[Updated September 1] v.235 - Rocking Revamp Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    New events and major system changes are arriving this update! Become the pop star of your dreams and top the charts of popularity in Maple Pop Star Dreams! for helpful growth rewards! Spiegelmann also makes an appearance in Spiegelmann’s Starlight Box with daily rewards for growth! New cosmetics make an appearance in the return of Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway and special stat bonuses in Toben Hair Hero’s Special Private Course. Last but certainly not least, heaps of changes to the Better Maple experience are being added, such as the Explorer story skip function, and much more!

    v.235 - Rocking Revamp is live on August 31!

    • New Updates
    • Destiny Burning Events
    • Other Events
    Mu Lung Dojo Revamp

    • Mu Lung Dojo floors will be increased from 80 to 100.
    • The following new monsters will be placed on floors 81 to 100:
      • Floor 81: Aranea
      • Floor 82: Light Executor
      • Floor 83: Hyades
      • Floor 84: Crushing Glare
      • Floor 85: Damien
      • Floor 86: Burst Glare
      • Floor 87: Giant Golem
      • Floor 88: Blackheart Negative
      • Floor 89: Despairing Blade
      • Floor 90: Will
      • Floor 91: Ancestion
      • Floor 92: Ascendion
      • Floor 93: Embrion
      • Floor 94: Awakened Alang
      • Floor 95: Awakened Bonsun
      • Floor 96: Awakened Wukong
      • Floor 97: Awakened Sondal
      • Floor 98: Awakened Gold Dragon
      • Floor 99: Awakened Red Tiger
      • Floor 100: Awakened Mu Gong
    • Fixed the issue where after the timer started, the time it took for monsters to summon was inconsistent.
    • The first entry preparation time will be increased from 30 to 120 seconds.
    • New achievements for Mu Lung Dojo will be added.
    • Mu Lung Dojo UI will be updated so that it will be easier to check monster HP, floor, and remaining time.

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    Legion Rank Expansion

    • New Legion rank, Supreme Legion, will be added.
      • Players can rank up from Legendary Legion Rank V to Supreme Legion Rank I when the requirements are met.
        • Rank Up Requirements:
          • Supreme Legion Rank I
            • Legion Coin Cost: 3,000
            • Cumulative Level: 10,500
            • Members Assigned: 41
            • Max Legion Coin Accumulation: 1,000
          • Supreme Legion Rank II
            • Legion Coin Cost: 3,400
            • Cumulative Level: 11,000
            • Members Assigned: 42
            • Max Legion Coin Accumulation: 1,000
          • Supreme Legion Rank III
            • Legion Coin Cost: 3,900
            • Cumulative Level: 11,500
            • Members Assigned: 43
            • Max Legion Coin Accumulation: 1,000
          • Supreme Legion Rank IV
            • Legion Coin Cost: 4,400
            • Cumulative Level: 12,000
            • Members Assigned: 44
            • Max Legion Coin Accumulation: 1,000
          • Supreme Legion Rank V
            • Legion Coin Cost: 5,000
            • Cumulative Level: 12,500
            • Members Assigned: 45
            • Max Legion Coin Accumulation: 1,000
        • Supreme Legion Rank I - V exclusive emblem design will be added.
    • Number of characters included in the Legion’s Cumulative Level will be increased from 40 to 42 characters.
    • New Legion achievements will be added.


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    Better Maple

    • Explorer Story Skip Function
      • The option to skip the Explorer story will be added.
        • If there is an Explorer character that completed 4th or 5th Job Advancement in a given world, a newly created Explorer character in that same world will have the option to skip the story quest.
        • Players must log in to the Explorer character that completed 4th or 5th Job Advancement in that world prior to creating a new Explorer character in order to use the skip function.
      • Players can choose whether to skip the first story quest for each round. The story quests that can be skipped are the following:
        • The Girl With the Maple Leaf
        • Tess's Help
        • Finding A New Task
        • Signs of Resurrection
      • When the skip function is used, the character will not receive the EXP reward.
      • Players cannot skip Dual Blade and Cannoneer unique story quests. Dual Blade and Cannoneer characters will only have the option to skip story quests that are shared with other Explorer characters.
    • Storage Slot Expansion
      • Default slots will be expanded from 4 to 24 slots. Max slots will be expanded from 128 to 152 slots.
        • For existing accounts, slots will automatically be increased by 20 slots after the v.235 update maintenance.
    • Fairy Bros' Daily Gift
      • The following daily gift rewards will now be distributed as items or coupons that can be tradeable within account:
        • Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Day)
        • Pendant of the Spirit Coupon (7 Day)
        • 2x EXP Coupon
        • Slot Expansion Coupon
        • Special Medal of Honor
        • Extreme Growth Potion
        • Special Bonus Potential Scroll
        • Red Cube Coupon
        • Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame
        • Karma Black Rebirth Flame
        • Epic Potential Scroll 100%
        • Bonus Potential Cube Coupon
        • Black Cube Coupon
      • This change will be applied on September 1 UTC.
    • Legion Cumulative Levels and Mu Lung Dojo top records will now be displayed in the Character Info UI.
      • From the Character Info UI, players can view the character's current Legion Level, Legion Rank, best Mu Lung Dojo record of all time, and the date of new records.
      • However, in the case of the renewal date, it is displayed only when the Mu Lung Dojo highest record has been updated since the v.235 update maintenance on August 31.
    • Transfer Hammer
      • Lv. 119 or lower equipment items can now have their stats transferred by 20 levels.
      • The following items will be added to ensure smooth usage of the Transfer Hammer:
        • Antique Leaf Shoulder (Lv. 130): Available via Former Traveling Merchant Oko
        • Antique Root Shoulder (Lv. 150): Available via Former Traveling Merchant Oko
        • Antique Leaf Cape (Lv. 100): Available via Mayala’s Shadow Shop
    • AbsoLab Equipment-related Weekly Quest Revamp
      • The number of weekly quest rewards will be adjusted so that players can acquire 1 Stigma Coin or 1 AbsoLab Coin each week.
      • If players complete the individual Dark World Tree weekly missions, they will receive 3 Faint Stigma Spirit Stones as individual rewards. Completing all 5 individual missions will reward them with 5 Faint Stigma Spirit Stones as a weekly mission completion reward.
      • If players complete all 4 Haven weekly missions, they will receive 12 Diffusion-Line Energy Cores (Grade A) as a reward. Afterward, if players complete a special quest once, they can acquire 8 more Diffusion-Line Energy Cores (Grade A).
    • Boss HP% Display Function
      • A UI displaying the HP% will be added below the portrait image.
      • For Guardian Angel Slime, only the actual HP (dark green) will be displayed.
      • For Lucid, a sum of the displayed HP multiplier will be displayed as the HP.
      • For Will Phase 1, all HP colors will be displayed.
      • For Verus Hilla, all HP will be displayed.
    • Boss Abnormal Status Improvements
      • Abnormal status applied on the character will now be canceled when Pink Bean (Normal, Chaos) is defeated.
      • Gloom's (Normal, Chaos) Fear pattern will be changed so that characters’ petrification status will be displayed before the summoned monsters.
    • The Mastery duration of the Meister and Craftsman professions will be updated.
      • For the Craftsman profession, Mastery will decrease by 300 every 1 hour after 48 hours.
      • For the Meister profession, Mastery will decrease by 400 every 1 hour after 24 hours.
    • The cooldown for using the profession UI's Ardentmill movement function will be changed from 30 to 5 minutes.
    • Friend login notification will be added to Settings’ Options > Social > Party & Community settings.
      • Friend login notification will be enabled by default. If this option is turned off, the login notification window and login notification message will not be displayed when a friend logs in.
    • In the Settings > Options > Graphics menu, an option to use a shortcut key to switch the window mode using Alt+Enter will be added.
      • Switching the window mode using Alt+Enter will be the default setting. When the option is disabled, players cannot use the shortcut key to switch between full screen/window mode.
    • Monster sound effect volume adjustment and mute functions will be added.
      • Monster sound effects will be applied to the movement-related sound effects of the monster, and environmental sound effects used in certain bosses will be applied as normal sound effects.
    • Players can list equipment in batches upon extraction.
      • When players use the “List Equipment in Batch” button in the Extraction UI, they can now list up to 10 equipment items in a batch based on the order of items in their inventory.
      • Players can view the information of items listed in the Extraction UI through the tooltip.
    • Fritto’s Treasure Catch will no longer be available for Pollo and Fritto's Bounty Hunting.
      • Related achievements will be moved to the Memories tab.
        • Lock up Before Leaving
        • Are You Even Home?
    • Monster location will now be displayed in the mini-map in the map where the Abandoned Area Sweep quest takes place.
    • When using the Rare Treasure Chest, quantity used today will now be displayed.
    • In the King of the Rings achievement, Pivotal Adventure Ring acquisition mission will be achievable by acquiring the Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring. For players that already acquired the Adventure Deep Dark Critical Ring prior to the v.235 update maintenance, refresh the achievements to complete it.
    • Ursus Improvements
      • The materials obtainable in the Ursus battle will now be shared with all of your characters within the world.
      • The max ownable quantity of the following items, available at the Ursus Shop, will be increased to 100:
        • Spell Trace x100 Coupon
        • Masarayu's Gift Atmospheric Effect Coupon
        • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
      • Up to 100 of the following items can now be purchased at once at the Ursus Shop:
        • Spell Trace x100 Coupon
        • Masarayu's Gift Atmospheric Effect Coupon
        • Ursus Medal of Honor
        • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%
        • Powerful Rebirth Flame
        • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%
        • Epic Potential Scroll 50%
    • Star Force Improvements
      • Star Catching will not be performed regardless of checking whether Star Catching is enabled when the Star Force success rate is 100%.
      • When Star Force is used, the Safeguard Check status will not be automatically disabled.
        • Even if Safeguard Check status is maintained, the Safeguard effect and additional meso consumption will only be applied in 12 to 16-Star enhancements.
    • The following items can now be tradeable between your characters in the same world:
      • Monday's Creation Box
      • Tuesday's Enchantment Box
      • Wednesday's Trait Box
      • Thursday's Honor Box
      • Saturday's Festive Box
      • Sunday's Growth Box
      • Monster Park Commemorative Coin
    • The following items and Trait items, that appear in the content, will now be tradeable between your characters in the same world:
      • Wednesday's Trait Box
      • Saturday's Festive Box
      • Trifling Exploration Box
      • Adequate Exploration Box
      • Decent Exploration Box
      • Substantial Exploration Box
      • Monster Collection Exploration Reward
      • Trading will still not be possible for Trait items obtained prior to the v.235 update maintenance.
    • The following items can now be canceled consecutively and their activation animation will be simplified:
      • Sealed Box (4)
      • Chaos Sealed Box (4)
      • Alicia's Ring Box (Rank 1 - 10)
      • Shiny Ring Box
      • Hidden Ring Box
    • The mouse right-click can now be used to select a material item during Item Fusion.
    • Haven area weekly quest will be improved.
      • One-Eye, from Haven, will now be the only NPC for completing the weekly quest.
      • The following Haven area weekly quests will be deleted:
        • Black Heaven Inside: Defeat Steel Xenoroid EX
        • Black Heaven Inside: Collect Steel ID Plate
      • For players that have spoken to One-Eye prior to the v.235 update maintenance, the deleted quests may still appear. The deleted quests will not appear again after the next Haven weekly quest reset.
      • Characters in the middle of a deleted quest can continue the quest until the weekly quest is reset.
    • Enhancement, Extraction, and Crafting can now be performed directly in V Matrix.
      • Right-click the desired Node in V Matrix to use the Enhance, Extract, and Lock functions.
      • Players can also use the Extract Node button to extract several Nodes at once.
      • Use the Crafting Mode button to craft Nodes and Nodestones.
      • In some maps, including boss entrance maps, the V Matrix Enhance, Extract, and Craft functions cannot be used.
      • Node Master Archelle and Hirrel will no longer appear in town.
    • Character Creation process will be updated to include one more confirmation when the character name entered is available.
    • Mu Gong will now appear in the Mu Lung Garden/Territory of Wandering Bear map.
    • For the following bosses, entering through the Boss UI will take players directly to the entrance wait map.
      • Hilla: Hilla Tower Entrance
      • Arkarium: Front of Arkarium's Altar
      • Pink Bean: Forgotten Twilight
    • Players can select whether to display the Title or Medal equip image.
      • Players can select whether they wish to display the image using the checkbox in the Equip UI’s Equip Tab.
      • If the display is disabled, the item’s stats will apply but the image will not be shown to the player or other players.
    • Players can now receive Legion Coins without participating in a Raid.
      • Click the ‘Receive Coin’ button in the Legion UI to receive the Legion Coins.
      • The ‘Receive Coin’ button cannot be used in some maps including boss entrance maps.
    • Players can now complete daily quests in all areas of the Arcane River, Cernium, and Hotel Arcus areas using the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Sales item registration default time for Maple Auction will be updated to 48 hours for MVP players.
    • When entering Netherworld Altar, the Dimensional Schism will now appear above Leafre.
    • Blacklist Improvements
      • When a character is added to the blacklist, the character's other characters in the world will now also be added to the blacklist.
      • Blacklist will now be shared within the world.
      • A memo function for recording the blacklist target's characteristics will be added.
      • Players can view blacklist information, such as added character, memo, etc. by hovering the mouse over a target in the blacklist.
      • Blacklist icon will appear in the Character Info UI for all characters in the account of blacklisted characters.
    • Some boss content entry options will be unified into one format.
      • Entry options will be unified for Lotus, Damien, Guardian Angel Slime, Lucid, Will, Gloom, Verus Hilla, Darknell, Black Mage, Seren, and Kalos.
      • Character's remaining entry count, remaining wait time, and number of owned entrance materials will be displayed before entering boss map.
    • 40-Slot Recipe Bag, 40-Slot Scroll Bag, and 40-Slot Title Holder will be added.
    • More variety of crafting products can now be put in the Production Bag.
    • The max Waru amount for Monster Life Farm will be updated to 99,999,999.
    • Monster release animation in Monster Life will be simplified.
    • An Auto-Nurture function, that nurtures all owned monsters at once, will be added to Monster Life. Auto-Nurture will consume 1,000 Waru each time regardless of Farm level or monster count.
    • A function for immediate release upon acquiring a monster in Monster Life will be added.
    • A function for batch selling Intense Power Crystals in the Collector Shop will be added.
    • Players can now select a One-Handed Weapon Motion, Two-Handed Weapon Motion, and Gun Motion, when a Cash Weapon is equipped.
      • Selection option can be viewed in the "Cash Shop > Preview" window below the "Equip window > Cash tab" and the selectable options and conditions are as below.
        • Default Weapon Motion: Original weapon motion for character.
        • One-Handed Weapon Motion: Selectable when a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on all weapons, or a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on a One-Handed Sword, is equipped.
        • Two-Handed Weapon Motion: Selectable when a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on all weapons, or a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on a Two-Handed Axe, is equipped.
        • Gun Weapon Motion: Selectable when a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on all weapons, or a Cash Weapon that can be equipped on a gun, is equipped.
        • Selected Motion Action: Stay in same position, Walking, Jumping, Catching Breath
    • Double-clicking the Package Content items in the Preview for packages sold in the Cash Shop will now allow players to view the items individually.
    • Certain cash items that couldn't be moved to the Cash Shop inventory after the v.233 update can now be moved.

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    Kao's Memory

    • A crack has formed in Esfera, Limina, and the Temple of Time, leaking out a familiar energy.
    • Faint and familiar voices coming from inside… Who could these voices belong to?
    • The following quests will be added:
      • [Kao's Memory] The First Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Second Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Third Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Fourth Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Fifth Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Sixth Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Seventh Memory
      • [Kao's Memory] The Final Memory
    • A new NPC, Crack, will be added.
    • A unique job script will be added to the ‘[Vanishing Journey] Defeat Arma’ quest.
    • A new script will be added to the ‘[Limina] As Decreed’ quest.
    • Complete the quests to receive Kao Hood at the end.


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    Ellin Forest Revamp

    • Wiz the Librarian at the Helios Tower Library has discovered a peculiar book.
    • Chronicles of Ellin Forest, a book that wrote itself. What sort of secrets could the book be hiding?
    • Lv. 95 and above characters can accept the ‘[Ellin Forest] Peculiar Book’ quest within the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen to start the content.
    • The following NPCs will be added in Ellin Forest:
      • Destonen
      • Baby Kyrin
    • The appearance will be updated for the following NPCs in Ellin Forest:
      • Yuris
      • Tess
    • The following NPCs will be removed from Ellin Forest:
      • Kanderune
      • Rius
      • Shadrion
    • The following quests will be added:
      • [Ellin Forest] A Peculiar Book
      • [Ellin Forest] The Broken Time Control
      • [Ellin Forest] Karen's Warning
      • [Ellin Forest] Yuris the Mechanic Elf
      • [Ellin Forest] Pass the Barrier
      • [Ellin Forest] Those Who Protect the Camp
      • [Ellin Forest] A Gift for Mother
      • [Ellin Forest] Child of Destiny
      • [Ellin Forest] Need Fever Medicine
      • [Ellin Forest] Desolate Land
      • [Ellin Forest] A Shabby Bouquet
      • [Ellin Forest] An Umbrella for Mother
      • [Ellin Forest] I Want Fruit
      • [Ellin Forest] Ellin the Friend of Elves
      • [Ellin Forest] The Reason for the Artificial Rain
      • [Ellin Forest] The Ominous Aura
      • [Ellin Forest] Boar Hunting
      • [Ellin Forest] The Corrupted Fairy
      • [Ellin Forest] Ellin's Choice
      • [Ellin Forest] For the Forest
      • [Ellin Forest] The Future of the Forest
      • [Ellin Forest] Reason for Coming to the Past
      • [Ellin Forest] A Newly Written History
      • [Ellin Forest] Destonen the Pioneer
      • [Ellin Forest] A Letter to His Wife
      • [Ellin Forest] The Unending Curse
      • [Ellin Forest] History Has Not Changed
    • The contents of the following quests will be adjusted:
      • She Remembers Me
      • The Seal Stone of Ellin Forest
      • Find the Key
      • The Stolen Seal Stone of Ellin Forest
      • The Ellin Forest Incident
      • Unwavering Darkness
      • Remembering, Bit by Bit
      • [Temple of Time] What's in a Name?
    • Complete the quests to receive Ellin Forest Guardian medal at the end.

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    Skill Improvements

    • Common
      • The movement of the following skills that puts a character into combat status will be improved to no longer place the character into combat status:
        • Night Lord’s Shadow Rush
        • Wind Archer’s Wind Walk
        • Night Walker’s Shadow Dodge
        • Shade’s Back Step
        • Blaster’s Bobbing, Weaving
      • When the following skills are used to hit monsters over a certain number of times without moving/using other skills, the damage will no longer be dealt:
        • Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)’s Inferno Aura
        • Buccaneer’s Lord of the Deep
        • Demon Slayer’s Metamorphosis
        • Demon Avenger’s Demonic Frenzy
      • Ring of Restraint
        • It can now be used while jumping.
        • The area width will be increased by about 24%.
      • True Arachnid Reflection
        • It can now be used while jumping.
      • Solar Crest
        • It can now be used while jumping.
    • All Explorer Bowman
      • Fury of the Wild skill’s enemy hit effect will be updated.
      • Blink Shot, Blink Bolt
        • It will be improved so that cooldown reset and skill cooldown decrease effect will not be applied.
    • Paladin
      • Fixed the issue where the skill effect of Divine Shield was unnatural when the character is on a chair or a mount.
      • Fixed the issue where the character's face appeared unnatural while Divine Echo is active and player used the skill again to select a party member to bind.
      • Fixed the issue where the character would stop when using Guardian while moving.
      • The skill description of Divine Echo will be updated to be more accurate.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the skill effect is displayed when Paladin's Hammers of the Righteous is not applied.
    • Dark Knight
      • The minimum applied cooldown when cooldown reset effect is activated on Evil Eye Shock will be decreased.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes character is revived because Final Pact has activated after death.
    • Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)
      • Ignite will now be removed when moving maps.
      • The skill description of Inferno Aura will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)
      • Fixed the issue where Absolute Zero Aura was able to stack Freeze even after death.
    • Bishop
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes players were able to attack monsters that they shouldn't be able to attack when using the Triumph Feather skill.
      • Big Bang's V Matrix Node Enhancement Skill Icon will be corrected.
      • Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency change wasn't applied instantly to Divine Protection.
      • Fixed the issue where the last holy light attack wasn't applied normally when one additionally prepared ray of holy light is used after Divine Punishment used 8 rays of holy light.
    • Bow Master
      • Quiver Cartridge
        • It will now display the tooltip in the buff icon that corresponds to the arrowhead that is currently applied.
      • Phoenix
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 32% from before.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes arrows disappeared when a Bow Master installs the Arrow Blaster in Magnus boss battle.
    • Marksman
      • Frostprey
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 32% from before.
      • Fixed the issue where the descriptions for Empowered Piercing Arrow II and Empowered Snipe was not displayed in the Quickslot when the Marksman's Empowered Arrow has a passive skill level +1 option in it's ability.
    • Pathfinder
      • Cardinal Deluge
        • The arrows will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Bountiful Deluge
        • The magic arrows will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Cardinal Torrent
        • Fixed the issue where the teleport detection was not constant.
      • Raven
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 32% from before.
        • Some skill effects and skill sound effects will be updated.
      • Bountiful Burst
        • The magic arrows will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Ancient Astra
        • The damage taken will be reduced by 60%, including attacks that deal damage at a certain percentage of the max HP during casting, when used in Deluge and Torrent enhancement state.
        • The magic arrows will now target the boss monster with highest HP first in Deluge enhancement state.
      • Raven Tempest
        • When players use Raven Tempest while Fury of the Wild is active, if there is a duration of Fury of the Wild remaining after Raven Tempest ends, Fury of the Wild will be re-summoned for that amount of time.
        • If players use Raven Tempest with the down arrow key while Fury of the Wild is active, they can activate Evolve Tempest, which attacks while rapidly swirling.
        • After Evolve Tempest ends, if there is a duration of Fury of the Wild remaining, Fury of the Wild will be re-summoned for that amount of time.
        • An action customization that allows players to change the commands of Evolve Tempest and Raven Tempest while Fury of the Wild is active will be added. The action customization can be turned on/off by right-clicking with mouse.
        • The display method of some effects will be updated.
        • The time from casting to the first attack will be reduced by about 10%.
        • Fixed the issue where the skill name and lock icon of Raven Tempest skill appeared unnatural.
        • Fixed the issue where the duration stated in the skill description for Pathfinder's Raven Tempest skill was shorter than the actually applied duration.
      • Fury of the Wild Tempest
        • Fixed the issue where one less attack count was applied for Fury of the Wild Tempest skill.
      • Fixed the issue where only the Relic Gauge was consumed when the Pathfinder used Obsidian Barrier in a map, where only movement-related skills can be used, while not in possession of a Relic Emblem.
    • Night Lord
      • Fixed the issue where throwing stars, created through the Night Lord's Showdown, tracked monsters that cannot be attacked.
      • Fixed the issue where Assassin's Mark sound effect was played as the normal Throwing Star sound effect when Night Lord is equipped with Cash Throwing Stars.
    • Shadower
      • Fixed the issue where the Pick Pocket and Blood Money coins dropped in an unnatural location during Pink Bean and Lucid boss battles.
      • The coin dropped by the corresponding character from Blood Money will now be removed when Pick Pocket is applied and coin dropped by the corresponding character from Pick Pocket will now be removed when Blood Money is applied when entering map.
      • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use Meso Explosion even if there are dropped coins when Pick Pocket or Blood Money is newly activated after reviving from death after coins were dropped from Pick Pocket or Blood Money.
    • Dual Blade
      • Fixed the issue where Dual Wield Mastery's skill description still listed the Katara Booster, a skill that has been removed.
      • Fixed the issue where players were able to cancel Blade Ascension by using Blade Ascension after using Flying Assaulter from a height at which they can't use Flying Assaulter.
      • The skill description of Dual Blade's Bandit Slash, Bandit Slash Boost, Slash Storm, and Slash Storm Boost will be updated to be more accurate.
    • Buccaneer
      • Lightning Form
        • It will be improved so that Special Node does not activate when teleporting by continuously pressing the direction keys.
      • Fixed the issue where effect appeared unnatural when Buccaneer lies down with the Lord of the Deep effect activated.
      • Fixed the issue where Buccaneer's Octopunch sound effect was unnatural.
      • Fixed the issue where the sound effect didn't play when Buccaneer used Advanced Dash by pressing the skill key in the air.
      • Fixed the issue where when Buccaneer used Advanced Dash as a shortcut, it couldn't be used during the casting of other skills.
    • Corsair
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes Corsair's Target Lock didn't aim correctly when the targeted monster teleports.
    • Cannoneer
      • Fixed the issue where unnatural effect would be displayed on other characters when Cannoneer uses Blast Back.
    • Mihile
      • Radiant Cross-Spread
        • If players use Four-Point Assault or Radiant Soul Slash with Roiling Soul Active, they can activate the Radiant Cross's Spread effect by pressing the down key.
      • Radiant Soul
        • An action customization will be added to enable Radiant Soul Slash to be triggered by Four-Point Assault in addition to the attack key while it's active. The action customization can be turned on/off by right-clicking with the mouse.
      • Fixed the issue where Radiant Soul Slash wasn't triggered when Mihile registers and uses Four-Point Assault as a skill macro.
    • Blaze Wizard
      • Fixed the issue where when players try to use the skill again when Blaze Wizard's Blazing Extinction orb existed, the existing orb was deleted even if the skill wasn't triggered.
    • Night Walker
      • Shadow Dodge
        • The skill will no longer activate Special Nodes.
      • The interruption that occurred while using Night Walker's Dominion and Rapid Throw consecutively will be improved.
    • Thunder Breaker
      • Fixed the issue where if Thunder Breaker reuses Lightning Spear Multistrike after logging in again after the game client closed with Lightning Spear Multistrike activated, link attack can be used for the number of times that was remaining before the closure.
    • Aran
      • Final Blow
        • The attack range will be increased by about 7%.
        • Time it takes to link to Beyond Blade will be decreased by 17%. This does not apply to Final Blow triggered by Smash Swing 3-hit.
      • Beyond Blade
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 23% from before.
        • The action delay of 1-hit will be reduced by approximately 22% from before.
      • The icons for Swing Studies I, Swing Studies II, Command Mastery I, and Command Mastery II skills will be updated to match the skill names.
      • Fixed the issue where Monster Life's final attack skill damage increase effect was not applied on Swing Studies I and Swing Studies II.
      • Fixed the issue where shortcut key icon still appeared as if it was enabled when reconnecting while Adrenaline Rush Activate is enabled on Aran.
    • Evan
      • Elemental Barrage
        • The attack count will be increased from 6 to 8 times.
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be decreased from 1,500% to 1,300%.
      • Dragon Slam
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 900% to 950%.
      • Wyrmking's Breath
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,050% to 1,200%.
      • Elemental Radiance
        • The time for charging the pentacle with magic and time for releasing the constellation power are now separate.
        • The pentacle can be charged for 12 seconds at all levels, and the constellation power release time is 11 seconds at Lv. 25.
        • The attack count will be increased from 6 to 8 times.
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be decreased from 980% to 950%.
        • The attack interval during constellation power release will be reduced.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Star Messenger effect appeared unnatural when Mana Burst is used while Star Messenger is equipped.
      • The skill description for the Partner skills will be updated to more accurately describe the trigger condition.
      • Fixed the issue where Heroic Memories skill icon location was unnatural.
      • Fixed the issue where the skill icon was unnatural when players put the mouse on Evan's Magic Guard and Dark Fog.
    • Mercedes
      • Fixed the issue where Mercedes was unable to link to Spirit Nimble Flight after charging upwards from the platform while mounted on Sylvidia's Flight.
      • Fixed the issue where players couldn't dismount from Sylvidia when they hit an enemy while mounted on Sylvidia in some boss battles and then died.
      • Fixed the issue where Spirit Jump activated immediately when players jump after hanging on a rope or ladder while mounted on Sylvidia.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes movement stopped when Leaf Tornado is used by double jumping after linking Gust Dive and Spirit Nimble Flight.
      • Fixed the issue where Ishtar's Ring - Boss Rush icon appeared unnatural.
    • Shade
      • Blade Imp - Forward Slash, Downward Slash, Spin Slash
        • The buff duration for Blade Imp - Trap will be increased to 60 seconds.
      • Spirit Frenzy
        • The damage at master level will be increased from 90% to 175%.
      • Spirit Bond Max
        • The function for Spirit Frenzy (used by the Guardian Fairy) to increase the final damage of Spirit Frenzy (used directly by Shade) will be removed.
      • Spirit Flow
        • A function for increasing the final damage of Spirit Frenzy, directly casted by Shade while infused with Guardian Fairy once during Spirit Flow, by 750% will be added.
      • Back Step
        • It will be improved so that the Special Node can no longer be activated.
      • Fixed the issue where Spirit Frenzy's enhancement state was canceled when certain skills are triggered by Spirit Flow while Shade is casting enhanced Spirit Frenzy.
    • Luminous
      • Final Damage increased by Morning Star at master level will be increased from 30% to 36%.
      • Ender
        • The damage at master level will be increased from 425% to 455%.
      • Aether Conduit
        • The damage while Sunfire is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 840% to 900%.
        • The damage while Eclipse is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 600% to 640%.
        • The damage while Equilibrium is active at Lv. 25 will be increased from 800% to 850%.
      • Fixed the issue where Luminous was unable to use Teleport after jumping while in Equilibrium status when Darkness Mastery has not been learned.
      • Fixed the issue where MP was consumed when Luminous entered the skill key to deactivate the Light Speed boost.
    • Phantom
      • Fixed the issue where Impeccable Memory II Node enhancement effect was not applied to Shuriken Burst explosion damage when Phantom steals and uses Night Lord's Shuriken Burst.
    • All Demons
      • Battle Pact
        • It will be changed to a passive skill.
    • Demon Slayer
      • Demon Lash
        • Players can connect with the next hit without having to repeatedly hit the skill key.
        • Players can connect to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hits even if they don't attack for a fixed period of time.
        • This applies the same to Demon Lash used while Demon Awakening is in progress.
      • Dark Metamorphosis
        • Dark Metamorphosis attack will no longer cause the character to enter battle status.
      • Demon Impact
        • The effect display method when a monster is hit will be improved.
      • Demon Lash - Reinforce Duration
        • The duration will be increased from 4 to 15 seconds.
      • Cerberus Chomp
        • Action will be changed and action delay will be reduced by approximately 13% from before.
        • The effect display method when a monster is hit will be improved.
      • Demon Bane
        • A function to increase final damage of Demon Bane during Demon Awakening by 90% will be added.
      • Chaos Lock
        • Fixed the issue where Demon Slayer was unable to use Chaos Lock in certain situations even though there is enough space to move with a monster that can be attacked.
      • Fixed the issue where players could use Enhanced Demon Lash long after Demon Awakening ended.
      • If Demon Awakening ends after using Enhanced Demon Lash one or more times, players can link it to the next Enhanced Demon Lash within 5 seconds after it ends. After 5 seconds, normal Demon Lash will be triggered.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes Demon Bane's cooldown didn't apply when players used Demon Slayer's Chaos Lock and Demon Bane at the same time.
    • Demon Avenger
      • Dimensional Sword
        • The attack count of magical sword will be increased from 8 to 14 times.
        • The magical sword damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 1,700% to 1,850%.
        • The attack count of spinning magical sword will be increased from 6 to 8 times.
        • The spinning magical sword damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 600% to 900%.
        • The attack interval of spinning state will be reduced.
      • Revenant
        • The attack count of Thorn of Fury will be increased from 9 to 12 times.
        • The Thorn of Fury damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 600% to 900%.
    • Blaster
      • Combo Training
        • Combo Training can now be stacked when canceling skills in the air
      • Shotgun Punch
        • The normal monster damage amount of Shock Wave at master level will be increased to 220%.
    • Battle Mage
      • Finishing Blow
        • The skill range will be increased by approximately 93% from before.
        • The skill effect and sound effect will be updated.
      • Dark Genesis
        • The final attack effect will be changed to passive effect during cooldown.
      • Battle Mage's Dark Genesis - Additional Reinforce skill description will be adjusted to be more accurate.
      • Fixed the issue where MP was consumed when Battle Mage entered the skill key to deactivate the Teleport boost.
      • Fixed the issue where the Netherwold Lightning that's triggered while Abyssal Lightning is active didn't activate at Finishing Blow's max range.
    • Wild Hunter
      • Wild Arrow Blast
        • The arrows will now attack the boss monster with the highest HP when used while not on a Jaguar.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Wild Hunter's Wild Lure did not apply.
      • Fixed the issue where the game client would sometimes disconnect when Jaguar Rider is canceled while afflicted with the "Weakness" status effect.
      • Fixed the issue where skill sound effect was not played when Assist Hunting Unit was reloading after attacking, resuming attacking after reloading, and when they expire.
    • Xenon
      • Mecha Purge
        • The damage of snipe mode at master level will be increased from 345% to 360%.
        • The damage of bombard mode at master level will be increased from 344% to 350%.
        • The damage of bombardment mode at master level will be increased from 398% to 405%.
      • Omega Blaster
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be increased from 525% to 600%.
        • Fixed the issue where the charge would be canceled when players talk to some NPCs or open the Extraction/Fusion UI while charging Omega Blaster.
      • Diagonal Chase
        • The action delay will be reduced by approximately 17% from before.
    • Mechanic
      • AP Salvo
        • The armor-piercing shells will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Final Damage increased by Overclock at master level will be increased from 25% to 34%.
      • AP Salvo Plus
        • The explosive armor-piercing shells will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Robot Mastery
        • The damage increased by each summoned robot at master level will be reduced from 6% to 5%.
        • A custom mode that allows players to set the skill effect transparency to be applied to robot summon skills (Excluding Giant Robot SG-88 and Mecha Carrier) listed in the robot mastery skill will be added.
      • Mecha Carrier
        • The carrier-based aircrafts will now target the boss monster with highest HP first.
      • Fixed the issue where attack was credited to character when a Toy Robot, summoned with Bots 'n Tots, self-detonates due to time expiration.
      • Fixed the issue where Homing Beacon Boost effect continued when moving maps while using Mech Cannonade.
      • Fixed the issue where there was no skill description in the Mech Cannonade buff icon.
      • Fixed the issue where sometimes a different mechanic's Damage Skin appeared mixed in when Mechanic uses Mobile Missile Battery.
    • Kain
      • Advanced Death's Blessing
        • The additional Final Damage increase of Death's Blessing/Execute skills while merit buff is active will be increased from 10% to 18% at master level.
      • Grip of Agony
        • The attack count will be increased from 6 to 8 times.
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be decreased from 1,200% to 1,000%.
        • Fixed the issue where Grip of Agony did not deal damage on stunned monsters.
      • Shadow Swift
        • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use Shadow Swift in maps where climbing was possible.
    • Kaiser
      • Wing Beat
        • It is now only included in the Standing use count when the skill is used.
      • Piercing Blaze
        • Fixed the issue where it couldn't be used continuously for a certain period of time after use.
        • Fixed the issue where when Kaiser uses Piercing Blaze, the effect appeared unnaturally to other characters.
    • Cadena
      • Chain Arts: Reign of Chains
        • Character will now be invincible for 2 seconds after use.
        • The cooldown will be reduced from 50 to 45 seconds.
        • Skill will not be affected by cooldown reset effect.
        • The skill description of Chain Arts: Reign of Chains will be updated to be more accurate.
      • Chain Arts: Beatdown
        • Players can move the character after binding an enemy. Battering of varying attack strengths, based on triggered Muscle Memory additional hit counts, will activate 5 seconds after using Beatdown.
        • Battering and Shock Wave will activate at the location where the skill was first used and will also activate even if the enemy is not stunned.
        • Invincibility effect will be removed.
      • Chain Arts: Void Strike
        • The duration at Lv. 25 will be increased from 60 to 75 seconds.
        • The cooldown at Lv. 25 will be increased from 155 to 185 seconds.
      • Fixed the issue where the Final Damage Increase was displayed as Damage Increase when the number of enemies attacked is less than the skill's max number of attackable monsters for Cadena’s Summon Spiked Bat skill description.
    • Angelic Buster
      • Pink Pummel
        • The moving time will be reduced by 14% from before.
      • Trinity
        • It will be changed to a single skill, not a linked skill.
        • The changed Trinity skill will attack up to 3 monsters with 630% damage, at master level, 6 times.
        • The damage and defense increase buff of Trinity and Trinity Fusion upon landing will be increased from 10% to 15%, and the max stack count will be reduced from 3 to 2.
        • The skill effect and sound effect will be updated.
        • The probability that the skill voice will be displayed will be reduced.
      • Finale Ribbon
        • The action delay will be reduced by approximately 36% from before.
      • Soul Seeker Expert
        • The effect of increasing the Soul Seeker summon rate by 25% at master level when using Trinity will be added.
      • Trinity-Split Attack
        • Skill will be changed to Trinity-Extra Strike.
      • Superstar Spotlight
        • Lighted area will be increased and the range of light recognizing the character will be increased so that a similar effect is possible regardless of game resolution.
        • Fixed the issue where there was a delay in buffs being applied when the spotlights overlap while character is inside the lighted area.
      • Mighty Mascot
        • The time to automatically acquire Magical Bubble will be reduced from 8 to 3 seconds.
        • The delay in acquiring the magic bubble based on the network condition will be alleviated.
      • Superstar Spotlight
        • It will now be retained when the Buff Freezer item is used.
      • Angelic Buster's Exclusive Spell skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
      • Fixed the issue where Angelic Buster's Star Bubble Orb effect appeared unnatural to other characters.
    • Zero
      • Burst Step
        • It will be improved so that Special Node cannot be activated.
      • Air Raid
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 6% from before.
      • Air Riot
        • The attack range will be increased by approximately 6% from before.
        • The creation location of Shock Wave will be adjusted closer to the character.
      • Falling Star
        • The attack range of Shock Wave will be increased by approximately 20% from before.
      • Groundbreaker
        • The attack range of activated Shock Wave will be increased by approximately 50% from before.
      • Mega Groundbreaker
        • The attack range of activated Shock Wave will be increased by approximately 50% from before.
      • When Burst Step and Flash Assault are used, the entered direction key's direction will now be prioritized. If no direction key was entered, the direction where the character is facing will be prioritized.
    • Kinesis
      • Psychic Shield
        • It will be changed to passive skill.
        • The effect of Psychic Shield 2 will also be changed to passive effect.
      • Fixed the issue where Kinesis's Psychic Shockwave throws monsters out of the map.
    • Adele
      • Grave Proclamation
        • Magic Dispatch will now prioritize enemies with a mark.
      • Infinity Blade
        • It will now be retained when the Buff Freezer item is used.
    • Illium
      • Radiant Javelin II
        • The damage increase effect of Radiant Javelin at master level will be increased from 75% to 95%.
        • The damage increase effect of Winged Javelin at master level will be increased from 165% to 200%.
      • Radiant Orb II
        • Its skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
        • The damage increase effect of Radiant Orb at master level will be increased from 250% to 260%.
      • Vortex Wings
        • The damage increase effect of Reaction - Destruction II and Reaction - Domination II at master level will be increased from 100% to 135%.
        • The max amount of Umbral Brand stacks will now be applied on hit enemies.
      • Crystal Ignition
        • The attack count will be increased from 4 to 5 times.
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be decreased from 1,500% to 1,400%.
      • Reaction - Spectral Blast
        • The attack count will be increased from 5 to 6 times.
        • The damage at Lv. 25 will be decreased from 2,000% to 1,900%.
      • Templar Knight
        • If there is a boss monster within the attack range, it will prepare to attack in direction of boss monster with highest HP. If there is no boss monster within the attack range, it will prepare to attack in direction where many monsters can be attacked.
        • If the left and right sides of the attack range have the same priority, the attack will be prepared in the direction Illium character is facing.
        • The enemy search range will be increased by approximately 579% from before.
        • The attack range of Sword Energy will be increased by approximately 80% from before.
      • Radiant: Orb, Radiant: Orb II
        • The action delay will be decreased by approximately 6% compared to before when linked and decreased by approximately 8% when not linked.
      • Radiant: Javelin, Radiant: Javelin II
        • The action delay will be decreased by approximately 6% compared to before when linked and decreased by approximately 8% when not linked.
      • Crystal Battery
        • The charge amount that is exceeded when Crystal Battery value reaches 30, 60, and 90 will now be preserved.
      • Aegis of Light
        • Lucent Brand will not be consumed when triggered.
        • The function of 100% Knockback Resistance being applied when triggered will be removed.
      • Umbral Brand II, Umbral Brand III
        • Umbral Brand can now be stacked 3 and 5 times max respectively regardless of skill level.
      • Winged Javelin
        • Fixed issue where sometimes the Magic Missile did not launch when Winged Javelin hits.
        • Magic Missile's distance will be increased by approximately 230% from before.
      • Resonant Wings
        • The distance will be increased by approximately 40% from before.
      • Crystalline Spirit
        • A function where a down arrow key is used together to consume all Crystal Fragments at once to create several Crystalline Spirits will be added.
      • Crystal Gate
        • Installed Crystal Gate will now be retained when the Buff Freezer item is used.
      • Fixed the issue where MP was consumed when Illium entered the skill key to deactivate the Crystalline Wings boost.
      • Fixed the issue where the Crystal Gate's active state appeared unnaturally when another player re-enters the map where the Crystal Gate was installed
      • Fixed the issue where Crystalline Wings did not activate when Crystalline Wings is used while on a ladder or rope and there is no platform within teleporting distance.
      • Fixed the issue where additional hit effect, that occurs when attacking an enemy with an Umbral Brand, was affected by a different character's skill effect transparency setting.
      • Fixed the issue where Resonant Wings hit effect was affected by a different character's skill effect transparency settings.
    • Ark
      • Endless Agony
        • The action delay of Abyssal Guard that occurs when it ends will be reduced by 36%.
      • Abyssal Recall
        • The function to immediately terminate the attack by reusing the skill while casting the skill to activate the final attack will be added.
        • Fixed the issue where Abyssal Recall's last attack occurred several times.
        • Fixed the issue where some effects appeared unnatural when Abyssal Recall is reused and last attack is triggered.
      • Impending Death
        • If the number of targets attacked is greater than the Abyssal Aura, character will attack the boss monster with the highest maximum HP first.
        • The skill description will be updated to be more accurate.
      • Infinity Spell
        • It will be improved to prioritize targeting the boss monster with the highest max HP among the targets attacked by the Abyssal Aura, additionally created by Infinity Spell.
      • Endlessly Starving Beast
        • Time remaining until the attack will be displayed as a buff icon.
      • Fixed the issue where the character couldn't move and the last hit was made twice if Blissful Restraint ends first and the last hit is made by using Abyssal Recall again when Ark has both Blissful Restraint and Abyssal Recall active.
    • Hoyoung
      • Sage: Clone Rampage
        • Sage: Clone Rampage will now target the boss monster with highest HP first while it's active.
      • Fixed the issue where debuff effect was displayed even when stun has not been applied to the boss monster when Hoyoung's Earth: Stone Tremor skill is used.
    • Lara
      • Eruption: Heaving River
        • The damage at master level will be increased from 215% to 260%.
      • Eruption: Whirlwind
        • The damage at master level will be increased from 63% to 90%.
      • Eruption: Sunrise Well
        • The damage of Titan at master level will be increased from 120% to 145%.
        • The damage of Lava Zone at master level will be increased from 85% to 110%.
        • The damage of Volcanic Bombs at master level will be increased from 75% to 95%.
      • Manifestation: Where the River Courses
        • It will no longer be affected by skill effect transparency.
      • Manifestation: Wind Swing
        • While in the air, float in the central light cluster.
        • Area of the central light cluster will be increased by 205% from before.
      • Absorption: River Puddle Douse
        • The damage at master level will be decreased from 590% to 510%.
        • The attack count will be increased from 6 to 10 times.
      • Absorption: Whirlwind
        • The damage at master level will be decreased from 255% to 250%.
        • The attack count will be increased from 2 to 3 times.
      • Absorption: Sunlight Grain
        • The damage at master level will be increased from 230% to 265%.
        • A function where final damage decreases by 40% starting from the second Flame Orb when one enemy is hit with many Flame Orbs will be added.
      • Nature Master
        • A skill description stating that the passive effect for the 3rd Possess skill does not stack with Nature Master will be added for accuracy. In addition, the detailed description for Nature Master will intuitively display the final skill damage of each Erupt skill rather than the damage increase amount.
        • The weak river damage of Heaving River at master level will be increased from 540% to 750%.
        • The strong river damage of Heaving River at master level will be increased from 680% to 860%.
        • The damage of Whirlwind at master level will be increased from 295% to 445%.
        • The damage of Sunrise Well Titan at master level will be increased from 485% to 750%.
        • The damage of Sunrise Well Lava Zone at master level will be increased from 290% to 420%.
        • The damage of Sunrise Well Volcanic Bomb at master level from will be increased 325% to 450% and the damage over time applied when Volcanic Bomb hits at master level will be increased from 110% to 125%
      • In-depth Geomancy
        • The damage increase amount of Waking Up at master level will be increased from 45% points to 95% points.
    • Fixed the issue where Tide of Battle was not activated if the character died right after the Tide of Battle was activated.
    • Some Key-down skills will be adjusted so that Key-down terminates if item is extracted or Fusion UI is opened while in use.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use command using changed key settings when certain skills with commands have been changed to use Hotkeys.
    • Fixed the issue where Skill Effect Transparency adjustment wasn't applied immediately to summons.
    • If skill activation has failed due to moving maps while using Unreliable Memory, the cooldown for Unreliable Memory will now be reset.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to jump to a platform with a small difference in height when the Up direction key and the Jump key is pressed together while in Rune of Might status.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Rope Lift can be used in bumpy terrain, when there is no platform.
    • Fixed the issue where Special Node effects were not triggered with a basic attack.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes characters would sink beneath the ground when using Teleport.
    • Fixed the issue where the skills, that must meet certain conditions to trigger, appeared in the skill descriptions of the following skills:
      • Paladin's Divine Charge
      • Evan's Mana Burst I, II, III, IV
      • Shade's Spirit Claw
      • Angelic Buster's Trinity
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Hero characters would fall instead of moving to the platform when Flash Blade is used on a monster near the edge of a platform.
    • Fixed the issue where Ignition's buff icon was refreshed when Savage Flame's flames were acquired.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Pink Bean's Matryoshka buff icon was displayed in a Job class that's not Pink Bean.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill gauge UI of the following Jobs was moving out of the screen or behind another UI when players change the screen resolution:
      • Pathfinder
      • Aran
      • Luminous
      • Battle Mage
      • Xenon
      • Blaster
      • Kaiser
      • Kain
      • Angelic Buster
      • Zero
      • Adele
      • Illium
      • Ark
      • Hoyoung
    • Fixed the issue where the directional key change wasn't applied to the following skills when in confusion:
      • Buccaneer's Corkscrew Blow
      • Thunder Breaker's Tidal Crash
      • Zero's Burst Step, Flash Assault
    • Fixed the issue where the Arrows, Bullets, and Throwing Stars are consumed when the character uses Three Snails skill.
    • Fixed the issue where summons appeared unnatural to other characters when the player installed some summon skills, went somewhere far, and came back to where the summon is installed.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill effect transparency change wasn't applied instantly to Mana Overload, the common Magician skill.

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    Boss and Monster Improvements

    • Reward phase will be added to the following boss battles:
      • Lotus (Normal, Hard)
      • Damien (Normal, Hard)
      • Will (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Gloom (Normal, Chaos)
      • Darknell (Normal, Hard)
      • Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard)
      • Akechi Mitsuhide
      • Boss battles are cleared when the boss is defeated in its last phase. If players leave without destroying the reward box, they will not be able to receive the rewards for the week.
    • The required attack count to defeat reward phase monsters in the following boss battles will be changed from 36 to 100:
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Guardian Angel Slime (Normal, Chaos)
      • Kalos (Chaos)
    • The animation will be changed when the reward phase monster is defeated in the following boss battles:
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Guardian Angel Slime (Normal. Chaos)
      • Seren (Normal, Hard)
    • The attack nullification and magic nullification that used to activate when all of Zakum (Chaos) Arms were removed will now be activated after a set period of time.
    • The Abnormal Status caused by paralysis gas will now be removed when leaving Magnus (Normal, Hard) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the following patterns were used too frequently by ignoring the cooldown in Von Leon (Easy, Normal, Hard) boss battle.
      • Kicked out to Aerial Prison
      • Teleport
      • Attack reflection
      • Nullify Potentials
      • Summon Castle Golem
      • Summon Prison Guard
    • Arkarium (Easy, Normal, Story)
      • A space that distorts time with Rhinne's Blessing will be created when space collapsing is activated.
        • When the space collapses, the damage players take from space collapsing will be reduced if they are within that area.
      • The casting frequency of space collapsing will be improved.
      • Rhinne's line will no longer be displayed when defeated.
    • Pink Bean (Normal, Chaos)
      • The casting frequency of Pink Bean's Toy Car and duration of confusion abnormal status will be reduced.
      • The casting frequency of Mini Bean Jump! will be improved.
    • The sound effect will no longer be played when the following monsters appear:
      • Blue-eyed Gargoyle, Red-eyed Gargoyle
      • Soot Beast, Soot Talon, Soot Slug, Soot Core, Crushing Glare, Burst Glare
      • Despairing Wing, Despairing Blade, Silent Knight, Silent Scout, Silent Rogue
    • Will's (Easy, Normal, Hard) Phase 1 Destroy Dimension will now have a more accurate trigger timing.
    • Black Mage's HP will no longer fall below 1 when Orchid attacks the Black Mage in the Black Mage (Hard) boss battle.
    • Soot Core's appearance timing and the point at which attack is possible will be updated to be more natural.
    • The animation for the death of the following monsters will be updated to be more natural:
      • Volar
      • Denebola
    • When a party recruitment post is registered through the Boss UI, the Recruitment Info UI will no longer automatically pop up to party members.
    • If a party member who has no authority to recruit through the Boss UI views an applicant's character information, the “Confirm” button will now be displayed.
    • Tick-Tock summoned by the curse of Papulatus and [X2] item and [÷2] item dropped by Chronos can now be obtained regardless of the party pick-up rights.
    • Fixed the issue where Attack Patterns sometimes did not activate when entering boss fights.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the available number of potions was displayed as 1 even when there is no remaining potion count in Ursus boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the dark screen was maintained when immobilization skill was used simultaneously with the use of Lotus's Energy Ball.
    • Fixed the issue where the gauge appeared in an unnatural location when Mechanic characters used the altar in Damien boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Guardian Angel Slime did not appear after teleporting.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Will used a different Mirror of Lies pattern during Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Lives stolen by Verus Hilla were restored if the altar was destroyed immediately after all Red Lives had been consumed in Verus Hilla boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where damage was not received from an attack by an occupied weapon after using Soul Splitter on Kalos during boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Downward Cut was triggered during Teleport in Zakum (Chaos) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Crimson Queen (Normal, Chaos) did not attack after her appearance changed.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes characters were not able to go on top of the platform during Lotus (Normal, Hard) Phase 2 and 3 electric wire pattern.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the "Unleashing the Dark World Tree" Explosion hits late in Damien (Normal, Hard) Phase 2.
    • Fixed the issue where if Damien applied the final brand while the player is invincible and then the player dies once the invincibility ends, 2 Swords of destruction are created.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes platform was not visible when Illusion Bullet Hail was triggered at the same time that Lucid (Hard) enters Phase 3.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Destroy Dimension was triggered immediately after Moonlight Protective Shield is created in Will (Easy, Normal, Hard).
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Rope Lift couldn't be used in Gloom (Normal, Chaos) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes character is pulled to the center despite being in Invincibility status when energy is being pulled to the center during Gloom (Normal, Chaos) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to move to the next phase after clearing a phase in Black Mage (Hard) boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where damage could still be dealt to Seren when time has changed after Midnight has completely ended.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes Kalos the Guardian would repeatedly rotate.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Abyssal Veil was created when Will was immobilized due to Zero's Shadow Rain skill.
    • Fixed the issue where the Eye of the Abyss looked unnatural in the minimap when being re-activated right after being de-activated during the Kalos boss battle.
    • The silhouette feature will be modified so that it displays according to the outline of the monster when attacking the Befuddled Spirit.
    • Fixed the issue where the monster respawn location was unnatural in Tower of Oz floor 37.

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    Quest and Story Improvements

    • In the ‘[Limina] A Tenacious One’ and ‘[Limina] Guard Captain Darknell’ quests, an exclusive script for Resistance and Xenon jobs will be added.
    • Phantom’s exclusive script for the '[Limina] As Decreed' quest will be updated.
    • The cutscene for the '[Cernium (Before)] See You Around, Seren' quest will be updated.
    • The cutscene for the '[Cernium (After)] Salvation' quest will be updated.
    • The '[Alliance] Awakened Heroes' quest can now be started via the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen as well.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the following quests may not reset at the normal times:
      • [Weekly Quest] Haven Weekly Mission
      • [Weekly Quest] Dark World Tree Weekly Mission
      • [Weekly Quest] Kritias Weekly Mission
      • [Weekly Quest] Diligent Research Reward
    • Fixed the issue where the defeated monster count information was unnatural in the ‘[Ludibrium] Wild Toy Horses’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘[Labyrinth of Suffering] Traces of Despair’ quest won't proceed properly.
    • Fixed the issue where certain classes were unable to proceed with the ‘Feelings of Misfortune’ and ‘For Maple World’ quests.
    • Fixed the issue where it was possible to receive a reward one more time through the quest after already receiving a reward at the Inferno Wolf's Den exit.
    • Fixed the issue where Lilin's appearance was affected by the skill effect transparency settings during Aran's Tutorial quest.
    • Fixed the issue where monster level and NPC location was displayed incorrectly during the Mercedes questline.
    • Fixed the issue where the illustration did not appear in the Phantom’s ‘Infiltrate’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Maple World's Goddess's appearance was the appearance before the revamp in the ‘5th Job: Blessings of the Goddess’ quest dialogue.
    • Fixed the issue where NPC was not visible when proceeding with the ‘[Alliance] Awakened Heroes’ quest with certain characters.
    • Fixed the issue where certain characters were not unable to start the ‘[Alliance] Luminous's Bad News’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where some dialogue in the ‘[Omega Sector] Gunny vs Jenny 2’ quest was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where Lotus's image appeared unnatural in the ‘Dangerous Mistakes’ quest progress tab.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural description in the ‘Feather Plant’ quest start window.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural description in the ‘Refusal’ quest progress window.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural dialogue in the ‘Student of the Resistance’ quest conversation.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural description in the ‘Eskalade's Gift 1’ quest completion window.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural description in the ‘[Ellin Forest] Boulder Mountain Menace’ quest information window.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an unnatural description in the ‘Enemy Diversion’ quest progress window.
    • Fixed the issue where there were two Jennys during the Omega Sector quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Explorer story completed quest list did not appear in the order of completion.
    • The cutscene that appears after the Omega Sector’s ‘I Think We Took a Wrong Turn 2’ quest will be updated.
    • Fixed the issue where Kaiser and Angelic Buster character's illustrations were not displayed in the ‘[The Day After]’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the hit motion appeared unnatural in the ‘"[Root Abyss] Guardians of the World Tree’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the currently unavailable Artifact Hunt event quest was displayed.
    • Once the ‘Yun's Worry’ quest is completed, players will now be moved to Kerning City Back Alley, which is a more efficient path.
    • The description regarding the target monster will be added to the ‘[Knight Stronghold] Versus Chief Knights’ quest progress tab.
    • Fixed the issue where the bottom of the background appeared unnatural in certain resolutions in the cutscene for the ‘[Moonbridge] Clearing the Fog’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where Xenon's unique script appeared for certain Jobs during the ‘A Tenacious One’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where description in the ‘NOT a Black Wing!’ quest progress window was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to defeat the monster during the ‘Dark Lord's Clone’ quest in Reboot world due to the monster level being too high.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Spy Training 2’ quest in-progress text was unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the wrong item name was displayed when the ‘Back to the Gate of the Present’ quest item was obtained.
    • Fixed the issue where information messages overlapped on the screen when a quest where players defeat monsters near your level, and a quest that displays an item icon, are done together.
    • Fixed the issue where NPC appearance was unnatural during the ‘[Mushroom Castle] The Straight-Faced Princess, For Her Smile 1, 2, and Return of the Prime Minister’ quests.
    • Fixed the issue where quests related to the removed Fight for Azwan content were available.
    • Fixed the issue where boss map exit portal did not work even after defeating Gloom in the ‘Unleashing the Alliance’ quest.
    • Players can now exit the conversation using the ESC key during the ‘[Maple Rewards] Introducing Reward Points’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the illustration didn't appear when proceeding with the ‘Alliance Gathers’ quest with Mihile character.
    • Fixed the issue where the facial expression looked different from the skin color when TBoy lifts a player in Reverse City.
    • Fixed the issue where the dialogue of Wiz was unnatural in the ‘Wiz's Gratitude’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where in the ‘Finding Shim Chung, No Really’ quest complete tab, the ship image was displayed unnaturally.
    • When replacing the Shadowdealers daily quest, the text will be modified so that the information can be seen clearly.
    • Fixed the issue where when there were multiple vine harvesting items placed in the Party Quest: Xerxes in Chryse Phase 1, the vine images didn't match the quantity.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘[Black Heaven] Memories of the Scrapyard’ quest couldn’t be completed properly.
    • Fixed the issue where the navigation was inaccurate for the ‘An Engineer's Dream’ quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the required item quantity was incorrectly displayed in the ‘Hughes's Weird Invention’ quest.

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    Item Improvements

    • The number of items players can have per inventory slot of the following items will be increased to 1,000:
      • Tower of Oz Medal of Honor, Mu Gong's Guaranteed Medal of Honor, Ursus Medal of Honor
      • Return Scroll - Nearest Town
      • Hair Wax, Carrot Juice, Snake Soup, Hand Sanitizer, Cup of Coffee, Cologne, Premium Hair Wax, Premium Carrot Juice, Snake Bone Soup, Extra-Strength Hand Sanitizer, Cafe Latte, Premium Cologne
    • The number of items players can have per inventory slot of Alien Gray Transformation will be changed to 100.
    • The description will be updated for the following mounts:
      • Hot Air Balloon O Mount
      • Hot Air Balloon X Mount
      • Pink Bean Balloon Mount
      • Moon and Stars Mount
      • Training Dummy
    • When Buff Freezer item is consumed, it will now be used in order starting with the item located at the front of the inventory. This information will be added to the item description.
    • Fixed the issue where normal damage and critical damage order were reversed in the preview of Dreaming of Adventure Damage Skin and the Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit).
    • Fixed the issue where the background music volume was too low when the Aquarium chair was used.
    • Fixed the issue where there was unnatural spacing in the "-'s Flash Fist" node message that appears when Shade character uses a Nodestone.
    • Fixed the issue where sound effect was not played during a normal attack after equipping a Vicious Chainsaw.
    • Fixed the issue where stationary motion appeared unnatural when Spaceship mount or Novice Agent Spaceship mount is used after equipping a two-handed weapon.
    • The image of an equipped shovel or pickaxe will now be visible during harvesting or mining after equipping a transparent weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where if Mana Wave or Dark Winds is used after equipping some items with effects that follow the character, the corresponding item's effect is displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where sleeve image was missing in some motions of the Suit Heart Outfit (F).
    • Fixed the issue where the Arrow for Bow (1) and the Arrow for Crossbow (1) items were sold twice in the Mohadi, Agent O, and Glibber General Stores.
    • Fixed the issue where a hat would appear in front of the weapon when hanging on a ladder or rope after equipping a Picnic Snapback, Edeline, or Apolon hat and certain weapons.
    • Fixed the issue where the shadow in front of the front hair did not appear when the Starlit Dreams Hat is equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some images were missing for the Nautically Pink Hat.
    • Fixed the issue where some appearances were unnatural when Polka-Dot Bell Bottoms Outfit and certain shoes are equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some motion appearances were unnatural when the Marine Stripe Umbrella and the White Ducky Weapon are equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where an unnecessary image was displayed in some motions of the Catkerchief Gloves.
    • Fixed the issue where some motion appearances were unnatural when the Kiddy Crayon Cap is equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where hair and hat were hidden when hanging on a ladder or rope with the Cotton Lavender Hat equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where hair disappeared when hanging on a ladder or rope with the Long Wavy Locks and certain hats.
    • The Cube Chair can now be used outside of town. However, it cannot be used in areas where normal chairs cannot be used.
    • Some movement images for when Zakum's Poisonic Gun is equipped will be updated.
    • The description for the Toy Plane quest item will be updated.
    • Fixed the issue where the walking motion is unnatural when the Grand Master Sword is equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the wait motion appeared temporarily unnatural when other characters are doing the catching breath motion.
    • Fixed the issue where Steel Fitted Mail, Hyper Honeybee Suit, and Deep Sky items had missing images.
    • Fixed the issue where weapon image appeared unnatural in certain attack motions after equipping the Red Rose Bouquet weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where image appeared unnatural in some motions when the Ruins Explorer Hood is equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where some items were missing in the Town General Store.
    • Fixed the issue where certain Cash weapon's special effects disappeared after using certain skills while Wild Hunter is equipped with the Cash weapon.
    • Fixed the issue where Critical and Normal units were reversed in the Starlight Damage Skin's tooltip image.
    • Fixed the issue where the extension date appeared unnatural when the Pendant Slot Coupon (15 Days) item was used.
    • Inkwell Coins can no longer be discarded from the item inventory.
    • Fixed the issue where the movement of the following shield items was unnatural:
      • Red Triangular Shield
      • Wooden Legend Shield
      • Silver Legend Shield
      • Adamantium Legend Shield
      • Green Hoflon
      • Violet Hoflon
      • Blue Hoflon
      • Deimos Sage Shield
      • Soul Shield of Protection
      • Soul Shield of Pride
      • Soul Shield of Courage
      • Soul Shield of Justice
      • Evolving Soul Shield of Justice
      • Ruin Demon Aegis
      • Timeless List
      • Deimos Shadow Shield
    • Players can now use the Appearance Reset Coupon on items that used an anvil.
    • Fixed the issue where the duration was extended when players used the Experience Nodestone while they can't have any more nodes.
    • Fixed the issue where the number of digits was not displayed properly when the combat power exceeded 1 billion when using the Legion of Extraordinary Maplers Chair.
    • Fixed the issue where the Fairy Bell item was displayed behind a character in some situations.
    • Fixed the issue where the text on some items, such as Dreams Within Dreams and Nagging Megaphone, was reversed.
    • Fixed the issue where a character whose Tera Character Burninator duration expired couldn't use the Extreme Growth Potion.

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    Map Improvements

    • When entering the Gold Beach/Shady Beach map, the displayed cutscene image will now be displayed naturally.
    • The distant object in the Pantheon/Great Temple map will now be displayed naturally as the player moves.
    • The Goddess' LP dropped from 'Tower of Goddess <Lobby>' map of the Remnant of the Goddess party quest will no longer disappear in the field.
    • Before entering the Inferno Wolf's Den, it will now inform the player of today's remaining entries in the dialogue.
    • After entering the Inferno Wolf's Den, it will now inform the player of today's remaining entries through a system message.
    • When entering the Bounty Hunter portal, it will now inform the player of today's remaining entries starting from the first entry instead of informing when today's remaining entries are 5 or less.
    • General Store and Storage Room can now be used via NPC in town near Limina.
    • Fixed the issue where some NPCs are displayed in front of a character in a town near Limina.
    • Combo Kill Orb will no longer be created in Tower of Oz Floor 37.
    • Chairs can now be used in waiting area of the following bosses:
      • Lotus
      • Lucid
      • Verus Hilla
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use some ladders in the Eos Tower/Eos Tower 99F map.
    • Fixed the issue where character were unable to go down certain ladders in the Mu Lung Garden/Mu Lung map.
    • Fixed the issue where Minimap Area icon appeared unnaturally in the Hidden Street/Eliza's Shrine map.
    • Fixed the issue where the click range was unnatural when clicking on Heroic Hogul at Korean Folk Town.
    • Fixed the issue where map icon in the following Mystic Gates appeared unnatural:
      • Hidden Forbidden Lab
      • Forest of Whispering Trees
      • Spirit Tree Nest
      • Central Clocktower Center
      • Decaying Snowfield Forest
      • Deep Dark Sea Grave
      • Frosty Glacial Gorge
      • Shiny Temple of Time
      • Frozen Temple of Time
      • Fiery Temple of Time
    • Fixed the issue where rank was not recorded correctly when players survive Ghost Park Ranked Mode for 20 minutes and is automatically exited.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes players were able to enter Sharenian Culvert after midnight UTC on Monday.
    • Fixed the issue where background music was too loud in the dialogue screen between Nine and the Shadow Knights after creating a Zero character.
    • Fixed the issue where the NPC was hiding the quest lightbulb at the Empress Road/Knight Orientation Area map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Lever Guide image was the spacebar key instead of the NPC/Harvest key in Black Heaven Act 5’s Black Heaven Inside/Black Heaven D1 map.
    • Fixed the issue where the character was unable to move outside of the screen at the ‘[Detective Rave's Case Notes] In a Hazmat Suit’ quest map.
    • Fixed the issue where some characters were unable to board the To Lith Harbor ship at Maple Island Harbor.
    • Fixed the issue where some characters, who performed an Open Job Advancement to Cannoneer, were moved to Coco Island when moving from Southperry to Lith Harbor.
    • Fixed the issue where Shinsoo's Refuge Mini Map image appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the Shabby Payphone quest icon location was unnatural at Edelstein Park 1 map.
    • Fixed the issue where there was no ladder at the Sky Ferry map.
    • Fixed the issue where characters could move out of the screen at the Edelstein Strolling Path 4 map.
    • Fixed the issue where a black space was visible in some of the Fox Valley animations.
    • Fixed the issue where the Subway Ticketing Booth map appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where the town background screen was different between characters who skipped the Cernium (After) story and characters who didn't skip it.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use Inventory items in certain locations at Kerning City and the Chimney Tree Top.
    • Fixed the issue where the wrong background music was played at the Ristonia area Tragic Rampart 1 map.
    • A precaution text will be displayed when players use an exit portal without defeating the monster in the reward phase of the following bosses and for exit portals to not be usable when going from the battle phase to the rewards phase:
      • Lotus (Normal, Hard)
      • Damien (Normal, Hard)
      • Lucid (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Will (Easy, Normal, Hard)
      • Guardian Angel Slime (Normal, Chaos)
      • Gloom (Normal, Chaos)
      • Darknell (Normal, Hard)
      • Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard)
      • Black Mage (Hard)
      • Seren (Normal, Hard)
      • Kalos(Chaos)
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to move below the bridge in Monster Park's Knight Stronghold Stage 1 map.
    • Fixed the issue where Port Road: Station to Orbis, Station to Ereve, Station to Edelstein, Victoria Tree Platform map icons were displayed incorrectly.
    • Fixed the issue where the Mushroom Castle Banquet Hall shop NPC name was not displayed.
    • Fixed the issue where the Abandoned Mine: Wolf Area 3 map background was displayed unnaturally.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to move below the bridge in the Mu Lung Garden: Entrance to Sky Forest map.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to enter during Mu Lung Dojo and Ghost Park ranked mode calculation time.
    • Fixed the issue where some rope images were not visible in the Tower of Oz Floor 28 Mini Map.
    • Fixed the issue where it appeared as if one less monster was summoned in the Pollo and Fritto's Guard the Castle Gates 3rd wave.
    • Fixed the issue where the background music stopped playing when general sound effect is muted while using Elluel's Music Box. An option to select the background music for Elluel's Town will be added.
    • Fixed the issue where players were moved to Ludibrium when exiting Papulatus boss battle by leaving the party.
    • Fixed the issue where Tru's Info Shop map appeared unnatural.
    • Fixed the issue where non-existing NPC information was displayed in some portal tooltips.
    • Fixed the issue where players were able to enter Fog Forest Training Grounds as a party member despite not being qualified.
    • Fixed the issue where entry wait time was not applied to party members when entering Von Leon boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the click range of the Monster Park shuttle placed in the Monster Park entry map was unnatural.
    • Monsters will no longer appear near the Skyline 2 jump pad.
    • When players use the Town Return Scroll, they will now move from Farm Street's Forest Hall, Large Forest Trail 1, Large Forest Trail 2, Farm Entrance map to Utah's House/Front Yard.
    • Legion Attacker placement function can now be used in the Tower of Oz lobby.
    • Clara, the Monster Life Coin Exchange NPC, will be added to the Deserted Camp.
    • Fixed the issue where players couldn't move more than a certain height at the Audience Room in the Lion King's Castle.
    • The description for the Sacred Power UI's damage ratio displayed on the map will be updated. The ratio of damage dealt will increase based on the amount of Sacred Power exceeded, and the excess increases up to 50.
    • Fixed the issue where the Legion attacker placement function couldn't be used at the Hilla Tower Entrance.
    • Fixed the issue where Zero characters could enter the Monster Park without clearing Story Chapter 2.
    • Fixed the issue where players could go below the bridge in Empress Road/Training Forest 3 map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Area icon in the mini map displayed incorrectly on the Where the Fox Tree Touches map.
    • Fixed the issue where the Song of Wandering Heroes didn't play when players use Elluel's music box.
    • Fixed the issue where the tooltip wasn't displayed when players placed the mouse on Eos Tower Floor 1-30 on the world map.
    • Fixed the issue where the chair background music didn't play on the Burning Cernium’s Destroyed Palace Main Hall map.

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    UI and Other Improvements

    • Boss UI Revamp
      • Boss UI will be revamped so that it is now separated from the Friends, Party, Blacklist UI and allows for all boss content related functions to be used.
      • The Boss UI can be used for a variety of functions such as moving to Boss Entrance, Boss Party Recruit Board, Boss Entry Availability Check, etc.
      • The ‘Party and Boss’ button on the Community menu at the bottom of the screen has been separated into a ‘Party’ button and a ‘Boss’ button. Click the ‘Boss’ button or press the Boss Shortcut key to access the revamped Boss UI.
      • Note: Ursus content is excluded from the revamped Boss UI. The Ursus content can be entered via the Dimensional Mirror.
    • Boss Party Recruitment Board
      • Boss Party Recruitment Board is now available via the revamped Boss UI.
      • Players can select the boss and difficulty they want to recruit a party for and may also set the level, Mu Lung Dojo floor, Legion level, Arcane Force level, and Sacred Power level application conditions, if desired.
      • Players can apply to join a party posted on the Boss Party Recruitment Board. However, the prerequisite for that particular boss, such as level and prequests, for the posting must be satisfied. If there are additional application conditions, they must be satisfied for players to apply.
      • Once the party leader accepts the application through the UI, the applicant will instantly join the party.
      • Party members and applicants can both see each other's character information. Players can view the other character's level, Mu Lung Dojo floor, Legion level, Arcane Force level, and Sacred Power level. For the Mu Lung Dojo floor, players can also view the date that the floor was reached.
      • Boss Party Recruitment postings can only be registered if the player is a Party Leader or if not in a party.
      • Recruitment time is limited to 30 minutes. The posting will automatically be deleted after 30 minutes.
      • When recruiting a boss party or applying to join a party, use of some of the following contents may be limited:
        • Ursus or Boss battles, Events, Cross World Party Quest, Monster Park, etc.
      • Use of some content, such as those listed above, during recruiting a boss party or applying to join a party may cause the recruitment to automatically be completed or for the application to automatically be canceled.
      • Mu Lung Dojo floor renewal date only applies if the floor was reached after the v.235 update maintenance.
    • The quest notifier UI will no longer automatically turn back on again when it was closed.
    • A comma that separates the units of 1000 will be added to the EXP bar.
    • In the Quick Move menu, Squire Pancho Sanza will be added and Big Headward and Nurse Pretty will be removed.
    • Legion raid placement function can now be used in Ardentmill, Mu Lung Dojo Entrance, Back Yard for Mu Lung Dojo Training, Mu Lung Dojo Hall, and Monster Park Entrance maps.
    • Character Creation window effect of the following jobs will be updated:
      • Explorer
      • Pathfinder
      • Cannoneer
      • Shade
      • Resistance
      • The Demon
      • Kain
      • Cadena
      • Kinesis
      • Adele
      • Illium
      • Ark
      • Hoyoung
    • The guide dialogue will now be simplified when using the Ursus Shop for the first time. The Ursus Shop can be used immediately afterward.
    • Players can no longer talk to Masarayu, Aisha, and Jawad while using the Ursus entry UI. If Aisha's Shop is already open, the shop will close if the player presses the READY button in Ursus entry UI.
    • The Monster Life farm profile image displayed in the Character Information window will be larger and now display the EXP of farm.
    • The Monster Life farm profile image size can be automatically adjusted if the image is not 100 x 100 size.
    • The font size of the following UI will be increased to improve readability:
      • Character Info UI’s equipped item list
      • Character Info UI’s pet item list that excludes Ignore Item Skill
    • If Save Search Filter function is checked in the Auction House, the entered minimum value will now also be saved.
    • The item names in the Auction House will be changed from bold text to normal text.
    • The font of the item names displayed on the item purchase confirmation section in the Auction House will be changed.
    • Link Skill Preset will be improved so that even if the same type of Link Skill is already applied, if the level of the Link Skill being applied is higher, the existing skill can be removed and transferred again.
    • The “slot+” button located at the bottom right of the Equip, Cash, Pet, and A.D. tabs in the Equipment window will be removed.
    • Fixed the issue where some item links didn't work properly in the in-game chat window.
    • In Monster Life, Yeti Super Stage building image will be updated.
    • The interval between “Join Legion Battle” button operation time will be shortened.
    • The "Disrupt the game while chasing around" option will be added to the in-game Report.
    • The following bags and title holders will be added and the 20 Slot bag and title holders will be removed from the General Stores in Reboot world.
      • 40 Slot Chair Bag
      • 40 Slot Soul Bag
      • 40 Slot Recipe Bag
      • 40 Slot Title Holder
    • Fixed the issue where the location of the Buff UI was unnatural when the character dies while fighting in a boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where the default icon appeared when player moused-over using the Lovely Sting or Shining Star Burst icon in the Angelic Buster Soul Battery UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill name displayed when player moused-over the Lovely Sting skill in the Angelic Buster Soul Battery UI was not accurate.
    • Fixed the issue where the Blacklist player nickname was displayed in the Whisper UI when a blacklisted player sends a Whisper.
    • Fixed the issue where skill alarm notifier was displayed in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes it appeared as if the Potential can be changed even though there is insufficient Weapon Points (WP) when viewing a Zero character’s exclusive weapon UI.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the "available" notifier effect leaves an afterimage when a skill, registered on the skill alarm UI, is used consecutively and quickly.
    • Fixed the issue where the "skill available" effect was displayed unnaturally when a story animation starts or ends.
    • Fixed the issue where Decent Skills, registered as Pet Buff Auto Skills, disappear before appearing again when a different Node is equipped or unequipped in V Matrix.
    • Fixed the issue where the same skill was duplicated in the 3rd pet's Buff Auto Skill slot.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes the Quest Notifier did not close when entering the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes players are unable to use the "Legions-Assigned Member" placement function at "Sharenian Culvert/Path to the Altar".
    • Fixed the issue where Status Resistance increase option appeared as an Ability in the Stat Details guide.
    • Item emote and lock functions cannot be used when players use the Extraction or Fusion function in the inventory.
    • Fixed the issue where Special Node icon was incorrectly displayed when opening V Matrix.
    • When the V Matrix is open, UIs that will not work will no longer open.
    • Dragon Equipment and Mechanic Equipment are no longer recommended with using the shop.
    • Fixed the issue where guild UI’s guild skill application effect scroll was not working correctly.
    • Fixed the issue where a guild was incorrectly selected when an empty space is clicked in the guild ranking UI.
    • When the player logs in using invisible mode and marries, marriage-related messages will not be displayed to other guild members.
    • Fixed the issue where party member's Aisha Shop purchase confirmation window was hidden by the Ursus entry UI when the Party Leader entered the Ursus party play.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use the Legion UI's Help button in some maps such as the Boss entrance waiting map.
    • Fixed the issue where Blessing of the Guild effect was visible when Greater Blessing of the Guild is applied.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill shortcut key did not appear again when players equip the Tower of Oz Special Skill Ring and Node, set the related skill on the shortcut key and cancel, change the preset, and returned and equip the Tower of Oz Special Ring and Node.
    • Fixed the issue where sometimes players are led to the wrong path when navigation system is used.
    • Fixed the issue where the last word of the previous chat was entered repeatedly when using an external chat window after entering Alt + Tab while sitting in a chair.
    • Fixed the issue where some Monster Life Photo Album UI were cut off.
    • Fixed the issue where some players did not receive a medal despite meeting the Medal acquisition conditions by registering 45 and above monsters from the island near Victoria for the Monster Collection.
    • Fixed the issue where skill icon flashed if it was registered to a shortcut key that was previously registered with a shortcut key with remaining cooldown when the preset has been changed.
    • Fixed the issue where Guild UI's recent login was displayed as over 365 days if character is changed to invisible mode.
    • Fixed the issue where the Delivery Package UI text cursor appeared above a different UI when a different UI was displayed over the Delivery Package UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the message input cursor was not visible in the Quick Delivery tab after selecting Delivery Package Storage from the Delivery Package UI.
    • Fixed the issue where players were unable to perform Production if the production material is equipped even if the item to be used as production material is inside their Inventory.
    • Fixed the issue where icon image overlapped when the item was repeatedly registered to the Item Incinerator.
    • Fixed the issue where the equipped cloak item was not displayed in the Character Info UI and Maple Chat when Angelic Buster was dressed up.
    • Fixed the issue where the Trait level displayed in the Profession UI and the Character Info UI was different.
    • Fixed the issue where some rewards were informed differently in the Maple Guide UI.
    • Fixed the issue where players are navigated to a wrong map if they move to Heliseum using the Maple Guide when they have yet to complete the Heliseum quest.
    • Fixed the issue where the game said player had been cursed by the Elite Boss even after the boss had been defeated.
    • Fixed the issue where Seal Box and Alicia’s Ring Box didn’t open continuously even if there were remaining boxes.
    • Fixed the issue where the Claim Gift pop-up appeared again for a gift item that has already been responded to when the player entered the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where the Legion Coin notification was displayed on the Character Selection screen.
    • Fixed the issue where the previous achievement was selected if players used Achievement Links consecutively.
    • Fixed the issue where players couldn't scroll with a mouse wheel in some areas of the Mount UI of the Character Info UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the skill was automatically removed from the Pet Equip UI when Phantom character registered Impeccable Memory as a Pet Auto Buff Skill and changed the skill using Loadout.
    • Fixed the issue where the navigation was inaccurate when player begins navigation to the Tyrant's Castle from the Commander Barracks.
    • In Monster Life, if the farm player is currently on and the farm player wants to move to are the same, the player will no longer be moved.
    • Fixed the issue where Friend List UI was closed on the next login even if the player logged out while the list was open in some situations.
    • Fixed the issue where some minimized UIs did not go behind the Quick Move and Mini Map UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the notifier was displayed on the Guild button in the Community menu.
    • Fixed the issue where players moved in an incorrect order when moving buttons using a keyboard in the Community menu.
    • Fixed the issue where players couldn't save the equipped item list activation/deactivation status in the Character Info UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the item quantity wasn't displayed when players registered some cash items in the Key Bindings UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the item quantity was displayed as 0 when players registered the Safety Charm in the Key Bindings UI.
    • Fixed the issue where an incorrect message was displayed when players tried to use equipment items they received upon Character Creation for Fusion, but that can't be used as Fusion material.
    • Fixed the issue where there was unnatural character movement displayed on top when players used the shop or storage room.
    • Fixed the issue where the item tooltip disappeared immediately when players placed the mouse on an item.
    • Fixed the issue where the Yeti TV Chair has unnatural movements.
    • An insufficient funds message will be added for when purchasing an item with insufficient Reward Points in the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo when players placed the mouse on the Accept button in the Character Info UI of boss party recruitment.
    • Fixed the issue where the Maple Guide image recommended for the Lv. 90 hunting zone and the monster that appeared on the map didn't match.

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    Content Changes

    • Voiceover will be added to some of the quests and cutscene dialogue of Karote, The Unending Tower.
    • Voiceover will be added or updated to some Explorer Tutorial quests.
    • A visual hint will be provided so that the quiz at the Tower of Oz Floor 24 can be solved without listening to the background music.
    • Rain and Shumi’s appearances will be updated.
    • Heena’s appearance will be updated.
    • Kriel’s name location will be adjusted so that it is no longer covered.
    • Various Face Coupon images will be updated.
    • The character's sitting posture on the Rock Spirit Pudding Chair will be updated.
    • Visual adjustments will be made to the following mount and chairs:
      • Korean Kite Mount
      • Sparkling Maple Chair
      • Mochi Mouse Chair
      • Hallows Disco Chair: Mummy

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    System Changes

    • The graphic features will be updated for some content. Please make sure you meet the updated minimum system requirements as announced in our post.
    • NX Purchase Updates
      • The level requirement to purchase Cash Shop items using NX Credit will be updated from Lv. 60 to Lv. 1.
      • In-game Cash Shop items that could only be purchased using NX Prepaid can now be purchased using NX Credit.
      • Accounts that add NX Credit for the first time and purchase certain items within 7 days will be limited from performing the following actions. For more information, please check out our Support article:
        • Gifting Cash Shop items
        • Auction House
        • Meso Market
        • 1:1 Trading with other players
        • Dropping items (excluding quest and boss entry items)
        • (Ex: NX Credit is purchased on Monday. A Gachapon Ticket is purchased from the Cash Shop on Wednesday, which begins a temporary trade block that lasts until the upcoming Monday, a full 7 days after the NX Credit was originally purchased.)
    • NA Reboot world channels will be reduced back to 30 channels.

    Back to Top

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where "Blade Master's Journal" achievement could not be achieved. If the requirements are met, it can now be achieved by renewing the achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where achievements in the Memory tab were able to be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo in Eagle Hunting achievement name.
    • Fixed the issue where the background appeared in green when Monster Fusion resulted in one monster in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where the following achievement completion requirements among Ursus-related achievements were not accurate:
      • [Ursus] I'll Help All of You
      • [Ursus] I Will Save You. As Always
      • [Ursus] Claw Your Way to the Top
    • Fixed the issue where Heracle in the Hall of Heroes incorrectly informed that the guild leader was absent for a long time.
    • Fixed the issue where Undersea Tower of Oz Floor 19 and Floor 48 were cleared when just the escort NPC arrives at the final platform without the character.
    • Fixed the issue where Iaijutsu Phantom Blade was not correctly dealing damage to monsters on its 4th and 5th hit.
    • Fixed the issue where the Expansive Knowledge item did not fully clip certain hairs.
    • Fixed the issue where the Lumo's Leaf item name was inaccurate since Rumo drops the item.
    • Fixed the issue where Tower of Oz floor 24 was difficult to be completed if the background music cannot be heard.
    • Fixed the issue where BUGCAT CAPOO Chat Emoticons overlapped in Maple Chat.
    • Fixed the issue where Umbral Earrings and White Earphones appeared over the hair for Ark characters.
    • Fixed the issue where the Psych Exam quest contained an extra letter in the text.
    • Fixed the issue where the position of the text indicating the professional skill level was skewed to the side in My Profession UI.
    • Fixed the issue where the Marble Universe Chair description had a typo
    • Fixed the issue where the Spicy Rice Cake Skewer description had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where incorrect image was displayed in the Bunny Love T-Shirt description tooltip
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Cracks of Corruption’ quest log was inconsistent with the lore.
    • Fixed the issue where Extreme Growth Potion’s description incorrectly stated that the item couldn't be used on characters above Lv. 200.
    • Fixed the issue where the Gravity Crush skill description did not mention the skill cooldown.
    • Fixed the issue where Pathfinder’s character creation tag said "Explorer" while all other Explorer character creation tags said "Explorers".
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘A Gate to a distant land’ quest completion dialogue had inconsistent lore information.
    • Fixed the issue where the Nine-Tailed Fox Damage Skin displayed Korean text in the preview.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a single red pixel appearing under the feet when Baby Seal Outfit and Baby Seal Dress were equipped.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Chiefs of El Nath’ quest text mentioned berserker instead of a Hero.
    • Fixed the issue where the Official Knight Teacher item had a temporary date information.
    • Fixed the issue where a cutscene during ‘The Evil Within’ quest had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where the Light of the Nihal Desert item was missing a 'c' in its item description.
    • Fixed the issue where the Intermediate Oil Crafter achievement description had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where Polar's Asteroid and Haring's Asteroids item names and text descriptions were incorrect.
    • Fixed the issue where the ‘Strange Pigs 1’ quest's acceptance text was missing the word "of" in it.
    • Fixed the issue where the Galactic Sound Damage Skin's text description had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where the Maple Home Delivery UI had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where Mimic monster had a typo in one of its messages.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo when using the Profession Coupon.
    • Fixed the issue where the Battle Rage skill description had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where Mechanic's equipment UI had a typo.
    • Fixed the issue where “Kiyo's Beak” item name was misspelled as “Kiyo’s Beek”.
    • Fixed the issue where Transparent Skirt and Transparent Pants were not transparent covers.
    • Fixed the issue where the Twenty-Title Holder item name was inconsistent with that of other bags in the game.
    • Fixed the issue where the Add Pendant Slot (30 Days) had its description cut off along the bottom.
    • Fixed the issue where there was untranslated text when player completes ‘The Birth of an Alliance’ quest and received the medal.
    • Fixed the issue where Home caretaker Jenny had a typo when selecting "How's the weather today?" option from the dialogue.
    • Fixed the issue where there was overlapped text and typos in various selections when editing Home Visitor settings.
    • Fixed the issue where the Budding Sprout item text description had a misplaced apostrophe.
    • Fixed the issue where the Wires dropped by Roid had an incorrect text description.
    • Fixed the issue where Home’s Explorer's In Action Poster furnishing did not display Explorer classes.
    • Fixed the issue where Home’s [Summer Photo Card] Wild Hunter name was inconsistent compared to that of the rest of the items received from [Home] Summer Trading Card Pack.
    • Fixed the issue where Kanna's Nine-Tailed Fury skill had a typo in its description.
    • Fixed the issue where Beast Tamer’s keybinds were not saved when resetting keybinds.
    • Fixed the issue where Home caretaker Amy states incorrect age during Amy's First Cafe cutscene.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a missing space in the text when harvesting Waru in Monster Life.
    • Fixed the issue where the Furnishing guide text was inconsistent with special furniture functionality.
    • Fixed the issue where Zakum did not drop weapons for certain classes once defeated.
    • Fixed the issue where there was a typo when selling an item that yields no Home Coins.
    • Fixed the issue where spaces were missing in the text when skipping the Vanishing Journeyand Reverse City prequests.
    • Fixed the issue where Shadower’s Meso Explosion skill displayed incorrect in-game chat message while the Blood Money skill was active.
    • Fixed the issue where Holy Fountain skill description had an extra letter in the text,
    • Fixed the issue where some achievements had (null) as the end date.
    • Fixed the issue where there the game client may display a black screen upon launching when the external chat was enabled in Settings.
    • Fixed the issue where Mana Warp functioned in an unnatural manner when used in Commerci Voyages.
    • Fixed the issue where Spirit of Elluel only spawned one ghost max instead of up to 3 ghosts during final 20 seconds.
    • Fixed the issue where Friend Launcher skill could not open boss chests.
    • Fixed the issue where there were performance issues when a large numbers of announcements and messages were received with external chat enabled.
    • Fixed the issue where using Mana Warp skill during Commerci Voyage bounces character back to the center of the map.
    • Fixed the issue where the character deletion message on Tera Burninator characters incorrectly mentioned that another character can be burned.
    • Fixed the issue where Follow the Lead skill could be added to the hotbar as an active skill.
    • Fixed the issue where totems in the 2nd and 3rd slot displayed a damage increase or decrease if their stats are higher or lower than the totem in the first slot.
    • Fixed the issue where using China Wedding Ticket did not begin the wedding ceremony.
    • Fixed the issue where the Storm Growth Potion item description was inconsistent with its functionality.
    • Fixed the issue where Full Muto quest was missing a space in it's text.
    • Fixed the issue where the Embrion Familiar portrait turned part of the Familiar UI transparent when viewed in the Collection tab.
    • Fixed the issue where stack of items in the Gift Drop would incorrectly appear as a single item rather than the amount given.
    • Fixed the issue where Familiars that are Unique or higher grade appeared smaller and mispositioned in the Familiar UI when viewed.
    • Fixed the issue where Home's Mannequin furnishings would show the original equipment instead of the Fusion Anvil version.
    • Fixed the issue where Sharenian Culvert score text overlapped when players reached above 10k points.
    • Fixed the issue where Skill: Ghost Yaksha: Great Oni Lord’s Legion would not go on cooldown if player was midair when its duration ended.
    • Fixed the issue where the All Cure Potion item was unequipped from a pet when entering Monster Life or the Auction House.
    • Fixed the issue where the Transposition UI was missing information related to 25 stars.
    • Fixed the issue where the Item Sort Lock caused tradable Use, ETC, and Set-up items to be labeled as "Account Bound".
    • Fixed the issue where completing Ludibrium quests would not grant credit for related achievements.
    • Fixed the issue where the Fragment Fiend achievement couldn't be completed.
    • Fixed the issue where Darknell could become unresponsive during a boss battle.
    • Fixed the issue where Hitokiri Strike skill was incorrectly allowing Hayato to animation cancel earlier than expected with Instant Slice, which could potentially disconnect the game client.
    • Fixed the issue where players couldn't access the Meso Market due to a "character created less than 3 days ago" error.
    • Fixed the issue where players couldn't complete the Legend of Legends I achievement.
    • Fixed the issue where there was an extra “#” sign appearing in the text when Basic Legion Growth Potion is used.

    Back to Top

    Known Issues

    • [Updated August 31] Nodes cannot be disassembled via the V Matrix UI.
    • [Updated August 31] Nodes and Nodestones cannot be crafted via the V Matrix UI.
    • [Updated August 31] Maple Pop Star Dream! event Fans' Love is referred to as "Popularity" in certain dialogues and notifications.
    • [Updated September 1] Buff Freezer items in the ETC tab of the inventory cannot be used.
    • [Updated September 1] There is untranslated text when hovering over "?" next to Option's Memory-Mapped I/O and Max Memory Limit.
    • [Updated September 1] There is untranslated text for the "Report" button that appears when right-clicking the boss party listed on the Boss UI.
    • [Updated September 1] There is untranslated text in the dialogue when talking to Danger Zone Taxi in Ludibridium.
    • [Updated September 1] The game client may disconnect when player uses Pathfinder's Evolve Tempest.

    Back to Top

    Burning World Big Spender Event

    UTC: September 15 (after maintenance)

    Requirement: Only for characters that spent NX in Burning World.

    • We are giving back 10% of your NX spending in Burning World with Reward Points!
    • If you spend NX Prepaid and/or NX Credit in the Burning World Cash Shop, you will receive 10% of your spending back in Reward Points.
      • Your Maple Point spending will not count towards the event.
      • Only the purchases from the Burning World Cash Shop will count towards the event.
      • The purchase of the following items will not be applicable for the event:
        • 10,000-Maple-Point Coupon
        • 30,000-Maple-Point Coupon
        • 50,000-Maple-Point Coupon
    • The amount of Reward Points you can receive from this event is minimum 10 Reward Points and maximum 100,000 Reward Points.
      • The Reward Points from the Burning World Refund Event will not count towards the monthly Reward Point capacity.
    • Reward Points will be distributed on September 15 (after maintenance).


    • Reward Points

    Back to Top

    Burning World Leap

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – September 15 (before maintenance)

    Requirement: Lv. 150 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Only for characters in Burning World.

    • Your Burning World journey ends here and it’s time to find yourself a new home!
    • Your characters will be moved to the Burning Leap Zone map after the maintenance where you can proceed with World Leap by talking to NPC Mover.
    • Your characters, regardless of whether they are a ‘Burning’ character or not, must be Lv. 150 and above to World Leap. Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2.
    • You can move up to six characters that meet the requirements.
    • Characters can ONLY be transferred to Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds. You can only transfer within your region.
    • You may send your Burning World characters all to the same world, or to different worlds.
    • You can move the character even if you don’t have an empty character slot in the world you chose.
      • If you have reached the max character limit in the world you chose, you will have to delete a character first and create an empty slot before moving your Burning World characters to that world.
      • If the world you chose has empty character slots, one of the open character slots will be used.
    • Your character must leave or disband their Guild before proceeding with World Leap.
      • When you talk to Mover, you will be given an option to Disband the Guild or the Alliance. You can also use the Guild UI to leave the Guild.
    • Your character's equipped items, inventory, and mesos will be transferred with your character.
    • Items in your Cash Shop Inventory, Storage, Auction House, and mail will not be moved. Please remember to move these items to your inventory before World Leap.
    • Game information, such as rankings and special medals (Donation King, etc.), will not be moved.
    • Expanded character slots in Burning World will not be transferred.

    Back to Top

    Maple Pop Star Dreams!

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – September 27 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • There’s absolutely no need to be shy! Pink Bean, Yeti, and Slime will help you be the greatest pop star around!
    • Customize your chair and take a step closer to your pop star dreams!
    • Accept the ‘[Pop Star] Maple Pop Star Dreams!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will gain access to the event UI. You can obtain the Wannabe Maple Pop Star Stage chair upon reaching Lv. 1 and by clicking the ‘Claim Chair’ button on the UI. Upon claiming the chair, the ‘Level Up’ button will appear on the top of the UI.
    • You can collect Fans’ Love by defeating monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
      • You can collect up to 100 Fans' Love a day per character.
      • Fans' Love is untradeable.
      • Fans' Love cannot be obtained in special maps such as Mirror World, Story Mode, etc.
    • You can level up to Lv. 21 to unlock various customizations as well as to receive special rewards.
      • You can use 30 Fans' Love to level up the chair once a day.
      • Rewards can be obtained once per world.
    • You can also use Fans' Love to change the parts of the customizations you’ve unlocked.
      • Click the customization you’d like to change on the UI and spend 10 Fans' Love to change it.
      • New customization parts will be selected from the options excluding actions/stage elements that are currently applied on the chair.
      • The parts you previously received will not be saved. However, you can receive them again while changing the customization parts.
      • It’s more difficult to receive the parts with a higher rarity. You can see the probability listed below.
      • You can see the available parts by accepting the ‘[Pop Star] Decorate Maple Pop Star Dreams! Stage’ quest within the star event notifier or by clicking the ‘?’ on the top right corner of the UI.
    • Here are the customizations you can unlock on the respective chair levels:
      • Lv. 3: Stage Action: Me
      • Lv. 6: Stage Action: Pink Bean
      • Lv. 9: Stage Border
      • Lv. 12: Stage Action: Yeti
      • Lv. 15: Stage Background
      • Lv. 18: Stage Action: Slime
      • Lv. 21: Stage Effects
    • You can collect Fans' Love until the end of the event duration even after you’ve reached Lv. 21 so that you can continue to change your customization parts.
    • You will have until the end of the event duration to finalize your chair customization.
    • Maple Pop Star Dreams! event can be done once per character.
    • Rewards can be obtained once per world.

    Customization Parts Probability:

    • Stage Action (Me, Pink Bean, Yeti, and Slime)
      • Timid Dance: 35%
      • Shake-Shake: 35%
      • We're A Band: 12%
      • Group Dance: 12%
      • Superstar 6%
    • Stage Border
      • Theater: 25%
      • Wooden Theater: 25%
      • Forest: 25%
      • Ice: 7.5%
      • Pink-Pink: 7.5%
      • Carousel: 5%
      • Universe: 5%
    • Stage Background
      • Warmth: 25%
      • Lighting: 25%
      • Forest: 25%
      • DJ Pepe: 7.5%
      • Pink-Pink: 7.5%
      • Carousel: 5%
      • Universe: 5%
    • Stage Effects
      • Laser Show: 25%
      • Twinkling Starlight: 25%
      • Fresh Fruits: 25%
      • Winter Fairy Tale: 7.5%
      • Pink-Pink: 7.5%
      • Sunny Day: 5%
      • Superstar: 5%



    • Lv. 1: Wannabe Maple Pop Star Stage: Chair. Untradeable.
    • Lv. 2: 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 4: Maple Pop Star Chat/Label Ring Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following:
      • Maple Pop Star Label Ring Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Maple Pop Star Label Ring: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Maple Pop Star Chat Ring Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Maple Pop Star Chat Ring: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Lv. 5: Symbol Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x50): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 6: Black Bean Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the Coupon to receive Black Bean Chat Emoticon: 30-day duration.


    • Lv. 7: Maple Pop Star Damage Skin Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select one of the following:
      • Pink Bean Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
      • Yeti x Yeti Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
      • Slime Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    • Lv. 8: Special Medal of Honor x3 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Special Medal of Honor (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 10: Maple Pop Star Dreams! Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Maple Pop Star Dreams!: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Lv. 11: 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 12: Yeti Chat Emoticon Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the Coupon to receive Yeti Chat Emoticon: 30-day duration.


    • Lv. 13: New Weird Face Accessory Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • New Weird Pink Bean Face Accessory: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • New Weird Yeti Face Accessory: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • New Weird Slime Face Accessory: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Lv. 14: Black Circulator (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 16: Maple Pop Star Hat Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Maple Pop Star Hat: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Lv. 17: Experience Nodestone: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 18: Slime Chat Emoticon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the Coupon to receive Slime Chat Emoticon: 30-day duration.


    • Lv. 19: Maple Pop Star Weapon Selection Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Pink Bean's Yummy Meat: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Yeti Mic: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Jiggly Slime: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Lv. 20: Karma Black Rebirth Flame (x5): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

    Back to Top

    Spiegelmann's Starlight Box

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – September 13 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Stella left something to remember the Starlight Band by! Complete daily missions and Spiegelmann will hand you the gifts!
    • Accept the ‘[Starlight Box] Gifts from the Starlight Ensemble’ quest through the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Afterward, accept the ‘[Starlight Box] Today’s Starlight Box’ quest or click on the ‘Start Mission’ button on the event UI to start the daily quest.
    • You are asked to defeat 2,000 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above). Once completed, you can receive the Starlight Box Reward for the day.
      • Monsters from special maps such as Mirror World, Story Mode, etc. will not count towards the amount of monsters that you have to defeat in order to complete the mission.
    • After you have claimed all 9 boxes, you will unlock a special gift daily mission where you can defeat monters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) as you've done previously to receive 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2).
    • Starlight Box Rewards can be obtained once per world.
    • Spiegelmann’s Starlight Box event can be completed once a day per world.
    • Spiegelmann’s Starlight Box event quest progress will be shared with your characters in the same world.
    • The daily quest will reset every day at 12:00 AM UTC.


    • Day 1
      • Mitra’s 2x EXP Coupon Box: Tradeable within account, 28-days duration. Box recharges every Monday 10:00 AM UTC, and can be used a total of 4 times. Can be used once a week to receive 2x EXP Coupon (30 min) (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 2
      • Starlight Ensemble Hat Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Starlight Ensemble Hat: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Day 3
      • Symbol Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x50): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 4
      • Special Medal of Honor x3 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Special Medal of Honor (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 5
      • Starlight Ensemble Uniform Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Starlight Ensemble Uniform: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Day 6
      • Extreme Growth Potion x10 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Extreme Growth Potion (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 7
      • Black Cube x6 Package: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to receive Black Cube x1 Coupon (x6): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Black Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration.
    • Day 8
      • Starlight Ensemble Baton Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Starlight Ensemble Baton: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Day 9
      • Growth Potion Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Growth Potion (200 - 209) (x8): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 209, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 210 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 219) (x4): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 219, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 220 or above.
        • Growth Potion (200 - 229) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 229, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 230 or above.
        • Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 239, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 240 or above.
    • Special Gift
      • 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.


    Back to Top

    Fairy Bros' Golden Giveaway

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – November 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway return to award you for your attendance!
    • Accept ‘[Golden Giveaway] The Bros are Back’ quest in the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • During the event period, click on the Fairy Bros icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to access the event UI.
    • Your attendance will count when you click the check-in button after your daily cumulative login time reaches 1 hour. Login time will only accumulate when you are logged in with a character Lv. 101 and above.
    • You will receive rewards every 9th time you have completed the attendance.
    • During weekends, your attendance will count as 2 checks.
    • If you have missed attendance, you have the option to use the Golden Pass.
      • Golden Pass can provide attendance checks for the price of 3,000 Maple Points.
      • One Golden Pass usage can check off 1 attendance and it can only be used up to the number of incomplete attendance days as of the previous day’s record.
      • Available usage count for Golden Passes will be indicated on the Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway UI.
    • Fairy Bros’ Golden Giveaway Rewards can be claimed once per account.


    • Day 9
      • Fairy Bros' Explorer Face Selector Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Fairy Bros' Explorer Face Selector Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Male: New Tess Face, New Rondo Face
        • Female: New Sugar Face, New Olive Face


    • Day 18
      • Fairy Bros' Explorer Hair Selector Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Fairy Bros' Explorer Hair Selector Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.
        • Male: New Tess Hair, New Rondo Hair
        • Female: New Sugar Hair, New Olive Hair


    • Day 27
      • Neon Yeti Sign Effect Cape Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Neon Yeti Sign Effect Cape: Untradeable. Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.


    • Day 36
      • Mystery Color Change Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following:
        • Mystery Mix Dye Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Mystery Colorblend Eye Color Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Day 45
      • Extreme Growth Potion x10 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Extreme Growth Potion (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Day 54
      • Rosy or Flushed Skin Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Rosy Skin Coupon: Untradeable.
        • Flushed Skin Coupon: Untradeable.


    • Day 63
      • Permanent Thunder Unicorn Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount provides Hyper Teleport skills for 90 days (Cooldown: 30 minutes).


    • Day 72
      • Greatest Event Outfit Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
        • Influencer Outfit Set Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select a gendered outfit of the following (Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.):
          • Shining Influencer
          • Fresh Influencer
          • Influencer Training Outfit (M) or Influencer Loose-top Training Outfit (F)
          • Influencer Running Shoes
        • Neo Castle Outfit Set Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select a gendered outfit of the following (Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.):
          • Neo Castle Accessory
          • Neo Castle Suit (M) or Neo Castle Dress (F)
          • Neo Castle Shoes
        • Tranquil Sage Set Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select gendered items of the following (Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.):
          • Tranquil Sage Hat (M) or Tranquil Sage Hat (F)
          • Tranquil Sage Outfit (M) or Tranquil Sage Outfit (F)
          • Tranquil Sage Shoes
          • Tranquil Sage Cape
          • Sage Firefly
        • Azure Teddy Outfit Set Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select gendered items of the following (Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.):
          • Azure Teddy Hat (M) or Azure Teddy Headband (F)
          • Azure Teddy Suit (M) or Azure Teddy Dress (F)
          • Azure Teddy Loafers
        • Havoc Outfit Set Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following (Cash items can be transferred into the Cash Shop Inventory.):
          • Havoc's Heavy Sword
          • Havoc Horns
          • Havoc's Uniform
          • Havoc Wings


    • Day 81
      • Fairy Bros' Damage Skin (Unit) Selection Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open the box to select one of the following:
        • Basic Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
        • Forest of Tenacity Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
        • Scorching Heat Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
        • Party Quest Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.
        • Origami Damage Skin (Unit): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    • Day 90
      • Magnificent Growth Potion x1 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Magnificent Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

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    Toben Hair Hero's Special Private Course

    UTC: September 14 at 12:00 AM – October 4 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Toben Hair Hero is here to give you special private course lessons!
    • Accept the ‘[Special Private Course] Toben Hair Hero's Special Private Course’ quest within the star event notifier.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will receive the ‘Special Private Course’ skill.
    • There are three different types of missions:
      • [Special Private Course] Battle Training: Available September 14 at 12:00 AM UTC.
        • Defeat 2,000 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to receive 10 Memories of Battle and a reward.
        • Battle Training can be completed once a day and is reset every day at 12:00 AM UTC.
      • [Special Private Course] Practical Application: Available September 22 at 12:00 AM UTC.
        • You will be given the following 5 missions at once:
          • Defeat Vellum (Chaos): 10 Memories of Battle
          • Defeat Lotus (Normal, Hard): 15 Memories of Battle
          • Defeat Will (Normal, Hard): 20 Memories of Battle
          • Defeat Damien (Hard): 25 Memories of Battle
          • Defeat Verus Hilla: 30 Memories of Battle
        • Practical Application missions can be completed when defeating a boss in a party.
        • However, the mission will not complete if you were dead when the boss has been defeated.
        • During the week of September 22, bosses that were defeated prior to accepting the mission will still count.
      • [Special Private Course] Review: Available after completing [Special Private Course] Battle Training 14 times.
        • Defeat 2,000 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to receive 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2).
    • You can use Memories of Battle you’ve earned to enhance the Special Private Course skill stats of your choice, up to Lv. 5.
    • Each level requires the following amount of Memories of Battle to level up:
      • Lv. 1: 4 Memories of Battle
      • Lv. 2: 6 Memories of Battle
      • Lv. 3: 15 Memories of Battle
      • Lv. 4: 30 Memories of Battle
      • Lv. 5: 50 Memories of Battle
      • (Ex: You will need a total of 105 Memories of Battle to reach Lv. 5)
    • Once the Memories of Battle are used, they cannot be reset.
    • The enhanced stats will be applied as a passive buff to one character that you’ve selected to receive the teaching.
      • The character that receives the Special Private Course skill can be changed once a day during the event duration.
      • To change the character that receives the skill, you can log in with the character you wish to receive the skill with and click the ‘Begin Lesson’ on the event UI.
    • Special Private Course skill and its passive buffs will last until October 18 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Special Private Course quests can be completed once per world. The progress is shared with all your characters in the same world.
    • Toben Hair Hero’s Special Private Course rewards can be obtained once per world.

    Special Private Course Skill Stats:

    Skill Level Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5
    Attack Power & Magic ATT +5 +10 +15 +20 +25
    STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10 +20 +30 +40 +50
    MaxHP/MaxMP 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
    DEF Ignored +5% +10% +20% +30% +35%
    Normal Monster Damage +5% +10% +20% +30% +35%
    Boss Damage +5% +10% +20% +30% +35%
    Buff Duration +5% +10% +15% +20% +25%
    Critical Rate +5% +10% +15% +20% +25%
    Arcane Power +10 +20 +30 +40 +50
    Bonus EXP when defeating normal monster +2.5% +5% +7.5% +10% +12.5%​

    [Special Private Course] Battle Training Rewards:

    • Complete 1 time: 3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 2 times: Trait Boost Potion (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 3 times: Memories of Battle (x10)
    • Complete 4 times: Symbol Selector Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to select one of the following:
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x50): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Sacred Symbol Selector Coupon (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 5 times: Fantastic Item Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. The damage skin is permanent when used and tradeable when extracted.


    • Complete 6 times: Memories of Battle (x10)
    • Complete 7 times: Karma Master Craftsman’s Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 8 times: Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 9 times: Memories of Battle (x10)
    • Complete 10 times: Nodestone (x20): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 11 times: Karma Black Rebirth Flame (x5): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Complete 12 times: Memories of Battle (x10)
    • Complete 13 times: Typhoon Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Character must be at least Lv. 200 to use the potion. Grants a level when used between Lv. 200 and Lv. 239, or a large amount of EXP when used at Lv. 240 or above.
    • Complete 14 times: Toben Hair is a Legend For Real Chair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon the receive Toben Hair is a Legend For Real: Untradeable.


    [Special Private Course] Review Reward:

    • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.

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    Recommended Worlds Special Event: Burning World Leap Special Rewards

    UTC: August 31 (after maintenance) – September 14 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Burning World characters that met the level milestone requirements prior to v.235 update maintenance only.

    • Level up your Burning World characters to earn even more rewards!
    • After proceeding with Burning World Leap, the Burning World character that met the Lv. 150 and/or Lv. 220 milestone requirements can receive special rewards once per account.
      • Burning World Leap Special Rewards will be available in the leaped world during the event duration.
    • All rewards will be distributed once per account.

    Burning World Leap Special Rewards:

    • Lv. 150: Reach Lv. 150 with your Burning World character and proceed with the Burning World Leap to receive the following reward:
      • Gaga Coin (x3): Untradeable. Sell the coins to a merchant to receive 100 million mesos per coin in exchange.
    • Lv. 220: Reach Lv. 220 with your Burning World character and proceed with the Burning World Leap to receive the following reward:
      • 10,000 Maple Points: Untradeable, 7-day duration.

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    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: September 4 at 12:00 AM – September 4 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: September 11 at 12:00 AM – September 11 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: September 18 at 12:00 AM – September 18 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: September 25 at 12:00 AM – September 25 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: October 2 at 12:00 AM – October 2 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - September 4, 2022
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
    • Week 2 - September 11, 2022
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
    • Week 3 - September 18, 2022
      • Receive Mysterious Monsterbloom (x3): Untradeable.
      • Receive 100% bonus chance of a monster being added to Monster Collection.
    • Week 4 - September 25, 2022
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets.
    • Week 5 - October 2, 2022
      • Receive 2 stars when you successfully do Star Force 10 enhancements and lower.
      • Receive 50% off Spell Trace enhancements. (Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only.)

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    Spell Trace Fever Event

    UTC: September 23 – September 25 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • September 23, 2022
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • September 24, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • September 25, 2022
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM

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