v.209 - Glory: Strengthened Alliances Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Nexon

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    What happened after the Black Mage fell? Empress Cygnus has called upon the brave to join the Maple Alliance. Become part of the Glory Guard and complete special missions to rebuild Maple World while collecting coins to spend in the Alliance Supply Depot. To double the fun, Hoyoung, the Capricious Sage, has left Cheong-woon Valley to explore Maple World! Join this new character for an adventure. We’re also preparing Better Maple and Growth Improvements, and new 5th Job Skills to make your gameplay even better! Level a new character up faster than ever with even more perks in Tera Burning and Extreme Breakthrough! Join the fun and be ready to lead the Glory Guard!

    • New Playable Character: Hoyoung
    • New Updates
    • Glory Events
    • Other Events

    UTC: Available December 4 at 12:00 AM

    • A capricious sage, Hoyoung, is here to fill your days with excitement! Join Hoyoung and Taotie on a journey across Maple World to capture all the unsealed monsters!
    • Hoyoung is an Anima Thief and uses LUK as his primary stat.
    • Hoyoung’s primary weapon is a Ritual Fan, and his secondary weapon is a Fan Tassel.
    • If you reach Lv. 200 to Lv. 250 on your Hoyoung character, you will receive valuable rewards we have prepared for you in the next update!
    • You will still have time to level up your Hoyoung characters in the upcoming v.210 update to be eligible for the rewards.
    • The max character slot has been increased from 50 to 51 so create your Hoyoung class on December 4th!
    Hoyoung Skills


    • Return to Cheong-woon: Return to Cheong-woon Valley. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Cooldown: 600 seconds.
    • Fiend Seal: As Taotie devours more spirits, his power grows along with yours. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Final Damage: +10%, Attack Power: +10%.
    • Exclusive Spell: Increases Attack Power and Magic Attack of all nearby characters. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30, Attack Power: +4%, Duration: 40 minutes. Cooldown: 2 hours.
    • Shapeshift: Hide Anima ears, tail, and stripes to conceal where you are from. Use the skill again to restore these Anima features. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Cooldown: 10 seconds.
    • Spirit Affinity: Harness your natural affinity as an Anima to increase the duration of your summons. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Minion Duration: +10%.
    • Bravado: Ignore a portion of enemy’s defense and inflict more damage against enemies that have full HP. Max Level 2.
      • Lv. 2: Enemy Defense Ignored: +10%, Damage: +14% against enemies with 100% HP.

    1st Job

    • Talisman Energy: Successful hits with Heaven, Earth, and Humanity skills charge your Talisman Energy. You can use Talisman Energy to use Talisman skills. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: With every successful hit, grants a combo stage for that attribute and Talisman Energy charge. The combo stage resets after reaching stage 3.
        • Stage 1: 10
        • Stage 2: 15
        • Stage 3: 20
    • Humanity: As-You-Will Fan: [Humanity Skill] Swings a massive fan. Enemies hit directly by the fan take greater damage. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 70%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Number of Attacks: 5, Additional Damage to Enemies struck by fan: 20%p.
    • Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd: [Talisman Skill] Summons a gourd that swallows enemies. Press the skill key a second time to launch any enemies in the gourd. Skill cannot swallow boss monsters, stationary monsters, or monsters that are 11 or more levels above your character. If swallowed enemies are not launched until a certain time, they will be launched automatically. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Talisman Energy Cost: 100, Max Enemies Swallowed: 4. Attacks up to 6 enemies that are absorbed or within range of the launch attack for 250% damage 6 times. Damage divided by the number of enemies being attacked (excluding 50% of damage), Boss Damage: +20%.
    • Graceful Flight: Use skill while in midair to jump. Skill can be used twice before touching the ground again. Jump distance and height increase with skill level. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: MP Cost: 5. Skill allows you to jump a greater distance.
    • Nimbus Cloud: Hold down skill key while airborne to summon Nimbus Cloud. While on Nimbus Cloud, use the arrow keys to fly. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 10. Temporarily gain the power to fly.
    • Light Steps: Harnesses mind over matter to make your body light and swift. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Speed: +20, Max Speed increase: +20.
    • Shrouding Mist: Protects you from enemy attacks as though you were enshrouded in mist. Max Level 9.
      • Lv. 9: Avoidability: +15%.

    2nd Job

    • Earth: Ground-Shattering Wave: [Earth Skill] Kicks the ground to unleash a shockwave along the surface. Skill can only be used while on the ground. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 80%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 4.
        • True Version: Cast the skill, press the arrow key, then press the skill key again to activate the True version of the skill. Your character will charge forward while casting the skill.
        • Clone Version: By default, your character’s clone will appear and attack while casting the skill at the same location.
    • Talisman: Clone: [Talisman Skill] Conjures a clone to trick enemies with sly attacks. For the duration of this skill, when you attack enemies, a clone will appear and attack nearby enemies. Attacks from installation skills or summoned minions will not create a clone. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Talisman Energy Cost: 100, Clone Number: 3, Duration: 200 seconds. Each clone attacks for 120% damage 2 times. Damage against normal monsters: +20%. Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.
    • Ritual Fan Acceleration: Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Ritual Fan for a short time. Master Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: MP Cost: 10, Ritual Fan Attack Speed: +2, Duration: 200 seconds.
    • Ritual Fan Mastery: Increase Ritual Fan Mastery and Attack Power. Master Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Ritual Fan Mastery: +50%, Attack Power: +25.
    • Out of Sight: After a clone attack, hide yourself in darkness. While hidden, you cannot be hit by enemies. Using an attack skill will reveal you. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Duration: 2 seconds, Avoidability: +20%. Skill will activate when you use Ground-Shattering Wave (Clone), Stone Tremor (Clone), Iron Fan Gale (Clone), or Consuming Flames (Clone).
    • Third Eye: Opens your mind’s eye, allowing you to see through the enemies’ weaknesses. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Critical Rate: +30%, Critical Damage: +10%.
    • Heavenly Body: Attunes your bodies to the heavens, granting greater control over Nimbus Cloud. Max Level 9.
      • Lv. 9: Jump: +20. Increases duration and flight speed for the Nimbus Cloud skill.
    • Fortune Fitness: Bulks up your Luck muscle. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: LUK: +60.

    3rd Job

    • Scroll Energy: You have learned how to use Scroll Skills from your master’s spell book. Use Talisman Skills to gain Scroll Energy. Max Level 1.
      • Lv. 1: Gain 35 Scroll Energy every time you use a Talisman Skill.
    • Heaven: Iron Fan Gale: [Heaven Skill] Summons a giant fan and blows a gale downward. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 140%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 5.
        • True Version: Cast the skill, press the forward arrow key, then press the skill key again to activate the True version of the skill. Your character will leap forward while casting the skill.
        • Clone Version: By default, your character’s clone will appear and attack while casting the skill at the same location.
    • Earth: Stone Tremor: [Earth Skill] Slams the ground hard, causing massive stones to jut out from the earth. Skill can only be used while on ground. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 160%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 6, Stun Duration for normal monsters: 5 seconds. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
        • True Version: Cast the skill, press the left or right arrow key, then press the skill key again to activate the True version of the skill. Your character will teleport in that direction while casting the skill.
        • Clone Version: By default, your character’s clone will appear and attack while casting the skill at the same location.
    • Talisman: Seeking Ghost Flame: [Talisman Skill] Conjures a living flame to chase and attack enemies. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Talisman Energy Cost: 100, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Number of Attacks: 5, Flame Summon Duration: 40 seconds.
    • Scroll: Degeneration: [Scroll Skill] A mysterious light shines from your scroll, transforming enemies into frogs, bugs, and other vermin. When the light touches an enemy, it is reflected onto other nearby enemies, transforming a multitude of enemies. Master Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Scroll Energy Cost: 100, Damage: 450%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 8, Boss Damage: +20%. Transformation Duration(Normal Enemies Only): 60 seconds. Enemy Defense: -20%.
    • Attainment: Cultivate a deep understanding to increase the damage of your skills. Max Level 19.
      • Lv. 19: Following skills’ damage will be increased:
        • Humanity: As-You-Will Fan Damage: +130%p
        • Ground-Shattering Wave Damage: +80%p
        • Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd Damage: +200%p
        • Talisman: Clone Damage: +120%p
    • Asura: Learn the battle techniques of the Asura. Max Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Attack Power: +50, Critical Rate: +10%, Critical Damage: +20%, Boss Damage: +20%, Enemy Defense Ignored: +10%.
    • Diamond Body: Makes your body unbreakable like diamond. Max Level 10.
      • Lv.10: MaxHP: +20%, Damage Absorbed: +15%, Knockback Resistance: +20%.
    • Balanced Breath: Achieves balance between Heaven, Earth, and Humanity through your breathing. Restores HP and MP whenever you get your attribute combo to stage 3. Max Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: Abnormal Status Resistance: +30, All Elemental Resistance: +30%, Restores 3% of Max HP and Max MP after completing attribute combo stage 3.

    4th Job

    • Heaven: Consuming Flames: [Heaven Skill] Fans the flames of destruction. Skill can only be used while airborne. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 90, Damage: 340%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6. Usage of Graceful Flight and Nimbus Cloud are reset after using this skill. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
        • True Version: Cast the skill, press the up arrow key, then press the skill key again to activate the True version of the skill. Your character will be launched further into the air while casting the skill.
        • Clone Version: By default, your character’s clone will appear and attack while casting the skill at the same location.
    • Humanity: Gold-Banded Cudgel: [Humanity Skill] Summons the weapon of an ancient sage, delivering quick blows to your enemies. The final blow does not charge Talisman Energy. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 100, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 10, Final Blow Damage: 420%, Final Blow Number of Attacks: 8. Cooldown: 11 seconds.
    • Thousand-Ton Stone: Transforms into a thousand-ton stone and drops down from the sky to crush enemies on the ground. Skill can only be used while airborne. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 365%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Number of Attacks: 6. Attacked enemies receive 270% damage for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.
    • Talisman: Warp Gate: [Talisman Skill] Summons a warp gate. Use the skill to mark location and teleport to the gate. Max Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Talisman Energy Cost: 100, Warp Gate Duration: 100 seconds. Teleport Cooldown: 5 seconds. Avoidability Chance: +20%.
    • Scroll: Star Vortex: [Scroll Skill] Summons a powerful vortex that absorbs the enemies’ energy. Restores HP and MP to party members based on how many enemies are hit. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Scroll Energy Cost: 100, Damage: 240%, Number of Attacks: 6, Duration: 40 seconds. You can absorb 1 energy for every 4 successful hits up to 9. Attacking boss monsters absorb 3 times the energy. When vortex disappears, restore 5% of the Max HP and Max MP of party members for each energy absorbed.
    • Scroll: Butterfly Dream: [Scroll Skill] Summons a swarm of colorful but deadly flowers. While this skill is active, your attacks summon butterflies to attack your enemies. Max Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Scroll Energy Cost: 100, Final Damage: +10%, Duration: 100 seconds. Summons 5 butterflies that deal 275% damage when you attack. Butterfly Summon Cooldown: 1 second. Degeneration Damage: +400%p.
    • Anima Warrior: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Master Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: MP Cost: 70. Increases all stats assigned Ability Points by 15% for 900 seconds.
    • Anima Hero’s Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to Abnormal Status for 3 seconds after use. Master Level 5.
      • Lv. 5: MP Cost: 30. Cooldown: 360 seconds.
    • Advanced Ritual Fan Mastery: Increases Ritual Fan Mastery, Attack Power, and Final Damage. Master Level 30.
      • Lv. 30: Ritual Fan Mastery: +70%, Attack Power: +40, Final Damage: +35%.
    • Enlightenment: Master the inner workings of your techniques. Master Level 20.
      • Lv. 20: Damage: +10%. Following skills’ damages will be increased:
        • Humanity: As-You-Will Fan Damage: +190%p
        • Earth: Ground-Shattering Wave Damage: +135%p
        • Heaven: Iron Fan Gale Damage: +125%p
        • Earth: Stone Tremor Damage: +130%p
        • Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd Damage: +320%p
        • Talisman: Clone Damage: +220%p
        • Talisman: Seeking Ghost Flame Damage: +190%p
    • Dragon’s Eye: When painting a dragon, the eyes are the final touch that brings it to life. Master Level 10.
      • Lv. 10: Attack Power: +10, Final Damage: +10%, Critical Rate: +10%, Critical Damage: +10%, Enemy Defense Ignored: +10%, Avoidability: +10%.

    Hyper Skills

    • Empowered Harmony: (Req. Lv. 140) Increases damage of Humanity: As-You-Will Fan, Groud-Shattering Wave skills, Iron Fan Gale skills, Stone Tremor skills, Consuming Flaming skills, and Humanity: Gold-Banded Cudgel.
      • Damage: +10%.
    • Piercing Harmony: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases Defense Ignored by Humanity: As-You-Will Fan, Groud-Shattering Wave skills, Iron Fan Gale skills, Stone Tremor skills, Consuming Flaming skills, and Humanity: Gold-Banded Cudgel.
      • Ignore Defense: +15%.
    • Boss Rush Harmony: (Req. Lv. 180) Increases Boss Damage of Humanity: As-You-Will Fan, Groud-Shattering Wave skills, Iron Fan Gale skills, Stone Tremor skills, Consuming Flaming skills, and Humanity: Gold-Banded Cudgel.
      • Boss Damage: +15%.
    • Empowered Gourd: (Req. Lv. 140) Increases damage of Talisman: Evil-Sealing Gourd.
      • Damage: +25%.
    • Guardbreaking Clones: (Req. Lv. 165) Increases Defense Ignored by Talisman: Clone and Sage: Clone Rampage.
      • Ignore Defense: +25%.
    • Hasty Ghost Flame: (Req. Lv. 180) Reduces the interval between attacks made by the Seeking Ghost Flame.
      • Attack Interval: -25%.
    • Empowered Degeneration: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases the damage of Scroll: Degeneration.
      • Damage: +35%.
    • Butterfly Rush: (Req. Lv. 165) Increases the Boss Damage for Scroll: Butterfly Dream.
      • Boss Damage: +20%.
    • Hasty Vortex: (Req. Lv. 190) Reduces the interval between attacks made by Scroll: Star Vortex.
      • Attack Interval: -20%.


    • Sage: Tai Yu’s Miracle Tonic: (Req. Lv. 140) Restores Talisman Energy and Scroll Energy over time. Skill is not affected by cooldown reset.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 800, Final Damage: +10%, Duration: 12 seconds. Periodically restores Talisman Energy by 30 and Scroll Energy by 20. Cooldown: 100 seconds.
    • Sage: Dream of Shangri-La: (Req. Lv. 160) Transports you into a scroll featuring a beautiful vista, giving you a moment of respite in battle. If you do not use the full skill duration, then this skill’s cooldown will be reduced. Skill is not affected by cooldown reset. Skill can be used airborne or while using 1st to 4th Job skills.
      • Lv. 1: MP Cost: 10% of MaxMP. Invincible while casting and while holding down the skill key. Max Skill Duration: 20 seconds. Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds for each second of the remaining skill duration. Cooldown: 200 seconds.
    • Sage: Tai Yu Clone: (Req. Lv. 190) Transforms one of your clones into a clone of your master. Stuns targets and stun duration increases when there are fewer enemies in range.
      • Lv. 1: HP cost: 15% of Max HP, Damage: 800%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 8. Clone charges to the enemy with the highest Max HP within range. Stun Duration: 5 seconds. If only a few enemies are hit, stun duration increases to up to 11 seconds. Stun duration can increase up to 100% based on damage inflicted with attack. Cooldown: 200 seconds.

    5th Job

    • Sage: Clone Rampage: Greatly increases Attack Power and number of clones created with Talisman: Clone. Skill can only be used while Talisman: Clone is active. While the skill is active, Talisman: Clone’s duration will not decrease. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, Number of Clones: 12, Duration: 32 seconds. Each clone attacks for 800% more damage than Talisman: Clone 2 times.Clone Creation Cooldown: 1.5 seconds. Cooldown: 200 seconds.
    • Scroll: Tiger of Songyu: [Scroll Skill] Summons the guardian of Mt. Songyu. Whenever you achieve attribute combo stage 3, the tiger gives out a roar to shaken your enemies. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Scroll Energy Cost: 100, Damage: 1800%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 8, Duration: 57 seconds. When you reach attribute combo stage 3, next attack is a roar that periodically deals 700% damage 4 times. Tiger’s Attack Cooldown: 3 seconds. Cooldown: 200 seconds.
    • Sage: Wrath of Gods: Temporarily increases your damage and the gods join in your attacks after every few attacks. Use the skill a second time to summon gods’ full power in a massive attack. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, Damage: +70%, Duration: 30 seconds. Gods strike once per 12 successful attacks, hitting up to 10 enemies for 1700% damage 8 times. Gods Strike Cooldown: 1.5 seconds. Using the skill again ends its effect and summon gods massive skill: create 6 shockwaves that attack up to 15 enemies for 2000% damage 12 times. You are invincible while summoning the gods and it negates attack ignore and attack reflection effects. Cooldown: 200 seconds.
    • Blessing of Grandis: The goddess of Grandis has a different appearance for each of her child races, and she grants a different blessing to each race. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Talisman and Scroll Energy Charge: +37%, Damage: +35%, Knockback Resistance: +100%. Cooldown: 240 seconds.
    New 5th Job Skills

    • We are adding a new 5th Job Skill for each job!
    • Goddesses Cygnus, Rhinne, Grandis, and Princess Sakuno came together to share blessings and prayers in the form of new skills.
    • The following 5th Job Skills will be obtainable for the specified jobs.

    Explorer/Hero/Resistance/Beast Tamer/Jett

    • The Blessing of Maple World’s Goddess: This skill increases all stats and damage. It can be used when you have 1 of the following skills applied: Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, Hero of the Flora, President’s Orders, Anima Warrior, or Rhinne’s Protection. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, Damage: 17%. Increases stat bonuses for class-wise buff skills by 350% for 60 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

    Cygnus Knight/Mihile

    • Empress Cygnus’s Blessing: This skill increases damage and restores HP over time. It can be enhanced after Lv. 245. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: MP Cost: 500, Damage: 25%, Duration: 45 seconds. Periodically restores 4% HP and increases your damage by 5%. Damage bonus is additive up to 90%. Cooldown: 240 seconds.


    • Transcendent Rhinne’s Prayer: This skill increases damage and resets cooldowns for all skills. Final damage does not apply to Throwing Weapon, blades produced by skills, Shock Waves, Shock Fields, or Assist Skills. Final Damage and Attack Power increase ends when this skill ends. Doubletime and Immune Barrier lasts for their maximum duration. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: Time Force Cost: 30, Duration: 42 seconds. When Doubletime stacks, next single attack gains Final Damage +17% and Attack Power +85. Cooldown: 240 seconds.


    • Blessing of Grandis: The goddess of Grandis has a different appearance for each of her child races, and so she grants a different blessing to each race. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: HP cost: 800, Duration: 40 seconds. Cooldown: 240 seconds.
        • Nova: Damage: 30%, Knockback Resistance: 100%. Skill has 52% chance to not have cooldowns, up to 5 times.
          • Kaiser receives an additional 10% damage increase for each Morph Gauge Stage.
        • Flora: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +85. Excluding weapon, 90% of equipment’s Weapon ATT/Magic ATT, whichever stat your class doesn’t use, is converted to the one used by your class. This does not apply to set effects. Converted bonus cannot exceed 150% of your weapon’s base Weapon ATT/Magic ATT.
        • Anima: Talisman and Scroll Energy Charge: 37%, Damage: 35%, Knockback Resistance: 100%.

    The Demon/Kinesis

    • Otherworld Goddess’s Blessing: The goddess of the Otherworld does whatever she wants and periodically gives a blessing of a different type. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: HP Cost: 5% of Max HP, Final Damage: 10%, Duration: 40 seconds. Periodically casts various blessings or attacks. Previous blessings disappear upon casting a new blessing. Cooldown: 120 seconds.
        • Blessing of Recovery: Restores 27% of character’s max DF/PP/HP. Heals through status effect that prevent health recovery.
        • Aegis Blessing: Reduce damage taken by 70%. Triggers once, includes damage proportional to Max HP.
        • Blessing of Fortitude: Ignores one debilitating status effect.
        • Otherworldly Void: Damage: 2400%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 12.


    • Princess Sakuno’s Blessing: The blessing of Princess Sakuno will protect you from abnormal status effects and increase your final damage. Max Level 25.
      • Lv. 25: HP Cost: 1000, Final Damage: 13%, Duration: 45 seconds. Periodically Bonus Final Damage will increase by 3%. Princess Sakuno's Blessing will increase final damage by up to 48%. While skill is active, 1 debilitating abnormal status attack will be ignored. Cooldown: 240 seconds.
    Better Maple Updates

    • Since it was difficult to compare damage when multiple rings or pendants were equipped, damage comparison with equipment in other slots can now be done by clicking the mouse wheel.
    • Number of available upgrades that can be restored using Clean Slate Scroll will be displayed on the equipment tooltip.
    • Position of the number of available upgrades and 'Golden Hammer Refinement Applied' has been adjusted to make it easier to be seen at a glance.
    • Hotkeys can now be removed using right-click.
    • V Matrix UI will no longer open if the hotkey setting UI is open.
    • You will now be required to enter a PIC in order to open the V Matrix UI from V Node Master to safely store the Nodes.
    • In order to prevent accidentally disassembling the enhanced Nodes, another notification pop-up will be displayed when disassembling them.
    • In order to avoid mistakes when disassembling Nodes, the 'new Node obtained' effect will disappear when clicked.
    • 5th Job advancement skill tooltip will now display the next master level that it will reach through V Matrix Slot enhancement.
    • In order to reduce mistakes during Star Force enhancements, once you have checked the safeguard box, it will remain checked even after your enhancement ends.
    • You can now move from the Dream Defender entry map using Return Scroll - Nearest Town or Maple Guide.
    • A guide quest has been added for the Dream Defender ranking rewards.
    • If 18 players have gathered for boss Ursus, the match button will be deactivated to avoid being matched by mistake.
    • Lures in Torrent Zone will now be replaced with Runes.
    • EXP earned from completing Fritto missions has been increased in hunting maps for Lv.120 and above.
    • Difficulty of Fritto's Egg Stealing missions has been lowered.
    • Pets can no longer be used during Flag Race to avoid confusion and to make it a fair match.
    • When setting Potential for an item, the remaining number of cubes will be displayed on the UI.
    • If the rank increased while setting Potential, 'Again' button will be deactivated to avoid mistakes.
    • Pet potion recharge skill can now be set even when hit by monsters.
    • An option has been added to the Auction House to show search results with items that exactly match the keywords first.
    • Items that cannot be purchased more than one in quantity will no longer inquire about the quantity when making the purchase.
    • Buy Back tab guide information will be fixed to be more detailed in NPC shops.
    • When entering ‘Next’ on dialogue windows in certain content or when rescuing other characters in Boss Ursus, you can now use your NPC/Harvest key instead of the fixed Space key.
    • Item tooltip in Reboot world will be improved to display tradability in accordance with the actual tradability.
    • When canceling the use of Hyper Teleport Rock on the world map, navigation will now appear.
    • When selecting the menu to restore your Soul Weapon to the original one from the Mysterious Magician, the notice in regards to resetting the Soul Weapon has been improved.
    • Sort function has been added to the Cash Inventory and you can now search using single letters. When you search with single letters, search will only be done using item names.
    • Once the Safety Charm item in your possession expires, a notification window will now pop-up with purchase instructions.
    • You can now place some of your cash items on the quick slot, and consume them using hotkeys.
    • Image of the android currently in use will now be displayed when using the Android Shop.
    • Untradable cash items will now have "untradable" displayed in their tooltip.
    • Color choices from the VIP Hair Color Coupons will now be the same in all towns.
    • Following content medals can now be registered:
      • New Collector
      • Renowned Collector
      • Amazing Collector
      • Master Collector
      • Legendary Collector
      • Guardian of the Five Elements
    • Gift Drop will display up to 30 gifts again, sorted by expiration date.
    • Friend list has been expanded from 100 to 200.
      • Expanding 5 slots from the first 100 will cost 50k mesos.
      • Expanding 5 slots from 101 to 200 will cost 1 million mesos.
    • Storage Slot Expansion Coupon has been added to the Maple Rewards Shop.
    Growth Improvements

    • EXP requirement for Lv. 220 to Lv. 234 reduced by 25%.
    • Arcane River Express Pass added.
      • You can use Maple Points to automatically complete Arcane River dailies to receive their rewards.
    • Additional Daily Quests for Chu Chu Island, Lachelein, and Arcana added.
      • Chu Chu Island: Talk to Master Lyck to receive new daily quests.
      • Lachelein: Talk to Gray Mask to receive new daily quests.
      • Arcana: Talk to Tree Spirits to receive new daily quests.
    • Explorer Link Skills added.
      • Warrior (Hero/Paladin/Dark Knight)
        • Invincible Belief: Muster your faith in the darkest of times to recover health. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 3 times, once for each unique Explorer Warrior character you have in the world.
          • Max Level: Automatically activates when your health falls to 15% of your Max HP or below. Restores 35% of Max HP every 1 second for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 210 seconds.
      • Magician (Fire&Poison/Ice&Lightning/Bishop)
        • Empirical Knowledge: Your studious efforts in researching and identifying enemy weaknesses have increased your ability to single out enemies and tear through their defenses, dealing increased damage. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 3 times, once for each unique Explorer Magician character you have in the world.
          • Max Level: When attacking, has a 25% chance to identify the weakness of enemy with highest Max HP, granting you the following bonuses against them:
            Damage per stack: 3, Enemy Defense Ignored per stack: +3%, Effect Duration: 10 seconds.
      • Bowman (Bow Master/Marksman/Pathfinder)
        • Adventurer’s Curiosity: Your curiosity and attention to detail grants you a bonus to Critical Rate and the chance of adding monsters to your Monster Collection. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 3 times, once for each unique Explorer Bowman character you have in the world.
          • Max Level: Chance to add monsters to Monster Collection: + 35%, Critical Rate: +10%.
      • Thief (Night Lord/Shadower/Dual Blade)
        • Thief’s Cunning: Your cunning and training allow you to take full advantage of a weakened opponent. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 3 times, once for each unique Explorer Thief character you have in the world.
          • Max Level: Upon debuffing enemies, Damage: + 18%, Duration: 10 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
      • Pirate (Buccaneer/Corsair/Cannoneer)
        • Pirate Blessing: Your piratical tenacity instills you with the boons of damage reduction and improved stats. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 3 times, once for each unique Explorer Pirate character you have in the world.
          • Max Level: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +70, MaxHP/MaxMP: +1225, Damage Absorption: 15%. Cooldown: 5 seconds.
    • Cygnus Knight Link Skill effect changed.
      • Cygnus Blessing: Blessings from an awakened Empress Cygnus protect you from harm. This Link Skill can be stacked up to 5 times, once for each unique Cygnus Knights character you have in the world.
        • Max Level: Weapon ATT/Magic ATT: +25, Abnormal Status Resistance: + 15, All Elemental Resistance: +15%.
    • Daily transfer count limit for Link Skills increased from 1 to 2 times per day.
    • Level requirements for skills when using Mastery Book removed.
    • 1st to 4th Job skill master level adjusted.
      • Adjusted the master level for some skills so there will no longer be remaining Skill Points or be short on Skill Points.
      • For jobs that had their master level adjusted, Skill Points have been partially reset only to make up for the differences.
      • Skill effects for when the skill is mastered remain the same.
      • Additional Skill Points have been distributed to Cygnus Knights jobs.
    • Efficiency for certain Hunting Zones has been improved.
      • Certain maps turned into Star Force maps, have increased monster spawn rate, removed and added platforms and more.
    • Party Play Zone turned into Star Force maps.
      • Swarm Habitat 3
        • Changed to Star Force portal.
        • General Hornet monsters placed.
      • Swarm Stronghold
        • Changed to Star Force portal.
        • Unified monster levels to Lv. 159.
      • Fixed so that the quest information and dialogue are smooth for '[Stone Colossus] Royale with Jelly' and '[Stone Colossus] You Jelly' quests.
    • Party Play Zone 2 has been removed.
      • Reduced remaining stats on monsters in Guardsman Crossway.
    Content Changes

    • Alishan has been removed.
      • Dimensional Gate and relevant quests have been removed.
    • Twisted Aquarium has been removed.
      • Dimensional Gate and relevant quests have been removed.
    • Time Capsule Event quests have been removed.
    • Items added to Evolving Room Coin Shop’s Vendor-C2.
      • Mastery Book 20: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
      • Mastery Book 30: 75 Coins. Untradeable.
      • Spell Trace: 15 Coins. Untradeable.
      • Evolving Infinite Magic Arrows: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats Attack Power +2.
      • Evolving Carte Dernier: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats Attack Power +2.
      • Evolving Karma Orb: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats Magic Attack +2.
      • Evolving Nova Truth Essence: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Untradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, Attack Power +2, Defense +30.
      • Evolving Green Soul Ring: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Untradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, MaxHP +900, Attack Power +2, Defense +300.
      • Evolving Eternal Magnum: 400 Coins. Untradeable. Grants stats DEX +10, Attack Power +2.
      • Evolving Octo Core Controller: 400 Coins. Untradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +2, MaxHP +900, MaxMP + 500, Attack Power +2, Defense +380.
      • Evolving Golden Fox Marble: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX +10, Attack Power +5.
      • Evolving Queen Chess Piece: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats INT/LUK +10, Magic Attack +5.
      • Evolving Transmitter Type-A: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats DEX/LUK +10, Attack Power +5.
      • Evolving Glory Lucent Wings: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats INT/LUK +10, Magic Attack+5.
      • Evolving Ultimate Path: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX +10, Attack Power +5.
      • Evolving Perfect Relic: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats STR/DEX +10, Attack Power +5.
      • Evolving Moonstone Fan Tassel: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats DEX/LUK +10, Attack Power +5.
      • Evolving Fire Phoenix Blade: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats STR +4, Attack Power +4.
      • Evolving Mother Nature Whisper: 400 Coins. 70,000 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats INT/LUK +10, Magic Attack +7.
      • Silver Scissors of Karma: 20,000,000 mesos. Tradeable.
      • Subi Throwing Stars: 500 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats Attack Power +15.
      • Bullets: 600 mesos. Tradeable. Grants stats Attack Power +10.
    System Changes

    • Login process has been updated.
      • Loading screen has been removed.
      • You will now be asked to enter your PIC upon clicking the 'Create Character' button before selecting jobs.
      • Upon character creation, you will now automatically enter the game on the newly created character.
    • Client loading time has been reduced.
    • Bishop's Genesis icon has been changed.
    • Mihile will no longer be able to sit on chairs or mounts while using Shield of Light.
    • If Kaiser goes into abnormal status while in Final Form, this abnormal status will be removed, and they will go back into Final Form.
    • Duration will now be applied a bit more precisely for Ethereal Form, an all-Magician skill.
    • If Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) has not learned Teleport Mastery, they can no longer activate Teleport Mastery - Range.
    • When Shade receives the spirit from Moonbeam, Spirit Affinity, a skill that's unique to the Anima, will be obtained.
    • Cadena's Muscle Memory will now be protected by Buff Freezer.
    • MP, Demon Fury, Time Force, and Psychic Points can be recovered even during a status that prevents you from recovering.
    • Image will turn based on the direction of Wild Hunter's Primal Grenade.
    • The time it takes for the magma to occur after Kaiser's Bladefall lands has been applied to be more accurate.
    • The description of Zero's Rolling Assault regarding the number of blades when it triggers as an Assist has been changed to match the current logic.
    • If you change maps while a skill that changes the map background is in use, the map background will only change if the casted skill can be used in the new map.
    • Some of the hair names have changed.
      • Some hairstyles that don't have the color name or are not in the "color + hair name" format will be changed to the "color + hair name" format.
    • The cash equipment item, Pink Bean Buddy, can be equipped over any weapon.
    • Long names of hairstyles will display properly at character creation.
    • Transparency is applied to the UI when in combat state and removed when out of combat state.
    • In order to shorten the equipment tooltip by reducing duplicate information, the "Can be enhanced up to N Star." description has been removed.
    • The tooltip of the equipped equipment is also displayed when using item link.
    • When Von Bon dies in the Chaos Von Bon boss fight, the falling clock springs disappear.
    • The portal to the Inferno Wolf's Den won't appear if the daily limit to defeat the Inferno Wolf was reached.
    • Changes have been made to Black Heaven's pulverizer mini-game to prevent Dark Knight from activating Final Pact.
    • Some Tower of Oz rings will consume HP upon skill use.
      • Ring of Restraint
      • Ultimatum Ring
      • Limit Ring
      • Health Cut Ring
      • Mana Cut Ring
      • Durability Ring
      • Critical Damage Ring
      • Critical Defense Ring
      • Critical Shift Ring
      • Stance Shift Ring
      • Totalling Ring
      • Level Jump S Ring
      • Level Jump D Ring
      • Level Jump I Ring
      • Level Jump L Ring
      • Weapon Jump S Ring
      • Weapon Jump D Ring
      • Weapon Jump I Ring
      • Weapon Jump L Ring
      • Swift Ring
      • Overdrive Ring
      • Berserker Ring
      • Reflective Ring
      • Cleansing Ring
      • Risk Taker Ring
    • Ring of Restraint has been changed to create an area, and give Attack Power and Magic ATT increase only when inside the area. The area disappears when you leave it.
    • Mounts can be used in Heliseum Heights Entry.
    • Number of maximum character slots has been increased by 1.
    • When feeding the Item Pot, confirmation pop-ups will now be displayed for all items to avoid mistakes.
    • You will now be able to use the Soul Weapon UI even without having equipped the Soul Weapon equipment.
    • Story quest completion achievement has now been added for Pathfinder.
    • Some of the contents will now be categorized as Special instead of Party Quests in Maple Guide.
      • Hungry Muto
      • Dream Defender
      • Spirit Savior
      • Erda Spectrum
    • A window to skip the cutscene will now be displayed if the video is not playing for a long time.
    • Lv. 10 and 30 Chain and Lucent Gauntlets will now be sold from Savage Terminal's General Store.
    • Sack items that summon monsters can't be used in the Flag Race content.
    • Haven's Three-Hands sells arrows in bundles.
    • Lucida poison nullification changed to reduction.
    • Donations for the Donation King medal can't be made between the end of every month at 23:30 and the first day of the next month at 00:30 due to calculations.
    • Max level of the dummy summoned from the Dummy Summoning Sack is Lv. 275.
    • In order to distinguish from the Etc item 'Dinodon Fang', icon for the quest item 'Dinodon Sharp Fangs' has been changed.
    • The medal name is displayed in the medal quest name for Ursus.
    • Alcaster's Crystal quest has been changed to also be accepted via NPC Murt in Gardener's Spot.
    • The Horizon Portal won't be visible to characters that are either doing or didn't complete the 5th Job advancement quest.
    • Mystery Mixed Eye Color Coupon has been added.
      • Using the Mystery Mixed Eye Color Coupon will change the character's eyes to a special color that is an exquisite mixture of two colors of your choice.
    • The coupon redemption button will now become available for Reboot world for future event coupons. Marvel Machine coupons cannot be redeemed using this feature.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where Maple Rewards Shop purchase limit quantity was applied by region rather than by world.
    • Fixed an error where the Attack Speed increase effect was not applied to basic attack and some skills.
    • Fixed an error where Wind Energy and Master Thief Marks would disappear for Wind Archer's Howling Gale and Phantom's Phantom's Mark when reviving after using Buff Freezer.
    • Fixed an error where if Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) repeatedly turns the Absolute Zero Aura on and off, the Freeze would stack all at once.
    • Fixed an error where if Pathfinder uses Cardinal Torrent while having learned the 5th Job common skill 'Blink', the client would crash.
    • Fixed an error where Blaze Wizard could not summon the Flame Fox in the air with Fires of Creation.
    • Fixed an error where only 1 Wind Energy would be used if Wind Archer uses Howling Gale after adding it to the macro.
    • Fixed an error where Night Walker would be hit with attack reflection after Darkness Ascending has been activated.
    • Fixed an error where Shade's Fox Spirits would attack ally NPCs.
    • Fixed an error where Aura Wave wouldn't be activated when Blaster uses Gatling Punch with the Weapon Aura applied.
    • Fixed an error where the skill effect transparency would be applied to the crystal that Illium summons after falling into the rapids in Hungry Muto.
    • Fixed an error where Node description wasn't being displayed when creating Skill Node on V Matrix.
    • Fixed an error where at least 1 damage would be applied for some skills even with the protective shield formed around boss monsters.
    • Fixed an error where damage would be applied at times even though 'miss' is displayed when the player attacks while their summoning skills are sealed.
    • Fixed an error where players would be hit with Lucid Phase 1's teleport pattern while using an invincible skill.
    • Fixed an error where the Link Skill from previous jobs would remain after Explorer has proceeded with open advancement.
    • Fixed an error where cooldown for Devious Nightmare wouldn't be displayed on the buff window for Shade's True Spirit Claw, Kaiser's Dragon Slash, Illium's Reaction, and Ark's Spectra Fatigue.
    • Fixed an error where final damage increase due to Boost Node of the skill used on Weapon Aura's wave damage (an all-Warrior skill) wouldn't be applied.
    • Fixed an error where Venom Burst, an all-Thief skill, would not be applied to flying monsters.
    • Fixed an error with Bishop's Genesis description to match the current logic, and automatic maximum charge effect buff for Big Bang will now be displayed on the buff window.
    • Fixed an error where MP could be recovered with Bishop's Benediction even when in a state where you cannot recover.
    • Fixed an error where Toxic Venom would be applied even when the Explorer Thief had not learned Venom.
    • Fixed an error where level-up attack wouldn't be applied when Wind Archer levels up while using Sentient Arrow and Song of Heaven.
    • Fixed an error where the illustration would be displayed with an incorrect gender when Orbital Cataclysm is activated with Xenon placed on the Legion Raid.
    • Fixed an error where Kaiser's Morph Gauge would be reset when reviving after death from Hard Hilla's vampire pattern.
    • Fixed an error where cooldown would be applied to Zero's Twin Blades of Time when entering Ursus fight.
    • Fixed an issue where the guild skill, On My Way, couldn't be used.
    • Fixed an issue where pet can't use potions while some linked skills are in use.
    • Fixed an issue where a minion that does a continuous attack after you do a specific action will trigger the attack before the action is finished. The power of skills that had their attack time shortened due to the action will be made similar to their original power. The following are the affected skills.
      • The attack interval of Elemental Fury used by Arch Mage (Fire, Poison) is 17% faster compared to before.
      • The attack duration of Radiant Evil used by Dark Knight increased by 5% and starts attacking faster.
      • The attack interval of Elemental Radiance used by Evan is 17% faster compared to before.
      • The attack interval of Spirit Frenzy cast by the Spirit Guardian while Shade is using Spirit Bond Max is 25% faster compared to before.
      • The attack count of Shiny Bubble Breath cast by Mighty Mascot used by Angelic Buster increased from 7 to 8.
    • Fixed an issue where Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Ignite and Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning)'s Chilling Step could attack objects that can only be attacked with a regular attack.
    • Fixed an issue where the cooldown of Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Poison Nova would sometimes not get applied.
    • Fixed an issue where Arch Mage (Fire, Poison)'s Elemental Fury could be used while you're hanging onto a rope or ladder.
    • Fixed an issue where abnormal status is removed when Bishop receives buff while Righteously Indignant during Angel of Balance.
    • Fixed an issue where the effect of Hammers of the Righteous isn't displayed properly when Paladin revives after dying on a certain map.
    • Fixed an issue where the buff duration of Cross Surge used by Dark Knight isn't displayed properly.
    • Fixed an issue where Marksman can't use Erdas Shower while charging Surge Bolt.
    • Fixed an issue where the set-up skill disappears if Night Lord uses Frailty Curse in a place with set-up skill.
    • Fixed an issue where the effect of Mihile's Soul Link isn't displayed properly.
    • Fixed an issue where Evan's Wyrmking's Breath can't be used in maps where movement skills can't be used.
    • Fixed an issue where only the face is shown in the air when Mercedes uses Wrath of Enlil while Sylvidia's Flight is in use.
    • Fixed an issue where the charging gets interrupted from patterns like petrification while Xenon is charging Omega Blaster.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes an explosion wouldn't occur when Cadena attacks after using Veteran Shadowdealer in Hard Lucid fight.
    • Fixed an issue where Cadena's Summon Shotgun could attack the Erda Cluster in Erda Spectrum.
    • Fixed an issue where the client shuts down when Ark uses Blissful Restraint on a certain monster.
    • Fixed an issue where, when changing the resolution during the screen effect that shows Ark doesn't have enough Spectra, it displayed the screen effect from before the resolution change.
    • Fixed an issue where the Item EXP of Arcane Symbol linked in the chat window will sometimes display wrong.
    • Fixed an issue where the request to make another player an account-wide friend is processed even though the friend request has not been accepted.
    • Fixed an issue where items that are intended to be tradable once (and untradable after transferring) within the account in Reboot world were able to be traded without limit.
    • Fixed an issue with locked inventory slots looking as if they are unlocked upon using the Storage Room.
    • Fixed an issue where the Boss Matchmaking List won't close if you enter the Cygnus or Magnus fights while you applied to the Boss Matchmaking List.
    • Fixed an issue with a message appearing for Lotus boss fight saying that you already cleared it for the week if you're either not in a party or if you attempt to enter again after entering for the day.
    • Fixed an issue where some ropes looked broken in Labyrinth of Suffering Core 6.
    • Fixed an issue where Pathfinder couldn't complete the Maple Achievement <Explorer Book Chapter 1>.
    • Fixed an issue with Neinheart's awkward way of speaking when Mihile does the [Theme Dungeon] Ellinel Fairy Academy quest.
    • Fixed an issue with abnormal EXP from the Snowman appearing in Pollo's Prankster Stormwing.
    • Fixed an issue with Messenger of Darkness not appearing for a long time after disappearing from using a skill.
    • Fixed an issue where items not in your level range dropping in Tenebris, Labyrinth of Suffering, and Limina.
    • Fixed an issue with Red Sand Crystal being created on the 29th floor of the Tower of Oz even though you don't have Red Sand Powder (x10).
    • Fixed an issue where Tower of Oz rings listed MP cost in the tooltip description even though there is no cost upon activation.
      • Crisis H Ring
      • Crisis M Ring
      • Crisis HM Ring
      • Clean Stance Ring
      • Clean Defense Ring
    • Fixed an issue where Ring of Restraint couldn't be exchanged via trade.
    • Fixed an issue where the message didn't appear when you reached the limit of Maple Reward Points that can be accrued.
    • Fixed an issue where the rankings for Dream Defender and Legion weren't properly displayed.
    • Fixed an issue where the enemy with attack reflection receives damage from the attack that is made from leveling up.
    • Fixed an issue where Evan's Support Jump can be assigned to a hotkey.
    • Fixed an issue where the cooldown of Blaster's Gatling Punch isn't applied properly in the hotkey window.
    • Fixed an issue where the sound effect doesn't end when Angelic Buster uses Shiny Bubble Breath with Mighty Mascot.
    • Fixed an issue where Kinesis could use Kinetic Jaunt while immobilized such as stun.
    • Fixed an issue where a Node could be equipped/unequipped by dragging in V Matrix during battle.
    • Fixed an issue where Hekaton's screen reverse pattern didn't go away.
    • Fixed an issue with matches that aren't exactly getting searched when you search for a word with spaces and upper/lower cases after checking the Exact Match function in Maple Auction.
    • Fixed an issue where searching in Auction House by selecting some secondary weapons from the dropdown box on the left resulted in no search results.
    • Fixed an issue where the waiting time after clearing each floor in Mu Lung Dojo is sometimes less than 10 sec.
    • Fixed an issue where the Snail pet sometimes remained for a long time after its magic duration ended while in use.
    • Fixed an issue where the contents of the item tooltip didn't refresh properly if it changed at the edge of the screen.
    • Fixed an issue where Wild Hunter sometimes couldn't use another skill after using Call of the Hunter.
    • Fixed an issue where ‘untradable’ wasn't displayed in the pet tooltip in the Cash Shop.
    • Fixed an issue where Illium couldn't progress in the game for completing the Job story quest without advancing to 2nd Job.
    • Fixed an error were Potential of additional pendant slots wouldn't be applied.
    • Fixed an error where the monster wave wouldn't proceed at times during Pollo's Guard the Castle Gates mission.
    • Fixed an error where the effect of summoned Archangel's blessing would appear awkward when using a Force Training skill or sitting on a particular chair, with the Angelic Blessing equipment items equipped.
    • Fixed an error of EXP ceasing to be obtained before the 8 hours or EXP being obtained after the 8 hours when proceeding with mock combat with the Force Training skill.
    • Fixed an error where if Zero moved maps after opening the bookshelf in Zero's Temple, the UI wouldn't close.
    • Fixed an error where Kupo's Ride, which can be done from Theme Dungeon Stone Colossus, will sometimes not proceed normally.
    • Fixed an error where the 'Go Back' button would temporarily be gone on character selection screen after resetting the PIC.
    • Fixed an issue where Lv. 140+ monsters sometimes dropped Lv. 130 equipment.
    • Fixed an issue where the Katara's effect is applied when Dual Blade equips a Katara and open advances.
    • Fixed an issue where characters, other than Xenon, couldn't equip or replace the Android heart by double-clicking while Emblem isn't equipped.
    • Fixed an issue where the position of some UI is reset even though they are all visible on the screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the actual order of monsters and the order shown on the UI in Monster Life is sometimes different.
    • Fixed an issue where you can't combine even though you go to a different Farm and Charge Essence after using up your combinations in Monster Life.
    • Fixed an issue where the monsters appearing in Swarm Stronghold don't drop mesos.
    • Fixed an issue where General Hornet isn't attacked during hit animation.
    • Fixed an issue where Star Force shield effect always appeared when another character hits monsters in Star Force Hunting Zones.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes you would exit immediately after entering Pollo and Fritto content.
    • Fixed an issue where the Pendant of the Spirit buff icon won't disappear if it expires while you have it equipped and change channels.
    • Fixed an issue where the tradeability of consumable items is shown on some buff icons when used.
    • Fixed an issue where the Android sometimes can't follow the character properly.
    • Fixed an issue where the weapon appears in front of the character when Farmer's Glorious Egg Stick is equipped and you are hanging onto a rope or ladder.
    • Fixed an issue where the mix dye of Round Cropped Bob looked awkward when lying face down.
    • Fixed an issue where some actions of the Vine Shark weapon overlapped with Camelia Tea Time.
    • Fixed an issue where several of the same item would sometimes appear in Angelic Buster's Character Info window.
    • Fixed an issue where using the Appraisal Magnifying Glass would sometimes not use it but use up mesos.
    • Fixed an issue where the previous tooltip would sometimes remain after resetting the Ability.
    • Fixed an issue where the client could sometimes close when the character dies.
    • Fixed an issue where the area created with the Ring of Restraint didn't disappear after switching to a different Tower of Oz ring.
    • Fixed an issue where the afterimage of the skill effect would sometimes remain after Buccaneer uses a skill.
    • Fixed an issue where Dawn Warrior could use Equinox Cycle while either Falling Moon or Rising Sun isn't learned.
    • Fixed an issue where Angelic Buster could enable Soul Seeker Expert while Soul Seeker isn't learned.
    • Fixed an issue where the skill wouldn't activate even though Kinesis used Kinetic Jaunt while using a skill.
    • Fixed an issue where the number of attacks for Abyssal Recall used by Ark was reduced.
    • Fixed an issue where the altar can't be used in Damien fight.
    • Fixed an issue where the damage of the first attack isn't applied when Blaster uses Gatling Punch.
    • Fixed an error with wrong display of the bag item's icon regardless of whether it can be used or not.
    • Fixed an error where Kinesis's character perspective would be fixed and wouldn't move after completing the 'Sinkhole Sunk'.
    • Fixed an error where the incorrect participation level would be displayed for Kinesis during the quests for some contents.
    • Fixed an error where unnecessary sound would be heard while proceeding with Tutorial for Cygnus Knights.
    • Fixed an error where enabling navigation on the Sky Road Cloud Park would lead to the Old Man's House.
    • Fixed an error where the Tenebris daily quests would not be removed from the notifier.
    • Fixed an error where the portal image on the left of Frozen Temple of Time was floating from the ground.
    • Fixed an error where entering Nameless Town from a particular situation would result in a crash.
    • Fixed an error where if another character is jumping from a moving platform like in the Torrent Zone, it appeared as if they were jumping while lying down.
    • Fixed an error where pets would have shaking motions when moving.
    • Fixed an error where the Flower Fairy effect wouldn't be visible with some motions.
    • Fixed an error where the mix dye for Super Diva would appear awkward when lying face down.
    • Fixed an error where socks for Preppy Suspenders wouldn't be visible when lying face down.
    • Fixed an error where walking motion with Mu Young's sword was awkward with the gun weapon equipped.
    • Fixed an error where some expressions on the Elf King Face (M) were slightly out of place.
    • Fixed an issue where the wrong NPC image would be in the dialogue window when Illium does the "Maple World at Last" quest.
    • Fixed an issue where Demon Slayer or Demon Avenger sometimes couldn't complete the 3rd and 4th Job advancement quests properly.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes you couldn't move when a movement skill is used at the end of the map in Ellinel Fairy Academy - Above the Lake 3.
    • Fixed an issue where Partem's Forest of Pudgy Flowers is counted as a town.
    • Fixed an issue where some contents involving monsters near your level couldn't be done in the Battlefield of Fire and Water map.
    • Fixed an issue where some of the map backgrounds in Scrapyard looked awkward.
    • Fixed an issue where the tradeability of an item will only be displayed by moving it from the Cash Inventory to your inventory, and then back into the Cash Inventory.
    • Fixed an issue where Nova Guardians sometimes isn't summoned when Kaiser uses it on a terrain with little platform.

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • The Black Mage was defeated, ending the centuries-old battle for survival. What happened to the heroes after the war?
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Aftermath’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen to see the story of the heroes.
    • We have prepared a special, exclusive story for the respective jobs. Some celebrate the victory while others mourn for those lost in the war.
    • It’s your time to explore them all to see what they have been going through after the long war with the Black Mage.
    Glory Pre-registration

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - December 3 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Glory is here and you can simply complete an in-game quest to pre-register and receive rewards!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Aftermath’ quest during the Glory Pre-registration event period. Upon completing the quest, you will be automatically pre-registered!
    • Glory pre-registration reward can only be claimed from the world you have completed the quest from.
    • Reward can be claimed once per account.
    • Glory pre-registration reward can be claimed in game on December 4 at 12:00 AM UTC and available until December 17 at 11:59 PM UTC.


    • Glory Guard Pre-registration Box: Box duration lasts until December 17 at 11:59 PM UTC. Open to receive the following rewards:
      • VIP Royal Hair Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Double-click in your inventory to obtain VIP Royal Hair Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. You can select 1 of the VIP Royal Hair options listed here.
      • VIP Royal Face Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Double-click in your inventory to obtain VIP Royal Face Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. You can select 1 of the VIP Royal Face options listed here.
    • You will receive the following rewards in the relevant world if you achieved at least the rank of Warrior during the last Black Mage Alliance event:
      • Glory Guard Money Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. You will receive 1 of the following at random:
        • Manji Coin: Untradeable. Use to receive 10 million mesos.
        • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Use to receive 100 million mesos.
        • Inkwell Coin (x5): Untradeable. Use to receive 200 million mesos.
        • Inkwell Coin (x50): Untradeable. Use to receive 200 million mesos.
        • 1K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 10K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 100K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 1 Million Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Glory Coin Coupon (x2000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    Glory Guard Rank

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Join the Glory Guard and fight to rebuild Maple World and keep it safe!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Aftermath’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen to receive a Glory Guard Rank.
    • Players will start at Scout rank and can rank up to Sentinel, Guardian, Master, Commander, and Justicar. Each Glory Guard rank unlocks at an appointed date listed below. Players can rank up once a day.
    • Each rank has a specific quest completion requirement to gain access to the rank up.
    • Once the rank is unlocked and the required quest is completed, players can use Glory Coins to rank up by talking to Cygnus who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost.
    • Each time you rank up, you will receive a Special Supply Box as a celebration of your achievement! You will also unlock additional items in the Alliance Supply Depot, improve your Glory Guard Power skill, and earn an increased Glory Coin daily capacity.
    • Your rank will be displayed on the left side of your in-game character name.
    • Glory Guard rank is shared within the characters in the same world.
    • Glory Guard Power Skill can be used until January 28, 2020 at 11:59 PM UTC.

    Glory Guard Ranks:

    • Scout: Available November 20 (after maintenance)
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 15,000
    • Sentinel: Available December 4 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 300 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 20,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%.
    • Guardian: Available December 18 (after maintenance)
      • Upgrade Cost: 800 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 25,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000.
    • Master: Available January 1 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 1500 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 30,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%.
    • Commander: Available January 8 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 2000 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 40,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%.
    • Justicar: Available January 15 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 3000 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 60,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%, Critical Damage +10%.

    Rank Up Rewards:

    • Special Supply Box: Sentinel: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ceremonial Sword Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Hat Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Uniform Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Cape Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Golden Emblem Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent.
    • Special Supply Box: Guardian: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Guardian Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Guardian: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Level requirement 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x30): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Nodestone (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Supply Box: Master: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Master Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Master: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Grants stats Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • Red Cube (x5): Untradeable.
      • Bonus Occult Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
      • Master Craftsman’s Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Special Supply Box: Commander: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Commander Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Commander: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Level requirement 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • 5,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Double-click in the inventory to obtain 100 Million Mesos.
    • Special Supply Box: Justicar: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Level requirement 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +40, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000.
      • 10,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Inkwell Coin: Untradeable. Double-click in the inventory to obtain 200 Million Mesos.


    Drill Hall

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Your Glory Guard Rank must be at least 'Sentinel'.

    • Drill Hall is here to assist with your Glory Guard training!
    • The entrance portal to Drill Hall is located on the Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • You can select to obtain either EXP or Glory Points by using a rank-specific skill in the Drill Hall!
    • Glory Guard Training skill can be found in your character's Beginner skill tab.
    • EXP option is only available to characters that are Lv. 105 and above.
    • You can enter the Drill Hall upon reaching Sentinel rank.
    • If you have obtained your coin capacity of the day, you will no longer earn Glory Points.
    • EXP can only be acquired up to 8 hours per day.


    • EXP
    • Glory Coins
    Glory 2x EXP & Drop

    UTC: November 29 at 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    UTC: November 30 at 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM

    • We are running a 2x EXP & Drop event to celebrate Glory!
    • Please note that this event will stack with 2x EXP and 2x Drop Coupons, so you can earn 4x EXP and 4x Drop during the times listed above.
    • Look out for a scrolling 2x EXP & Drop announcement or the left side of your screen for the 2x EXP & Drop icon.
    • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.

    UTC: December 4th at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    • A new threat is approaching Maple World and Neinheart is asking for your assistance!
    • Accept ‘[Convergence] The Spider Lives’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen.
    • What could this new threat be? A Black Mage Commander was recently captured. Follow Neinheart and chase Grendel the Really Old with Lily and Elwin to discover the truth behind the Transcendents.
    • Learn more about the Black Mage, Transcendents, and the connection between Grandis and Maple World through Convergence!
    Basic Mission: Neinheart's Request

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - December 3 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Glory Guard missions have begun! To start off, Neinheart has a special request for you to fulfill.
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Neinheart’s Request’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen to obtain Neinheart’s Messaging Marble quest item.
    • Use Neinheart’s Messaging Marble item in a field with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) for monsters to start dropping Lost Supplies. Upon using the item, Neinheart's Dropship appears along with the Supplies gauge UI.
    • You must obtain the Lost Supplies by defeating monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above). The Lost Supplies will automatically be transferred when all have been gathered.
    • Lost Supplies can be transferred up to a total of 10 stages. The more stages you clear, the more Glory Points you will receive.
    • Each time you fill the Supply gauge UI, Neinheart will call down a dropship to attack enemies, carry off the collected supplies, and award you with Glory Points.


    • Glory Coins
    Basic Mission: Shattered Dimensions

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - December 17 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Basic missions are not over just yet! Help defeat the Specter monsters summoned from the Dimensional Rift!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Shattered Dimensions’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Neinheart, who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost map. Upon accepting the quest, you will have access to the Riftbringer skill in your Beginner skill tab.
    • The skill will automatically activate when you enter a field with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
    • When you defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) while Riftbringer skill is active, you have a chance to receive Dimensional Energy. The obtained Dimensional Energy will automatically be stored in the Riftbringer.
    • Stored Dimensional Energy amount will be kept even upon logging out.
    • When Riftbringer is full of Dimensional Energy, a dimensional rift will be triggered for 100 seconds. This will summon Specter monsters in the field.
    • Defeat the Specter monsters to obtain Glory Points and additional EXP.
    • Dimensional rift disappears when either 150 Specter monsters are defeated or after 100 seconds.
    • Dimensional rift will not appear when Elite Monster, Messenger of Darkness, or Elite Boss is summoned in the field. If another character triggered the dimensional rift in the map, you must change maps to trigger it at the same time.
    • Riftbringer skill will no longer be activated when you have reached the coin capacity of the day.


    • Glory Coins
    • EXP
    Basic Mission: Unstable Barrier

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - December 17 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Go near the Unstable Barrier and help Checky nullify crystals before they explode!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Unstable Barrier’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Neinheart, who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will be moved to Near Unstable Barrier. Talk to Checky to enter the Unstable Barrier.
    • You must have a weapon and secondary weapon equipped to enter the Unstable Barrier.
    • Your mission is to ride the airship into the Unstable Barrier and nullify the two types of crystals before they explode.
    • Hold either ‘Z’ key or ‘X’ key to charge and fire 1 type of the 2 energy beams. The crystals and respective energy beams can be differentiated by their color: red or blue.
    • Target each crystal with the corresponding energy beam. Use the blue energy beam for blue crystals.
    • Holding the ‘Z’ or ‘X’ key will fill the yellow gauge displayed under your airship. The more full the gauge is, the farther your energy beam will fire when you release the key.
    • The more energy crystals you hit at once, the more points you will receive.
    • You will lose points if you hit a crystal with an energy beam of a different color.
    • When you trigger Fever Time, you can fire a purple energy beam that gives you points regardless of the crystal’s color.
    • Airship’s capabilities are upgraded each time you earn enough points in the Unstable Barrier. Airship’s flight speed and Max Gauge Slots will enhance as it rank up.
    • Basic Mission will end either after 5 minutes or if you have earned 5,000 Glory Points.
    • You may repeat the mission as many times until you reach 15,000 points daily limit. You can challenge the mission as long as you have not reached the point limit even if you have already met your daily Glory Point capacity.
    • No points or rewards will be given if you leave the mission before it has been completed.


    • Glory Coins
    Challenge Mission: Enchanted Golem Training Grounds

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - January 7 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard and have achieved ‘Scout’ rank.

    • Polish your Glory Guard skills in the Enchanted Golem Training Grounds!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Challenge Mission: Enchanted Golem Training Grounds’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Athena Pierce, who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Your goal is to defeat Enchanted Golems and Mini Golems within 2 minutes to obtain Glory Points.
    • There are a total of 10 stages, and when you defeat all the Golems in the map, you will automatically progress to the next stage.
    • Challenge mission will end when either you have cleared all 10 stages or after 2 minutes.
    • You will receive Glory Coins according to the points you earned through the challenge mission. You will be given 1 Glory Coin for every 10 points you have earned.
    • If you are not satisfied with the amount of points you have gained, you will have the option to retry the mission without receiving the rewards. You can complete the mission again anytime if you exit without receiving the rewards.
    • Rewards can be obtained once a day per world.
    • Glory Coins from the challenge mission are not affected by the daily point capacity.


    • Glory Coins
    Weekly Mission: Investigating Anomalies

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard and have achieved ‘Scout’ rank.

    • Strange anomalies are occurring throughout Maple World and Grandis, and Neinheart needs your help to investigate them!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Weekly Mission: Investigating Anomalies’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Neinheart, who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Upon completing the quest, you will gain access to the weekly mission UI. It will show the location of the dimensional rift. Click the ‘Investigation’ button to start your mission.
    • You will find a portal where a dimensional rift has been created. Enter and defeat all the monsters in the field and complete the final stage. If you succeed, you can receive the reward from the weekly mission UI.
    • Danger Zone will appear at a low chance upon selecting the mission. Danger Zone missions give 5 times the Glory Coins and EXP.
    • While progressing through the Danger Zone, there is a low chance to encounter the Disorder monster. If you defeat Disorder and complete the mission, you will obtain an additional 500 million mesos.
    • Weekly mission resets every Wednesday at 12:00 AM UTC.
    • You can investigate 30 dimensional cracks weekly per world.
    • Glory Coins from the weekly mission are not affected by the daily point capacity.


    • Glory Coins
    • EXP
    • Mesos
    Alliance Supply Depot

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to Beldar on the Maple Alliance Outpost map. Participate in Glory events to earn Glory Coins!
    • Weekly items will reset every Thursday at 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.
    • You can purchase the following items from the Alliance Supply Depot based on your Glory Guard Rank.



    • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon: 15 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Power Elixir (x100) Coupon: 5 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mastery Book 20: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Mastery Book 30: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Infinite Revitalizer: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Monster Life Gem (x7) Coupon: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Job Advancement Coin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • SP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 12 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Storage excluded.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 1500 Coins. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Chair Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Soul Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Main Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Sub Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Color Reset Coupon: 30 Coins. Untradeable.


    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon: 1000 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Ring cannot be used if Tenebris Ring is already possessed. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 1): 1000 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Ring cannot be used if Tenebris Ring is already possessed. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 2): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 3): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 4): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Enhancement Scroll: 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Cube: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can only be used for Tenebris Expedition Ring.
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Exclusive Bonus Occult: 40 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can only be used for Tenebris Expedition Ring. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 80 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Master Craftsman’s Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Nodestone: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 7. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Innocence Scroll 60%: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 60 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Reboot Meso Pouch (x10) Coupon: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Job Damage Skin Selection Box: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. You can select the desired Damage Skin by double-clicking the box in your inventory. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Glory Guard Monument Chair: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Glory Guard Mount Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.



    • Experience Nodestone: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Labyrinth Arcane Symbol Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Arcane Symbol Selector Coupons: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Trait Boost Potion Box: 600 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Trait Boost Potion: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Glory Guard Ring Cube: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world daily. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Glory Guard Ring Exclusive Bonus Occult Cube: 40 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world daily. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Prepared Pendant of the Spirit: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (30 Day): 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Chaos Circulator: 1200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Miracle Circulator Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item cannot be moved through Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 25. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Hoyoung Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Deep Forest Hermitage: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Taotie Mount Coupon: 2000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.



    • Mitra’s Cube Box: 2400 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 48-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 5 times. Open to claim Karma Meister’s Cube Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to claim Karma Meister’s Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. This cube can only be used on untradeable equipment items.
    • Red Cube (x10) Package: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim Red Cube Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to claim Red Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Cube item can be moved into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube (x10) Package: 750 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim Bonus Occult Cube: Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Special Bonus Potential Scroll: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Perfect Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable.
    • Appraisal Magnifying Glass (x100) Coupon: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Celestial Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Ash Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Dawn Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Red Flame Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.


    • Mitra’s Rebirth Flame Box: 4000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 48-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 5 times. Open to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration. This flame can only be used on untradeable equipment items.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame (x10) Package: 2500 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Eternal Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame (x10) Package: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Powerful Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Powerful Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Star Force 15 Star Enhancement: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can be used on equipment with Lv.160 or lower requirement.
    • Scroll for Pet Equipment for ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equipment for M. ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pet Equipment Stat Transfer Scroll: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Battle of Light and Lightning: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair that you can sit with your android.
    • Havoc Heavy Sword Coupon: 1500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Horn Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Uniform Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Wings Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.



    • Star Force 17 Star Enhancement: 10000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can be used on equipment with Lv.160 or lower requirement. Item cannot be used on Zero’s type 8 equipment.
    • Unique Potential Scroll 100%: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Cube (x10) Package: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Black Cube Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to obtain Black Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Black Cube item can be moved into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Black Rebirth Flame: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Typhoon Growth Potion: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
    • Serenoid Coupon: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Non-human type. Permanent Lidium Heart included.
    • Holy Sword Azor Chair: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Pegasus Mount Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.


    Tera Burning

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by characters created during the event period. (Hoyoung and Zero characters cannot participate in this event.)

    • Time to get your character to Lv. 200 fast with even more perks waiting afterwards!
    • After creating a new character, you will be given an option to give it a ‘Burning’ effect.
    • You cannot go back to give it a ‘Burning’ effect after refusing to do so during character creation.
    • You can only 'Tera Burn' 1 character per account.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 10, they will begin to earn two additional levels every time your character gains a level up to Lv. 200.
    • After your character reaches Lv. 200, you can obtain more rewards from Extreme Breakthrough event. Click here for more information.


    • Mysterious Cryptic Chest: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
      • Snail Pet: 25-hour duration.
    • Lv. 30 Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 30. Open to receive a weapon and armor set suitable for your class.
    • Legendary Cryptic Chest: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 100. Open to receive:
      • Mastery Box (x8): Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace, Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30.
      • Frozen Hat: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Cape: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7.
      • Frozen Suit: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10.
      • Frozen Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
      • Frozen Secondary Weapon Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive:
        • Frozen Secondary Weapon: Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job.
    • Root Abyss Set Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 150. Open to receive:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, 30-day duration. 12-Star Enhanced, 3 Epic Potential lines. Transfer Hammer and Scissors cannot be applied.
      • Fafnir Weapon Box (Time-Restricted): Untradeable, Time-Restricted. Item can be used until January 28 at 11:59 PM UTC.
    • Root Abyss Armor Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 180. Open to receive:
      • Root Abyss Hat: Untradeable, Permanent.
      • Root Abyss Top: Untradeable, Permanent.
      • Root Abyss Bottom: Untradeable, Permanent.
    • Fafnir Weapon Box: Untradeable. Can be opened at Lv. 200.
    • Eternal Flame Title Coupon: Title. Untradeable, stat duration lasts for 30 days. Grants durational stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, MaxHP/MaxMP +750, 10% Bonus EXP, Arcane Power +50.
    Extreme Breakthrough

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - December 17 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: This event can only be started by a character that has been ‘Tera Burned’ during the event duration. (Hoyoung and Zero characters cannot participate in this event.)

    • Time to claim more rewards on your Tera Burning character as it reaches Lv. 201 to Lv. 220!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Extreme Breakthrough Level-Up Gift Giveaway’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen to receive the reward.
    • On top of Level Up rewards, you can complete Challenge Missions to obtain even more valuable rewards every 5 levels you earn from Lv. 205 to Lv. 220!
    • Challenge Mission can be accessible by accepting ‘[Glory] The Extreme Breakthrough Challenge’ quest within the Glory icon. Upon accepting the quest, Extreme Breakthrough Challenge Mission UI will pop up. Click the ‘Attempt’ button to complete the assigned mission and click the ‘Claim Reward’ button when you have completed it to receive the reward.
    • Extreme Breakthrough event rewards can only be claimed once per account.


    • Level Up Rewards: You will receive these rewards each time you level up.
      • Lv. 201 - Lv. 210
        • Arcane Symbol: Vanishing Journey (x10): Untradeable.
        • Nodestone (x3): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 3x EXP Coupon (15 min)(x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Lv. 211 - Lv. 220
        • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Nodestone (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • 3x EXP Coupon (15 min)(x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Challenge Mission Rewards: Complete the Challenge Mission unlocked at the respective levels to receive the following rewards.
      • Lv. 205: Clear Monster Park - Vanishing Journey (x2)
        • Extreme Breakthrough Box Lv. 205: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
        • 10,000 Maple Point Gift Certificate: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Extreme Breakthrough Growth Potion: Untradeable, 60-day duration.
      • Lv. 210: Complete Chu Chu Island Story Quest
        • Extreme Breakthrough Box Lv. 210: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
        • Inkwell Coin: Untradeable. Use to obtain 200 million mesos.
      • Lv. 215: Clear Monster Park - Chu Chu Island (x2)
        • Extreme Breakthrough Box Lv. 215: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
        • 20,000 Maple Point Gift Certificate: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Lv. 220: Complete Lachelein the Dreaming City Story Quest
        • Extreme Breakthrough Box Lv. 220: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:
        • Extreme Breakthrough Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
        • Unique Emblem Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive Unique Potential Emblem for your job.
        • Inkwell Coin: Untradeable, Use to obtain 400 million mesos.
    Maple Relay

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - December 24 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Account that meets at least 1 of the following conditions:

    1. Completed Black Heaven for Lotus Boss Entry.
    2. Have at least MVP Bronze Rank.
    3. Have at least 150 total Star Force.
    • Accept ‘[Maple Relay] Play with Popoh and Get Login Rewards!’ quest within the Maple Relay icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, Maple Relay UI will pop up and login time will start to accumulate.
    • Click on the character’s face button on the minimized UI to open or close the maximized UI. You can claim the rewards on the maximized UI.
    • Reward can be claimed when the gauge reaches a full circle and the character’s face sparkles.
    • Daily rewards are checked by the login time of 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. Login time accumulates up to 180 minutes.
    • Daily rewards can be claimed up to 4 times per day.
    • Cumulative reward is given based on the total daily rewards claimed.
    • Login time accumulation is shared within account.
    • Reward can be claimed once per account.


    • Daily Reward:
      • 30 minutes
        • 100 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 60 minutes
        • 100 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 120 minutes
        • 500 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 180 minutes
        • 1,000 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
    • Cumulative Reward:
      • 12 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Permanent Fluffy Rabbit Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Mount item from the coupon is permanent
      • 32 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Trait Boost Potion (Selective)(x2): Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
        • Coin Coupon (x1,000): Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
      • 56 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Black Cube Twelve Pack Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
        • Gold Potential Stamp: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
      • 80 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • 30K Maple Point Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
        • Relay Master Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Open to choose 1 of the following:
          • AbsoLab Weapon Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Weapon Details: 17 Star Force, Unique, Damage +9%, Boss Damage +35%, Critical Rate + 10%, Spell Trace 70% applied. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
          • Dominator Pendant Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Pendant Details: 15 Star Force, Unique, Potential fixed to main stat of your character’s job. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: November 22 – November 24 during the times listed below.

    Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • November 22, 2019
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • November 23, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • November 24, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM
    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: November 24 at 12:00 AM – November 24 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 1 at 12:00 AM – December 1 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 8 at 12:00 AM – December 8 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 15 at 12:00 AM – December 15 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - November 24, 2019
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
      • Increase in number of Elite monsters summoned while hunting.
    • Week 2 - December 1, 2019
      • Receive 2 stars when you successfully do Star Force 10 enhancements and lower.
      • Receive Storm Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Receive Arcane Symbol Selector (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Week 3 - December 8, 2019
      • Receive 3x the amount of Surprise Missions.
      • Receive Surprise Missions more frequently.
      • Receive 3x EXP from completing Surprise Missions.
    • Week 4 - December 15, 2019
      • Receive 30% off items purchased from the Alliance Supply Depot.
      • Receive 100% success rate when you do Star Force 5, 10, and 15 enhancements. (Superior equipment excluded.)

    View on the Official Site