KMS User Advisory Group 1st Discussion Topics & Ability Improvement Error

Discussion in 'KMS Updates' started by Orange Mushroom, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. Orange Mushroom

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    Two new notices this week, one is the first discussion topics that will be covered by the user advisory group and the second is an error with Ability that they fixed and will give some compensation for.

    Where’s the summer update preview Nexon?? The next KMST patch will probably be next Thursday so it should be soon…

    User Advisory Group 1st Discussion Topics

    Hello. This is MapleStory.

    There is a total of 8 people who will act as the user advisory group.

    • 도감은월
    • 박세웅
    • 빈핑
    • 씰뇽
    • 주퓨리
    • 콘파쿠유튜브
    • 타키매너70
    • 테러비터

    From the 10 people mentioned in the previous notice, two of them said it would be difficult for them to continue with the user advisory group due to personal circumstances. Although it was a short time, we would like to thank them for the love and passion they showed for MapleStory as members of the user advisory group.

    Next, we will inform you about the topics which will be discussed first by the user advisory group. From the 10 discussion topics we gave in the previous notice, we decided on the ones to be discussed first in agreement with the user advisory group. All topics will be discussed for on all worlds (normal/Reboot).

    Topics Being Discussed First:

    • Boss rewards reorganization
    • Discussion board reorganization
    • Character growth experience reorganization

    When the discussions on the above topics are done, we will summarize and release the main content discussed with the user advisory group. In addition, through update release notes, we will inform you about things that have actually been done based on discussions we had. We will continue with the work schedule promised by the development team. Even if some content has already been reflected in the game, we will continue to supplement them with additional discussed content.

    When determining the development direction for each topic, we will go through the process of checking and collecting not only the opinions of the user advisory group, but also the opinions of players through the discussion board.

    The discussion board, which is scheduled to be reorganized, will have the same topics as those being discussed by the user advisory group, and will give a way for players to share their opinions.

    The major reorganization which will be reflected in June are as follows.

    MapleStory Discussion Board 1st Reorganization Direction (Reflected in June)

    1. There are many ‘discussion topics’, so we would like to focus on discussing opinions for a set period of time.
    2. ‘Discussion topics’ will begin with the topics that will be discussed first by the user advisory group. These topics are selected based on those that the development team is thinking about and topics requested by players.
      • 1 or more ‘Suggested Discussion Topics’ will be given and you can select the topic you want to share your opinion on when writing on the board.
      • If you would like to discuss a topic other than the ones suggested, you can use the ‘Topic Selection Request’ option and it will be used as reference for future discussion topic selection. (The ‘Topic Selection Request’ option will be reflected in the next reorganization. In the 1st reorganization, only post related to the suggested discussion topics can be made.)
    3. The final direction will be decided based on not only the discussions with the user advisory group, but also the opinions of players who share their opinions on the discussion topics.
    4. The detailed development direction and reflection schedule for discussion topics will be shared through update release notes.
      • The user advisory group will not know the detailed development direction or reflection schedule until they are officially announced.

    We will continue to share the current status of the discussion process with the user advisory group. In addition to supporting the user advisory group, we request your various opinions through the discussion board.

    Thank you.
    Ability Improvements Not Reflected and June 8 Honor Distribution

    Hello. This is MapleStory.

    We would like to inform you that certain parts of the Ability improvements made in the May 20 update were incorrectly not reflected in-game. By looking at the content during our May probability type item verification process, we apologize to the many people who were inconvenienced while resetting their Ability because the changes were not accurately reflected.

    We will provide all Honor used when resetting Ability at Epic rank, and as an apology for the inconvenience, we will give a 50% discount on Ability reset costs for one week.

    <Patch Content Not Reflected as an Error>

    • When resetting Ability, the chance to increase ranks from Epic to Unique has been changed from 1% to 2%.
      • Actually, it was applied as 1%.

    <Honor Distribution>

    • After the June 4 maintenance, the Ability improvement was reflected correctly.
    • We will distribute all Honor used when resetting Ability at Epic rank from May 20 ~ June 4.
    • Through the June 8 maintenance, each character will be given their Honor. After this is done, each character will receive a notification of the details through an in-game message.

    <Ability Reset Costs 50% Discount Duration>

    • June 8 ~ June 14

    In the future, we will pay more attention to accurately reflect the information we provide in updates notes.

    Source: Orange Mushroom's Blog