mount alongside the current character.
        • Flying Fish Mount Coupon (Permanent): Untradeable, 7-day duration.


    • Day 27
      • Custom Title Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Custom Title: Untradeable, 30-day duration. You can find instructions on how to use a Custom Title here.
    • Day 36
      • Permanent Thunder Jellyfish Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount provides Hyper Teleport skills for 90 days (Cooldown: 30 minutes).


    • Day 45
      • Change Royal Beauty Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the voucher to receive the following items:
        • Change Royal Face Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Similar to the April Fools’ Day Coupons, receive face styles from the other gender! Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory. Use the coupon to receive one of the following face styles:
          • Male: Left to right: Eileen Face, Insolent Face, Puppy-Eyed Face, Lily Face, Still Eyed Face, Moonbeam Face, Lively Gal Face, Female Face No. 18, Pure Gaze.
          • Female: Left to right: Arthur Face, Beautiful Face, Face of Longing, Elwin Face, Pensive Face, Toony Face, Starlight Eyes Face, Male Evan Face, Arrogant Face.
        • Change Royal Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Similar to the April Fools’ Day Coupons, receive hair styles from the other gender! Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory. Use the coupon to receive one of the following hair styles:
          • Male: Left to right: Blossomdew Hair, Neo Orchid Hair, Kid's Wave Hair, Cascading Bob Hair, Teeny Horn Hair, Romantic Braid Hair, Bow Bleached Hair, Diva Bow Hair, Kitten Hair.
          • Female: Left to right: Surfer Hair, Floppy Bangs Hair, Bling Evan Hair, Sweet Kitty Hair, Bed Head Hair, Whipped Hair, Overgrown Hair, Statement Hair, Kitten Hair.



    • Day 54
      • Sailor Wonky Outfit Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Sailor Wonky Outfit: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 63
      • Blessing of the Maple Tree Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Blessing of the Maple Tree: Untradeable. The effect can be toggled ON/OFF. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 72
      • Fairy Bros' Chair Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select one of the following:
        • Bushmaster Chair: Untradeable.
        • Roly Piggy: Untradeable.
        • Henesys ID Card Chair: Untradeable.
        • Handheld Yeti Game Chair: Untradeable.
        • Vacation Selfie Chair: Untradeable.


    • Day 81
      • New Hero Feather Selection Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • New Shade Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • New Phantom Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • New Luminous Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • New Mercedes Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • New Aran Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • New Evan Hero Feather: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 90
      • Pixel Lucidroid Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Pixel Lucidroid: Untradeable. The android has a Shop function.


    • Day 99
      • Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


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    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: October 10 at 12:00 AM – October 10 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: October 17 at 12:00 AM – October 17 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: October 24 at 12:00 AM – October 24 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: October 31 at 12:00 AM – October 31 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: November 7 at 12:00 AM – November 7 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: November 14 at 12:00 AM – November 14 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - October 10, 2021
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancement. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Week 2 - October 17, 2021
      • Receive 5x chance to receive a Magnificent Soul when exchanging 10 Soul Shards.
      • Receive 3x Surprise Missions reward.
      • Receive 3x EXP from Surprise Missions.
      • Receive Surprise Missions more frequently.
    • Week 3 - October 24, 2021
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
    • Week 4 - October 31, 2021
      • Receive 2 stars when you successfully do Star Force 10 enhancements and lower.
    • Week 5 - November 7, 2021
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets.
    • Week 6 - November 14, 2021
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.

    Back to Top

    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: October 29 – October 31 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • October 29, 2021
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • October 30, 2021
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • October 31, 2021
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

    Back to Top

    Cash Inventory Transfer Event

    UTC: November 10 at 12:00 AM – November 17 (before maintenance)

    • Attention Maplers, Cash Inventory Transfer Event has returned to help you reach the true endgame in FashionStory!
    • Take this opportunity to move cash items between your characters in the same world!
    • Follow these simple steps to transfer cash items between your characters:
      • Enter the Cash Shop.
      • Pick an eligible item you would like to transfer to a different character, and move it into your Cash Inventory.
      • Right-click the item.
      • Click the 'TRANSFER WITHIN WORLD' button from the menu.
      • Select the recipient of the item from the drop-down menu and click the 'OK' button.
      • The selected item will now appear in the other character’s Cash Inventory the next time you log in to that character.
    • Rules and Restrictions
      • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
      • You can only transfer cash items between characters in the same world.
      • Cash items cannot be transferred using the ‘TRANSFER WITHIN WORLD’ button between the classes that already share their Cash Inventory.
    • There are a few items that are not able to be transferred:
      • EXP Coupons
      • Potion Pot
      • Friendship and Couple Items

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    View on the Official Site