[updated] Scheduled Game Update – February 28, 2018

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    MapleStory is under maintenance.


    We will be performing a scheduled game update on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 6:00 AM PST (9:00 AM EST / 3:00 PM CET / 1:00 AM AEDT). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 7 hours, concluding around 1:00 PM PST (4:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM CET / 8:00 AM AEDT).

    Please note that the estimated length of time for each maintenance is subject to change without notification.

    Thanks for your patience!


    Wednesday, February 28, 2018
    PST: 6:00 AM – 1:00 PM

    EST: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
    CET: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM
    AEDT: 1:00 AM – 8:00 AM (March 1)

    What will be unavailable:

    • All MapleStory game servers.

    Changes and Updates:

    • MapleStory will be updated to v.193. Check out the patch notes here!
    • Commerci weapons will now be available for Cadena and Illium.
    • The tooltips of several Cash items will be updated to list the correct weapons they cover.
    • Androids that had lost access to their shops will have their shop access restored.
    • Emperor Toad will have its drop table updated.
    • Various Illium quests that were inaccurate will be corrected.
    • An issue where familiars were invisible in their tooltip and while summoned will be fixed so that the familiars appear.
    • An issue where NLC Taxi had the wrong text when sending the player to Bent Tree will be fixed.
    • An issue where the quest '[Gold Beach] Floating Away' had incorrect text will be fixed.
    • An issue where NPC Huey showed up in the wrong location during the quest 'Investigating the Package' will be fixed so he does not overlap with NPC Blair.
    • An issue where Vellum animations had graphical issues will be fixed.
    • An issue where NPC Spindle was still referencing MapleStory TCG will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Luminous character creation had graphical issues will be fixed.
    • An issue where multiple faces were showing up blank in a player's Beauty Salon will be fixed.
    • An issue where the mini-map for the Grove of the Spirit Tree had graphical issues will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Pink Bean Balloon Mount (30 Days) had incorrect text will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Glow Spell Chair didn't display a message when players sit in the chair will be fixed.
    • An issue where some skills didn't inflict damage when a certain number of Erdas Shower skills were used on the same map will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Return! skill was activated when the corresponding command was entered even though Evan's Support Jump wasn't activated will be fixed.
    • An issue where Blade Burst appeared twice when Kaiser achieved the 4th Job advancement will be fixed. The SP invested in this skill will be restored.
    • An issue where the attack speed that increases to Zero's Doubletime (Strength) skill was not stacked with Decent Speed Infusion will be fixed.
    • An issue where party members who didn't inflict any damage from Inferno Wolf also received rewards when a party member defeated Inferno Wolf will be fixed.
    • An issue where there was a delay when changing a visible tab in the chat window will be fixed.
    • An issue where the background for some maps (such as Torrent Zone) moved too quickly or slowly will be fixed.
    • An issue where the max meso limit for the Monster Park Friday Box and Legion Meso Box was wrongly determined as 9,900,000,000 will be fixed.
    • An issue where the guard's expiration date disappeared when you leveled up an Arcane Symbol that used a Item Guard will be fixed. For Arcane Symbols with expiration dates that disappeared, an Item Guard: 90 Days item will be applied.
    • An issue with the increased amount of obtainable mesos exceeding a certain number will be fixed.
    • An issue where more than 2 Altars would appear in Boss Hilla's Hard Mode will be fixed.
    • The notification error that appeared incorrectly saying you can't receive an item or get EXP in Maple World because Zero didn't clear Chapter 2 will be fixed.
    • An error where the profession skills Weapon Smelting and Accessory Enhancement would sometimes disappear will be fixed.
    • An issue in which players defeated Chaos Zakum and Chaos Papulatus this week but could still use the Boss Matchmaking List for these bosses will be fixed.
    • When you accept today's Cross World Party Quest Challenge! quest, the previous attempt's record will now be reset.
    • An issue where the quest 'Puppeteer's Hideout' couldn't be accepted after Thunder Breaker's 5th Job advancement will be fixed.
    • An issue where you couldn't move your character if you didn't mouse-click after changing hotkeys will be fixed.
    • An issue where when you minimized the Soul Weapon UI, the Soul Weapon could work even if the Soul Weapon effect's on/off image wasn't visible will be fixed.
    • An issue where a Core from the previous page in the V Matrix was saved when you equipped a Core by dragging and dropping from the current page will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Omega Sector didn't exist in move systems such as the Interdimensional Portal will be fixed.
    • An issue where some Arcane River Morass map platforms were broken will be fixed.
    • An issue where some platforms disappeared in the Morass map 'That Day in Trueffet 4' will be fixed.
    • An issue where you couldn't use arrows, bullets, and throwing stars when you had the Potion Seal Abnormal Status will be fixed.
    • An issue where when searching the Damage % increase option the % boss monster damage would be included in the detailed search options of the Auction House will be fixed.
    • An issue where the client crashed when selecting some options in the Legion 'Help' system will be fixed.
    • An issue where Boss Papulatus would use 2 pattern modes when placed into an Abnormal Status during his Alarm Mode will be fixed. Boss Papulatus will no longer get Abnormal Status during Alarm Mode.
    • An error where the Lucky item effect would be applied for a certain equipment type while already wearing the set equipment of that type will be fixed.
    • An issue where your character would sit on someone else's Papulatus's Clock Chair when you tried to sit on Papulatus's Clock Chair will be fixed.
    • An issue where skills that weren't registered for use could be used as Linked skills in Ursus contents will be fixed.
    • An issue where the action for the currently used skill was canceled when an Explorer Magician used 'Unreliable Memory' while using a skill will be fixed.
    • An issue where the duration was not properly applied when the Guided Arrow was used when its cooldown was reduced will be fixed.
    • An issue where a delay occurred after using a skill when Bishop registered a Bless on a Pet Auto Buff after learning Advanced Blessing will be fixed.
    • An issue where Rangefinder was not properly applied to Marksman's Perfect Shot will be fixed.
    • An issue where an arrow action was done instead of a crossbow action when Marksman used Soul Arrow, Hookshot, Piercing, Sniping, or High Speed Shot will be fixed.
    • An issue where Cannoneer's Critical Fire Lv. 9 and Lv. 10 had the same effects will be fixed.
    • An issue where Blaze Wizard's Savage Flame skill could not be used in special content will be fixed.
    • An issue where Revolving Cannon could not be used when Blaster used Revolving Blast while using Bunker Buster will be fixed.
    • An issue where M-FL didn't do damage when using missiles with Mechanic's Doomsday Device will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Morph Gauge only increased 1 time when Kaiser's Bladefall made hits with multiple swords will be fixed.
    • An issue where Cadena's Apocalypse Cannon didn't do damage while condensed will be fixed.
    • An issue where Cadena's Chain Arts: Beatdown didn't do damage to some monsters will be fixed.
    • An issue where the chat window was displayed during the Illium tutorial will be fixed.
    • An issue where the previous character's chat contact was saved after changing characters will be fixed.
    • An issue where the map UI would sometimes display on the login screen will be fixed.
    • An issue where Paper Bag items couldn't be moved to your Cash Inventory will be fixed.
    • An issue where the weapon effect displayed on the map when you used the megaphone with the Blood Oath equipped will be fixed.
    • An issue where a Safety Charm was sometimes used twice when reviving in town after dying will be fixed.
    • An issue where there was a discrepancy between the remaining time appearing in the UI of boss contents and the actual remaining time will be fixed.
    • An issue where the NPC's image was not seen in the 'Complete' tab for some Vanishing Journey quests will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Attack Power increment was different from the actual value when Zero compares weapons with another Zero character will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Burning Field didn't apply to the map 'Forgotten Path of Time 1' will be fixed.
    • An issue where debuff effects didn't apply to Boss Lucid in her rage phase will be fixed.
    • An issue where OMNI-CLN and Papulatus buffs from the Boss Matchmaking List buffs were canceled after dying will be fixed.
    • An issue where pets didn't pick up certain items in Cross World Party Quest will be fixed.
    • An issue where some Cash equipment and effects couldn't be seen in the character selection screen will be fixed.
    • An issue where a "Please try again later" message would sometimes appear when Fame could no longer be raised or lowered will be fixed.
    • An issue where the Lucent Gauntlet was given from the Dragon Rider's Thief Box will be fixed.
    • The Scarlet Ring will now be Untradeable Once Equipped and a Unique Equipped Item.
    • An issue where some classes received an incorrect version of Decent Sharp Eyes from Hidden Potential will be fixed. The skill now gives Critical Damage 8% to be in line with other classes.
    • An issue where Gollux and Alien set items were not showing all the pieces for the set effect tooltip will be fixed.
    • An issue where resetting AP for Xenon was not functioning properly for MP when Xenon equiped an item that increased INT will be fixed. Xenon's AP, HP, MP will be reset. Due to Xenon characters not being able to properly reset their AP, we will be offering compensation for this issue. We will be giving MaplePoints for AP Reset Scrolls purchased between the date range of February 27, 2017 and February 28, 2018. This will be giving out in a future maintenance once we pull the list.
    • Fixed an error so Venom Burst skill no longer applies poison on enemies that can't be attacked.
    • Fixed an error with Final Damage on the Advance Combo skill not matching the tooltip when using Combat orders.
    • Fixed an error with the Sacrosanctity skill effect being visible even after the skill was finished.
    • Fixed an error with Evil Eye not activating when used at the same time as a portal.
    • Fixed an error where you could be hit by monsters if a party member had used Crystalline Bulwark before Final Pact's activation.
    • Fixed an error where Arrow Blaster sometimes disappeared with installation.
    • Fixed an error where you couldn't protect the Ignis Roar buff with Buff Freezer has been fixed.
    • Fixed an error with Luck of the Draw where you could attack monsters who you shouldn't be able to attack.
    • Fixed an error where Jaguar Rampage didn't receive the Summon Jaguar - Reinforce effect.
    • Fixed an error where the hit box of Mechanic's Mech was large in an upward direction when the tank was in a sitting position.
    • Fixed an error where the character moved to the wrong spot when Summon Daggers, Summon Shotgun, and Summon Decoy Bomb skill was used while moving quickly.
    • Fixed the error where sometimes attacks wouldn't activate when using Master of Death.
    • Cash Inventory Transfer Event will end.
    • Compensation will be given out for the Nyen's Revenge event issue where players completed the quest 'Guardian of the New Year' and could not fight Nyen again. You may pick up your rewards from the gift box notifier on the left-side of the screen before March 9, 2018 at 11:59 PM (UTC). Here are the compensation details:
      • 8 Daily Hong Bao: Untradeable, 14-day duration from when you collect from the gift box.
      • Unclaimed Daily Hong Bao that your character achieved from the events: Untradeable, 14-day duration from when you collect from the gift box.

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