What's Your MapleStory? - Camitta

Discussion in 'Maple Updates' started by Nexon, Jul 14, 2023.

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    MapleStory is a constantly evolving game, full of heroes, villains, and everything in between. But none of them are as important to us as you, our players who make Maple World what it is! The history of MapleStory is a long and winding one, but now we'd like to turn the attention to you, and hear more about your own journeys that you've taken as MapleStory has grown over the years. The question we'd like to ask you all is: What's Your MapleStory? If you'd like to submit your story, you can do so via this form.

    For today's edition of What's Your MapleStory, we spoke to Camitta about their journey through MapleStory!


    How were you first introduced to MapleStory?

    I was introduced to the game by a school friend of mine in the year it came out, so that would supposedly be twenty years ago if the game did come out in 2003. I remember loving the music of the login screen and being very excited about having so much freedom of taking my character anywhere she wants to go! My first class was a Magician while my friend went to Bowman. We started in the former world Windia to compete for leveling progress!


    What is your favorite memory while playing MapleStory?

    Honestly, just chatting with other players in Henesys or the hunting grounds around Henesys attacking mushrooms. But the memory that strikes me the most was meeting a fellow player named Vanilla. She saw me struggle so we got into a party and she helped me greatly with leveling up while telling me what to do when it comes to stats and job advancements. She was a Cleric and I just thought it was really cool to become a Cleric too, and it was! I was so excited to just go to party quests and show off by healing everyone who needs it. Later, Vanilla introduced me to her other friends and we ended up coming together to create a guild!

    We were friends for a good amount of years and they helped me a lot with the progression. When Windia was discontinued, I decided to create another Bishop with the same name in Reboot as my third main. Time to time, I wonder how Vanilla is doing. I hope she’s doing well with wherever she is now! But yes, overall, the game always left me feeling more excited about what I want to do next! More importantly to me, the game's a fond memory for the friends I made there that made things that more enjoyable.

    Which class do you main and what in particular do you like about it?

    I've been constantly jumping around characters for years. I stuck with a Bishop for a long while, then I expanded to Dawn Warrior (before the major revamp)... but the one that sticks with me now is the Dark Knight (Camitta). I just love how solid this class is from being a decent mobber and bosser to having great survivability. Using Radiant Evil skill with the Calamitous Cyclone was just so satisfying for any case scenario.

    You can bet that I absolutely adored the new changes to the class when the big updates started to roll in too! It’s an all-around great Warrior class with a cool premise of being an edgy Dark Knight making death contracts and all. I like to cosplay the character too as a Grim Reaper in training with two little other sassy Jr. Reapers to assist me.

    What do you enjoy about MapleStory today?

    You never really run out of things to do in the game, at least that’s how it feels to me. There’s so much customization you can do with your characters and there’s always cool updates here and there. The progression is also something I thoroughly enjoyed alongside just talking to friends back then. The game isn’t perfect but I feel it’s on the road to lots of improvements since Destiny came out, and it was when I really got back into the game more so when it pins back to the classics, the Explorers! (Of course, I was just as psyched for Ignition.) I just like the concept of growing your character. I’m looking forward to more.

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