v.249 - Minar Picnic Update Preview

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Nexon

    Nexon Nexon News Bot
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    Accept Chief Tatamo’s invitation to join a picnic with the Halflingers in Minar Forest. Brush up on your MapleStory lore with two new sections added to the Grand Athenaeum. Improve your Crafting, Smithing, and Alchemy skills with the Profession revamp. Evaluate your progress and personalize your avatar area with the Character UI revamp. Upgrade your monster farm and show them more love with improvements to Monster Life. Last but certainly not least, check out the Better Maple improvements!


    Did you pack your picnic mat and snacks? Chief Tatamo is inviting you to the Minar Picnic where you can join the Halflingers for some wholesome fun! But you’ll need to fight off the monsters who are attempting to ruin your picnic and defend your new friends. To thank you for fighting them off, Chino will reward you with an abundance of gifts, such as a Minar Picnic Box and Magnificent Growth Potion!


    To thank you for defending them, the Halflingers would like to reward you with a treasure hunt! Assemble special lunches for the Halflingers and send them out to various locations where they’ll bring back goodies to help you progress. These Halflingers have prepared so many events for you so be sure to treat them well!



    Take a break from grinding and visit the Grand Athenaeum to read about the history of MapleStory! Learn about the riveting backstory of Carcion, the Cradle of Life which has been added to the Book of Grandis and experience the art that is Grand Athenaeum Episode 7: Sefirot’s Gardener.



    It’s harvesting season! The Profession revamp will allow you to craft and farm faster than ever before. The crafting cooldown time has been removed for all items! You can now learn Accessory Crafting, Smithing, and Alchemy at the same time in Interactive Worlds. Ardentmill’s harvesting maps are now instanced so you no longer need to be changing channels constantly to collect the items you need. We’ve also increased the maximum Fatigue which will allow players to harvest for double the amount of time than before. Additionally, Accessory Crafting, Equipment Crafting, and Alchemy’s mastery will no longer decrease!



    Want to know how you’re progressing? The Character UI is reorganized to better display information so it’s easier to see your performance. We’re adding new information, such as Combat Power, Normal Enemy Damage, and Cooldown Reduction, so you have a better idea of how you’ll measure up in different areas. You’ll also be able to see more information about other players, such as their Arcane Symbols, applied Link Skills, and Hexa Matrix. Better get on those dailies…

    Also, we know how much you love customization so we are adding backgrounds to your character’s avatar area. Now you can show off your outfit with a little more pizazz. Another element added for your fashionstory!



    Monster Life will be improved so you can take better care of your farm! We’re increasing the chance of receiving a Special Category monster when combining monsters. The maximum storage capacity of buildings will be increased by 400% so you can store 4x as much Waru than before and auto-collect all the Waru from all the buildings at once! You can then use that Waru to extend the lifespan of certain ranked monsters. With these improvements, your monsters will be much happier than before!



    What better way to improve your daily gameplay than with quality of life updates? Since you’re always grinding for Sol Erda Energy and Sol Erda Fragments, you can now assign the Sol Erda UI to a shortcut so it can be more easily accessed. If you have the Sol Erda UI activated, it will be active even after logging off! Now the moment you’ve been waiting for…certain consumables, such as Power Elixirs and Mystical Cubes, are now stackable up to x9999 per inventory slot they occupy! Hurray to inventory management!


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