v.210 - Glory: Savior of Hope Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Cernium needs help from you and the Maple Alliance to protect the Holy City. Explore Cernium and discover The Chosen One who’ll save the day with the power of the Holy Sword Azor. Continue to carry out your Glory Guard duties and complete new Glory missions to rank up until you reach Glory Rank Justicar! The Masteria and New Leaf City Revamp tidies up the content storyline with added quests and rewards! Revisit Masteria and adventure though its history and secrets to see the changes. The Jett Skill Revamp is here to maximize her skill efficiency! Many of her skills’ stats are getting adjusted with the addition of a new passive skill. On top of all these events and changes, come celebrate the holidays with us! Camila’s Bakery is open with an assortment of sweet events that you won’t want to miss.

    • New Updates
    • Glory Events
    • Holiday Events
    • Other Events
    Masteria & New Leaf City Revamp

    Requirement: Lv. 150 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Masteria and New Leaf City stories are getting updated!
    • We cleaned up and re-organized the Masteria storyline.
    • With the addition of new quests and rewards throughout, dive deep into Masteria’s history once again and explore the newly revamped content of Masteria and New Leaf City.
    • The changes for each content are as listed below.


    • New Lv. 150 prequel quests for Masteria have been added. Accept ‘Hungry for Adventure?’ quest within the lightbulb icon on the left side of the screen to start the prequel quests.
    • Content has been adjusted for Lv. 150 to Lv. 180.
    • Demon Refuge in Tynerum has been removed.
    • Gollux has been moved to Dimensional Mirror and prerequisites have been removed.
      • The following quests have been removed:
        • [Tynerum] Demon Invitation
        • [Tynerum] Reunion with Pepper
        • [Tynerum] Pepper in Peril 1
        • [Tynerum] Pepper in Peril 2
        • [Tynerum] Pepper in Peril 3
        • [Tynerum] Investigator Team Jay-Jay
        • [Tynerum] Living Woods
        • [Tynerum] Investigating the Labyrinth
        • [Tynerum] Clearing a Path
        • [Tynerum] Putting Out the Fires!
        • [Tynerum] Ragtime Jamboree
        • [Tynerum] Monstrous Overcrowding!
        • [Tynerum] So close, So Barrier
        • [Tynerum] Hey, Hey, Jay-Jay
        • [Tynerum] Chermini Report
        • [Tynerum] Jay-Jay's Secret Exit
        • [Tynerum] Crimsonwhat?
        • [Tynerum] A Door to Somewhere
        • [Tynerum] A Brush with Hilla
        • [Tynerum] Informing the Demons
        • [Tynerum] Telling on Hilla
        • [Tynerum] The Labyrinth Ends
        • [Tynerum] Sealed Memories
        • World Map Fog System 1
        • World Map Fog System 2
        • World Map Fog System 3
    • ITCG crafting has been removed.
      • Most of the equipment that players were able to craft using ITCG materials will be added to Mo’s Coin Shop located in Phantom Forest. Phantom Forest will temporarily be unavailable.

    New Leaf City

    • Quests will give NLC Commemorative Coins which can be used as a currency in New Leaf City.
    • Complete the quests to receive the following:
      • Krakian Chaser medal: STR/DEX/INT/LUK +9, Attack Power +1, MaxHP/MaxMP +400, Defense + 200.
      • Special Glory Bonanza Box once per world until January 19 at 11:59 PM UTC. To learn more about Special Glory Bonanza Box, click here!
    • Visit Spindle to have access to the New Leaf City Coin Shop.
      • You can purchase the existing New Leaf City accessory set using NLC Commemorative Coins.
    • Merchant Miki will now sell items found in other General Stores. The following items will no longer be sold:
      • Thief Elixir
      • Archer Elixir
      • Ginseng Root
      • Sorcerer Elixir
      • Barbarian Elixir
      • Grilled Cheese
      • Supreme Pizza
      • Waffle
      • Cherry Pie
      • Mapleade
      • Gingle Ale
      • Mana Bull
      • Honster
    • The following NPCs have been removed:
      • Kyle, T-1337, Jack Masque, Adonis, Stirgeman, Pico, NLC Ticket Gate

    Masteria Through Time

    • Masteria Through Time level requirement has been changed from Lv. 33 to Lv. 160.
      • Characters that have already completed the starting quest prior to Lv. 160 can progress through the content regardless of their level.
    Jett Skill Revamp

    • Jett receives newly revamped skills!
    • We rebalanced and made adjustments to Jett’s skills with the purpose of maximizing their efficiency.
    • When you have made the 4th Job Advancement on a new Jett character, a lightbulb will appear above your character with ‘The Call of Maple World’s Goddess’ quest. Accept and complete the quest to obtain the Maple Warrior Skill! Jett characters that have already obtained this skill prior to the update will not be affected by this new quest.
    • The following are the changes made to each of the respective skills.

    1st Job

    • Starline One: Added MP cost. Removed damage increase after learning Starline Two through Four. Number of Max Enemies Hit adjusted from 8 to 6.
    • Blaster Barrage: Damage has been adjusted.
    • Space Walk: Action has been removed.
    • Vortex Jump: Skill has been removed.
    • Seasoned Hunter: Removed Max Movement Speed increase. Added Attack Power +20 and Jump +20. Speed increased from 20 to 40.
    • Galactic Might: Removed Max HP increase and Defense stats. Max Level increased from 15 to 20.
      • Max Level: MP Cost: 35, Attack Speed: +2, Duration: 180 seconds.

    2nd Job

    • Starline Two: Number of Attacks increased from 2 to 3. Removed damage increase after learning Starline Three and Four. Removed Knockback effect, Cooldown, and skill’s prerequisite condition. Stun Duration increased from 1 second to 3 seconds. Stun Chance increased from 5% to 50%.
    • Stellar Impact: Removed screen shaking feature. Added Cooltime of 8 seconds. MP cost adjusted from 14 to 65. Damage adjusted from 200% to 300%.
    • Vortex Cross: Damage decreased from 130% to 100%. Number of Max Enemies Hit decreased from 8 to 6. Fixed post-delay action after skill is used.
    • Bounty Chaser: Added skill’s prerequisite condition to master Gun Mastery skill.
    • Volt Barrage: Skill has been removed.
    • Gun Mastery: Max Level increased from 15 to 20.
    • Cosmic Shield: Removed Defense. Knockback Resistance chance increased from 20% to 50%. Max Level decreased from 15 to 14.

    3rd Job

    • Starline Three: MP cost decreased from 75 to 45. Number of Attacks increased from 3 to 4. Removed damage increase after learning Starline Four. Fixed action delay while casting the skill.
    • Falling Stars: MP cost increased from 25 to 95. Number of Max Enemies Hit decreased from 10 to 6. Damage increased from 170% to 350%. Number of Attack increased from 2 to 5. Cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 10 seconds. Skill changed to no longer allow holding the key down to keep attacking.
    • Cosmic Upheaval: Removed screen shaking feature. Added Cooldown of 3 seconds. Fixed action delay while casting the skill.
    • Slipstream Suit: Duration increased from 150 seconds to 180 seconds. Final Damage decreased from 22% to 20%.
    • Spatial Shift: Added skill’s prerequisite condition to reach Lv. 5 for Votex Cross skill. Skill delay has been adjusted. Damage decreased from 160% to 140%. Number of Attacks decreased from 3 to 2.
    • Clairvoyant: Max Level decreased from 20 to 14.

    4th Job

    • Starline Four: Skill has been removed.
    • Starforce Salvo: Removed skill’s prerequisite condition. Changed so that skill can be used when the character jumps.
    • Backup Beatdown: MP cost increased from 9 to 12. Number of Max Enemies Hit decreased from 8 to 5. Damage increased from 250% to 300%. Number of Attacks increased from 2 to 3. Bonus Attack Damage after 20 Mastery increased from 840% to 1200%. Added Cooldown of 60 seconds. Changed so that skill can be used when the character jumps.
    • Planet Buster: MP cost increased from 40 to 50. Number of Max Enemies Hit decreased from 10 to 6. Damage decreased from 1150% to 470%. Removed Cooldown.
    • Starfall: MP cost increased from 500 to 650. Cooldown decreased from 50 seconds to 30 seconds.
    • Maple Warrior: Action has been removed.
    • Gravity Booster: Changed Boss Damage to now be active not passive. Party buff has been removed.
    • Strikeforce Showdown: Damage increased from 420% to 450%. Max Level increased from 5 to 10.
    • Giga Blaster: Fixed prerequisite condition to reach Lv. 20 of Gun Mastery.
    • Jett Supreme Enhancement: Maximizes Attack Power by carefully controlling the power of the Core that flows inside you. Max Level 30.
      • Max Level: Permanently increase Attack Power: +30, Final Damage: +10%.

    Hyper Skill

    • Planet Buster - Critical Chance: Critical Rate +20% has been changed to Damage +20%.


    • Singularity Shock: Damage increased from 1000% to 1500%. Added Stun Chance of 80% and Stun Duration of 3 seconds. Added that last hit will attack 10 enemies with 500% damage 5 times. Cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 30 seconds. Removed Final Attack Damage.
    • Rising Cosmos: Removed Maximum Damage limit increase.
    • Bionic Resilience: MaxHP decreased from 50% to 40%.

    5th Job Node Changes

    • Starline One, Starline Two, Starline Three, and Starline Four Node Boost skills will be condensed to become simply Starline One.
    • Vortex Jump Node Boost skill will become Starline Two.
    • Turret Deployment Node Boost skill will become Starline Three.
    Content Changes

    • Theme Dungeon: Blackgate has been removed.
      • Blackgate equipment can be found in Phantom Forest. Phantom Forest will temporarily be unavailable.
    • Theme Dungeon: Alien Base has been removed.
      • Certain quests relating to this theme dungeon have been removed.
    System Changes

    • The Maple Rewards Shop purchase limit quantity will be applied by region.
    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where Malaysia quests were removed during the v.209 update maintenance. Quest progressions will be restored.
    • Fixed the issue where grammar issue with the Fury Totem Coupon description.
    • Fixed the issue where the 14th Street Tourist Chair had incorrect art referencing 15th Anniversary.
    • Fixed the issue where the Wolf Underling Familiar coupon and the familiar itself had mismatched names.
    • Fixed the issue where the Sky Lantern Chair coupon and the chair itself had mismatched names.
    • Fixed the issue where the "[Convergence] True Form" quest did not have VO in the final dialogue.
    Known Issues

    • Premium Surprise Style Box Coupon Voucher from Maple Relay has an incorrect name, description, and item. The item will be shown as a Royal Style Coupon Voucher, however, the coupon functions as intended and will provide Premium Surprise Style Box.

    Part 1: UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM
    Part 2: UTC: January 1 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard. You must have completed the Aftermath and Convergence questlines.

    • Cernium’s Prince Carlisle requests assistance from the Maple Alliance to protect the Holy City from an emerging threat.
    • Accept ‘[Cernium] A Traveler from Beyond the Sea’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen for the first part of the Cernium story. Character must have Glory Guard rank of Sentinel to start the quest.
    • Accept ‘[Cernium] Delicious Candy’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen for the second part of the Cernium story. Character must have Glory Guard rank of Guardian to start the quest.
    • It is said that another fallen Transcendent is fighting a war with Grandis and that Cernium is not safe from the danger.
    • Empress Cygnus asks you to lend Cernium your powers and to discover the mysteries of the ancient gods residing in the Holy City. It’s your turn to help once more to ensure the safety of this united world.
    • Explore Cernium, learn more about its past, and meet new characters along the way!
    Glory Guard Rank

    UTC: November 20 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM
    New rank available! UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Join the Glory Guard and fight to rebuild Maple World and keep it safe!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Aftermath’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen to receive a Glory Guard rank.
    • Players will start at Scout rank and can rank up to Sentinel, Guardian, Master, Commander, and Justicar. Each Glory Guard rank unlocks at an appointed date listed below. Players can rank up once a day.
    • Each rank has a specific quest completion requirement to gain access to the rank up.
    • Once the rank is unlocked and the required quest is completed, players can use Glory Coins to rank up by talking to Cygnus who can be found in the Maple Alliance Outpost.
    • Each time you rank up, you will receive a Special Supply Box as a celebration of your achievement! You will also unlock additional items in the Alliance Supply Depot, improve your Glory Guard Power skill, and earn an increased Glory Coin daily capacity.
    • Your rank will be displayed on the left side of your in-game character name.
    • Glory Guard rank is shared within the characters in the same world.
    • Glory Guard Power Skill can be used until January 28, 2020 at 11:59 PM UTC.

    Glory Guard Ranks:

    • Scout: Available November 20 (after maintenance)
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 12,000
    • Sentinel: Available December 4 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 300 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 15,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%.
    • Guardian: Available December 18 (after maintenance)
      • Upgrade Cost: 800 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 20,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000.
    • Master: Available January 1 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 1500 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 25,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%.
    • Commander: Available January 8 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 2000 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 35,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%.
    • Justicar: Available January 15 at 12:00 AM UTC
      • Upgrade Cost: 3000 Glory Coins
      • Glory Point Daily Capacity: 50,000
      • Glory Guard Power Skill: Damage against normal monsters +30%, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +100, MaxHP +5000, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%, Boss Damage +30%, Ignore Defense +30%, Critical Damage +10%.

    Rank Up Rewards:

    • Special Supply Box: Sentinel: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ceremonial Sword Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Glory Guard Hat Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Glory Guard Uniform Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Glory Guard Cape Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
      • Glory Guard Damage Skin: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
      • Glory Guard Golden Emblem Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Item obtained from the coupon is permanent. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Special Supply Box: Guardian: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Guardian Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Guardian: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Req. Lv. 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x30): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Nodestone (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Supply Box: Master: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Master Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Master: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Req. Lv. 120. Grants stats Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • Red Cube (x5): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Bonus Occult Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
      • Master Craftsman’s Cube (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Special Supply Box: Commander: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Commander Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Commander: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Req. Lv. 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +20, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +2,000.
      • 5,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Double-click in the inventory to obtain 100 million mesos.
    • Special Supply Box: Justicar: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following items:
      • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Guard Ring: Justicar: Untradeable. Unique equip item. Players are unable to transfer potentials. Item cannot be dropped. Req. Lv. 120. Grants stats STR/DEX/INT/LUK +40, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +25, MaxHP/MaxMP +4,000.
      • 10,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • Inkwell Coin: Untradeable. Double-click in the inventory to obtain 200 million mesos.
    Glory 2x EXP & Drop

    UTC: December 25 at 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    UTC: December 26 at 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM

    • We are running a 2x EXP & Drop event to celebrate Glory!
    • Please note that this event will stack with 2x EXP and 2x Drop Coupons, so you can earn 4x EXP and 4x Drop during the times listed above.
    • Look out for a scrolling 2x EXP & Drop announcement or the left side of your screen for the 2x EXP & Drop icon.
    • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
    Glory Guard Sugar Time

    UTC: December 28 at 12:00 AM – December 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Glory Guard Sugar Time is here! Stay logged on for up to 30/60/90/120 minutes to receive rewards!
    • To begin, accept the ‘[Glory] Join Glory Guard Sugar Time!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • You will receive a reward as you hit each minute milestone. You can check your accumulated time and claim your rewards through the gift drop icon on the left side of the screen.
    • When you have obtained the 120-minute reward, the accumulated time will reset. Accumulated time will not reset until you have obtained your reward.
    • Your accumulated login time is shared across all characters in the account.
    • You can only receive the rewards once with any character in the account.
    • This event can be repeated 5 times per day.
    • Rewards must be claimed before the event ends on the times listed above.
    • Glory Guard Sugar Boxes must be opened before December 29 at 1:00 AM UTC.


    • Stay logged in 30 minutes and receive:
      • Glory Coin Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 60 minutes and receive:
      • Glory Coin Coupon (x10): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 90 minutes and receive:
      • Glory Coin Coupon (x20): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Stay logged in 120 minutes and receive:
      • Glory Guard Sugar Box: Untradeable. Open to receive 500 Maple Reward Points or if you are lucky, you may obtain one of the following at random instead:
        • 5,000 Maple Points
        • 10,000 Maple Points
        • 100,000 Maple Points
        • 300 million mesos
        • 1 billion mesos
        • 5 billion mesos
        • 10 billion mesos
      • Glory Guard Sugar Coin Box: Untradeable. Open to receive a varying amount of Glory Coins depending on the number of times you have opened this box:
        • 1st time, you’ll receive Glory Coin (x20): Untradeable.
        • 2nd time, you’ll receive Glory Coin (x40): Untradeable.
        • 3rd time, you’ll receive Glory Coin (x60): Untradeable.
        • 4th time, you’ll receive Glory Coin (x80): Untradeable.
        • 5th time, you’ll receive Glory Coin (x100): Untradeable.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    The Chosen One

    Part 1: UTC: January 8 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM
    Part 2: UTC: January 15 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard. You must have completed the Aftermath, Convergence, and Cernium questlines.

    • In order to defeat the approaching enemies, you must find the Chosen One who is worthy of wielding the Holy Sword Azor!
    • Accept ‘[The Chosen One] Burning Sky’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen for the first part of The Chosen One story. Character must have Glory Guard rank of Master to start the quest.
    • Accept ‘[The Chosen One] End of an Alliance’ quest in the Glory icon on the left side of the screen for the last part of The Chosen One story. Character must have Glory Guard rank of Commander to start the quest.
    • Who could the Chosen One possibly be? Will you and the Maple Alliance members be able to return to Maple World?
    • Delve deeper into the last chapter of Glory to discover the Chosen One and the result of the battle in Cernium!
    Glory Coin Bonanza

    UTC: January 10 at 12:00 AM - January 19 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have Glory Guard rank of Guardian or above.

    • To thank the Glory Guards, we are giving out more rewards for completing Elite Missions!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Glory Coin Bonanza’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Edea on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Complete Elite Missions available to you and press the ‘Complete’ button on the Glory Coin Bonanza UI.
    • You can earn as many Glory Bonanza Boxes as the number of Elite Missions you have completed throughout the day.
    • Any progress that was not completed will be reset the next day.
    • On Jackpot days from January 17 at 12:00 AM to January 19 at 11:59 PM UTC, you can obtain a Special Glory Bonanza Box instead of the Glory Bonanza Box!
    • When you have participated for all 10 days, you will be given the Perfect Glory Bonanza Box.
    • Elite Mission progress is recorded per world.
    • Rewards can be obtained once per account.


    • Glory Bonanza Box: Tradeable within account, 3-day duration. Complete an Elite Mission to receive this reward. Open to receive the following:
      • Glory Coin (x100): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Glory Bonanza Box: Tradeable within account, 3-day duration. Complete an Elite Mission on Jackpot day to receive this reward. Open to receive the following:
      • Glory Coin (x200): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • You may have a chance to instead win one of the following rewards at random:
        • Glory Coin (x300): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x400): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x500): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x1,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x2,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x3,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x4,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x5,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x10,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
        • Glory Coin (x15,000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Perfect Glory Bonanza Box: Tradeable within account, 3-day duration. Participate on all 10 days to receive this reward. Open to receive the following:
      • Glory Coin (x2000): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    Basic Mission: Nerota’s Relics

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Join forces with Nerota in order to investigate Nerota’s Relics!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Nerota’s Relics’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Neinheart on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • When you enter a map with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above), a Priest of Nerota will appear and begin searching the area. Defeat the monsters so that the Priest of Nerota can search for the relics.
    • When the Priest of Nerota completes the search, the found relics will be shown on the map. Approach the relics and investigate them using the ‘Interact/Harvest’ key. You will be granted Nerota’s Power buff upon investigation.
    • Relics will be indicated on the mini-map located on the top left of the screen.


    • Nerota’s Power: You will receive 1 of the following buffs in the order they are listed.
      • Blessing: Spawns a Blessing Orb that lasts for 1 minute and grants Glory Points when touched.
      • EXP: You will obtain 100% bonus EXP for 2 minutes.
      • Protection: Buff that will attack nearby monsters every 10 seconds for 1 minute.
    Basic Mission: Clash on the Waves

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 7 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • You are asked to fight against the Flora soldiers near Mu Lung Garden.
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Clash on the Waves’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Kyrin on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Sail on a raft propelled by the currents and defeat as many Flora soldiers as you can using any weapon you can find.
    • While in the mission, use ‘W, A, S, D’ keys to move Up, Left, Down, and Right on your raft.
    • You will automatically be equipped with a bow. You can fire an arrow by using a mouse and left-clicking.
    • Touch floating Weapon Boxes to obtain one of a variety of weapons. However, the weapon will disappear when all ammunition has been consumed or when you are struck by an attack from a Flora soldier.
    • Touching Ammo Upgrade will increase the number of projectiles you can fire. It applies to any weapon and allows you to fire up to 3 projectiles. This upgrade will disappear upon getting hit by a Flora soldier.
    • You will earn Glory Points for each Flora soldier you defeat.
    • Mission will end when you reach your final destination. If you have defeated more than 150 soldiers before the mission ends, you will be rewarded with additional Glory Points.


    • Glory Coins
    Basic Mission: The Spisan’s Request

    UTC: January 1 at 12:00 AM - January 14 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Spisan came to Maple World to learn more about our technology!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: The Spisan’s Request’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Checky on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will obtain Exploding Robot: Kaboom Bomber skill in your Beginner skill tab.
    • Enter a map with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) and the skill will automatically activate. Defeat monsters while the skill is active for the skill to warm up and for a chance to receive additional Glory Points.
    • When the skill’s warm-up is complete, flames will appear around the Kaboom Bomber and it will start its attack when you use any skill of your choice. You will receive 2,000 Glory Points upon activating Kaboom Bomber’s attack.
    • After use, Kaboom Bomber will be in overload state for 60 seconds. It cannot warm up or receive Glory Points during the overload state.
    • Upon using it for the 7th time after the warm-up process, your Kaboom Bomber will be upgraded with new skills!
    • Kaboom Bomber will disappear when you have obtained your coin capacity for the day.


    • Glory Coins
    Basic Mission: Sea Assault

    UTC: January 8 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Prepare for the sea battle using a submersible battle robot, Aquastallion!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Sea Assault’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Checky on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Click ‘Participate in Sea Assault’ in Checky’s dialogue to be moved to the Aquastallion Training Room. You can talk to Checky to queue and proceed with the mission.
    • You will be in a team with one other player, where you will compete against two other teams. The battle will take 3 minutes.
    • The goal of this mission is to survive by having more HP left than that of the opposing teams by the end.
    • Use arrow keys to move on your Aquastallion and ‘Q, W, E, R’ keys to use the following skills:
      • Q skill: Fires a powerful missile straight ahead.
      • W skill: Fires a Pinboom missile with parabolic trajectory.
      • E skill: Fires a stunning missile straight ahead. This attack deals no damage but players hit by the net are unable to move temporarily.
      • R skill: Aquastallion is temporarily invincible and can avoid all attacks for a short time. This skill has a longer cooldown.
    • Throughout the training room, various items that are helpful in battle will appear. Obtain these items to enhance your Aquastallion.
    • If you cancel while in queue after accepting the mission, you are unable to queue again for 10 minutes.
    • If you train for at least 10 days, Checky will give you your very own Aquastallion mount to keep!
    • Mission participation record is shared within the world.
    • Reward can be claimed once per world. Characters that have not participated in this mission can receive the reward as long as they have joined the Glory Guard.


    • Day 10: Complete Sea Assault mission for 10 days to obtain this reward.
      • Aquastallion Mount Selection Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to choose one of the following:
        • Permanent Red Aquastallion Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.
        • Permanent Blue Aquastallion Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.
        • Permanent Yellow Aquastallion Mount Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.


    Basic Mission: Investigate the Ancient Gods’ Power

    UTC: January 15 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • Strange phenomena are occurring throughout Maple World and Grandis that are tied to the power of the Ancient Gods!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Basic Mission: Investigate the Ancient Gods’ Power’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Neinheart on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will obtain the Glory Guard Medal skill in your Beginner skill tab.
    • The Glory Guard Medal skill will automatically activate when you enter a map with monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above). Defeat the monsters to have a chance to obtain the Ancient Gods’ Power.
    • The Glory Guard Medal can collect the power of the Ancient Gods and convert it into special buffs known as Glory Guard’s Brilliance.
    • When Glory Guard’s Brilliance activates, you will gain Glory Points. While the buff is active, you will have a chance to obtain additional Glory Points upon defeating monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above).
    • Glory Guard’s Brilliance will be lost if you leave the map or deactivate the Glory Guard Medal skill. Upon doing so, you will have to wait before you can collect Ancient Gods’ Power again.
    • Glory Guard’s Brilliance will not activate when there is an Elite Boss summoned in map. Glory Guard’s Brilliance will activate upon defeating monsters after you defeat an Elite Boss.
    • Ancient Gods’ Power gets stored on the Glory Guard Medal automatically. Stored power will be retained even when changing maps or channels, moving to Cash Shop, and logging off.


    • Glory Coins
    Elite Mission: Battle at the Ocean Bluff

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have Glory Guard rank of Guardian or above.

    • Ebonstar soldiers lie in wait hoping to ambush those seeking to visit Cernium at the Ocean Bluff!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Carrying Out Elite Missions’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Edea on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • You can proceed with one of the three Battle at the Ocean Bluff missions depending on the day of the week.
    • If you have exited the battleground in the middle of the mission, you can continue where you left off. However, a new mission will start if the date has changed.
    • Depending on the mission, up to 10 players can proceed with the mission together.
    • The Battle at the Ocean Bluff mission can be done once a day per character.

    Thwarting the Enemy’s Landing: Monday/Wednesday/Friday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to defeat the Ebonstar Bombardiers to obtain bombs and fire them to destroy the Ebonstar Landing Ships.
    • Defeat Ebonstar Bombardiers to obtain bombs. Your character can hold up to 5 bombs. The amount of bombs you have will be indicated above your character.
    • Use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to drop the bomb to destroy the Ebonstar Landing Ships.
    • Ebonstar Bombardiers will be visible to each player individually while the Ebonstar Landing Ships will be visible to all players.

    Aiding the Archers: Tuesday/Saturday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to defeat the Ebonstar Archers and Ebonstar Foot Soldiers while dodging their arrows aimed at the Archer’s Lookout.
    • When you are hit by the arrow, you will be stunned temporarily. When the arrow hits the Archer’s Lookout, it will charge the counterattack gauge. When the counterattack gauge is fully charged, all summoned Ebonstar Archers will be defeated.
    • Ebonstar Foot Soldiers will be visible to each player individually while the Ebonstar Archers will be visible to all players.
    • Ebonstar Archer elimination count is shared by all characters.

    Collecting Sol Flowers: Thursday/Sunday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to defeat Ebonstar Foot Soldiers and obtain ropes to collect Sol Flowers that grow on the cliffs.
    • You must defeat Ebonstar Foot Soldiers to activate the portal that will lead you to the climbing range where the Sol Flowers bloom.
    • Use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to perform rope movements to swing from platform to platform. After you collect a Sol Flower, you will be transported back to the battleground.
    • If you touch an explosive mine while searching for the flower, you will be transported to the bottom of the climbing range immediately.
    • Ebonstar Foot Soldiers will be visible to each player individually while the Sol Flower and explosive mines will be visible to all players.


    • EXP
    • Mesos
    • Glory Coins
    Elite Mission: Cernium Ramparts

    UTC: January 1 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have Glory Guard rank of Master or above.

    • The Flora Army is trying to destroy the Cernium Ramparts!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Carrying Out Elite Missions’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Edea on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • You can proceed with one of the three Cernium Ramparts missions depending on the day of the week.
    • If you have exited the battleground in the middle of the mission, you can continue where you left off. However, a new mission will start if the date has changed.
    • Depending on the mission, up to 3 to 4 players can proceed with the mission together.
    • The Cernium Ramparts mission can be done once a day per character.

    Operation Lightning Rod: Monday/Wednesday/Friday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to protect the Cernium Ramparts from enemies’ lightning attacks by collecting the energy needed to activate the Protective Shield.
    • Protective Shield must be charged above 100% in order to defend against the attack. Defeat Flora soldiers to collect energy and use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to charge the Protective Shield.
    • Energy you have filled will decrease if Spirit of Fire attacks the Protective Shield. You must defeat them to prevent energy decreasing any further.

    Operation Clipped Wing: Tuesday/Saturday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to defeat the Giant Monster Gull besieging the Cernium Ramparts.
    • When the Giant Monster Gull is in the air, it can only be attacked using a Crossbow. The Crossbow can be activated by pressing ‘Interact/Harvest’ key.
    • When the Giant Monster Gull only has 50% or less HP, it will fall to the ground. The Fallen Giant Monster Gull can be attacked directly.
    • Defeat the Giant Monster Gull before it can flee!
    • Giant Monster Gull elimination count is shared by all characters.

    Operation Siegebreaker: Thursday/Sunday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to protect the Cernium Ramparts by intercepting Magi-bombs that enemies use against you.
    • Defeat the enemies and gather as many bombs as you can before they launch their attack.
    • When they attack, move beneath the cannons to avoid it. Use the ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to fire the collected bombs back at the enemies.
    • Use your mouse to aim the cannon at the Magi-bomb and click to fire.


    • EXP
    • Mesos
    • Glory Coins
    Elite Mission: Champion of Cernium

    UTC: January 8 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have Glory Guard rank of Commander or above.

    • Accept ‘[Glory] Carrying Out Elite Missions’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Edea on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • You can proceed with one of the three Champion of Cernium missions depending on the day of the week.
    • If you have exited the battleground in the middle of the mission, you can continue where you left off. However, a new mission will start if the date has changed.
    • Depending on the mission, up to 10 players can proceed with the mission together.
    • The Champion of Cernium mission can be done once a day per character.

    Rescuing Cernium Knights: Monday/Wednesday/Friday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to rescue the Cernium Knights under attack from the High Flora soldiers at the Ocean Bluff.
    • You must defeat the High Flora soldiers while Edea casts a magic spell to transport wounded knights. You can check the status of wounded knights using the Magical Map.
    • Defeat High Flora Assassins or High Flora Magicians if they appear, as they are a threat to the wounded knights.

    Eliminating High Flora Scouts: Tuesday/Saturday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to find and defeat the hiding High Flora Scouts while avoiding the searchlight.
    • You must first defeat Spirit of Fire while avoiding the enemy searchlight to then find the traces of the hiding scout.
    • Once you discover the hiding scout, use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key which will attract the attention of the searchlight. You must flee when it starts to follow you but when you return, the searchlight will have revealed the hiding scout.
    • Reveal and defeat enough scouts to complete your mission!
    • If you happen to be caught by the searchlight, all scouts will flee.

    Securing the Ancient Tomes: Thursday/Sunday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to guard Edea as she transports important books from the Royal Library’s Restricted Section.
    • You must first defeat the library ghosts and gather ancient energy while Edea collects the books. Once you have gathered enough, talk to Edea to begin the mission.
    • When Edea starts moving with the books, a Cursed Ancient Tome will appear and start to attack. If Edea gets attacked, the books that are being transported will be lost.
    • Use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to consume the collected ancient energy to activate the protective shield when guarding Edea. Safely protect her until you reach the transfer device to complete the mission.


    • EXP
    • Mesos
    • Glory Coins
    Elite Mission: Clear Out the Ebonstar Soldiers

    UTC: January 15 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have Glory Guard rank of Justicar or above.

    • Help stop the Ebonstar Soldiers that are attacking Cernium!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Carrying Out Elite Missions’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Edea on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • You can proceed with one of the two Clear Out the Ebonstar Soldiers missions depending on the day of the week.
    • If you have exited the battleground in the middle of the mission, you can continue where you left off. However, a new mission will start if the date has changed.
    • Depending on the mission, up to 5 players can proceed with the mission together.
    • The Clear Out the Ebonstar Soldiers mission can be done once a day per character.

    Rescuing Cernium Residents: Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Saturday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to rescue the Cernium residents while avoiding the Ebonstar Magicians’ attacks.
    • Use ‘Interact/Harvest’ key to rescue the Cernium residents located in various places. Rescued residents will trail behind your character and you can protect up to 7 residents at a time.
    • If you fail to avoid Ebonstar Magicians’ attacks, one of the trailing residents will take the damage and disappear.
    • In order to rescue the residents, you must defend them until the activation time is up and the transfer portal appears. Touching the transfer portal when you have yet to rescue a resident will cause the portal to disappear.
    • Only one transfer portal is created at a time and it disappears once the resident escapes.

    Ending the Ebonstar Infiltration: Tuesday/Friday/Sunday UTC

    • The goal of this mission is to defeat the Ebonstar Soldiers and to destroy their transfer gates using a heap of cannonballs.
    • Defeat the Ebonstar Soldiers to obtain the artillery shells and use them to destroy the transfer gates.
    • Your character can hold up to 5 artillery shells. The amount of artillery shells you have will be indicated above your character.
    • Use the cannon located on the left of the map to adjust the angles and fire the artillery. You can fire up to 3 artillery shells from a single cannon. If you have a total of 5 artillery shells, you can fire 3 from one cannon and 2 from another cannon.


    • EXP
    • Mesos
    • Glory Coins
    Challenge Mission: Operation Siege Tank Annihilation

    UTC: January 8 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have joined the Glory Guard.

    • The Flora Army has sent a powerful siege weapon to attack the walls of Cernium!
    • Accept ‘[Glory] Challenge Mission: Operation Siege Tank Annihilation’ quest within the Glory icon on the left side of the screen or talk to Hawkeye on Maple Alliance Outpost map.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will be moved to Operation Siege Tank Annihilation Entrance. Use the portal on the right to enter and begin your mission.
    • Your goal is to destroy the siege tank and defeat the Flora Soldiers at each stage!
    • There are a total of 10 stages and a 2-minute time limit.


    • Glory Coins
    Alliance Supply Depot

    UTC: December 4 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 101 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Talk to Beldar on the Maple Alliance Outpost map. Participate in Glory events to earn Glory Coins!
    • Weekly items will reset every Thursday at 12:00 AM UTC during the event period.
    • You can purchase the following items from the Alliance Supply Depot based on your Glory Guard Rank.



    • Hyper Teleport Rock Coupon: 15 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Character Slot Expansion Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Power Elixir (x100) Coupon: 5 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mastery Book 20: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Mastery Book 30: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Tradeable.
    • Pollo and Fritto Entry Ticket: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 1-day duration.
    • Infinite Revitalizer: 10 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Monster Life Gem (x7) Coupon: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Job Advancement Coin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • SP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • AP Reset Scroll: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Selective 8 Slot Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 12 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Storage excluded.
    • Damage Skin Extraction Coupon: 1500 Coins. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Chair Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • 40 Slot Soul Bag: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable.
    • Mysterious Monsterbloom: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Main Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Sub Color Change Coupon: 50 Coins. Untradeable.
    • Final Form Color Reset Coupon: 30 Coins. Untradeable.


    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon: 1000 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Ring cannot be used if Tenebris Ring is already possessed. (Non-Reboot worlds only)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 1): 1000 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Ring cannot be used if Tenebris Ring is already possessed. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 2): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 3): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Reboot Tenebris Expedition Ring Coupon (Stage 4): 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Enhancement Scroll: 700 Coins. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Cube: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can only be used for Tenebris Expedition Ring.
    • Tenebris Expedition Ring Exclusive Bonus Occult: 40 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 daily. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can only be used for Tenebris Expedition Ring. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame: 80 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Master Craftsman’s Cube: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 50%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Potential Scroll 50%: 150 Coins. Limited quantity: 6 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Nodestone: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 20. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Gold Potential Stamp: 20 Coins. Limited quantity: 7. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 10%: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 10. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness 60%: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Innocence Scroll 60%: 50 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Golden Hammer 100%: 60 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Trait Boost Potion: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Reboot Meso Pouch (x10) Coupon: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
    • Job Damage Skin Selection Box: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. You can select the desired Damage Skin by double-clicking the box in your inventory. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Glory Guard Monument Chair: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Glory Guard Mount Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.



    • Experience Nodestone: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable.
    • Mysterious Nodestone Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Labyrinth Arcane Symbol Box: 160 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world weekly. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Arcane Symbol Selector Coupons: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Mysterious Trait Boost Potion Box: 600 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim at least 2 Trait Boost Potion: Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Glory Guard Ring Cube: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world daily. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration.
    • Glory Guard Ring Exclusive Bonus Occult Cube: 40 Coins. Limited quantity: 20 per world daily. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Prepared Pendant of the Spirit: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 14-day duration.
    • Pendant Slot Coupon (30 Day): 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Chaos Circulator: 1200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Miracle Circulator Coupon: 200 Coins. Limited quantity: 5. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item cannot be moved through Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Special Medal of Honor: 70 Coins. Limited quantity: 25. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Hoyoung Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Deep Forest Hermitage: 500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Taotie Mount Coupon: 2000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.



    • Mitra’s Cube Box: 2400 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 48-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 5 times. Open to claim Karma Meister’s Cube Coupon (x7): Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to claim Karma Meister’s Cube: Untradeable, 7-day duration. This cube can only be used on untradeable equipment items.
    • Red Cube (x10) Package: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim Red Cube Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to claim Red Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Cube item can be moved into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Epic Potential Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Bonus Occult Cube (x10) Package: 750 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to claim Bonus Occult Cube: Untradeable. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Special Bonus Potential Scroll: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 3 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Special Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pure Clean Slate Scroll 100%: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Perfect Potential Stamp: 30 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable.
    • Appraisal Magnifying Glass (x100) Coupon: 100 Coins. Limited quantity: 2. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Celestial Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Ash Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Dawn Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.
    • Red Flame Damage Skin: 300 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Registered damage skin item is permanent.


    • Mitra’s Rebirth Flame Box: 4000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 48-day duration. Contents of the box are refilled every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC up to 5 times. Open to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Karma Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration. This flame can only be used on untradeable equipment items.
    • Eternal Rebirth Flame (x10) Package: 2500 Coins. Limited quantity: 2 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Eternal Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Eternal Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Powerful Rebirth Flame (x10) Package: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Powerful Rebirth Flame Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Powerful Rebirth Flame: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Star Force 15 Star Enhancement: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can be used on equipment with Lv.160 or lower requirement.
    • Scroll for Pet Equipment for ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Scroll for Pet Equipment for M. ATT 100%: 700 Coins. Limited quantity: 10 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Pet Equipment Stat Transfer Scroll: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 3. Untradeable, 10-day duration. (Non-Reboot worlds only.)
    • Battle of Light and Lightning: 1500 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair that you can sit with your android.
    • Havoc Heavy Sword Coupon: 1500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Horn Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Uniform Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Havoc Wings Coupon: 500 Coins. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. This cash item can be stored in the Cash Shop Inventory.



    • Star Force 17 Star Enhancement: 10000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Item can be used on equipment with Lv.160 or lower requirement. Item cannot be used on Zero’s type 8 equipment.
    • Unique Potential Scroll 100%: 5000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Black Cube (x10) Package: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Open to receive Black Cube Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use the coupon to obtain Black Cube: Untradeable, 3-day duration. Black Cube item can be moved into the Cash Shop Inventory.
    • Black Rebirth Flame: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 5 per world. Untradeable, 10-day duration.
    • Typhoon Growth Potion: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1 per world. Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
    • Serenoid Coupon: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Tradeable within account, 10-day duration. Non-human type. Permanent Lidium Heart included.
    • Holy Sword Azor Chair: 3000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable. Chair.
    • Permanent Pegasus Mount Coupon: 1000 Coins. Limited quantity: 1. Untradeable, 10-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.


    Camila’s Bakery

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • December is here and this month is all about celebrating the holidays! Enjoy the best sweets at Camila’s Bakery, opened just in time for the celebrations.
    • Accept ‘[Jolly Holiday] Visit Camila’s Bakery!’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • There is an assortment of events we have prepared for you with plenty of holiday gifts for everyone.
    Scrumptious Cake Decorations

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    • Decorate your own Butter Cake and use the finished masterpiece as a chair!
    • Accept ‘[Cake] Scrumptious Cake Decorations’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Upon accepting the quest, you will receive a Butter Cake: Untradeable, duration lasts until January 1, 2020 at 12:00 AM UTC. Use this durational chair to see which decorations you would like to keep permanently!
    • Defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to obtain Cake Mix! You can earn up to 100 Cake Mix a day and use them to level up your Butter Cake.
    • When you level up your Butter Cake, it will add layers with more space to decorate.
    • Defeat Elite Monsters to get random Cake Decorations to use for decorating the cake! Camila will also give decorating ingredients if you collect 100 Cake Mix each day.
    • Click ‘[Cake] Frosting Finesse’ quest within the star event notifier to decorate your cake with the decorations!
    • When your Butter Cake reaches level 6 and you are satisfied with its decoration, you can talk to Camila to receive a permanent version of the chair!
    • After your Butter Cake reaches level 6, you can still trade 100 Cake Mix for a Cake Decoration instead!
    • Even after claiming the permanent chair, you can continuously decorate your cake using ‘[Cake] Frosting Finesse’ quest.
    • This event can be completed once per character.


    • Butter Cake: Chair. Untradeable.
    Sugar Cookie Blitz

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Collect the raining cookies and use them to decorate your very own damage skin!
    • Accept ‘[Sugar Cookie] Sugar Cookie Blitz’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Collect Sugar Cookies needed to customize your damage skin.
    • Sugar Cookies can be collected during Sugar Cookie Blitz, where it will shower sweets at the 15-minute mark of every hour.
    • Sugar Cookie Blitz will take place in Henesys, Leafre, and Nameless Town.
    • You can collect up to 5 cookies daily.
    • Click ‘[Sugar Cookie] Color Me My Damage Skin’ quest within the star event notifier to use the collected Sugar Cookies and decorate your damage skin! You will be given options to select which shape of Sugar Cookie you would like to add on your damage skin.
    • Click on ‘[Sugar Cookie] Sugar Cookie Damage Skin‘ quest within the star event notifier to claim your customized Sugar Cookie damage skin when it’s all ready!


    • Sugar Cookie Damage Skin: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    Semi-Sweet Choco Chip Slime

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Ride the Choco Chip Slime and collect lots of Camila’s signature chocolate!
    • Accept ‘[Chocolate] Semi-Sweet Choco Chip Slime’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Play a mini-game that lets you ride a Choco Chip Slime where your goal is to bounce as high as you can.
    • You will receive an invitation above your character’s head at the 45-minute mark of every hour. Click on the invitation to play the mini-game.
    • You are to ride the Choco Chip Slime mount and make consecutive jumps within 5 seconds to improve your jump ability by 10%.
    • As you jump around, you can collect items such as trait-enhancing Semi-Sweet Chocolate, mesos, Cake Decorations, and Cake Mix.
    • Collect 150 Semi-Sweet Chocolates to receive a Choco Chip Slime Mount!
    • If you choose not to claim the reward upon exiting the lobby, you may participate once more.
    • Players can participate once daily.


    • Choco Chip Slime Mount Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Mount obtained from this coupon is permanent.
    Camila's Baked Goods

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Time to eat! Eat all 3 cake, cookie, and chocolate treats every day!
    • Complete Scrumptious Cake Decorations, Sugar Cookie Blitz, and Semi-Sweet Choco Chip Slime events and you’ll get a Sweet Gift!
      • Daily Mission: Obtain the following items from respective events.
        • 100 Cake Mix from Scrumptious Cake Decorations
        • 5 Sugar Cookies from Sugar Cookie Blitz
        • 30 Semi-Sweet Chocolate from Semi-Sweet Choco Chip Slime
    • You will also receive additional Special Gifts every 2 times (up to 10 times) that you have obtained the Sweet Gifts!
    • Rewards can be claimed once a day per world.


    • Sweet Gifts: You can choose 1 of the following items per day upon Daily Mission completion.
      • 2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x2): Tradeable within account, 3-day duration.
      • Nodestone (x2): Tradeable within account, 3-day duration.
      • Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x4): Tradeable within account, 3-day duration.
    • Special Gift 1: You will receive the following items after you have received 2 Sweet Gifts.
      • Prepared Pendant of the Spirit: Unique item. Untradeable, 14-day duration.
      • Special Medal of Honor (x3): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Gift 2: You will receive the following items after you have received 4 Sweet Gifts.
      • Storm Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
      • Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x2): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Gift 3: You will receive the following items after you have received 6 Sweet Gifts.
      • Trait Boost Potion: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
    • Special Gift 4: You will receive the following items after you have received 8 Sweet Gifts.
      • Master Craftman’s Cube (x2): Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
      • Experience Nodestone: Untradeable.
    • Special Gift 5: You will receive the following items after you have received 10 Sweet Gifts.
      • Bonus Occult Cube (x10): Untradeable. (non-Reboot worlds only.)
      • Meister’s Cube (x2): Untradeable, 14-day duration. (Reboot world only.)
      • Eternal Rebirth Flame: Tradeable within account, 14-day duration.
    Baker’s Delight Outfits

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - December 31 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Camila will loan you a stylish holiday outfit every day to help you get into the spirit of the holidays! You might even get one with special abilities.
    • Accept ‘[Jolly Holiday] Baker’s Delight Outfits’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • When you log in each day, you will be given a Baker’s Delight Outfit Coupon (1 Day) that will give 1-day duration holiday outfits. Try out the clothes each day and decide which one is your favorite!
    • Upon logging in on the 5th day, you will be given a Permanent Baker’s Delight Outfit Coupon for you to own one holiday outfit forever!
    • Rewards can be claimed once a day per world.


    • Baker’s Delight Outfit Coupon (1 Day): Tradeable within account, 1-day duration. Outfit from this coupon will have 1-day duration. Open to select 1 of the following outfits according to your character’s gender:
      • Santa Boy Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Boy Hat: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Boy Overall: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Boy Boots: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Santa Girl Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Girl Hat: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Girl Overall: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Girl Boots: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Santa (M/F) Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Hat: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Gloves: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Costume (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Red Santa Boots (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Rosy Reindeer Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Reindeer Hat: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Reindeer Suit: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Reindeer Hoodie (M/F) Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Blushing Reindeer Hat: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Reindeer Hoodie (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Snowman Package (1 Day): The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Snowman Mask: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Stat duration lasts 1 day. Grants STR/DEX/INT/LUK + 25, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +5. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Snowman Costume: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Snowman Gloves: Cash item. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
    • Permanent Baker’s Delight Outfit Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to select 1 of the following outfits according to your character’s gender:
      • Santa Boy Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Boy Hat: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Boy Overall: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Boy Boots: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Santa Girl Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Girl Hat: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Girl Overall: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Girl Boots: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Santa (M/F) Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Santa Hat: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Gloves: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Santa Costume (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Red Santa Boots (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Rosy Reindeer Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Reindeer Hat: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Reindeer Suit: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Reindeer Hoodie (M/F) Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Blushing Reindeer Hat: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Reindeer Hoodie (M/F): Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
      • Snowman Package: The following items will automatically be given in your inventory.
        • Snowman Mask: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Snowman Costume: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.
        • Snowman Gloves: Cash item. Untradeable. Item cannot be transferred into Cash Inventory.



    UTC: December 31 at 12:00 AM - January 1 at 1:00 AM

    Requirement: Lv. 33 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    • Happy New Year! Let’s say hello to 2020 together!
    • Accept ‘New Years Countdown’ quest in the star event notifier on the left side of the screen during the event duration listed above to move to the countdown map.
    • A countdown board counting down the time to the new year will appear in the map. Hang out here with other Maplers!
    • You are allowed to leave the map, but make sure you're back in time for the new year.
    • After the countdown has finished, a Special Shop will appear for 1 hour after the New Year (January 1 at 12:00 AM - January 1 at 1:00 AM UTC). All the items have limited stock so get them fast when you can!
    • Countdown event can be completed per character.


    • Premium Hair Wax: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Premium Carrot Juice: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Snake Bone Soup: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Extra Strength Hand Sanitizer: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Café Latte: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Premium Cologne: 30,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Cherry Chocolate Cupcake: 3,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • White Candy Cupcake: 5,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Strawberry Cupcake: 7,000 mesos. Untradeable.
    • Power Elixir: 20,000 mesos. Untradeable. Limited quantity: 100 per character.
    • All Cure Potion: 15,000 mesos. Untradeable. Limited quantity: 100 per character.
    • Onyx Apple: 1,000,000 mesos. Tradeable within account. Limited quantity: 10 per character.
    • Explorer Random Face Coupon: 4,000,000 mesos. Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1 per character.
    • Explorer Random Hair Coupon: 4,000,000 mesos. Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Limited quantity: 1 per character.
    • New Year's 3x EXP Coupon: 2,000,000 mesos. Untradeable, 1-day duration. Limited quantity: 5 per character.
    • Happy New Year!: 500,000 mesos. Tradeable. Limited quantity: 10 per character. Buff that provides Attack Power and Magic ATT +30 for 15 minutes.
    • Happy New Year! Permanent Coupon: 7,000,000 mesos. Mount. Tradeable. Limited quantity: 1 per character.
    • Happy New Year! 90 Day Coupon: 3,000,000 mesos. Mount. Tradeable. Limited quantity: 1 per character.
    Hoyoung Level-Up Event

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) – January 21 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: You must level up on a Hoyoung character.

    • As we’ve mentioned on our v.209 Patch Notes, we are having a special level-up event for Hoyoung! Level up your Hoyoung and receive gifts on top of it!
    • When your Hoyoung reaches Lv. 200, accept ‘[Hoyoung Level-Up] Strength for a Sage’ quest within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen.
    • Starting at Lv. 210, your Hoyoung character will be qualified for prizes every 10 levels all the way until you reach Lv. 250!
    • Hoyoung characters created prior to this event qualify for the rewards as long as they reach the listed levels below.
    • Rewards can be obtained once per account.


    • Lv. 210
      • Hoyoung Money Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive one of the following at random:
        • Manji Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 10 million mesos.
        • 1K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 100 million mesos.
        • 10K Maple Point Coupon (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin (x10): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 1 billion mesos.
        • 30K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Inkwell Coin (x50): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 10 billion mesos.
        • 500K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 220
      • Hoyoung Money Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive one of the following at random:
        • Manji Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 10 million mesos.
        • 1K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 100 million mesos.
        • 10K Maple Point Coupon (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin (x10): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 1 billion mesos.
        • 30K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Inkwell Coin (x50): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 10 billion mesos.
        • 500K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 230
      • Arcane Umbra Weapon (Durational) Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. You can select one Arcane Umbra weapon for your character’s job. (Excluding Zero).
        • Weapon Details: Untradeable, 60-day duration. 15 Star Force, Legendary, Damage +12%, Boss Damage +35%, Critical Rate +12%, Spell Trace 30% applied. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
    • Lv. 240
      • Hoyoung Money Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive one of the following at random:
        • Manji Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 10 million mesos.
        • 1,000 Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin: Untradeable. Use the coin to obtain 100 million mesos.
        • 10000 Maple Point Coupon (x2): Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Gaga Coin (x10): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 1 billion mesos.
        • 30K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
        • Inkwell Coin (x50): Untradeable. Use all the coins to obtain a total of 10 billion mesos.
        • 500K Maple Point Coupon: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
    • Lv. 250
      • Arcane Umbra Weapon (Permanent) Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. You can select one Arcane Umbra weapon for your character’s job. (Excluding Zero)
        • Weapon Details: Untradeable. 15 Star Force, Legendary, Damage +12%, Boss Damage +35%, Critical Rate +12%, Spell Trace 30% applied. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
    Maple Relay

    UTC: December 25 at 12:00 AM - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Account that meets at least 1 of the following conditions:

    1. Completed Black Heaven for Lotus Boss Entry.
    2. Have at least MVP Bronze.
    3. Have at least 150 total Star Force.

    • Popoh is back with Maple Relay round 2!
    • Accept ‘[Maple Relay] Play with Popoh and Get Login Rewards!’ quest within the Maple Relay icon within the star event notifier on the left side of the screen. Upon accepting the quest, Maple Relay UI will pop up and login time will start to accumulate.
    • Click on Popoh to open or close the maximized UI. You can claim the rewards on the maximized UI.
    • Reward can be claimed when the gauge reaches a full circle and Popoh’s face sparkles.
    • Daily rewards are checked by the login time of 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. Login time accumulates up to 180 minutes.
    • Daily rewards can be claimed up to 4 times per day.
    • Cumulative reward is given based on the total daily rewards claimed.
    • Login time accumulation is shared within account.
    • Reward can be claimed once per account.


    • Daily Reward:
      • 30 minutes
        • 100 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 60 minutes
        • 100 Maple Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 120 minutes
        • 500 Reward Points: Untradeable.
      • 180 minutes
        • 1,000 Maple Reward Points: Untradeable.
    • Cumulative Reward:
      • 12 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Premium Surprise Style Box Coupon Voucher: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Premium Surprise Style Box: Untradeable, 7-day duration.
          • To use the Premium Surprise Style Box, you must enter the Cash Shop and put the item in your Cash Shop Inventory. Double-click to open and obtain an item.
      • 32 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Red Cube Twelve Pack Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use the coupon to receive the following items:
          • Red Cube (x12): Untradeable, 30-day duration.
          • Gold Potential Stamp: Untradeable, 30-day duration.
      • 56 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Power M-Point Charger Coupon: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use the coupon to receive Power M-Point Charger: Untradeable, 28-day duration. Double-click the item to claim Maple Points daily.
      • 80 Daily Rewards Claimed
        • Relay Master Growth Potion: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Use this potion between Lv. 101 to Lv. 239 to gain a level.
        • Relay Master Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration. Open to choose 1 of the following:
          • AbsoLab Weapon Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Weapon Details: 17 Star Force, Unique, Damage +9%, Boss Damage +35%, Critical Rate + 10%, Spell Trace 70% applied. Soul can be equipped. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
          • Dominator Pendant Box: Tradeable within account, 30-day duration.
            • Pendant Details: 15 Star Force, Unique, Potential fixed to main stat of your character’s job. Bonus Stats can be reset. Potentials cannot be reset and item cannot be enhanced.
    Beast Tamer Creation Event

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    • Beast Tamer is back to celebrate Glory!
    • Create your very own Beast Tamer during the event period listed above!
    Zero Creation Event

    UTC: December 18 (after maintenance) - January 28 at 11:59 PM

    • Zero will also be available for creation during the event duration listed above!
    • You must have a character that is Lv. 100 or above in the same world that you would like to create a Zero character in.
    • Zero cannot be created in Reboot world.
    Spell Trace Fever Time

    UTC: December 27 – December 29 during the times listed below.

    Requirement: Available for all levels in non-Reboot worlds only.

    Your equipment upgrade success rate will be increased during the listed event times.

    • December 27, 2019
      • UTC: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • December 28, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • December 29, 2019
      • UTC: 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM
    Sunny Sunday

    UTC: December 22 at 12:00 AM – December 22 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: December 29 at 12:00 AM – December 29 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 5 at 12:00 AM – January 5 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 12 at 12:00 AM – January 12 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 19 at 12:00 AM – January 19 at 11:59 PM
    UTC: January 26 at 12:00 AM – January 26 at 11:59 PM

    Requirement: Lv. 61 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2).

    Log in on each Sunday during the event period to enjoy various perks.

    • Week 1 - December 22, 2019
      • Receive 100% extra EXP from Runes.
      • Receive 300% extra EXP from Combo Kill Orbs.
      • Receive double Glory Points from Glory events.
      • The limit of Glory Points you can obtain is doubled.
    • Week 2 - December 29, 2019
      • Receive 5x chance to receive a Magnificent Soul when exchanging 10 Soul Shards.
      • Receive 50% off Ability resets!
    • Week 3 - January 5, 2020
      • Receive 30% off items purchased from Alliance Supply Depot.
      • Receive 30% off when you do Star Force enhancements. (Superior equipment excluded.)
    • Week 4 - January 12, 2020
      • Receive 2x EXP from Pollo and Fritto Bounty Hunting.
      • Receive 2x EXP from participating in the Inferno Wolf hunt.
      • Increase in number of Elite Monsters summoned while hunting.
    • Week 5 - January 19, 2020
      • Receive 30% off items purchased from Alliance Supply Depot.
      • Receive 100% success rate when you do Star Force 5, 10, and 15 enhancements. (Superior equipment excluded.)
    • Week 6 - January 26, 2020
      • Receive 3x completion rewards from Operation Siege Tank Annihilation.
      • Receive double Glory Points from Glory events.
      • The limit of Glory Points you can obtain is doubled.
    Cash Inventory Transfer Event

    UTC: January 8 (after maintenance) - January 15 (before maintenance)

    • It's the time you have been waiting for! Transfer your cash items between your characters within the same world!
    • Take this opportunity to move cash cover items between characters, move a beloved pet to a new character, and so much more!
    • Follow these simple steps to transfer cash items between your characters:
      • Enter the Cash Shop.
      • Pick an eligible item you would like to transfer to a different character, and move it into your Cash Inventory.
      • Right-click the item.
      • Click the 'TRANSFER WITHIN WORLD' button from the menu.
      • Select the recipient of the item from the drop down menu and click the 'OK' button.
      • The selected item will now appear in the other character’s Cash Inventory the next time you login to that character.
    • Rules and Restrictions
      • This event is available in both Reboot and non-Reboot worlds.
      • You can only transfer cash items between characters in the same world.
      • Cash item cannot be transferred using the ‘TRANSFER WITHIN WORLD’ button between the classes that already share Cash Inventory.
    • There are a few items that are not able to be transferred:
      • EXP Coupons
      • Potion Pot
      • Friendship and Couple Items

    View on the Official Site