v.234 Hotfixes - July 22, 2022

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jul 22, 2022.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    In the midst of our scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, we sometimes perform hotfixes to address a variety of bugs and issues without bringing down the servers. We will use this post as a collective hub to update our players with the hotfix details, such as when and which fix was applied. Each time there is an update, this post will be bumped up on our news page and the update will clearly be indicated with the date the hotfix was applied. We hope that this will be a useful record and helpful information for our players.

    Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that addresses a variety of bugs and issues reported within the v.234 Destiny: Homecoming update.


    • July 22, 2022
      • Fixed the issue where players could not enter the portal to Commerci.
      • Fixed the issue where a captcha would appear when entering Gemini Match.
    • July 20, 2022
      • Fixed the issue where players were unable to use the 2x EXP Coupon when the 2x EXP event was not active in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds.
        • Note: The 2x EXP Coupon can now be used even during the 2x EXP event but it will not provide additional EXP effects. Please avoid using the 2x EXP Coupons during the times 2x EXP event is active.
      • Fixed the issue where players did not receive Reward Points for completing daily missions on MapleStory M.

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