Understandably, it is a hefty price and not meant for everyone. I just want to know your guys opinion. I am basically waiting for it to ship, because I can't wait to play 10 year old games that were polished for this new console!
I do want an xbone for a couple games like halo games since I never really got into them growing up and rare replay for the welldone remasters for jet force gemini and such. I dont think I really need an xbonex, even the ps4pro sale was basically "Look more shaders" and not really any huge gain graphically.
True but really Im only in it for like 3 of them. BK/BT and JFG mainly. I suppose CBFD too just so I can play it above 15 fps for once. It would be nice to replay some older rare games but those are the main ones I want from it.
Still waiting for Halo 3 anniversary but instead, all Microsoft did was polish the 360 version for the XboneX